What kind of cane should it be? Cane for the elderly: how to choose and where to buy

How to choose the right cane?

Until you pick up a cane, you think: “What difference does it make what and how to lean on?!” You don’t think that you will have to walk with a cane for 8-12 hours a day.

A healthy person leans on his feet. When our legs don’t support us, we use our arm as a “third leg”—we lean on a cane. The cane becomes an extension cord and a shoe for the hand.

Did you know that in the seventeenth century there was no difference between a right and a left shoe? Shoes were made for one foot. One pair was worn by the whole family and passed on from generation to generation. And the usual shoe sizes appeared only in the eighteenth century thanks to the army.

Today we buy shoes by size. In addition, we order custom insoles. Store-bought canes are as comfortable as seventeenth-century shoes. Handles are one size. Well, is it possible to change the length?

Signs of a cane handle that doesn’t fit your hand.

The size of the handle is much larger than your palm (your palm will dangle on the handle and rub unpleasant calluses).

The shape of the handle does not match the bumps and depressions in your palm.

The hand is a kind of information and energy copy of the body, which reflects not only the anatomical history of the body, but also its functional state.

Incorrect placement of the wrist on the handle leads to intense wear and tear on the joints.

Compression of nerve endings leads to the development of tunnel syndrome and arthritis.

Signs of a cane that is too long.

A cane that is too long causes the body to tilt to one side, which puts additional stress on the spine, shoulder joint, and arm and wrist muscles.


When walking, the cane is placed at an angle to the side;

When moving, you have to lift the cane entirely up and rearrange it (the healing cane “walks by itself”, obeying your slight movement of the hand);

The elbow joint is bent so that it protrudes to the side;

The shoulder rises and reaches towards the ear;

The spine curves in the opposite direction from the cane.

Signs that a cane is too short:

A cane that is too short forces you to lean forward, which also puts stress on the spine, plus additional pressure on the joints of the hand and the nerve endings in the wrist.


During walking, the supporting shoulder drops lower than the other;

The spine curves towards the cane;

The hip joint and knee are overloaded.

Plus, to all that has been said, body distortion leads to curvature of the spine, and then to displacement of internal organs. This is very dangerous for your health.

A cane is a support structure designed to facilitate movement and help control coordination. In order for it to perform its functions and not harm the body, it should be chosen correctly. You will learn how to choose a walking cane based on height, handle and purpose in this article.

Let's learn how to choose the right cane.

How to choose a cane for walking after a fracture

To facilitate movement and speed up the recovery process after injury, patients are prescribed a cane. Incorrect selection of this device leads to negative consequences:

  • aggravation of injury;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • overload of the wrist joint (hand injury);
  • painful sensations while walking;
  • lack of coordination.

Instead of relief, the patient receives additional illness or slows down the healing of the fracture.

To choose the right cane, it is important to consider the person's height. How to choose the right cane height?

  • Stand up straight on a flat surface.
  • Bend your elbow 15 degrees.
  • Measure the distance from the floor to the inside of your palm.
  • This length is equal to the required height of the cane.

If you wear shoes with different sole heights, purchase a telescopic design (to adjust the length).

How to choose the right cane for an elderly person

If you are buying a cane for an elderly person, in addition to their height, consider their health. There are several types of canes:

  • classic – for daily use;
  • stable with 3-4 supports - for weakened, difficult to move people;
  • with a displaced center of gravity - with impaired coordination;
  • with a chair - for people who get tired quickly;
  • with an audible signal – in case of heart disease.

During a heart attack, a person cannot speak, so the last type of cane will notify others about the illness.

When choosing a cane, consider the shape of the handle. If its thickness is chosen correctly, the fingers do not touch the palm. For elderly but healthy people, a T-shaped handle is suitable, for the weak - in the shape of a swan's neck (allows you to lean with both hands).

N It is already possible to determine what degree of stability a person needs, because they have one support, three support and four support. Many people wear shoes with different platforms, so it is recommended to choose a telescopic cane that can be adjusted according to height. Canes should be used both in summer and in winter. Therefore, it is recommended to choose canes with an anti-slip device (anti-slip device). In almost all models, the UPS can be extended or retracted as needed. Or use specialized attachments for winter.

