What to write to a child at 5 years old. What should a child know and be able to do at the age of five

A five-year-old kid is a small, but already very similar to an adult person, possessing many skills and abilities, independent and reasonable. In kindergarten, he belongs to the older group and can study on an ongoing basis. Understanding what a child should be able to do at 5 years old, parents can help him seriously prepare for school in the near future. At this age, the skills are very different depending on the preferences of the child, you should not compare it with other kids.

By the age of five, the baby can grow significantly, and the development of all his life systems will continue rapidly. In general, boys and girls grow by 7-10 cm, gaining 200 g in weight every month and 0.5 cm in height.
During the year, children significantly increase the length of the legs and arms, the size of the pelvic bones, shoulders, in girls, in comparison with boys, the circumference of the chest increases.
The bones of the child continue to grow faster than the connective tissue of the joints and tendons, so parents need to monitor the baby's posture and not allow him to lift weights. The same applies to too active physical exercises. In some cases, excessive loads lead to flat feet, curvature of the spine and hernia, especially in boys. The respiratory organs, the heart, and the surface of the brain are also actively developing, making up about 90% of the size of an adult.
The character of the baby also develops:

  1. The formation of new mental aspects is characterized by the arbitrariness of memory, perception and attention, hence the new character traits, behavior that changes with the growth of awareness of oneself and one's actions.
  2. At the age of 5, peers begin to play an increasingly important role in the life of the baby, so the adaptation of the little person to social society begins.
  3. The main character traits of the baby have already been formed, and even if he is not distinguished by complaisance, at the age of five he is a little capricious, does not oppose his opinion to the opinion of his parents, in most cases he compromises. He can show aggression only in relation to people - his peers and adults, whom he categorically does not like.

Five years is a fertile age, but parents should not relax, and the behavior of children still depends on their personal example and upbringing.

What should a child be able to do at age 5?

Thanks to the intensive formation of the musculoskeletal system, the growth of muscle muscles and the development of coordination, a 5-year-old baby can be able to do a lot, and continues to improve the acquired skills:

  • children of this age have confident penetration, they can move freely along the curb, narrow plank, inclined planes, maintaining good balance;
  • the baby loves to jump and do somersaults, swing on a swing, spin, including on carousels, with his eyes closed, stands on one leg, maintaining balance, as his vestibular apparatus does an excellent job;
  • the child climbs and descends the Swedish wall, holding not only with two hands, but with one, can hang, holding the crossbar or horizontal bars of the horizontal bar;
  • using the ball in games, the child throws it and catches it more accurately, rarely misses and all his movements are confident;
  • kids of this age run a lot, sometimes even for quite long distances, while avoiding obstacles, changing direction, while jumping over obstacles, now walks with a son and daughter can be longer, as the child becomes stronger and more resilient.
  • at 5 years old, some children can hold on to the rope and even climb it, because their handles also develop and have strength.

And this is only the minimum of physical skills that a five-year-old child is capable of. If parents regularly work with the baby, developing fine motor skills in him, then he has more advanced skills:

  • the child easily paints coloring pages, does everything accurately and accurately, without going beyond the boundaries of another color;
  • from special dough and plasticine can fashion small details for larger crafts;
  • knows how to untie, tie shoelaces and braids from ribbons;
  • draws letters, copies simple images, shapes;
  • can properly hold a pen, brush or pencil, adjusts the force of pressing these accessories when writing and drawing.

Many are interested in what a small person should be able to do at the age of 5 in social terms. A child of this age is quite self-sufficient and can play alone for a long time, but he already has a desire for joint games and pastime.

All household actions instilled in him by adults earlier, he does confidently and independently:

  • he washes himself and brushes his teeth in the mornings and evenings;
  • coming from a walk, takes off his shoes, takes off his street clothes and puts his things in their places;
  • can wash himself, soaping his hands, feet and other parts of the body, rub himself with a washcloth, but it is better to do this under the control of mom or dad;
  • before eating, the baby himself goes and washes his hands;
  • holds cutlery with confidence.

