Documents for orthopedic shoes. Orthomod orthopedic shoe salons take care of people with disabilities and provide services for people with disabilities

Orthopedic shoes are considered a means of rehabilitation, and if they are purchased with the own money of a disabled person or another person entitled to free rehabilitation means, he will be compensated. The compensation paid for shoes will depend on the actual cost of the pair of shoes and the established standards.

How much compensation is paid for shoes?

The amount of compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of orthopedic shoes will be determined by the Department of Social Protection of the Population based on the results of the last order placed (regardless of the time of manufacture of the shoes, the date of application for compensation, the time of purchase of shoes) for the provision of technical equipment. funds for the disabled and/or for holding a competition/auction/quotations. Information about these events can be obtained in the public domain on the Internet portal of the Russian Federation about the state. procurement

Where to go to receive compensation for shoes

You can receive orthopedic shoes twice a year. Compensation may be issued with similar frequency.

An application for a compensation payment for the independent purchase of such rehabilitation equipment as orthopedic shoes must be submitted to the regional department of social protection of the population.

What documents are needed to receive compensation for shoes?

In order for an application for payment of compensation to be accepted, it is necessary to collect all the necessary documents before contacting the authorized body:

Document Where to get it
Russian passport GUVM MIA
Certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) Pension Fund
Individual rehabilitation program Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise
Conclusion of medical and social examination ITU Bureau
Document confirming payment for orthopedic shoes Place to buy shoes
Passport and power of attorney (if documents are submitted by an authorized representative) A disabled person can write a power of attorney himself, without having it certified by a notary
Child's birth certificate (if shoes are needed by a child under 14 years old) Civil registry offices

The purchased product must also have all documents proving the suitability of the shoes for use and the intended use of funds. For shoes you need to collect the following documents:

  • sales and cash receipt for shoes;
  • a photocopy of the certificate of quality conformity, a photocopy of the registration certificate for the product group.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes

Error: The term for using orthopedic shoes has not yet expired, but the disabled person requires a replacement pair of shoes.

A comment: If the period of use of the shoes has not expired, repairs must be made at a specialized institution. If the shoes cannot be repaired, you need to obtain a medical and technical examination report - then the shoes will be replaced ahead of schedule.

Error: The disabled person did not know which types of shoes were eligible for compensation.

The procedure for providing disabled people with orthopedic shoes

Orthopedic footwear is classified in commodity item 9021 of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union (Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union) if the following conditions are simultaneously met:
- orthopedic shoes must be made to individual measurements to fit the shape of the deformed foot; orthopedic shoes are never mass produced;
- these shoes should be made mainly of hard leather, which can be reinforced with a metal or cork frame, giving the shoe rigidity to correct leg (foot) deformities;
- the upper of the shoe cannot consist entirely of straps or stripes;
- orthopedic shoes are designed to correct permanent or temporary deformities of the foot or to relieve pain when walking.
Mass-produced shoes, the inner insole of which has a curved shape that relieves pain from flat feet, are classified in accordance with the material of the upper and sole and the manufacturing method in group 64 of the Commodity Code of the Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union.

Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated March 1, 2012 N 34-r
"On the classification of individual goods according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union"
(Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 28, 2012 N 24001)

The IPR at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund includes TSR (including orthopedic shoes) ONLY for pathology leading to acute respiratory distress.
In other cases, it is possible to include TSR in the IPR (including orthopedic shoes), but in this case, in the “Executor” column it is indicated: “The disabled person himself” or “At the expense of the disabled person.”

On the possibility of including technical means of rehabilitation (TCP) in the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (IRP) at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for concomitant pathologies, I inform you that in accordance with Article 11.1, the decision to provide disabled people with TCP is made based on the results of an examination at the medical bureau. social expertise:

“For medical reasons, it is established that it is necessary to provide a disabled person with technical means of rehabilitation that provide compensation or elimination of persistent limitations in the disabled person’s life.”

According to clause 1 of the “Procedure for the development and implementation of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (disabled child)”, approved by , the development of IPR is carried out during a medical and social examination based on an assessment of the limitations in life activity caused by a persistent disorder of body functions and the rehabilitation potential.

Assessment of the nature and extent of impaired body functions and possible limitations in life activity is carried out using the “Classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination” approved (Classification).

Determination of the degree of impaired functions, in accordance with clause 4 of the Classification, is carried out comprehensively, i.e. with an assessment of all their characterizing parameters.

Thus, TCPs are recommended for the purpose of compensating or eliminating persistent limitations in life activities caused by persistent disorders of body functions. In cases where, according to the results of a medical and social examination, dysfunctions of the body, including concomitant pathologies, do not lead to limitations in life, there are no grounds for establishing disability.

Consequently, there are no legal grounds for including TCP in the IPR for pathologies that do not lead to limitation of life activity.

