What does the word gambit mean? The meaning of the word gambit


Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


(French gambit, probably derived from Italian dare il gambeto - to substitute one's leg). 1) in a chess game: move a pawn and a bishop, through 2 places. 2) a race in which horses are loaded in proportion to their strength.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


[fr. gambit dare il gambetto - trip up] - chess. the beginning of a chess game in which a piece (pawn) is sacrificed to gain a positional and tactical advantage. Peren. a small sacrifice in hopes of winning.

Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G., 2006 .


in a chess game, a move in which a pawn is given up in order to go on the offensive more freely.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


French gambit, prod. probably from it. dare il gambetto, substitute your foot. A move in a chess game by a pawn standing in front of the bishop.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


(fr. gambit it. dare il gambetto trip) the beginning of a chess (checkers) game in which a piece or pawn (checker) is sacrificed to gain an active position.

New dictionary of foreign words. - by EdwART,, 2009 .


Gambita, m. [ from it. expressions dare il gambetto – substitute a leg] (chess.). The beginning of a chess game, in which a piece or pawn is sacrificed in order to gain the fastest opportunity to go on the attack.

Large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing House "IDDK", 2007 .


Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "GAMBIT" is in other dictionaries:

    - (from the Italian dareil gambetto to trip), the general name of chess beginnings in which pieces are sacrificed in order to speed up development. If the sacrifice is accepted, an accepted gambit occurs, and if it is rejected, a refused gambit occurs. The term gambit... ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (from Italian dare il gambetto trip) the general name of chess beginnings in which pieces are sacrificed in order to speed up development. If the sacrifice is accepted, an accepted gambit occurs, and if it is rejected, a refused gambit occurs. The term gambit was first used... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    gambit- a, m. gambit it. gambetto step. The beginning of a chess (checkers) game in which a piece or pawn (checker) is sacrificed to gain an active position. SIS 1985. And secondly: the pieces on the board turned out to be placed exactly... this was more amazing... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Gambit- (from the Italian dareil gambetto to trip), the general name of chess beginnings in which pieces are sacrificed in order to speed up development. If the sacrifice is accepted, an accepted gambit occurs, and if it is rejected, a refused gambit occurs. Term... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Home Dictionary of Russian synonyms. gambit noun, number of synonyms: 3 opening (10) counter-gambit ... Synonym dictionary

    gambit- (wrong gambit) ... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    GAMBIT, gambita, husband. (from the Italian expression dare il gambetto to substitute a leg) (chess.). The beginning of a chess game in which a piece or pawn is sacrificed in order to gain the fastest opportunity to go on the attack. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935… Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    GAMBIT, huh, husband. The beginning of a chess game, in which a pawn or piece is sacrificed in order to quickly go on the attack. Queen's City Royal City | adj. gambit, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (Gambit) in a chess game, a special category of openings in which a pawn is sacrificed in order to obtain a position convenient for a forced attack... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    This term has other meanings, see Gambit (meanings). Gambit (from Italian gambetto step) is the general name of openings in which one of the sides is in the interests of rapid development, capturing the center, or simply to sharpen the game... ... Wikipedia


  • Gambit. Omnibus of 3 comics, Asmus James. Gambit. Born a Thief... The Marvel Universe's top mutant thief sets his sights on the biggest score of his life - and falls victim to an ancient curse! In search of a lost temple, he...
  • Gambit (set of 3 comics) (number of volumes: 3), Asmus J.. Gambit. Born a thief. The Marvel Universe's top mutant thief sets his sights on the biggest score of his life - and falls victim to an ancient curse! In search of a lost temple, he...
Publication history
Publisher Marvel Comics
Debut (as Gambit) Uncanny X-Men #266 (1990)
(as Death) X-Men #184 (2006)
Authors Chris Claremont, Jim Lee
Character Stats
Position Good (after being forced to join Sinister, he became a “double agent”)
Alter ego Remy Etienne LeBeau
Nicknames Death, Le Diable Blanc, formerly Lord Robert, Kejun
View Mutant
Height 188 cm
Weight 81.5 kg
Hair color Chestnut (real), white (like Death)
Eye color Fire red
Place of Birth New Orleans, Louisiana (possibly)
Citizenship American
Family status married
Occupation unknown; former thief, adventurer
Teams and organizations
X-Men, Marauders, Horsemen of the Apocalypse, United Guild, Thieves Guild
Special powers
  • Initial abilities:
    • Converting an object's potential energy into kinetic energy through touch.
    • Superhuman agility and dexterity
    • Strong resistance to telepathy
    • Hypnotic charm
    • High precision accuracy
    • Hand-to-hand combat skill
    • Thieving Skills
  • Death Power:
    • Deadly Gas Control
  • Throwing cards
  • Telescopic pole
  • Body armor

