Vera Alentova once again amazed the public with her unsuccessful plastic surgery. Vera Alentova - photos before and after plastic surgery, what the actress looks like now, biography of Alentova after plastic surgery

Vera Alentova- a magnificent Russian actress, whose fame was brought by the film "Moscow does not believe in tears", filmed by her husband Vladimir Menshov. By the way, at the time of filming in this two-part melodrama Vera Alentova was 37 years. And despite this, in the first episode she played a young, naive student. Vera Alentova always looked younger than her age, for example, during the filming of the film "Shirley-myrley" she was 53 of the year! But despite this, what a magnificent bride she was, she played in this enchanting, crazy film (by the way, this film was also directed by her husband)! But during the filming of the drama “Envy of the Gods” by Vera Alentova I was already 57, a respectable age, but watching this film for the first time, I had no idea that this actress, who had thrown off everything in the frame, was already well over fifty, but it was understandable, because two years earlier she had undergone her first operation on her face. And just imagine what it’s like to be such an attractive, slim, in-demand, well-known favorite of the public to begin to lose your beauty again, to see not the first signs of fading of your skin. The second manipulation of the face that Vera Alentova did can hardly be called successful, but on the other hand, not everything ended as sadly for this woman as the media write about it. To date Vera Alentova I’ve already gone under the knife three times for a radical transformation.

Vera Alentova does not hide from people, as newspapers like to write about it, she successfully plays Moscow Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin. Roles Vera Alentova very different, she plays a former actress, and a broken widow, and an old woman who has lost her mind. Vera Alentova lives a full life and pleases fans with his creativity.

But nevertheless, looking at Vera Alentova, the aging aunt will once again think about whether it is worth rushing to the surgeon? Will my face look better after the interventions than before? Or is the game still not worth the candle?

On this photo Vera Alentova after the first manipulation of my face.

And in this photo Vera Alentova in her youth, this is exactly how she met her husband Vladimir Menshov.

When I look at photographs Vera Alentova, it often seems to me that in front of me is Valentina Talyzina.

Look at this photo Vera Alentova, this actress always has fashionable hair coloring, neat manicure, and carefully thought out makeup.

In this photo you see Vera Alentova showing off her beautiful, slender limbs. Once upon a time in my youth Faith I was embarrassed to wear miniskirts that had become fashionable, but as I got older I developed a taste for it.

Stills from the film "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears."

And in this photo Vera Alentova very similar to her husband Vladimir Manshov.

And like this Vera Alentova looks now, she has already come to terms with the consequences of her transformation, life goes on as usual. IN 2017 The actress turned one year old 75 years old, and she looks her age, although Alentov it can be recognized with great difficulty. By the way, Lyudmila Gurchenko looked almost the same at 75 years old.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the last years of his life.

In this photo you see Vera Alentova in a certain performance.

On this photo Vladimir Menshov, Yulia Menshova And Vera Alentova.

Vladimir And Faith together since college, together they are already more 50 years. There was a period in their marriage when the two decided to separate, but three years later they were again united by their love for their daughter Yulenka.

On this photo Vera Alentova in childhood. By the way, her last name was then Bykova, but Faith didn’t remember her father at all, who died when she was 4 years old, she took her mother’s surname, but this happened at a more advanced age, after the birth of her daughter Julia.

Pay attention to this photo Vera Alentova what wonderful rodents she has on her hat!

Vera Alentova to their 75 years old, she is not shy about showing her knees, the actress boldly shows off her slender, graceful limbs to the audience.

The star of the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” Vera Alentova has always been called a beauty. It is difficult to part with such a reputation, and the actress, as soon as the need arose, began to turn to plastic surgery. The first rejuvenation experiments were successful. But subsequent attempts led to the fact that the actress’s face became unrecognizable.

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Plastic surgeries that Alentova underwent

The actress began doing anti-aging manipulations around the late 90s. It is clearly visible from her sharply prettier face that the following was carried out:

  • . At almost 60 years old, Alentova played a woman who was barely over 40, and looked absolutely natural in this role. During this period, she had a clear oval face, smooth and fresh skin, and there were practically no nasolabial folds.
  • . In earlier photographs, the actress's lower eyelids look swollen, while at the same time fine wrinkles are visible on them. Then all these defects disappeared. The shape of the eyes remained the same, but they seemed to have opened. And all thanks to the removal of fatty hernias and eyelid lifting.
  • . Before surgery, the tissue in this area was slightly thickened and sagging. After it, the cervical-mental angle decreased and the skin tightened.

