My children are born beautiful and beautiful. Why do ugly people give birth to children? Historical evidence and case studies

1) The best children are born out of love. What exactly is love? - This is a product of the activity of your brain, which believed that you and the object of your love will have healthy, smart and beautiful children. To do this, the brain analyzed the appearance, smell, voice and behavior of the object, based on this data, imagined its genes, and then mentally combined them with your genes. Clean! - Please note that the brain only counted the quality of the prospective children. But whether you can live with this partner (a scoundrel? an egoist? an idiot? a hysterical woman?) is a completely different question.

3) Drugs (alcohol, smoking, and the list goes on) are strictly contraindicated during conception and pregnancy. And since we are “cleansing”, a man should not consume anything at least three months before conception (this is the period of sperm maturation). There’s nothing to say about women: their eggs are six months older than themselves, so it’s even too late to stop drinking. Because alcohol during conception and pregnancy will affect not so much genes as the functioning of these genes - causing abnormal development of organs, deformities, and dementia.

4) In addition, kallipedia (ancient Greek science about the birth of healthy, smart, beautiful children) advises:

  • mixing the blood of different nationalities (from the biological point of view, everything is correct, it turns out - we probably won’t forcefully crossbreed, just keep in mind);
  • copulate and bear a child “in a beautiful, bright house, decorated with paintings and statues” - there will definitely be no harm here, just place the statues so that they are not knocked over by previous ZUK children;
  • plan to conceive a child in August-September - probably because the eggs over the summer are full of fruits and microelements and become especially thick and beautiful.

The worst thing

Starts after childbirth. A small child, like a sponge, absorbs all parental habits: habits, life attitudes. Children (and this is quite reasonable on their part) do not listen to “educational” speeches - children record what their parents do. And there’s no hiding here. If you want your child to read books, you must read books in front of his eyes. If you want him not to drink/smoke, don’t drink or smoke. If you want him to treat you old people well, treat your parents well. - Oh, what a torment it is to educate! Maybe to hell with it?

Genetics itself knows what appearance to give the baby. But parents can also make sure that they have a beautiful and smart child. How? First of all, by leading a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits. At the same time, future parents should also take care of their inner beauty - develop, attend courses and trainings, strive for body perfection and purity of soul.

When the baby is born, you can also do everything possible so that he is always beautiful, smiles, lives in harmony, in a happy and loving family. If the baby is always happy, a smile will shine on his face, and his eyes will glow with pleasure, no one will ever be able to say that he is ugly. His inner beauty will light him up from within, as well as the people around him. Moreover, if he is healthy, his skin, teeth, nails and hair are perfect, he does not lack sleep and food, then the child’s beauty is guaranteed.

Beauty by callipedia

There is even a whole science that allows you to give birth to beautiful children. It's called callipedia. It arose back in the days of Ancient Greece, when the intelligence, beauty, sexuality of a person, the power of his thoughts, intelligence and talent were glorified. Then the ancient Greeks came to the conclusion that beautiful children are born to middle-aged men and women, moderately attractive, with excellent health and great material wealth.

Beauty according to the Lunar calendar

The ancient Romans generally said that the beauty of the unborn baby is influenced by the Sun (spirituality) and the Moon (physical data). In order for a child to turn out healthy and beautiful, he must be conceived when these planets are as close as possible to each other. Here it is necessary to build on the lunar calendar. In particular, the first lunar day is considered to be the new moon, which lasts until the next moonrise. And from sunrise to the next - the second day and so on. Very successful days for conception are: 2nd Lunar day - more often girls are conceived on this day, but all newborns will be happy; 4th Lunar day - those born on this day are very caring; 6th Lunar day - long-livers are born; 10th Lunar day - people with fame and recognition are born; 14th Lunar day - lucky people turn out; 16th Lunar day - balanced people are born; 17th Lunar day - sociable people are born; 21st Lunar day - very hardworking people are born; 22nd Lunar Day - material well-being contributes to newborns; 24th Lunar day - boys and girls will be endowed with intelligence, kindness and practicality; The 28th Lunar Day will give newborns calmness, balance and self-confidence.

The best time to conceive a baby is considered to be before sunrise, when people are ready for love, affection and warmth after waking up. The environment in which parents conceive a baby is also very important. Beautiful wallpaper, bed linen, comfort and atmosphere help a couple become parents and a baby to be born. In addition, during pregnancy, the expectant mother must contemplate beauty all the time - admire beautiful paintings, listen to music, meet interesting people. Also, she should not forget to say all this to the little lump in the womb, so that it becomes familiar with beauty while still in the tummy.

