Self-sufficiency - what is it? What kind of person is self-sufficient.

Not many understand what self-sufficiency is. A self-sufficient person always attracts attention. But let's still deal with this concept. Self-sufficiency is a person’s lack of fear of being left alone with his ideas, without support, as well as his ability to solve all problems and tasks on his own.

This is a simplified understanding. In fact, self-sufficiency can manifest itself in such areas of a person’s life:

Social - success in your business, financially, and also in a sufficient level of development.
Psychological - a person feels comfortable both in complete solitude and communicating with other people.
Economic - the ability to independently provide for their needs in everyday life.

Self-sufficient personality has practically no fears, and if they appear, he knows how to easily overcome them. This is easy to achieve if you take responsibility for everything that happens to you. Then the actions and words of others will be just another point of view that does not hurt you in any way.

Important, that self-sufficient person are not born, they become as a person grows up. When you try, make mistakes, find your way in life, you become self-sufficient. The most important thing on this path is not to demand something from others, but to see your responsibility in everything.

Development of self-sufficiency

The development of self-sufficiency begins with the willingness to independently solve all problems with its own provision. Moreover, it is important not only to financially provide for your needs, but also to take care of your own body, mental state.

Analyze your social circle. Which of the people around you inspires you to new exploits, and who, on the contrary, pulls you to the bottom, takes energy and time? It is better to get rid of the latter or move away as much as possible.

As we have already said, self-sufficiency implies the absence of fear of being alone. Therefore, it is important to practice solitude. Live for a while without close contact with others, feel that it is not as scary as you thought before.

Self-sufficiency implies independent decision-making. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to ignore other people's advice. Listen to them, draw conclusions, but make the final decision yourself.

Learn to define your goals - they will help you find your lifeline. If you do not have a goal, you are content with what falls from others.

A person who can be called self-sufficient is an adult, developed personality. It is in constant development. And even when he has reached a high level of self-sufficiency, he does not stop there, but begins to help others find their way to self-sufficiency. Self-sufficient personality- this is not an egoist, but on the contrary, a person who cares about others, because he can take care of himself.



Snezhana Ivanova

Personal development is impossible without self-sufficiency, since only a person who is satisfied with himself can fully move forward and improve his abilities.

What is self-sufficiency? Recently, in psychological science, this concept is mentioned quite often. A lot of attention is paid to this topic. Personal development is impossible without self-sufficiency, since only a person who is satisfied with himself can fully move forward and improve his abilities.

What is self-sufficiency

What is this concept? Some people are ready to literally sacrifice everything in the world, just to feel how significant their own views and desires are. The psychological component is very important here, because the mood actually depends on it. Let's take a closer look at how self-sufficiency manifests itself.

Satisfaction with yourself

Such a person very rarely experiences remorse. He is pleased with himself in everything, performs any actions with confidence. Self-satisfaction begins with a sincere acceptance of your own essence. When a person does not hinder himself in self-realization, he can achieve much more significant results. Self-satisfaction helps to overcome various obstacles. What is important is an inner sense of self-sufficiency, the feeling that everything in life is done correctly and in good conscience.

As for the fair sex, family values ​​are of great importance for them. The self-sufficiency of a woman is expressed, first of all, in the intention to build a strong and friendly family. Internal implementation is very important. The role of wife, mother is decisive for a woman. The stronger a woman realizes her beginning, the happier she actually feels. She just needs to take care of someone, show herself from the best side in order to feel her own usefulness. The self-sufficiency of a woman is what fills her from the inside, allows her to be feminine and beautiful.

sense of significance

Self-sufficiency is expressed in a sense of self-worth. A person who really thinks and cares about himself will never allow self-abasement. He will strive to make his dream a reality. A sense of worth comes from within. You can't force someone to feel happy. To do this, you need to feel satisfaction from life, to strive for new achievements. The psychological component here is of great importance. A sense of significance comes from a sense of the fullness of life. The more a person feels needed and significant, the more he can influence his daily reality. To feel your own viability means to be confident in yourself and your tomorrow.

Self confidence

This feeling must be born from within. Without it, a person would never be able to feel his self-sufficiency. Self-confidence is what brings a sense of harmony and fullness of life. A self-confident person can afford any achievements, build truly grandiose plans. It is necessary to begin to strive for what the soul really lies to. It would be a big mistake to think that self-confidence is acquired from birth. Sometimes you need to work on yourself for a very long time in order to feel like a significant and important person. Psychological self-sufficiency is an integral component of personal development and systematic advancement.

