What you can use instead of lubricant: home remedies. What can be used instead of intimate lubricant? Can an adult use baby face cream?

Many couples use special lubricants during sexual intercourse to replace their natural lubrication. These specialized factory-type products help get rid of the unpleasant feeling of dryness during contact, and also solve a number of other problems. However, what should you do if you don’t have such a gel with you at the right time? Is it possible to replace it with improvised or natural means? And what can be used instead of lubricant?

General information about the benefits of lubricants

First, it’s worth finding out what is so special about the so-called intimate lubricant. Most often it is a kind of oil or milk with a somewhat viscous and moist base. The purpose of the product is to possibly replace the natural female secretion, which is released when the partner is aroused. Based on this, we highlight the following functions of factory lubricants:

  • creating a thin protective film that helps protect the genitals of both partners from micro-tears and other types of minor damage that are possible during “dry” contact;
  • ensuring easy sliding of genital organs in contact with each other;
  • relief from discomfort during intimacy;
  • creating protection against sexually transmitted infections (due to the presence of antiseptic ingredients in lubricants);
  • giving additional sensations leading to an increased state of arousal;
  • providing care for sensitive genital skin.

We will talk further about what can be used instead of intimate lubricant and what cannot.

Is it possible to replace lubricant with massage cream or oil?

In order to understand the issue of possible replacement of intimate lubricant, you should understand its types. In total, they can be divided into three groups of funds:

  • created on a water basis;
  • made on an oily basis;
  • made on silicone basis.

Based on this information, the next question arises: “Can a cream be used instead of a lubricant?” According to experts, such a replacement is allowed. In this case, it is best to use massage cream or oil. However, there is one “but”.

Before applying to the intimate area, it is necessary to carefully study the chemical composition of these products. For example, you should avoid creams and oils containing menthol, mint, as well as red pepper, mustard and other ingredients with a strong cooling or warming effect. Otherwise, a burning sensation or a slight cold tingling sensation on the skin will prevent you and your partner from concentrating.

What you can use instead at home: a simple recipe

Incredibly, not only household chemicals, but also ordinary fruits can have adhesive and enveloping, and most importantly, sliding properties. Who would have thought that a wonderful lubricant could be prepared from products lying in the refrigerator and any available materials.

For example, did you know that you can use a ripe banana and running water instead of intimate lubricant? To prepare such a lubricant, you must perform the following steps:

  • take a ripe banana and peel it;
  • cut the banana into small circles and place it in a blender;
  • grind the fruit in a blender and place the pulp in any small container (you can use a cream jar);
  • Add some water to the delicious banana mixture.

Natural lubricant is ready. The main advantage of this product is its naturalness and the absence of any adverse reactions of the body. This is due to the fact that bananas generally do not cause allergies. It does not irritate, but moisturizes the skin. In addition, since the composition you prepared is completely edible, it is perfect for preliminary oral sex. Here's what you can use instead of lubricant.

Original lubricant made from starch and water

An excellent alternative to synthetic lubricant is a starch-water mixture. To create it, you should take a little starch, pour it with the same amount of water and put it on fire. Then all you have to do is stir it periodically until it thickens.

After your jelly has thickened, it is recommended to remove it from the burner and place it in a cool place until it cools completely. The original substitute for liquid Vaseline for intimate pleasures is ready. This applies to cream-like consistencies. But can you use oil instead of lubricant? And which one is suitable in this case? Let's look further.

Attention! When using folk recipes to prepare homemade lubricant, be vigilant and careful. Follow the instructions and do not overdo the dosage. Please remember that the ingredients in the products you use may cause allergic reactions and inflammation.

Simple lubricants with added oil

Returning to what can be used instead of a lubricant for sex, we need to remember about oil-based products. In this case, you can use whatever you have. For example, sesame, coconut, flax or olive are suitable for these purposes.

To prepare such a lubricant, you should prepare a small saucepan and a bowl into which you need to pour about 5-10 tablespoons of oil. Then you need to pour water into the vessel, and place the container filled with oil above.

Next, put the future lubricant on the fire (you should get a water bath) and heat the liquid. In total, this preparation will take you no more than 15-20 minutes. You can also add a couple of drops of essential oil or any liquid aphrodisiac to the boiling solution. As you can see, it turned out to be a good lubricant with excellent sliding characteristics.

