"There is no limit to perfection". Who owns this phrase and how to understand it? Who said and what did he mean? They say there is no limit to perfection

There is nothing in the world that is not perfect in its own way.
Dionysius the Areopagite

Perfection is the knowledge of one's own imperfection.

Perfection is completeness, and completeness is death.
Cyril Northcote Parkinson

If perfection is your goal, you will eventually notice that it is a moving target.
George Fisher

The ability to grow is a sign of imperfection.

There are no perfect people. except for the man your wife might have once married.

A work of art is considered perfect when there is nothing superfluous in it, except for itself.
Goigory Landau

You can get to perfection in making the same mistake.
Ayukeander Cumor

Striving for perfection makes some people downright unbearable.
Pearl Buck

Don't be afraid of perfection! It still doesn't threaten you.
Salvador Lali

Nothing is so perfect as to be free from all reproach.

One must either be good or imitate the good.

Be content with the present, but strive for the best.

Although we are mortal, we should not be subject to corruptible things, but, as far as possible, rise to immortality and live according to what is best in us.

A person who has reached complete perfection is higher than all animals; but on the other hand, he is the lowest of all if he lives without laws and without justice. Indeed, there is nothing more monstrous than armed injustice.

No invention can be perfect all at once.
Cicero Mark Tullius

It is great if we are able to manage ourselves.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Everything is perfected by nature.
Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Car)

Every virtue is not unlimited, and its limit is its full measure. Fortitude has nowhere to grow, as well as reliability, truthfulness, loyalty. What can be added to the perfect? Nothing; and if you can, then there was no perfection.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

The imperfect inevitably declines and perishes.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

The perfection of morals consists in spending every day as if it were to be the last, without anxiety, without cowardice, without pretense.
Marcus Aurelius

Perfection of character is to spend every day as if it were your last, not to get excited, not to stagnate, not to pretend.
Marcus Aurelius

Go ahead, you'll get better all the time.
Unknown author

A man who is satisfied with his duty attains perfection.
"Bhagavad Gita"

There is nothing in the world that could reach perfection already in the bud, on the contrary, in almost every phenomenon, at first there is hope, timid simplicity, then, of realization, undeniable fullness.

A perfect person seeks everything in himself, an insignificant person - in others.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

In order to achieve moral perfection, one must first take care of spiritual purity. And spiritual purity is achieved only when the heart seeks truth and the will strives for holiness. But all this depends on true knowledge.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

Temperance is the first step of virtue, which is the beginning of moral perfection.
Laozi (Li Er)

When a perfect person has great knowledge and, moreover, checks himself daily and analyzes his behavior, then he is wise and does not make mistakes.
Xun Tzu

Perfection is man's knowledge of his imperfection.
Aurelius Augustine

When I do calligraphy, I am extremely serious. My goal is not that the calligraphy is good. My studies are only a way of spiritual perfection.
Ming Tao

To go through the world and remain imperfect is the same as to leave the bathhouse unwashed.
Alisher Navoi

Since you cannot be externally what you want to be, become internally what you should become.
Francesco Petrarca

Not everyone can have equal perfection, but some have it to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent. If this inequality is destroyed, the human race will either perish or be deprived of perfection.
Pietro Pomponazzi

A man with the most ardent zeal can reach a higher perfection in wisdom only if he remains very learned even in the very ignorance that is his property, and the more learned he becomes, the better he knows that he knows nothing.
Nicholas of Cusa

In order to improve the mind, one must think more than memorize.
Rene Descartes

The proof of perfection is the absence of a claim to be perfect.
François Fénelon

He is happy who lives in conditions corresponding to his temperament, but he is more perfect who knows how to adapt his temperament to any conditions.
David Hume

It seems to me that the most perfect is that which achieves its goals at the lowest cost.
Charles Louis Montesquieu

Our hopes for the improvement of the human race in the future can be reduced to three points: the elimination of inequality between nations, the progress of equality between different classes of the same people, and finally, the real improvement of man.
Jean Antoine Nicolas Condorcet

There is nothing perfect in the world.
Ekaterina II Alekseevna

No one can change, but everyone can become better.
Ernst Feuchtersleben

A person cannot truly improve unless he helps others to improve.
Charles Dickens

The ideal is in you. The obstacles to achieving it are in you. Your position is the material from which you must realize this ideal.
Thomas Carlyle

Every imperfection has its own ideal, its own perfection.
Thomas de Quincey

Humanity will never reach the highest ideal of perfection, otherwise one would have to assume the onset of stagnation in its spiritual development.
Wilhelm Weitling

The ideal is all reality in its highest truth.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

The perfection of the world is always adequate to the perfection of the spirit contemplating it. The good one finds heaven for himself on earth, the evil one already tastes his hell here.
Heinrich Heine