In addition, the baby can already help his mother in such matters as:

  • watering flowers;
  • bed cleaning;
  • self-preparation of breakfast from milk and cereals;
  • removal of litter into the garbage chute;
  • putting things in order on the table after eating and doing your work - writing, drawing, modeling.

A special place is occupied by the mental development of a child at the age of 5, which is inextricably linked with speech and memory.

Features of the thinking of a five-year-old child

Since the frontal lobes of the brain develop rapidly in children at the age of 5, they develop an associative memory that helps them draw logical conclusions, generalize events, compare, and determine causes and effects.
At this age, activity in terms of learning about the world around us also increases significantly, now the baby remembers information faster and better, and in large quantities. At this fertile moment, when a child has a desire to learn, parents need to understand that any mental overload is not desirable, but if you apply knowledge consistently and slowly, you can achieve good results.

What can a child be able to do at 5 years old if their parents devote time to learning? It turns out there are a lot:

  • distinguishes primary colors and shades, knows their names, can show as an example;
  • counts up to 10, distinguishes between numbers and how each is called, performs simple calculations for addition and subtraction;
  • makes a distinction between geometric figures, both simple and complex;
  • guesses riddles and puzzles of simple content;
  • recognizes seasons, days, months and weeks;
  • most of the letters are already familiar to the baby, he writes them with the help of cells and without;
  • with his own hands, without the help of adults, puts together puzzles of 10 elements, and the details of the designer according to a given model;
  • easily finds an object, separate concepts that do not fit;
  • especially gifted children can read by adding syllables.

In order for the child’s logical thinking to continue to develop, during this period he needs to read a lot, tell, you can already use more serious children's books and even encyclopedias in which explanations are given in a simple, accessible language. Topics can be different - nature, weather, animals and much more.

Regarding the vocabulary, it already reaches 2000 words in children. The kid already expresses his thoughts clearly and intelligibly, logic is noticeably traced in his speech, although, of course, it is still childish and naive.

  • the child knows how to use all verbal forms, uses tenses and moods of verbs, adverbs, different forms of adjectives;
  • at this age, a child knows many people and can call them not only by name, but also by last name, patronymic, and can also tell not only what city he lives in, but also what region it is;
  • parents are delighted with the diligence with which the baby tells about the events that happened to him, using exclamatory and interrogative intonations;
  • the most interesting thing is that five-year-old children can already correct themselves if they said something wrong.

Although babies continue to copy adults, their own thoughts and conclusions are clearly traced in their speech, so communication with the child at this moment is especially important.
The memory of five-year-olds continues to develop and becomes more and more conscious. In order for it to form as much as possible further, it is necessary to explain to the daughter or son the meaning of unfamiliar words, situations, names. Many are interested in what a child should be able to do at the age of five in relation to this important property of the human brain?
Here is a list of these actions, subject to normal development:

  • the baby is able, at the same time, to remember up to 7-8 items;
  • memorizes passages of prose and poetry well, easily selects a rhyme for the end of words;
  • different events can be retold in immediate sequence;
  • concentration of attention reaches 15 minutes in five-year-old children, during which they learn without being distracted by extraneous things;
  • now it is much easier for them to find differences in pictures, they can describe some properties of objects, give a short description and purpose of household items;
  • children perfectly remember unfamiliar, even foreign words and their meaning.

All these new skills indicate that the child is growing up, not only his physiology and brain are being formed, but new character traits are gradually appearing, this is especially noticeable in the example of girls and boys of this age.