Gambit(real name Remy Etienne LeBeau; English Gambit, Remy Etienne LeBeau listen)) is a fictional character from the Marvel Comics universe, created by Chris Claremont and Jim Lee, he first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #266 (August 1990) and was initially conceived as a negative character, a lone mutant pursuing his own goals.

Gambit is a mutant. He can convert the potential energy contained in any object into kinetic energy, as a result of which this object acquires the ability to explode. Unlike most mutants, Gambit has good control over his power: for example, he charges an object with energy in the amount he needs, can “discharge” what is already charged, and can also charge part of an object. A short stay among the Horsemen of the Apocalypse awarded Gambit with another ability: the ability to convert air into a poisonous and asphyxiating gas.

In 2011, Gambit was ranked 65th on the list "The 100 Best Comic Book Characters of All Time" according to IGN.


Abandoned at birth due to his fiery red eyes, the child who would become Remy LeBeau was kidnapped from his hospital room by members of the New Orleans Thieves Guild, who referred to the boy as "le diable blanc" - the white devil. They believed that he was the one destined to unite the warring Guilds. Soon Remy found himself in the care of a gang of street thieves, who raised the child and taught him the art of thievery. Later, when he was approximately ten years old, Remy attempted to pick the pockets of Jean-Luc Lebeau, patriarch of the Thieves Guild. Jean-Luc took the boy from the street and accepted him into his family. As part of a peace treaty between the Thieves' Guild and their rivals, the Assassins' Guild, a marriage was arranged between Remy and Bella Donna Boudreaux, the granddaughter of the head of the Assassins' Guild. However, Bella's brother Julien objected to the marriage and challenged Gambit to a duel. In defense, Remy killed Julien, and was expelled from New Orleans in an attempt to maintain a non-aggression pact between the two guilds.


One day, Remy turned to the geneticist Sinister for help in controlling his power. Sinister removed part of Remy's brain tissue to reduce his power, thus giving him a greater level of control. As a result, Remy found himself in debt to the geneticist, and Sinister subsequently ordered the thief to assemble a team of assassins called the Marauders. Remy did not realize that Sinister was using the Marauders to destroy the underground mutant community known as the Morlocks. Seeing the horrific consequences of his actions, Remy tried to stop the massacre, but he himself almost died at the hands of a marauder named Sabretooth. However, he managed to save one Morlock girl, the future mutant Entity.

Powers and abilities

Gambit can convert objects' potential energy into kinetic energy with just a touch. Having been imbued with his energy, objects thrown by Gambit explode when they hit their target. Gambit can only use his skills on inanimate objects, he cannot "charge" living things. As Death (one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse), Gambit could produce poisonous, deadly gas. However, he still has a piece of this essence in his mind, which sometimes leads to Gambit's external and internal transformation. As Death, Gambit can sense the presence of a telepath. His cards become especially dangerous, as when they hit a target, they not only explode, but also "hit" the card, which Gambit can then recharge and use again. Following an operation performed by Sinister, Gambit's abilities were enhanced to their maximum potential. For example, a mutant could charge an object without touching it, but simply by looking at the “target” (including living beings). He also learned to control the amount of energy he emitted. During the climactic battle with the New Sun (his own alternate version from another dimension), Gambit lost the enhanced abilities he received after the operation, and his abilities returned to their previous levels. Gambit's energy control abilities make him super dexterous and very agile, and also creates a protective field that prevents even the most powerful telepaths from penetrating Remy's mind. It's no secret that Gambit is a skilled player in any card games. Gambit also has a penchant for hypnosis - with the help of his charm, he can influence the sensitive mind of a stranger. He can force others to believe his words or agree with him without any good reason. More powerful telepaths, however, have protection against Gambit's "charms".

