What to do to make a girl start appreciating a guy. How to make a girl appreciate you - what to do? So


In my videos and articles I teach how to behave with girls. What to do to quickly conquer them, seduce them, communicate with them correctly, build relationships.

What if you have a desire for women to pursue you? Did they meet you, excite you, invest time, energy and emotions in you?

Of course, it’s better if you manage the whole situation yourself. Why?

Use the word “no” correctly. Your refusals should be reasoned, and not look like the whims of a princess in a pink skirt. You must explain your refusal to her in a way that doesn't make her feel indifferent. For example:

  • I won't fulfill your request because I don't have time, not because I don't want to.
  • I won't ride horses with you because it makes my balls hurt. And not because I don’t want to go somewhere with you at all.
  • I don’t want to meet today because I’m tired from work, and not because I’m going to fuck someone else.

Don’t adapt and don’t bend to anyone (we’re not just talking about women), and you will be happy. At the same time, let them understand your principles and views, and explain your refusal.

If you follow all my advice correctly, a woman will want to possess you. She will begin to invest herself, her strength, imagination, even money into getting your attention and time.

So, what you need to do to get a girl to invest in you:

  1. Downplay its importance to you. Do not perceive it as the center of the universe and the main goal of your life!
  2. Create a desire to possess you. Remember healthy competition.
  3. Don't be available all the time. Warm up her desire to possess.
  4. Sometimes let me take the initiative to pamper you.
  5. Know how to say “no” correctly.

Here are the rules of behavior that will help you make a girl invest in you and value your time and attention.

Have you read the article? But how can all this information be put into practice? How to get step-by-step and comprehensive instructions to woo a specific girl?

You will learn about this in a paid training “How to turn a feminine NO into a feminine YES.”

Get it 3 video lessons from this course:

1. Reasons why you have difficulties with a girl
2. The mindset of a successful man;
3. 7 critical mistakes you make when communicating with a girl.

Register and get 3 video lessons >> http://bit.ly/2KfbO0Q

Your changes after watching the video tutorials:
- You realize where your limiting beliefs about girls come from;
- If you strengthen your inner state, you will become more confident in yourself;
- You will learn to behave correctly with a girl.

This step does not oblige you to anything, but if you need help in conquering a girl, you know who to turn to.

Register and get 3 video lessons >> http://bit.ly/2KfbO0Q

Be sure to read these articles by Anton Glomozda:

The love of even the best girl in the world sooner or later gets boring. I want more - respect. Women's respect does not quickly become boring, and it is inexpensive.

Ilya Kirdanov

Why do you need this? Yes, in general, there is no need. Millions of men live very well next to women who don’t think anything of them, and don’t really worry about it. It’s even convenient for them: being in the eternal role of an irresponsible goofball, an unkempt pighead and God’s punishment of a wide range of actions, you can throw off the lion’s share of tedious partner responsibilities.

Another thing is that women who respect their partners feel much happier, calmer and more secure. There is even such wisdom: “Do you want to be happy? Stand up straight before the king, bow down before God, and kneel down before your husband.”*

* - Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik: « Not in that sense, unfortunately »

But to implement this ancient covenant, they, the poor fellows, need a suitable husband, because in front of, say, a hamster, you can even stand on your knees, even crawl on your bellies, but you still won’t be able to look at it with a happy look from the bottom up.

In pairs of, let's say, primitive-minded people, the issue was resolved simply. It was enough to hit the missus with a stone on the top of her head to put everything in its place. Currently, this method only works in very specific populations.

An advisor husband, a protector husband, a teacher husband, an ideal husband, in an effort to become equal to whom ladies work hard to improve themselves - this is an archetype that even the most notorious feminists recognize, although they will never admit it out loud.

This is where all these endless checks for lice come from. By being capricious, making scenes, behaving illogically, women subconsciously test your strength. And I must say, very often we fail these tests brilliantly. Although, in order for a girl to have respect for you (even if it is carefully hidden), it is not at all necessary to be a hybrid of Schwarzenegger and Academician Sakharov. It is enough to take into account, for example, at least some of the following points.

