The rappers “Face” and Timati were saved by tattoos, but Morgenstern has not yet been found. What do the tattoos on the faces of Russian rappers mean? Rapper tattoos

The performer got himself a tattoo of a rose in honor of his nickname.


Jacques got a tattoo of the word “Game” upside down, thereby showing that he had “flipped” it.


Face made tattoos on his face at the beginning of 2017. Under his eyes there are two inscriptions Hate and Love (“hate” and “love”). As Ivan explained in one of his interviews, these are the two emotions that he experiences most often, and the inscription “Numb” is interpreted as the artist’s internal state. He said that until recently he felt like Numb (which means numb or helpless).


Oleg also has several tattoos on his face. One of them is “JEFE”. According to him, it reminds him of his time in prison. During this time, he learned important life lessons, in memory of which he got a tattoo. He also has another tattoo in the form of a devil's horn, as on the cover of his debut album "Mas Fuerte", and another symbol, the meaning of which the artist did not mention.

Lottery Bills

A young and promising artist not long ago got himself a tattoo in the form of a crying heart flying away on wings. The performer interprets his tattoo as follows: “Where love should be with understanding, only tears of suffering appear...”. The author told us that he decided to get a tattoo to remind people of the importance of helping and understanding each other in this world.

Representatives of rap culture have always had a special craving for decorating their bodies with tattoos. It’s a rare rapper who will refuse to paint a memorable picture or a meaningful phrase reminiscent of the old, hard times spent in the “ghetto.” Alexey Dolmatov, performing under the stage name Guf, being a prominent representative of the rap crowd, also supports this tradition of the genre and periodically replenishes his collection with new tattoos.

Music themed tattoos

A completely obvious and natural phenomenon is the appearance of music-themed tattoos on a musician’s body. And Guf, of course, has a couple of such tattoos:

  • Conveniently located on the musician’s right forearm is a boombox (musical tape recorder), which has gone through quite a few transformations and corrections.
  • Somewhat higher than the famous tape recorder, the rapper later filled buttons reminiscent of the control panel of a music player.
  • On the left shoulder, surrounded by heaps of clouds, there is a rather large musical microphone (1930s format).

Music-themed tattoos by Alexey Dolmatov

I also have a tattoo of a microphone only on the inside of my shoulder. I am not a fan of Guf, but I am very familiar with his work. I got this tattoo because I myself am a musician. This, of course, is not the most original sketch; it seems to me that every fifth musician definitely has a similar tattoo, but I like it!

Pavel, St. Petersburg

Love theme in Guf's tattoos

Everyone knows that any rapper is quite sensitive to the topic of family: representatives of this musical direction often stuff tattoos dedicated to their mothers, children and beloved women. Alexey has more than enough such memorable tattoos.

The first tattoo you should pay attention to is a rather large portrait of Aiza, Guf’s ex-wife, under which there is an illegible, secret saying. This tattoo is located on the side of the musician. On the right shin, also dedicated to his beautiful wife, there is a tattoo “One love Vagapova”.

Did you know? The “One love Vagapova” tattoo, dedicated to the ex-wife of Alexei Dolmatov, is a pair. On the right leg of Aiza, the woman he once loved, there is also a tattoo “One love Dolmatov,” naturally.

Singer's love tattoos

On the inside of the right forearm there is the following inscription: “Sami V.V.X.” This is the name and date of birth of Sami, the beloved son of the famous rapper.

Inscription dedicated to the son of Alexei

Tattoos dedicated to Moscow

Alexey Dolmatov never hid his tender feelings for Moscow, praising it in his texts or sharing with the press stories that happened to him in the capital. And no wonder: after all, here he was born and raised, here he became addicted to drugs, and then got rid of his addiction, here he met love and became famous throughout the country. That is why the most famous and large-scale Alexey's tattoos are dedicated specifically to her, Moscow.

Intricate inscriptions on the rapper's body and their meaning

Like many rap musicians, Dolmatov has a huge number of various inscriptions on his body, the meaning of some of which is still not known to the public:

  • "NO." on the elbow - the musician’s elbow used to be decorated with this mysterious inscription, the meaning of which not a single fan puzzled over; it was later covered with a tattoo of a tape recorder.
  • "Parental Advisory Explicit Lyrics" and "ZM" Label on left chest.
  • Under the right breast “All cops are bastards” (in English) and a strange, bizarre inscription with a star.
  • The inscription “addiction” in English stretches across the entire stomach, which is a memory of the defeated drug addiction.
  • On the right hand there is an Arabic inscription, and on the left there are lines also of Arabic origin, the meaning of which the musician is silent about.

