What a normal advertiser should be able to do. Main responsibilities of an advertising manager Who is an advertiser and what does he do?

In a broad sense, an advertising manager is a specialist in promoting goods or services. Activities are carried out upon request and necessarily on a paid basis. The main difference between an advertising manager and a marketer is a practical approach, the absence of philosophy as such, and the use of any means to increase sales.

An advertising manager has to communicate a lot not only with the enterprise team (sales, production, logistics departments), but also to establish external contacts (politics, media, publishing houses, design services, etc.). Unlike a marketer and PR manager, an advertiser pursues the goal of creating an advertising campaign that would provide quick profits and at the same time develop partnerships.

What does an advertising manager do?

Functions and tasks of an advertising manager

  • Development of promotional companies and advertising tactics.
  • Choosing a product promotion strategy.
  • Increasing sales and profitability of the business (company).
  • Analysis of enterprise performance indicators.
  • Analysis of market conditions (prices, demand, competitors).
  • Placement of advertising materials.
  • Developing a client base.
  • Concluding contracts and conducting business correspondence.
  • Work with graphics and design (software, editors, presentation).

Job responsibilities

  • Full support of the manager and structural divisions within the framework of the advertising strategy (information about the plan, estimated profit, sales deadlines).
  • Organization of the process of advertising a product or service (budget, clients, methods of conveying information, results).
  • Knowledge of the legal foundations and intricacies of marketing (codes, company regulations and job descriptions, contracts and financial reporting).
  • Development of layouts, booklets, catalogues, posters, prospectuses, advertising texts and signs.

What should an advertising manager be like?

The main criteria when choosing an advertising manager are his education, experience, and creativity.

No large company enters into an employment contract without compelling reasons. The minimum requirements are 1 year of work experience (officially) or a good client base (under an employment contract).

Depending on the company's industry, the employee needs to know the legal basis of its activities.

  • determination;
  • communication skills;
  • mobility;
  • comprehensive knowledge;
  • intuitiveness;
  • good manners;
  • loyalty;
  • flexibility;
  • stress resistance;
  • non-standard thinking.

What an advertising manager should know

  • Fundamentals of market economics and taxation.
  • Modern legislative framework for commercial, entrepreneurial and advertising activities.
  • Social psychological factors of management and sales.
  • Theoretical foundations of management or management, the process of organizing advertising in practice.
  • Ethics of business communication, stages of contractual relations and their paperwork (electronic).
  • Rules of office work, ability to draw up various types of documents.
  • Modern conditions and state of the advertising industry, its promising directions.

Are advertisers in demand now?

The profession of advertising manager appeared in the United States at the end of the 19th century. The rapid development of private business has led to the need for high-quality advertising. The same trend is now observed in Russia. Small and medium-sized businesses are especially unqualified in this regard. In many cases, advertising loses its informative properties or turns into an “epic” folk genre, the fantasies of which are limitless.

If we talk about the real prospects for the development of this profession, they are obvious.
In conditions of market oversaturation, the presence of warehouses over vast territories, and an intense struggle with competitors and analogues of goods, sales grow only due to the quality and targeted advertising that is developed by competent managers.

Most advanced buyers do not fall for advertisers' tricks. And a targeted promotion strategy can even change the consumer’s attitude towards the product.
Despite the demand for the profession and the large rewards, few go into advertising. It depends on many factors. Most often, the barriers are set by management itself, or the applicant has no desire to engage in such labor-intensive work.

The market economy requires the advertising manager to make sales. Having a basic theoretical knowledge is not enough to work in an office. Many managers dictate special requirements for personnel and write them down in job descriptions. If such duties are not fulfilled, the employee is asked to resign of his own free will.

Therefore, if a manager does not have an entrepreneurial flair, does not know how to analyze the advantages of a product and analogues, has poor understanding of the product range, or is simply unconvincing, one cannot count on success.