1. Don't shout

Even newborn kittens can raise their voices at opponents, so the ability to make loud sounds in moments of excitement does not give you weight at all. Representatives of our species use screaming in order to: a) call other members of the pack for help; b) bring yourself into a sufficiently excited state, preparing to repel the enemy; c) scare the enemy.

Therefore, screaming is a sign of weakness, a sign that you are almost losing control over the situation, for which you are already attracting your last reserves.

Children scream more often than women, women scream more often than men. Very strong men do not raise their voices at all. Because they don't need to.

Irina: " Everything about Yaroslav became clear to me when after dinner he took me home. In the car, he screamed like a woman at everyone who cut him off, overtook him, slowed down in the wrong place, or turned the wrong way. And if, getting into the car, I was thinking about what to answer him if he wanted to come up to my house, then, leaving it, I knew for sure that this dinner was our last meeting »

2. Don't be petty

We are talking not only about scandals with waiters holding 49 rubles in change. Pettiness is the willingness to attack with heavy weapons for the most insignificant reasons. Women suspect (often quite reasonably) that a man who wastes his time, strength and energy so mediocrely is that he has little ambition to achieve larger goals.

Pauline: " After Vladik told me that he took revenge on his former friend by filling his car with some kind of rubbish, I immediately realized that something was wrong with the guy. I ask: “Why did you do this?” - "What why?" - “You told him everything you thought about him, broke off the relationship. So why did you waste paint then? Or do you think that a clean car was more valuable to him than your friendship? You value yourself inexpensively!” And then, naturally, it turned out that he joined the party because he was “told to,” and he is a coward of the first rank, and he shits his pants in front of his superiors - everything is as I thought »

3. Envy correctly

Envy is a great tool that makes us compete with each other and, therefore, push the wheel of world progress. Unfortunately, envy forces some people not to run faster than their neighbor, but to look for ways to make their neighbor stop running so fast (and preferably forever). Such envy is almost openly manifested in phrases like “He, like all Jews, is cunning” or “You can’t earn money for such a car only if you steal.” Such phrases always have an inaudible continuation for our interlocutors: “And I’m stupid and inactive” or “At least if you work the way I work.”

Envying someone out loud is the same as admitting your own worthlessness, since in this way you admit that: a) you want something that your opponent has; b) is unable to achieve his goal. Envious women do not command respect from women. For non-women, however, too.

It’s better to make them envy you, and at the same time her. First of all, don’t be stingy and give her good perfume - this way everyone will know that she has a generous and attentive gentleman. Suspecting that you are a complete zero in perfumery, we give you a tip: a great choice would be the new fragrance EAU DE LACOSTE L.12.12 Magnetic Pour Elle - light, feminine, sensual. And for yourself, save the men's EAU DE LACOSTE L.12.12 Magnetic Pour Lui. These two scents share a common note of violet. Yes, we know, you don’t care about these things, but you’ll see: you will instantly become in her eyes a romantic with an excellent sense of taste, and as a bonus, she will receive pleasant compliments from her friends addressed to you “how cute he is, how touching” and clapping hands.

4. Don’t be so quick to judge anyone.

5 ungentlemanly tricks

Dishonest ways to gain respect should also be treated with respect. 1 When introducing her to friends, persuade them to demonstrate their admiration for you in every possible way. Then you have beer.
2 Print out a couple of thanks for saving drowning people, buy a diploma for the winner of a tournament in intellectual martial arts on the subway and casually stick it somewhere where she will certainly find it. When asked, answer: “Yes, this is such nonsense that it’s not worth talking about!” And do not say.
3 When discussing the exploits of any martyrs such as Mucius Scaevola, Saint Andrew or Khodorkovsky, do not forget to hint that you would have done the same in their place. Even if you know for sure that you don’t.
4 Get drunk and ask her a thousand times “Do you respect me?”, demanding affirmative answers. When we say a statement out loud, we often begin to believe it ourselves.

Eastern wisdom says that an enemy must be chosen more carefully than a friend. A man who easily labels others as “goat”, “idiot”, “scoundrel” and so on, arouses a fair suspicion among ladies that he is not ready to really fight with anyone, and his anger and contempt mean nothing .

