What women want: (anti) rating of gifts according to the fair half VSE42. What women want: (anti) rating of gifts according to the fair half VSE42 I don’t know what I want for March 8

Poll results

March 8 is very close and it is better to buy gifts in advance. I conducted these surveys several times on social networks, hundreds of women participated in them, the results were verified many times. I hope that this knowledge will also help Restorunner readers to please a woman correctly.


The bad news: many women dream of a man surprising them. This is the most difficult thing, because... you either need to love a woman very much or strain your brain. You can also listen to what the woman says: sometimes she herself hints at what specific surprise she wants, or “accidentally” lets it slip. And by the way, it’s not always the Moon from the sky or something else unnecessary. Sometimes it is enough for a man to be sober and a man for at least one day.


This is our salvation, for in them we sometimes understand. Most often they ask for a powerful external battery for smartphones/iPhones (and the iPhone itself, because the old one is quickly discharged), a new laptop, a removable hard drive, sometimes cameras or cars. By the way, don’t go wrong with the color! As it turns out, they don't just like red ones.


Everyone - even women! - they love money. But giving a pack of euros is somehow not very decent. But many women are not at all averse to making themselves happy if they are given:
— certificate for cosmetics, perfume, shoe, and underwear stores
- certificate in a spa or some kind of beauty salon
— certificate for a photo shoot
- a subscription to the fitness center - but be careful with this. It is very important that the woman understands correctly and is not offended. Therefore, it is much safer to give one to slim and athletic people than to those who are overweight and neglected.

For two

Some girls are ready to share the pleasure with you. This means choosing underwear together, choosing perfume together, doing yoga together, or proposing marriage. Traveling somewhere far away together is also welcome - especially with the elections approaching.



Most often asked:
bags and wallets
garter belt and stockings themselves
Pavloposad shawl
Converse limited edition sneakers (and not limited edition too)
white shirts (you can never have too many)
what a cute outfit “for adults”
scarves and shawls, such silk ones with designs
But it’s also clearly better to buy all this together, so as not to make a mistake.

Candy and flowers

Many women claim that a bouquet of flowers and chocolates is an excellent gift. Especially if they are not spoiled with them on all other days. But normal men know: a bouquet of flowers is an addition to the main gift. And the main one is something from the list above.


Women mentioned it infrequently and reluctantly. Nevertheless, good Japanese knives, beautiful and convenient cheese slicers, pepper and coffee grinders and clay pots flashed by. You can find them in the collections of useful gadgets on our website. And the most in demand and popular is still .

What about the food? Don't worry! Well, you’ll never miss holiday offers from restaurants if you read regularly. We are the first to know about food and tell you everything right away.

Tomorrow is International Women's Day, which means that men will suddenly remember that next to them are kind, sympathetic, charming, wise and simply beloved women. And they will start showering us with gifts and showering us with compliments. Some will be lucky and the husband will wash the dishes, for some he will go to the store, and for others he will invite him to a restaurant.

It seems that on this day every woman should feel like a queen. On the eve of the holiday, we will lift the “veil of secrecy” for men and tell you what ladies dream about on their “professional” holiday, and what they want.

Ainur Mamedova, PR Manager of the Four Season Hotel:

For me, March 8 is associated with flowers and gifts. A small gift from a loved one can mean more than any other.

A small gift from a loved one can mean more than any other.

But the main thing for me is not the gift, but the person who gave it. I received many gifts, but the most memorable was from a stranger who filled my car with flowers. It was a very pleasant surprise. I still don’t know who it was, but it was very nice.

For the upcoming women's holiday, I would like to receive something unusual, unexpected and interesting; the thing should be close to me, and it doesn’t matter what it is or how much it costs. For March 8, I want not so much a material, but a spiritual gift that I will like.

Alexandra Nikushina, People's Artist of Azerbaijan:

My sons always congratulate me on this holiday. We have had this tradition for a long time: even when they were very little, they tried to give me something made with their own hands. My students and colleagues often congratulate me. I don’t have a specific desire to receive something specific for Women’s Day, the main thing is that they don’t forget to congratulate.

Probably every representative of the fairer sex wants to feel like a woman who is loved and respected on this day.

Every representative of the fairer sex wants to feel like a woman who is loved and respected on this day.

