Swimming in the pool is an ideal way to lose weight and correct a problematic figure. Is swimming effective for losing weight? Is it possible to lose weight by swimming in the pool?

Swimming burns fat, removes extra inches and helps you become stronger, leaner and healthier than ever.

If you need to get in shape and lose weight, then the pool is unlikely to be the first thing you think of. However, perhaps this is the correct answer. No other sport burns more calories, revs up your metabolism better, or makes every muscle in your body stronger (without putting significant stress on your joints) than swimming.

You don’t need to look far for examples - just look at swimmers to understand how water “hones” the ideal silhouette. And you don't need to be an Olympic champion to have the perfect body. When researchers at Indiana University compared aquatic fitness instructors with non-swimming instructors, they found that swimmers of all ages had leaner muscles and leaner hips and waists.

While swimming isn't as convenient as running, where you just lace up your sneakers and hit the road, all you need are three basic items - a swimsuit, a cap and goggles - and you're ready to hit the water. So, go ahead!

Why water training

Swimming, as a weight loss tool, helps get your body into great shape by powerfully burning calories and engaging various muscle groups. Regular swimming burns about 500 calories per hour, while an intense workout can burn 700 calories. And since water is about 800 times denser than air, each push and stroke is a mini-resistance workout for the entire body—especially the torso, hips, arms, shoulders, and butt. So, in addition to burning off excess calories, swimming builds lean muscle mass, which boosts your metabolism and helps burn calories after you've showered and dried off.

The particular advantage of swimming is that although this sport makes you slim and fit, it does not come with a lot of stress on the body. Water essentially counteracts gravity, so when submerged in water you become virtually weightless, giving your joints a chance to rest. You can swim all day without risk of injury, which is not the case with running or strength training.

This makes swimming a sport that you can practice throughout your life. It will literally help you stay young. “Our research shows that people who take swimming as a habit are biologically 20 years younger than their age,” says Stager. Data presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference found that swimmers' blood pressure, cholesterol, cardiovascular, central nervous system and cognitive function levels were comparable to those of much younger people.

Training for beginners

Most newbies come to the pool with high expectations. Burning with enthusiasm, they jump into the water and plan to swim for at least half an hour. Five minutes later, such swimmers inevitably hang on the side, fully aware of their failure.

This is because the cardiovascular system and muscles work differently when exercising in water than on land. The lungs need to get used to the new breathing pattern (you can't inhale air whenever you want like when working out in the gym, and unlike any other exercise, swimming forces every muscle in your body to work in sync with other muscles to keep your body going. move and stay afloat).

The key to effective swimming sessions is breaking them down into shorter chunks, incorporating varying work and rest intervals and using a variety of styles, programs and intensities. This is not only more interesting, but also a more effective workout. Don't worry about wasting time during rest periods. Swimming is not like walking, which causes your heart rate to drop quickly. In the case of swimming, it remains elevated for 30 seconds after just a couple of laps.

Try this initial workout: Swim four lengths of the pool with little effort (catch your breath against the wall after each length if necessary). Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise 5 to 10 times. Train this way 2-3 times a week for the first two weeks. If you haven't swam for a long period of time, it's best to use a swimboard during the first four lengths. This will help you get used to swimming without having to coordinate your arms and legs. Once you have mastered this type of workout, try the program.

Different styles


Freestyle is a favorite for most swimming fans because it is easy to learn and burns a lot of calories. However, mixing styles will benefit you much more. Using different swimming styles helps to balance the load on different muscle groups and overcome boredom. Two strokes worth trying are backstroke (which improves your posture by working your shoulders as well) and breaststroke (which works your hips and inner thigh muscles, which aren't usually used during other workouts). Get the most out of every style.


Eyes are turned upward. Look straight at the sky or ceiling, not at your toes, to keep your hips from sinking under the water - this way, your head will be in line with your spine. Make something like the letter “Y” in the water. Lie on your back with each arm at approximately a 45° angle to your torso; this puts less stress on your shoulders and makes your strokes stronger.


Dive underwater. Place your hands in front of your head, palms together. Rotating your palms outward, row outward toward your lower torso until your hands reach chin level. Turn your hands inward towards your chest and bring them together again. Bend your knees and pull your heels toward your buttocks. Turn your feet outward and simultaneously push your legs back (like a frog) as you extend your arms forward.