5. Admit that others are right

It's very difficult to admit that you were wrong. Weak people never do this. Even when they are asked point-blank: “Well, now you admit that you were wrong?” - at best, they laugh and change the subject or begin to look for ridiculous excuses, which, in turn, causes irritation and disdain among their interlocutors. For strong people, their gigantic reserve of self-esteem will not become depleted by admitting the fact that they made a mistake somewhere. For this reason, they do not have such problems.

6. Feel sorry for yourself silently

There are times when it is simply necessary to resort to such a powerful remedy as the sympathy of loved ones. But normal loved ones will understand when you need it. Especially women, who are usually so generous with this feeling. There is no need to stimulate female pity with tearful stories about how you are not loved, not appreciated, or offended. And even mosquitoes bit me! Till blood!!!

You can pity and respect a person at the same time, but not when he insists on consoling himself over trifles.

Evgeniya: “ I met a businessman at a party. Rich and famous, recently divorced, by the way. So, this grown-up guy, worth about fifty kopecks, ate my baldness by talking about how his life was not a success, his ex-wife was a bitch, people were assholes, there was no peace for his soul, as they say. And I sit and think: “You healthy forehead, who taught you to lure women like that? You have a yacht, money, power, after all, and here you are playing around with snotty Kleenexes! Has no one ever explained to you that women are attracted to strength, success and self-confidence? And we simply pick up the offended out of compassion, like garbage pigeons, but we also cheat on them at the first opportunity »

It’s cool, of course, to be a great cellist, surgeon or mathematician, but the ability to, say, masterfully cut sausage into the thinnest slices, whistle brilliantly with two fingers or shuffle cards no worse than a real dealer will also not hurt. Women have even more respect for professionalism than men.

8. Don't be silent when she does nasty things

What is good and what is bad, we learn so firmly in childhood that, even if experience makes significant adjustments to “it’s a shame to offend little ones,” etc., we still always know the true price of our actions. So, if you become indifferently silent at the moment when your girlfriend cheerfully tells you how they are harassing the new girl in the entire department for her terrible nail design or how she did not return the money to the cashier who was shortchanged, your silence will be regarded as complicity in this prank. And, therefore, deep down in her soul she will consider you a heartless swindler, since it is much easier for us to condemn another person than ourselves. We do not urge you to make fiery re-educational speeches - it will be enough if you simply say that you don’t like all this, because doing so is not good. Even if she pouts now, she will put on a special shelf the idea that you are a decent and respectable person.

Cute cooing between lovers can take many different forms. Very often, our species practices the so-called “nuptial feeding” ritual, when one of the partners simulates the behavior of a cub, and the second - the parent. The presence of such a ritual in our sexual program is due to all sorts of important ethological reasons, but we would recommend that you exclude it from your menu. All these “pussies want a goose” and “pussies will eat food and sleep,” pronounced in squeaky voices, are quite appropriate in the ladies’ repertoire. But when a man uses them, he gives the woman in love with a surge of maternal feelings, which are wonderful and all, but, alas, have very little to do with respect. You will someday get out of bed, but the girl’s desire to spank you and check the cleanliness of your ears may remain forever.

Catherine: " It’s okay when a man lisps when addressing me, it’s even funny. But when he starts talking about himself entirely in diminutive suffixes, it’s funny. On the other hand, when problems begin in our family life, I simply remember that for ten years I have had the good fortune of being married to “poor Dimasik”, I wave my hand at everything and resolve the difficulties myself »

10. Don't humiliate her

A very common response to curse words in all languages ​​of the world is “That’s how I am!” That is, a person defined as, say, a swamp aphid, does not immediately strive to prove to his opponent that he does not belong to the superfamily of aphids.