Alternative versions

Marvel Zombie

The infected Gambit attacks Doctor Doom's castle along with dozens of other zombies. He also attacks the Silver Surfer along with other infected superheroes. Later he dies.


In this universe, Remy is a thief, just like in the classic version. The flashback shows how his father beat him as a child. Was killed while fighting Juggernaut over Rogue.

Gambit outside the comics

A television

  • Animated series "X-Men": here Gambit is one of the X-Men and is in love with Rogue.
  • Animated series "X-Men: Evolution": here Gambit has ordinary black eyes and works for Magneto.
  • Animated series “Wolverine and the X-Men”: here Gambit is a selfish hired thief who has repeatedly opposed the X-Men


Actor Taylor Kitsch played Gambit in the film X-Men Origins. Wolverine." His role is quite small, but significant. Remy was kept on Colonel Stryker's mutant island, where his talent for beating the guards at card games earned him the nickname "Gambit." After escaping from the island, Remy began to use his talent to win at the casino. When Wolverine decided to get to this island, he, on the advice of Bubble, found Remy. He, seeing Logan's tokens, mistook him for Agent Stryker and attacked him with playing cards, but then Sabretooth appeared, and Logan had to be distracted by his brother. Victor escaped and Logan explained the situation to Remy. Realizing his mistake, Gambit helped Logan get to the island by flying him there by plane. Remy later returned to the island and saved Logan from a falling tower by cutting it in half with his fighting pole. Logan sent him to lead the young mutants off the island, but Remy was ahead of Professor X. Gambit returned to Logan, who had already lost his memory. Remy reminded him of his name and then led him off the island.

Gambit's costume and appearance in the film underwent significant changes: instead of a light brown trench coat, he wore a black leather trench coat, and his famous half mask was not on his head. Gambit's eyes became normal green, only turning red when using abilities, as the producers found his original eyes to be embarrassing. Remy's abilities have become less destructive, but his cards are able to push a person through a wall. Remy's accent became Southern Cajun in the film.

Computer games

In the game X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Gambit appears as one of the bosses. Also in the game "X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse" as a playable character.

Character Influence

Above - Kurogasa, below - Gambit


During the Soviet Union, most boys and girls were very familiar with the meaning of the word “gambit” (as well as the terms “castling”, “combination”, “time trouble”). After all, one of the most popular games in the family circle and in summer camp, in the yard and in the park was chess, which gave the world this term. Unfortunately, with the advent of computers, modern gadgets and the Internet, the fashion for intellectual games has passed. The concept has also been forgotten. Recently, however, the word "gambit" seems to have found a renaissance. Its figurative meaning is not yet indicated in dictionaries, but in real life it is used regularly and everywhere. But first things first.

A little chess theory

Experts divide any chess game into 3 parts. The initial stage bears the familiar name “debut”. The middle one is “middlegame” (a German word that translates exactly like that – “middle of the game”). The finale of the game is called “endgame” (“end of the game”, as you might guess). In each period, players face their own tasks. Inattention to them can be disastrous at any stage of the game.

Basic opening rules

Any chess coach teaches his players that in the opening it is necessary to withdraw their pieces from the initial positions, occupying the most advantageous position, reliably protect the king and seize control over the central squares of the board. You need to develop quickly, without losing momentum, and, if possible, avoiding unnecessary moves with the same piece. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the enemy from carrying out the same actions. Already at the debut stage, the game should be built according to a certain plan, a clear scheme. Therefore, only beginning chess players walk “as God wishes.” Experienced players use ready-made options, of which there are thousands. There are collections of openings that contain proven schemes. Gambit is also a debut, but a special one, more on that below.

Types of openings

Each debut has its own name, history of creation and possible continuations. The opening stages of the game are usually classified into three groups depending on White's first move and the opponent's response.

  • An open opening begins with the moves: 1. e2-e4 - e7-e5.
  • A half-open opening will occur if Black responds to 1. e2-e4 with any move other than 1. ... e7-e5.
  • The closed opening begins with any white move, except for the previously mentioned 1. e2-e4.