Five-year-old boys and girls: developmental differences

At the age of five, kids of different sexes are already well aware of their differences and gender. If this is a boy, at the age of 5 he can do everything that a girl can, but his upbringing is significantly different. Purely masculine qualities should be encouraged in the baby so that he does not grow up as a weak-willed, sissy, and can always stand up for himself and his convictions. Therefore, it is recommended that boys be praised for courageous and honest deeds, and scolded very carefully and in exceptional situations, since humiliation of a small person of any gender is unacceptable.
In the process of education, everything is important - appropriate toys, small assignments, familiarity with household tools. The boy must daily see before him the chivalrous attitude of his father towards his mother and other women. For the physical development of the baby, you can equip a room for a gym - this will give the child the opportunity to splash out his energy and instill a love for sports.
But what does a girl need to be able to do at 5 years old, and how to properly raise a baby? In this case, both the father and the mother must be extremely delicate, because at this time morality and the moral basis for the behavior of the future woman are being laid. A girl of this age tries her best to be like her mother and imitates her in everything. You need to constantly talk with the baby, important beliefs must be presented in a playful way. It is important to lay sensitivity, compassion and tenderness in the character of a girl. Along the way, mom can teach her simple needlework, simple cooking, and cleaning the room. And, of course, education, as well as training, should be softer. Be sure to emphasize that the girl is very beautiful and sweet so that she has normal self-esteem.
For the full development of children of both sexes, parents should provide educational games and activities:

  • teaching native and foreign languages ​​according to the Zaitsev method, game method game method using audio-lingual and visual methods;
  • board games, puzzles and mosaics for a while;
  • role-playing games (to the hospital, school, mom and dad);
  • studying a computer (no more than 30 minutes a day);
  • some computer games to improve intelligence and reaction (no more than half an hour a day);
  • for physical development, coordination - catching up, hide and seek, any outdoor games, gymnastics;
  • for the development of creativity and imagination - drawing independent sketches, plots, modeling complicated figures.

Understanding what a child should be able to do at the age of 5, parents should contribute to his physical formation, as well as pay attention to the comprehensive development of the baby's personality. To do this, there are a huge number of educational games, manuals, interesting books and just useful homework. Be sure to listen to the wishes and aspirations of the baby - if he is interested in drawing, devote more time to this activity, even to the detriment of other activities. At this age, the talent and inclinations of the child wake up, do not ruin them in the bud.

Is your little one already 5 years old? On the one hand, he is no longer quite a baby, and on the other, he is not yet a schoolboy. The age of 5-6 years is called the base. 90% of all personality traits of a child are laid at this age. Already at the age of 5 you can understand what a person will be like in the future.
A 5-year-old child has a great need to know the world around him and expand his horizons. He, like a sponge, absorbs all cognitive information. It has been scientifically proven that at this age a child is able to remember as much material as he will never remember later in his life. Children 5-6 years old are interested in everything related to the outside world. Therefore, reading a children's encyclopedia to a child, where any information about our world is described in accessible language, is the best way to convey scientific information. The child will get ideas about the ancient world, about animals and plants, about space, about countries, about how a person works and much more.

Child development 5 years

At the age of 5, the child begins to realize himself as a person. He identifies with those around him. It becomes important for him what gender he is, how he looks, what he says.
Children 5 years old do not think about tomorrow, what is important for them is what is happening here and now. They have an opinion on everything and often dispute it. It seems to adults that children at this age are very stubborn and not accommodating, but in fact they are waiting for our reaction and want to please their parents.
Many 5 year olds still sleep during the day. At 5 years old, the child already brushes his teeth on his own, only sometimes adults need to remind them to do this. At this age, the child can bathe independently, however, parents should periodically check them.
A five-year-old child begins to learn to work in a team. In kindergarten or on the playground, children can engage in common activities. At the age of 5, a child remembers poems, songs, short stories well. At this age, it is good to learn letters and numbers. Some children by the age of 5 can already read in syllables.
At 5 years old, a child should know the seasons, days of the week, body parts, be able to highlight unnecessary objects, sort objects, know some facts about the flora and fauna.
Children of this age already have a very well developed imagination. They very often compose something without any malicious intent. Adults may feel that the child is deceiving them. Don't focus on it. Instead of telling the child that he is lying, it is better to say that he is fantasizing. However, if you notice that your baby is lying to avoid punishment, explain that it is better to tell the truth, otherwise lying can lead to bad consequences.
At the age of 5, you need to help the child make friends, cultivate tolerance for other kids in him, and control manifestations of aggression. The child should not be afraid or embarrassed to approach a group of children, start a conversation with them or start a game. Already at this age, parents should instill in the child the ability to maintain a conversation, ask and thank for something.