No, he usually reacts by saying that he hears this from the same aphid, from the wet-footed booger, from the senseless mushroom. This is a normal defensive reaction. Just as in a real fight a falling fighter tries not so much to get back to his feet as to drag his opponent to the floor with him, so in a verbal fight the humiliated one strives, either loudly or silently, to drag the offender along with him. The more often you humiliate her, the lower you fall in her eyes, even if you are always right in everything and she is wrong. Her subconscious will try to protect the mistress’s self-esteem, reducing you to the level of microscopic disgust, whose assessments can be ignored due to their insignificance. Condemn, if necessary, not her herself, but her actions: she can abstract herself from them and perceive your criticism reasonably.

Question to a psychologist

My husband and I got married in 2009, before that we dated for almost 5 years. It was only at the beginning of our relationship that I remember him being respectful, loving and caring for me. Gradually our roles changed and I began to take care of him. He spends his free time from work at his own discretion, fulfilling his needs and desires (fishing, table tennis, swimming pool, a trip to his mother - he lives in another city, etc., etc.). Since he has long hours, I never restricted his freedom. Rarely have I expressed my opinion that this evening needs to be spent with me and the child. I do not require any material support from him, I am a self-sufficient person, I provide for myself completely on my own. We maintain a separate budget. Even during maternity leave and parental leave, I did not ask for a penny for myself or the child. For the first six months, family money was spent on the child, then I asked to allocate a certain amount to my daughter, I won’t say what, but very small, about 3 percent of his salary.
Gradually, our relationship began to deteriorate, when our daughter was five months old, the issue of divorce seriously arose before us. He never beat me, he is not an alcoholic, he has no bad habits, but he began to humiliate me and call me names. If before this moment there was some kind of line for him, now it’s gone (I’m an abomination, a creature, and fuck... he doesn’t need it, etc., etc.) and all this happens in the presence of outsiders. This was in 2011. We lived separately for a month, gradually the anger faded away, he took the first step, or rather an attempt. It’s difficult to explain, but in the end he was able to turn the situation around so that I was the first to come to him. I haven’t forgiven him, deep down I remember all this, but I try not to remind people of their mistakes. In February 2013, on his birthday, he did the same thing to me in the presence of his mother, who always supports him in everything. And despite all his name-calling, she didn’t say a word in my defense. Then this happened in August, I prepared a statement of claim for divorce. In addition, since talking to him is useless (either he doesn’t listen or is trying to be funny), I decided to contact him in a letter. She laid out everything and asked him if he really wanted his daughter to do the same? Isn't he ashamed? Our daughter is already big, she is 2 years 9 months old, she understands everything, when dad screams and calls names, she consoles me. I'm afraid that our relationship with him will affect the baby, she will think that this is normal, that this is part of family relationships (swearing and name-calling). There were 3 such cases in 2013, and every time I come back, although he starts the conversation about solving our problem. He comes after two or three weeks, when my anger has died down. The last time this happened was 2 days ago. I decided to get a divorce, I just don't know how to make him respect me.

"I've decided to get a divorce, I just don't know how to make him respect me."

Olga, do you want to get a divorce or “make him” respect you?...

The fact is that usually others treat us the way we treat ourselves and how we allow these same others to treat us...

To prevent you and your husband from playing tyrant and victim, it is advisable for you to develop your confident behavior.
Read about it here:

If you wish, please contact me, I work on Skype and can help you.

With uv. Kiselevskaya Svetlana, psychologist, master's degree (Dnepropetrovsk).

Good answer 4 Bad answer 4

You cannot force respect, but you can stop humiliating yourself.

It is impossible to change another person, you can only change yourself, or your attitude towards this. No matter how unpleasant it may sound, the attitude of others towards us is a MIRROR of our deep attitude towards ourselves.

And your letter confirms this:

It was only at the beginning of our relationship that I remember him being respectful, loving and caring for me. Gradually our roles changed and I began to take care of him.

Changing roles with a man is always undesirable.

We maintain a separate budget.

The child is COMMON, and your husband has obligations, including financial ones.

If before this moment there was some kind of line for him, now it’s gone (I’m an abomination, a creature, and fuck... he doesn’t need it, etc., etc.) and all this happens in the presence of outsiders. This was in 2011. We lived separately for a month, gradually the anger faded away, he took the first step, or rather an attempt. It’s difficult to explain, but in the end he was able to turn the situation around so that I was the first to come to him.