Adequate self-esteem

Self-sufficiency develops only in a person with adequate self-esteem. Having low self-esteem, a person limits himself in everything, including in receiving new positive emotions, and therefore cannot feel happy. The formation of a sense of self-satisfaction, as a rule, does not occur overnight. It happens if a person works enough on himself and works daily to feel satisfied with himself. Adequate self-esteem stems from proper education, from the ability to value one's own personality and strive to ensure that personal and professional results grow constantly. Success in a particular area necessarily contributes to the formation of self-confidence and one's own strengths. A person begins to understand what his strengths and weaknesses are, learns to treat them with due respect and understanding.

Knowing your goals

Having a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve helps to bring about the right organization. Otherwise, a person is lost and generally ceases to strive for anything. Knowing your individual goals allows you to realize the right self-realization. Personality grows, feeling complete self-sufficiency. Having his dreams, a person will not step aside, will not obey the demands of the majority. Self-sufficiency allows a person to fully remain himself.

How to develop self-sufficiency

A person striving for self-development must know how to work on himself correctly. Such knowledge will help maintain peace of mind, restore lost self-esteem. There are a few simple steps to develop this feeling.

To be youreself

The ability to remain satisfied with one's own achievements allows one to develop individuality and maintain it at a high level. Being yourself is the greatest happiness in life, which cannot be compared with anything else. The feeling of self-sufficiency appears when we do not play in front of ourselves. First, a person learns to be honest, remaining alone with his inner essence, and then in relationships with others. Self-sufficiency is expressed in the ability to bypass significant obstacles and learn to take responsibility.

Talents and abilities

When a person knows how to apply his own talents and abilities, he ceases to be cunning in front of himself. He begins to live in harmony with his inner essence. Everyone has their own talents and abilities. It is difficult for many to believe this, because life often does not allow us to reveal all the knowledge that we possess. A sense of significance helps to manifest all the available perspectives of a person. You need to be extremely attentive to yourself and your feelings. You can not ignore your desires, suppress negative feelings. Otherwise, someday all this will result in a problem of a physical or mental plane. Self-sufficiency allows the individual to remain whole and develop truly, to the fullest extent of his abilities. A happy person never regrets a choice they make.

Thus, a sense of self-sufficiency is the basis for feeling satisfied with life. Happiness comes to those who are ready to work on themselves every day, sparing no mental strength. Being whole and accepting is what every person really strives for. Most people need to learn how to be happy, as they have negative programs that interfere with personal development.

Imagine that someone comes into your life with their ruler and begins to measure its value or correctness, to criticize your actions and principles - what will be your reaction? Will you rush to change your life at his behest, crushed by the authority of the mysterious auditor? Will you send him to hell with his ruler, or will you calmly continue to live as you lived, ignoring the impostor?

What is self-sufficiency?

In a general sense, self-sufficiency is the ability to manage on your own in all areas of life: it is the absence of fear of loneliness (you are comfortable alone), the ability to provide yourself with everything you need on your own. Since the concept is complex, self-sufficiency has several levels:

– Household: you yourself can feed, dress yourself and perform all other necessary manipulations.

– Psychological: When people talk about self-sufficiency, they most often mean psychological self-sufficiency. A person who is psychologically self-sufficient will never be bored without the company of others. The rich inner world of such a person allows her, even in solitude, to grow and develop. Lack of psychological dependence on others.

– Social self-sufficiency implies success that you have found yourself in this world and are prospering. You do what you love, have a hobby, develop your talents.

Do not confuse healthy self-sufficiency with fear of attachment or social phobia. A person who deliberately builds his life so as not to become attached to people because he is afraid of losing them is not a self-sufficient person.

Criteria for self-sufficiency

A truly self-sufficient person will never go unnoticed. Usually he is a non-trivial person and is of interest to other people. But, if a person himself often calls himself self-sufficient in a conversation, most likely he only wants to appear so.

Self-sufficiency lies within the individual and does not require constant verbal confirmation. A distinctive feature of a self-sufficient person is that he does not seek approval from other people for his views or actions. Such a person is always responsible for all his actions. He is not afraid of failure and disappointment. They only give him strength to become better.

Self-sufficient individuals do not necessarily become rich and powerful people. Most often, the wealth of such people is their inner world. But asceticism is also an optional destiny for those who consider themselves self-sufficient. A feature of a self-sufficient person is his ability to identify his needs and provide them.