In general, the industry is promising in all areas of sales, since any business promotes its product in accessible ways. And in large commercial companies there is a marketing department that coordinates all unresolved issues with the manager.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Pros of the profession:

  • acquiring vast experience in the field of promoting products and services;
  • frequent communication with various people, participation in entertainment events;
  • unburdened nature of work, acquisition of multifaceted creative thinking;
  • great earnings and prospects;
  • rapid career growth.
  • increased psychological stress;
  • a large amount of reporting work, paperwork, working with computer programs;
  • high competition in the field of hiring;
  • high degree of responsibility for performance results;
  • the presence of misunderstandings regarding orders or understatements by senior management.

How much does an advertising manager earn?

The following areas have been developed in Russia:

  • advertising agent;
  • advertising manager;
  • Marketing and PR Manager;
  • contextual advertising manager;
  • designer-consultant;
  • outdoor advertising specialist;
  • media manager

The average salary of an advertising manager in Moscow is 50,000 rubles. The minimum wage remains at 30 thousand. In St. Petersburg, the salary level is lower. Earnings are 45,000 rubles. It is possible to find a job at the initial stages with earnings of 20,000 rubles.

The concept of average salary in management is very vague. Working as a specialist in contextual advertising via the Internet and social networks, a specialist receives a minimum income. This type of income is engaged in by the self-employed population or people with sufficient technical potential. Most often, customers find them in a specially organized environment (services, personal blogs and freelance sites) or hire them through an advertisement.

Career prospects

Young professionals start working as assistants or are completely immersed in all the hardships of office work. By performing analytical work, preparing reports and calculating financial indicators, they completely move away from the advertising process. Do mostly menial work.

In small companies, an advertising specialist deals with all the work at once: design, slogans, logos, document flow, reports. In large companies, the manager oversees these operations and is the main link between the customer and advertising providers.

Development prospects depend on the democratic organization of work and the personal merits of the manager.

Reviews about working as an advertising manager

The bulk of negative reviews come from people making cold calls to databases. The approach to the interpretation of the profession is also criticized. In essence, the vacancies offered are the work of simple operators with elements of advertising. Most of the subjects quit due to a discrepancy between job responsibilities and low income.

The second group of reviews reveals the inconsistency of the organizations themselves, which require their own customer databases. Such work is essentially representation (trade), and not a “publicity stunt”.

Other reviews shed light on working conditions. Many companies require knowledge of the specifics of printing, contacts with the media, printing houses, designers, manufacturers of advertising products, etc.

Positive reviews are left by people working in the media (magazines, Internet sites) and on television and radio. This kind of work predisposes a person to a creative mindset and develops a specialist in many ways. High wages are also noted.

How to become an advertising manager

Where to study

The answer to the question of where to study is purely individual. In Russia there are more than 250 institutes (universities, colleges) with areas of advertising. They are dispersed across large cities and are not always available to graduates due to their remote location. They offer training in various specialized specialties: marketing, public relations and communications, PR management, advertising, etc.

Top universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg are:

  • SPbSU
  • National Research University Higher School of Economics

In small towns, when selecting personnel, they sometimes turn a blind eye to the educational profile. To get a job, it is enough to have a higher education in the specialty “Management” or “Finance”.

What subjects need to be taken

As of 2018, to enter a university, graduates are required to present the results of 3 exams (Unified State Examination). Two are compulsory (Russian language and mathematics) and the third is optional.

  • Social science.
  • English language.
  • Literature.

Advertising manager courses

  • Educational center "Leader" (60 academic hours, cost 14,000 rubles).
  • Russian Technological University MIREA (from 2 days to 4 years, cost from 5000 rubles).
  • TC “Education and Career” (48 academic hours, 10,000 rubles).
  • Moscow educational center "Lubyansky" (48 academic hours, 10,000 rubles).
  • TC “Specialist” (from 48 academic hours, from 10,000 rubles).

Where to look for work

When applying for a job, it is important to understand under what conditions and what responsibilities you are willing to perform, what prospects await you, and what you yourself want to achieve in your profession.

  • Search by priority (by the name of the company you like).
  • Search through advertisements (on the Internet, media, etc.).
  • Search through friends.
  • Search by teacher recommendations.
  • Direct employment through courses.

