When and how to teach a child to swim? How to teach children to swim: advice from a trainer.

My method involves learning to swim first underwater, followed by surfacing and mastering the “above-water” space (the idea came when I saw infant swimming). I assumed that the main problem was that children were afraid of going underwater and were so desperate not to drown that they stopped themselves from swimming. Having learned to hold their breath and swim underwater, children gain confidence, their movements cease to be frantic attempts to stay on the surface at all costs - they calm down and swim.

First question: how often do you plan to go to the pool? The optimal frequency is 2 times a week or more often. The child should be dealt with by the adult whom he trusts more (usually the mother is more suitable, men are often too passionate about the goal and they do not have the patience to let the child calm down and believe in his abilities, but if your dad is a calm, balanced person, then he can handle it quite well! ). Moreover, it is very important not to force events, otherwise you might scare the little one! IMPORTANT: praise and encourage the child non-stop, especially at key moments (mastering diving and starting to swim underwater).

  1. To begin with, you must stand at a depth where the child is chest-deep (standard depth for classes), remove the armbands and ask the child to squat in the water, holding his breath. First, so that the water would cover his lips, then his nose, then dive in headfirst and immediately emerge. This exercise should be done until the child realizes that he is in control of the diving situation, holds his breath in time and correctly, emerges of his own free will and is not afraid of the lack of air (let the child not close his eyes or plug his nose when diving if he is afraid water getting into the eyes, it makes sense to offer glasses, but all the children I taught learned quite calmly without them - the main thing here is to interest the child in WHAT can be seen under water).

    As a game, jumping from the side of the pool at the deep edge, first with arm guards (at later stages - without them), is a very good way to master the situation of diving, while the adult must catch the child before he has time to get scared.

  2. When the dive has been mastered so much that the child is completely no longer afraid of it (usually one lesson is enough), ask the child to stretch out his arms when he dives and quickly drag him under the water by the arms for at least half a meter, gradually increasing to the distance of your outstretched arms. Towards the end of the distance, push it to the surface, indicating the need to inhale. Children usually really like this exercise. Come up with some kind of game preamble for it: a submarine, a Navy SEAL...

    Pay the child's attention to the fact that he emerges (raises his head above the water) when he wants to breathe, convince him of safety and control over the situation, both on your part and on his part. Gradually transfer the initiative of diving to the child.

  3. When the child feels confident that he always has the opportunity to emerge, complicate exercise No. 2 by leading the child by the hands, and he dives and emerges while inhaling and exhaling, while he completely lifts his legs from the bottom and “swims” without placing your feet on the bottom at the moment of inhalation and exhalation. Start with 2-3 diving-flicks (inhale-hold your breath-dive-flick-dive (1) - breath-hold-dive-flick-dive (2) - etc.), working your way up to 5-6. This is a very labor-intensive exercise for a child (give him a break, don’t force it) and the most basic skill (usually it takes 2-3 lessons to master).

    Continue to play jumping from the side (without sleeves), jump in water with immersion (“the woman sowed peas”), all games should be aimed at teaching the child not to be afraid of situations in the water associated with water on the face and diving under water despite the fact that there are no floating devices on it.

  4. When the child stops looking out of breath when performing exercise 3, i.e. learns to dive easily and on time, explain to him how to dive on his own. To do this, he must cup his hands, put them forward and dive after his hands (ask him to look at his hands underwater). The child now independently controls his dive and resurfacing without the help of an adult with his hands.

    When this is mastered (usually this happens almost immediately), stand at a distance of half a meter from the child and ask the child to dive, see your body under water and walk under the water (sometimes it turns out to immediately swim) towards you and emerge. Explain to him how to push his legs away from the bottom to increase his speed (this also encourages him to lift his legs and swim, rather than walk underwater). Gradually increase the distance until one breath is enough. Come up with a game in which the child will swim to different people and objects in the water in this way.

    Jumping into the pool from the side is no longer worth immediately securing and catching the child. Let him swim up to you and emerge.