In addition, Alentova also resorted to non-surgical methods of rejuvenation:

  • . This is evidenced by the absence of an interbrow fold, wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and the smoothness of the forehead.
  • . If you compare photos of Vera Alentova from different years, it is easy to see that their volume remains the same. The shape, on the contrary, changes slightly. As the actress gets older, it becomes noticeable that her upper lip looks fuller than even in her younger years. For natural reasons, such changes could not occur.

But all these interventions in the actress’s appearance were beneficial. Almost until the end of the first decade of the new century, she retains her inherent individuality, looks young and well-groomed.

Failed interventions

Vera Alentova is a perfectionist, as she has admitted more than once. In her profession and personal life, this quality helped her achieve success. But for the actress’s appearance, the constant striving for perfection turned out to be fatal.

Basic operations that distort appearance

Until about 2008, fans saw her as still beautiful, natural, with regular facial features. The woman looked much younger than her age, but this was not enough for her. Because in the photo from a public event in 2008, Alentova’s face looks almost catastrophic. You don’t need to be a specialist to notice that the woman had the following done:

  • Another circular lift. During the operation, apparently, too much tissue was removed. Over-tension of the skin occurred, as a result of which natural facial features and facial expressions were distorted.
  • Two more blepharoplasties. After one intervention, the wrinkles on the lower eyelids did not disappear, but stretched across the entire space under the eyes. The actress was not happy with this effect, because due to the operation, age appeared more clearly on her face. Therefore, another one was carried out.

But after that the situation worsened. The actress's eyes became asymmetrical. One is opened wider, the upper eyelid falls with difficulty. The other eye, on the contrary, narrowed, its outer edge seemed to move towards the temple.

But the surgeon’s scalpel is not the only thing that changed Alentova’s face beyond recognition.

Other procedures that harmed the actress

Alentova experienced almost the entire arsenal of anti-aging manipulations:

What does a celebrity look like now after bad facial surgery?

Unsuccessful aesthetic surgeries did not add optimism to Vera Alentova. But she did not hide from people, she still works in the theater and attends social events. Therefore, the public has the opportunity to observe all the metamorphoses happening to her appearance:

  • The face looks overstretched, and there is such a sign of unsuccessful plastic surgery as the “Joker smile.” There is a clear asymmetry, very pronounced in the area of ​​the middle and lower thirds of the cheeks. The flaw becomes especially noticeable when the actress speaks or smiles.
  • The eyelids are also asymmetrical, the eyes remain different in size. The wrinkles underneath have not disappeared. And too active tension of the skin led to the fact that the nasolacrimal grooves moved lower, to the cheekbones. And they look like drawn, almost horizontal lines.
  • The actress's lips become either thinner or fuller. This indicates that fillers are still actively used. But the mouth is stretched wide, one corner of it is located lower than the other.
  • Alentova’s nose also changed, although she did not undergo rhinoplasty. But as a result of an unsuccessful circular lift, it also expanded. Natural age-related changes also played a role in this.

As time passed after plastic surgery, Vera Alentova's face began to look more natural. Perhaps another operation by a good surgeon could improve the situation. But the actress is already over 75 years old, and it is not easy for her to decide on a new intervention and general anesthesia.

Vera Alentova is a living example of the fact that aesthetic operations can not improve, but ruin one’s appearance if one does not know the limits and trusts non-professionals. However, the actress does not give up, remaining one of the best in the profession. This is why audiences love her.

Useful video

To see what Vera Alentova looked like before and after plastic surgery, watch this video:

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After the release of the famous film novel “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” actress Vera Alentova woke up famous. Of course, before this legendary film, Alentova was already well known to viewers both from films and theatrical productions. But it was after the role of Katya Tikhomirova that the artist learned what popular adoration was. Millions of women of the Union admired the beauty and fortitude of the main character with a difficult fate. The image of Katya Tikhomirova, so successfully embodied thanks to the talent and appearance of the actress, became iconic for a whole generation of Soviet women. Alentova’s hairstyle immediately came into fashion, and the actress herself took a place on the list of the most beautiful and stylish Soviet film stars. And this despite the fact that Alentova played Katerina at 36 years old. Today, the 75-year-old artist continues to “keep her mark” thanks to plastic surgeries, although some of them cannot be called successful. Due to the last plastic surgery (2016), information appeared in the media that Vera Alentova had a serious illness. But according to the latest news, the actress’s health is normal, this was confirmed in an interview by the actress’s daughter, Yulia Menshova. We’ll talk further about biography, personal life, family and what Vera Alentova looks like today (last photos after plastic surgery).

