Tips on how to find a good job. What to do to find a job quickly

Work is of great importance in our lives. It is a reflection of our inner world, determines our circle of communication and interests, status and place in society. The work is imprinted on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state. This is why it is important to do what you love and know how to find an interesting job you like if you don’t know what you want.

Signs you like your job

  1. you don’t “push time”, don’t longingly count the minutes until the end of the working day and the days until;
  2. you always go to work in a good mood, without experiencing negative emotions from having to engage in activities you don’t like;
  3. money is not the main motivation for performing one’s job duties;
  4. in any circumstances you are able to do your job;
  5. you feel joy from the work you do.

If the above signs do not apply to your professional activity, then you should think about finding another job that is more suitable for you.

Where to start searching for a suitable job

  • Finding yourself

Before looking for a well-paid job, you should find yourself, understand your desires, properties and character traits, likes and dislikes. It’s not uncommon that your future favorite job, which brings in a lot of profit, is what you are now ready to do for free, devoting all your free time to this activity.

  • Experiments

If describing mental preferences and character traits turns out to be difficult, then it is enough to resort to the trial and error method. Test yourself in various areas of activity. On a piece of paper, write down ten or more directions that seem attractive to you and start consistently trying each of them. Don't stop until you try all the activities that interest you. After all, only by comparing everything, you can determine what you like best.

  • Character as a determining factor

The areas of desired activity you have written out should suit your character. If you have a calm character, then you need a quieter job, and vice versa, a more active person needs a job in which he will not be bored.

Sometimes, with the help of work, you want to correct your character traits. For example, if you are constrained and communicating with strangers is difficult for you, but with the help of your work you would like to correct this, then engage in activities that are directly related to communication. This could be working as a waiter, sales consultant, providing real estate services or direct sales activities.

  • Refusing the advice of others

The advice that relatives, friends and acquaintances can give you is advice that applies to their life, but not to yours. Only you yourself can know how and where to find a job you like. Perhaps the best job for your closest person is working in an office center in Moscow, and for you - at a fish factory in Kamchatka.

  • Leaving a job you don't like

If your work is no longer enjoyable, you look forward to vacations, weekends and holidays, you have difficulty waking up in the morning and drive to work in a depressed mood, then these are sure signs that it’s time to change your activity. You will be happy to go to your favorite job on a day off or come early. After all, if you mind your own business, you don’t get tired, and a good mood has a beneficial effect on your physical condition.

  • Money is not the most important thing

“I want to find a job I like. Yes, so that they pay a lot and work little.” It is unlikely that with such a wording you will be able to engage in your favorite activity. Quite often, those who work solely for money feel much worse than those who do what they love, even if it is not yet a highly paid job. In reality, over time, those who enjoy their work earn more money than those who were initially only interested in wealth.

  • Unpaid work

When looking for something you like, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to work for free for some time. If you work for at least one month without pay and are not too upset by this fact, then this job will definitely suit you.

  • Big goals

To find a suitable job, you first need to decide on your life goals. If the present work does not correspond to the big goal, then you can safely quit it. You should never give up your dreams for money. According to sociological surveys, only one out of ten people was able to find a job they liked. So you are not so alone in this problem, but you have the power to solve it.

Reasons for failure to find a job you like

Finding a job is not the goal itself

First, you need to decide what work you like means to you: do you want to be the head of a company in Moscow and work according to a clearly established schedule, or do you prefer working on the Internet, and the ability to adjust your working hours yourself is an undeniable advantage.

Uncertainty is the worst assistant

Low professional self-esteem can become a big obstacle in finding the desired job. Your professional qualities must be presented in a light that is favorable to you.

Leave the fear

For many, fear of the unknown is a huge problem. Don't be afraid of change, move forward boldly and confidently.

Work won't find itself

In order to find a good job, you should act and not wait for a miracle.

Don't be irresponsible

If you find a vacancy you like, then take the time to write a competent and high-quality resume, and take the trouble to prepare for the interview. After all, the first impression determines whether you get the desired position or not.

How to make money on the Internet

In a separate section I would like to highlight the opportunity to make money on the Internet. Many people no longer want to work for someone else, follow a strict schedule and dress code. The ability to plan your own working hours, a cozy apartment instead of a stuffy office, and no need to waste time every day standing in traffic jams on the way to and from work are attracting more and more people. And then the question arises: how to make money on the Internet. The only thing we can say for sure is that on the Internet, as in life, offers of easy and quick money are a scam.