  5. This exercise is the key to independent swimming. Stand from the edge of the pool or place another adult at a distance of one and a half to two meters. Explain to your child that he can swim to the desired goal (the edge of the pool or another adult) by diving for breath as many times as necessary. Show him how to row his arms underwater by extending them forward and spreading them out to the sides. At first, many children try to stand on the bottom while inhaling. Therefore, pretty soon remind the child that he knows how to push with his legs when diving, and ask him not to lower his legs, initially walking next to the child and belaying (a little!!!) his hand under his stomach while inhaling... to master this stage takes 2-4 lessons.
  6. After mastering the exercise. 5, when your insurance during inhalation becomes symbolic, convince the child that he can now swim underwater independently (metaphor - swim like a dolphin). Ask him to swim to various objects that are clearly visible in the water, and then complicate the task so that he not only swims to the object, but also returns to you (usually the competition technique works very well here: “I bet you can swim?” ).

    Gradually shift your activities to a depth where the child does not reach the bottom with his feet.

  7. Having actually mastered the exercise. 6, we can assume that you have taught him to swim; further training (swimming above water) can be left to the child’s discretion (usually children, after a while, very easily understand how to swim without diving). If you want to control the process of learning surface swimming, then you just need to show the child that you can dive not immediately after inhaling, but continue to swim, keeping your head above the water. Here you need to pay attention to ensure that the child does not stretch his neck (remind him that as soon as he gets tired of swimming above the water, he can dive).

    The rest of the training concerns the swimming style: show the child how to use his legs, achieve smooth and synchronized movements of the arms and legs.

In the end I would like to add that this swim is just the beginning of the ability to swim in style!!! Further training (crawl, breaststroke and other bells and whistles) is the job of the athlete-instructor, but the goal of this technique is confidence on the water.


20.10.2008 04:32:01, Pandus

What do the experts think? - Probably only the lazy one hasn’t read about it here: http://swim7.narod.ru/malenkie.html

20.10.2008 04:31:06, Pandus

And mine floated using the SWIMTRAINER circle. Here is their website www.freds-swim-academy.ru. What do the experts think? =)

07/28/2007 14:37:19, Marina

You can easily learn to swim yourself and teach your child using the self-instruction manual published on the website Plovets.ru http://www.plovets.ru

06/20/2007 13:28:13, __ms__

Of course, this is very cool! I have been teaching children to swim in approximately this way since 1978-1979, children can swim confidently on their own after 2-3 minutes, and those who have never seen bodies of water, i.e. They didn’t flounder in the water, after about 2-3 hours they can swim confidently on their own. Like this.

05/12/2007 11:09:45, Marat

I think the material is very useful and not at all “educational”; the author is trying to teach swimming in practice (!), which is very important.

04.11.2003 22:50:11, Stella

The article is useless and harmful, Kuku is right. But maybe he shouldn’t have been so rude.
The author does not know the material, but is trying to teach. These are still small children, we need to be more careful with unprofessional advice.
You just pulled out some exercises from completely different materials.
Do you really need to mind your own business, or are you just playing pretend?

06.11.2002 20:54:26, Anna P.

Who would advise where to start with a child who, not only without armbands, but even with any inflatable device, is afraid to go into the pool and sit down deeper than chest-deep?
For now, I’m inclined to leave him alone, and in a year (at 5 years old) send him to classes with a trainer... But what if he resists even then?

In general, it turned out like this: my 3-year-old child learned to swim in an adult pool using arm pads. I even thought it was bad that I had to swim in armbands, but nothing could be done about it. At first, the son swam wearing armlets, and then the armlets deflated and deflated until they began to fall off altogether, and the son realized that he could swim without armlets. So now we are swimming in a pool in which I myself cannot feel the bottom, and we are also diving. We never played in the pool when we were babies. And from the first lesson in the pool with armbands to swimming without them, six months passed. And in essence, I did something very similar to what is written in the article, only we didn’t have a bottom. First, we gained confidence by swimming in armbands, learning to hold on to the board, learning to work with our legs and arms, learning to dive in armbands and jumping from the side in them. And when I was no longer wearing armbands, I tried to do everything so that my son wouldn’t get scared. We jump into the water together when he is afraid to jump alone, or I catch him below, or hold his hand. When he swims by, I swim away and show my hand that he can grab onto it, and he swims towards my hand. Swims 4-5 meters without stopping. Now we are playing with the ball. We throw it as far as possible and swim, as if in a race, to the ball in order to grab it. When Dima needs to rest, he himself grabs the sides to catch his breath and look back. And sometimes we fool around: we release streams of water with our mouths like whales, we play throwing each other into the pool, my son tries to float on his back, and he succeeds a little. But I must say that my son always loved water very much, he was not afraid to dive even in the year when we were at sea, my son generally has some kind of craving for water, for swimming. No other sport interested him as much as swimming.