I am not deprived of attention on this wonderful holiday. But because very often I had to work on this day, for me March 8 is rather a simple day on the calendar. The holiday does not depend on the day of the calendar, the main thing is that you feel festive in your soul and that the people around you give them attention.

March 8 is a bright holiday, and it’s good that it exists. I would like to celebrate March 8th in a circle of friends, among bright faces, to feel common joy - for a person the main holiday when he does not feel lonely.

Matanat Azizova, head of the Women's Crisis Center:

- March 8 is the very first holiday after “hibernation”, when you begin to wake up after the gray and dull time of the year - winter.

March 8th is the very first holiday after hibernation, when you begin to wake up after a gray and dull time of year.

The most memorable gift for March 8 was received during my youth, when we were just meeting my future husband. He surprised me that day, first calling me and saying that he couldn’t meet me, which upset me very much, and then unexpectedly invited me to a romantic dinner, where we decided to be together forever. After this event, March 8 is not just a holiday for me, but also a significant date.

I don’t like to receive flowers for a holiday; they can just be added to a gift; I prefer good perfume. My dream for the holiday is to go on a trip to some exotic country.

Hamida Omarova, People's Artist of Azerbaijan:

- I associate Women’s Day with my mother, we always celebrated it together. But, unfortunately, my mother passed away last August and, probably, this year this holiday will lose its former colors for me.

I love receiving gifts from my son, who used to spoil me every year - he drew me in his paintings. Although I did not look at all like the “crooked” image that my son gave me, and I always compared the presented portrait with my image in the mirror. I asked him a question - is it me? But my son reacted philosophically to my indignation and explained that your eyes turned out like that because you think a lot about your problems, etc.

I really miss his childhood fantasies. In fifth grade, he gave me a homemade plaster doll, saying that it looked a lot like me. Of course, there was no resemblance; the only thing that could compare her to me was her smile. She smiled despite all life's hardships.

For me, the holiday, contrary to expectations, becomes an ordinary work day - my men have a day off, which means I spend March 8th in the kitchen, and then, tired, I fall asleep in front of the TV. I dream that on this day I will truly rest, and men will look after me.

Narmina Alnagiyeva, head of the preschool education sector of the Ministry of Education:

- For me, March 8 is a holiday of kindness, warmth and attention. On this day, it seems to me, the sun also shines in a very special way.

On this day, it seems to me, the sun also shines in a very special way.

The most memorable gift I received on March 8th was from my daughter when she was 5 years old. She gave me a box she made with her own hands, and I keep it to this day. This year I am expecting a gift from my grandson; this gift will become another most valuable one in my life. I would also like Women’s Day to be celebrated not just once a year, but throughout the year.

Sugra Bagirzade, Honored Artist of Azerbaijan, floral artist:

- Among the most memorable gifts that I received for this holiday are a lot of jewelry and flowers, this is the best thing that a representative of the fairer sex can remember. As for the upcoming Women's Day, to be honest, I'm not thinking about anything specific. In February, I celebrated my birthday, for which I already received a lot of presents; one might say that by Women’s Day I simply don’t have time to miss the gifts. Although, to be honest, I expect congratulations from my beloved husband and daughters.

I am not a public person, I want to celebrate the holiday in a close family circle, cook something delicious and have a good evening.

Saida Zohrabova, curator for cultural issues of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office:

- This holiday can bring pleasure to any woman. As for the memorable gift that I would like to receive, I think that it is still ahead of me. For me, on a holiday, simply the attention of people close to me is enough, the main thing is that they are all healthy and we are together. I would like to spend March 8th in a way that no one else has spent it, so that it would be something simple, unusual and very pleasant. No matter how I spend this day, I will be happy because my loved one will be nearby.

Leyla Jebrailova, teacher of Russian language and literature at the Araz Ecological Lyceum:

- For me, this is a special day when any representative of the fairer sex wants to feel like a real woman, regardless of profession and occupation.

Any representative of the fairer sex wants to feel like a real woman, regardless of profession or occupation.

The most memorable gift I received for the holiday is the attention of my sons, which I value very much. The most valuable gift is communication in my family and the success of my students. For me, the most important thing is to realize that from school I am rushing home, to my children, and from home to school, to my students. These are the two most important parallels in my life.