What ways can you make money on the Internet?

— Perform various tasks that do not require special skills. For example, taking surveys, writing reviews, watching promotional videos, etc.

— Rewriting and copyrighting of articles.

— Participation in affiliate programs.

— Administration of groups.

— Paid consultations.

And this is not a complete list of possible options. You can find out more about options for making money online without investments.

How to find the job you want?

You have already decided on the type of activity that you would like, and then the question arises of how to get the desired position.

  • Appearance

Use some detail in your clothing that will make you recognizable. But the main thing is not to overdo it. Bright blue hair would definitely look out of place in the corridors of a law office.

  • Find "helpers"

Find out what requirements are imposed on applicants in the desired field of activity. If possible, ask your friends to spread the necessary information about you in relevant circles. Rumors told through third parties are much more effective than self-promotion.

  • Start a blog

If your achievements and successes are open to the public, your chances of attracting professional interest will increase significantly. And do not ignore those who show a desire to make acquaintance with you.

For few people, finding a job they love has an end point. Interests and desires often change over the course of life, so more than once you can say to yourself: “I want to find another job.” The main thing is to get rid of the fear of change and move to new levels with ease. It’s much worse to realize at the end that you didn’t live your life the way you would like, did something you didn’t like and felt out of place.

I don't want to go to work. Every day you have to force yourself. The work just makes me sick. I tried many types of activities - and everything was wrong. This is how people feel who have not found their place in life. How to find a job you like? How to find a job you love so that every day does not seem like unbearable hard labor, but is filled with happiness and meaning? Yuri Burlan’s training “System-vector psychology” helps us understand this issue.

How to find a job you love at 40

This question often arises at the age of 40.

Firstly, a person at this age has already tried something in his life, but still does not understand where he can put his efforts in order to enjoy work.

Secondly, Anxiety arises: I am already 40 years old, and I still haven’t decided on my life’s work. At this age, people are already reaping the fruits of their realization - prosperity and a sense of satisfaction. But you don't have it. Moreover, no one needs an employee who is not passionate about his work and works under pressure.

Third, age seems to make it difficult to find interesting work. An applicant with no work experience at this age raises suspicions: where has he been so far, what have he been doing?

Such concerns are understandable, although they can arise at any age. For example, it often happens that a person graduates from university, goes to work in his specialty and realizes that he has chosen the wrong business. Therefore, for him the question is “How to find an interesting job to his liking?” no less relevant.

At any age, there is only one opportunity - to understand what you want. What are your true desires and natural abilities? The exact answer to this question can be obtained at the “System-vector psychology” training.

Know yourself to find a job you like

A system of eight vectors gives us a complete picture of the human psyche. You just need to decide which vectors you have. This helps not only with choosing a profession, but also working conditions.

For example, the presence of a skin vector implies:

  • interest in such professions as dancer, athlete, salesman, manager, businessman, economist, lawyer, engineer;
  • desire for high material wealth, social status, career growth;
  • Suitable for work with constantly changing conditions, business trips, requiring organizational and leadership abilities, competition and a competitive spirit.

The owner of the anal vector is suitable for work:

  • cabinetmaker, clerk, archivist, librarian, historian, teacher, trainer, expert, analyst;
  • requiring special attention to detail, the ability to find errors, accuracy, love of order;
  • with the absence of rush jobs and tight deadlines, the ability to complete one task before starting the next.

The combination of different vectors in one person allows you to increase the possibilities of implementation and choose a more multifaceted and interesting job.

For example, a common combination of vectors in a city dweller is anal, skin and visual. The owner of such a vector set will cope with work that requires:

  • accuracy, attention, quality, good memory, analytical skills;
  • speed, adaptability, flexibility;
  • the ability to sense people’s moods, communicate and help them.

A more complete understanding of oneself is developed during the “System-Vector Psychology” training. After all, the choice of profession and work will depend not only on the presence of vectors, but also on the degree of development of their properties and condition. For example, the presence of a sound vector in a state of non-realization will plunge a person into depression, in which there are no desires at all, much less the desire to work. In such a state, any work will seem meaningless, and it will be difficult to make the right choice.

Connections of vectors can give stable life scenarios, which can be positive, or can be negative, that is, interfere with finding your dream job. For example, in the skin vector there is a scenario for failure, which is formed when a child with the skin vector was humiliated in childhood, hitting his desire to be first. For example, they said: “You are a stupid ignoramus, incapable of anything. Your hands are growing out of the wrong place. You will work as a janitor all your life.” Thus, they deprived him of the potential to experience healthy ambitions and desire for social status, characteristic of this vector.

