Why you need to close the curtains at night. Why should you sleep in complete darkness?

Modern bedrooms are filled with light - the flickering of a monitor and electronic clock, street lighting. The problem is that constant exposure to light leads to health problems.

To understand why light at night has such a detrimental effect on health, we can look back at history. Until artificial sources of lighting filled human life, he had only two “lamp”: during the day - the sun, at night - the stars and the moon, and, perhaps, light from a fire.

This formed human circadian rhythms, which, despite changes in lighting, still regulate the state of sleep and wakefulness. Today, night artificial lighting breaks centuries-old human habits. It is less bright than sunlight, but brighter than the light from the moon and stars, and this triggers a cascade of biochemical reactions, including the production of hormones such as cortisol and melatonin.

Melatonin and cortisol

Melatonin production is key to understanding why artificial light is so bad for us. This hormone is produced in the pineal gland only in complete darkness and is responsible for the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin lowers blood pressure, body temperature and blood glucose levels, that is, it does everything to provide the body with restful, deep sleep.

There is a part of the human brain that is responsible for the biological clock - the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus. This is a group of cells that respond to darkness and light, and gives signals to the brain about when it is time to fall asleep and wake up.

In addition, the suprachiasmatic nucleus is responsible for changes in body temperature and the production of cortisol. At night, the amount of cortisol decreases, allowing us to sleep, and during the day it increases, regulating energy levels.

All these processes are natural, but artificial lighting at night disrupts them. The body reacts to light and increases cortisol levels at night, making it more difficult for a person to fall asleep. In addition, high levels of the “stress” hormone reduce the body’s resistance to insulin and inflammation. As a result of the fact that cortisol is produced at the wrong time, appetite and sleep are disrupted.

However, hormone levels are regulated not only by the amount of light at the moment, but also by how much light you received before.

Light before bed

Studies have shown that if a person spends time in room lighting before bed, less melatonin is produced for 90 minutes, compared to dim light. If you sleep in room lighting, melatonin levels decrease by 50%.

From this perspective, any light in your bedroom becomes a real problem, and tablets, smartphones and energy-efficient lamps only make it worse. The fact is that Blue light from LEDs is particularly potent in suppressing melatonin production.

Cancer danger

Unfortunately, disruption of hormone production provokes not only poor sleep, but also more serious consequences, such as cancer. A 10-year study showed that sleeping in light increases the risk of cancer.

Participants in the experiment who slept in the light were 22% more likely to develop breast cancer than women who slept in complete darkness. Researchers believe this depends on melatonin levels. Even earlier, in vitro experiments proved that melatonin blocks the growth of melanoma cells.

In another study, rats bearing breast cancer xenografts received blood perfusion from women sleeping in bright light and from participants sleeping in complete darkness. Those rats that received blood from the former showed no improvement, while in the latter the tumor decreased.

Based on the data from these studies, we can say that sleeping in the dark prevents cancer and we can only sympathize with people working the night shift.

Dim light, blue light, depression and immunity

Unfortunately, the light in the bedroom at night does not have to be bright to cause damage to health - even dim lighting will suffice. Studies conducted on hamsters have shown that dim lights at night cause depression.

Hamsters exposed to dim lights at night showed less interest in the sweet water they love so much. However, when the lighting was removed, the hamsters returned to their previous state. In addition, constant dim light in the bedroom is bad for the immune system, since melatonin levels decrease, and along with it, immunological indicators deteriorate.

That is, if you have an illuminated electronic clock or other luminous devices in your bedroom that work all night, there is a serious reason to wonder whether you really need them. And this is not to mention the constant light from street lighting that comes through your window when there are no thick curtains.

And more health problems

Melatonin helps fight aging. It protects brain cells from free radicals and prevents degenerative changes. The hormone functions as an antioxidant, which provides protection inside brain cells, and can even be used by people over 40 years of age to prevent Parkinson's disease.