Almost all of the rapper's inscriptions are presented in this photo

Film classics, which Dolmatov stuffed, and other arts

The rapper is not only a passionate music lover, but also a fan of cinema, so he decided to immortalize already timeless film masterpieces on his hand. As you know, the singer’s favorite films are “Scarface”, “Reservoir Dogs” and “The Godfather”, and therefore his body is now decorated with the faces and catchphrases of Marlon Brondo, Al Pacino, as well as five thugs from Tarantino’s acclaimed film.

Film classics on the body of a famous musician

Other tattoos on the singer’s body include an image of an Indian chief located on his right leg. Many fans believe that this tau is connected with Alexey’s favorite track “Leader”.

Rap these days is not just popular music, but a real anthem for youth. For teenagers and children, “Feis” and “Morgenstern” are not English-German words, but the names of their main idols. They are imitated, envied, and copy their lifestyle.

Rappers are often compared to the rockers of the 80s. And they do have at least one thing in common. Few of them served in the army, but if the protesting youth of the late Union did this from an ideological point of view, then the current idols simply do not want to lose the money that they can earn at the peak of their popularity.

Some of them successfully got away with it, some studied until they were 27, others were saved by tattoos. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” decided to talk about the relationship between today’s popular singers and the army.


Just recently, the military registration and enlistment office of Bashkortostan explained why they didn’t take the rapper Face, popular among teenagers, into the army. Last spring, Ufa resident Ivan Dremin underwent a thorough medical examination at his place of registration, and announced to his fans that he would suspend his career and go to serve. But, as it turned out later, he did not pass the medical commission. Military doctors considered that he had all the signs of a psychiatric disorder. And it’s all because of the famous facial tattoos.

Such tattoos are a sign of mental disorder. He had a number of other diseases, which I will not expand on due to medical confidentiality, but the tattoos were of decisive importance, said Boris Usatov, chairman of the military medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office of Bashkiria, at a press conference.

Ivan was declared partially fit for military service, he received a temporary deferment and will be under the supervision of doctors at the military registration and enlistment office for the next few years.


The “colored body” also saved Timati, better known to the military registration and enlistment office as Timur Yunusov, from the army. The popular rapper himself admitted that during the commission he was given a so-called “white” ticket, recognizing him as mentally unfit due to the fact that more than 60% of his body was covered with tattoos.

The Black Star member considers military service itself to be useless.

I have always considered the army unnecessary in my life. Having learned this decision of the medical board, I came home with a happy smile. And my mother told me: “You see, at least once your tattoos were useful,” says Timati.


Now another native of Bashkiria, the very young Alisher Morgenstern, is gaining popularity. The 21-year-old rapper started making music at the age of 12. He grew up without a father, worked part-time at a car wash and in a courier service, but soon realized that he only liked creativity.

Alisher’s relationship with studies did not work out - the young man entered a pedagogical institute, but not for the sake of gaining knowledge. At that time, his only source of income was survivor payments in the amount of eight thousand rubles, which the university transferred to him.

True, the blogger did not stay there for long - in his second year, Alisher “flew out” of the educational institution with a bang. The pretext was that he was filming a video for his video blog on the school grounds where he was doing his internship in an “inappropriate” manner.

Therefore, there is now no “amulet” from the army in the form of obtaining a higher education for Morgenstern. Therefore, soon the military registration and enlistment office employees will come to see him. Alisher has nothing to fear - it is unlikely that he will be hired to serve with such an appearance. The dreadlocks on your head can be shaved off, but three rather large tattoos on your face (and several on your body) are unlikely to be removed. Probably, the fate of Timati and Face awaits him.


But another mega-popular artist Max Korzh paid his debt to the Motherland. The singer from Belarus, while still a teenager, became interested in music, finished school, and entered the university at the Faculty of International Relations.

For the sake of prestige, as he told reporters. – But, as it turned out, it’s not mine. I didn’t show up for the session and I was expelled.

Max dropped out of university, but did not refuse to serve. I went to the military registration and enlistment office at the first call and, as expected, served. Before the service, he managed to record the song “Heaven will help us,” which brought him fame. It was even played on radio stations while he was repaying his debt to the Motherland. Without hesitation, Korzh openly says that he borrowed $300 from his mother to record a song in the studio.

During the last training camp in the army, I turned out to be cooler than my grandfathers - they took pictures with me and took autographs, says Max.

After his service, he was reinstated at the university, but his priorities remained the same, and by this time his popularity was gaining momentum.


Nothing is known yet about the relationship between Eljay and the service. The popular rapper is now 24 years old, and he has three more years left - to resign or repay his debt to his homeland.