The skin vector gives a person high adaptability, so the skin child quickly adapts to the feeling that he is a loser. Such a person as an adult will not be able to find a job he likes, because he will always choose places where he will feel humiliated, make mistakes and unconsciously enjoy it. You can get rid of such scenarios only through understanding the reasons for their occurrence. And then the path to truly interesting work will open.

What to do to find an interesting job

The job search algorithm is already known:

  • decide what you would like to do;
  • write a resume;
  • find an employer;
  • pass the interview.

At each of these stages, knowledge about vectors helps. We have already decided on the first stage - we know exactly what we want. But we can just as accurately understand what kind of employer we need. What is the vectorial set of a leader, how developed are his properties, and therefore how successful will be the activity of the organization or department in which you will work. What are the values ​​conveyed by the team you want to work for, and are you on track with them? This understanding helps you write your resume correctly so that it accurately hits the employer's needs.

An equally important step when looking for a job. Knowing the values ​​and keywords of different vectors will help you do this successfully. For example, the owner of the skin vector will speak briefly and to the point, as it saves his energy and time. He will use the words “logical”, “no”, “impossible” in his speech. His catchphrases: “Time is money”, “I don’t have time”, “I don’t owe anyone anything”, “What will I get from this?” He will be interested in your ability to self-organize, meet deadlines, adapt to changes, and strive for career growth.

The owner of the anal vector will be interested in your professionalism, experience, talk about the quality of work, about order. He may mention past experience, traditions, and refer to authoritative opinions. “Said and done”, “If you drive more quietly, you will continue”, “Time-tested”- his expressions.

Any employer, of course, will like it if you share their values. If you are on the same path as this person, you will be able to speak the same language with him, using the same keywords. And then you will have mutual understanding instantly.

Condition is the key to interesting work

It happens that you look for a job for a long time, go to interviews, but they don’t take you. What is the reason? We often pay attention to external impressions, but think little about the internal state. When we don’t know what we want, or are afraid, or don’t see the point in work at all, this affects our condition. We are lethargic, apathetic, and lack enthusiasm, that is, we do not show our interest in the work. Then the employer will not be interested in us.

The same thing happens if we are looking in work only for the opportunity to earn money or solve our personal problems. At the same time, when choosing an interesting job to your liking, you need to focus on realizing your innate abilities in a way that would benefit people. This gives double pleasure from work - from the fact that we ourselves enjoy doing what we love, and we give pleasure to people.

Yuri Burlan’s training “System-vector psychology” provides all the tools for understanding other people. Hostility goes away, sincere interest in others appears. Understanding and the opportunity to realize my properties give me happiness and the feeling that I can do anything, I can cope with any task.

It becomes a pleasure to communicate with such a person. And since in our collectivist mentality, even working relationships are largely built on personal connections, such a person is more willing to be hired.

Finding a job is easy if you know what you want

Now we know all the components of finding an interesting job:

  • knowledge of yourself, your desires and values ​​- where your soul lies;
  • understanding other people, their desires and values, the ability to speak their language;
  • good psychological state.

With such baggage, the question “How to find a job you like?” becomes easily solvable. That’s why it’s better to start looking for such a job with the free introductory online training “” by Yuri Burlan, which helps you gain this knowledge.

“I got a job that I like. It's amazing that work like this even exists. I thought that such work was not in nature for me. But... oh, miracle! I have changed a lot, my priorities have changed. I found something that brings me joy!”

Proofreader: Natalya Konovalova

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

“To be honest, I’m already dreaming of being kicked out of work. Yes, yes, they kicked me out without leaving the right to choose. Because I can’t decide on my own, the salary is very decent, but the work itself is like a wolf howling. But where can I find a good job in our difficult times, and I’m not young anymore.

Every day I hear stories about employers’ fraud, deception and the crisis in the country, so common sense does not allow me to leave of my own free will. But even if, through an acquaintance, you get an official job with a convenient schedule, where you have work experience, in your specialty, it is still not a fact that the activity itself will not cause negative emotions.

Or maybe it’s not about the work at all, but about me? How can I understand what is better for me: starting to look for a new job or trying to love the one I have?”

How to find a good joband enjoy it

To understand how to find a good job, it is important to figure out what kind of work will be interesting and optimally good for you, and for this you need to know how your psyche works.