At the age of five, the child prefers dishes familiar from birth. Culinary innovations are often treated negatively. Children at this age already feel (as it seems to them) on a par with adults, so they love family dinners when the whole family gathers at the same table and talks. The child takes part in the conversation with pleasure, and, as a rule, is the last one to leave the table.

Games and toys for children 5 years old

The main space surrounding children of 5 years old is a house and a kindergarten. In games, children often reproduce scenes from home life. Role-playing games are of great importance for the development of children. They allow you to try on adult roles. With the help of role-playing games, children try to understand the difficult life situations that occur in the world of their parents, to prepare for the future life. Children imitate adults in their games. Therefore, by the way a child plays, what roles he tries on, one can easily determine the relationship in his family, the attitude of mom and dad to other people, values ​​in the family.
Children at this age do not have to buy expensive toys, they are still quite satisfied with their old favorite cars, dolls, houses and garages.
They like to draw, sculpt, paint, cut something, design. Children 5 years old enjoy playing board games such as dominoes. They love to have stories read to them.

Punishments and rewards

As mentioned above, a five-year-old kid has a very well-developed fantasy. The child often gives out wishful thinking. This is a normal stage in development. It is not worth scolding the child for this, just explain to him that it is better to tell the truth.
If a child has committed a bad deed, it is necessary to punish immediately, without transferring it to later, otherwise later he will not understand why he is being punished. Do not expect the child to improve after the first punishment. Children at the age of 5 do not control themselves well and may forget that they were once punished for such an act.
If the child regularly upsets you with his behavior, check whether he is getting enough sleep, eating, and whether he is overloaded with activities.
Remember to praise your child for good deeds and behavior.

What should a 5 year old child know and be able to do?

Your child is already 5 years old. This means that there is a good opportunity to help the child develop his intelligence in a timely manner. Unfortunately, some parents underestimate the possibilities of this particular age, do not see the child's need for new information, expanding his horizons, believing that there is still enough time ahead, and it is too early to deal with the baby. They begin to actively engage with the child only a year before school, and as a result, time is lost. Classes that take place at a fast pace, when a child needs to master a large amount of new information in a short period, do not lead to anything good. The baby quickly sets in overwork, which in the future causes a negative attitude towards learning.
With the help of the tests below, you will be able to determine the level of development of your child, identify in which areas of knowledge he excels, and which ones need additional attention. And most importantly, you can check the result of the work done on the development of the baby and prepare him for the next stage of obtaining new knowledge.

Tests for the development of a child 5 years old

The world

  • Determine what time of year it is, time of day (morning, afternoon, evening)?
  • State your first and last name. Know the first and last name of your parents. Know the name of your city, street, house number. Know the name of the capital of your country. Know the name of our planet.
  • Know the names of the main professions of people and explain what people do in certain professions.
  • Name the seasons and days of the week in the correct order.
  • Distinguish domestic animals from wild animals, garden plants from field plants.
  • Distinguish primary colors (What color is the ball? Show red, blue, yellow, green).


  • Using knowledge about abstract geometric shapes (ask the child to name the round and square objects around him).
  • Find 5-6 differences between objects and between two drawings.
  • Keep 8-10 objects in sight.
  • Repeat a pattern or movement.


  • Ask to count several items that are more than ten (count how many cubes are here).
  • Ask to divide the circle, square into two and four equal parts.


  • Understanding the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (Why does mom wash clothes? Why does mom cook dinner?).
  • Name the purpose of household items (why do you need a spoon, cup, table, chair, pen?). Immediately show three objects or pictures with their images).
  • Find among the proposed items superfluous, explain your choice.
  • Putting together puzzles without the help of adults.
  • Build any figure from the constructor according to the model.
  • Find and explain the differences between objects and phenomena (what is the difference between summer and autumn, a trolleybus from a bus, etc.)


