Can the truth change a person's life? How to Change Your Life: An Application Guide by Leo Babauta

How to change your life? 7 days and you will live in a new way

Often people think that it takes a lot of time and effort to change their lives. It is the fear of serious difficulties that stops most of us. But what if I told you right now that you can change your life in seven days? Don't believe? And in vain. In this article we will talk about simple techniques and practices with which you can radically change your life, attitude towards people, work, all situations that happen to you. If you do not just read the recommendations that will be below, but take them seriously, live by these principles for at least seven days, then in a week you will begin to notice how your life is changing, how the world is adjusting to your desires and requirements.

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1. Change thoughts, desires, words, actions.
You must see a logical chain between thoughts, desires, words and actions. First, we form some kind of thought from which a desire appears, flowing into words and actions. But our actions already determine the quality of life. So if you want to change your life, start with thoughts.

Stop judging, and first of all judge yourself. Each failure, each problem is nothing but an opportunity, an opportunity to start all over again, but with more experience, more knowledge. Also, don't judge others, whatever they do, you shouldn't judge them. Remember that everyone in this world has their own path, their own destiny, and their own choice. You do not know what is better for a person, how he should behave, and therefore do not impose your vision of the world, do not condemn his choice.

Positivity is another feature that can change your life in a short period of time. Be positive about everything, don't be nervous, don't worry, don't get upset. When something happens, when I start to worry, I immediately remember the Chinese wisdom: “Excitement will not solve tomorrow's problems, but it will take away today's peace.”

Words and phrases are another component of life change in 7 days. After you begin to think correctly, you must also speak correctly. It may take some time to clear out of your vocabulary phrases that "pour into the sand" your enthusiasm and strength. We imperceptibly get used to our habitual words. But, as soon as you start using new words and phrases with a new positive charge, you will be surprised how almost instantly people will react differently to you, and what new thoughts will appear in your head.

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Here are some phrases that you need to erase from your everyday life:

"Same day as yesterday"
"All the same"
"Nothing new"
"I can't"
"I don't want"
"I don't know"
"No one wants this"
Enjoy every day, because it is not the same as yesterday, use every opportunity, because this can be a step towards the realization of your desires. Remember that the world is the way you see it.

2. Gratitude as a great practice.

If something good happens in our life, then we begin to take it for granted. We offer you one wonderful practice. For the next seven days, try to be grateful to everyone and everything for what is happening to you. Personally, I do this. I meditate every night before going to bed, and gratitude is an essential part of meditation. I am grateful for the past day, for the people that I met, for the opportunities that were provided. If there were difficulties, then I thank you for them, because I understand that any problem is just an opportunity, a lesson that needs to be learned and used in the future. Gratitude is a very powerful energy practice, and when you thank life for everything, it provides you with even more pleasant moments, brings even more happiness and joy.

3. Wish List

Changing lives is easy, and you can start doing it right now. 95% of people in the world live and have no idea why. Why are they here? What are their goals? What do they want? How do they want it? If you really want to change your life, then you need to immediately decide. Take a piece of paper and think about what you want. Then start writing it down. Stay in the flow, the thought should go one by one. Try not to think or impose any goals on yourself, let all desires come spontaneously, and you only need to write them down. As a rule, it will be difficult only with the first desire, and then everything will go without problems.

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For example, you want to travel. So write down which countries you want to visit, what to see, learn, you learn. I am sure that you want your house, car, family, business, freedom and independence. Write, do not stop, put all-all-all thoughts on a piece of paper.

Some desires will be for the long term, some you can start fulfilling right now. The most important thing is to decide. If you know what you want, this is the right way to fulfill your dreams and change your life.

4. The best day is today.

In one of his songs, Leps sings that the best day came yesterday. But if you want to change your life, then yesterday should not be for you, and nothing should be put off for tomorrow. The best day is today. If you are reading these lines, then this is already a sign that something needs to be changed. Remember, there are no accidents, and it was not by chance that you came to our site and chose this particular article.

Every day you should wake up with the thought that today is the best day for great accomplishments, it is today that life will smile at you, you will be able to do everything planned, realize all your goals and objectives. And even if something doesn’t work out, then at the end of the day, be sure to thank for all the opportunities that were provided, go to bed with bright thoughts, and wake up with a positive attitude for the coming day.