I have extensive experience in teaching children to swim from one year old. Children begin to swim after 10 lessons. You need to talk a little, you just need to be with the children and really love what you do.

01.11.2002 20:35:19, love

In my opinion, a very useful and interesting article. Probably, lady No. 1 with dubious curses is very afraid of water herself and is simply jealous of people who not only know how to swim, but can also teach it to others.

Leave swimming training to the professionals. Your so-called method is absolutely illiterate, don’t fool people.
Stick to what you know.
Not every trainer with a higher education will undertake to teach infants; to do this, you need to master one of the existing techniques (which doctors developed).
You still have to develop massage techniques without having any knowledge or experience. I'm sure you have a lot of followers here. Give birth to a healthy child and make an idiot out of him with your upbringing methods.

10/31/2002 21:11:22, kuku

Summer is a period of vacations and trips to the sea. This means it’s a good time to teach children to swim. How to do this quickly and safely?

You can teach your child to swim at any age. Of course, teaching methods for a child and a schoolchild will be different, but you can always achieve results quickly enough. The main thing is not to force, drag, or throw the child into the water (he may become so frightened that the fear will remain for the rest of his life). And, of course, you need to start training in shallow water.

Infant swimming

Many doctors advise teaching your baby to swim from birth. Of course, not in a river or sea, but in a bath or a special pool. Newborns have strong reflexes and can easily hold their breath. With constant training, infants can not only dive under water for a long time, but also swim serious distances.

Infant swimming very useful for health, physical development and the nervous system, but, alas, it has nothing in common with real swimming. Therefore, do not be surprised if the baby, who boldly crossed the pool at six months, suddenly begins to be afraid to even approach it after a year. The more the child is aware, the more fears he will have. And it is possible that you will have to re-accustom your baby to water.

Teaching a 1-2 year old child to swim

At this age we are not talking about swimming as such. During the first encounters with big water, be it a river, sea or swimming pool, it is only important to ensure that the baby is not afraid to go into the water and take a plunge. Don’t ask your baby to run into the waves on his own; first, just carry him into the water in your arms. Under no circumstances should you let your child swim freely, even in shallow water - this can cause severe stress and even panic, after which the little one will not come near the water for a long time.

When the baby becomes bolder and begins to enjoy going into the water on his own, play with him, splash him, lightly splash some water on his face. This is the first step towards holding your breath.

Remember that a child 1-2 years old should be in the water exclusively in an inflatable ring or arm sleeves.

Teaching a preschooler to swim

3-4 years is the right time to teach your child the basics of swimming. Show your baby how to hold his breath; Explain that you can only inhale above water, and exhale under water.

Start with a simple exercise where your child holds his breath and briefly puts his face under the water.

The next stage is playing fish. Ask your baby to exhale underwater to create beautiful bubbles, and then immediately raise his head to inhale again.

If the baby is making progress, you can practice diving with him - squatting, plunging under the water, and immediately getting up.

At this age, a child can be released into shallow water either wearing armbands and with a circle, or without them, but only under the supervision of adults.

Teaching a schoolchild to swim

Swimming coaches advise starting to seriously train a child only from 6-7 years old. At this age, the main thing is not to let everything take its course, so that the child does not get used to swimming like a dog or simply floundering in the water. The main and only assistant in teaching the correct techniques is a swimming board, which the student must hold in front of him with outstretched arms.

A child of this age will very quickly learn to hold his breath and dive, after which he can move on to more complex exercises:

  • “Star”: teach your child to lie on the water with his arms and legs spread out in a star pose (both on his back and on his stomach), at first support him if he is afraid;
  • “Float”: the child presses his knees to his chest, wraps his arms around them and “hangs” in the water;
  • “Arrow”: the child stretches his arms above his head, palms folded, squats, dives and, pushing off with his feet from the bottom or wall of the pool, “flies” like an arrow under the water towards the adult;
  • swimming with a board means that the student lies face down on the water, holds the board with outstretched arms, pushes off with his feet and swims, raising his head to inhale and lowering his face under the water again;
  • It is also useful to teach your child how to jump into the water with a “soldier” and a “bomb”.

