How to teach a teenager to plan his day correctly? The basic principles of time management for a high school student How to keep up with everything and not get tired of a schoolboy.

Many parents want their child's day to be organized in such a way that there is enough time for everything, both to take a walk and do homework. Therefore, in order to be in time, there is the most common daily routine.

To begin with, I would like to note that each child is individual, respectively, and the daily routine is formed for each separately. Therefore, the proposed schedule, everyone should draw up directly for themselves, taking into account personal characteristics.

When drawing up the daily routine, the time of year should also be taken into account. In winter, for example, it gets dark early, which means that you can walk outside while it is still light, so as not to unnerve your parents once again, but in summer, you can do your homework immediately upon arrival from school, and go for a walk after dinner.

And, of course, adjustments to the schedule can be made, focusing on a specific situation: for example, if the weather is bad outside or the child does not feel well, then you can not go out, but you can always go to bed earlier than the time set in the schedule.

We offer you an approximate daily schedule for a student.

7-30 - Climb. You should not allow the child to soak up in bed longer - the extra 10-20 minutes are unlikely to save anything, but the child may well be left without breakfast.

7-45 - Breakfast. Before leaving the house, the child must have breakfast. Even if he doesn’t want to eat at all, he should still have a bite to eat and drink tea, otherwise after the first lesson he will feel hungry, and chewing cookies or a sandwich during a break is bad for the stomach.

8-30 - Lessons at school. Most of our schools start at 8:30. But there are also those in which lessons begin at 8 in the morning. If the start time of the lessons at your school is different, then indicate a different time in this paragraph.

14-00 - Dinner. By this time, as a rule, classes at school are over, and the children go home. If your child stays for an "extension", then, of course, he will have lunch when it is provided for by school rules. In any case, lunch time is usually considered to be the interval from 14-00 before 15-00 hours.

14-30 - 17-00 - Rest, walk. After dinner, it is better to relax a little, at least half an hour: lie down quietly, read a book, listen to music. And then you can go for a walk: even in winter, when it gets dark early, it is still light at this time.

- Dinner. Half an hour is given to return from a walk, change clothes and eat.

18-00 - Homework. It is difficult to determine exactly how long it will take to prepare the lessons - it depends on how much is given (of course, it doesn’t happen here day after day), how difficult these tasks are and how easy this or that subject is given.

20-00 - Personal time. In two hours, most likely, the child will cope with all the lessons and, with full right and a clear conscience, can go about his business - watch TV, chat with friends on the phone, read a book or play.

21-30 - Preparation for sleep. Be sure to wash, brush your teeth, even if you really don’t feel like it and are terribly lazy to do it.

22-00 - Hang up. It is not recommended to sit at the TV or at the computer until midnight - after all, tomorrow you will get up early again. In addition, after late classes, the child will go to school the next day, falling asleep on the go, and will sit in the classroom without thinking anything. In order to properly relax and gain strength, the student needs to sleep for about 10 hours a day.

Of course, on weekends, the schedule may be fundamentally different from the proposed one. But that's why they are weekends, to do whatever you want and when you want.

Every parent wants his child to be successful - he studied "excellently", knew a foreign language, went to circles and sections, won the olympiads. In an effort to comprehensively develop the child and give him as much knowledge as possible, parents often forget that schoolchildren need rest and personal time. The RIAMO in Korolyov columnist found out how to properly distribute the load and why you should not overdo it with additional classes.


The first step is to decide what knowledge the child really needs. Parents should start from the school load. Everything is distributed at the school, the specialists thought over the number of lessons for each age, the amount of homework and other nuances. In this regard, parents can be calm. It is worth paying attention to the study of foreign languages ​​at school and extracurricular activities.

By the age of seven, a child can usually already determine what specifically interests him. By listening to him, it is easier to come to a compromise. Many children are fond of sports, and a certain kind - in this case, it is worth giving the child to the appropriate section. Some already at an early age become seriously interested in science - for example, mathematics, physics, chemistry. Others show artistic abilities - draw, sing, play musical instruments. The interest of the child must be noticed and supported.

Choose the "golden mean"

It is important to protect the student from overwork and rationally organize training sessions, increase motor activity and ensure effective rest. Experts recommend that parents take a closer look at the child after school. Is he satisfied with the results and the learning process itself? In what mood does he go to school and return home?

If the child looks tired, then the school load is enough for him. You need to make sure that he is well rested. It is best to choose an active holiday - a sports section or dance classes are suitable, where the student can be distracted from the lessons.