5. Give yourself a chance

Very often people give up on themselves without even trying something. Someone thinks that he sings badly, someone thinks that he does not understand the Internet or modern technologies at all, someone else has some kind of incomprehensible vision of himself and his capabilities.

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Give yourself a chance, challenge yourself, stop being afraid and impose some incomprehensible fears on yourself. Take it and try it, and suddenly this is your calling. I knew a person who wanted to write something for a very long time (a series of articles, some recommendations or a book), but did not dare, because once he was told that he was completely unsuited to this kind of occupation. That's how he was afraid for several years, did not believe in himself. But one day he challenged himself, started a blog, started writing. And what do you think happened next? The blog began to gain popularity, they even began to order articles from him, later he collected enough money and published his own book. Unbelievable, but that's the way it is. Don't be afraid, give yourself a chance.

6. Designate a global goal
I already wrote above that you should write down all, all, all your desires and goals, not be afraid of any, even the most incredible and stupid ones. But in addition to all this, you must decide on a global goal. This is already more difficult, but within seven days this can be done. So, to begin with, try to honestly answer a few questions:
- What do I like to do the most?
What are my talents?
How would I like to earn money?
If I had 10 million dollars, what would I do?
How can I be useful to society?
Try to give answers in terms of life positions, and not like this: "If I had 10 million, I would hang out and do nothing." Such an answer is a road to nowhere, the answer of a loser and a person who does not know at all what, how and why he wants in this life.
A friend of mine also asked himself these questions. And in the end he came to the conclusion that he wanted to travel, explore the culture, life, and cuisine of other peoples. Having collected a certain amount of money, he began to develop a culinary project, the main feature of which would be video blogs from around the world. The project is still in development, but the goal is there. The main thing is to do what you like, and only then it will bring happiness, joy and financial stability.

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7. Don't chase horses.

Each new day brings certain changes into your life. Even if it seems to you that today is no different from yesterday, then this is a profound delusion. Do not force things, do not drive horses. Try to understand that change does not come instantly, that life will not change in one hour or one day. If you look at a flower every minute, you will hardly notice how it grows, but it grows. Similarly, your life is changing, whether you see it or not. Learn to wait and believe that everything has already begun to change for the better.

So, in this article, we examined 7 simple recommendations, seven elementary rules, following which you can easily change your life in seven days. I am not saying that life will begin to change dramatically, but the seed will be planted, and if you are patient, know how to believe and wait, then this seed will definitely take root, germinate and eventually give incredible fruits. Good luck!

Many of us, faced with life's difficulties and problems, think about the question of how to change life by starting all over again. However, it is one thing to want to do it, and quite another to implement it. Consider in this article the simplest ways of such changes.

Why is there a desire to start over?

The fate of a person is full of joys, bright events, and hardships, difficulties. It happens that a person gets used to deal with difficulties and successfully does it. However, situations are often created when people are simply not able to cope with the traumatic situation in which they find themselves. And then they begin to think about the question of how to change their lives. This question is not easy, but only the person who asked it can answer it. How to be in a situation of life's crossroads?

Having found yourself in a state of impasse in life, it is important to understand what was the main reason for the situation in which you found yourself. The reasons can be very diverse: from external to internal. It can be troubles at work that are related to the fact that you are hungry for career growth, but for years you have been marking time in one position, low-paid and not prestigious. You want variety in your work, but you are forced to spend 8 hours a day in a stuffy office with boring and petty people, doing what you don’t like.

It may be family troubles associated with the fact that you have lost both affection and respect for your marriage partner. You are trying to rebuild yourself and save the family for the sake of the children, for the sake of your shared past, but you understand that you cannot do this. From here comes a feeling of longing and dissatisfaction with one's fate.

Thus, you cannot simply find a solution to change your life without understanding these deep mental problems. Without a careful appeal to the world of one's own conscious and unconscious, nothing will come of it.

Perhaps your present today is far from joyful, but this does not mean that it will always be so. Life in general is an extremely changeable thing, so your joy today can become your grief tomorrow, and vice versa. How to change your life? This is the question, the answer to which should be sought in the depths of your heart.

In order not to indulge in a feeling of longing, you need to look for something good in today. Not everything you want to change, something must be left. Gentle sun, friends, loving relatives. Look for what is meaningful to you in the present, and appreciate this gift.

Tip three. If you decide to change something, think carefully and seriously about your steps.

If you still decide that without changes your life is now impossible, rationally think over all your actions. After all, the question of how to change your life for the better is very important.