Caution when working with oils (butter, vegetable, margarine)

The use of vegetable and fatty oils is not always equally beneficial for your intimate caress. For example, many couples are interested in whether it is possible to use butter or margarine instead of lubricant? Theoretically, yes, since all these products have excellent sliding properties.

However, it is worth understanding here that the components of these foundations are not intended for use in the genital area. And although they, like other oils, will allow you to glide and relieve dryness, overusing them can lead to the completely opposite effect. For example, there is a risk of irritation and even swelling of the mucous membranes. Therefore, the use of the above products is not recommended by doctors and other specialists.

In addition, oil can destroy the structure of latex, which leads to a violation of its integrity.

Can I use baby cream for lubrication?

Some couples claim that it can be used instead of anal lubricant. This judgment is true and at the same time erroneous. So, on the one hand, such a unique lubricant perfectly moisturizes and is absorbed into the skin. It's just good if you use it on an outside surface.

With deeper contact with the mucous membrane of the genital organs, the cream may not be absorbed at all. As a result, fatty and insoluble components of this product may remain inside you, which will become an excellent habitat for various pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

In addition, the use of fat-containing cream leads to the destruction of the material from which the condom is made, which jeopardizes your sexual intimacy.

How safe is it to use Vaseline?

Another sensational remedy that bosses and their subordinates often talk about is Vaseline. The affordability of the price and the presence of a suitable viscous structure that can facilitate movements during sexual intercourse makes many couples think about using it. But is it as good and safe as they say? Let's start with the fact that this product is very difficult to wash off. It not only remains on the skin, but also leaves unattractive greasy stains on clothes and linens.

Further, the use of this substance can lead to disruption of the normal microflora of your partner’s vagina. This can ultimately lead to the proliferation and accumulation of bacteria and fungi. Moreover, sometimes the use of this product causes redness and even burning of the skin. And finally, Vaseline destroys the protective layer of the condom and damages it. The same applies to the sex toys you use.

Let's assume you know what you can use instead. For example, your choice fell on the water-banana composition. What's next? The use of such a lubricant will be safe if you follow a few simple rules. Firstly, you need to apply the product to a clean and dry body. Secondly, it should be spread in a thin layer with light blotting movements. Thirdly, after using the banana mixture, do not forget to rinse off any remaining residue with running water.

Another important point: homemade lubricants are not suitable for daily use. Despite the fact that most of the ingredients used are not allergens, their regular use may well provoke a negative reaction in your body. For example, you should not overuse lubricants with starch. Let us remember that this substance is considered an excellent nutrient medium for the proliferation of various microorganisms and fungi.

What to do if there are complications?

When using homemade lubricant, pay attention to how you feel and how your body reacts. If you subsequently experience any discomfort (and it does not go away even after taking a shower), it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

Now you understand that you can use some natural ingredients instead of lubricant. However, their use is associated with a certain risk and with all the ensuing difficulties.

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Children's face cream for adults

Everyone knows that baby cream has a beneficial effect on a child’s skin. Many mothers on maternity leave, accidentally or intentionally, try this cosmetic product on themselves. Despite the fact that the cream from the line developed specifically for children has its advantages, it cannot always be used for adults. What products are suitable for adult skin will be discussed in the article.

The content of the article:

The benefits of baby face cream

Baby cream is considered useful due to the fact that its action is aimed at caring for the most delicate skin - the epidermis of a newborn baby. In addition, such cosmetics are often allowed to be used from the first days of life.

The main advantages of the cream from the children's series:

Hypoallergenic composition;
natural caring ingredients;
protection from negative environmental influences;
the ability to relieve skin irritation and redness;
pronounced softening effect;
the ability to use the product instead of a makeup base.

In addition, children's creams often have a smoothing effect, which is especially appreciated by older women.

Can an adult use baby face cream?

Despite all the advantages, adults cannot use baby cream on a regular basis. With daily use, a harmful film is formed on the surface of the skin of an adult, which contributes to the contamination of pores, the appearance of new inflammations, blackheads and comedones. This is due to the fact that most products are made on the basis of lanolin. This component is very useful for children, as their skin is very thin and delicate. But for adults, lanolin can become a source of problems. There are a lot of angry reviews online from women who used lanolin baby face creams and then spent months treating their rashes.