How to write a resume for an advertising manager

  • The resume must be competent and compiled in accordance with the standards.
  • It is not advisable to provide false information about your experience (you may end up in an awkward situation during an interview). You can leave contact details of managers from previous places of work who can characterize you positively.
  • You must express your interest in obtaining the position and provide arguments in favor of your candidacy.
  • You should hook the employer with your experience in advertising, attach a portfolio or talk about your personal work (where and by whom it is used).
  • In addition to personal data, education and experience, the questionnaire should be supplemented with a description of personal qualities that will help the company in the future.

Nuances of an employment contract with an advertising manager

After passing the interview, a standard employment contract with liability under the Labor Code is concluded with the employee. In some cases, you should pay attention to the points of the transaction:

  • about preliminary testing;
  • o availability of planned indicators for implementation;
  • about the system of fines and rewards;
  • about work schedule and vacation conditions;
  • on stimulating employees with incentive programs.

Features of work in different areas

  • Working in an advertising agency or PR campaign is varied and educational. During his working career, a manager works with various projects to promote goods, services and even business sectors. The work involves the implementation of the full advertising cycle - from the project development stage (estimate, plan, prices, sales forecasts or other results) up to full support of the company. The advertising manager is responsible for the implementation of the advertising idea.
  • Work in an online advertising agency is carried out remotely and involves the creation, placement and control of advertising of promoted goods. For this, a variety of tools (SEO optimization, banners, advertising links, emails and promotions, teasers) and methods are used. The main task of an advertising manager is to expand the circle of potential consumers and make the product recognizable.
  • A radio and television advertising manager is responsible for placing commercials on air. The content, advertising idea and execution option can be developed by both the manager and the customer. The manager is obliged to monitor each client’s order and fulfill all clauses of the contract and instructions.
  • An advertising manager in the media and newspapers sells available space for the customer's advertising. They also search for new clients for long-term cooperation.
  • A remote manager (from home) is also involved in attracting customers and promoting content. In this case, the future consumer is usually unaware of the presence of advertising. Content is uploaded in the form of a review, recommendation or advice.
  • An advertising space sales manager works with those who want to advertise something on Internet resources, in the media, or in the form of outdoor advertising (stands, signs, screens).
  • An advertising manager on free message boards, for example, on Yula or Avito, attracts advertisers to sell them services.

How to evaluate the KPI of an advertising manager

Key Performance Indicators is a special system for stimulating an employee for high performance results both in the field of advertising and sales. The coefficient is calculated based on:

  • company profits;
  • average transaction value;
  • number of attracted buyers;
  • conversion of potential consumers into buyers;
  • company accounts receivable;
  • number of repeat transactions with clients.

These indicators are compared with the planned ones and calculated as a percentage of the original ones. Thus, a kind of employee efficiency is obtained. If each of the coefficients is greater than or equal to one (100%), the employee is considered successful.

It is important for advertising professionals to consider that most creative people are sometimes quite disorganized. When interacting with them, it is very important to correctly identify tasks and plan the whole day. Otherwise, a lot of effort and time will be spent on the work, and the end result will be unsatisfactory.

If a specialist works for an agency, it may be difficult to understand the goals and intentions of the customer. The positive side of working in an agency is the opportunity to develop your horizons and study activities in different areas. The specialist also acquires serious practical skills.

One of the weaknesses of the profession of an advertising specialist is a significant degree of responsibility. And even one wrong phrase can change the customer’s opinion for the worse. As a result, all work will be in vain.

Other disadvantages are:

2. Huge amounts of paperwork or working with documents on a computer. There is plenty of reporting in this activity.

3. A stable psyche is required. You often have to deal with refusals and you should be guided by the rule that the client is always right.

The strengths of this profession are:

1. The opportunity to develop multifaceted creative thinking.

2. Communication with a huge number of people.

3. Participate in many fun activities.

4. Dynamic pace of work.

5. Rapid career growth.

6. Excellent prospects.

Points 5 and 6 are the most sensitive. The scale of the advertising organization itself matters here. For example, getting a job at a modest agency or publication is not difficult. There, if you manage to find several clients in a couple of months, you will meet the standards of this company. In a more serious company or publication, the requirements are much stricter. Often up to 20 people apply for one vacancy. If you have little experience in this field, then it is better for you to gain it in a small organization. In addition, under certain conditions, it can increase its scale, and you have the opportunity to head the advertising department or even the company itself.