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The childhood and youth of the future Soviet screen star Vera Alentova were difficult. The girl was born at the height of the Great Patriotic War - February 21, 1942 in the city of Kotlas, Arkhangelsk region. Like all her peers, from an early age she experienced both hunger and the deprivations of the post-war period. When the girl was barely 4 years old, her father Valentin Bykov died. Raising Vera fell on the shoulders of her mother, Irina Alentova. Together with her, Verochka first went to her relatives in Ukraine, then they moved to Uzbekistan, to Altai... Despite the woman’s efforts to provide her daughter with everything she needed, the Alentovs lived more than modestly. Fortunately, hardships did not break Vera’s positive attitude towards life and only strengthened her already naturally strong character. These qualities were especially useful to her at the moment when, contrary to her mother’s wishes, Vera went not to medical school, but to audition for the local drama theater. She successfully passed the competition for the troupe and later went to enroll in the capital's Moscow Art Theater School. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Facts from the biography of Vera Alentova: the actress’s personal life today

The decision to study at the Moscow Art Theater became fateful for Vera: here she received not only a good acting school, but also met her husband. The future movie star signed with Vladimir Menshov in 1962, while a second-year student. Many predicted a quick divorce for the couple, but the marriage of Menshov and Alentova withstood many tests, including lack of money and fame. Today, the couple have been together for 55 years - a real record for creative people. Perhaps the secret of their family longevity lies in the fact that Alentova became for Menshov not just a beloved woman, but also a muse. She played incredibly talentedly in many films of her husband-director.

Vera Alentova - photos before and after the last plastic surgery on her face in 2016

Pleasant appearance largely determines the success of an acting career. That is why many actresses make every effort to look attractive even in adulthood. Among them is Vera Alentova, whose photos after her last plastic surgery on her face in 2016 caused a lot of noise on the Internet. This is not the first time the famous actress has turned to surgeons. Back in 1998, Alentova underwent a circular facelift. Then the effect of the operation was more than positive. The actress began to look much younger than her age. Vera Valentinovna had another lift in 2010, and this time the tabloids were full of unpleasant headlines. The media openly criticized the “rejuvenated” appearance of the actress, who clearly went too far with lip augmentation and fillers.

Photo of Vera Alentova before and after the last plastic surgery on her face, done in 2016

And now only 6 years have passed, and Alentova again lay under the surgeon’s scalpel. This time the facial surgery can frankly be called unsuccessful. The latest photographs clearly show that one of Vera Valentinovna’s eyes does not close completely, and the gel-filled areas on her cheeks stand out strongly on her face. In addition, the artist’s cheekbones look painfully sunken, and the drooping corners of her mouth give the actress a tired look.

Vera Alentova after unsuccessful plastic surgery - what happened to the actress’s face

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What happened to actress Vera Alentova after unsuccessful plastic surgery on her face

In addition to the third plastic surgery, it is noticeable that Alentova became interested in various “beauty injections.” Most likely, Vera Valentinovna received Botox injections into the nasolabial folds and hyaluronic acid injections into the lips. It is known that one of the side effects of these procedures is partial paralysis of the facial muscles. Hence the actress’s clearly deteriorated facial expressions and the “frozen” expression on her face.

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The actress herself has not confirmed the news that she is currently suffering from a serious illness. In one of her last interviews, Vera Alentova only mentioned that she was sick in the summer of 2017, but did not specify what exactly. Also, some sources close to the family of Vladimir Menshov shared information that in June his wife was in a serious accident. True, the daughter of the actress Yulia Menshova refutes this information. Most likely, the reason for how “unhealthy” Vera Alentova now looks (the last photos after the operation above) was an unsuccessful plastic surgery, already the third in her biography. Still, her venerable age, and the actress turned 75, makes itself felt.

Seven years ago, Vera Alentova, the star of the main Soviet melodrama “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” amazed both fans and colleagues with her appearance when she appeared on the set of the New Year’s program “Minute of Fame.” “Thanks to” plastic surgery, with the help of which the actress tried to regain her youth, Vera Valentinovna’s face changed almost beyond recognition. As the press wrote, in a merciless battle with age, 74-year-old Alentova, once one of the most beautiful women in Russian cinema, is clearly losing: neither Botox nor the surgeon’s scalpel did anything better for her. Quite the contrary.

This sad fact is confirmed by the recent premiere of the “non-remake” of “Crew” from Nikolai Lebedev (“Legend 17”, “Wolfhound”), which took place on April 14 at the “October” cinema - an event that Vera Valentinovna attended with her husband Vladimir Menshov, daughter Yulia and granddaughter.