He who consciously considers himself limited is closest to perfection.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

One should not think that perfection is promoted only by impeccably pure and highly moral. Everything great shapes a person.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

With one who denies the ideal, it can easily happen that he takes the vulgar for the beautiful.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Consciousness of one's imperfection brings one closer to perfection.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

... Humiliation is, in fact, nothing more than a comparison of one's personal dignity with moral perfection.
Immanuel Kant

There is nothing easier than to enjoy your moral perfection on every occasion; it is easiest to do this in relation to the dead.
Karl Marx

... Human nature is arranged in such a way that a person can achieve his improvement only by working for the improvement of his contemporaries, in the name of their good.
Karl Marx

General improvement, improvement of oneself through the freely used influence of others on us, and improvement of others through the reverse influence on them as free beings - this is our purpose in society.
Johann Gottlieb Fichte

Every human perfection is akin to some defect into which it can pass; but in the same way, and vice versa, for every defect there corresponds a certain perfection. Therefore, the error that we sometimes fall into regarding any person is often based on the fact that at the beginning of our acquaintance we confuse his shortcomings with related perfections, or vice versa. That is why, then, a cautious one seems to us a coward, a thrifty one - avaricious, or a spendthrift - generous, rudeness - directness and frankness, impudence - noble self-confidence, etc.
Arthur Schopenhauer

The starting point of moral perfection is, above all, material need.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Without blind faith in abstract perfection, it is impossible to take a step along the path to perfection realized in practice. Only by believing in the unattainable good can we approach the attainable good.
Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev

Perfection in the field of mechanical arts can be combined with a very low moral and intellectual level.
Joseph Ernest Renan

Perfection is just a little boring. This is truly the irony of life: what we all aspire to is better when it is not fully achieved.
William Somerset Maugham

If, on the path to perfection, one adheres to reasonable abstinence, not a single trait of the human character will suffer, on the contrary, all of them will sparkle with even brighter colors.
Rabindranath Tagore

Don't be afraid of perfection. You cannot reach it. Moreover, there is nothing good in perfection.
Salvador Dali

Perhaps the most tragic of imperfections is the imperfection of man.
Evgeny Mikhailovich Rich

The perfection of man is the meaning of life.
Maksim Gorky

Self-improvement is inherent in a person because he can never, if he is truthful, be satisfied with himself.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

A person who dies without deciding on anything during his whole life ... is very close to achieving perfection in this world.
Jules Bern

That which manifests itself in a perfect image attracts loving striving towards itself.
Hans Georg Gadamer

The ability to “holy dissatisfaction” (to use the poet’s beautiful expression) both with oneself and the environment, and the desire for constant improvement, is embedded in a person. The higher a person stands on the moral and psychic ladder, the more developed this “holy discontent” is in him, and, on the contrary, it falls silent only when a person is drowned in the animal nature, for which therefore there is nothing more pernicious, there is nothing baser than self-satisfaction.
Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov

The main charm of the best is in its difficult reach.
Lev Shestov

If there is no realized perfection in the basis of the world, then the development of the world will never lead to perfection.
Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky

Can anything be perfect in an imperfect being?
Lev Karsavin

The ideal of harmony is architecture or sculpture, the essence of which is the destruction of time.
Georges Bataille

Passion for harmony - that is the greatest servility.
Georges Bataille

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Jenny is seventeen, she is a beautiful girl, but this is not enough for her. For two years now, she has been striving for one goal: to become perfect. What she just doesn’t do for this: she sits on a strict diet, goes in for sports three times a week, spends two hours on preparations before leaving the house, and constantly fixes her hair. Jenny strives for perfection not only in appearance, but also in her behavior and performance.

What drives Jenny and other people who behave this way? Why do they want to be perfect in everything?

This is called clinical perfectionism. What does it mean? This means setting excessive demands on yourself and the people around you, including when there is no need for this at all. Jenny is very critical of herself and her behavior, which makes her live in a constant state of anxiety and with a sense of the need to do everything better - that is, in a constant struggle against herself, and not with herself.

Research shows that perfectionism plays a key role in the emergence and development of a number of psychological problems. For example, it may be one of the possible causes of eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia), an obstacle in the treatment of depression, and a major contributor to obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

But back to Jenny. Knowing her history and her difficulties, we can say the following about her desire for excellence:

  • She unconsciously sets high "performance standards" and tries her best to meet them. For example, she is convinced that she should receive only the highest score in all subjects, and prepares for lessons almost all day long;
  • Every time she fails to achieve her goals, she believes that she has lost her face and lost the respect of others;
  • She judges herself too harshly, not noticing her own merits and paying close attention, first of all, to what she does not like about herself;
  • Argues according to the “all or nothing” principle: he perceives all the results achieved either as a complete failure or as a resounding success, not taking into account that there may be more intermediate results - and also positive ones;
  • She doubts that she is able to cope with the task, to do it correctly;
  • Believes that others have high hopes for her;
  • She is too afraid of criticism.