Advertising specialist. Requirements for this profession.

To get this position, it is not always necessary to have the appropriate education. However, serious competition forces many companies to form a staff of qualified employees. If an applicant has more than one higher education, then his chances of getting this job seriously increase. It’s great if he is well versed in marketing, psychology, sociology and journalism. A person with one higher education can develop his knowledge by taking special courses in advertising activities.

And even if you have an education and a document about completed courses, you need the following qualities of an advertising specialist:

1. Organize and establish interaction between the brand and the external environment.

2. Create and maintain a positive image of the entire company or its individual products.

3. Analyze factors and make forecasts of all possible outcomes of future influence on the organization’s prospects.

4. Effectively develop work even with a modest budget.

5. Show creativity, perseverance, mobility and activity in your work.

6. Organize your speech competently.

7. Communicate with various audiences.

The clientele often includes people from creative professions, representatives of government agencies and the political sphere. It is necessary to competently find an approach to each environment, establish interaction with people, structure your speech correctly and not violate a certain manner of communication. It is also very important to have charm in order to attract different people to communicate.

The knowledge an advertising specialist needs to work successfully is as follows:

1. Basics of such areas: psychology, marketing, design, politics and branding.

2. Several foreign languages.

3. All the specifics of the organization in which he works.

4. Specifics of work of competing firms.

An advertising specialist also needs to have contacts with the business sector, the media and government agencies. The specialist should know perfectly well:

1 How does this mechanism work: how does a brand maintain its performance?

2 How to convince a potential customer to use the services of a certain company?

According to the job description, an advertising specialist must:

1. Develop sales volumes.

2. Keep reports.

3. Work with direct clientele.

4. Consult clients on the services provided.

Points 3 and 4 are considered basic in this specialty.

They are interpreted depending on where the specialist works. If he represents an advertising agency, he must:

1. Communicate with clients.

2. Know the characteristics of the customer company and promptly propose methods for promoting its products.

3. Do stream work.

If his place of work is an online advertising agency, then he must:

1. Have excellent knowledge of the principles of online advertising.

2. Collaborate with specialists in the field of promoting products using the Internet.

3. Competently integrate the entire workflow.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with other professions, driver and logistician.

If an advertising specialist works at a radio or television station, he must:

1. Identify tasks correctly.

2. Have charm.

3. Focus on a specific consumer.

4. Study consumer needs.

If his place of work is a printed publication, then the priority skill here is the ability to competently structure speech and select the necessary words. Without these skills, sales development is not possible.
Salary questions.

The average salary of an advertising specialist in the capital of Russia is in the range of 35,000 – 45,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg: 20,000 – 30,000 rubles. it is necessary to take into account that the salary level is also determined by the quality of services provided and the experience of the employee.
The starting salary of a newcomer in a modest agency or publication is approximately 17,000 - 22,000 rubles. To this is added a percentage of its sales. As the client base increases, this salary can double. And to this are added good percentages from sales - about 25,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Specialists with solid experience have incomes of 35,000 rubles + excellent interest.
As you know, trade is promoted with the help of advertising. And until the moment when the director of the organization hires a certain specialist, he must study his previous projects and merits. This is the only way to give an objective assessment of his professionalism and experience.

Do you want to explore the profession even deeper? We suggest you watch this video:

Greetings to all readers and visitors of the blog! Today I will talk about who a contextual advertising specialist is, what is included in his competence, how to become one and what skills are needed for this profession. I would like to make a reservation right away that the specialty requires a fairly serious level of knowledge, so if you want to try your hand at making money in this area, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to sift through a lot of literature, watch videos and attend various trainings and courses.

A contextual advertising specialist is a person who is able to competently organize an advertising campaign on the Internet in order to promote certain services to the people or introduce the brand to the largest possible audience. His responsibilities include the following:

  • development of an advertising campaign strategy;
  • creation of the advertisement itself;
  • setting up advertisements and placing them;
  • further monitoring of the campaign, assessing its effectiveness, introducing
  • additions and improvements.