Now we can talk about what the word "gambit" means.


A gambit is the beginning of a game in which one of the opponents sacrifices a pawn or piece. Why is he doing this? To gain tempo, speed up development, occupy an advantageous position with your pieces or impose a tough fight. Depending on the opponent’s actions, such sharp openings are divided into 3 groups. An accepted gambit is the beginning of a game in which the opponent accepted the sacrifice. Refused - if he did not take the “substituted” pawn or piece. Finally, the player can sacrifice in response - then they speak of a counter-gambit.

What does the word "gambit" mean?

The first serious textbook on chess appeared in the 16th century. It was a book published by the Spanish priest Ruy Lopez de Segura, “The Book of Ingenuity in Chess” (1561). It is in it that the word “gambit” appears for the first time. Most researchers associate the origin of the term with the French gambit, inherited from the Italian gambetta - “to trip”, dare il gambetto - “to trip”.

The most famous gambits

Royal. One of the oldest openings is the King's Gambit described by Lopez. It got its name from the sacrificial king's pawn:

  1. e2-e4 - e7-e5. 2. f2-f4…

Until the twentieth century, it was very popular, even special thematic tournaments were held, in which all participants played only this opening. Both Judit Polgar and Paul Keres adored him, and David Bronstein believed that it was only for his sake that it was worth playing chess. Experts are convinced that the King's Gambit is an ideal choice for a beginning chess player. In this opening, the struggle arises from the first moves. In this way, a beginner will learn to attack first and then defend. The gambit has many variations and can be either accepted or refused. Sometimes black responds by sacrificing a pawn themselves. This option is called the Falkbeer countergambit:

  1. e2-e4 - e7-e5. 2. f2-f4 - d7-d5.

Queen's. This opening begins with movement and then sacrifice of queenside pawns.

  1. d2-d4 - d7-d5. 2. c2-c4…

The gambit has been used for a long time, but it became especially popular in the 19th century. It often occurs in tournaments today. Grandmaster Savely Tartakover, famous for his aphorisms, called the King's Gambit a “leap into the abyss” and the Queen’s Gambit a “jump into a ditch.” In this opening, Black can also accept White's sacrifice, reject it, or offer the Albin Counter-Gambit (the latter takes its name from the chess player who first used the scheme in a game against in New York in 1883):

  1. d2-d4 - d7-d5. 2. c2-c4 - e7-e5.

Let's sum it up

Thus, a gambit in chess is a beautiful, sharp beginning of a game in which the player makes a sacrifice in order to gain a benefit of a different nature: positional advantage, tempo, capture of strategic squares. As a rule, a chess player gives up a pawn, but sometimes he can sacrifice a piece. This is what happens in the Cochran Gambit:

  1. e2-e4 - e7-e5. 2. Kg1-f3 - Kg8-f6. 3. Kf3:e5 - d7-d6. 4. Ke5:f7 …

Non-chess gambit

What does it mean? The fact is that the term in question has long gone beyond the scope of the chess game. Academic dictionaries do not record it, but it exists in living speech! Thus, in 1966, the American heist film “Gambit” was released, and in 2012, its remake of the same name was released. The English word gambit has several meanings, including "sacrifice, concession, maneuver, first step." The name was automatically translated into Russian as “gambit”, but this did not bother anyone! The chess gambit is beautifully reinterpreted by native Russian speakers.

Today it is understood (let’s make a reservation, in lively, informal speech) a sacrifice or concession made for certain purposes. Most often the term is heard in the political arena and in journalistic materials. Such terminology does not always seem successful, however, like mushrooms after rain, gambits are growing that are not listed in any of the chess reference books: Russian, Ukrainian, Crimean, Syrian, Putin’s and Yanukovych’s gambits. The whole world is turning into a grandiose party in which not a single country, not a single leader wants to be a pawn.

How it all began

Many people are convinced that the word “gambit” was introduced into our everyday use by none other than the famous modern writer Boris Akunin. In 1998, the second book in the series dedicated to Erast Fandorin, “The Turkish Gambit,” came out from his pen.