To include orthopedic shoes in the IPR of a disabled person, it is necessary to attach to the Referral to MTU in form 0-88/u the conclusion of the medical-technical commission (MTC act), which is drawn up by orthopedic prosthetists of the medical departments of prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises.

A referral for a consultation to a prosthetic and orthopedic company to obtain this conclusion is usually issued to the patient by the OOLPP, which issues him a Referral to MTU in the form 0-88/y.
Less often, patients independently turn to prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises and receive there an MTC certificate stating their need for orthopedic shoes.
In both the first and second cases, in the Referral to MSE in form 0-88/y, the OOLPP must indicate the patient’s need to be provided with orthopedic shoes.

Medical indications for providing disabled people with orthopedic shoes:
Persistent moderate and severe disturbances of the static-dynamic function, leading to acute insufficiency in the category of independent movement (this is a mandatory condition) due to diseases, consequences of injuries, deformities of the feet: static insufficiency of the feet with pronounced anatomical manifestations; shortening of limb length over 30 mm; congenital and amputation foot defects; paralytic foot deformities; congenital deformities (equino-varus deformity (clubfoot), equinus (equine) foot, plano-valgus foot, etc.); residual deformities after foot injuries; ankylosis of the ankle joint; lymphostasis (elephantiasis) and acromegaly; use of fixation devices and splints, diabetic foot syndrome.

Orthopedic shoes do not fit into the IPR (and are not manufactured) for patients who have foot deformities, but suffer from severe concomitant diseases that exclude the possibility of walking in orthopedic shoes.

Absolute medical contraindications to providing disabled people with orthopedic shoes:
Extensive trophic ulcers of the foot, gangrene, widespread purulent processes in soft tissues, lack of weight-bearing ability of the lower limb due to extensive cicatricial changes in tissue prone to ulceration, in elderly people with severe general frailty and inability to move.
Allergic reactions to orthopedic product materials.

Orthopedic shoes for an individual rehabilitation program are specially designed products to be worn for therapeutic purposes. Used for the correction and prevention of flat feet, gait and posture disorders. Specialized shoes are worn according to the doctor’s instructions, taking into account the patient’s personal parameters.

When do you need shoes according to IPR?

The list of indications for the use of individual orthopedic shoes includes:

  • longitudinal, transverse and longitudinal-transverse flatfoot;
  • plano-valgus axial deviations;
  • first toe deformities, bone deformities and bunions;
  • relative or absolute shortening of the foot;
  • deformities of the lower extremities, including lesions of the ankle, knee and hip joints;
  • consequences of traumatic injuries;
  • heel spur (painful bony prominence);
  • diseases of the bones of the lower extremities;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • diabetic foot syndromes. In the case of a complicated course of the disease, hypersensitivity and trophic ulcers occur;
  • clubfoot, turning the heel in or out;
  • Tendency to sprains in the ankle area.
  • Minors. Children's orthopedic shoes are designed to correct the foot during the development of the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedists recommend starting to wear it at 2 years of age.
  • Pregnant women. With sudden weight gain and abdominal enlargement, the center of gravity in the body shifts. As a result, it becomes more difficult for the body to distribute the load evenly across the feet. This leads to swelling, pain in the feet and cramps in the calf muscles.
  • Athletes. Athletes and travelers are exposed to serious, regular workload. There is an increased risk of injuries to the musculoskeletal system and feet (fractures, sprains, dislocations).
  • Persons whose work requires prolonged standing.

Who is eligible for free orthopedic shoes?

Some categories of persons can receive products selected according to the patient’s IPR. Disabled children are given 4 pairs of free orthopedic shoes per year. Children under 16 years old receive 2 pairs per year (winter and summer). 1 pair of insoles is provided every 6 months.

Free orthopedic shoes can be received by:

  • persons with disabilities;
  • large families;
  • socially vulnerable segments of the population with income below the minimum wage;
  • children who need foot correction.

How to get orthopedic shoes for free

Compensation for orthopedic shoes under the IPR is provided by social security authorities. To obtain it, you must proceed in the following order:

  1. Visit to the orthopedist. The patient goes to the clinic, visits an orthopedist, initiates a medical commission and receives a conclusion on the medical indications for the provision of complex orthopedic shoes.
  2. Contact the MFC. The person visits a multifunctional center or social welfare office. You will need to provide a medical report and attach an application, a copy of your birth certificate or passport, and registration information.
  3. Obtaining a certificate from social security about the possibility of free issuance of orthopedic products.
  4. Contact a shoe store or manufacturer with recommendations from an orthopedist. The patient pays for the goods himself, and then receives monetary compensation from the social security authorities. There is a maximum refund that must be considered when purchasing a product.

Clients can order and purchase specialized shoes in the ORTEKA network of orthopedic salons.