If your child returns from school too excited, then you need to choose additional activities that will help him calm down and be distracted. A drawing circle or a chess section will suit a too excitable schoolboy.

A child who is not tired of school will quite master one more lesson in the afternoon. It can be given to a language or music school - depending on the abilities and interests of the child.

It is worth remembering that fatigue or excitability is not a sentence or a diagnosis. You just need to adapt to such manifestations of the child's psyche: choose the optimal time for classes, properly motivate, and not put pressure on the child. His desire to engage is key.

If the child says that he is not interested in anything, you need to try to captivate him. By leaving it to itself, parents run the risk of losing control: the student may withdraw into himself. It is worth showing the child various hobbies so that it is easier for him to find something to his liking.

Increase load gradually

Increase the number of classes and increase the load should be gradual. It is best to start with one additional lesson after class - optimally if it is a sports section. When it becomes clear that the child is coping with the load and wants something new, you can add another activity.

Attending more than three additional circles at the same time is not worth it. It is very difficult to absorb too much information, there will be a lack of time, the child will get tired and lose interest.

Most likely, in high school, a teenager will choose one or two activities that can become hobbies for life. Do not be afraid to experiment: let the child try to be like a few circles, so it will be easier for him to find what he really likes.

Consider your daily routine

The daily routine is very important for a student. School performance, the health of the child and his proper development as a person depend on him.

The day of the student should be clearly scheduled. The schedule should be drawn up depending on school activities. Extracurricular activities are best distributed evenly over all days of the week so as not to overload one of the days.

It is best to set aside certain hours for homework, but do not forget about small breaks every half hour of work. During them, you can perform light physical exercises to the music, which will help relieve fatigue, improve health and get a boost of energy.

Preparation for lessons should begin with less complex tasks that do not require a lot of time. This will give the first-grader confidence in their own strengths and knowledge. Then you need to move on to more complex subjects that require more care, perseverance and time. It is worth finishing with one simple task so that the student feels that it is easy for him to learn.

It is absolutely impossible to forget about the rest, especially for the parents of a first-grader. With rapid fatigue and weakness, the child should have daytime sleep from 1 to 1.5 hours in the daily routine. If the child is no longer sleeping during the day, let him play quiet games, listen to a fairy tale, or watch a calm cartoon.

Also, parents should definitely think about the time for walking. The student needs to “let off steam”: jump, run, shout, go about their business. Every day, the child should spend in the fresh air from 3 to 3.5 hours. This time can be combined with the return from school - take a walk in the park or around the city, play on the playground, have a snack in the fresh air.

In order for the child to sleep well at night, he should have dinner no later than two hours before bedtime. In cases where the student is too active, half an hour before bedtime, he can be given milk with cookies, fruit or tea with honey. For a sounder and healthier sleep, you need to ventilate the room in which the child sleeps. The optimal night sleep for a student is 9 hours.

Be interested in success and praise

The praise of parents and their interest is a very important incentive for the child. The student should be praised for success, and in case of failure, not scolded, but supported and helped to cope with difficulties.

For example, at lunch or dinner, you can ask what a new child learned at school, what he did at the circle. Experts recommend "pretend to be a dunno" and ask the student to talk about obvious things. Then the child feels smarter - as if he is becoming an adult, and with great pleasure talks about his day and new knowledge.

With this approach, the student will be happy to attend lessons, circles and sections, and they will not be a burden. The more interesting the child is, the easier it is for him to cope with stress.

The school year is coming to an end, most students are waiting for final tests, and graduates - exams. How to help your child organize their time, prepare for graduation work and at the same time not overload themselves. Here are some time management tips for students that will help you balance study, leisure, household chores and hobbies.

1. What needs to be done?

The first step is to list everything that needs to be done. This may seem obvious, but speaking from experience, most students tend to leave important tasks until the last minute, which can affect the quality of their work. When working on the list, you need to indicate the work (prepare for a test, pass an essay, abstract, etc.), determine the deadline and calculate the amount of time it will take to complete the task.

2. Set up a daily routine

Tablet, schedule, calendar on your phone or a regular diary - find a convenient tool for organizing, add a list of priorities. Also, consider when you are most productive so that you can schedule intensive study during that time.