Swimming program for weight loss

Swimming in the pool becomes more rewarding and productive when you have a clear plan. This training program uses an intensity scale from 1 to 10, which indicates how intense the sets should be performed. In this case, 1 means the effort required to simply stay afloat, and 10 means the effort expended in swimming competitions.

Swimming for weight loss– the ability to quickly lose excess weight and get your body in shape. The method allows you to burn 400 kcal in 30 minutes of active training. While visiting the pool, a person spends 25% more energy than jogging, which allows the girl to quickly fight the hated kilos. Going to the pool is a gentle form of exercise. Swimming lessons are not capable of negatively affecting the musculoskeletal system of a losing weight person. Water has lift. This property of the liquid reduces body weight and reduces the load on a person’s joints.

You need to lose weight through swimming correctly. Active workouts lead to increased hunger. If you swim without knowledge about the method of losing weight, a fashionista risks gaining, rather than losing, extra pounds. Due to the cooling properties of the liquid, excess weight loss stops immediately after leaving the pool. Fatigue will lead to decreased mobility for the remaining half of the day. For this reason, the choice of training program and swimming style must be approached correctly. Swimming for weight loss should be based not only on the right set of exercises, but also on proper distribution of the load during training.

Swimming has a positive effect on the speed of weight loss and the appearance of a girl. Working out in the pool helps burn fat and stimulate work. To stay afloat, the human body uses all muscle groups. Swimming is useful, both on a board and without other equipment. Exercise stimulates blood circulation.

Swimming is beneficial for overweight people for the following reasons:

  • the method allows obese people to lose volume without harm to health,
  • exercises in water reduce body weight and allow you to perform exercises of any complexity, regardless of the physical fitness of the fashionista,
  • a person of any age, gender and body type can start swimming,

The number of calories a person loses while swimming exceeds the weight lost when running. In the table below we have indicated the approximate calorie consumption for a girl weighing 60 kg:

If a fashionista decides to start swimming, she can perform the action both in natural bodies of water and in the pool. However, method 2 allows you to take part in training all year round. The pool promotes strict adherence to the recommendations of specialists, which is difficult to achieve in open water bodies.

Note! Experts advise alternating visits to artificial and natural reservoirs. By changing the location, a person will not only quickly achieve the effect, but will also enjoy the process.

If a girl decides to use swimming to lose weight, she should carefully study the reviews and results of people who have used the method in practice.

Disadvantages of swimming for walking

Experts have proven that if a girl swims with fins or on her back, she will swim quickly. However, the method of losing extra pounds needs to be made part of a comprehensive approach to correcting your appearance and health. If a fashionista visits the pool, swims a little, and then returns to her usual lifestyle, the effect will not be noticeable.

Swimming also has negative aspects that will not only not contribute to weight loss, but will also lead to weight gain:

  • after an active workout, a person may feel an acute sensation that is difficult to fight,
  • if a girl puts extra strain on herself while swimming, she will experience fatigue, which will force the fashionista to spend the rest of the day avoiding excessive movement,
  • Due to the cooling properties of water, weight loss stops immediately after leaving the pool.

Scientists have proven that swimming with or without a board will improve overall health and stimulate the functioning of the heart and lungs, but it cannot be considered as a method for losing weight that can replace all other methods of losing weight. Only using the right technique will help a girl achieve the desired result.

How to swim correctly

According to statistics, 95% of people who decide to take up swimming to lose excess weight do not achieve results due to choosing the wrong method. Having decided to start visiting the pool, the girl believes that measured water procedures are enough for quick weight loss. Arriving at training, the fashionista takes the lane and begins to swim monotonously, maintaining 1 pace the entire time.

Proper swimming will help:

  • bring your tummy back to normal
  • improve the condition of the spine,
  • improve the appearance of your hands,
  • stimulate the development of leg muscles.

Going to the pool with friends results in 40% of the time being spent talking and having fun. This is good for the girl’s morale, but it will not be beneficial for losing weight. If a fashionista decides to start swimming to lose weight and correct problem areas, she should start by choosing the right way to move in the water.

Professional trainers specializing in weight loss advise choosing butterfly and crawl for training in the pool, and also highlight it as a separate direction for effective weight loss.

If a girl swims crawl, she will be able to achieve maximum results. 1 workout will help you burn up to 600 kcal.

Note! If a girl decides to swim in the crawl style, she should periodically change the exercises. Swimming on your back will help break up your workout. The method will not only allow you to relax a little, but will also have a positive effect on the condition of your sides. Fat will quickly disappear from the girl’s body.

Workouts aimed at losing weight should be interval. This means that the girl will alternate active swimming with a decrease in the intensity of the load. The method is also capable of metabolism in the body. The duration of interval training is no more than 10-15 minutes. The entire period is divided into several time periods. During the first interval, the girl must swim for 30 seconds at almost full strength. You need to use 90% of your capabilities. It is better to use the butterfly for the active stage. Then the style changes. The girl slows down and begins to swim breaststroke.

The slow stage lasts for 15 seconds. The time from strata to the finish is considered 1 interval. When the rest stage is completed, the girl must repeat the jerk and then rest again. For 1 workout you need to do at least 8 intervals. To speed up weight loss, you need to increase the load over time. The duration of the jerk stage should be at least 40 seconds, the rest stage should be reduced to 10 seconds, and the total number of intervals should be increased to 15.

If a girl chooses interval swimming, she must take into account a number of rules that must be strictly followed. Neglecting advice will lead to a decrease in the rate of weight loss or its complete cessation.

If a fashionista decides to conduct effective exercises in the pool for weight loss, you need to remember that:

  • interval training begins with different swimming styles performed at a warm-up pace,
  • you cannot change the size of time intervals during training,
  • rest should not exceed 15 seconds, and jerk – 40 seconds,
  • if a girl begins to feel tired at intervals 5-7, she is performing the exercise correctly.

You should not end your workout immediately after completing the required number of intervals. If a girl is concerned about how to swim in the pool properly to lose weight, she should stay in the water for another 5 minutes and move slowly at a steady pace. This will allow the body to return to normal after exercise. Failure to cool down can lead to muscle pain. If a girl cares about her health, she should not neglect the recommendations of specialists.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Swimming in a pool, at sea or in open water is not only a way to have a good time, but also the right path to a good figure. Physical activity in water is different from exercise on land, because your body is in a state of weightlessness. Is swimming effective for losing weight or is it better to choose another way to get in shape?

Pros and cons of swimming for weight loss


  1. Swimming burns 1.5 times more calories than running.
  2. There is no stress on the joints in water, so the risk of injury is reduced.
  3. Absolutely all muscles of the body are involved: shoulders, arms, abs, back, buttocks, legs.
  4. Swimming can be done every day without any harm to your health. For example, it is not recommended to do strength training more than 3-4 times a week, but you can swim regularly.
  5. When swimming, blood circulation is activated and metabolism accelerates.
  6. Swimming is very good for the spine and back (although you must follow the correct technique).
  7. Exercising in water helps make your skin elastic and maintain its tone. It is a proven fact that regular swimming helps maintain youth.
  8. For many, this is much more fun than working out at the gym.


  1. Swimming significantly increases your appetite. If you don't control your diet, there is a chance that you will eat more than you spent in water.
  2. To lose weight, swimming should be quite intense. Not just being in the water or lying on your back, but swimming. The most fat-burning style is the crawl.
  3. You need to practice swimming to lose weight regularly, several times a week. Don't expect results in just a couple of days. If you want to lose weight and tone up your body as quickly as possible, it’s better to go to the gym.
  4. If the swimming technique is incorrect, there is a risk of unpleasant sensations in the cervical vertebrae. Many women hold their heads above water to avoid getting their hair wet, for example, or to wash off makeup. This style puts serious stress on the spine and can cause pain in the neck.

How often should you go swimming to lose weight?

If you want to lose excess weight, you should swim at least 3-4 times a week for an hour. Interval training will be more effective: intense swimming with short rest periods. Each time, increase the load, increase your endurance.

Ideally, combine a swimming pool with a gym. For example, one day – strength + cardio training, another day – classes in the pool. This sporty lifestyle will get you in shape very quickly. If you do not have that much time, then swim 3-4 times a week. This is already good for your fitness.

You will lose weight from swimming if you do:

  • regularly, 3-4 times a week;
  • minimum 60 minutes;
  • intensively and preferably at intervals;
  • You will watch your diet.

Thus, you will lose weight from swimming only if you approach this activity as a full-fledged workout, and not as a relaxing pastime.

Do you want to lose weight? Did you choose swimming to lose those hated pounds? Great! Now this is a fact: over 95% of people who try to lose weight by swimming do it wrong! We will tell you about the most effective swimming method for losing weight, using which you will lose much more excess weight, spending much less time on it!


Monotonous swimming is ineffective for losing weight.

Interval exercise forces the body to work in a different mode and speeds up metabolism.

And now we will tell you about interval training in swimming, with the help of which you will lose weight much faster. The essence of the interval training method is that you must alternate between working at your best and resting(or swimming in rest mode). Thanks to this workout, if done correctly, you will lose weight within two days after it! This happens due to the fact that interval exercise forces the body to work in a different mode and speeds up the metabolism much more than the usual monotonous load. Thanks to accelerated metabolism, weight loss is significantly accelerated. Plus, you'll also burn more calories during the workout itself. By the way, we talked earlier about how to choose the right sports nutrition to lose weight

If you are going to visit the pool regularly, take care of high-quality and comfortable ones. The model is wearing best-selling training glasses. Swimming trunks with protection from chlorine - , silicone cap - .


For a good interval training, you will only need 10-15 minutes. The training goes like this:

For 30 seconds you swim at almost full strength, at 90% of your capabilities, preferably butterfly (if that doesn’t work, choose freestyle).

Then swim breaststroke for 15 seconds at a low, relaxing pace. This is one interval.

Then again there is an “explosion” for 30 seconds and rest - the second interval.

At first, 8-10 intervals will be enough. As your physical capabilities increase, you should aim to reduce your rest time to 10 seconds and increase your “snatch” time to 40 seconds, and increase the number of intervals to 15. Studies have shown that those who practice interval training lose fat 9 times faster than people doing traditional methods, spending half as much time. Sounds like a miracle, you say? Alas, miracles do not happen; you will have to give your all in these trainings seriously. A very important point is that you should not give yourself any concessions; by the last interval you should already be swimming with all your strength, using your moral and volitional qualities.


Before starting your interval training, swim for 5-10 minutes at a warm-up pace in different styles. A “complex” of butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle is perfect (2-4 “pools” of each style);

Intervals in one workout should be equal in time to each other! You cannot rest, for example, 10 seconds in the first interval, and 15 in the next. You have chosen the 30/15 (work/rest) mode - strictly adhere to it throughout the entire workout. Do not indulge yourself, do not feel sorry for yourself during class;

You cannot rest for more than 15 seconds and work in an exhausting mode for less than 20;

If by the fifth to seventh interval you begin to “die”, choke and swim with all your strength, then you are doing everything right. If you were “blown away” earlier, you should reduce the load in the next workout (increasing the rest by a couple of seconds, reducing the jerk time by 5 seconds, or reducing the number of intervals by 1-2). If at the 7th interval you feel that you have some strength left (at least a little) - you have chosen too low a load; WHY IS SWIMMING A GREAT WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT?

If you work correctly, sparing no effort, and not giving yourself any concessions, the result will very pleasantly surprise you! In addition to losing excess weight, you will receive many other pleasant bonuses that you will not get from any other sport!
It has been scientifically proven that swimming:

It perfectly calms the nerves and is very useful for stress and nervous tension, and stress, as we know, can contribute to excess weight gain.

The best option for people who have joint diseases, since swimming does not injure muscles and does not put excessive stress on the joints, such as working out in the gym or running.

It is of great importance for overweight people who greatly risk their knees when going for a run. Swimming provides gentle exercise while helping you burn calories and build strength, endurance and flexibility.

Benefits the cardiovascular system and strengthens all muscle groups of the body. By choosing swimming, you will not only be able to quickly lose weight, but will also provide invaluable benefits to your body!

The benefits of swimming in open water or a pool for humans are undeniable.

60 minutes of intense swimming burns about 400-600 calories, depending on the intensity and style. But does a swimming pool really help you lose weight?

If the goal of someone losing weight is to rid the silhouette of excess in the form of accumulated folds, there is no doubt that exercise in a weight loss pool can significantly help in trying to improve the figure and even improve health. In addition, swimming has a lot of positive aspects for the body:

  1. First of all, there is a waste of calories, both “freshly eaten” and those already accumulated in the form of fatty tissue.
  2. Gentle load on the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Acceleration of metabolism, metabolic processes.
  4. Involvement of all muscle groups.
  5. Acceleration of blood circulation.
  6. Regulation of the cardiovascular system and normalization of the functioning of internal organs.
  7. There are no prohibitions or restrictions for starting classes.

To summarize, swimming for weight loss, as well as for improving the health of the body, is undoubtedly an acceptable option.

Calories burned

As already mentioned, in 50-60 minutes of training the body burns 400-600 kilocalories. These figures exceed the average for running by approximately 30%, or 100 units, which is why swimming is considered more effective than running.

How much you need to swim to lose weight, of course, needs to be decided individually by each person losing weight. But doctors advise choosing cold water for swimming. Why, it’s not difficult to guess - in order to maintain optimal body temperature, the body will expend energy, and therefore calories, on heating and maintaining the temperature it needs. This feature of the body can be used as an additional bonus when losing weight.

Contraindications for swimming

If in an open body of water, the following are clear contraindications:

  • Chronic heart disease;
  • Liver and kidney diseases;
  • Viral infections, intestinal infections;
  • Serious injuries.

Women's critical days are also considered a controversial moment for swimming. Heavy bleeding can cause severe weakness or pain, which will lead to negative consequences.

You should take precautions seriously if you decide to visit the pool. Training is permitted only if there is a certificate of absence of any skin and venereological diseases.

Pool swimming styles for weight loss

Exercises in the pool for weight loss can significantly speed up the process of giving your silhouette the desired shape.

Tip: The most energy-consuming and efficient swimming styles are crawl and butterfly.

Most pool training programs for weight loss are made up of the following exercises listed in the table:

Exercise name Characteristic
While holding the handrails or the side of the pool, intense movements are made with the legs, simulating riding a bicycle.
Raising both legs Holding the handrails or the side of the pool, straightened, brought together legs are raised as high as possible and then lowered down.
Jumping Jack While standing straight in the water, a jump is made, forcefully pushing the body through the water column, and when returning to the starting position, make sure that the legs do not touch the bottom when moving towards the center.
Arm curls Regular arm raises with additional weights.
Leg kicks Using a hand support, sharp, quick swings are made with straight legs.
Frog jumping Sharp quick jumps from the plie position. The largest possible squat, the harder it is to push the body to the surface, which means the exercise is performed more efficiently.
Crossing knees with elbows The knee reaches towards the lowered opposite elbow. The body is fixed in the most straightened position.
Knee Raise A quick jump is performed, in which the knees are brought to the chest, the abdominal muscles are activated. The body must be pulled back to avoid diving.
Lateral raises Alternate arm raises with weights. The faster the movements, the better the deltoid muscle will fire up.
Cross-country skiing Movement of the legs forward and backward, and vice versa - with the arms. Depth is of great importance - the deeper the exercise is performed, the more the legs are loaded.

A weight loss pool workout should consist of a minimum of 60 minutes of vigorous swimming and the more intense the exercise, the more calories will be burned.

Interval training for weight loss

Interval training in the pool for weight loss is considered the most effective. The technique consists of performing the exercise to the limit of the person losing weight, alternating with complete relaxation. This method of losing weight accelerates the metabolism to such an extent that weight loss occurs within the next 48 hours after exercise, and not just directly during the workout. How to swim to lose weight using interval training is described in the following rules.

Characteristics of interval training:

  • The lesson lasts up to 20 minutes;
  • Alternate 30-40 seconds of swimming at the limit of strength and capabilities and relaxed fifteen-second swimming - this sequence constitutes the “interval”;
  • Having completed 10-12 continuous intervals, the workout is considered complete;
  • Over time, the “rest” is reduced to 5 seconds, and the “limit” is increased to 45-55 seconds, and the number of intervals themselves can exceed 17-20 per workout;
  • It is strictly forbidden not to comply with the selected interval, that is, if the 35/15 interval was chosen, it must be strictly observed until the end of the workout.

If you work out diligently, following exactly all the tips on how to swim in the pool to lose weight, you can not only get rid of fat deposits, but also tone your muscles well and even build muscle mass. The weight loss pool should be visited at least two to three times a week, and the lesson should be at least 40-50 minutes. Only in this case will the process be noticeable.