The next problem caused by melatonin deficiency is obesity. Light at night has been proven to promote weight gain by disrupting the body's natural rhythms. Experiments conducted on mice showed that rodents exposed to night light gained weight much faster than those sleeping in the dark, even though the amount of food and activity was the same.

What to do?

To summarize all of the above, we can derive several rules:

  1. Remove anything from your bedroom that can glow in the dark, including clocks, electronic devices, gadgets and any relaxing starry lights that you leave on at night.
  2. Turn off the lights at night, even the dimmest nightlights.
  3. Hang blackout curtains or close blinds to block outside light from entering the room.
  4. Don't read on your tablet or smartphone before bed, and don't take them into the bedroom at all.
  5. Try to change your job to one where there are no night shifts.

The modern product market is ready to offer the homeowner a whole host of devices for a comfortable and healthy sleep, in particular the highest quality bedding. Today it seems that without good, fresh bed linen it is no longer possible to imagine a modern bed. However, let's think - our ancestors did not use these products for sleeping at all, limiting themselves to piles of leaves, animal skins and even just bare earth. By and large, they managed to avoid musculoskeletal disorders, which are a plague for almost any modern person who leads a sedentary lifestyle. Should we follow suit by tossing our luxury sleep products in favor of something more spartan? If you follow common sense, then, of course, no, that’s what the age of technology is for, to make our lives more beautiful. But what should those who, for whatever reason, don’t like to sleep on bed linen do? Is such a desire “legal”? Let's figure it out.

I like to sleep without bed linen...

Many forums are literally full of questions from those who do not like to make their bed with linens. A large number of people are interested in the dangers of sleeping without bed linen and why does everyone react so negatively to this action?

But let's start from the beginning. The reasons for wanting to sleep not on bed linen, but on a “bare” bed or sofa with a mattress or blanket, respectively, can be very different.

  1. Laziness:banal laziness, which literally whispers to you after you have taken the set of linens off the bed for washing, do nothing more. Of course, the process of changing bed linen is far from the most pleasant, but you certainly shouldn’t put it off for a long time, as this can lead to undesirable consequences. When you get to bed in the evening, you will find “bare insides,” and you certainly won’t want to put on a fresh set and end up plopping down on what you have.
  2. Desire for a change of scenery:All your life you sleep on bed linen, and then you accidentally spend the night on a bed without linen. To your surprise, you feel well-slept and rested after such a night. It’s not difficult for the brain to make the association, and now you prefer a bed without linen for a night’s sleep.
  3. Negative reaction to bedding:It is quite possible that your skin reacts negatively to the bedding material that you use, in which case you always feel that the bed is uncomfortable and uncomfortable. You may also sweat or feel cold on sheets made from synthetic fabrics. In short, your bedding set is of poor quality or simply does not suit your skin.

Why can't you sleep on a bed without bedding?

There are two reasons to give up a bad habit: functional and psychological.

  • Just think about it - experts recommend changing bedding at least once every 4-7 days. Since a person secretes sweat during sleep and his sebaceous glands work, bedding is designed to absorb these fluids. If you sleep on a mattress on a bed or on a sofa, then you stain the upholstery, which is almost impossible to wash thoroughly and regularly. Thus, if you have been sleeping on the upholstery of furniture for several years, then it is probably already extremely greasy, smells unpleasant and looks disgusting. If these consequences are not yet familiar to you, then very soon they will “delight” you with their presence.
  • Lying in a warm bed on fresh, clean sheets is a real domestic pleasure. If you deprive yourself of this, you limit yourself in pleasure. In addition, sleeping in a specially equipped place is much more sound than sleeping “on occasion.”

In order to ensure a healthy and sound sleep, you need to accustom yourself to sleep on bedding, which you should carefully choose just for you.

Most, of course, choose hostels. But it happens that the institute does not have a dormitory. Or the student is picky. Not liking the noisy neighborhood of his own kind.