There is no such opening in chess. There are Belgrade, Budapest, Sicilian and Volga, but there is no Turkish. And the book is not at all about the ancient game. However, the title was subtly rethought. And so that no one was left in doubt, the author put a detailed explanation into the mouth of the main “negative” hero, Anvar Efendi. He argues that for the sake of the triumph of progress and democracy (which he associates with the United States and Western Europe), Russia sacrificed tasty but weak Turkey. Emperor Alexander accepted the sacrifice, but the overall outcome of the game would not be in his favor. A gambit is a sacrifice that rarely leads to a win for the opponent who thoughtlessly accepted it. To win, it is necessary to predict all conceivable options for the development of the situation, to calculate many moves ahead - be it chess or geopolitics.

The Marvel film studio, together with 20th Century Fox Film, has recently been busy creating several spin-offs, including a film about Gambit! Producer Lauren Shuler Donner, who had already worked on films from the X-Men series, in collaboration with other producers Reed Carolin and Simon Kinberg, decided to continue the story about superheroes with a solo film about another mutant.

In the comics, Gambit was one of the X-Men. Previously, he appeared on screen in the film “X-Men.” Start. Wolverine". In addition, it was assumed that Gambit would be involved in the film X-Men: The Last Stand, but this, alas, never happened. And yet the character is so unusual, and audience interest in the X-Men is growing so steadily, that it was decided to devote an independent film to Gambit.

Film crew

The film was directed by English filmmaker, screenwriter and producer Rupert Wyatt, whom viewers know from the films “Rise of the Planet of the Apes,” “Turn: Washington’s Spies” and “The Gambler.” He knows how to make box-office films - suffice it to say that his “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” grossed about $485 million at the worldwide box office! The script was created by Chris Claremont and Joshua Zitumer.

Fan poster for the film "Gambit"

By the way, one of the producers said that Gambit fans will be pleased with the storyline that Zitumer wrote for him. It is somewhat different from the one presented in the comics, but it will be all the more interesting to watch the life story of your favorite hero. After the solo film, will Gambit appear in other X-Men adaptations? Producer Reed Carolin answered this question:

"It's safe to say that the future of Gambit (and Deadpool as well) will largely depend on how much money his film makes at the global box office."

Who is Gambit?

Remy Etienne LeBeau, nicknamed "Gambit", is a Marvel Comics character created in 1990 by writer Chris Claremont and artist Jim Lee. Remy's life did not work out from birth - the mutant baby was abandoned, afraid of his bright red eyes and abilities, which he did not yet know how to control. This explains his fate - Gambit faced a difficult childhood in a gang of New Orleans thieves and a meeting with Sinister (in the original known as Sinister).

Remy Lebeau (Gambit) in original comic art

It was a genetic scientist who performed an operation on Gambit and removed part of his brain. The purpose of the surgery was simple - Sinister reduced the power with which Lebo's abilities worked and made them controllable. Gambit's powers are unusual - he can convert the potential energy contained in any object (he prefers playing cards) into kinetic energy. The result is a good, controlled explosion.

Now, unlike many young mutants, Gambit has excellent control over his powers. He also has other talents: for example, for some time Remy was Death -, - and learned to transform air into a poisonous and asphyxiating gas. By the way, this doesn’t make Gambit a bad guy: the horsemen were completely subordinated to the will of the Apocalypse, and did not commit atrocities of their own free will.

Gambit and his "charged" battle cards

In addition, many know Remy LeBeau as the lover of Rogue (the heroine of the first three films in the X-Men series), a clever thief, a trickster and an incredibly charismatic brat. His animal charm is also part of his superpowers - Gambit, without realizing it, can influence the consciousness of the victim in order to rob him dry.

Initially, he was conceived as a negative character, caring only about his own good, but soon they decided to change their opinion about him: now Gambit has a kind of code of honor, loyalty to the school of Charles Xavier and a loving heart, and for the sake of people dear to him he is able to risk his life. Gambit knows what loyalty is, and that makes him one of the most compelling characters in the Marvel Universe.

The role of Gambit and Channing Tatum

When Gambit first appeared on the big screen in X-Men Origins. Wolverine,” played by Taylor Kitsch. It is unknown why the actor refused the role in the future, but already in May 2014, Channing Tatum met with the producers of the franchise and discussed his participation in the new film adaptation.

Channing Tatum is the new player in the role of Gambit

According to the actor, Gambit is his favorite among the X-Men, although in general he likes all the characters in this series. Channing has his own reasons to love Remy LeBeau and his storyline - at least they share their Southern roots. The actor concluded:

“Gambit is the least like a mutant. He is something of an anti-hero - he is a thief, he loves drinking, girls and gambling. But Gambit is a tough guy with strong moral principles."

He also added that he is already working on his character's special accent. In addition, in order to become the ideal superhero with a sculpted torso and beautiful muscular arms and legs, Tatum plays a lot of sports. At the premiere of Magic Mike XXL, the actor shared:

“I have to lose weight and get lean and fit. What am I doing for this? I have lots and lots of running and lots and lots of broccoli.”

Ryan Reynolds and Channing Tatum in a Gambit T-shirt (Comic-Con)

For those who have forgotten who Channing Tatum is, we remind you that he is an American actor and producer, who appeared in the projects “Step Up” (Tyler), “Battle in Seattle” (Johnson), “Muscle Fight” (Sean MacArthur), “Johnny D" (Handsome Floyd), "Rise of Cobra" (Conrad Hauser/Duke), "Dangerous Quarter" (Jonathan White), "Eagle of the Ninth Legion" (Marcus Flavius ​​Aquila), "Knockout" (Aaron), "Macho and Geek" (Greg Jenko), White House Down (John Cale) and many others.

Gambit also stars Channing Tatum as a co-producer. Nothing is known yet about the other actors who will take part in the filming. But, judging by the serious attitude of the creators of the franchise, the casting will be very careful - after all, they have to make a film, after which the audience will demand a continuation! It will be hoped that these grandiose plans will come true, and we will once again enjoy a high-quality action film from the X-Men series.

And finally, a small bonus in the form of a fan-made trailer (Taylor Kitsch plays Gambit; scenes from the movie “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” were used to create the video). After all, the best way to understand who Gambit is is to look at him in motion.

During the Soviet Union, most boys and girls were very familiar with the meaning of the word “gambit” (as well as the terms “castling”, “combination”, “time trouble”). After all, one of the most popular games in the family circle and in summer camp, in the yard and in the park was chess, which gave the world this term. Unfortunately, with the advent of computers, modern gadgets and the Internet, the fashion for intellectual games has passed. The concept has also been forgotten. Recently, however, the word "gambit" seems to have found a renaissance. Its figurative meaning is not yet indicated in dictionaries, but in real life it is used regularly and everywhere. But first things first.

A little chess theory

Experts divide any chess game into 3 parts. The initial stage bears the familiar name “debut”. Middle – “middlegame” (a German word that translates exactly like that – “middle of the game”). The finale of the game is called “endgame” (“end of the game”, as you might guess). In each period, players face their own tasks. Inattention to them can be disastrous at any stage of the game.

Basic opening rules

Any chess coach teaches his players that in the opening it is necessary to withdraw their pieces from the initial positions, occupying the most advantageous position, reliably protect the king and seize control over the central squares of the board. You need to develop quickly, without losing momentum, and, if possible, avoiding unnecessary moves with the same piece. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the enemy from carrying out the same actions. Already at the debut stage, the game should be built according to a certain plan, a clear scheme. Therefore, only beginning chess players walk “as God wishes.” Experienced players use ready-made options, of which there are thousands. There are collections of openings that contain proven schemes. Gambit is also a debut, but a special one, more on that below.

Types of openings

Each debut has its own name, history of creation and possible continuations. The opening stages of the game are usually classified into three groups depending on White's first move and the opponent's response.

  • An open opening begins with the moves: 1. e2-e4 – e7-e5.
  • A half-open opening will occur if Black responds to 1. e2-e4 with any move other than 1. ... e7-e5.
  • The closed opening begins with any white move, except for the previously mentioned 1. e2-e4.

Now we can talk about what the word "gambit" means.


A gambit is the beginning of a game in which one of the opponents sacrifices a pawn or piece. Why is he doing this? To gain tempo, speed up development, occupy an advantageous position with your pieces or impose a tough fight. Depending on the opponent’s actions, such sharp openings are divided into 3 groups. An accepted gambit is the beginning of a game in which the opponent accepted the sacrifice. Refused - if he did not take the “substituted” pawn or piece. Finally, the player can sacrifice in return - then they talk about a counter-gambit.

What does the word "gambit" mean?

The first serious textbook on chess appeared in the 16th century. It was a book published by the Spanish priest Ruy Lopez de Segura, “The Book of Ingenuity in Chess” (1561). It is in it that the word “gambit” appears for the first time. Most researchers associate the origin of the term with the French gambit, inherited from the Italian gambetta – “stepping up”, dare il gambetto – “to trip up”.

The most famous gambits

Royal. One of the oldest openings is the King's Gambit described by Lopez. It got its name from the sacrificial king's pawn:

  1. e2-e4 – e7-e5. 2. f2-f4…

Until the twentieth century, it was very popular, even special thematic tournaments were held, in which all participants played only this opening. Boris Spassky and Judit Polgar, Robert Fischer and Paul Keres adored him, and David Bronstein believed that it was only for him that it was worth playing chess. Experts are convinced that the King's Gambit is an ideal choice for a beginning chess player. In this opening, the struggle arises from the first moves. In this way, a beginner will learn to attack first and then defend. The gambit has many variations and can be either accepted or refused. Sometimes black responds by sacrificing a pawn themselves. This option is called the Falkbeer countergambit:

  1. e2-e4 – e7-e5. 2. f2-f4 – d7-d5.

Queen's. This opening begins with movement and then sacrifice of queenside pawns.

  1. d2-d4 – d7-d5. 2. c2-c4…

The gambit has been used for a long time, but it became especially popular in the 19th century. It often occurs in tournaments today. Grandmaster Saveliy Tartakover, famous for his aphorisms, called the King's Gambit a “leap into the abyss,” and the Queen’s Gambit “a jump into a ditch.” In this opening, Black can also accept White's sacrifice, reject it, or offer the Albin countergambit (the latter takes its name from the chess player who first used the scheme in a game against Emmanuel Lasker in New York in 1883):

  1. d2-d4 – d7-d5. 2. c2-c4 – e7-e5.

Let's sum it up

Thus, a gambit in chess is a beautiful, sharp beginning of a game in which the player makes a sacrifice in order to gain a benefit of a different nature: positional advantage, tempo, capture of strategic squares. As a rule, a chess player gives up a pawn, but sometimes he can sacrifice a piece. This is what happens in the Cochran Gambit:

  1. e2-e4 – e7-e5. 2. Kg1-f3 – Kg8-f6. 3. Kf3:e5 – d7-d6. 4. Ke5:f7 …

Non-chess gambit

What does it mean? The fact is that the term in question has long gone beyond the scope of the chess game. Academic dictionaries do not record the figurative meaning of the word, but it exists in living speech! Thus, in 1966, the American heist film “Gambit” was released, and in 2012, its remake of the same name was released. The English word gambit has several meanings, including "sacrifice, concession, maneuver, first step." The name was automatically translated into Russian as “gambit”, but this did not bother anyone! The chess gambit is beautifully reinterpreted by native Russian speakers.

Today it is understood (let’s make a reservation, in lively, informal speech) a sacrifice or concession made for certain purposes. Most often the term is heard in the political arena and in journalistic materials. Such terminology does not always seem successful, however, like mushrooms after rain, gambits are growing that are not listed in any of the chess reference books: Russian, Ukrainian, Crimean, Syrian, Putin’s and Yanukovych’s gambits. The whole world is turning into a grandiose party in which not a single country, not a single leader wants to be a pawn.

How it all began

Many people are convinced that the word “gambit” was introduced into our everyday use by none other than the famous modern writer Boris Akunin. In 1998, the second book in the series dedicated to Erast Fandorin, “The Turkish Gambit,” came out from his pen.