  • Memorize 7-8 pictures.
  • Memorize children's counting rhymes (for example: “One, two, three, four, five, We were going to play. Magpie flew to us and told you to drive”) and tongue twisters (for example: “White sheep beat the drums”).
  • Memorize not long sentences (for example: “Katya and Kolya draw with colored crayons”; “Grisha played in the sandbox with a bucket and a spatula”).
  • Tell short stories, fairy tales, poems, pictures from memory.

fine motor skills

  • Color the drawings without going beyond their contours.
  • Be able to hold a pencil, a brush in your hands and change the direction of hand movement depending on the shape of the depicted object.
  • Sculpt small figures from plasticine.
  • Tie knots on the rope.

Speech development

  • Compose complex sentences of various types.
  • Explain the meaning of some proverbs (For example: “Without labor, you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond”).
  • Make up stories from pictures.
  • Speak poetry expressively.
  • Distinguish between vowels and consonants.

If the child easily answers your questions and copes with tasks, the level of his development corresponds to the norm. If you see that the child copes with some tasks with difficulty, these areas of knowledge require additional attention.


Add a comment

Victoria 10 months ago

The child does not owe anything to anyone! Each child is unique and develops in their own way. And these indicated points are only instructions for parents on how to properly direct the child.

Hope 1 year ago

The grandson is left-handed and it seems to me that when he writes, he does not see where to lead

Roman 1 year ago

Look at Professor Savelyev. On youtube. More about lefties

Olga 2 years ago

What to do if the child is left-handed? How to teach him to write?

Julia 2 years ago

Natalya Alexandrovna Lepustina 4 years ago

Good afternoon How to deal with a 5 year old child.

Larisa 5 years ago

An interesting article, I agree with the author, and I can add that at this age the child models his relationship with the outside world on toys. And watching the children's games, you can see the trends that are formed in your child and correct them in the game.

Your child is five years old. It is at this age that the main character traits of a small person are finally formed. You still have time to adjust and consolidate the skills acquired by the child.

Sometimes parents are perplexed why their child is not like them: it does not have their concentration, accuracy, desire to learn new things. From whom did the baby inherit capriciousness and laziness?

And this happened, probably, because the upbringing was done little and badly. After all, to educate is not only to edify, but also to help the child in the knowledge of the world around him, to assist him, simply to learn to speak with the child in his language - in the language of the game.

In the process of games, try once again to consolidate the child's knowledge in various areas: determining the shape, size, color of an object; the ratio of objects in length, height, width; determination of the material from which the object is made; understanding the meaning of prepositions (in, under, over), the location of objects in space (bottom, right, left), the ability to speak politely, make a request, thank, patiently listen to the interlocutor.

Games are of great importance for the upbringing of a child, especially when they are played in a group of children. They are a kind of training for the social development of the child (the ability to communicate with peers, obey certain rules, give in, take on a role, lead). In the game, creative imagination, ingenuity, strong-willed qualities, moral attitudes are formed.

Let your child develop playful fantasy. Let him use a variety of (unnecessary in your opinion) things: rags, sticks, pieces of iron and other rubbish. It is impossible to predict a child's fantasy. It is in the game that the child realizes his desire for independence through modeling the life of adults. He discovers the world of human relations, different types of activities, social functions of people.

Treat children's play at this age with all seriousness, in every possible way support any aspirations of children for games. Help your child by encouraging his achievements. There is a golden rule: rewarded behavior tends to be repeated.

Raising a child of 5 years has many features. At this age, the baby develops its own specific stereotype of behavior in society. The child already knows and knows how to do a lot, but his memory is still very scattered. How right at this age? First of all, parents must have great patience in order to gradually develop the ability of the baby to perform sequential actions, to remind him of his duties.

Children are a reflection of their parents. Childhood is a period of life when everything possible is yet to come. This is a time without any obligations and serious experiences (all negative and positive events in pink). Yes it is. But if you look from the other side, then it is childhood that is the foundation of a new personality. From what? It's just that children are a copy of the environment where they grow up. Goodness, love, decency are laid - a well-mannered and successful person will grow up. If evil, hatred, resentment is laid down, an inadequate personality will grow. Of course, there are exceptions when a child grew up in a dysfunctional family, but made it into people (self-education plays a big role here). Unfortunately, there are few such cases.