A person who can be called self-sufficient shows respect for other people. He well understands Kant's expression that his freedom ends in the place where the freedom of another person begins.

Household self-sufficiency

As for everyday, material self-sufficiency, it is not difficult to determine and understand whether you are a self-sufficient person: a person who provides himself with housing, money, food, who organizes his life himself, will be such.

The other two levels are much more difficult and not always a person can objectively assess his level of self-sufficiency. Let's figure it out...

Psychological self-sufficiency

The features of psychological self-sufficiency are:

The ability to make decisions independently, based on their own judgments. This does not mean that a person does not listen to the advice of others, but the final decision is always his, and advice is only feedback.
Independence from the approval and opinion of others. This means that you accept full responsibility for your actions, and the approval or disapproval of others, whether they are close or unfamiliar people, does not affect your decisions.
Fortitude in matters of being yourself - if you are sick of doing something, you refuse; if you do not live up to the expectations of others, the problem is not with you, but with unreasonable expectations, and you understand this. If you have found your path and are determined to follow it without betraying yourself, you are psychologically self-sufficient.
And, a very important point - the absence of sick attachments. If you understand that someone's existence is necessary for you as air, letters or calls from someone are a matter of life and death for you, it is difficult to talk about self-sufficiency. These are sick attachments, and this is not self-sufficiency.

The condition for healthy self-sufficiency is the absence of fears or the ability to overcome them. An anxious person is not a self-sufficient person, or his self-sufficiency acquires features of isolation, features of running away from life.

Example: If a man likes to be with friends, but feels great without them, this is healthy self-sufficiency. If the same man arranges his life in such a way that he does not depend on anyone and does not meet with anyone, this self-sufficiency is problematic.

Social self-sufficiency

Being engaged in his own business, a business that he likes, and achieving a certain skill in this business, a person receives both life confidence, the basis (which is very important) and special value, height: he is a professional, he is in demand, people respect him, and most importantly, he is filled with a mission , meaning...

On the other hand, professional failure, uncertainty, when a person cannot find himself, or when he is not doing his own thing, creates a feeling of meaninglessness, inferiority, emptiness ...

How to become self-sufficient?

A newborn child is a vivid example of the absolute lack of self-sufficiency. The baby in all aspects of his life depends on his parents. Over time, he becomes more and more independent. However, it cannot be said that we acquire self-sufficiency by any particular age. This process is continuous and can last a lifetime.
Unfortunately, in his declining years, when a person becomes physically weak, he may lose some varieties of self-sufficiency, for example, domestic or social, but it is in his power to maintain freedom of mind and originality of thinking.
To increase the level of self-sufficiency under the power of everyone. However, this will take effort.
The tips below will help you develop your individuality and self-sufficiency:

1. Constantly educate yourself. Not the most obvious principle of self-sufficiency is constant development. If a person, having reached a certain level of well-being, stops moving forward, he can hardly be called self-sufficient. Even if you have everything you need for a comfortable life, you can always find some element of life that needs improvement. And the inner development is truly limitless! The constant desire to improve one's personality, acquire new skills and hone old ones, the desire to continuously improve one's life - all this is an integral part of self-sufficiency.

2. Set specific goals for yourself. Determining goals and guidelines for the near future is the first thing to do when you set foot on this winding path. Do not immediately set global and impossible goals, this will only bring disappointment and despondency. It is best to tackle small, rewarding tasks that will lead you to complete independence and self-reliance over time. So you can track your progress, step by step moving towards the goal.

3. Communicate with interesting people, learn from their experience.
4. Nurture your willpower. A weak-willed person is an easy prey for laziness and apathy, and they are not the best helpers in self-realization.
5. Don't wait for Fortune's smile. Stop waiting or even more so demanding something from others, start living and behaving like an adult and self-sufficient person. First steps: learn how to serve yourself, learn how to earn money and solve all your life problems on your own. Do not rely on the help of a wealthy relative, partner, etc.
6. Adequately perceive criticism, including negative. Remember that only you can evaluate your results.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the old attachments and habits will not want to leave without a fight. It's always hard to change, but it's even harder to feel the need for change. In any case, everyone who decides to achieve self-sufficiency will face many difficulties, but the result of these efforts will exceed any expectations.