On the eve of Women's Day, sociologists decided to help men. They found out what the ladies wanted as a gift. It turned out that the main thing for them is flowers. As shown by an all-Russian survey conducted by the Levada Center, most Russian women (45%) consider a bouquet of flowers to be the main sign of attention on this day. Moreover, 54% of men are ready to realize this woman’s dream. Frankly speaking, a rare unanimity.

To ensure that hundreds of thousands of flowers bloom in greenhouses within a few days, Moszelenkhoz agronomists work for months. They, like conductors, lead a colorful orchestra of tulips, roses, daffodils and hyacinths. Of course, tulips are featured in it.

They love water and warmth

Growing up, with slightly blossomed buds, tulips look like jackdaws. When the sun appears, they unanimously turn their “heads” in its direction, are not averse to a snack and are constantly thirsty. As soon as you skip watering, they immediately bow their buds dejectedly.

The technology for growing flowers in greenhouses has been calculated almost day by day. Flowers that are planned to grow by March 8 are usually planted in October. It takes about two weeks for the bulbs to take root (tulips are known to be bulbous plants). Then the temperature in the room where they are located is gradually lowered to +2°C. And the tulips wait in a half-asleep state for their time. They are usually brought out of hibernation in early January.

Tulips are akin to sprinters: under favorable conditions, they grow literally before our eyes. On average, a flower adds 1.5-2 cm per day,” says Igor Ponomarenko, who worked as an agronomist at Moszelenkhoz for many years. Therefore, for greenhouse workers, the second half of February is the busiest time. It is necessary that the flowers have time to bloom before the holiday, because after March 8 there is a lull.

I wonder what can stop the tulips from stretching at the right time? - I ask Igor Stepanovich.

Lighting is not critical for them. I know cases where people managed to grow tulips at home, even in the basement. They hung an ordinary lamp - and that was enough,” says the agronomist. - They don’t need high temperatures either - the tulip will be comfortable at +12°C. Unlike the heat-loving rose, which will bloom only at +18-20°C. However, like all bulbous crops (gladioli, daffodils, crocuses), tulips love water; they need to be watered thoroughly at least once a day.

Bet on the classics

Caring for different varieties (and more than a dozen of them are grown in Moszelenkhoz branches) is almost the same, and they are planted at the same time. The most capricious are parrot tulips. The petals of these flowers are intricately cut and look like an elegant frill. Of these, the most famous are the “Parrot” series (from the English parrot - parrot), the elaborate “Rococo” and the red and white “Estella Reinveld”.

These varieties are sensitive to any temperature changes. If, say, we slow down the process of temperature rise a little, we may not make it in time for March 8th. And in general, such flowers are not for everybody. Therefore, before the holiday, producers rely on classic tulips: they grow quickly and they sell well.

However, it is not enough to grow flowers; you also need to deliver them to the buyer. By the way, greenhouses usually keep secret how they prepare flowers for sale. For example, you can cut a tulip, or you can take out the whole flower, including the bulb. Cut flowers are stored in refrigerators at +2°C - this is a necessary procedure, otherwise it will not be possible to collect a large batch that wholesalers order. But tulips are chilled for no longer than a week, so as not to lose their presentation.

Narcissists are the underdogs

Eternal competitors of tulips are roses. However, local varieties usually lose the pre-holiday race - due to lack of sunlight, they do not have time to bloom by March 8th. The only roses that have not let growers down are Muscovites' favorite roses: "Cardinal" - they are purple-red - and "Confetti" - yellow with a red border.

Outsiders of the flower market are daffodils. In many greenhouses they were even transferred to the category of potted crops. They don't last long; after five days they wither. And there is a lot of hassle with them. But, having bought daffodils in a flower pot, you can then plant them in your dacha. This is done simply: after flowering, you need to peel the bulb, put it in a paper bag to “breathe”, and put it in the refrigerator. In a cool place - at a temperature not lower than +4°C - the bulb will calmly wait until autumn, when it can be planted in the ground. If the flower takes root, it will bloom and delight the eye for many years.