In general, a lot of students rent apartments. Those who have these apartments. I had one such apartment. In a new building. Two high-rise 22-story buildings have recently been built in Prague 5. Standing next to each other, like two candles. And they painted them red with white accents. Or, conversely, in white with red accents. They immediately began to call them that - candles.

My one-room apartment was located on the tenth floor. The windows looked out onto a nearby candle. At a distance of some 20-30 meters there is a row of other people’s windows. That is why the price for the apartment was lower than that of the others.

So, I bought an apartment. Within a month they built a kitchen and a built-in wardrobe for me. I set up a bed, a table and two chairs. And a bedside table with three shelves. The budget option is IKEA.
I started looking for tenants. He made an announcement.

- Hello, do you rent an apartment?
- Hello. Yes I.
- When can I watch it?
- Will you arrange it tomorrow evening?
- Will arrange it.

Gave me the address. I checked the time. I assured that I would.
The next day at exactly 18.00 I was already there, near the entrance. A minute later the future tenant came up.

Long, long legs. Ash-white hair. Cute face. Breasts are at least size 3. Elegant dress from Dolce Gabbana. Handbag from the same company. Sandals.
In general, at least now on the podium.

The girl's name was Natalya. And she studied at the Financial Institute. Which was located in the same area.

We went up to the apartment. Natasha liked the apartment. I asked if it would be possible to register. He assured that there would be no problem.

Already leaving the room, Natasha stopped and once again looked around all 30 square meters.

“I really like this nest,” she said, “it reminds me of Holland.”
- What does it remind you of? - I asked.
“The windows are large and without curtains,” Natasha answered and went to the exit.

I went cold. It seems like I bought everything for a new home. But I forgot about the curtains. And my windows, indeed, were the entire wall. Even the cornices were nailed to the ceiling. But no curtains.

“If you want, you can hang yours,” I muttered, crawling into the elevator after the girl.
“Well, here’s another thing: buy curtains for someone else’s apartment,” Natasha shrugged, “in Europe it’s common to live without curtains.” Here I will be.

“Accepted,” I confirmed, forgetting to add that the Czechs just like to isolate themselves from prying eyes with blinds or curtains.

In general, we signed an agreement. I handed the keys to a pretty student. I received money for the first month and went on vacation with this money. To friends. To Spain. September is the best time for a holiday in Spain.

And Natasha stayed to live in my modest one-room apartment on the 10th floor in Prague. With firm confidence that in the Czech Republic, rarely anyone hangs curtains on their windows.

After studying, Natalya came home. I undressed. And in her underpants she cooked dinner for herself. She read somewhere that the body must breathe. That’s why I walked around the apartment practically naked. If she needed to go out onto the balcony, she would chastely throw on a robe.
The first to notice the absence of curtains and the presence of a third bust size was a neighbor from the 11th floor from the house opposite. From his balcony, my apartment with my tenant was simply visible. Ideal viewing angle.

One evening a neighbor came out to smoke. So I tarred the whole pack. I crawled home, chilled and completely permeated, only when the student opposite me went to bed.

The next day he shared his observations with a friend living in the same house. He had a worse view, but with the right viewing angle, the girl’s bed was visible. In turn, the friend told several other neighbors about the lack of outerwear and curtains in the apartment opposite their house. And soon the entire strong half of the house at number 26B was aware of the evening stripteases of my tenant.

The men living on the other side of the house, with windows not on the neighboring building A, were terribly jealous of the lucky ones who had the opportunity to observe the movements of the owner of slender legs and a third bust size.

Incredible, but true: the female half of house B found out about the half-naked neighbor across the street only two weeks later. Either our women are so inattentive, or men began to sharply lower the blinds in the evenings so that their better half could not see what they were not supposed to see. But for two weeks the wives knew nothing about anything, and had no idea what their husbands were doing on the balconies. Neighbors from the apartments opposite suddenly began to frequent them.

But everything secret someday becomes clear. The same thing happened here. Moreover, the secret suddenly became clear to everyone and under rather tragic circumstances.