Children's face cream for an adult can be used on an ongoing basis only if it is made on the basis of glycerin. Unlike lanolin, it does not form a film on the surface of the skin and has a softening, protective and moisturizing effect.
A properly selected baby cream is an excellent product for women with dry, sensitive and rosacea-prone skin.

Face masks made from baby cream

An adult can only use cream for cosmetic purposes that does not contain various additives, lanolin, parabens, fragrances and other harmful chemicals.

A face mask made from baby cream, base oils and rose hips will help get rid of wrinkles.

The recipe is simple:

To 2 tsp of face cream add 0.5 tsp of aloe juice, 0.5 tsp of jojoba and grape seed oils and 10 drops of rosehip oil;
the resulting mixture is placed in the refrigerator overnight;
In the morning, apply a thick layer of the mask to cleansed skin;
After 20–25 minutes, rub the product into the skin with gentle movements, then remove the residue with a damp cloth.

The baby cream is also suitable for dry skin. To prepare a moisturizing mask, add 10 drops of vitamins A and E, castor oil and lavender essential oil to the baby cream. Keep the mixture for at least 15 minutes. Then the mask is washed off with warm water or removed with a damp towel.

Which baby cream is better?

Among the variety of baby creams on store shelves, it is difficult to choose a suitable cosmetic product based only on the description on the label. To make the task easier, we offer a list of tools that have received rave reviews on the Internet.

Baby cream with milk 3 in 1 daily moisturizing for face, body and hands from Johnson's Baby

The product from Johnson's Baby, despite the name, can be used by all family members. With its help you can simultaneously care for your body, hands and face.

Active components included:

Rice flour;
vitamin A;
milk protein.

In addition to these natural ingredients, mineral oil, dimethicone and steareth are also listed at the top. These toxic additives negatively affect both children's and adult skin: they clog pores, cause irritation and allergies. You can find many positive reviews on Johnson’s Baby products on the Internet, but the composition of this cream is far from ideal.

Approximate cost - 100 rub.

Little Siberica baby cream for daily care from NaturaSiberica

The product with organic extracts of chamomile and calendula is intended for daily care. Chamomile extract heals small wounds and has an antiseptic effect, while calendula relieves irritation and dries out inflammation. Little Siberica face cream can be used by girls with problematic and oily skin.

In addition to plant extracts, it contains:

Sunflower oil;
lemon acid;
cedar essential oil.

Approximate cost - 250 rub.

Children's face and body cream from PENATEN

The product from the German brand PENATEN is intended for body and face care. The cream deeply moisturizes skin cells and restores hydrolipid balance.

Active components:

annual sunflower oil;
vitamin A;
vitamin E.

Approximate cost - 350 rub.

Children's cosmetic cream from Bübchen

Children's face cream with panthenol enhances protection against adverse environmental influences, heals skin microtraumas and sunburns, and has an antimicrobial effect. In addition, the product prevents dehydration of the skin.

Active ingredients in the cream:

wheat germ oil;
chamomile plant extract;

The cream is suitable for children from the first months of life. There is no lanolin in the composition, so adults can also use the product from Bübchen.

Approximate cost - 400 rub.

Hydra Bebe Visage children's face cream from Mustela

The product from the French brand Mustela is intended for daily facial skin care from birth. With regular use, it moisturizes the epidermis, softens, moisturizes and gives velvety. Thanks to its melting texture, it can also be used by adults with problematic and oily skin.

Active components:

jojoba and sunflower oils;
avocado fruit extract.

Hydra Bebe Visage is made from 97% plant-derived ingredients.

Approximate cost - 500 rub.

Children's winter face cream

Children's winter protective cream with a good composition can be used at any age. Products designed for cold weather usually contain special ingredients. Such as panthenol, glycerin, fatty oils, plant extracts, allantoin. They help protect the epidermis from exposure to cold, wind and frost.

Universal children's winter cream "Morozko" from the Avanta company

The product was created to effectively protect the skin on cold days from chapping and frostbite. In addition, the cream promotes the natural regeneration of skin cells, softens, replenishes moisture loss, and prevents irritation.

Active components:

Vitamin A;
vitamin E;
chamomile extract;

However, despite the fact that the cream is declared as a hypoallergenic product, the product contains mineral oil. It not only clogs pores and retains moisture, but also provokes an allergic reaction.