Price issue

The wholesale price of a flower depends not on the size of the order, but on when it was placed. For the first clients who declared their intention to purchase tulips in the fall or early winter (no later than January), at the so-called bulbous stage, a tulip costs 12-15 rubles (depending on the variety). Later, of course, it will become more expensive. In retail, already a month before the holiday, you can’t buy tulips for less than 50 rubles apiece.

Talking bouquets

Giving flowers means expressing your feelings to a person. It could be love, honor, respect. And here the main thing is not to miss, because flowers can make relationships more cordial, or they can ruin them.

White flowers

This is a symbol of youth and purity. They are given on special occasions, such as weddings. White snowdrops and lilies of the valley are best given to young girls for any occasion. However, white lilies and callas are suitable as a gift for a colleague. These formal flowers will emphasize the formality of the relationship.

Pink flowers

They are given to people of any age and gender. Such a bouquet says: “I treat you well!” Variegated flowers are also universal and appeal to everyone.

According to the survey, more than half of the girls expect to receive flowers on March 8th. More than 70% of men are going to give them (does this mean that one girl will receive 2 bouquets at once?). This trend is understandable, because flowers are the main attribute of this spring holiday. They are given not only to their lovers, but also to work colleagues, female relatives and university teachers.

About 25% of women would be happy to receive a perfume gift. It is at the beginning of spring that many brands release new fragrances, so there is plenty to choose from! In addition, in the spring you want renewal so much that the perfume begs to be a gift for March 8th. Just don't forget to tell your man exactly what scent you want.

As you might guess, jewelry is in third place in the ranking. But only every fifth man is ready to give them. Agree, receiving an engagement ring on March 8 is very nice! Or just a couple of charms for the bracelet and new earrings.

Interestingly, many girls want to receive an invitation to a romantic dinner as a gift. Apparently, we still lack romance in life. In addition, many will be delighted to receive a certificate for a beauty salon, massage or SPA.


Money is also a welcome gift on March 8th. Not all girls trust their man’s taste, so they want to choose a present for themselves.

Gifts such as clothes, shoes, toys and household appliances were not included in the most desired list. Women don't expect underwear from their men either. Apparently, the time for such a present has already passed on Valentine's Day.

In addition, girls do not like options such as sweets and cooking utensils. Although some will certainly be delighted with a good and beautiful grill pan, for example (if cooking is a favorite activity).

Gadgets were also not included in the TOP of desired gifts. Such practical things are more appreciated by men, and we want to get something pleasant, beautiful and not too functional for International Women's Day.

“I want a cool gift for March 8th” is an absolutely normal desire. Just don’t forget to hint to your man what exactly you want to avoid disappointment.

Sociologists have also compiled an anti-rating of spring gifts. According to the survey, women are most irritated when they are given various types of kitchen utensils, including even blenders and steamers, not to mention vegetable graters and garlic presses.

“Utensils” for the office are also not in favor: 5% of women name pens, staplers, pencil holders and telephones among the items that they would never want to receive for the first spring holiday. Another 5% of respondents considered strange and inappropriate flowers to be the most ridiculous gifts - dried flowers, mimosa, carnations and, of course, cacti.

A postcard, even a homemade one, is also considered by 3% of women to be an unsuccessful gift. One of the respondents told how her husband once gave her not just a postcard, but a paper greeting made by his ex-girlfriend. Rounding out the anti-rating are tights, socks, and other similar items. About 3% of women also voted against them.

At the request of sociologists, women named “record holders” among the most ridiculous gifts: these are anti-aging cosmetics and bathroom scales, a plunger and a toilet brush, a bottle of vodka and a bottle of beer, a calendar for last year, a CD of the group “Civil Defense”, three absolutely identical coffee sets and a straw for drinks in the form of "manhood".

What are men ready for?

As for those from whom ladies expect gifts, only half of working men agree to please their female colleagues on the occasion of International Women's Day. 9% are not going to congratulate their colleagues even verbally, explaining this, in particular, by the poor financial situation of the company (and, accordingly, its employees), a survey by the portal’s Research Center showed Superjob.ru.