On the 12th floor in block B, a family lived in a two-room apartment. Husband Peter, wife Marketa and daughter Katenka. My daughter recently turned ten years old. And the spouses were 35.

They lived and lived. And suddenly it was as if Peter had been replaced. He began to retire to the balcony with his phone and newspaper. He comes out, closes the door and sits there, looking into the distance. Sometimes he calls someone. When his wife tried to go out onto the balcony, Peter did not let her in. He said that he needed to be alone.
Marketa sensed something was wrong. The woman's heart was filled with suspicion and jealousy. And sex with my husband suddenly became rare and quick. And when one day Peter remarked to her: “You’re getting fat,” Marketa realized: he has someone.

I stepped on the scale: 93 kilos. But all the women in her family were portly. It’s not like your husband - you’ll break the snot. The poor woman cried all night. And in the morning, while my husband was splashing in the bath, I got into his phone. Looking for dirt.

The first thing I did was look at where my husband was calling. The daytime phone calls were mostly for work. Marketa carefully rewrote the unknown numbers. Later I called them. But there was nothing criminal in these numbers. Mail, gas, call from school.
But the evening calls from her husband, made from the balcony, puzzled Marketa. Subscribers were designated by numbers: 418, 420, 378.

The woman puzzled over what these numbers could mean until she figured it out. These are apartment numbers. In their own house. I called one of the numbers. The man answered. I called differently. A man again.

But still. Some feeling that she was being deceived haunted Marketa.
In the evening, as usual, Peter complained about the stuffiness in the room and slipped out onto the balcony. Marketa took her bag and left the house, supposedly to go to the store to buy bread. And she went downstairs and from around the corner began to watch her husband standing on the balcony. The husband wandered around the tiny patch for some time. Then he suddenly stopped, took out his phone and started calling someone. Men began to appear on neighboring balconies. Some with a newspaper, some with a cigarette, some with a steaming cup of coffee. Marketa couldn’t believe her eyes: all the balconies in the house were filled with representatives of the stronger sex. Simultaneously. As if on cue.

Marketa went up to her apartment. Trying not to make any noise, she took off her shoes and crept into the room. Walking past the kitchen table, for some reason I grabbed a Teflon frying pan with me.
The husband stood motionless on the balcony, leaning his left hand on the railing. His right hand was stuck in his pants. The phone was lying on the chair.

Marketa carefully opened the door and went out onto the balcony. She broke the lock this morning so that it was impossible to close it.
Peter heard a rustling behind him and turned around. His eyes shone, a blissful smile froze on his face.

- You? - he asked, smiling stupidly.

Marketa did not answer. She pushed her frail husband aside and glanced at the house opposite. The windows of my apartment were glowing just below. Where a young blonde sat on the sofa with a laptop on her lap and typed something. The blonde was naked.
Time froze for several agonizing moments. The smile on Peter's face began to slowly fade. On the balcony nearby, a neighbor saw Marketa, groaned and disappeared into the darkness. There was a loud noise somewhere. A thunderstorm was approaching Prague. It became stuffy.
“I’ll explain everything to you...” Peter suddenly raised his voice.
Marketa turned to her husband and almost without swinging, hit him in the face with a frying pan. Peter was thrown against the wall by the blow and fell down as if knocked down. Blood flowed like a fountain from his broken nose. Marketa exhaled after the blow and took in more air into her lungs.
- Cattle! - she yelled. - Ungrateful pig!
Lightning flashed on the horizon. The balcony doors knocked. Marketa's roar forced the frightened men to retreat to their family nests.
- The male is underdeveloped! - the woman continued to scream. - Brainless donkey!
Peter turned over on his side and tried to crawl off the balcony. But Marketa grabbed her husband’s pants with her free hand. She easily returned the blood-soaked body to its place and hit it with the frying pan again. But already on the back. Something crunched. In response to the crunch, thunder rumbled somewhere in the distance.
- They are killing! - Peter suddenly screamed heart-rendingly, feeling that his left hand was being taken away. - Help! They are killing!