When should you start teaching your child to swim?

From birth: it is good for both health and development

From 5-6 years: the child will understand what he is doing

You can start introducing your baby to water in the first week after birth while giving him a baby bath at home. The advantage of early learning is that as you get older you can avoid your fear of water.

Usually, newborn babies are not afraid of water, since for 9 months amniotic fluid was his only environment for development. Therefore, he experiences the joy of bathing, immersing himself in a familiar environment.

The first lessons can be carried out with a specialist at home, who will show parents how to properly engage with a child in the bathroom.

It's easy for a baby to learn how to float, relying on :

  • holding your breath;
  • swimming reflex.

Over time, the baby can master conscious, coordinated movements at about the age of three.

If his mother trained him from birth, then muscle memory will help him learn to swim easier and faster.

How to teach a child to swim? — “Detonation” program

The water should not exceed the level above the child's chest, and at the beginning of the waist.

Never leave unattended baby in the water.

Remember that nothing is impossible. Teaching a child to swim is not difficult. Praise more, encourage, come up with interesting games in the water to interest them. Everything will work out.

Everyone knows that life originated in water. It is no coincidence that almost everyone loves to spend time on bodies of water or in the pool. undeniable. During swimming, all muscle groups work, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, and lung function improves. After water treatments you can relax perfectly. Swimming became possible throughout the year. In summer there are excellent reservoirs for this, and in winter numerous swimming pools offer their services.

Learning to swim from the first days

Teaching a baby to swim from the very first days of his life is quite simple. After all, children have an innate swimming reflex. During all 9 months of intrauterine development, the fetus is in an aquatic environment. It is no coincidence that many parents decide to give birth in the bathroom.

The first lessons with a newborn can be done at home. Up to two months, the baby generally feels great in water and practically does not need the help of parents. But if you miss this time, you will have to start training from scratch. A newborn baby can independently hold his breath under water and perform special swimming movements. Many adults are interested in how children swim underwater. There is nothing surprising about this. Nature has made sure that the newborn feels safe in the aquatic environment.

Swimming lessons with a baby under one year old

Training should begin only when the newborn's umbilical wound has completely healed. The first swimming lesson should be done at home. The bathroom will be quite enough for a small person. It is advisable to conduct training under the supervision of a specialist.

The lesson begins with the baby taking a bath with one of the parents. The water temperature should not be lower than 37 degrees Celsius. The water temperature may drop several degrees with each subsequent session. During the year of study you should reach the mark of 28 degrees Celsius.

The well-being of parents is very important during training. Fears and bad moods can be passed on to the newborn. You should also know how to properly hold your baby while swimming. If the baby is lying on his back, he should be held by the back of his head and butt. In the prone position, you need to support the baby by the chin.

Watching little children swim is always a pleasure. And the realization that such exercises also bring enormous benefits gives rise to even more positive emotions. Swimming makes it possible for a small body to get stronger faster. Children learn to sit, stand on their own legs and walk much faster.

Swimming from the first days - a healthy and calm child

There is no doctor who would deny the benefits of swimming for newborns. Starting classes from an early age, parents solve several problems at once. A very important argument is safety. A child with whom we learn to swim from the very first days of his life will never be afraid of water. This means that the likelihood that he will choke in a pond or be afraid to enter the water at all is practically absent.

It is also no secret that a person’s future health depends on how well they were cared for in the first years of their life. Swimming is an excellent exercise machine. The lessons allow you to lay a truly solid and reliable foundation for future health. This is why it is so important to start your first swimming lessons at an early age.

Another positive side of swimming is hardening. Children gradually get used to the lower water temperature and tolerate temperature changes well. Such babies feel much better in the winter cold and practically do not get sick.