Users did not leave photos from the premiere that appeared on social networks without comment. In their opinion, not a trace remained of the actress’s former beauty. And her face now looks more like a frozen, inactive wax mask. As the corresponding periodicals remind, Alentova’s appearance was fatally changed by the third “plastic surgery”, after which her left eye became almost half the size of her right.

It should be noted that Vladimir Menshov was every time a fierce opponent of his wife’s visits to the clinic. The director, who was married to her for forty years, is sure that Vera Valentinovna would have looked great without the help of doctors.

“Several plastics in a row is, as it turned out, dangerous,” Alentova now laments. And, convinced of the result, the actress began to rarely appear in public.

As experts note, Vera Valentinovna probably did another circular lift. And, apparently, the operation was unsuccessful: in the photographs of 2010 and 2011, retracted scars near the lips are visible: the “plastic” doctors most likely injected too much gel into the nasolabial folds, and it seems that it began to “migrate” throughout the face women.

Vera Alentova (Bykova) was born on February 21, 1942 in Kotlas, Arkhangelsk region, into an acting family. Named after her maternal grandmother, who died at the age of 28. There were clergymen in the actress’s family, one of them was shot in 1937. Vera's father died when she was only four years old. In 1961, Alentova came to Moscow and entered the Moscow Art Theater School, successfully graduating in 1965. During her studies, in her second year, she married her classmate Vladimir Menshov. In 1969, their daughter was born. At the same time, Vera changed her surname to her mother’s - Alentova. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (for the film "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears", 1981), Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of Russia. Awarded the Order of Friendship, the Order of Honor, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. She played two dozen roles in films and TV series, making her debut in 1965 in the “pilot” drama “Flight Days” (Olyalin, Eremenko, Barmin).

The famous theater and film actress Vera Alentova, who is already 75 years old, has repeatedly resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. The public is discussing the actress’s metamorphosis for wide discussion. There are many dissatisfied fans who remember the actress from the cult film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” To which Alentova states that it is quite normal for women to strive for beauty. Vera Alentova was born on February 21, 1942 in the city of Kotlas, which is located in the Arkhangelsk region. Her parents were actors. The name Vera was given in honor of her grandmother. In 1946, Vera’s father died, and she and her mother left for Ukraine.


In 1960, Vera and her mother Irina Alentova were enrolled in the troupe of the Orsky State Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin. There she worked for one theater season, during which she was involved in many performances. Vera’s debut as an actress took place in the play “The Irkutsk Story” in the role of Maya.

After graduating from school, in 1961 Alentova came to conquer Moscow and enter the Moscow Art Theater School. In 1965, Vera Alentova successfully completed the course and received an education. In her second year at the institute, Vera met her future husband, Vladimir Menshov. With whom they are still an example of an exemplary marriage.


In 1985, Alentova became an actress at the Moscow Drama Theater in A.S. Pushkin. Since 2009, Vera, together with her husband, has been running the acting and directing workshop at VGIK.

Vera Alentova decided to combine work in the theater with cinema. His debut film role took place in the film “Days of Flight”. After this, the actress was not offered film roles for a long time. In 1979, the actress filmed the TV series “Such a Short Long Life.” After which her first success came, which she managed to secure the main role in the legendary film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.”

The director of this film was Vera’s husband, Vladimir Menshov. The film achieved high popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad. The film received many awards and even won an Oscar. Alentova also played her popular roles in the films “Tomorrow there was a war”, “Shirley-Myrli” and “Time of Desires”. In 1992, Vera Alentova was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Correction of appearance: if there was, then what?

Vera Alentova underwent her first plastic surgery back in the last century. Back in 1998, the actress had a facelift. This intervention by the plastic surgeon was successful and gave the actress’s face a refreshed look. For the second time, in addition to a second facelift, the actress also received “beauty” injections. This procedure did not leave any obvious traces and the actress’s appearance continued to maintain a harmonious appearance. But the third time became fatal. The changes in appearance became very obvious. Her facial features changed, and it was difficult for Alentov to be recognized by her fans. There were scars visible to the eye near the actress’s lips. After an eyelid lift, the eyes became asymmetrical. The cheeks were unevenly swollen and facial expressions were distorted.

Experts in plastic surgery cannot understand what caused this result. Perhaps an outdated lifting method was used, or maybe it was too many surgeries performed by the actress. After this operation, which distorted the actress’s beautiful face, Vera Alentova was ready to take the plastic surgeon to court, but the matter never came to that. Vera Alentova did not disclose what kind of plastic surgery interventions she resorted to. But experts believe that most likely it was: face lift and eyelid lift, rhinoplasty, chin liposuction and Botox injections.