“The macaque is heartless,” barked in response to Market’s husband’s cries for help.

But she stopped hitting. She just kicked the body lying in front of her, which immediately hurried to crawl into the room.

Marketa looked around. Two floors below in the house opposite, Natalya, hearing the screams, put her laptop aside and went to the window. She appeared before Marketa in the light square of the window in only panties. From the illuminated apartment, it was hard for her to see what was going on outside the window, so she leaned against the glass, cupping her hands in a circle around her eyes. Her third size was flattened on the glass.

Busty cow! - Marketa shouted and threw a frying pan towards the young girl.

But the lack of sports skills and the weight of the throwing projectile played a cruel joke. The frying pan flew between two candle houses and broke a window on the 8th floor, exactly two floors below my apartment. In the same one-room apartment, where at that time a young couple was watching a romantic film on DVD. She looked and kissed. And at that moment the window shattered and, knocking down the TV on the way, a Teflon frying pan fell at their feet. Out of fear, the young man suddenly clenched his teeth and bit his girlfriend’s tongue. She screamed obscenities and ran into the bathroom to wash off the blood.

The young man, having recovered from his fright, called an ambulance. Then I thought about it and called the police.

Natalya, unable to see anything in the gathering darkness, moved away from the window and walked to the toilet.

Marketa looked at the fruits of her throw, spat and went into the room. The husband was lying on the floor unconscious. Blood flowed from the nose in a thin stream. The woman got scared and called the paramedics.

The police arrived first. Following them, an ambulance rushed to the patch in front of the house with sirens wailing. Literally, bumper to bumper, a second ambulance arrived for her. To a young couple.

At the same time as their arrival, something finally started dripping from the sky. It dripped for about five minutes. Little and not very wet. And then it stopped altogether. Drip. The thunderstorm passed by.

About 20 minutes later they carried Peter out on a stretcher. The girl with the bitten tongue stayed at home. She was not in danger of hospitalization. But she kicked out her boyfriend.

Marketa's testimony was taken. They confiscated a frying pan from a girl with a bitten tongue. And already after midnight both houses calmed down. The people fell asleep.

The next day, towards evening, it started dripping again. It got dark quickly. The light came on in my apartment. Natalya undressed and began to prepare dinner.

Phone calls came from the house opposite almost simultaneously. To the police. Excited female voices informed the duty officer about the outrage that was happening.

The duty officer consulted with his colleagues and answered all callers that he could not do anything. Someone else's apartment is private territory, and what is done there should not concern anyone. But just in case, he sent a patrol to the bad apartment.

Two young policemen, Gonza and Martin, arrived in record time. We went up to the 10th floor. They called. Natalya opened the door for them. Naturally, she was wearing a T-shirt and a robe.

The police checked my accommodation documents, visa, lease agreement. They saluted and drove back to the station. Tell your colleagues about a beautiful Russian girl who has all her documents in order.

The weaker half of the house opposite gathered on the ground floor and conferred. As many as 12 people gathered. It was found out who owns the apartment. The next day, the women's committee managed to get my phone number.

The call found me in a sun lounger on the seashore. I picked up the phone. At the other end of the line, an excited voice said that an immoral girl lives in my apartment, because of whom serious bodily harm occurs and material damage is caused in the form of broken glass. At the end of the conversation, the woman asked me to buy and hang curtains in the apartment.

I was stunned by the information poured out on me and promised to look into it.

I called Natalya. He asked about his health and the weather in Prague. How is her life?

Natalya replied that everything was fine, even wonderful. She likes the apartment. Shop and school nearby. The metro is just a stone's throw away. And that the police came. I checked the documents.

I wished the girl success in her studies and hung up.

An hour later another call rang. My friend’s number appeared on the screen. Living opposite. On the second floor.