How are the psyche and work connected? Training “System-vector psychology” Yuri Burlana helps you figure out FROM and TO where and how you can realize yourself in the best possible way.

When performing any action, you use your innate properties, talents, and capabilities. These are manifestations of the psyche. Knowing your innate needs and desires, you can determine in advance what kind of work will cause you pleasure, and what kind of work will cause you stress and depression.

How to find a good job yourself

First, answer the question of what good work is in your understanding, what it should have in order for you to receive satisfaction from it.

A good job for you is:

Option A

  1. A place where the salary is good;
  2. Where there is an opportunity for career growth;
  3. One that gives a certain status in society;
  4. An activity where you don’t have to sit boringly day after day, and where you have the opportunity to move and also go on business trips.

Option B

  1. Where they won’t be tugged and rushed too much;
  2. A place where you will be respected and appreciated;
  3. Where there is no shame in earning money;
  4. Where you don’t have to travel around on business trips and urgent assignments.

Option B

  1. A place where there will be no unnecessary extraneous sounds;
  2. Where it is better to be alone;
  3. Perhaps activities on the Internet, remotely, online, and preferably without visiting the office, and even better at night.

Option A: Finding a good job equals finding a good salary

System-vector psychology defines people who preferred option A as owners of the skin vector. All the parameters listed in the answers are valuable for them, as they allow them to use their innate natural properties in society and get pleasure from it.

By nature, skinworms are agile, easy-going, flexible and dexterous. The mindset is logical, priorities are benefit and benefit. Without changes in life and novelty, they begin to experience discomfort. For such people, “normal” sedentary routine work is contraindicated.

Most often, if leather workers earn good money, but are dissatisfied with their line of work, they begin to look for opportunities to adapt to the conditions so as not to lose a good source of income. Such people manage to combine business with pleasure in many areas of activity: sports, business, military service, law, management. Any work that requires speed, switching of attention, dexterity of the body and flexibility of mind is suitable for people with the skin vector and will be assessed by them as good and suitable.

Option B: Find a job where you will be valued and respected

People who are closer to option B do not like running around, rushing and doing several things at the same time. Their psyche contains completely different properties and aspirations. By nature, such people are aimed at doing things well, which is impossible without careful concentration on the subject and in a hurry.

A sedentary, “slow” workplace for people with an anal vector is not only desirable, but also brings great pleasure. System-vector psychology reveals that the process of the emergence of joy from an activity done is connected precisely with whether a person uses his innate properties or, on the contrary, tries to do something that is not given to him by nature.

The need for respect, an innate desire for perfectionism, perseverance and excellent memory allow people with the anal vector to become good scientists, critics, editors, teachers, and analysts. Therefore, it is more effective for owners of such mental properties to realize themselves as a professional. Trying to chase skin “skills” will bring nothing but early heart attacks, digestive problems, resentment and disappointment.

Option B: how to find a place to work in silence

This option is usually chosen by people with a sound vector. System-vector psychology reveals that by nature, sound people have very sensitive hearing and a special attitude to noise. Staying in noisy rooms for a long time causes stress for sound engineers.

The innate desire of such people is to think, to concentrate, and outside interference usually gets in the way. Ideally, sound engineers need to find a good job, where it is not very noisy, or related to music. You can use your innate qualities and enjoy your work by becoming a sound engineer, programmer, linguist, translator, or musician. Wherever the generation of thoughts and ideas and contact with sounds is required.

What to do if your job pays well, but there is no joy from it

Of course, it also happens that we hold on to a job only because of the salary, and there is no way to change it. Having system-vector thinking, you can significantly reduce the occurrence of bad conditions in the form of resentment, irritation, and anger. Understanding the psyche of another person helps to see what exactly is driving a person at the moment, and why he behaves this way and not otherwise. Then the desire to find a new job may disappear.

You will stop evaluating a person through your vision of the world, and learn to see him as he really is. For example, the constant tugging and hasting of your skin boss, which causes you stress and plunges you into a stupor, will be perceived differently.

If you see that in front of you is a person with a skin vector who does not know how to behave differently, which means he is not trying to offend you at all, then you will be able to perceive him without negativity. By the way, the ability to recognize the psyche of other people is very helpful in passing an interview and writing a resume correctly.

If you can't find a decent job

You can learn to use your innate properties to the fullest. In the modern world, many have several vectors, and the ability to switch to using those properties that are needed right now will allow one to prove oneself as a good worker in almost any profession. These skills and abilities also allow you to solve the most difficult issues in life without the help of psychologists.