Raising a strong and spiritual personality is happiness for parents, but for this you need to set an example for the crumbs. The best way is to identify the negative aspects of the character and reverse them (the sooner the better). Most of all, there will be a result when both mom and dad also work on themselves (they are engaged in self-improvement).

Problems in raising a child of 5 years

A psychologically healthy baby at 5 years old is the child who fully communicates with peers, has no fears and is sufficiently developed for his age. If at least one of the items is missing, then you need to act: find out the cause and eliminate it.

The main problems in the development of a 5-year-old child:

  • . For example, a baby is afraid of what is not there (a strong imagination is developed in a negative direction). Fighting them is no easy task. First you need to figure out where they came from (the child saw or heard something, or someone said). Then it is necessary for the baby to explain the essence of everything that is happening, so it will be easier to deal with his fears.

  • Communication. If it is clear that the child does not know how to play with other children, but only indulges, this is a clear sign of the underdevelopment of the child. From the age of 4, the baby should be able to communicate with peers. The concept of politeness, compliance, success and kindness is already laid at this age, because the child begins to consciously build contacts. To learn how to communicate, parents need to join the joint leisure with children. in “daughters and mothers” or in “doctors”, or draw (who better depicts something) or read a children's book in your own words (looking at the pictures). All these games have a very fruitful effect on a small personality.
  • A child who exalts himself above other children is also a negative element. Always and everywhere, the baby must be taught to respect elders, younger children and children of his own age with respect. It is necessary to make it clear to the child that if you offended someone, then ask for forgiveness, treated them - thank you, saw a friend - say hello, go home from the guests - say goodbye. By learning these simple rules, a polite person will grow up.

At this age, the baby should dress and undress himself, easily navigate in space, eat and drink on his own. Also, physical activity is more developed (jumps on one leg, sideways, forward and backward, marches to the beat of the music, walks backwards). Words and phrases become more deliberate. Given all these factors, you can understand whether the child is developed or not.

How to teach a child at this age? At the age of 5, raising a child cannot do without psychological guidance. If parents want to help the baby, it is better to start by preparing for kindergarten. To properly raise a child, you need to teach him the following things:

  • love yourself;
  • be interested;
  • understand what can be said and what cannot;
  • trust parents;
  • do not be sad;
  • think what is right and what is not;
  • do not react to everything painfully.

As a rule, if the baby feels happy, optimistic, inquisitive, friendly, self-confident, this is. Such a little man will study well and with pleasure, will be able to bravely fight against failures and will love his parents.

Raising a 5-year-old child often forces parents to resort to punishment. But such an impact on a child in society is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to find some alternative and learn how to punish your child correctly. Be sure to explain to the baby that his action can hurt people or have bad consequences. Only after the child has disobeyed several times after talking with his parents, will he be able to.

What is an age crisis - this is a period in life when a person's attitude to the environment changes. Children are no exception. Such crises in a person occur from birth, namely, at 1 year, at 2, 3, 5, 7 years. Then comes adolescence, and then middle age.

What indicates the beginning of the crisis 5 years? How a child experiences the period of his growing up depends directly on his character, genetics, environment and the impact of society on his psyche. Some children endure such a period very violently and rather difficultly, while others can be absolutely calm, and this time in their life will pass completely unnoticed by their parents. The fifth year of a baby's life shows in many ways.

The crisis of 5 years is one of the most difficult, and its duration can be from several weeks to a couple of months, which, of course, is tiring not only for parents, but also for the child himself. It is important to know all the main symptoms that indicate the beginning of such a period in your child.

The main signs of a crisis in a 5-year-old baby:

  • behavior change, mostly for the worse;
  • irritability, anger, manifestations of nervousness over trifles;
  • fast fatigue;
  • when talking with both adults and children, he begins to grimace or even try on the role of a jester, which causes aggression in almost everyone in response;
  • , sometimes very sociable kids can withdraw into themselves;
  • in some cases, there is uncertainty, fear, etc.