“Hello, Semyon,” I said, “what’s going on there?”

“Everything is fine with us,” Semyon answered cheerfully, “life is in full swing.”

And he told a version of the events taking place from the point of view of the male half of B’s house.

What do you want from me? - I asked.

“Don’t buy curtains,” came the voice at the other end of the line, “don’t.” Why do you need extra expenses?

“I’ll think about it,” I replied and hung up.

The remaining days of rest were a mess. Phone calls were heard periodically. I was accused of destroying families. They said that I was a cool guy and invited me to have a beer upon arrival. They claimed that I was a beggar who didn’t even have money for curtains. They asked if I had any more apartments for rent. They offered me very good German curtains for free...

In general, I arrived in Prague tanned and slightly worried.

I went to a spontaneous meeting of the women's committee. I sat with the men in the local pub Chertov Mlyn. I visited my lovely tenant.

And he gave a verdict: the client is always right. And peeping into other people's windows is immoral. And by the way, it's illegal. She likes to walk around the apartment naked - let her. This is no one's business.

But it turned out that I was wrong. But the person who said that you cannot live in society and be free from society is right.

Less than a couple of days later, the following happened. The little dark-haired woman from the 13th floor bought a powerful spotlight at a hardware store. I installed it on the dining table, which I moved close to the windowsill. And she sent a powerful beam into the windows of my apartment. The husband, who tried to stop his wife's actions, was blocked by sympathetic neighbors. The operation bore the formidable name “Storm of Berlin”.

However, Natalya was not at a loss. She called the police and reported the light attack.

Two policemen we already knew, Gonza and Martin, arrived 10 minutes later. We went up to the 13th floor. They confiscated the crime weapon and very clearly explained that it was forbidden to shine spotlights through the windows. This is hooliganism. And they quoted the corresponding article.

Then the brave policemen went up to Natalya and apologized for their neighbor. Natalya was wearing a pink robe. She hung it in the hallway to greet guests.

Natasha thanked the police for their work. After which the youngest of them, Martin, embarrassed and blushing, asked the girl for her phone number and permission to take a photo with her. Natalya thought and gave permission. I dictated the phone number and took a selfie. And they parted ways. Girl sleep. The police go to the station to show off the photo and talk about a new round of confrontation between houses A and B.

It was quiet for two days. Until another scandal broke out. A student from Kazakhstan rented an apartment in building B on the 15th floor. A very enterprising student, as it turned out. He told his classmates about his neighbor from the house opposite and began to watch erotic scenes in the evenings. He charged inexpensively: 100 crowns per person plus beer and snacks.

These views continued for 4 days. Until one of the mothers of regular visitors to the student apartment suspected something was wrong. She got into her son’s phone and found fuzzy pictures taken by the phone of a lit window with a naked girl. At the first interrogation, the son split and told everything to his parents. They reported to the police.

Martin and Gonza came to the enterprising student. A protocol was drawn up. They talked popularly about illegal business and privacy.

I can still understand beer and snacks,” Martin said thoughtfully, “but why did you take money from your comrades?”

“I wanted to buy binoculars,” the failed entrepreneur blushed, “so that I could see better.”

“You’ll go far,” Gonza said sternly.

The student assured that he would not even look towards the house opposite and that he would no longer have guests. He came to the Czech Republic to study and intends to do so in the future.

The police once again reminded him that he should not break the law, and came to Natalya to tell him about the closure of the underground strip show. The girl thanked them and invited them to tea. The guys refused tea, but Martin, still blushing and worried, invited Natalya on a date. Naturally, not during the service.

Natalya thought and agreed.

On the same day, a friend approached me with a request. He bought a two-room apartment in a new building and, like me, wanted to rent it out to students. But I didn't know how.

I agreed with a friend that in exchange for help I would receive from him a commission in the amount of five thousand crowns. Then I called the tenant and made an appointment.