Negative aspects of self-sufficiency

Usually, self-sufficiency is attributed to the positive traits of a person. However, in some cases, it can do a disservice. Often self-sufficient people lead rather isolated lives. They do not accept idle chatter and idle pastime. This can turn other people away from them. In addition, a completely independent person is used to relying only on himself, so the need for close communication with someone disappears. As a result, a self-sufficient person can be completely alone. To avoid this outcome, you need to try to surround yourself with people with whom communication will initially be interesting.

Why become self-sufficient?

Lack of self-sufficiency is a peculiar form of slavery, where the slave owner in the face of public opinion dictates his own rules. Having gained freedom of thought, financial independence, the necessary skills and abilities, you get a decent life in return, free yourself from unnecessary conventions and stereotypes.

Everything has its time. At a certain stage, self-sufficiency is a sign of growing up, a sign of the qualitative development of a person. “I know how to stand on my own feet in life” is worthy.

But self-sufficiency is not at all the height of personality development, the ability to take care of oneself is only the beginning. Don't get stuck on self-sufficiency. Start learning to think about others, take care of others, learn to give care to people around you. (With)

photo - Georgy Chernyadiev

A self-sufficient person is a person who does not depend on anyone or anything (even on weather conditions), makes independent decisions, no matter how extraordinary they may be, but from his point of view they are correct. He lives by his own rules, solves all his problems on his own and is not afraid of loneliness. At first glance, everything seems very simple, but for this you need to make an effort.

A self-sufficient person is a person who does not want and does not know how to be bored. He will always find something to do, even to the point that he will be interested in pulling his own cat's tail. Such an individual can occupy himself both physically and mentally. He seeks to understand everything, because life does not stand still: new technologies appear, discoveries are made, everything in the world is changing globally. A self-sufficient woman is an interesting, intelligent, beautiful person who can provide for herself. That is, she can spend money and not report to anyone, since she herself earns it (the same can be said about men).

How to become self-sufficient?

To become a self-sufficient woman, you need:

1. Constantly engage in self-education, in addition to basic education, of course - so that everyone admires your mind.
2. Take care of yourself: go to fitness clubs, beauty salons, etc. - so that everyone admires your external data and article.
3. Set goals and achieve them under any circumstances - so that everyone admires your success.

But in fact, a self-confident person does not care deeply about who and what thinks about him.

Everyone has their own level of self-sufficiency

Suppose a person has a house, a piece of land, and he grows roses on it. He enjoys it. He stands firmly on the ground, knows his business, does not depend on anyone, makes his own decisions (when to water, what color to grow roses, where to plant, to whom to sell them and for how much). This person considers himself self-sufficient. He is not bored!

Now consider the life of a simple teacher. His class is the best in school: high academic performance, activity in school life and all the best in his class. Hence the respect from colleagues, high wages, love of students, etc. The teacher considers himself professionally self-sufficient.

Now imagine that we have the president of a country in front of us. Thanks to his reforms, the country is developing at full speed. It is flourishing: the standard of living of people in the country is high. The President is satisfied with his work and his position in society - he is self-sufficient. Everything is done according to his instructions. He is successful in everything and everywhere. All three levels listed above relate to professional self-sufficiency.

The Other Side of the Medal

But, in addition to professional, there is also personal confidence. in terms of love. Again, consider three levels.

1) The man is handsome, charming, has a lot of money, changes girls every week, he has many fans. He considers himself a self-sufficient person. He is happy with his life. He likes to look after girls, achieve his goal and not depend on anyone.

2) Another option: a guy who is courting one girl is head over heels in love with her. He is happy and confident in his choice.

3) And, finally, a person who has a family and children, he earns decently, obedient children. He also considers himself a self-sufficient person. When a person has achieved the goal and can now do everything for himself perfectly, he begins to take care of his loved ones. If you combine love and a professional plan, you get the overall self-sufficiency of a person.

Summing up

A self-sufficient person can stand firmly on his feet, achieve his goal, he is independent. Although these are two different concepts. A person can be independent, earn money, solve problems, but it will be uncomfortable for him to be alone.

What is self-sufficiency? This is complete independence both externally and internally. Then it turns out that a self-sufficient person is lonely, but he likes to be alone with himself. Sometimes we show some separate qualities of this factor. For example, we solve problems on our own or want to be alone, sometimes we don’t even care about everyone’s opinion. The ability to enjoy life despite the "bad weather", the ability to maintain control over one's mental well-being is a skill that comes with experience. The ability to live in harmony with the inner and outer world is fundamental to achieving the desired goal, the goal of being yourself.