Decide what you need to do to fulfill your dream: change jobs, or maybe get a professional retraining, break family ties or start a new family, etc. There are people who find a way out of the crisis in what they take on raising a baby from the Baby House, and there are those who go on a long business trip abroad.

However, remember that finding a solution to change your life may not work on the first try. This requires a long and difficult work on yourself and on the circumstances of your life path.

It is very difficult to change something in the established order of your being, therefore, with due diligence, you must calculate the consequences that life will lead to after you make a certain decision. After all, it’s not enough just to say to yourself: “Change life for the better.” It is important to understand what needs to be changed, how and what will happen when you do what you have in mind.

For example, a 33-year-old woman who is married to a man she does not love realizes that she is tired of family life. Despite the fact that she has a child of preschool age, she decides to end her marriage because it seems absurd to her to continue. However, after a painful divorce and division of property, as well as the determination of the place of residence of the child with her, this woman falls into an even deeper depression. She understands that her desire to become a mother again is no longer feasible, the ex-husband now seems less boring, and life alone without a partner seems simply unbearable.

Therefore, before committing fateful actions in life, you should understand that the phrase “changing life for the better” must actually come true, that is, you must really improve, and not worsen your life situation.

Tip five. Or maybe all this is just an age crisis?

It happens that a person falls into the deepest depression, he feels unnecessary, tired, having lost the meaning of his being. The picture as a whole is completely bleak. A person decides that something is wrong in his life, he thinks about how to change his life for the better, something radically changes, however, after going through certain trials, he realizes that he has not achieved anything: longing for soul as it was, and remains. And you can neither destroy it nor extinguish it, you can only live with it, and living is very painful. What to do in such a situation?

In such a situation, you need to think, and perhaps the human condition is a manifestation of an age crisis? Let's try to answer the question of what these crises are.

A bit about the midlife crisis

In this case, we are interested in the crisis, which is called the midlife crisis. By the way, psychologists believe that this crisis manifests itself at any age of a person, for someone it begins at 28, and for someone it manifests itself only after 40.

How does this crisis manifest itself? The fact is that a person, on average 33-38 years old, suddenly begins to understand that his life is wasted in vain. Despite the fact that he started a family and reached certain career heights, this does not mean anything to him. He was never able to find his answer to the question of how to change life in the order that he expected in his youth.

And the person begins to rush about. He is looking for something new, something that would drown out his inner longing and give meaning to his being. Often, women at this age give birth to another child who is treated differently than their previous children. Men at this age, due to the crisis, can leave their old family and decide on a new marriage. Some people leave their former profession forever, some people can get carried away with alcohol or other means of calming the soul.

However, is a midlife crisis bad for everyone?

It cannot be said that this crisis has purely negative consequences. For some people, it becomes a kind of litmus test that shows that something is going wrong in life. Many want to change their thoughts, change their lives, and the crisis of this age period helps them to do this. It indicates where the cause of the problems is located, helps to establish that there are some flaws in the fate of a person and it is not too late to correct them. As the famous Soviet psychologist L. S. Vygodsky wrote, the age crisis is an occasion to look at oneself in a new way. It is during the period of maturity, due to the onset of this state, that a person develops certain neoplasms in the psyche, which allow him to change something in his destiny in the future.

Change your life: where to start?

This question is both simple and complex at the same time. As a rule, they are asked by people who are still at a crossroads: something needs to be changed, this is clear. But how to change how radical these changes should become? These questions remain open. Let's try to answer them.

People who have changed their lives admit that the most difficult was the first step towards a new reality. For example, someone all his life dreamed of getting a higher education, but life circumstances did not allow this in his youth and youth. And now a person has approached the 40-year milestone, he has a profession and a decent income, but in his soul he remains unsure of himself, believing that he is missing something. Having decided to go to study at a higher educational institution, such a future student is afraid of a lot: how his relatives and friends will look at him, what he will be like in a student environment, etc. However, having turned the tide and having studied at least one semester at a university, such a person feels himself a winner: he was able to change his thoughts, change his life, achieved what he had dreamed of all his youth and youth.