I came to her in the evening. I drank tea. And he asked me to hang a small poster on one of the windows. The apartment is mine after all, why don’t I hang something on the window. Natasha agreed.

The poster read: “I rent an apartment. Phone 776667666.”

We rented out my friend’s apartment in two days.

I was about to take the poster down because the calls didn’t stop. But at this time another person approached me with a request to rent out his apartment. In another area, in a panel house. For the same five thousand.

I agreed. Passed. It took me three days.

And then orders started pouring in. I spent days running all over Prague, arranging viewings, signing contracts and answering phone calls.

I sometimes heard information about the ongoing clashes between my tenant and the female half of House B. But the war became protracted, was sluggish and no longer so interesting.

A year later, Natasha married Martin and moved out.

And I became a realtor.

In ancient times, the role of curtains and drapes was performed by wooden shutters decorated with protective signs. But shutters are not very convenient in everyday life, so eventually curtains appeared. Apart from patterns, types of fabric and method of draping, modern curtains are practically no different from those that were used in ancient times.

And they perform the same function - security. Any window curtains, whether luxurious curtains or modest chintz curtains, are designed to protect the house from the penetration of various negativity. They absorb energy dirt from the outside, preventing it from entering the house, protecting its residents from unkind glances and evil intentions.

What color of curtains to choose

Color is also very important, because each shade attracts a certain type of energy into the house, under the influence of which people feel differently, both emotionally and physically.

  • Very favorable green color for curtains - a symbol of nature and upward growth, physical and mental health;, . constant revival. In a room with green curtains, a person replenishes his strength faster; the same color promotes faster recovery during illness.
  • Yellow- this is definitely a sunny color. He. lifts the mood and encourages communication. Yellow curtains would be especially appropriate in the living room, where the whole family gathers, or in the kitchen, where they share meals.
  • Blue color - the color of harmony, peace, peace of mind. It is suitable for bedrooms, as well as rooms connected with water, such as bathrooms, and is highly undesirable for work rooms - otherwise the person who works there will constantly feel sleepy.
  • Pink curtains are pleasing to the eye and promote a romantic mood. This color perfectly relieves aggression, awakens good feelings, and settles quarrels.
  • Red- the color of happiness and vitality. But at the same time it is a very aggressive color, and there should not be a lot of it. The best place for red curtains and drapes is in rooms where people move a lot, such as playrooms, or dining rooms and kitchens.
  • Brown color is very ambiguous, largely negative, it often gives rise to discomfort and base desires. Brown curtains are most appropriate in winter, and it is advisable that they are not entirely brown. Brown, like red, is safe in small doses.

Magic has a special relationship with white curtains. On the one hand, being a symbol of purity, white color repels evil spirits and negativity better than all other colors, but on the other hand, a large amount of it causes anxiety and nervousness among the inhabitants of the house.

The best solution, according to bioenergeticists, is white tulle curtains on the windows, which perfectly protect against negative influences from the outside and at the same time do not tire and do not dominate the color scheme of the house. One of the most common places where white curtains are appropriate is the kitchen.

When is it time to change curtains

Modern magicians advise changing curtains every two years, and it is recommended to burn the old ones or throw them in the trash.

And why this should be done is explained in one magic book:

“Whoever takes care of his house hangs cloth on the windows. The thoughts of enemies and envious people, black words and black intentions settle on it. The more enemies a house has, the dirtier these rags are. You can’t wash them with soap if other dirt is ingrained in them.”

In general, the external cleanliness and safety of curtains and curtains should not be misleading - energy dirt is not visible to the naked eye.

It is clear that in our difficult times, changing curtains so often is not a cheap pleasure. And you can simply like old curtains and perfectly complement the interior. In this case, magicians recommend energetic cleaning of “window decorations.”

First of all, wash the window where you will be hanging the curtains. On the waning Moon, early in the morning, take a deep saucer with spring water and read the following conspiracy over it:

“Water-water, pure sister! Cleanse the eyelids of our home! Keep them as they are. Let nothing pollute them, bring back joy, bring back happiness, bring back light to our home! Water is water, pure sister, thank you!”