What should parents do when a child has a crisis of 5 years? There are 2 options according to which such a state proceeds:

  • parents do not pay attention to this, that is, everything takes its own course;
  • parents actively raise the baby.

Which option is correct, how to raise a child? According to psychologists, most often it is more effective to introduce punishments in relation to a child, but it is worth considering that all children are individual. Therefore, in order for this period in the life of a child to be as comfortable as possible, it is required to look at the situation from two sides, namely, from the position of an adult and a child. In some cases, punishment, reproaches and shouting will be useless and will not give any result, they will only aggravate the moral state of the adult. And sometimes a child after such an attitude may begin to rebel.

How to behave to improve the behavior of the child? Necessary:

  • show the crumbs the seriousness of their intentions;
  • trust the implementation of serious (in the opinion of the baby) cases;
  • increase the child's self-esteem;
  • teach your child to be independent.

In conclusion, we can say that if you give a little freedom to the baby to show independence and self-expression, then the crisis will end faster.

At the age of 5, a child experiences a crisis, the difficulties of which both the child and his parents have to face. During this period, children are often naughty, throw tantrums over trifles, and someone generally withdraws into himself. In order for difficult times to pass easily and painlessly, great patience must be shown towards the child.

Constant tantrums and whims indicate a crisis in the child

Why does the crisis come in 5 years?

With normal development, by the age of five, the baby no longer speaks badly and is able to talk about his needs. The child really wants to seem big, to be like adults. You can often watch how he peeps or eavesdrops on their conversations, he is also interested in being in a circle of peers.

The brain is already quite developed, and the baby is able to control his emotions. He understands that boys and girls are different. It is common for a child at this age to show imagination and have their own opinion about the world around them. This period is characterized by the most vivid manifestation of character traits.

Children are interested in everything that happens around them, they can even tell fictional stories. At the age of 5, it is important for a child to communicate with other children, but he does not always achieve this, which may cause him to be alone. Sometimes he just does not have the opportunity to talk to someone about it.

All this can cause a crisis in which the child becomes too capricious and hysterical. So that the baby does not withdraw into himself and easily survive the crisis, he must be in comfortable conditions for him and always feel the support of adults.

The child is closed, does not want or cannot talk to anyone - another circumstance indicating a crisis

Be patient, because everything is in your power. Do not immediately seek help from a psychologist or other specialist. Otherwise, because of strangers, the child may be even more frightened.

How long can a crisis last?

It is impossible to predict exactly when a difficult period will come. It can last from several weeks to several months, it all depends on the individual characteristics of each child. However, there is no need to give up, give the baby time, support him, surround him with care and love. In difficult moments, the child especially needs your attention and affection.

Signs of the beginning of the crisis

The crisis of five years has distinctive features by which it can be distinguished from other crises in a child's life:

  • if the baby suddenly became less talkative, withdrawn, stopped sharing with you the joy of his successes and achievements, although he did it before;
  • if the child behaves insecurely, looks scared, afraid of everything new and unknown;
  • the baby gets irritated and angry over trifles, talks rudely with adults or with his peers (for example, he may get angry if you did not give him his favorite toy);
  • the child began to throw tantrums over trifles, cry and act up for a long time (for example, he may be annoyed by the fact that he is forced to sleep during the daytime);
  • too often the child copies the manners of adults and grimaces (depicts mom in the process of cooking or cleaning, or how dad repairs something);
  • the kid defends his independence, wants to be on a par with adults, demands more freedom (expresses a desire that parents do not walk with him on the street).

During this period, the child everywhere and everywhere tries to be independent.

The crisis is still unavoidable, so try to make this process easier for your baby. Pay more attention to him, take part in joint games, give him your love and affection. Do not take his whims and tantrums too seriously, because you have more experience and you are responsible for your baby.