Make a daily schedule that will allow enough time for sleep (the norm for an adult is 7-8 hours of sleep, but some teenagers need 9-10 hours), communication and rest.<.p>

3. Be flexible but realistic

About 8-10 hours a day will be set aside for studying, socializing, and whatever else you need to do. Schoolchildren spend about 6 hours at school, so no more than 4 hours are left to do homework, study material on their own, prepare for exams and pay off debts.<.p>

It's also important to remember that things often take longer than expected. Therefore, when compiling a to-do list, include a little more time than you might need.

4. Time to plan

Circumstances may change, new tasks and jobs may appear, priorities change, so it is necessary to set aside time in the morning and evening to check the to-do list and their relevance. For effective time planning, mark the stage of work on a task as you work.

5. Don't get distracted

In order not to be distracted, remove everything that attracts attention: turn off your phone, block social networks while studying, remove excess from the table. For better concentration, you can use motivating apps, such as the Forest app for smartphones. The application does not allow you to switch to other applications until the end of a certain period of time, otherwise the tree that grows while the timer is running "dies".

6. Exercise to clear your head between workouts

Believe it or not, exercise works just like sleep. It can focus your attention, helping you clear your head between study sessions. If exercise is new to you, start with a 10-minute jog a day, increasing your time each week.

7. Was the organization effective?

Constantly reviewing and reevaluating your schedule can help you understand if you need to make any changes so that you can complete any tasks, as well as have enough time for entertainment, hobbies, friends and family.

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The life of an ordinary schoolboy on weekdays consists of three parts: lessons, homework and that delightful part of the day when the lessons are already over, but mom has not yet come home from work. It is not known why, but the fact remains that the child is arranged in such a way that he manages to use those few hours of his life, which are called the "second half of the day", as inefficiently as possible. He does not know how to plan, he has a weak will and motivation to study, and he cannot yet “feel” the time.

During these leisure hours, the average child indulges in delightful idleness, interrupted occasionally by timid attempts to study. He quickly overcomes the desire to warm up dinner before eating it, and plunges headlong into the computer, not emerging from there until the evening. At best, friends drag him out into the yard.

In the middle of the working day, in almost any office, you can meet a woman growling menacingly into the phone: “Are you sure you ate?” or "If I come and the lessons are not done...". The woman is worried, there is a wrinkle across her forehead. She feels that her influence on what is happening now at home is negligible. And the child, in turn, understands: mother is far away, and the evening is still far away ... As a result, his second half of the day (read: half of his school life) disappears - he does not rest properly, and does not work effectively.

Afternoon: priority list

How to organize a child so that he has time for everything and at the same time remains healthy? After all, every year children are given more and more lessons, circles and sections tighten the selection rules, and the children's body both required a good rest and continues to demand it.

First of all, when organizing the second half of the day, you should sort out the priorities: what, in your opinion, is most important for the child. For example, a value scheme might look like this:

  1. child health;
  2. school performance;
  3. chat with friends;
  4. circles and hobbies.

A different sequence of items or the appearance of other preferences in the list does not mean that you are a bad parent. You just have other priorities, like sports. You decide. However, by enrolling a child in a children's circle or for additional classes, you not only make his life more eventful and varied - you delete an hour or two from his life that could be spent on games and walks. This is important to remember.

When planning the second half of the child's day, the correct dosage of all types of his activities should be observed. He should rest, work out and do simple homework. But how to fit all this into one evening? When compiling a schedule, you can be guided by the following proportions (they are, of course, approximate and largely depend on the priorities that we spoke about earlier, but nevertheless, long-term observations of children suggest that the proportions are approximately as follows):

  • 40% of the time - rest (primarily mobile, and better in the fresh air);
  • 25% - study;
  • 25% - household chores;
  • 10% - free time.

Please note: the rest and free time of the student are separated in the list, since these are different things. Rest should be varied and well organized: you and your child will have to decide how exactly they will rest on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on.

But, despite all this, about ten percent of the time should be spent on something that is not regulated in any way - the time of free activity is necessary for the child to move from one process to another, “forget” about one thing and start another. Temporary backlash is not just necessary - it is inevitable. Even if you do not leave time for him, he will still appear, only at the same time you will be nervous due to the fact that your son or daughter still does not sit down for lessons.

Homework: why is it difficult and long

Many parents may well protest: “How so? We do these lessons with children every day until late at night, and you are talking about some miserable 25% of the time!