..he began to humiliate me - call me names

It is impossible to humiliate a person, whether to humiliate himself or not - the choice is always his.

Dushkova Olga Nikolaevna, psychologist Syktyvkar

Good answer 1 Bad answer 0

Hello Olga! Most likely, at some point you took on male responsibilities. At the beginning of your relationship it was the other way around, at what point did the roles change? Judging by the letter, you yourself do not allow him to do a lot, for example, pay for himself (you are a self-sufficient person, you provide for yourself). This is good, but why should it be to the detriment of relationships? Essentially, you devalue his role as a man, the breadwinner of the family. On an unconscious level, you seem to be telling him - I can do without you, I will feed myself. Then what is his role? Split budgets sometimes don't help. Money can greatly impact relationships, both positively and negatively. Money can be used as leverage, as blackmail, or manipulation of a partner’s feelings. It seems that your husband has accumulated a lot of grievances against you and he can’t find anything better than calling you names. His behavior cannot be justified, but it can be understood. He behaves like a child who cannot do anything against his mother except call you names in the presence of other adults. If a person humiliates you and does not appreciate you, he feels the same from you. He simply reflects to you your attitude towards him. This happens on a subconscious level, on the surface everything may look different. But it is important to find out your contribution to the situation, because responsibility for the relationship lies with both spouses - 50/50. It is clear that you are used to taking on a lot in relationships - provision, decisions, responsibility. You even decided about divorce yourself. Due to his uselessness, your husband chose childish (teenage) tactics, but this is not so much his fault as a misfortune, he still needs to grow. If you have a mutual desire to save your family, then you should go to a psychologist together. Good luck to you!

Kaydarova Asel Abdu-Alievna, psychologist Almaty

Good answer 0 Bad answer 1

Olga, good time. Indeed, it is unacceptable when a man, husband, father behaves so disrespectfully, and even demonstratively. BUT there are always two people in a relationship, and accordingly, in what happens in their Life, there are contributions from both sides. From the very beginning, the relationship was very uneven, because... The serious “take-give” balance, which is so necessary for harmonious, fulfilling relationships, has been disrupted. And suddenly you decide to timidly return justice and begin to demand at least the minimum. Of course, this step can be regarded as a claim. He is accustomed to your self-sufficiency; you have been instilling this in him for so long. In fact, I see some kind of flirting behind this self-sufficiency - “look how good, independent, comfortable I am.” But not every man appreciates this...And they quickly take this arrangement for granted. And when the woman comes to her senses, she encounters powerful resistance and anger. Whether to divorce or not is up to both of you. And at the same time, both of you must argue for yourself the reason for any decision in order to bring clarity to the relationship. And what do you both expect from this relationship. Best regards, Marina Silina.

Silina Marina Valentinovna, psychologist Ivanovo

Good answer 7 Bad answer 0

Hello, Olga. It is impossible to change a person with such a character. His disdainful attitude towards women comes from his childhood. You are right, your daughter will conclude that all men are like that and then repeat your fate. Your daughter should see joy in parental relationships and always be happy mother. You can only motivate your husband to change not with words, but with decisive behavior. He is afraid of him, since he was afraid of his mother as a child. Therefore, build your boundaries more boldly and become decisive. Remind him that love is mutual care, sensitivity, tenderness, support, gratitude to each other. And if he doesn’t give, you refuse too. Don’t feed, don’t wash. Don’t sleep. Until he takes steps towards him. But if he does, encourage him. Then, perhaps, motivation will appear to change his attitude to you. If this doesn’t help, then you need to leave him temporarily, or kick him out yourself. Until he comes with apologies and promises. And if he breaks promises again, you can think about leaving him. For all these years, I think maybe That’s enough. And then save yourself and your child, and live the life you deserve to live.

Karataev Vladimir Ivanovich, psychologist of the Volgograd psychoanalytic school

Good answer 2 Bad answer 0

Hello Olga! Are you asking how you can make him respect you? There is only one way - to first learn to truly respect yourself, and also to learn to take care of your needs. Olga, you write that at first your husband respected, loved and cared for you. How did it happen that your roles changed so radically? From what you write, your husband takes good care of his needs. However, it remains unclear whether he cares about you and your daughter. Why doesn't he want to invest in his family? You have so many separate things: budget, vacation. Olga, what are you doing together? It seems like you are raising the child yourself. Olya, how do you allow this to happen to yourself and your family?

The fact that your husband began to call you names is the next phase of trouble in your relationship. Don't allow yourself to be called names. Name calling is psychological abuse. Now your daughter is comforting you, but it would be better if you were able to protect yourself.

Olya, you write that you have not forgiven your husband. It's hard to forgive when name-calling is repeated. However, firstly you need to understand why he is doing this? And if this is ordinary incontinence and licentiousness, then it is worth discussing with him, for example, the following points. How will he react if you start calling him names too? What does he think: what example is he setting for his daughter?

Olya, it is also important to understand what messages he is trying to convey to you in such a disgusting form. Olya, if you want to save your marriage, then you need to clarify your relationship with your husband. And make everything in the family common, including money, vacations, and deposits. Otherwise, what kind of family is this? I agree with you that it is offensive and painful to listen to insults from your husband, especially in the presence of other people. And it’s absolutely right that you try to define your boundaries, the boundaries of what you like and what you don’t like in your communication. But from your description of the history of the relationship, it is noticeable that you did not start doing this right away. First, you indicated your independence and recognized his freedom of action. Naturally, your husband is used to this. And later, when you needed his support, you encountered rudeness and rejection. It takes time and your firmness and self-confidence to correct the situation. Give your husband a chance to understand that you do not intend to tolerate boorish behavior. To do this, it is not necessary to use such radical measures as divorce. But it’s worth taking, for example, a break in the relationship and waiting for his conscious apology. You can indicate to your husband the conditions under which you are ready to maintain the relationship. Then you will share responsibility for the divorce between two people.


Paryugina Oksana Vladimirovna, psychologist Ivanovo

Good answer 4 Bad answer 1

The routine and ordinariness of family life lead to the fact that people begin to perceive each other as an integral part of their lives and do not even pay attention to what the other does for him. How to make a man appreciate you if you cook, wash, wash, clean, raise (children) day after day, but he withdraws from himself and takes everything with absolute indifference, for granted and won’t even say thank you?

Unfortunately, many women come to terms with this fact and end up simply turning into, at best, a housekeeper, and at worst, even a piece of furniture. Of course, no one is calling you to revolt, but you should somehow hint that you don’t like it.

How often does a woman take on absolutely all the household chores, including housework, children, and the man too. But, as a rule, we also go to work. Why does your husband think it’s possible to come home from work and lie down on the sofa in front of the TV, while you have to spin like crazy? Learn to ask a man for help. Explain to him. That it’s difficult for you and you’re tired too. Ask him for help every day, gradually he will get used to the fact that some household chores will become his responsibility.

Remember - the more you sacrifice yourself, the less it will be appreciated by your man. And the more you take on yourself, the less attractive you remain. They love not a driven horse, but a woman. You can only feel sorry for the horse. Therefore, first of all, love yourself and then your husband will appreciate you. We instruct my husband to do some of the housework. We put on stockings and lace underwear, add a little perfume and of course polish our nails. Remember this feeling. From now on it should always accompany you.

Ask your husband to wash the dishes while you do your manicure. A little healthy selfishness won't hurt you. If he persists, tell him that a man is judged primarily by how the woman who is with him looks.

If you want to make a man appreciate you, then do auto-training every day and do exercises that will help you raise your own self-esteem. Don't be surprised, but this is where you need to start. If you don't value yourself. How others can value you. Remember - how long ago did your husband compliment you? For a long time? Well, you see.

One of the good ways to increase self-esteem is flirting. Flirt with men. Catch the fire that lights up in their eyes when they look at you. And, besides, this will not allow your husband to relax, it will help him appreciate you. Let him not forget that even if you once chose him, the fight for you continues.