At the same time, experts also call days unfavorable for conception. They are considered the days of the new moon, regardless of the number of the lunar day with which they coincide, as well as the 5th, 9th, 12th, 19th, 23rd lunar days.

Some experts note that healthy and beautiful children are produced by those parents between whom there is a very strong sexual passion. It’s not for nothing that a beautiful baby is called a “child of love.” As you can see, this is not just a beautiful definition, but also a rational grain.

But in general, try not just to give birth to a beautiful child, but to raise him beautifully. So that he does not make anyone suffer in the future.

It is believed that beautiful parents give birth to beautiful children, but this is not always the case. Sometimes nature decides to rest on the offspring of even the most beautiful celebrities.

Our selection features daughters of celebrities who were unlucky with their appearance. It’s doubly difficult for these girls, because they are constantly being bullied on the Internet, compared to their celebrity parents.

Ella Blue Travolta - daughter of John Travolta and Kelly Preston

John Travolta and Kelly Preston are an extremely beautiful couple, but their daughter Ella, although she inherited the features of her famous father, clearly does not live up to beauty standards. The massive chin that gives John Travolta his masculinity does not at all adorn his daughter; In addition, the girl has obvious problems with excess weight.

However, Ella does not seem to have any complexes about this; she enjoys attending social events and posing for photographers.

Princess Stephanie is Grace Kelly's daughter

At one time, Princess Stephanie of Monaco got it from journalists: she was called ugly, awkward, and masculine. The fact that her mother was Grace Kelly, the beauty of beauties, did not work in Stefania’s favor.

Even though Stefania is quite similar to Grace, her facial features are rougher and lack charm. However, this did not stop the princess from appearing on the covers of fashion magazines and performing on stage as a singer.

Scout, Talulah and Rumer Willis are the daughters of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore.

It would seem that the children of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore should be dazzlingly beautiful, but for some reason nature decided to rest on all three daughters of the legendary Hollywood couple.

The girls are very unhappy with their appearance, especially the older sister Rumer:

“People called me a potato and laughed at my appearance. They always compared me to my mother and noticed much more of my father’s masculine traits.”

The ridicule of others made the girl think about changing her appearance and decide on plastic surgery; after which her facial features became much softer.

And the youngest daughter of “Die Hard” Tallulah, as a teenager, even suffered from dysmorphia - hatred of her own body:

“I suffered a lot when I was younger. I thought that I definitely had dysmorphia syndrome at the age of 13, based on these terrible tabloids and the feeling that I was ugly.”

As for the middle daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, she is perhaps the most attractive of the three sisters, although she also inherited a massive jaw and a rather large nose from her father.

Amanda and Katie Lucas - daughters of George Lucas

The adopted daughter of film director and creator of the Star Wars film saga George Lucas, Amanda also cannot boast of an ideal appearance. As a child, she was bullied by her peers because she was too fat and timid. Having grown up, Amanda decided to fight her childhood complexes by taking up martial arts.

In this area, she achieved some success and became a professional fighter.

However, the director’s second adopted daughter, 29-year-old Katie, cannot be called a beauty. The girl has obvious problems with excess weight.

Isabella Cruise is the daughter of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

Isabella Cruz is the adopted daughter of a famous Hollywood couple, so it's no surprise that she hasn't inherited an ounce of beauty from her beautiful parents.

But Isabella does not lose heart, she mastered the profession of a stylist and with her help achieved significant improvements in her appearance.

Rosalinda Celentano - daughter of Adriano Celentano

The youngest daughter of Adriano Celentano and his wife Claudia Mori already shaved her head in her youth and became very similar to a man. Although Rosalind's appearance is far from Hollywood standards, it did not prevent her from achieving significant success in the acting profession. The most significant role of Celentano’s daughter was Satan from the film “The Passion of the Christ.” In addition, Rosalind is known as a musician and artist.

She always had a strained relationship with her star father. At the age of 18, she left home and lived on the street for 6 months. Rosalind later publicly admitted her bisexuality. In one interview, she said that in her youth she had affairs with Monica Bellucci and Asia Argento.

I watched "Housing Issue". More precisely, “Dachny answer”. The guys from NTV made me think.

Two scary young men - a manager and a secretary - decided that they were DJs. And their grandmother is an animator. All together - the Sidorov family from the village.