Or another example. A thirty-five-year-old woman dreamed of a child all her life, she was treated for infertility for many years, but did not achieve her goal. As a result, she developed a prolonged and severe depression with suicidal thoughts. She met a man who wanted to connect his life destiny with her. A woman thought for a long time before marriage, because she had lost hope of becoming a mother. But, having decided to take this step, six months later she found out that she was expecting a baby. The joy of the birth of a baby overshadowed all her sorrows, she found the meaning of life and realized that her desire, expressed in the phrase “I want to change my life”, came true, she was able to shift her fate in a positive direction.

But how do you find the strength to make positive changes?

As a rule, it is very difficult to find the strength for such positive changes. After all, middle age is no longer the time of youth, when many of the problems seem insignificant. After a thirty-year milestone, it is difficult to change, you need to force yourself to believe that joy is sure to be waiting for you somewhere around the corner of your being.

Do you want to change your life for the better? Where to start, don't know? We will answer directly. You need to start with a holistic analysis of your entire life path. Having carried out such an analysis on our own or together with psychologists or with significant relatives, we must make a fateful decision: what exactly needs to be changed?

And after all the thought, start your new path. Most likely, at the beginning of the path it will be very difficult, new decisions will be difficult, but one should not give up. If the feeling of melancholy and meaninglessness of being completely torment you, then it is important to just try to live every day with a smile, enjoy the little things in life and, going to bed, thank God for giving you another day of life. Gradually, circumstances will help you accept the new reality.

And finally, let us give the last piece of advice on the topic: "Changing life for the better: where to start?" No matter what, cultivate optimism in yourself. Believe in your future, sincerely believe that the people around you need you, constantly look for things and worries for yourself so as not to indulge in sad thoughts. Fight external circumstances, do not give up, do not lose faith in yourself and in the fact that a lucky star guides you through life, and all trials only strengthen you and give you precious life experience.

And therefore, if you decide to yourself: "I want to change my life," change it, go ahead, and everything will be fine with you. You just have to believe it. Dare!

For your life to change, you need to grow. In order to grow, you must change yourself. You cannot grow if you stay in the same place all the time, if your views and ways of thinking do not change. Our lives are constantly changing. This is an ongoing process. Once your life stops changing, your growth stops.

1. Don't fuss. Find time to sort out your life

It takes time to change your life. If you are always busy and don't even have time to think about how you can change your life for the better, you won't have time to take any action to do so. Stop, do not fuss, take the time to understand where you need to go, what to do.

2. Be ready for change

Being ready for change is very important. This is your life. Nobody can change your life but you. And since your life today is created by your own hands, in order for it to change, you, first of all, need to change yourself. If you yourself do not want to change, nothing in this world will force you to do so.

To find your willingness to act, you must first understand that you can always change your life for the better. No matter how good or bad she is, she can always get better.

3. Take charge of your life

To change your life for the better, you must take responsibility for your life. Do not blame your failures on other people, the country, the boss, an evil fate. Whether your life goes up or down is up to you. Once you accept responsibility, change will become available to you. Because it will mean that you are ready for decisive action, and are not going to look for excuses.

4. Rely on your values

What do you think is the most valuable thing in life? What should the world around you be like so that you can live happily? What can you do to change your world and make it look like the world of your dreams?

Deep in your heart are your true values. Seek them out. You can rely on these values ​​and principles. Find them and always remember them. They will help you change your life for the better. This is very powerful support.

5. Find motivation

Ask yourself the question: “Why do I need to change my life? What will it give me? What happens if nothing changes?

Understand for yourself the most important reason in connection with which you want to change your life. Think about it... Don't forget your vector. It is very important!

Change is not easy because there is inertia that you need to overcome. You will need a strong source of energy to overcome your vital inertia. Your reason, your motivation is your source of energy. And it will give you strength.

6. Replace Limiting Beliefs with Promotional Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are the biggest obstacle to changing your life. You must identify them before you start fighting them. To do this, track your thoughts containing phrases:

  • "I can't …"
  • “I am not able to…”
  • “This is too much for me…”
  • "No exit…"
  • “This is difficult for me…”
  • “Others do better than me…”
  • “I don’t have enough opportunities for this…”

Write them down. After a while, look at your list. These are your limiting beliefs.

After identifying your limiting beliefs, you must replace them with empowering beliefs that open up new possibilities for you. Write down positive statements that counter the negative ones you wrote down earlier. It is best to write them down as affirmations and repeat them daily. As long as following them becomes a habit for you.

7. Replace Bad Habits with Positive Habits

In addition to identifying limiting beliefs, you should also identify your bad habits. What habits of yours are preventing you from going to a place where you will be happy? What habits are holding you down? What habits would you like to break? List them. Write them down on a piece of paper.