Cons of infant swimming

Despite the great benefits of swimming with a newborn, parents should also be aware of the other side of the coin. In some cases, swimming can have a negative impact on the baby's health. The main reason is that a newborn does not yet know how to express his emotions. He cannot communicate that he does not like the procedure at all. In addition, water may get into the baby's ears or nose while swimming. And this is fraught with otitis media and other inflammatory processes.

Before teaching your child to swim, you should definitely consult with your local pediatrician. It is not recommended to conduct classes with newborns who have birth injuries, as well as low scores on

You should initially decide where to teach your child to swim. After all, during diving, the baby can swallow a little water. A swimming pool with chlorinated water is definitely not a suitable option. After such lessons, the baby may have an upset stomach or suffer from colic. Ideally, you should use boiled or filtered water for bathing.

over a year old

With an older baby, swimming lessons will be a great pleasure. The child will definitely enjoy the procedure. Today, in large cities there are many swimming pools that accommodate groups for various age categories. Kids have fun splashing in the water with their peers. But parents should know, because the depth here is much greater than in a home bathroom.

Parents are always responsible for the safety and well-being of the child. Therefore, during lessons you cannot leave your child even one step. Even though swimming lessons are most often held in a "paddling pool" (a shallow pool), your child may slip or lose his balance. Therefore, before teaching a child to swim, it is advisable to acquire safety equipment. These can be foam products or inflatable rings. Often, special equipment is rented at swimming pools.

What to do if a child is afraid of water?

Some children tolerate even ordinary hygiene procedures in the bathroom very poorly. In this case, the bathing process turns into a real test not only for the child, but also for the parents. One has only to imagine how a child will behave in front of a large volume of water. You definitely need to fight fear!

Fear of water is not a whim or disobedience. The child, on a subconscious level, worries about his safety and life. Therefore, under no circumstances should you shame a child, scold him or set his peers as an example. By following a few simple steps, parents will help their child overcome fear without any problems.

Let's overcome fear and go to the pool!

Do not frighten your child with large volumes of water. Initially, a small basin will be quite enough. It is necessary to turn the bathing process into an exciting game that will stop at the little person’s first request.

Psychologists say that the fear of water largely lies in the reluctance to choke. It is necessary to teach your child to hold his breath correctly. This can be easily done using spray. In this way, you can have fun with your child in the bath, gradually accustoming him to water. Bathing in the bath can also be replaced with a shower. And you should go to swimming lessons for beginners only when the child can normally handle a large volume of water.

Swimming in open water

Swimming outdoors is somewhat different from exercising in a pool. Although clean air and sunshine are good for children's health, swimming outdoors may not be safe. First of all, because we cannot know for sure whether the water is suitable for water procedures. In addition, many unscrupulous visitors leave a lot of garbage on the beaches, some of which ends up in the water.

Those who decide to conduct their first swimming lessons with a child on a pond should give preference to proven places. Ideally, this should be a paid beach, which is regularly cleaned and inspected by sanitary services. This is a place where you can teach a child to swim with the least damage to health.

For those who have a dacha outside the city, an outdoor pool can be an excellent alternative. And it is not at all necessary to build an expensive structure. There are frame pools on sale that are quite easy to install and disassemble. This option is inexpensive and can last well for several years.

Preparing your child for summer holidays

Those parents who did not take care of teaching their children the basics of swimming in a timely manner tend to do this immediately before their vacation. But it is impossible to teach a baby basic techniques in a few days. You must start classes at least a month before your vacation.

It is very important not to rush the child. After all, each person has his own pace of learning. There are children with a special body structure. It is quite difficult for them to stay afloat. These babies will need more lessons to learn to swim really well.

Before going on vacation, your baby needs to purchase a high-quality swimming suit, as well as armbands. An excellent option would be armbands. They will not disturb the child and will allow him to feel more confident in the pond.

Learning to swim on your back

Freestyle swimming is considered the simplest. This is the first way children learn. With each lesson, a good instructor improves the child's skills. Already in the third or fourth lesson, parents are wondering how to teach their child to float on his back.

Learning to swim on your back is a must! First of all, because swimming this way is much easier. A person can stay in the water for a long time, and lying on his back can easily restore his strength. In addition, this body position in the water allows you to breathe better. Babies who can float on their back have better coordination of movements. This, in turn, helps improve brain function and mental development.