Approximate cost - 65 rub.

Children's protective cream against frost "Umka"

Umka protective cream is a good choice for sensitive and redness-prone skin. Contains shea butter, string extract, vitamin A, E, F complex, refined coconut oil. Thanks to these components, the product prevents irritation, eliminates dryness and flaking, and has a healing effect.

Approximate cost - 100 rub.

Winter protective cream from Babycoccole

Cream for the cold season from a manufacturer from Italy not only protects the skin from wind and frost, but also moisturizes, nourishes and restores cells.

The product contains:

Sweet almond extract;
linseed oil;
vitamin E;
vitamin F;
oat extract.

Approximate cost - 300 rub.

Baby nourishing cream with calendula from WELEDA

A cream from the manufacturer that nourishes the skin, restores and protects against sudden temperature changes.

In accordance with the principles of the brand, the product contains only 100% natural ingredients, such as:

Calendula extract;
Sesame oil;
White clay.

The cream is dermatologist tested and does not contain synthetic preservatives, dyes, fragrances or mineral oil.

Approximate cost - 550 rub.

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Also, additional lubrication is needed for couples who practice anal sex and oral sex, if there is a lack of saliva, or if one of the partners experiences discomfort due to taste or smell. Such reactions are not evidence of unloving or rejection. Rather, the reaction is determined by individual characteristics of perception and should be treated with understanding. It can be difficult to purchase ready-made lubricant at a pharmacy due to the remoteness of your place of residence, inappropriate time, and financial difficulties. Below we will tell you what you can use at home instead of intimate lubricant.

First you need to figure out why intimate lubricant is needed. We are not talking about a natural secretion released in women during sexual arousal, but about factory-made lubricants. Main functions of lubricating gels:

  • Protection. Easy sliding will protect against micro-tears and other damage that may occur during dry sex.
  • Providing comfort. A properly selected lubricant will completely remove pain from excessive irritation of dry tissues.
  • Lubricants can protect against sexually transmitted infections due to the antiseptic properties of the ingredients they contain.
  • Lubricants can increase arousal and stimulate libido.
  • Intimate lubricants moisturize and care for the skin of the genital organs.
  • With the help of lubricants, you can successfully diversify your sex life and breathe pleasant novelty into established relationships.

We will consider all the means by which a factory-made gel lubricant can be seen in a similar vein - we will compare the usefulness of the finished product and homemade lubricant. We will also evaluate the possible impact of homemade lubricants on the health of partners.

Available Substitutes

Many people will confidently name several products whose gliding properties can be used to improve the quality of sex. So, instead of gel lubricant, you can try:

  • Oils. Vegetable sunflower oil immediately comes to mind. Of course, nothing compares to the availability and cheapness of this product, but the quality of such a homemade lubricant leaves much to be desired. Irritation is the simplest thing to expect during or after use. Olive oil has a similar effect, although it is much more expensive.

Homemade lubricants made from coconut or mango oil may be more comfortable. If the second can be purchased exclusively in very large cities, then the first is quite often found on the shelves of supermarkets or stores with natural cosmetics in smaller cities. Coconut oil has a hard texture, but melts easily when warmed in your hands, has a pleasant smell and will provide good gliding. In addition, the product can easily be used not only as a home lubricant, but also for general massage.

What are the disadvantages? First of all - hygiene. An intimate lubricant should not be contaminated with microorganisms and fungi. To remove unwanted bacteria from the oil, you will have to boil it. This time. Secondly, any fats are extremely difficult to wash off. Of course, if you are planning sex on oilcloth or you don’t mind your bed linen at all, then you can try this method. If you follow the first recommendation, certain oils are quite suitable for use as a lubricant.

  • Petrolatum. Most adults have heard tricky jokes about Vaseline and its sliding properties. And let us note that they did not arise out of nowhere. When no one had ever heard of factory-made intimate gel lubricants in our country, couples faced with the problem of dry genitals used Vaseline quite often. What advantages does this product have:
  1. Thick, viscous texture that can facilitate sliding. For these purposes, it is advisable to purchase Vaseline oil, and not the pure product.
  2. Low cost.