Instead of trying to get rid of these habits, focus on creating new positive habits to replace them. For example, a bad habit is watching too much TV. Make a positive habit to make the best use of this time. For example, start reading more.

8. Find a mentor

If you feel that you, at this point in time, do not have enough personal measures, it is worth finding an assistant. It can be any person, specialist, or just your friend who will help you move forward systematically. It will help in difficult times, warn you of possible traps on your way. Without a mentor, you will have to go through much more difficulties and trials. Having a mentor will save you a lot of time.

Getting a good mentor is not easy. Don't expect someone to easily agree to spend time and effort on you without getting anything in return. At the very least, you must show yourself to be an open and understanding person. Also, try to be helpful to your mentor. Help him, you can make his job easier. Thus, you will demonstrate your seriousness.

9. Set realistic goals

Having an initially correct expectation that matches your desires and capabilities is very important. Otherwise, you will easily be discouraged that things are not going the way you expected. This can unsettle you and force you to retreat from your plan.

Keep track of the milestones on your journey so you can always be sure that you are on the right path.

Changing lives takes time, especially if you want those changes to last. Having the right expectation of a real goal will give you resilience in difficult times.

10. Keep up the energy

The hardest part is the beginning. After it is left behind, it will be much easier for you. The main thing is to keep the momentum going. This is the same mechanism as the car. The hardest part is getting the car to start moving. After that, he will move quite easily until you decide to stop him. The main thing is to refuel it in time, do a technical inspection, take care of its condition. Thus, he will always be at your disposal.

I really hope that this article will help you put your mind in order, gain the determination to move forward, and take action to change your life for the better.

Don't be afraid to change anything in your life if your heart and soul desire it. Otherwise, you will have to live, changing both the soul and the heart ....

☀ Sometimes it may seem that in order to change your life, huge large-scale actions are required. But there are small steps, most of them are simple, and put together they give the desired positive result.

☀ Stress, tension, emotional burnout - there are many names, but the essence is the same. Each of us at least once discovered that he was driven into a corner, from which there was no way out.
☀ We set ourselves a goal: lose weight, learn a foreign language, learn to dance. But a week or two passes, and our enthusiasm fades. Why is it hard for us to stay motivated? And what can we do to strengthen our willpower?
☀ Most people believe that they can change their lives for the better by their own efforts. But for some reason, most often we do nothing, but simply wait for changes that will happen by themselves.

☀ I have a law - called "feet in the water". Every three to five years you should sit on the bank of the river, put your feet in the water, do nothing, sit and think: what have you done over the years?
☀ Everything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident at all... 1. First of all, value yourself and your time: learn to say "no", close a boring book, quit a bad job, say goodbye to people who have nothing to do feel...

☀ It is impossible to transform your whole life in one day! Its change is a process, a path that we have to go through step by step. Our experts describe its main stages.

☀ Does each of us have the opportunity to find the life that suits him? Are we always able to change the situation?

☀ Between daily work and difficult family life, many of us devote too little time to ourselves. How do we know if we are making good use of these rare moments and are satisfying our deepest needs?
☀ Change is the main constant of our life. Sometimes - a way to survive in a changing environment (when change is a response to an external threat). Sometimes - a way to overtake everyone (when change is an opportunity).
☀ Once a bird accidentally flew into the room. The man decided to help her and let her out the window to freedom. But she was afraid of him.

☀ Your parents, grandparents raised you in such a way that you became absolutely sure that in order to get something, you need to work hard, sweat, deny yourself everything and overcome a huge number of obstacles in your life all your life.
☀ As psychologist Abraham Maslow once wrote, “The most beautiful fate, the most wonderful fortune that can befall any human being, can be sacrificed for the right to do what you passionately love to do.”
☀ Rejoice in every change in your life. Most people are afraid of change. For them, it is better to live in the dull monotony of everyday life than to face new challenges in today's rapidly changing world. Having decided on new experiences in life, you get the opportunity to feel happiness again. Start with what you especially want. Let the changes in your life, this is the best thing you can do.

☀ Development is possible only outside the comfort zone. It is time to learn to accept and manage the feelings that make you uncomfortable.