Spray the curtains with enchanted water and lightly sprinkle with Thursday salt. After this, the old curtains can be hung on the windows.

Why it is so necessary and important to sleep in the dark. What hormone problems can this lead to? How to prevent this and how to ensure that your sleep becomes sound and complete.

Everyone knows how important sleep is for us.

During sleep, our body not only rests, it repairs itself. Everyone knows that it is advisable to go to bed and get up at the same time. Our body quickly gets used to the routine and adapts. Everyone knows that you need to sleep at least 6-7 hours.

Does everyone adhere to these simple, long-known rules?

In the age of technology, we fall asleep in front of the TV, some even manage to do it in front of a computer, tablet, or phone.

Many parents leave a night light on in their children's room all night, for many easily explained and understandable reasons (children are often afraid of the dark, they will suddenly wake up and want to go to the toilet, and the like).

But many people don’t even suspect that they need to sleep in complete darkness.

It turns out that our body has its own built-in biological clock, which controls many important processes in our body.

One of these processes is the production of the hormone Melatonin, which (unfortunately for many people) is produced only in complete darkness.

And why this is so important and you need to know, I will tell you in this post.

What is Melatonin?

This is a hormone that is secreted by the pineal gland of our brain. This gland, by the way, is also called the third eye.

The urge to produce Melatonin is the absence of light.

This dark-loving hormone plays a big role in physical and mental health, controls our mood and is also a powerful antioxidant!

Melatonin deficiency can cause numerous and very serious health problems.

This includes weak immunity, an increased risk of malignant tumors (a study of the relationship between low Melatonin levels and breast cancer), hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, hormonal imbalance, obesity.

Scientists consider a lack of this hormone as one of the possible risks for the development of Multiple Sclerosis and depression.

As I already mentioned, we humans, like all creatures of the animal world, have our own daily or circadian rhythm, which tells us that we should go to sleep when it gets dark and wake up when it gets light.

Which is exactly what our ancestors followed. I remember my grandmother, who went to bed probably at 9 pm and woke up with the sunrise - around 6 am.

The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda says the same thing: go to bed no later than 10 pm and get up at 5-6 am. This is explained by the energy of the sun and our connection with this energy.

But there is a more scientific explanation that fully supports Ayurveda.

Inside our hypothalamus live a group of special cells called cells. Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, which control our biological clock, again depending on the lighting.

Light reaches these cells through our optic nerve.

When it's time to wake up, for example, light stimulates these cells. At the same time, lighting provokes the beginning of a whole process of “waking up” of our entire body, which goes unnoticed for us. Our body temperature rises, hormone synthesis increases Cortisol.

When these special cells do not receive enough light, they begin the reverse process - the production of a hormone Melatonin, which can be said to help us sleep.

That is, it turns out that if at night you sleep with the TV on (and yes, even this seemingly dim lighting can interrupt the synthesis of Melatonin) or the night light on, then you are on the road to a serious hormonal imbalance, which threatens problems not only with the quality of sleep , but also general health.

In addition to this, artificial lighting, when natural light is no longer available, increases the synthesis of the hormone Cortisol, which prevents you from falling asleep, provokes hunger and triggers a number of chronic inflammatory reactions.

How to achieve optimal Melatonin synthesis?

« Sleeping in the dark « This will sound very cliché, but this is the simple, uncomplicated truth.

  • Turn off the lights, bedside lamps, TV, computer and even desk digital clocks.
  • Cover your windows with heavy curtains or blinds that block out light.
  • Ideally, scientists say that the room where you sleep should be so dark that you will not be able to see, for example, your own hand. Personally, I haven’t reached such darkness yet, but I really strive for it.
  • Teach your children from childhood to also sleep in the dark. They watch and repeat after you, be the right example for them to follow.
  • I do not recommend trying to replace full sleep without light with