H To choose the right cane length, you need to stand straight, lower your arms freely and bend them slightly at the elbow (about 15-20 degrees) - while the handle of the cane should be at the level of the bend line of the wrist.

P When selecting a cane, the patient should wear normal shoes; and if he plans to wear shoes with heels of different lengths, then it is better to purchase a cane that is adjustable in height. If the cane is too long, the load on the shoulder joint increases and the body is constantly in a skewed position. If the cane is too short, the patient will constantly slouch and lean forward, which increases pressure on the nerves in the wrist.

IN The weight of a cane can vary on average from 100 to 400 grams, and it is very important that when selecting a cane, the patient determines what weight is optimal for him. If the cane is too light, it can make you feel unsteady and unreliable. If the cane is too heavy, the supporting arm will get tired faster.

E If the cane is planned to be used daily, then the shape of the handle is important, since in this case the cane will be in constant contact with the person’s palm, and it is important that this contact is as comfortable as possible. Due to the awkward shape of the handle, a person will experience pain in the palm and wrist area day after day. The ideal handle is one that follows the contours of the palm (anatomically shaped handle). A handle with a larger diameter is always easier to hold, but everything is individual, and when choosing the shape of the handle you need to rely, first of all, on your own feelings.

Rules for walking with a cane:

WITH According to the recommendations of traumatologists, the cane should be worn in the hand opposite the injured or weakened leg - only in this case the load is distributed correctly. That is, if your left leg is injured, then the cane should be held in your right hand. Before you go out with a cane, you need to practice walking with it at home in the presence of someone else.

D First you need to make sure that the cane is in the right hand. Then, leaning on the healthy leg, step forward with the cane and the bad leg at the same time, and only after that, leaning on the cane, step with the healthy leg. When walking with a cane, you should transfer your body weight as much as possible, thereby easing the load on the injured limb.

P When walking up the stairs, grab the railing with your free hand, place your healthy leg on the step above, then place your cane on the step, and leaning on the cane, step up with your bad leg. In this case, the leg and cane should be on the same line. When descending the stairs, you need to proceed in the reverse order: first put both feet together and place the cane on the step below, then step with the injured leg, leaning slightly forward and holding the handrail with your free hand. After this, place your healthy leg on the same step. In order not to make mistakes when descending or ascending, you can remember the simple phrase “Up with the healthy leg, down with the sick leg.”

D In order for the cane to serve as a truly reliable support, it must be equipped with a tip. The tips are made of plastic or soft rubber. Before you start using the cane, you need to make sure that the tip fits tightly to the shaft and does not slip off while walking.

H To make the reed last longer, you need to keep it clean and regularly wipe it, first with a damp and then with a dry cloth. All plastic parts can be cleaned using special plastic cleaning fluids. Do not use solvents or oily liquids as cleaners. The reed should be checked regularly for cracks and tip wear. Don't wait until the tip wears off completely - it's better to replace it at the first sign of damage or wear.

Safety precautions:
  • Before you go outside with your cane, check the shaft and tip for damage. Do not use a defective cane.
  • If the cane is telescopic, make sure that the locking lock is securely latched.
  • When going up or down stairs, always hold the handrail with your free hand.
  • When walking, keep the cane as vertical as possible.
  • Don't place the cane too far away from you.
  • Use the cane only for its intended purpose.
  • Do not hang bags, packages, etc. on the cane.
  • Do not leave the reed in direct sunlight for long periods of time.
  • In winter, do not go outside with a cane that is not equipped with an anti-slip device (ASD).
  • Walk very carefully on tiles and loose carpets and rugs.
  • If you fall, try to swing the cane to the side to avoid falling on it.

IN high-quality, lightweight support cane MIKIRAD 12/MR.H with a soft curved handle in hygroscopic and hypoallergenic polyurethane foam, manufactured in Poland according to European standards. It has telescopic height adjustment, eight positions in 2 cm increments. The product undergoes special processing! Not afraid of moisture and reagents! Maximum load 120 kg.