In this difficult period for the baby, Dr. Komarovsky urges parents to act gently, but at the same time persistently. The biggest mistake of adults is to threaten and punish the baby when he is naughty. This is not a way out of the current situation. Komarovsky recommends adhering to the following tips:

  • find out the reason for this behavior, perhaps the child simply does not have enough of your attention;
  • create a comfortable and calm environment;
  • try to figure out the problem the child is having and offer to solve it together;
  • never show your anger and irritation;
  • do not scold or yell at the baby during whims and tantrums, wait until he calms down and talk to him calmly.

Attention and care will help to establish a warm relationship with the child

What should parents do?

Parents often do not know what to do in such a situation. You just need to follow some rules, and you will achieve a positive result. First, you need to find out the cause of the crisis:

  • the child wants to seem like an adult, but it does not work out for him;
  • at the age of five, children try to learn to control their emotions;
  • kids begin to understand the difference between the opposite sex;
  • children fantasize, and they have a different opinion about life.

Parents must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Pay more attention to the child: communicate, ask with interest about his affairs, do not forget to tell about yourself.
  2. Be sure to explain to the baby so that he understands why you are doing something (for example, you need to go to bed during the day, as this is good for health).
  3. If the child shows aggression and fights, have a conversation with him that it is unacceptable to do so (we recommend reading:).

Listen to the child, to his opinion, accept the help of the baby, then your child will feel needed

It is important for the baby to know that you have serious intentions, and you talk to him on an equal footing. Spend a lot of time with him, participate in joint games, imagine yourself as a small child too. Try to give him a little more freedom without showing your excitement for him. Teach your baby to perform adult duties, gradually shifting some of them onto him.

If the child does not need your help, it is better not to meddle in his affairs. Do not forbid him to perform difficult actions, let him understand that he was wrong and in vain did not heed the advice of adults. Give your child support and do not forget to praise him. Close your eyes to the whims of a child, antics and imitation of adults. If you do not focus on such behavior, it will not become normal.

According to psychologists, the most important thing during a crisis in five-year-old children is to surround the child with love and care. Set a good example for your child.

How to behave with a child at 6 years old?

If the kid has not yet gone to school by the age of 6, he must be mentally prepared for it. Your task is to tell him how to behave correctly at school, what daily routine awaits him. If you have the opportunity, you can introduce the child to his future teacher. Show him the best way to get to the school.

Show interest in the life of the child, in his circles, school and everything that the child himself likes

If the child is already attending school, do not forget to praise him for good grades and new achievements. Let him see that you are proud of him and do not doubt his abilities. Ask him with interest how the next day at school went, what new things did he learn in the classroom? Let's give an adequate assessment of his actions. If it seems to you that the baby has not coped with something, gently tell him about it. In the future, the child will try to avoid such mistakes.

Discuss with your child the possibility of visiting a circle that is interesting to him or any sports section. At this time, the baby strives for new knowledge, he pays special attention to the learning process. It is important for him to know that he is doing important things and to feel that those around him need him. Children who are active, excel in sports, or have other talents deserve respect in the eyes of their peers. It is very important for a child during a crisis to communicate and maintain friendship with peers.

Parents are obliged to provide the child with support and assistance in self-affirmation as a person. Consider his opinion and choice. Give him a little more freedom. If the parents behave correctly, then the difficult period for the child will fly by easily and quickly.

Things Parents Shouldn't Do

In no case do not take it out on the child, this can only aggravate the problem (we recommend reading:)

During a difficult period for the baby, parents are strictly forbidden to do the following:

  1. Do not take out your anger on the child and do not show a rude attitude. It is necessary to have a conversation with him in a calm atmosphere about why he did not do the right thing.
  2. If a child behaves rudely, you need to explain to him that such behavior is unacceptable. You can even fundamentally not talk to him so that he feels how much he offends you with such behavior.
  3. If the kid repeats a curse word after someone, do not scold him. Try to explain to him how bad it is to use this word, or just ignore it, and the child will no longer remember it.
  4. We must act immediately. If you see that the baby needs your help, immediately provide it, and your affairs will not go anywhere.

The child should feel that he occupies the main place in the life of his parents, that you will always find time for him. Let your baby know how much you need him, and you will never leave him in a difficult situation.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychology