Signs and symptoms of ovulation, how to calculate when it occurs, no ovulation, what to do. How to determine ovulation - a test is not necessary How to determine ovulation at home

You can find out the exact date of release of the egg from the follicle at a medical institution. For this purpose, an ultrasound examination is performed and a hormone test is taken. True, every woman is able to independently calculate the day of ovulation at home. To do this, you need to listen carefully to your body.

Women are concerned about ovulation days in two cases:

  • When planning a pregnancy. This period is considered the most favorable for conception. Its determination is especially important when fertilization does not occur for a long time.
  • In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy. During the ovulatory period, you need to use barrier contraception or completely exclude intimacy.

Determination by test

Special tests will help you understand that the ovulatory process has already begun. Their principle of operation is the same as pregnancy tests. Essentially, these are indicators that respond to changes in the concentration of hormones contained in the urine. A pregnancy test can detect hCG levels.

The period of egg release is determined by increasing the concentration of luteinizing hormone.

Using the test strip is quite simple. You need to do the following:

  1. Urinate in a clean container.
  2. Immerse the strip in urine up to the mark.
  3. Wait a few seconds.

After the time specified in the instructions, you can evaluate the result. If two stripes are visible on the test, then ovulation has already occurred.

The method begins to be used several days before the expected release of the egg. If your menstrual cycle is unstable, the test must be done repeatedly. This is due to the fact that follicle rupture can occur earlier or later than expected.

How to calculate ovulation at home

There are several methods to determine ovulation without a test. To obtain the most accurate answer, they are used in combination.

Calendar method

When using this method, it is possible to identify the most favorable period for fertilization. The duration of the menstrual cycle is taken into account. But this method is only suitable for women with regular cycles. Markings on the calendar must be made for at least 3 months.

  • 10 days are subtracted from the longest cycle;
  • 18 is subtracted from the shortest one.

For example, if the short cycle was 29 days and the long cycle was 31, then fertilization will be possible from 11 to 21 days.

Temperature measurement

When using this method, a woman needs to measure her basal temperature every day. Thanks to this, it will be possible to assess the general condition of the reproductive system and find out when the ovulatory period begins.

Normally, when follicles begin to grow, the temperature varies between 36.4-36.8 °C. Before the release of the egg, it drops sharply, and during ovulation it rises and can reach 37.5 °C. Such indicators often persist for 2-3 days.

To get reliable results, you need to follow simple rules:

  • measurements should be taken daily for several cycles;
  • hold the thermometer in the rectum for five minutes;
  • choose alcohol or mercury models, electronic ones are characterized by high errors;
  • use the same thermometer throughout the entire cycle;
  • perform the procedure in the morning, immediately after waking up, even before getting out of bed.

Crystallization of saliva

This method can be used if there is a microscope in the house. You can check whether the ovulatory process has begun or not by looking at your saliva. In this case, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Apply saliva to the glass.
  2. Wait until it dries.
  3. Examine the material under study under a microscope.

If ovulation has occurred, a high concentration of hormones is observed in the saliva. When zoomed in, an image similar to a fern leaf will be visible. If such changes are not observed, the egg has not yet left the follicle.

Nature of the discharge

You can determine that the ovulatory process has already begun by looking at the discharge. True, the method is reliable only if the woman does not have vaginal dysbiosis or infectious pathologies of the reproductive system.

The following signs indicate the release of an egg:

  • copious secretion: often there is so much secretion that even underwear becomes wet;
  • consistency is watery, liquid or jelly-like, similar to egg white;
  • absence of impurities and specific odor.

According to my own feelings

The following symptoms may indicate ovulation:

  • Minor pulling, aching pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, they are observed only on the right or left. The localization of pain depends on which of the ovaries the follicle ruptured.
  • Increased sexual desire. The body itself signals that a period favorable for conception has arrived.
  • Soreness of the mammary glands and their increase in size.
  • Sudden mood swings caused by hormonal changes.
  • Flatulence. It is observed extremely rarely.
  • Increased sense of smell. For example, the smell of your favorite perfume can cause disgust, while specific aromas, on the contrary, can attract you.
  • Change in taste preferences. During this period, women often want a specific dish or product. The same symptoms are observed in pregnant women.

What is an ovulation calculator and how accurate is it?

This is a special program designed to perform calculations based on the entered parameters. In fact, the principle is very similar to the calendar method, but the calculator operates using a computer algorithm.

This is a fairly convenient way to determine the ovulatory phase, because you don’t need to do the calculations yourself. You just need to enter the average cycle duration.

The program will immediately calculate which days are favorable for fertilization, several months in advance.

But the calculator does not take into account hormonal fluctuations and other factors that can delay the release of the fertilized egg. You can trust it only with a regular cycle and no changes in lifestyle.

Disadvantages of home methods

The most reliable home methods are measuring basal temperature and keeping a calendar. You should not rely solely on personal feelings and the nature of the discharge. For example, secretion becomes abundant not only during the ovulatory phase, but also with the development of a number of gynecological pathologies.

Increased libido, pain and mood changes can also occur under the influence of other factors. Even if the temperature in the rectum is systematically measured and the cycle duration is accurately calculated, errors are possible. The indicators are influenced by:

  • medications;
  • stress;
  • climate change;
  • alcohol;
  • regularity of the cycle.

You should not completely trust home methods for determining ovulation. They do not always provide an opportunity to obtain reliable results. As a rule, it is possible to find out about the release of an egg if a woman has menstrual periods regularly and has no health problems. In all other cases, it is recommended to use a test or undergo an examination at a antenatal clinic.

Without ovulation, which occurs in the female body every month, pregnancy will not happen. Even if sexual intercourse occurs almost every day, this does not guarantee pregnancy. Fertilization of the egg occurs only after the process of ovulation has begun. Girls with a regular menstrual cycle can determine the day of ovulation themselves at home.

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    Phases of the menstrual cycle

    The menstrual cycle consists of several stages:

    1. 1. Estrogenic phase. It begins on the first day of menstruation. During this phase, follicles mature in the woman’s body. Usually 25-30 of them mature, but only one - the dominant one - grows to the required size. It is from this follicle that the egg will be released. The estrogenic phase lasts from 12 to 14 days.
    2. 2. The phase of ovulation or release of the egg. At this stage, the dominant follicle ruptures, releasing the egg into the fallopian tube. If there is sperm in the fallopian tube at this moment, the egg is fertilized. The fertilized egg moves to the uterus. On the sixth day, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus and pregnancy begins to develop. If fertilization does not occur, the egg leaves the body along with bloody discharge.
    3. 3. Luteal phase. At this stage, the active production of luteinizing hormone and the formation of the corpus luteum begins. The corpus luteum takes about 14 days to form. It prepares the uterus for bearing a fetus and releases hormones such as estrogen, androgen and progesterone. If the egg is successfully fertilized, the corpus luteum will continue to produce progesterone and prepare the placenta for the unborn baby. Otherwise, the corpus luteum will begin to shrink until it disappears.

    The egg is active for only about a day. But this does not mean that a woman will become pregnant only on this specific day. A sperm that enters the uterus can remain there in working condition for up to 7 days. And if the ovulation process begins at this time, the egg will be fertilized.

    Methods for determining the day of ovulation

    In modern medicine, there are several methods for determining ovulation without the help of a test:

    • Calendar observation.
    • Measuring basal temperature.
    • Examination of vaginal discharge.
    • Tracking your own feelings.
    • Ultrasound method.
    • Biochemical test.
    • Calculation on a calculator.

    The gynecologist advises patients to use one or another method, based on the patient’s general health and those factors (regularity of menstruation, frequency of sexual intercourse) that may affect the determination of ovulation.

    Calendar observation method

    The method is simple to implement, but results can be expected approximately a year after the start of observation. The essence of the method is to regularly record on a calendar the days of the beginning and end of menstruation. An observation diary is kept in a special notebook. All external and internal factors that could affect the menstrual cycle are noted. Stress, poor health, sudden colds - all these factors are noted in the notebook.

    It will also be necessary to calculate the shortest and longest menstrual cycle of the year. In order to determine the date of the earliest release of an egg, it is necessary to subtract 18 days from the shortest cycle. The latest date for the release of an egg is calculated by subtracting 11 days from the longest cycle. The interval between the obtained values ​​is the ovulation period. Calculations using this method are theoretical and the exact date of ovulation cannot be determined from them.

    An example of establishing the date of release of the egg

    According to an analysis of data obtained over a year of observations, the shortest cycle for a woman is 24 days, the longest is 28 days:

    • Earliest date of egg release: 24-18=6. Ovulation will occur 6 days after the start of the menstrual cycle.
    • The latest date of release of the egg: 28-11=17. Ovulation will begin on the 17th day after the menstrual cycle.

    The period of possible release of the egg can be from 6 to 17 days. With regular menstruation, calculations are more accurate.

    It is also taken into account that there may be various malfunctions in the female body. Therefore, you should not rely on the fact that ovulation will begin exactly 12-15 days after the start of the cycle.

    If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, this method is not recommended.

    Method for determining ovulation by your own feelings

    Signs to look out for:

    1. 1. Discomfort in the stomach. On the day of ovulation, discomfort may appear in the abdomen. They are usually observed on one side of the abdomen. Even cutting or cramping pain may occur.
    2. 2. Increased sexual desire. Shortly before ovulation begins, the reproductive instinct begins to take its toll and often these days a woman desires intimacy with a man. This is especially pronounced in women who have an irregular sex life.
    3. 3. The cervix changes. In order for the egg to leave the body without hindrance, the uterus softens and opens the cervix. This cannot be seen with the naked eye. But any woman can check the condition of the uterus on her own. To learn to notice changes, you need to feel the uterus over several cycles.
    4. 4. Breasts swell. Before ovulation begins, the breasts begin to hurt upon palpation. The nipples harden and become sensitive. If a woman experiences such sensations for no apparent reason, it means that the ovulation process is about to begin.
    5. 5. Saliva crystallizes. To check this parameter you need to get a microscope. Scientists have found that during the release of the egg, saliva crystallizes and becomes like frost. You need to check your saliva every day.
    6. 6. Strange taste preferences. Before ovulation begins, a woman may suddenly want to eat something that she previously hated.
    7. 7. Increased sense of smell. During ovulation, many women have a heightened sense of smell. Favorite perfumes suddenly begin to cause hostility, the smell of your favorite dishes becomes disgusting.
    8. 8. Flatulence. During ovulation, increased gas formation is often observed.

    Determining the day of ovulation using this method is very inaccurate. Signs begin to appear immediately before the release of the egg and may be mild.

    How to determine the day of ovulation by measuring basal temperature

    Body temperature changes throughout the menstrual cycle. In order to come to certain conclusions, it is necessary to measure the temperature for at least six months.

    The use of this method requires compliance with some instructions:

    • The entire period of the BT study (basal temperature) should be measured with one thermometer.
    • The temperature is measured immediately after sleep. Sleep time should not be less than 6 hours.
    • The measurement method can be oral, vaginal or through the anus. The last method is the most accurate. The selected measurement method cannot be changed throughout the study.
    • It is required to measure BT between 6 and 8 am. At other times the readings may be distorted.
    • The temperature measurement time should be at least 5-10 minutes.

    It is necessary to record in a notebook the presence of factors such as:

    • stress;
    • colds;
    • drinking alcohol;
    • taking medications;
    • sexual intercourse

    All of these factors can influence changes in basal temperature.

    For more convenient recording of BT data, a two-axis graph is constructed. The day of measurement is written on the X axis, and temperature data on the Y axis.

Knowing the day when ovulation occurs is very important for couples who are planning a pregnancy. After all, this information helps increase the chances of conception. How you can find out when ovulation occurs and how accurate each method is, we will discuss in this article.

Female physiology

The egg that leaves the ovary lives for about 24 hours. It is within 24 hours that she can be fertilized, and then pregnancy occurs. After a day, the egg dies, and a new one will appear only next month.

For conception to occur, not only an egg is needed, but also a sperm. According to various researchers, sperm live 2-3 days, in rare cases 5-7 days. It turns out that the probability of conception is maximum within 24 hours after ovulation; 1-2 days before ovulation (sperm are waiting for the egg to be released), it is still somewhat less. As a result, the period when pregnancy is most likely to occur is only about 3 days: 2 days before ovulation and 1 day after it.

The menstrual cycle has two phases - follicular and luteal, which are separated by ovulation. The first day of the cycle is the first day of menstrual bleeding. Normally, the menstrual cycle lasts 21-35 days (average 28-30 days), and bleeding lasts 3-5 days. In the case of a regular cycle, ovulation occurs almost every month somewhere in the middle of the cycle, but 1-2 cycles per year can pass without it.

Ovarian follicle

In the first days of menstrual bleeding (the beginning of the cycle), the level of estrogen in the blood is low. To increase it, the pituitary gland begins to produce FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). Under its influence, several follicles begin to grow in the ovaries at once. One of them is larger than all the others (dominant follicle). It is in it that the egg matures. The growing follicle produces female sex hormones - estrogens. The larger the follicle, the more actively estrogen is produced, and this stimulates the synthesis of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the pituitary gland. Its release into the blood provokes rupture of the follicle, and the mature egg is released into the abdominal cavity, ovulation occurs. Here it is captured by the villi of the fallopian tube and, due to contractions of its wall, gradually moves along it towards the uterus.

If there is a meeting with a sperm, then pregnancy occurs. The fertilized egg begins to divide, turning into an embryo, which continues to move through the tube into the uterine cavity. And in place of the ruptured follicle, a corpus luteum forms in the ovary. It produces progesterone, a hormone that prepares the uterine lining for the implantation of a fertilized egg. It is called the pregnancy hormone. If fertilization does not occur, then the corpus luteum works for 13-14 days, and then the uterine lining is rejected and menstruation begins. But if fertilization of the egg has occurred, then the corpus luteum works much longer, producing progesterone, which creates optimal conditions for maintaining pregnancy.

With a menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation occurs on the 13-14th day of the cycle (that is, on the 13-14th day from the first day of menstruation). Remembering the life span of sperm and eggs, we find that the most favorable days for conception are 11-15 days. How can we identify them?

Home ovulation tests

The level of LH is determined using urine. Peak values ​​of this hormone are detected 24-36 hours before the release of the egg. During this period, the ovulation test becomes positive. In order not to miss this maximum surge in LH, which contributes to the rupture of the follicle, it is recommended to start performing the test in advance.

Externally, the ovulation test resembles a pregnancy test; you can purchase it at the pharmacy.

How to calculate ovulation?

The start day of testing is determined as follows: the duration of the menstrual cycle minus 17. For example, if the cycle is 28 days, then the test should be started on day 11 (28-17=11). If the cycle lasts a different number of days, then you need to take the shortest one over the last six months.

The first time the test is done on the calculated day, then it is carried out once a day every day. The test should be performed at the same time. Once it becomes positive, the next 2-3 days will be optimal for conception. However, such a test still does not give the most reliable result, as it may be false negative.


Ultrasound, performed by a qualified doctor, is currently the most reliable method for determining ovulation. Tracking ovulation using ultrasound is called folliculometry. From the 10th day, with a menstrual cycle of 28 days with an interval of 1-3 days, an ultrasound scan of the ovaries and uterus is performed. At the same time, the growth of the dominant follicle and thickening of the uterine mucosa are monitored. During one of the visits, the doctor determines the corpus luteum at the site of the growing follicle, therefore, ovulation occurred between the previous day and today. And the favorable time has come for conception.

Methods for determining ovulation

Most methods for determining ovulation provide only an approximate result. They are recommended for use only by healthy women with a regular menstrual cycle.

Basal temperature measurement

It has been established that progesterone has the property of increasing body temperature by several tenths of a degree. Approximately one day after ovulation, the basal temperature (temperature in the rectum) increases slightly. On the eve of the release of the egg from the ovary, many women’s temperature drops by 0.2-0.5 °C. And on the day of ovulation, it jumps by 0.4-0.6 °C and stays at this level for about 3-4 days. The method can be easily done at home. Every morning, without getting out of bed, you need to measure the temperature in the rectum for 5 minutes. It is necessary to use the same thermometer immediately after waking up. A graph is constructed based on the daily results of measuring basal temperature.
The method has disadvantages: The temperature must be measured daily at the same time, and you must sleep at least 8 hours. If these conditions are not clearly met, then it can be quite difficult to evaluate the schedule.

Cervical mucus method

The method is simple and can be done by a woman at home. But it is not very reliable, and the information received is indicative in nature. Under the influence of high levels of estrogen in the days before ovulation, the amount of mucus produced in the cervical canal increases, and it also becomes transparent and elastic.

You may notice that vaginal discharge has become more abundant and clear. Outwardly, they resemble the white of a raw egg. After ovulation has occurred and progesterone levels rise, the amount of mucus becomes less. Intimacy for pregnancy is recommended on those days when the discharge is most abundant, and within 1-2 days after its end.

Ovulation is the release of an egg from the follicle. It can be tracked using ultrasound. Or you can do an ovulation test. But some women claim that they feel it without any aids. Are you one of those?

Ovulation formula

Knowing when ovulation occurs is important for resolving two issues: if a woman wants to get pregnant or if a woman chooses a calendar method of birth control. The fertile period - the period when fertilization can occur - lasts approximately six days: five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. The highest probability of conception is within two days before and on the day of ovulation.

Calculating the day of ovulation mathematically makes sense if you have a very clear and stable menstrual cycle. The length of the first phase of the cycle varies. The second phase is more stable and lasts 14 days. Accordingly, to calculate the day of ovulation, you need to subtract 14 from the cycle length. In an ideal 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs exactly in the middle: 28-14 = 14. In a short cycle, it will occur earlier: for example, with a cycle length of 24 days, ovulation will occur approximately on the 10th day. In the long one - later: 33-14 = 19. For women whose menstrual cycle fluctuates by several days, the formula becomes more complicated: you need to take into account the duration of both the shortest and longest cycle, and calculate the average. Still, the figure will only be approximate.

A woman can determine days favorable for conception if she pays attention to the changes that occur to her on certain days of the cycle. These changes are most noticeable in the lining of the uterus and cervix.


The glands of the cervix produce mucus. It is usually thick: a real plug that closes the cervical canal and prevents infections from passing into the uterus. In such thick mucus, sperm quickly lose mobility and it is difficult for them to ascend into the uterine cavity. But the main (dominant) follicle growing in the ovary, from which the egg will be released, produces the hormone estradiol. The more estradiol, the more cervical mucus becomes and the thinner it is. On the eve of ovulation, it becomes stretchable, like egg white. For some women, this sticky clear discharge in the middle of the cycle is very noticeable. For some - a few days before ovulation, for others - only on the day of ovulation itself. It's individual.


Ovulation may be indicated by pain in the lower abdomen on days of the cycle that are not associated with menstrual bleeding. The pain can be in the lower abdomen in the center or on the right/left - depending on in which ovary the dominant follicle matures. The pain is often nagging in nature. It may be accompanied by slight bloating or a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. At first the pain is minor, but over the course of a couple of days it may intensify. These pains are associated with an increase in the level of biologically active substances in a woman’s body before ovulation - prostaglandins. Prostaglandins dissolve the follicle wall and ovarian tissue so that the egg can be released into the abdominal cavity, and from there enter the fallopian tube. The “side effect” of prostaglandins is pain. Just like a change in the nature of cervical mucus, pain associated with ovulation can occur only on the day of ovulation itself or be noted on the eve of ovulation and even a day or two after it.

How to understand that pain is associated with ovulation

It is important to understand that pain in the lower abdomen can be associated with much less pleasant reasons than ovulation.

How to understand that this is exactly “it”.

  • The pain lasts 1-3 days and goes away on its own.
  • The pain is repeated in several cycles.
  • About 14 days after such pain, the next menstruation comes.

Pain during ovulation is moderate and does not require painkillers. Severe pain indicates a health problem. If the pain is severe on the days of expected ovulation, you should consult a gynecologist. Other alarming symptoms that accompany pain in the lower abdomen and which may indicate a problem with the uterus and appendages: increased body temperature, increased discharge (leucorrhoea) from the genital tract, change in color of leucorrhoea from transparent or white to yellow-green, bloody discharge. By the way, taking painkillers and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) on the days of expected ovulation or shortly before ovulation can reduce the chances of conception.

Technical means

Home test

Ovulation can be determined using a home test, which is sold at the pharmacy. The principle of the study is based on determining the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. LH levels in women fluctuate depending on the period of the menstrual cycle. Immediately before ovulation it reaches its maximum values. An ovulation test makes it possible to register the peak of LH release into the blood. After the maximum LH surge, ovulation occurs within the next 36 hours. Therefore, with a positive ovulation test, this and the next day are the most favorable for conception.


This is a series of ultrasound examinations performed over one or more menstrual cycles. During folliculometry, the growth of follicles and changes in the endometrium are assessed according to the day of the menstrual cycle, and the fact of ovulation is also stated. The average size of the dominant follicle at which ovulation can occur is 18-25 mm. If folliculometry determines the size of the dominant follicle to be 18 mm, this and the next few days are most favorable for pregnancy. It is advisable to do the next folliculometry in 3-4 days to confirm that ovulation has occurred.

Text: Nina Vladimirovna Antipova, obstetrician-gynecologist at the REMEDI Institute of Reproductive Medicine

In its absence, conception becomes impossible. There are several methods to confirm the proper functioning of the reproductive system. Their use makes it possible to determine a woman's ability to conceive.

  • Determination methods

    Confirmation the fact of existence necessary when a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time. An examination is prescribed, within which various diagnostic procedures are carried out. If pathologies are detected, a course of treatment is prescribed. Most often it represents hormone therapy.

    Each woman decides independently which method of determination suits her best. Each of them has both pros and cons. Among the main methods are:

    • Carrying out folliculometry.
    • on certain days of the cycle.
    • Using tests.
    • Focus on personal feelings.
    • Observation of

    The most reliable way to confirm is folliculometry. This is an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs with a narrow focus.

    As a result of the procedure, the number and size of follicles in each ovary are determined. And also measured. Based on the results obtained, it is determined at what stage the reproductive system is.

    Research is carried out in dynamics. The woman should make 3-5 visits on the appointed days. The first visit is carried out during the menstrual cycle. Are being assessed development prospects.

    REFERENCE! On average, the dominant follicle increases by 2 mm every day. In some cases, minor deviations may occur. To attack, it must reach an optimal size of 18–25 mm.

    The next visit is scheduled at the end. During this period, the condition is checked. If necessary, medications that affect its growth are prescribed. The third visit occurs on days of increased fertility. The doctor determines the best time for sexual intercourse.

    Recent visits are needed for discovery corpus luteum at the site of the ruptured follicle. Its presence confirms the fact of what happened. In addition, a small accumulation of fluid will appear behind the uterus. If, as a result of the ultrasound, the main symptoms of fertility are not detected, then a repeat visit is scheduled.

    Tests for allow you to determine fertile days at home. The principle of use is simple. When the hormone LH increases in the body, bright test strip.

    IMPORTANT! Tests to determine fertile days show two stripes in almost all cases - this does not indicate the presence of fertile days. During the release period, the strip will be much brighter than the control one.

    Another, no less reliable way to determine is. It is carried out by inserting a thermometer into the rectal opening.

    Measurements are taken when the body is completely relaxed. The optimal time of day for this is early morning. The disadvantage of the method is the need long-term study.

    You cannot draw conclusions based on measurements of one menstrual cycle. At least three months must pass.

    It was possible to understand whether it was possible to donate blood for progesterone. This the hormone increases noticeably a few days after the follicle ruptures. When it is below normal.

    Cervical fluid analysis, observing and focusing on one’s own sensations are not direct signs, but they are often used to determine it. Using all methods together will allow you to get correct result.


    To determine fertile days, a woman can rely on her own feelings. To the main physiological symptoms include:

    • Increased sexual desire.
    • in the pelvic area.
    • Change . It rises and opens.

    On days favorable for conception, a woman begins to notice a change in her psychological state. This process is purely individual. Some representatives of the fair sex irritability increases. Interesting facts include the fact that during