A fairly large number of people need specialized orthopedic shoes. These shoes are needed for a variety of reasons. If you are concerned about tired legs, foot defects, or pain when walking, orthopedic shoes will help you solve these problems. Also, such shoes contribute to the formation of correct gait.

The production of such shoes requires compliance with certain norms and standards and must meet the specifics of the development of shoe models in this category. Each pair must be designed specifically taking into account the individual characteristics of the foot, and if necessary, consultation with specialists is required. It is for these reasons that such shoes should be purchased in specialized salons, such as the Ortomoda salons. Orthopedic shoe salon Ortomoda has been developing fashionable and functional shoes that combine comfort and style for more than 10 years. Our company regularly receives orders from the state to produce specialized shoes for people who need them for medical reasons.

An important activity of the Orthomoda company is to provide disabled people and people with disabilities with the necessary complex orthopedic shoes and special adaptive clothing. Persons in the preferential category have the right to receive these goods free of charge. This happens at the expense of the federal or city budget. By appointment, we provide disabled people with the necessary models of shoes and clothing, the production time of which is 45 days. To place an order, you must collect a certain package of documents.

You can get more information and answers to questions on the company’s website, by phone or by sending an email.

Type of contract



Required documents (originals+copies)

Possibility of reception


Persons with disabilities



1. Certificate of disability

2. Passport

3. IPR



Moscow Department of Social Protection

Persons with disabilities



1. Certificate of disability

2. Birth certificate (passport)

3. Passport of one of the parents

4. IPR


Moscow Department of Social Protection

Persons without disabilities



1. Passport



Moscow Department of Social Protection

Persons without disabilities



2. Passport of one of the parents



Persons with disabilities

Moscow region


1. Passport

2. Certificate of disability

3. IPR



Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region

Persons with disabilities

Moscow region


1. Birth certificate (passport)

2. Certificate of disability

3. IPR

5. Passport of one of the parents



State institution Moscow regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

Insured Persons injured as a result of accidents at work Moscow Adults

1. Passport

3. Rehabilitation program for the victim

Regardless of the validity of the contract, persons with disabilities can also order production of orthopedic shoes for cash with subsequent compensation .

How to get a?

Option #1

  • For people with disabilities, an entry in the IPR about receiving “complex orthopedic shoes” is required.
  • “Complex orthopedic shoes” are made according to individual measurements, taking into account the diagnosis.
  • If funding is available, “complex orthopedic shoes” can be paid for from the city or federal budget.

Option No. 2

Complex orthopedic shoes can be purchased at the ORTOMODA Center for Special Purpose of Shoes in cash (or by bank transfer). With your purchase, you will be provided with a mandatory package of documents (quality certificate, according to TU 9363-032-53-279025-2003 for complex orthopedic shoes, cash and sales receipts, invoice and calculation of the cost of the product), which is necessary to receive compensation from the Social Insurance Fund.

Document processing is carried out only on weekdays.

Explanations for documents

Certificate of disability- a certificate issued to a person upon initial determination of disability of the ITU series (pink) or VTE (old sample).

YPRESAnd individual P program R rehabilitation.( approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 4, 2008 N 379n as amended. dated March 16, 2009 N 116n). The document contains a list of rehabilitation measures paid for by the state. Issued by the MSE (Medical and Social Expertise) authorities. The need for the manufacture of orthopedic shoes and clothing is indicated in the column “technical means of rehabilitation”, regardless of the cause of disability. As a rule, children are provided with 4 pairs of orthopedic shoes per year, adults - 2 pairs.

You must have the original IPR with you (all sheets). We draw your attention to the validity period of the IPR and the application period for the manufacture of orthopedic shoes. If you have been issued a new IPR, under which you have not yet received orthopedic shoes, you can contact us to manufacture them during the validity period of the IPR. If you have an indefinite period (or for 2 years), under which you already received orthopedic products last year, then you can place the next order for the manufacture of all pairs of shoes only 11 months after receiving the previous one, regardless of the place of manufacture.

The reasons why we may need orthopedic shoes are different. This may be a consequence of disability or simply some features of the development of the foot. Today we will talk about what types of orthopedic shoes there are, how to choose them correctly and how you can get them for free.

Why orthopedic shoes are needed

Orthopedic shoes are a preventative measure. It evenly distributes the load when walking across the entire musculoskeletal system. The less the load, the better you feel and the less you suffer from the consequences of foot pathology. And the pathology can be very different - from flat feet to very serious deformities of not only the foot, but also the hip and lower leg. Orthopedic shoes can correct your gait and even have a therapeutic effect.

Types of orthopedic shoes

Orthopedic shoes come in three main types:

  • preventive – suitable for preventing the development of foot deformities and at the initial stage of the onset of pathology;
  • uncomplicated - used at the initial stage of the disease, serves as a means of easy correction;
  • complex – necessary for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, irreversible deformation and complete or partial amputation.