The reason for this can be understood, taking into account some theses of cognitive-behavioral theory. Perhaps at an early age, Jenny was punished or scolded for this or that behavior, and she came to the conclusion that in order to avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to always do everything perfectly. It may also be that she encountered and compared herself with people who could flawlessly cope with certain tasks.

How can you help Jenny overcome these difficulties? First of all, it is important to let her know that perfectionism is a problem, not a positive thing. To do this, it is worth discussing with her the pros and cons of striving for excellence. And in the future - to reformulate her beliefs and requirements for herself, making them more realistic. Behavioral experiments can also be helpful to simulate situations that Jenny usually tries to avoid.

For more information, see the AnsiaSociale portal site.

Shelley Gifford from Australia braids her baby Grace every morning with incredible braids that can be viewed for hours. She uses different types of weaving - from a simple braid to intricate German and French braids. The woman draws inspiration from the Internet, where she finds various new ways to put her daughter's hair into amazing hairstyles.
“Our life is so full of all sorts of things, from school to workouts, running around on their own, extracurricular activities and more, that we just love these morning hours that we spend as a family, this time of togetherness and special closeness when a mother braids her daughter hair. While we are doing beauty, my husband is making coffee, and we are all together, and this is happiness, ”says Shelly.
“Since childhood, I loved to braid pigtails and always did it with pleasure for my friends and relatives”

"Now I do it with my little Grace's hair."

“I braid her braids in the morning, before school, and then I photograph what happened”

“Usually we only have 15-20 minutes before school, so if I see that I don’t meet this time, I leave it for the weekend”

"Grace is amazing! I braided her pigtails since infancy, so she didn’t even know what effect she had back then. ”

“This is her favorite time in the morning, in front of the TV, so she is happy to sit and wait for me to finish with her hair”

“I love doing something that brings me pleasure, and I love that my daughter can participate in this”

“She is a beautiful, kind and sweet girl, and she has many friends.”

“Her hairstyles are always liked wherever she goes, be it school, shop, street or any other place.”

"Everyone admires her hair"

“Sometimes they come up to us on the street and say that they know and already recognize this girl by her unusual pigtails”

“I like to learn new things and do something unusual, not like what has happened before”

“I love braiding my daughter's hair and sharing the result with everyone. When you do something with love and pleasure, it's not difficult."

Often, in order to make our speech more figurative, vivid, unusual, we resort to the use of beautiful, loud-sounding phrases. Sometimes we dilute our monologue with quotes from famous people because we want to show off our intellectual abilities to the interlocutor, to surprise him with our erudition. Sometimes quoting helps us make our statement more ironic or, on the contrary, more weighty and authoritative.

In any case, in order to use someone's phrase in speech, you must, firstly, know its meaning (this is especially true for those who like to show off their Latin); and secondly, it would not hurt to ask who is the author of this or that aphorism.

About the one who said "there is no limit to perfection" - read in this article.

A bit about perfection

Perfection, ideal - this is what you need to strive for. To achieve it in one or another field of knowledge, field of activity is the goal of many of us. Our work on ourselves, on any subject, work is the path to the ideal. And often, no matter how hard we try, no matter how hard we fight with shortcomings, we still cannot achieve perfection. And all because there is no limit to perfection. Who said this phrase? Apparently, someone very wise.

What is the meaning of the expression?

So what is the meaning of this phrase? The expression can be understood in two ways, as they say - everyone chooses for themselves (this, by the way, is also a quote from the poet Yuri Levitansky).

Firstly, the quote can be understood as an indication to constant work, to constant improvement of something. There is no limit to perfection - that is, there is always something to strive for, where to move. You can always do better. In this case, the expression is an excellent motivation for action.

And here is a variant of understanding the phrase for those who, on the contrary, no longer want to act. No matter how hard you try, you cannot achieve the ideal, because there is no limit to perfection, and there will still be flaws, so do not set too high requirements for yourself, otherwise you will always be dissatisfied with the result of the work. This quote is an excuse.

In general, which of the interpretation options to choose is up to you, we will not argue. But there is controversy about the authorship of the phrase.

"There is no limit to perfection" - Quote by

There is no exact answer to the question of who was the author of this quote. One of the most common versions is the assumption that Socrates said this to his students regarding their learning process. In Latin, this phrase sounds like this: non est terminus ad perfectionem.

In any case, the expression is very popular, and based on the version that the great philosopher Socrates really was its author, it has been popular for a very, very long time. And the truth, as we know, is checked by him. So you can discuss who said this phrase, but with the very expression of those who disagree, perhaps, there will not be.