Alexey Uzenik himself does not comment on this matter, but it is known for sure that he does not study at the university. After ninth grade, he entered medical school, and then unexpectedly dropped out - rap music, it turns out, had been calling him to it for several years.

Popularity is growing, Alexey works “without raising his head.” There is definitely no place for the army in his life at the moment. And it’s unlikely that the young performer will be accepted there.

The “trick” of his stage image is milky-white lenses, which look creepy, but create an extraordinary look. He also loves getting tattoos: on his right elbow he has a tattoo in the form of a lantern, which means the beginning of a successful period in his life. On his right hand, he got a tattoo of a bullet on his finger, and a brass knuckle under his left eye. Isn't this a sign of a mental disorder, like Face's?


Information that Dima Bilan was running away from the army appeared back in 2006, when he was 24 years old. It turned out that the singer abandoned the army, despite the fact that the medical board declared him fit for military service. Bilan had health problems, but they planned to take him into the army as soon as he was cured. The singer’s card then included a diagnosis of a minor urological disease.

Some people with such a diagnosis do not undergo special surgery, hoping to “derail,” the military registration and enlistment office commented then.

They tried to catch Dima for several years, but for some reason they could not do it. Oddly enough, Bilan, flashing on TV screens and newspaper pages, was unable to be found by the police, who were given lists of draft dodgers.

Well, the local police officer is looking for him, but he can’t find him. We can't go to his concert and crash the show? – the Ministry of Internal Affairs commented 12 years ago.

Bilan himself commented that he was not in the army for one simple reason - he was studying at GITIS in his second year to become a dramatic actor. What, what, but Bilan managed to avoid the army just once or twice. Now he is already 37 years old, and he is definitely not in danger of serving.

Domestic rapper Alexey Dolmatov, together with his ex-wife Aiza, are big fans of tattoos. Their bodies are almost entirely covered with many interesting tattoos. Today we’ll talk about all of Guf’s tattoos, tell you their meaning and show you photos.

If we evaluate all the tattoos together, we can highlight several main themes. First - Moscow and everything connected with it. As a member of the Centr group and an independent artist, Guf gave tribute to his hometown and the area in which he grew up.

More Some of the tattoos are dedicated to his wife. As we remember, several works on Isa’s body are also dedicated to her now ex-husband.

Other Guf tattoos are images of various characters, inscriptions, etc. Anyway, let's discuss each in turn.

The word NO and a tape recorder under your elbow

This is one of Guf's first tattoos. All fans remember the famous one, which underwent various modifications and improvements several times. There are also many rumors about the word “NO”. In some sources you can find information that this is an abbreviation with a rather bold decoding. However, I don’t want to write about what we don’t know for sure.

Microphone tattoo on left shoulder

On the rapper’s left shoulder is another evidence of his affiliation with music. A fairly standard plot for musicians.

Moscow inscription on the back of the neck

The first tattoo dedicated to Moscow is located on the artist’s neck. The inscription is made in English. Pay attention to the very unusual font!

Guf's tattoo on the back: panorama of Moscow

The famous 7 high-rise buildings are located across the entire width of the artist’s back. The black and white tattoo once again reminds us of Guf’s beloved city.

Map of Zamoskvorechye on the side

A rather interesting and unusual work is located on the side of the young performer. This is a schematic drawing of the central district of Moscow. Some may consider this a clear overkill. However, the idea of ​​such a tattoo is unique and interesting in itself.

Movie characters on the right shoulder

Very high-quality and memorable work can be seen on the musician’s right shoulder. These are the heroes of your favorite films Reservoir Dogs, The Godfather and Scarface.

Label name on chest

For quite a long time, Guf has been an independent artist, organizing his own label ZM Nation. The label's logo is emblazoned on the musician's chest.

Paired tattoo in honor of Aiza

In the article about Aiza, we already showed a pair of tattoos that she and Guf made on their shins. One love Vagapova – written on Guf’s leg. As you might guess, the last word denotes the maiden name of the ex-wife.

Son's birthday

We also remember how important the birth of a son is in the lives of Guf and Aiza. The guys captured this event in the form of tattoos. We saw the child’s name on Aiza’s hand, but Guf’s date of birth is written in Roman numerals: V.V.X, which means 05/05/2010.


There are quite a lot of different inscriptions on the artist’s body. Here you can see the famous tattoo of football hooligans – ACAB or all cops are bastards, a few lines on the arm, the Arabic word “Hashish”.

In conclusion, we can say that Guf was and remains one of the most prominent performers on the Russian rap scene, and not only his music speaks for him, but also the numerous tattoos on his body.