And yet, they mostly agree that giving gifts to women on March 8 is a good tradition. Every second person admitted that within a day or two in his company they begin to think about how to please women. 22% said that the office would solemnly congratulate all working ladies; 1% less were ready to set a festive table for women. “We’re making something like a holiday newspaper - it will be about every girl in our department”; "Flowers and table"; “We’ll cut the sandwiches ourselves and order the cakes”; “And after congratulations on March 7, women will be allowed to go home,” respondents reported.

In 6% of cases, the company plans a corporate evening, for example, in a restaurant or bowling club. Not every employer is ready for such expenses, but parties on International Women’s Day are organized more often than on February 23, writes Newsru.com.

Based on materials from the website Gazeta.SPb

And here are the results of a survey about what a woman doesn’t want on March 8:

The worst gifts on International Women's Day, according to women themselves, are cheap jewelry, products from intimate stores and souvenirs.

Russians put cheap jewelry in first place in the ranking of the worst gifts. 58% of Russian women do not want to receive such a gift. “I really love jewelry, including high-quality costume jewelry. If they gave me jewelry, I liked it because it was given by close people who know my taste,” the Superjob.ru portal cites the explanations of the survey participants.

In second place were products from intimate stores. “It’s gone!” - 42% of respondents think. 41% of women are not ready for such an extreme gift as a parachute jump, most of whom admitted that they are afraid of heights.

Next on the list of inappropriate gifts are keychains, figurines and other souvenirs, “annoying and clogging up space.” 38% of women would not like to receive such a gift. Russian women were almost unanimous in regard to household appliances and kitchen utensils, which, according to the survey results, the majority of women considers it more of a household necessity than a gift.18% of Russian women do not want to receive a frying pan or food processor as a gift.

    Lace lingerie was also considered a not very successful gift. It was rejected by 13% of women. 12% of Russian women least of all dream of getting a membership to a fitness club on March 8, and 11% will not be happy with a course of SPA treatments or a gift certificate to a store.

    At the same time, as noted in the research center that conducted the survey, it was mainly women over 45 who opposed parachute jumping as a sign of attention from men, saying that “they are no longer at the age where they are given cheap nonsense.” In the International On Women's Day, they expect to receive a “more elegant and useful” gift. In turn, souvenirs and kitchen utensils are more often rejected by Russian women aged 25 to 34, who are ready to receive “anything, just not pots and worthless souvenirs” as a gift.”

    Meanwhile, 5% of women could not name a gift that would upset them. `Any gift means attention. And any attention is nice,” they assured.

    Sociologists conducted similar surveys to help men in previous years. Thus, the leaders among the worst gifts were pets - 33% of Russian women did not want to receive such a gift. Second place was occupied by sports equipment (28%) - from year to year our women believe that a sports store is not the best place to choose gifts. Then, oddly enough, came soft toys (18%). Dishes and kitchen utensils (16%), money and underwear (13% each) appeared in the anti-rating.

    1. Cheap jewelry - 58%
    2. Products from an intimate store - 42%
    3. Certificate for parachute jump - 41%
    4. Souvenirs - 38%
    5. Household appliances or kitchen utensils - 18%
    6. Lace lingerie - 13%
    7. Fitness club subscription -12%
    8. Gift certificate to any store - 11%
    9. Other - 6%

    So what should you give?

    Meanwhile, Interfax gives advice on how to please ladies on their holiday. Most Russian women expect to receive a spring bouquet as a gift, considering flowers the best gift for March 8. This is what 54% of men are going to give this year, and 45% would like to receive them women, sociologists from the Levada Center told Interfax based on the results of an all-Russian survey.

    However, many ladies would not refuse jewelry and decorations; every fifth woman (23%) is waiting for them, but not everyone will wait - half as many men prepare such a gift for their loved ones - 12%.

    13% of women would like to receive cosmetics and perfumes, and 19% of men prepare such gifts. 13% of women expect candies and other sweets as gifts.

    Many women (13%) would not mind receiving a gift in the form of “cash compensation,” but this will solve the annual problem of choosing a gift for only 6% of Russians.

    A total of 13% of women would like to receive dishes, crystal and porcelain, a mobile phone, a book as a gift, and 8% of Russian women would like to receive any household appliances as a gift. Every tenth Russian woman (11%) expects an invitation to a holiday at the theater or to a romantic dinner in a restaurant, but only 3% of women will have this wish come true.

    Based on materials from the site "Sociology"

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