The fact that it takes more than one to one and a half hours to complete lessons in elementary school only shows that they are done inefficiently. There may be several reasons for this:

  • the child is tired. Before he sits down for lessons, he should have a good rest;
  • the child is under stress. Paradoxical as it may seem, lessons are the cause. The child drives himself (with the help of parents and the school) into a vicious circle: I do not have time to complete the task, I am nervous, and therefore I do not have time even more and this makes me even more nervous. There is only one way out - take a break and calm down, switch to something else and stop being nervous;
  • the computer, TV are turned on in the room, loud extraneous conversations are heard. Despite claims that music helps focus, it doesn't;
  • the child did not master the educational material. If he received a task on the material that he did not learn, this is a miscalculation of the teacher. Homework should help consolidate what has been learned, and not compensate for the shortcomings of the school lesson. Talk to your teacher about this.

How to supervise a child after school

Perhaps the most difficult task is to achieve the fulfillment of the child planned for the day. It is at this stage, as a rule, that problems arise. There is no general solution here - each family will have to build its own chain of compromises, punishments and rewards. However, there are a few simple tips that can help you and your child organize their day.

  • To get started, make a clear schedule for the day of the student. Make it brighter and hang it where it will constantly be an eyesore to the child. Preferably next to a wall clock.
  • When making such a schedule, alternate between different activities. Let rest be replaced by study, and study by rest. At the same time, no “you will sit until you do it!” should not be.
  • Never punish with lessons: “Come on, march to your room and learn solfeggia!”. Lessons are work, not punishment.
  • Control the child, but do not compensate for the rare selective control with the severity of punishments. And do not promise what you are not going to fulfill. This applies to both punishments and rewards. Keep in mind: for a child, the very fact of your phone call is much more important than the text that you say.
  • Motivate your child. Think: what is really important and valuable for him?
  • Give feasible tasks and do not expect too much.

If that doesn't work either

In my teaching practice, I happened to encounter such a situation: the parents shifted all the care for organizing the second half of the child's day to the non-working grandmother. At first glance, the decision is logical, because the grandmother has already raised her children, so she can handle her grandson. The trouble was that the grandmother could not cope. The grandson did not obey her, acted in his own way, studied very badly.

Parents were not ready to admit it and refused to leave the child at school for a full day, although there was such an opportunity. The thing is that they made some effort to solve the problem, and did not want to believe that the decision turned out to be wrong, and the efforts went to waste.

It is very important to understand that it is not enough just to make an effort to ensure that the child does his homework. It is important that he actually does them. Therefore, if you see that the method invented by you does not work, then you need to change it. In order not to step on the same rake every time, you can be guided by the following principles:

  • do not evaluate the behavior of the child only from your point of view, because you are obviously not objective. Consult with teachers and relatives;
  • regularly change the methods of monitoring the child. Sooner or later you can adapt to any system and find loopholes;
  • you can not turn the organization of the afternoon into a confrontation. Do not let your child forget that you are acting in his best interests;
  • change the methods of punishment and encouragement depending on the real needs of the child. However, do not forget that you will have to answer for all your words to the child.

“But what about independence? the other parent asks. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to regulate his own life. After all, how to teach a person to drive a car if you do not let him drive? All this, of course, is true, but even the most daring instructor is unlikely to entrust the steering wheel to a first-grader. If you can show the child an example of a well-organized day and teach him to order, then when the child wins a little independence for himself (and he will definitely win it), he will use this independence for good. As in Agnia Barto's poem:

Everything I do for my mother:
I play scales for her
For her I go to the doctor,
I study mathematics.
All the boys climbed into the river,
I was alone on the beach
For her after illness
Didn't even swim in the river.
For her I wash my hands
Eating some carrots...
Only now we are apart,
Mom in Pryluky
Fifth day on a business trip.
And tonight all evening
There is nothing for me to do!
And probably out of habit
Or maybe out of boredom
I put matches in place
And for some reason I wash my hands.
And the scales sound sad
In our room. Without mom.


Oh yes, now the children are very active, they go to more than one circle. But coming home, very often there is no strength to do homework, here I think it is necessary to interest the child, to equip him with the most convenient workplace, so that he can rest physically and work mentally. It is worth thinking about a comfortable table and chair. For example, we also encountered this, the child was overtired after circles, did not want to do homework, the problem was solved only when the old table was replaced with the Moll Winner children's desk, it tilts and the height is adjustable, which is very convenient. That's when our problems disappeared, the child became comfortable, and now he can sit at the table longer without shouting that he was tired.

Now, at many schools, circles of a fairly good level have begun to appear, while you don’t have to take your child anywhere, it’s convenient, and besides, it’s free

It's really hard for kids today. The parent wants to shove as much as possible into them) You need to be able to turn out of something!