IN High-quality support cane MIKIRAD 12/MR.L with a curved “swan” handle, which, due to its “special” shape, compensates for shock loads when walking, is equipped with a strap for fixing on the wrist. Made in Poland according to European standards. The product undergoes special processing. Not afraid of moisture and reagents.

WITH The folding support cane unfolds automatically under the influence of its own weight - with a “wave” of the hand, with an ergonomic handle for either hand, which can be stored in a bag-cover. It will always be at hand at the right time. Takes up little space and has a carrying case. Equipped with a reflective element. Rod material: thin-walled aluminum pipes.

TO The design of the support legs is designed so as not to interfere with people when moving. The cane has height adjustment for support under the arm. The rehabilitation device is equipped with reflective elements. Rod diameter above the tip: 20 mm, below the handle: 22 mm. Rod material: thin-walled aluminum pipes.

TO The design of the support legs is designed so as not to interfere with people when moving. The cane has height adjustment for support under the arm. The rehabilitation device is equipped with reflective elements. Rod material: thin-walled aluminum pipes.

T The height can be used to move around at home or on the street. The cane is made of lightweight, durable and corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy. It has an enamel paint coating. The T-shaped handle is made of durable non-slip plastic.

IN High-quality support cane MIKIRAD 11/MR.L with an anatomical handle, manufactured in Poland according to European standards. Adjustable in height. Telescopic height adjustment, eight positions in 2 cm increments. Anatomical handle for the left hand!

IN High-quality and lightweight support cane MIKIRAD 12/MR with a universal handle, manufactured in Poland according to European standards. Adjustable in height.

TO The design of the support legs is designed so as not to interfere with people when moving. The crutch has a height adjustment for support under the arm. The rehabilitation device is equipped with reflective elements.

TO The cooler has two adjustments. One adjusts the height for support under the arm, the second adjusts the height of the armpit support. The design of the support legs is designed so as not to interfere with people when moving. The rehabilitation device is equipped with reflective elements.

U a universal attachment with increased stability, with the ability to rotate 360° in place without lifting the cane from the surface. Concentric tread for effective traction.

Sh The threaded tips are screwed into a plastic ring, which is sealed in a rubber base. This allows the product to be both durable and elastic! Spikes prevent snow from accumulating!

X FS913L shoes are made of aluminum and have rubber and plastic handles. The walker can be folded and is very convenient for storage. The legs are equipped with anti-slip rubber tips. Soft lining for handrails.

L lightweight aluminum alloy walkers with wheels can be used as an adjustable support for independent movement of people with various disorders of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, this is an excellent option for walking for people who have suffered a heart attack, stroke or surgery, especially during the period of their rehabilitation.

E You can purchase these and many other products at ORTO orthopedic salons.

Cane - an invention that arose many years and even centuries ago. It appears in stories about Egyptian pharaohs, and can be seen in pictures of pilgrims. But the rich history has not changed the main purpose of this instrument: to be a support, to help in movement. At different periods of history, its other possibilities came to the fore: first - as a means of defense or attack, then - as an indispensable attribute of the wardrobe of any aristocrat. In this capacity, the cane reached Russia, appearing in our country thanks to Peter I. Until the twentieth century, it was rather regarded as a stylish accessory.

Today, this auxiliary device successfully combines both orthopedic and image functions. There are a huge number of various modifications, materials used, designs... All this causes slight confusion when a person is faced with the need to choose a cane. A few simple recommendations will help you cope with this problem.

To begin with, let us remember that a cane is a kind of extension of the hand. All parts of our body are in a certain ratio. When moving, they shift relative to each other, and this displacement is unique for each person. The cane is designed to restore the originally existing harmony, which means that when selecting it, precise consideration of many physical parameters is required. Which ones? Let's list the main ones: height, weight, hand size.

The question immediately arises: how can these indicators be taken into account when choosing a cane? In other words, what should you pay attention to? There is also a simple rule here: the handle of the cane and its supporting surface deserve the most careful consideration.