Well, there are so many clowns. However, this is not the point. I looked at the heroes of the remake and almost cried - how terrible they were.

See for yourself.

I don’t condemn the guys in any way, and on the contrary, I feel sorry for them. With such an appearance, she still dreams of some Brad Pitt, and he dreams of Alesendra Ambrosio.

They dream, but they have to fuck each other.

Well, how why? After all, no one will give them more. And they themselves give to each other out of despair.

And then, even though I don’t like Soviet cinema, I remembered the film “In Love by My Own Will.” There, a terrible girl swore at her parents for giving birth to her.

So she screamed, why the hell did they give birth?! Look at yourself, have you thought what kind of freaks your children will be? And okay, it’s still a boy - but no, it’s a girl! And who will love her, who will marry her.

A tragedy, in general, no matter what. Either with no one, due to her ugliness, or with someone just as ugly as herself.

What am I talking about? Oh, yes: why do freaks give birth? Do they even think about what ugly children they will have, what their fate will be, how miserable their life will be?

If even I, an outsider, feel sorry for the freaks to the point of tears, then why do parents voluntarily condemn their children to an unhappy life?

I don't understand. And you?

Every woman wants to give birth to a smart and beautiful baby. Scientists are inventing more and more new ways to help expectant mothers achieve this goal. Some experts insist that only a fish diet guarantees the birth of an intellectual child, others advise expectant mothers to eat chocolate and egg yolk. Still others are to put headphones on the stomach and play “lectures” in a foreign language to the unborn child.

Intellectual abilities are formed even before a person is born - a long-proven fact. For example, about the enormous importance for the development of the unborn child balanced nutrition During pregnancy, entire scientific works have already been written, and recent studies show that the consumption of fish by pregnant women promotes brain development in the fetus. Chocolate diet "Children born to women who dealt with stress with the help of chocolate are much more active than their peers and are less susceptible to fear."

According to scientists from Harvard Medical School (Boston), if an expectant mother ate a lot of fish in the second trimester of pregnancy, then at the age of 6 her child did an excellent job on tests of mental development. It is known that indicators of mental development of children are inversely related to the mercury content in the mother’s body. Therefore, scientists concluded: expectant mothers should eat exclusively varieties of fish with low mercury content. Large, long-lived fish accumulate mercury over the years, so it is better for pregnant women to eat small fish. For example, small tuna used for canning, as well as fatty salmon, contain very little mercury.

It is interesting that scientists themselves sometimes refute their own diet guidelines for pregnant women. For example, most diets prohibit yolks, liver and meat. But, as it turned out, these foods contain the most lecithin, one of the B vitamins. American researchers found that children born to mothers who received lecithin in large quantities during pregnancy were much smarter, better able to learn and had excellent memory .

Many scientists agree that the rate of mental development of the fetus is negatively affected by stress, or rather, women’s usual fears and concerns before childbirth. Chocolate will help expectant mothers cope with stress during this period. As scientists from the University of Helsinki found, children born to women who dealt with stress with the help of chocolate are much more active than their peers, less susceptible to fear in unfamiliar situations and more friendly.

When scientists discovered that a baby “sees” and “hears” even before birth, it became the norm among pregnant women to listen to Beethoven to create a “harmonious” environment for their fetus and to look at the beautiful faces in the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci to give birth to a beautiful child. There was even a term - "prenatal" antenatal pedagogy. There is a specialized Prenatal University in California. The students of this educational institution are unborn babies. The training program is designed in such a way that it stimulates the development of the fetal brain.

Expectant parents are taught to lightly tap the pregnant woman's belly exactly in the place where they felt the push of the unborn baby. When knocking, parents should loudly pronounce words that encourage fetal activity. Children who graduate from the Prenatal University develop much faster than others and are very close emotionally to their parents. There are other methods of prenatal development. For example, in Russia they practice listening to classical music and recording speech in a foreign language through headphones placed on the belly of the expectant mother. True, not all experts support such innovations. Some provide evidence that attempts to educate a baby in the womb have a devastating effect on the development of his nervous system and psyche.

For those parents who are just planning to have a child, scientists advise calculating the timing of his birth. According to a number of experts, intellectual children are most often born in January, February and March. Scientists made their conclusions based on experiments related to seasonal fluctuations in testosterone levels in a woman’s body. Researchers believe that its level greatly influences the development of a child's brain. The chances of giving birth to a little genius in June, July and August are much lower, experts say.

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