A little history

This profession is considered relatively young, since it appeared with the development of the Internet and doing business on it. The ads created were directly related to the context of the page where they were placed, hence the name “contextual advertising.” Now this method of attracting customers has been abandoned, and now advertising is shown depending on what each specific user is interested in.

Surely you have noticed that while surfing the sites you saw an advertisement and thought: “Oh, I was just recently looking for this on the Internet!” So, friends, this is the result of the work of a contextual advertising specialist. Search engines track your queries and then show you ads that are closest in spirit to what you need.

What will you need?

What should a contextual advertising specialist be able to do? First, let's talk about personality traits. They play a decisive role, pushing into the background all the skills and knowledge acquired as a result of training.

1. Analytical mindset

It is necessary to be able to conduct an in-depth analysis of an incredibly large amount of information, confirm or refute theses, and put forward hypotheses in order to ultimately be able to create the right advertising campaign that will greatly increase the client’s profits.

2. Patience

How to become a specialist? You need to have patience. Not even patience, but the ability to adapt to monotonous work. The specialist will have to constantly group keywords, expand the database, monitor market fluctuations and user demand. Periodically, you need to monitor search campaign updates, select and exclude sites (where advertising is placed) from which there is no traffic, update banners, and much more.

3. Ability to experiment

If the client didn’t like your first option, you need to make a second one. If the second one doesn’t work either, then you can tune in to a different wavelength and safely carry out experiments, the meaning of which should still be subject to a certain logic. It is also important to be able to critically evaluate your own work. Think: “Would I fall for such advertising?”

4. Ability to express thoughts clearly

You need to be able to defend your position and competently use arguments. Communication skills will be useful for faster and clearer communication with colleagues - marketers, designers, programmers and others. The ability to multitask, in my opinion, is the most important quality.

To work, you will have to study in detail at least two services - Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. These platforms help webmasters place advertisements and earn money from it, and advertisers effectively and profitably advertise their services and products.

How to master a profession?

You can become a contextual advertising specialist remotely by signing up for courses, or find relevant training in your city. The profession is rapidly gaining popularity, so the search will not be any problems. If you are just thinking and wondering whether this type of income is suitable for you, then, firstly, read below about possible earnings, and secondly, sign up for free courses, of which there are a huge number on the Internet. There, of course, they won’t really teach you anything (free cheese is only in a mousetrap, let’s remember that) and you will leave without work experience, but they will give you a rough idea of ​​what you have to do.

It would also be a good idea to study the instructions provided by the sites themselves. Yandex.Direct and Google have them in the corresponding help and help sections.

How much can you earn?

There is no limit to the earnings of a qualified specialist. Seriously. You can organize several companies and ensure yourself a constant high income simply by maintaining advertising and updating it on time. This is, in principle, how advertisers live, promoting serious brands that are on everyone’s lips (Coca Cola, Adidas, Apple and others). And it’s not hard to imagine how much these people earn. In general, a specialist receives from 25 thousand rubles a month and more (depending on the success of the advertisement).

I hope that now you have an impression of what this profession is and how to master it. With this I want to say goodbye and remind you that there is still a lot of interesting and very useful things ahead of us, so subscribe to blog updates so you don’t miss anything!

PS: Interesting facts - how to become successful

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A contextual advertising specialist is one of the in-demand digital professions, as businessmen are interested in people who know how to attract leads from the Internet. Is it worth spending time learning a new specialty? Definitely yes, because this profession is unlikely to go out of fashion.

In this material you will learn who contextual advertising specialists are and what their responsibilities include. In addition, I will give a list of requirements that employers make and show the average salaries for this profession.

Read about similar professions:

A contextual advertising specialist is a person who sets up and runs campaigns in Google Adwords, Yandex.Direct and other advertising systems. His work has nothing in common with what outdoor and print advertising managers do. That is why entrusting the context to such specialists is, to say the least, unreasonable.

Sometimes employers use the term “PPC specialist” in job vacancies. It was formed thanks to one of the types of advertising models - pay per click, or “pay per click”. There is no difference in the responsibilities of such specialists.