Backstroke also has a psychological aspect. The problem is that many children cannot overcome their fear of large amounts of water. Those who manage to float on their back forget about fear forever. In addition, children who have mastered this type of swimming use it almost constantly.

Safe swimming is the key to successful development!

You can talk about the benefits of swimming for hours. Children can and should be taught this activity from an early age. Before teaching a child to swim, you just need to take into account the characteristics of a small organism. If parents do everything right, they will help their child overcome fears and improve their health.

Swimming will definitely become one of your child's favorite activities. Moreover, water procedures can be carried out at any time and in any weather. All you have to do is purchase a pool pass.

It is very difficult to find a child who does not love water. For 9 months a little man swims in the amniotic fluid of his mother, they feed him, warm him, lull him to sleep, they are his natural environment, but after birth it is no longer easy to cope with the familiar elements on his own, he needs the help of an adult. Then every parent faces questions: how to teach a child to swim and at what age can a child be placed in the hands of a professional coach?

From this article you will learn

At what age to start

It is believed that the best time to learn swimming is either infancy, the so-called, when reflexes in contact with water are preserved, or 5–7 years when the body is in suitable physical shape. Children at this time already understand a lot, recognize cause-and-effect relationships, but the sense of self-preservation is still lame. Therefore, small incidents, such as water getting into their mouth or eyes, do not scare them enough to stop exercising.

At the age of seven, you can do without auxiliary aids - armbands, vests, circles, they only give a false sense of security. If you couldn’t do without armbands, then you need to gradually get rid of them; abruptly canceling them will add stress and uncertainty. Each lesson, lower the product you use a little so that the child feels his strength, accepts his position and relies only on himself.


Children tend to experience fear when faced with something unknown, and the fear of water is no exception. In order for the acquaintance with the water element for the first time to pass without fear and stress, parents should be nearby, showing by their example that there is nothing to be afraid of, the process of bathing is a very fun and enjoyable experience.

Any carelessly spoken word or careless action can discourage the desire to swim for many years. Where to learn to swim, in a pool or on a river, is up to you, it depends only on your capabilities and does not affect the result. First, read the basic rules:

  • The child must be in a good mood and full, otherwise vagaries cannot be avoided, and training may end before it even begins.
  • Conquering open waters should happen gradually– first, offer to wet your palms and wash your face, then wet your feet, go into the water up to your knees, if no negative emotions are observed, then you can start swimming lessons.
  • It’s worth starting your training with breathing techniques: a quick inhale through the nose is replaced by a long, smooth exhalation through the mouth. Have you learned to breathe correctly? It's time to move on to the next stage.

First lessons

"Hearts." This simple technique is analogous to the movement of the arms during breaststroke swimming. An explanation of the technique, even in simple words, is not always clear, so just ask your child to draw a big heart on the water with his hands. This demand of yours will not only be understood, but also fulfilled with pleasure.

"Duck"- a method aimed at coordination; for this you can use armbands or ask your dad for help. The child holds on to his mother, using his feet to show the movements of duck feet in the water; as soon as this works well, complicate the exercise. Put armbands on the young swimmer; if he lets go of his hands, he will be able to stay on the surface. Or dad should stand nearby and, if necessary, provide backup and support for the student.

You can easily teach swimming using the method "Frog". The child makes a heart with his hands and shows with his feet how a frog swims. In essence, this is a combination of the first and second combinations, only the movement of the legs changes. During the first training, you also cannot do without the help of armbands or an adult. The good thing about this method is that it includes fun elements of play and imitation.

Important! Learning should bring joy, if at first the child is forced or allowed to get scared when immersed in water, then there will be no need to talk about any pleasure from swimming, much less the result.

The game will help you prepare for the fact that your face can be partially, and then completely, immersed in water. "Hippopotamus". Inhale over the water, purse your lips tightly. Slowly lower your chin into the water, then your mouth and nose, up to eye level, and invite your child to imagine himself as a hippopotamus, looking around with interest at the surroundings on a hot day.

After some time, exhale through your mouth under water. Repeat this game for several minutes in a row every day to bring the actions to automaticity.

As soon as you complete the previous task, start the game "Submariners": take a deep breath, hold your breath, close your nose, close your eyes and gently lower your face under the water.