You can endlessly give examples of what such a person should be like. But all of them would be as useless as you would try to describe the space with a pencil. Don't try to learn this from someone who is trying to be an expert, don't try to copy someone who only appears to be human, as that goes completely against that notion of self-sufficiency. Your personality is unique, you are unrepeatable, and therefore you have a different way to understand yourself. You don't need love, money, nothing will make you happy until you know how much you need to be happy.

What is self-sufficiency in psychological terms?

Lack of self-sufficiency is that form of slavery to others from which abolitionism will not save us, but only complete self-confidence and control over our thoughts will save us. Why do we start to worry if someone deprives us of recognition, and not worry if someone starts to idealize us? After all, this is one and the same - a change in the assessment of one's "I" under the influence of others. When you are in society, such an existence means being under the gaze of others, and a person is not able to completely get rid of this. A person dresses the way it is fashionable now, buys the gadget that is fashionable, and this is not because other clothes are already rags and cannot ring, but only because it is no longer relevant.


It cannot be argued that you are self-sufficient if you have different music on your phone, or you wear it to work and the requests of the boss are not important to you, because this is nothing more than an act of denial or internal rebellion.

Let's take a closer look at what self-sufficiency is and why it is so necessary.

Self-sufficiency is the ability of a person to solve many life problems on his own. This quality implies a complete absence of fear of being alone, the ability to provide oneself with what is necessary without outside help. This concept is complex, respectively, it has several levels:

  • Economic self-sufficiency implies your ability to clothe, feed yourself and perform any similar household activities;
  • Psychological self-sufficiency is a quality when you understand that you will feel comfortable without communicating with people. At the same time, you enjoy contact with other personalities. If you are sure that the presence of a person in your life is simply necessary for you, if you crave any communication with him, then it is impossible to talk about self-sufficiency;
  • Social self-sufficiency is success in the business that you do in life. Such self-sufficiency implies that a person is smart and strong, but at the same time he is also wealthy and minds his own business.

The main condition for healthy self-sufficiency is the complete absence of any fears, as well as the ability to overcome them correctly. It is difficult to say about an anxious person that she is self-sufficient. Such a person is running away from life.

When you take responsibility for your actions, the reaction of others to them is just feedback for you, a different point of view. The attention of others also becomes only a pleasant addition to your successful actions. However, for a self-sufficient person, this attribute is unimportant.

Naturally, this quality cannot be innate. They become self-sufficient during the formation of the personality and its development. A person does something, experiments, makes mistakes, finds his path. All these actions are immediately reflected in self-sufficiency. The main way to develop this quality is the determination to stop demanding something from others and take responsibility for what is happening on yourself.

Development of self-sufficiency

Let's look at specific tips that will answer the question of how to develop self-sufficiency.

The first step should be the determination to serve yourself, be able to provide for yourself financially and solve emerging issues on your own. Also, the development of self-sufficiency is closely related to taking care of your body, its health and beauty. You need to understand that the transition to a healthy lifestyle is an opportunity to extend the period of your self-sufficiency and delay old age.

Carefully work out your social circle. Understand for yourself who you are really interested in and need. Communicate with people when it has a certain value for you (meaning not only and not so much material interest, but spiritual connection and the interest of a person as a person). The height of perfection in this area is the ability to have friends, so that at the same time they do not "have" you. Human self-sufficiency is not achieved immediately. It is not easy to combine it with attractiveness to others at the initial stage. Here it is appropriate to recommend the article - " How to get rid of the desire to please everyone».

For some, productive solitude can help. Such an experience will allow you to overcome the fear of being alone and understand that there is nothing to worry about in this situation. You live an independent life, doing interesting and important things for you. Productive loneliness can be compared to a fasting diet. Internal work removes everything unnecessary from your life, certain restrictions go away, additional skills are developed, and personality changes are fixed.

Learn to make decisions on your own. You can listen to outside advice, but do it your own way. It must be remembered that in the end it will be you who is responsible for the final decision.

Should learn set goals for yourself. The person who has them lives his own life. A person without a goal is content with what others and circumstances offer him.

Self-sufficient personality- this is primarily an adult, a developed individual. If you have learned to "stand on your own feet", do not stop at this stage. When you reach a significant level of self-sufficiency, consider taking care of others.