Comment on the article "Homework, circles and sections: how to do everything after school"

More on the topic "Is it necessary to control a student and how to organize his time":

After a slight lack of sleep (lack of sleep only for a few hours, not all night) and not chronic (no more than 1-3 days), it is quite possible to take a walk during the day and not feel tired. Homework, circles and sections: how to do everything after school.

What is legal and what is not? Paid extension in our school exists in different forms. One year was by the clock. Starting this year, the school has a fixed amount of 5000 rubles. per month. Regardless of whether the child goes to her every day or not.

Do you control teenagers?. Upbringing. A child from 10 to 13. I called him on the phone for two hours, but you see, he forgot to charge him, and the phone sat down. In general, I can no longer stand such delays, I will go crazy or have a heart attack.

But I wonder what the legislators meant when they wrote this 4. Parents (legal representatives) of underage students are required to: 1) ensure that children receive a general education; 6. For failure to perform or improper performance of the duties established by this Federal Law and other federal laws, parents (legal representatives) of underage students shall be liable under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Are there any laws, articles, etc. regulating the child's stay in school after graduation. Starter. It is necessary that the child spend an hour and a half himself at school after school.

In life, work at school is often treated as a quiet place where you can sit so that no one touches you. And if parents basically put up with the mediocre quality of lessons, then to circles for Homework, circles and sections: how to do everything after school.

Is it possible to write a statement to the director and not go, or negotiate with the class teacher? tell me about the class guide. Tell me, maybe someone knows. Is the class teacher obliged to go on excursions with the children or is it a gesture of goodwill?

Is it necessary? At the same time, I never refute the need to participate in the life of a child - the more you manage to interest in something, the better. Depends on the individual teenager. I no longer supervise in high school, but some students may need it.

Now, tell me, who believes that it is possible to give a teenager the freedom to do what he wants in the 10th grade, and then, by some miracle, he will suddenly begin to study on his own? I don't believe! Those who advise this, do you personally have such examples? Or in such advice we are talking about the fact that such a child does not seem to have much in life? So, parents are fighting just for the expansion of horizons. It's a shame somehow, as about their own, so everything is the most for them - the most, but as about strangers, so don't force him, and so it will do.

Classes at the music school also involve doing and analyzing homework, it takes a decent amount of time, also the choir and concerts, I don’t know, it will be so hard for me 05/16/2011 14:29:11, Liporella. Homework, circles and sections: how to do everything after school.

Do you have paid services at your school, what does it look like, how should it ideally be? And they just announced it at the school parent meeting. Do you think such financial combinations are legal on the part of the school management (we have a garden - a school division) or we need ...

Homework, circles and sections: how to do everything after school. the child is tired. Before he sits down for lessons, he should have a good rest. As a child, my husband was also taken everywhere in circles, he studied at the mathematical lyceum.

Homework, circles and sections: how to do everything after school. The child drives himself (with the help of his parents and the school) into vicious homework. A child from 10 to 13. day tediously and endlessly I explain that homework SHOULD be done ... and they ask me in response: Ah ...

Homework, circles and sections: how to do everything after school. After all, every year children are given more and more lessons, circles and sections tighten the selection rules, and the children's body both required a good rest and continues to demand it.

Specifically: should the teacher transfer the child from hand to hand to the parent or nanny after school or not. Is there a responsibility of the school if a first-grader child after school was put by the teacher in the locker room, the teacher himself left, the child got dressed and went after 15 minutes ...

Homework, circles and sections: how to do everything after school. He doesn't plan well, he has a weak will and motivation to study, and Homeschooling: a bad experience. Family education according to the school curriculum. But when the family leaves for work and school...

Homework, circles and sections: how to do everything after school. Student's right. The annual calendar curriculum is developed and approved by the school. After the decision on expulsion is made, the school administration must, within three days ...

Do you need to supervise your studies? Education, development. Child 7 to 10. The child should be responsible for doing the housework. assignments. good study, etc. Everything seems to be correct, I check her notebooks either in the evening when she is already sleeping or in the morning when she is still sleeping.

Homework, circles and sections: how to do everything after school. However, by enrolling a child in a circle or for additional classes, you not only make his life more eventful and varied. How to control a child after school.

Should I fully trust or verify all the same? And how to do it? You can return home at an inopportune time and quietly enter the apartment, look. I did that once. So our nanny was frightened by surprise and said: you don’t do this anymore, otherwise I have ...