Uncomplicated and preventative shoes are sold in specialized salons. You can buy a ready-made model if it suits you after trying it on. But complex orthopedic shoes are something that is sewn to order in a prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise. Such products should be made on the recommendation of an orthopedic doctor. The patient's foot is carefully measured and boots and shoes are designed so that when walking they maximally compensate for all the inconveniences caused by the disease.

In addition to therapeutic purposes, orthopedic shoes are divided into children's and adult, indoor and outdoor, and seasonal.

Advice! Even in the absence of foot pathology, orthopedists recommend using shoes with orthopedic insoles, at least for home use. If you regularly wear such insoles, your back will get less tired and flat feet will never develop.

Design features and model range of orthopedic shoes

Orthopedic shoes, like regular ones, correspond to the season of wear: these can be sandals, shoes, shoes and boots. The only thing that distinguishes it is its not so elegant design, because its main task is to correct imperfections, and not to decorate the foot. To perform their tasks, the boots are equipped with hard heels, wide, stable heels and durable toes. The design may include various types of inserts and special plates, additional fastenings and straps. Complex orthopedic shoes resemble a corset for the leg: they are tightly fixed and do not give the foot freedom.

Under no circumstances should you purchase or order orthopedic shoes without the recommendation of an orthopedic doctor. It's like a medicine that, if used improperly, can cause irreparable harm.

How to choose the right orthopedic shoes

An important point: ortho shoes are made only from natural materials. Leather, suede or fabric are used for it. Considering the tight fit of the product on the foot, it is very important that the foot breathes and the material stretches comfortably along its contour. Of course, shoes and boots must be the right size. You should not take such shoes to your child “with a reserve” - this can seriously harm his health.

For your information! During wear, orthopedic insoles acquire a specific shape that matches the foot. For this reason, you cannot wear such shoes for someone else.

For children, therapeutic boots must have heels, at least small ones. Platform shoes are strictly not recommended for orthopedic purposes. If you choose low-tech shoes, pay attention to the quality of the heel: it should be protected by soft leather or fabric padding and free of seams. The clasp on such shoes tightly secures the foot above the ankle. If the fastener ends lower, the leg will not be fixed in the desired position. The soles of the boots are made of durable, non-slip material.

Basic rules for purchasing orthopedic shoes:

  1. Take out the insole and apply it to the sole of your foot, it should exactly match your size, no more, no less.
  2. Try on both shoes and walk around the room in them for at least 10 minutes. Try how well the sole bends and the foot is fixed, and whether the heel is pressing.
  3. Never buy orthopedic shoes if they are uncomfortable for you. Such products cannot be worn out.
  4. Ignore the decorative trim. These are shoes for treatment, not for beauty.
  5. Do not buy shoes without first consulting a podiatrist.

Important! If you want to make sure that the product you choose is truly orthopedic, ask the seller for a certificate.

How much do orthopedic shoes cost and how can I get them for free?

In any case, correct orthopedic shoes are more expensive than regular ones. Except, of course, for some branded products. The reason for the high cost is the use of natural materials and the special design of boots or shoes. Low-complexity models may vary slightly in cost depending on the manufacturer. Imported copies are the most expensive. On average, children's simple shoes cost about 3-5 thousand rubles per pair (at prices in autumn 2018). Complex shoes are made to order by licensed specialists, so the cost of the products corresponds to the effort expended. The price of custom-made boots starts from 8 thousand rubles.

Is there any way to reduce these costs? First of all, don’t try to save money on shoes, you will only make things worse for yourself. And the second point is that you can get it for free! If a person has really serious problems with the musculoskeletal system and shoes are recommended to him by an orthopedic doctor, the state is obliged to provide the disabled person free of charge. What is needed for this:

  • when drawing up an individual rehabilitation program, you should present the orthopedist’s recommendations to the commission and make sure that the shoes are included in the card;
  • contact the body responsible for providing disabled people with means of rehabilitation with an application. Depending on the region, this may be the local social security or social insurance fund;
  • receive a referral for the manufacture of shoes and contact a supplier with whom a government contract has been concluded to manufacture the products. If there is no contract or the quality of government-ordered shoes does not suit you, you can order the products yourself, pay for them and receive compensation. Read how to determine the amount of compensation.

For your information! Large families can turn to social protection authorities for help in purchasing ortho shoes for children. There is an opportunity to get a 50 percent discount.

The free provision of orthopedic shoes has limitations: children are allowed no more than 4 pairs per year (2-year-old, 2-winter), adults - no more than 2.

Who should not wear orthopedic shoes

Ortho shoes have contraindications. There are few of them: these are purulent skin diseases of the feet, allergic reactions to materials and senile age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system.

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