Now about the disadvantages:

  1. Vaseline destroys latex, which means that the protective effect of a condom, if used together, is called into question. Vaseline will also have a negative effect on sex toys.
  2. It disrupts the normal microflora of the vagina, which can lead to inflammatory bacterial or fungal infections.
  3. It is poorly washed off the skin and leaves greasy stains on the laundry.

If you are willing to risk your health or you need Vaseline for some exotic sexual practice that does not involve penetration into your partner’s body, then you can use it instead of a factory-made intimate gel lubricant.

  • Creams and other cosmetics. Most of these products are intended for external use, so they are easily absorbed. After just a short period of time, you will notice that the slip has worsened and a new portion of cream is required.

You should also be aware that some cosmetic products can cause allergies, manifested by burning, swelling, and redness of the tissue in the area of ​​application. The occurrence of such manifestations can cause serious suffering to a person, and in some cases there is even a need for medical help.

An additional disadvantage will be the ability to negatively affect vaginal pH and microflora.

To be fair, we note that intimate goods stores sell specialized creams designed for erotic home massage. In some way they can replace gel lubricant.

  • Food. On the Internet there are 2 popular, non-labor-intensive ways to prepare gel lubricant for sex at home. Their main advantages are simplicity and accessibility, as well as a completely meager price.
  1. Banana intimate lubricant. Grind the banana in a blender with the addition of a few tablespoons of boiled water. You can experiment with the texture yourself. Note that this homemade lubricant will be ideal for erotic games and oral sex.
  2. Starch lubricant. To prepare, you need to cook regular jelly. Of course, the appearance and smell of the product will leave much to be desired. In this case, experts advise slightly tinting the gel with food coloring and adding aphrodisiac scents contained in essential oils (ylang-ylang, patchouli, neroli).

The disadvantages of this method are the same - a negative impact on health, especially women. Starch is a complex sugar on which fungi and bacteria grow easily. Therefore, if you regularly use such lubricants instead of specialized ones, then after a short time you may need qualified treatment from a doctor.

  • Detergents: soap, shampoos, shower gels. In fact, most of them do not even have minimal sliding properties. They do not moisturize the mucous membrane and will not promote painless tissue stretching. In most cases, everything happens exactly the opposite. In addition, the risk of irritation, allergic reactions, candidiasis and inflammation when using these products is significantly higher than when using any other lubricants.
  • Medicinal substances (for example, Troxevasin gel). Before using medications as homemade intimate lubricants, it is advisable to read the instructions. This simple action alone can discourage you from doing something like that. Side effects, low sliding qualities due to rapid absorption, allergies, irritation, itching - an incomplete list of possible complications.
  • Natural body fluids. Instead of natural lubrication, two are suitable:
  1. Saliva. It can be used as a lubricant, but a significant drawback can be the speed of drying, and the sliding properties of saliva are low. Therefore, it will not be possible to qualitatively replace ready-made lubricant with it.
  2. Sperm. If there is no risk of pregnancy or you are not afraid of future fatherhood or motherhood, then sperm will be a good natural lubricant. It won’t be enough for long games, but it can satisfy your first passion.

It is entirely up to you to decide what you can use at home instead of intimate lubricant: Vaseline, bananas, baby cream or soap. However, remember that in most cases these products are unsafe for regular use and are a weak imitation of high-quality factory lubricant.

The cream for baby's delicate skin is produced on the basis of natural ingredients. It takes excellent care of the baby's delicate skin without causing allergic reactions. This is why many women begin to use baby face cream themselves. True, one should figure out whether its use in adulthood is advisable.

Can baby cream be used on adult skin?

Some women regularly resort to using baby cream to care for their skin, while others, on the contrary, are wary. The fact is that there is no clear answer to the question of whether this product is useful or harmful for the skin of an adult, so we will take a closer look at all the possible pros and cons.

So, Main advantages series of children's products:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • made from natural ingredients;
  • tighten the skin, making it firmer and more elastic;
  • protect from harmful external factors;
  • relieve signs of inflammation.

Despite the advantages, children's cream is not suitable for long-term use by adults, otherwise they may the following problems will appear:

  • contamination of the epidermis with toxins, and as a result - redness, pimples, swelling;
  • the skin becomes very sensitive and peels.

Children's product does not cope with age-related changes. In rare cases, you can apply a small amount to a chapped face.

Composition of baby cream

The composition of the cream depends on its immediate purpose: either it is a product for protection against external influences, or for everyday care, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing. In any case, a number of components can be found in any similar product for children.