There is no such opening in chess. There are Belgrade, Budapest, Sicilian and Volga, but there is no Turkish. And the book is not at all about the ancient game. However, the title subtly redefined the chess term. And so that no one would have any doubts, the author put a detailed explanation into the mouth of the main “negative” character, Anvar Efendi. He argues that for the sake of the triumph of progress and democracy (which he associates with the United States and Western Europe), Russia sacrificed tasty but weak Turkey. Emperor Alexander accepted the sacrifice, but the overall outcome of the game would not be in his favor. A gambit is a sacrifice that rarely leads to a win for the opponent who thoughtlessly accepted it. To win, it is necessary to predict all conceivable options for the development of the situation, to calculate many moves ahead - be it chess or geopolitics.


GAMBIT GAMBIT (French) in a chess game, a category of openings in which a pawn is sacrificed for the sake of an advantageous attack.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907.

GAMBIT (French gambit, probably derived from Italian dare il gambeto - to substitute one's foot). 1) in a chess game: move a pawn and a bishop, through 2 places. 2) a race in which horses are loaded in proportion to their strength.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910.

GAMBIT [fr. gambit< ит. dare il gambetto - дать подножку] - шахм. начало шахматной партии, при котором жертвуют фигуру (пешку) ради получения позиционного и тактического преимущества. Перен. малая жертва в расчете на выигрыш.

Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G., 2006.

GAMBIT in a chess game, a move when one gives up a pawn in order to freely go on the offensive.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907.

GAMBIT French gambit, prod. probably from it. dare il gambetto, put your foot down. A move in a chess game by a pawn standing in front of the bishop.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that came into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865.

Gambit ( fr. gambit it. dare il gambetto trip) the beginning of a chess (checkers) game in which a piece or pawn (checker) is sacrificed to gain an active position.

New dictionary of foreign words. - by EdwART, 2009.

Gambit Gambit, m. [from it. expressions dare il gambetto – substitute a leg] (chess.). The beginning of a chess game, in which a piece or pawn is sacrificed in order to gain the fastest opportunity to go on the attack.

Large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing house "IDDK", 2007.

Gambit a, m. (fr. gambit it. dare il gambetto trip).
The beginning of a chess (checkers) game in which a piece or pawn (checker) is sacrificed to gain an active position.
|| Wed. opening, middlegame, endgame.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998.

What does the word "gambit" mean?


The beginning of a chess game, in which a pawn or pieces are sacrificed in order to quickly go on the attack.
The term became famous after the film adaptation of B. Akunin’s novel “The Turkish Gambit”.
In addition, Gambit is a Marvel comics character X-Man (X-Men).

Emil Hamdan

A gambit is the beginning of a chess game in which a piece is sacrificed to the opponent in order to achieve a strategic advantage.
The beginning of a chess game in which cunning can defeat strength
or recently the word has acquired the meaning of any cunning trap, but, as in chess, its goal is to lure, distract the enemy (friend) with a low-cost victim. .

What does the word "gambit" mean?

Pretty houngue

Dmitry Tomin

GambiL9;t (from “Italian dare il gambetto” - to substitute a leg) is the general name of openings in which one of the sides sacrifices material (usually a pawn, but sometimes a piece) in the interests of rapid development, capturing the center, or simply to sharpen the game. There are accepted gambits (the victim is accepted), refused gambits (the victim is rejected) and counter-gambits (instead of accepting the victim, the opponent, in turn, donates the material).

What is a "gambit"?

Furia roja

Gambit- this is a chess term that denotes such a development of the game when, in the opening, one of the opponents sacrifices a pawn (less often a piece) in order to sharpen the game, capture the center or free up space for greater maneuverability and the ability to attack, in short, to gain an advantage.

This word came from French (gambit), and there, in turn, came from the Italian language, where there are expressions dare il gambetto and far gambetta - to trip (gamba in Italian is leg, and gambetta is leg).

However, this word is already used without connection with chess; an example of this is the title of the book and film “The Turkish Gambit”.

Gambit- this is the “sacrifice” during a chess game. A chess player decides to sacrifice some insignificant chess piece, such as a “pawn,” in order to go on the offensive, attack.

There is another expression that has a figurative meaning: "Turkish gambit"- a small sacrifice to achieve something meaningful, important, strategic advantage.