More detailed information about how people find good jobs can be obtained at the free online training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.

Finding a job is a kind of competition where we strive to be the best and get more than the rest. Finding a good job is success, finding a bad job is temporary and only so as not to die of hunger. What is good and what is bad? I won’t answer these questions for you, but I will try to tell you how to find your ideal.

To understand how to find a good job, you need to understand what's good for you now. It is important that the job suits you and takes into account your personality, your current needs and state of mind. To understand this, you need to understand what comes first for you now. What is more important and what can be sacrificed?


An important criterion, but not a leading one. To earn a lot, you need to be effective and quite often you need to sacrifice a lot - free time, nerves, health, and sometimes even your comfort. But earning average money is easy.

Before looking for a job, it is advisable to highlight 3 levels of earnings:

  • Minimum. Below this level you will never go to work anywhere.
  • Optimal. This is your level of comfort and some freedom. Most people find work around this income level.
  • Challenge yourself. Don’t overthink your income figure, but set a level of pride in yourself (“I did it!”). If you need a challenge, take yourself on an adventure.

I will repeat again, money is not the key criterion. There are almost always criteria for choosing a job that are much more significant.


The need is not very frequent, because In principle, there are few careerists. They are as rare as Ussuri tigers. Here the question is no longer about money, but about positions, company level, powers, business card, hanging out among important people...

Try to describe yourself in 2-3 years. Make this description a story - what you do, what kind of office you have, who you communicate with, how you get to work, what kind of boss you have, what kind of colleagues you have, whether you have any subordinates, etc. Describe everything.

After that, see if this description contains words about the status and prestige of your job or company. If not, then career growth is not important to you now. If there is, you will understand what you want.

Professional growth

Quite a common need. It all has to do with the fact that people want to be good specialists and don’t want to get hit. The second acute point is that bad specialists are poorly paid, they are poorly hired and fired well. This is why professional growth is so important. Especially at the very beginning of your career.

However, difficulties arise when you are already doing your job well. Where to grow then? Are there any interesting challenges for you on this planet? Most likely there are, but how to find them? Where can you find a good job that will give you interesting, responsible and challenging tasks?

To find interesting and challenging tasks, it’s not enough to look through vacancies. You also need to study companies, see what they do, go to interviews more often just for fun, communicate with colleagues in the shop, attend specialized conferences and communicate there. In my opinion, the task is difficult only because the necessary information is difficult to find, and not all people are so sociable that they can communicate everywhere and with everyone. But if you want to quickly find a good job, you will have to communicate everywhere and with everyone.

Stability and working conditions

The most common need of all listed. According to Good working conditions, paid vacation and sick leave, adequate boss, good team, convenient location, fair salary, stable payments... When describing these parameters, be specific.

However, it should be remembered that the employer is trying to save money on these people. Make normal working conditions and low wages. This works because... Once a person finds himself in hothouse conditions and a good team, it’s already a shame to leave. I personally experienced these feelings myself and worked an extra year at a job that I needed to leave. Staff retention techniques work great.

In a word, you have to pay for stability. Write down your requirements for future work and think about what you are willing to pay for stability? Low salary, boring everyday life, lack of promotions - will you agree to all this for the sake of a stable future?

How to find the ideal of your work (methodology)

I know and can give one workable advice on how to find a good job. This is not even advice, but an exercise in “your dream job.”

Try to describe your dream job. Make this description a story. Can be done in the form of a description of the working day. So you woke up and your ideal working day began. What does it look like for you?

Describe everything. Do you work in the office or at home, how do you get to work, what country, city and company do you work in. You can completely do without names and exact places. What does your workplace look like (desk, cubicle, car...)? Describe your team and yourself in it. Tell us about your boss and your relationship with him. Do you have subordinates? How do you have lunch, who is with you at lunch?

Describe in detail the things you do. What kind of projects are they, what is your role, level of responsibility.

Describe everything that comes to mind. There are no trifles here.

What to do with the resulting description?

The description of the ideal job should be liked. This is the main thing. If you like it, look for a job that is convenient for you. During the job search process, constantly check your ideal (like a compass) and take action.

The goal is more important than the actions.

If you clearly understand where you are going, your chances of getting there are very high. If the goal is not clear, then the speed of movement is not important. So start with the main thing.