On a note! Let your child try to remember a picture or excerpt from a movie and try to see all its details in his imagination. This technique will distract him, and he will last longer without a new breath of oxygen.

Repeat the exercise ten times. The more you practice, the longer your child will be able to hold his breath.

"Float"- an exercise perfect for the pool. For greater clarity, the float pose should be shown first on land: inhale, squat down, hug your knees with your hands, press your chin to your chest, but do not strain your neck.

Repeat the same combination in the pool, first grouping yourself, and then smoothly rising upward in the same position.

Important! Don't forget about the safety rules: all games and exercises should take place either in a children's pool or in an open body of water, in the shallowest place. The soil under your feet should be stable and not slip.

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Learn to swim

If your child already knows how to float and hold his breath, then it’s time to teach him to swim crawl. To master this method, you need to learn to control your body, move your arms and legs synchronously, while not forgetting to hold your breath.

On a note! Buy scuba diving goggles; they will not only protect your eyes, but will also arouse additional interest in your child.

One of the most effective exercises is considered "Scissors". If you exercise in an open body of water, such as the sea or a lake, then stick to the shore line; if in a pool, then use the side.

For better understanding, not only explain, but also show all the movements. Take a lying position, arms bent at the elbows, back, legs and feet should be parallel to the water, right and left legs make swings, alternately rising above each other. It is worth training until the legs become stronger and the child can perform movements for 2-3 minutes without a break.

Next exercise - "Arrow". The effectiveness of its implementation depends precisely on strong leg muscles. This exercise will help you hone your ability to glide underwater. Raise your arms above your head with your palms together, inhale, push off the bottom, move forward as far as possible, keeping your legs straight. Repeat 10 times.

It is better to train either from the depths to the shore, or along the shore. To complicate the task, you can combine “Arrow” and “Scissors”.

When there is no longer any fear of water, continue training with methods : "From mom to dad" And "I myself". The essence of the first is that the parents stand at some distance from each other, one of them sends the child to the other with a strong jerk; this movement can be compared to the launch of a rocket.

Initially, one parent literally hands the baby into the hands of the other, but each time the distance increases, and the child hangs in the water for a few seconds, then independently swims across this distance, intensively working with his arms and legs. This method is good from a psychological point of view; it clearly shows the support of mom and dad, teaches you to trust them and follow their advice.

It will be very useful to teach your baby pose "Star", she will teach you how to relax and rest right afloat. Go waist-deep into the water, spread your arms to the sides and gently, holding your breath, lie down on your back. Also spread your legs to the sides to create a real star. If the child succeeds in this technique, then we can say with confidence that the acquaintance with water has been passed with an A plus.

Often, having barely learned to stay afloat, many children want to hone their skills on their own and away from their families. Approach this moment wisely. Let your independent little one swim on his own, but with one condition: you can go into the water no deeper than shoulder-deep, and keep your course towards the shore. This way you give freedom of action, but at the same time you remain confident in safety, because if the child gets tired of swimming, he can always get back on his feet and rest.

Give the child the opportunity to swim, holding him to practice the correct movements.

throw it into the water and it will immediately learn to swim.” Whoever came up with this definitely deserves a similar punishment, because not everyone in such a stressful situation will be able to pull themselves together and swim out. Naturally, you will save your child, but your authority will be undermined; how can you be trusted in the future if you are now exposing him to mortal danger? Having received such a lesson just once, you can develop a fear of water for the rest of your life.

  • When training with your child, make sure your swimmer was always facing the shore, the neck did not touch the water, so there was less chance of choking. Neglecting safety rules means endangering not only your health, but also your life. Consider whether there is any risk involved here.
  • Don't refer to chance, a child will not be able to learn to swim correctly on his own; the technique must be correct, starting from the first minutes. It doesn't take much intelligence to learn how to swim like a dog, but how much benefit does this style have?
  • Gain experience: take an interest in new teaching methods, watch video lessons on the Internet, attend competitions, know the characters by sight, show your interest, and your child will enthusiastically pick up your hobby.
  • Do water gymnastics with your children, you will not only receive a charge of vivacity and positivity, but also prevent osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, cardiovascular diseases, and increase the protective properties of the immune system.
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