A good PPC specialist knows how to attract potential customers to a website from search engines. To do this, he performs a huge array of tasks that are easy to miss from the outside:

  • selects key phrases by which people can search for goods and services;
  • defines negative phrases that filter out “junk” traffic;
  • chooses the optimal strategy for an advertising campaign;
  • creates several creative options - pictures, headlines, ad texts;
  • Analyzes the performance of campaigns, ad sets and ads, constantly working to improve conversions.

In addition, most PPC specialists can perform some of the responsibilities of marketers. For example, drawing up portraits of the target audience, segmenting it in order to attract the maximum number of clients within a given advertising budget.

The work of a contextual advertising specialist is a constant analysis and search for the best solution to the problem to increase the number of sales.

Contextual specialists can work on staff, in the office, outsource or freelance. In the first two cases, they have one customer and, more often, one project. They promote the services and products of only one company on the Internet. They have a fixed salary and bonuses.

Freelance contextualists can run several campaigns at once, sitting at home or in a coworking space. They often charge fixed amounts for services provided - for example, for setting up a campaign, running it or auditing it. Prices depend on the experience and ambitions of the specialist.

  • selection of keywords;
  • competitor analysis;
  • creating and maintaining advertising campaigns;
  • working with web analytics services;
  • development of advertising optimization strategies;
  • preparation of analytical reports;
  • making proposals taking into account the advertiser’s business objectives.

Ideally, businessmen want to find a person who will quickly understand the specifics of the business, offer effective ways to advertise goods and services, and set up an advertising campaign that will bring visible results in the form of leads within a week. It doesn’t matter what services and tools the specialist will use - traffic and requests come first.

Services for work

  • and - for setting up and maintaining contextual advertising;
  • and - for web analytics and campaign optimization;
  • eLama, Garpun, etc. - for advertising automation.

In addition, PPC specialists can use other working tools - services for collecting and backing keywords, creating graphics, generating UTM tags, and analyzing competitors. They make working with contextual advertising easier and save a lot of time.

Most of the services are paid. Freelancers include the cost of paying for subscriptions in the cost of their services. Outsourced and in-house specialists will tell you what services are needed in your work and how much you will have to pay for them.

In most vacancies, contextual advertising specialists have standard requirements:

  • Analytical mind;
  • campaign management experience;
  • ability to use advertising system tools;
  • higher education;
  • communication skills.

Ideally, a specialist will be “multi-handed” - he will create graphics and write texts for advertisements, launch a campaign, analyze its effectiveness, and find shortcomings on the site that affect conversion. It's not a sin to pay decent money to someone like that.

However, some employers are ready to assign a bunch of other responsibilities to specialists - from copywriting to direct sales of services to clients. Look at what requirements and responsibilities appear in vacancies on the website hh.ru so as not to panic while searching for a job.

List of requirements and responsibilities for a vacancy with a 5/2 schedule from 10:00 to 18:00 and a salary of 25,000–30,000 rubles.

The company not only puts forward a number of serious requirements, but is also ready to train employees from scratch in all the intricacies of the profession:

This employer knows what kind of contextual advertising specialist he needs:

Vague list of requirements and scope of work. Most likely, a contextual advertising specialist will be given a bunch of unnecessary responsibilities, including layout:

As you can see, each company has different requirements for contextual specialists. To avoid having to do the work of other employees, clarify the list of responsibilities at the negotiation stage. Otherwise, you risk signing up for slave labor, a ton of responsibility and a meager salary.

Contextual advertising training

On the Internet you can find many online courses that will help you quickly master the profession of a contextual advertising specialist.

Customers adequately pay the work of specialists who know how to set up contextual advertising. The salary level depends on the employee’s experience, the size of the company and the region of its presence. For example, a full-time contextologist from a provincial town will most likely be paid less than a specialist in a large Moscow company. I will give average figures in different regions for comparison.

Salaries for full-time positions. Prices are indicated in rubles before deduction of personal income tax

Specialists who set up advertising for Internet users from the CIS, European countries and the USA are also needed. However, in this area there are different prices and promotion features. It will not be possible to switch over to the burzhunet in a few weeks, having little experience working in Runet. You will need, at a minimum, knowledge of the language, mentality, and advertising laws. Otherwise, you will have to answer to the customer for the leaked budget and the company’s participation in legal proceedings.