There is such a pattern - hired work takes about 8 hours a day, and searching for a job takes an hour and a half a day. There are rare cases when people spend 6-8 hours a day looking for a job, but this approach allows you to find a job in 5-10 days.

Of course, not everyone needs that kind of speed. If you have time on your hands, you can take things slower, calmer, and look for a job for months. The matter is voluntary.

This article is about how to find a good job in a short time. The quick job search technology consists of 4 steps.

Your wishes

What is your dream or just want to do? First you need to decide on this - this is the basis for further actions. When answering this question, follow these guidelines:

  • Abstract from your current activity (especially if it does not bring you pleasure or does not meet any conditions)
  • Leave your previous experience alone. After all, it may be that you want to become a teacher, and you have extensive work experience in construction. And then what, work as a builder all your life??
  • Create very comfortable, cozy conditions for yourself. Do you like to spend time in the country? Go there, light the stove, sit back, feel free. Or you have a favorite cafe, go there, order coffee and remember what you like to do.

Naturally, all the ideas that come to mind must be written down. You can also remember, but it’s better to write it down - this way nothing will be forgotten or distorted.


The ideas received from your consciousness and subconscious need to be turned into reality. That is, set goals.

If you want to help children, it doesn’t have to be working in a kindergarten. This could be the organization of holidays and the invention of educational games and medicine and the construction of playgrounds and... There can be a thousand such options. You need to choose 1-2 of the most interesting and pleasant ones you see.

To do this, look at job sites, read newspapers, talk to your friends (or strangers). In this case, you need information from those people who have already done this. Then find out what your chosen activity is called, at least approximately, in the labor market.

The labor market often thinks in certain clichés. They call everyone engineers, marketers, programmers. But in each organization these specialists do different things! The same work is not enough.

When you have decided on the approximate name of your specialty, select companies that work in this field. By researching companies, you'll learn a lot about what you want to do and what's going on in the industry. If you see that there is little information on the website about the company’s services, do not be lazy, call the manager in the sales department and ask him about the company’s services. Communicate, learn, explore.

Choosing companies is one of the most important steps! At this stage, a clear employment goal is formed. It is a clear and specific goal that helps you quickly find a job.


The specialization has been chosen, the companies that deserve you are also chosen. Now we need to prepare for a future meeting and negotiations with the heads of these companies.

Well, let's get to work!

  • A competent and attractive resume. Previously, I wrote about how to write a competent resume. Once again in a nutshell: structured, in simple and understandable words, clearly and, preferably, on one A4 sheet.
  • A well-written cover letter.
  • Thoughtful appearance. This handyman or taxi driver may come to an interview without thinking about the first impression, and you, I hope, have a different opinion of yourself.
  • Responsibility. First of all, punctuality! Be on time and keep your word.
  • Positive and attitude for success. Are you talking on the phone with a company representative? Smile! When you come for an interview, look into your eyes more often, smile again and glow from within. Positive people are remembered.

Active actions

You have a vision of your specialty, a list of companies where you want to work and you are ready to look for a job. We must act and be persistent.

I would like to clarify one point right away: searching for vacancies is a maximum of 20% of the result you can get. That’s why the article is called “ active job search” that the emphasis is on your initiative, and not on how many open positions there are currently on the market. Moreover, there may be no vacancies at all.

  • Call the company and meet with the head of the desired department or HR manager
  • Send your resume there. Sending your resume to a specific person (you need to call them by name in the letter) gives you a higher chance of success
  • After sending your resume, be sure to call the company and find out if they received the letter
  • Gently ask when it would be convenient to call and talk in more detail
  • Thank the person on the other end of the line and record the next date of contact in your diary.

Do you know what this method of action gives?

You will be remembered! And this is already half the success.


Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonnier, "The Game of Chess", 1841.

If before the interview the task was to arrange a meeting, then at the interview the task is to convince the manager that the company will need you and will be successful at work.

Many books, articles, advice have been written about how to negotiate, and there are also many trainings. I wrote an article about how to prepare for an interview. Here I will give only 2 tips for negotiations: show the manager your desire to work in this particular company and convince him that you will be successful and worth the requested salary. Convince management, “sell” yourself, bargain.


My job search method does not answer the question “How to look for a job correctly?” This method does not guarantee 100% success. This method gives you confidence in your abilities and allows you to find “that job” (and maybe business or startup partners - who knows how things will turn out during negotiations).

I'm guessing you'll find a job at 1 in 7 companies. But different scenarios are possible.