1. Handle selection

So, the handle of the cane is what your hand will be in direct contact with. And your future comfort and ability to move without difficulty largely depends on it.

When choosing a pen, you need to consider its size, shape and material from which it is made. Let's start from the end.

Our skin is extremely sensitive to all kinds of irritations. The appearance of a constant companion - the handle of a cane - will become a real stress for the palm. Therefore, when choosing a suitable option, you should look for the sample of material that is most pleasant for your hands. In addition, the handle should not slip. In order to ensure maximum safety, special medical soft plastic is usually used for the handles in the production of canes. There are also samples using rubber of varying degrees of softness. Less common and less commonly used are canes with a metal handle. You should try several different options in the store - this way you can compare how comfortable this or that offer is for you, and choose the one that suits you.

The shape of the standard handle is quite popular and well-known, but it is not suitable for everyone. But only at first glance does this form remain unchanged. Upon closer examination, you will notice that different samples differ in the degree of elongation and curvature. For example, you may encounter the following handle options:

And also many other options. For example, there are canes with an anatomical (orthopedic) handle: for the right or for the left hand. There are models with two support handles: when rising from a sitting position, a person first leans on the lower handle, and when walking, on the upper one. And for fashion canes, the handles can be almost a work of art: round or in the shape of an animal figurine, carved, inlaid with precious stones, made of precious wood, with a ring for engraving a dedicatory inscription, “with a secret,” etc. The choice can only be made with your individual participation. In this case, it is worth taking into account the climatic features of the country of residence: remember that in cold conditions your hands are protected with gloves, which changes the shape of the hands and palms, as well as their size. We recommend that you take a pair of gloves with you before visiting the store and select the cane both with and without them. The size of the handle should take into account your individual parameters related to the size of your palms and hands.

In the lower part of the cane, the area of ​​its supporting surface, as well as the tip, is important. The latter should ensure the stability of the staff on any road. It is desirable if it is made of high-strength rubber. The quality of the material can be checked very simply: run a stick over the linoleum. If the rubber doesn't leave marks, you've probably found a good sample.

With the selection of a supporting surface, the situation is somewhat simpler. There are several types of canes, each of which is focused on specific human needs. The usual cane-stick, known to everyone for a long time, has acquired new relatives in the form of models with square and pyramidal bases. By increasing the number of legs, the support area increases, which means stability increases. In what case is this required? Firstly, in conditions of ice and other unfavorable climatic manifestations. In this case, the solution may also be to purchase an additional anti-ice nozzle. Secondly, if you have problems with the vestibular apparatus, coordination of movement is impaired, etc., in short, when a person needs serious support when walking. And thirdly, if your weight exceeds the norm.


Thus, having considered the most important features of the cane, we come to the remaining physical indicators - weight and height. If you are overweight, it is better to choose a cane with a reinforced design, when the cane shaft is made, for example, of steel. Depending on the physical condition, a cane with a shifted center of gravity is more suitable for someone - the handle of such a cane smoothly transitions into the shaft, and it is easier to hold such a cane in the palm of your hand.

As for the next parameter – growth, this is the simplest category to take into account. It is important to remember that the cane should not be too short or too long. In the first case, you will have to bend too much, which will lead to pain in the supporting arm and imbalance. In the second, there is a high risk of problems with the muscle group of the shoulder girdle. However, choosing a cane that is suitable in size is really not difficult, especially taking into account the fact that today there are so-called telescopic (sliding) canes - they allow a person to adjust the height of the staff so as to choose the optimal one for himself.

The last thing I would like to remind you: when choosing a cane, pay attention to its weight. Remember that you will be spending a lot of time with this item, and it should not be too heavy or bulky. If you anticipate long walks with this attribute, then consider purchasing a cane chair that allows you to take a break and sit down in any place convenient for you, at any time. Folding canes are also extremely convenient: they fold easily and do not take up much space.

Instead of an afterword.