It should be highlighted main ingredients:

  • Natural animal and vegetable oils(eg coconut oil, olive oil, apricot kernel oil). They perfectly moisturize, nourish, and protect the baby's delicate skin.
  • Lanolin or glycerin(beeswax). Glycerin creates a thin film on the skin of the face, which helps retain moisture. Lanolin covers the epidermis with a denser protective layer and is addictive. It will not harm the thin skin of children, but an adult may experience problems associated with clogged pores.
  • Medicinal plants(chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula). They relieve irritation and inflammation, soothe the skin.

In addition to the above substances, panthenol, allantoin, and zinc oxide are found in children's products. Also, they should not contain dyes or preservatives.

Beneficial properties of children's cream for adult facial skin

Constant use of children's products by an adult can lead to the formation of a harmful film on the skin, a kind of “shell”. That is why the beneficial properties are talked about only when the cream is used occasionally to achieve certain results. So, the product is able to solve the following problems:

  • Make skin softer and more velvety.
  • Moisturize dry epidermis.
  • Temporarily give the skin elasticity and tighten it.
  • Protect from the harmful effects of wind, low temperatures, and sunlight.
  • Remove acne.
  • Get rid of small stretch marks (should be combined with other remedies, for example, mummy).
  • Eliminate jams (over-dried areas in the corners of the mouth).

Also, using masks based on fatty baby cream, you can quickly and easily get rid of age spots.

Possible harm from use

Any baby cream certainly brings a lot of benefits to adult skin. However, some experts are still of the opinion that it is undesirable for women to resort to this product in daily care. The skin of an adult only temporarily becomes smooth, soft, and silky. This effect occurs thanks to the lanolin component, which is designed to create a protective film on the face. Since the child’s skin cell renewal processes occur much faster, natural protection does not have time to be developed, then the lanolin layer comes to the rescue.

For the skin of a mature person, such a film is harmful. Pores become clogged, all metabolic processes are inhibited, toxins are not removed, and dead cells begin to stick together. Swelling of the face appears, and after a couple of weeks of constant use, the skin of an adult looks much worse than before using the cream. The conclusion is simple: use the baby product as a medicine for the skin until the desired result appears.

Those with dry skin types can use this baby product as an excellent moisturizer. Connoisseurs of traditional medicine advise applying the cream to treat rashes due to the fact that it has soothing, anti-inflammatory properties. To solve this problem, the product must be used daily for 7–9 days. To enhance and bring closer the positive result, it is worth adding a few drops of eucalyptus or calendula oil.

A mask based on baby cream will make the skin more elastic. To prepare it, you will need to combine half a tube of cream with 3 g of mumiyo and purified water. Mix all components until smooth, rub into problem areas of facial skin. The product should be stored in a cool place.

Contraindications for use

The baby cream is logically designed for the delicate sensitive skin of a child. However, this does not mean that it is suitable for use by everyone. A significant contraindication for both children and adults is considered to be individual intolerance to the components of the cream. If, even with extremely rare application of the product to the skin, increased oiliness, unhealthy shine, and the appearance of acne are observed, then it is better to stop using this caring cosmetics.

Baby creams from domestic and foreign manufacturers

When used infrequently, baby cream is suitable not only as a moisturizing cosmetic, but also as a base for makeup. The following brands are on sale today:

  • «
    Nappy cream» fromChicco eliminates acne and evens out the structure of the face (has a light consistency, virtually no odor, does not leave a sticky feeling after application, the skin instantly becomes softer);
  • tube of budget cream "Casper" with chamomile extract reduces the sensitivity of the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it, and also eliminates the feeling of dryness;

  • face and body cream "Tender" fromBubchen Thanks to natural ingredients (shea butter and almond butter), it gently softens and moisturizes the skin;

  • Johnson
    sBaby– a very gentle product, remarkably softens the skin, absorbs quickly (contains natural milk extract and vitamins A, E).

Video: is baby cream needed to care for adult skin?

Of course, children's cream cannot be compared with any adult facial skin care product, but cosmetology experts still advise women not to get carried away and use the cream for no longer than 10-14 days. A children's product is not able to provide complete care for the skin of an adult, so it is better to use it as a pleasant, useful addition to basic cosmetic products.