📖 A wonderful Christmas story for the soul, when you don’t want serious books, but only one desire is to rest your heart and get a lost, unique feeling of an approaching miracle. This magical story, designed to become a real antidepressant, is thoroughly saturated with the smells of delicious pastries, is full of atmospheric New Year's lights and is felt by the romantic emotions of the main characters.

You can radically change your life in seven days. Armed with simple laws of prosperity, you will adjust the world to your personal desires and requirements.

Simple practices will help you get whatever you want from the Universe. First of all, you must believe in a positive result. Positive thoughts are able to take out the fear of difficulties, which is a weighty anchor on the path to a happy life. Remember that your destiny is in your hands and only you can change it.

Monday is change day

Our whole life is based on successive mechanisms. At the beginning there was a word (in our case - a thought), then - desires and dreams, which are the impetus for action. To change your life, you first need to change your thoughts.

On the first day of the week, you should practice replacing negative ideas about your destiny with positive ones. Stop judging yourself, be loyal to your defeats. Thank chance for an experience that opens the door to a new and better life for you. Be positive about everything. Each situation is two sides of the same coin. Highlight only the best for yourself, omitting the negative.

Remove from speech phrases that destroy your enthusiasm and inner confidence. Use stable expressions with a positive charge - affirmations and positive attitudes. Over time, you will notice that this habit of a successful person has become a great addition for you.

Tuesday is Thanksgiving Day

Learn to appreciate what you already have. Thank the Higher powers for everything that you have at this stage of life. You can't even imagine how many people are around who wholeheartedly want for themselves what is already available to you.

Tuesday should end with words of gratitude and make it a rule to end every day that you live. Use prayers for the coming dream or meditations, the obligatory components of which will be words of gratitude. Thank the Universe for the opportunities provided, for the right to choose, for the people you met, and, of course, for the difficulties. Any defeat is just a lesson that brings you closer to your own destiny.

Wednesday is a day of certainty

If you are serious about changing your destiny, you must immediately decide what you actually want from her. There is a place for everything in your life, just mark what you really need to be happy. Write all your dreams on paper. Write down the accompanying desires - possible and impossible, for the long term and for today. Do not think and do not control yourself: let dreams come spontaneously. The main thing is to write down all thoughts as they come. This practice is a sure way to fulfill your aspirations and improve your life in general.

Thursday is the best day

One of the laws of prosperity says: never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. On Thursday, the practice of refusing any transfers awaits you. Waking up in the morning and charged with positive, give yourself the installation that everything planned for this day will certainly come true. Every new day is a time for great achievements and success. Life will smile at you and help you realize everything planned. And in the evening, consolidate the previously learned practices: thank the Creator and the Universe for the help and life lessons.

Friday - Liberation Day

People are capable of ruining their own lives with imposed opinions, doubts and fears. The possibilities of each person are endless, which means that if one person can do it, the rest can too. It's just that some people find their hidden talents faster and develop them, while others bury their abilities under other people's opinions and internal complexes.

Do not be afraid of new things, discover fresh ideas every day. In case you're still in doubt, here's a great quote: "If you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will think it's stupid all its life." Believe in yourself, because a genius is hidden in every person. Try new things and don't worry about what people might think of you.

Saturday is the day of finding a purpose

By the sixth day of the week, you should already have a list of your desires and aspirations, which may include even the most unrealistic and seemingly unrealistic dreams. Look carefully at everything you wrote down and try to choose the dream that best reflects who you are. To help you make your choice easier, here are some questions you should ask yourself:

  • What do I like to do?
  • What are my talents, what do I do best?
  • How can I earn money?
  • If I had great wealth at my disposal, what would be the first thing I would do?
  • If happiness was the global currency, what would I do/do for a living?

These questions will help you find your true purpose and your own calling if you are honest with yourself. The most important thing in life is to do what the soul lies in. And if your activity brings happiness to you and the people around you, then joy and financial stability will not be long in coming.

Sunday - results day

You have almost changed your own life, the matter remains small. The last thing to understand is that positive change doesn't happen overnight. They slowly approach you, sometimes so slowly that you may not notice it at first. Stay patient and calm. After all, if you look every minute at a flower in a pot, it is unlikely that it will grow from your heavy gaze. Learn to wait and hope for the best. Don't forget to apply the above practices on a daily basis so that good opportunities don't keep you waiting.

Seven days, seven elementary rules, seven laws of prosperity will help you change your life for the better. It is possible as far as you believe in the best. When these practices become your good habits, you will find true happiness and