Having paid a lot of attention to such important things as matching the chosen cane model to your physical parameters, we did not say a word about aesthetic appeal. But this is also very important! After all, a cane helps create the image of a successful, stylish person, which has a positive effect not only on the attitude of others towards you, but also on your own self-esteem. A variety of colors, patterns, types of knobs, materials (from plastic and metal to valuable exotic wood species) allow you to find the perfect combination that suits you. And you should be guided by one basic rule: just pick up a cane, and it itself will tell you whether it is yours or not.

There are two main types of walking canes - regular and multi-legged (equipped with three or four legs at the bottom).

An ordinary cane will provide greater mobility, but a multi-supported cane will provide greater stability. Models with several points of support are needed if there are problems with the vestibular system, for example after a stroke: if you have difficulty maintaining balance, you often feel dizzy, it is better to choose a cane with increased stability. In addition, such canes are necessary for people who are very overweight, and also if there is severe ice outside. In all other cases, you can get by with a regular cane.

check yourself

The cane is too long for you if:

  • you have to place it at an angle to the side;
  • when walking you have to raise the cane completely;
  • when walking, the elbow protrudes to the side;
  • the shoulder rises to the ear, and the spine bends in the direction opposite to the cane;
  • your shoulder, wrist and arm muscles hurt.

The cane is too short for you if:

  • you have to bend over and stoop;
  • when walking, the spine bends towards the cane;
  • when you lean on a cane, one shoulder drops lower than the other;
  • your back, hip and wrist hurt.

Let's look into the details

The choice of cane must be approached responsibly. After all, the wrong stick can cause pain in the wrist, premature wear of the joints, and curvature of the spine. Important parameters:

Cane length

Stand up straight, lower your arms, slightly bending them at the elbow (bending angle is about 20 degrees). Measure the distance from the bone on the wrist from the side of the little finger to the floor. This is the length of your cane. It is better to choose a cane in your usual everyday shoes. If you plan to wear shoes or boots with different sole thicknesses, it is better to choose a telescopic cane with adjustable height.


It should fit comfortably in your hand. It’s good if the handle is covered with a special synthetic material that will prevent it from slipping in your hand. Grasp the handle, your fingers should not completely close. The T-shaped handle can withstand maximum loads. Anatomical handles that completely follow the contours of the palm from the inside are the most comfortable. Semicircular handles, similar to a swan neck, are suitable for people with arthritis. There are also canes with two support handles. One of the supports is located slightly lower than the other. This cane will be useful for those who have difficulty getting out of a chair or bed.


Or the trunk of a cane. It should be durable and relatively light. The weight of a regular cane ranges from 100 to 500 g; multi-supported ones weigh about 800 g. Which cane is more comfortable depends on your own weight. The larger it is, the heavier the cane should be, otherwise when walking you will be haunted by a feeling of instability. There are also canes with a shifted center of gravity (tumblers), which provide greater stability to patients with balance problems. Sometimes canes are a combination of a walking stick and a folding chair. Then the cane can easily be turned into a stool on which you can rest while walking. But keep in mind that this design is not suitable for weakened people, since the presence of a seat will inevitably increase the weight of the cane.


Almost all models are equipped with an anti-slip tip, sometimes removable, sometimes built-in. The first option is preferable - such a cane will last longer, because the tip will not wear off during the warm season. For heavy ice conditions, sticks equipped with special metal spikes are suitable, which can be removed or extended if necessary. And of course, the tip should not leave black marks on parquet and linoleum and should provide tight adhesion to any surface.

How to use a cane correctly

  1. Hold the cane in the hand opposite your sore leg. If you use a stick only for balance, it should be held in your “dominant” hand: if you are right-handed - in the right, if left-handed - in the left.
  2. Start walking, taking a step with your affected leg and at the same time pointing your cane forward. Then shift your weight onto the cane and take a step with your good leg.
  3. When going up the stairs, take a step up with your healthy leg. Then place the cane and sore leg on the top step. Be sure to hold on to the railing. If necessary, switch the stick to your other hand.
  4. As you go down, place the cane on the bottom step, then take a step with your bad leg, followed by your healthy leg.