In this article we will talk about time management for schoolchildren. How to organize the daily routine of a schoolchild so that he has time to do his homework, walk in the fresh air and feel not overloaded.

« Time- this is the national wealth, the same as bowels, forests, lakes. It can be used wisely, and it can be destroyed. It is so easy to talk it over, oversleep it, spend it on fruitless expectations, on the pursuit of fashion, on drinking, but you never know. Sooner or later, our schools will begin to teach children "time to use." The author is convinced that from childhood it is necessary to cultivate love for nature and love for time. And teach how to save time, how to find it, how to get it. The most important thing is to teach you to account for time.

Daniil Granin

school time

school time- not an easy time, because during this period of life you really want to take a walk, spend more time with friends, and here are these lessons. This article is for responsible parents who understand the importance of planning their child's day. A properly drawn up daily routine for a student will provide him with good academic performance, healthy sleep and wonderful well-being.

A social survey was conducted among schoolchildren, as they think, why they do not have enough time.

Here are the main reasons for lack of time:

  1. I do my homework for too long.
  2. A lot of time is taken away by the Internet and TV.
  3. I don't plan my day ahead of time. From here I shift things to later, and there is no clear picture of what needs to be done.
  4. I am easily distracted from important matters by strangers.
  5. I don't finish what I start.
  6. I do everything very slowly and generally swing for a long time at the beginning of the day.

“Think on paper. When you formulate a task in writing, you hone it and give it a material tangibility; create something that you can touch and see. Until the goal is written down, it remains just a wish or fantasy. It has no energy. Unfixed goals lead to confusion, uncertainty, wrong direction, and many mistakes. A goal fixed on paper and an orderly plan of action will make your work much more productive. Your accomplishments will compare favorably with those of those who keep their intentions in mind."

Brian Tracy

It does not consist in loading oneself with a bunch of things, but in order to unload from unnecessary ones. You need to complete the most important and responsible tasks from your to-do list. The list is best made an hour before bedtime. See what lessons are assigned for tomorrow, what can be done in the morning and which of them are the most important and require more time to complete. In the morning, start the most difficult task. In time management, this rule is called "eat a frog for breakfast." Do the most difficult thing at the beginning of the day, it will bring you moral pleasure, and also free you for the whole day from the obsessive thought about this task.

1. In order not to be distracted when doing homework, you need to follow these rules:
  • Shut up in a room or go to the library at school. Find a place where no one would touch you.
  • Mute your phone, turn off your TV and computer.
  • Mozart's works can be included in the background. Scientists have proven that Mozart's music helps to concentrate and increases attention.
  • If you need to read a lot, then choose the most productive hours for this. If extraneous thoughts bother you, write them down.
  • The most effective method for avoiding distractions is to set a timer for 25 minutes. In these 25 minutes, you should be engaged in only one thing and completely concentrate on it. Then take a break of 5 minutes and start the timer again for 25 minutes. In time management, this method of concentration is called the "pomodoro" method.
  • Very often, the cause of distraction from business is requests for help from other people. You have to learn to say "no".
2. The problem of not completing things follows from the previous one.

We put things off until later because we often get distracted. Another reason is the fear of not being able to cope with a difficult task. To overcome fear, you just need to take small steps to solve this problem.

Also, before you get down to business, you must understand what your goal is. Is it really important to you and what result do you want to get?

For example, I want to do well in exams - this is a dream, but not a goal. The goal should be clear and specific, for example, I want to get 80 points on the sum of three exams. Write down on paper specific goals and deadlines for achieving them.

3. The last common problem of schoolchildren is slowness and prolonged rocking at the beginning of the day.

Getting up in the morning is the most difficult thing for any student. Naturally, to make it easier to wake up in the morning, you need to go to bed early. Calculate the time you need to go to bed to sleep 9 hours, and at the same time get up at 7 in the morning. Consider the time that passes before you fall asleep.

The student's brain is actively working, processing a lot of new information, so, of course, he gets tired. Children often have headaches. In this case, short-term daytime sleep, at least 15-20 minutes, is very useful. This will help restore strength and relax the brain.

Time management exercises for schoolchildren

1. Exercise "Sense of time"

You need to learn how to control the time that is allotted for work or leisure. Mentally learn to give yourself a “bell” (the leader of the exercise rings the bell and turns on the stopwatch). The student must complete any task at this time. For example, within 15 minutes and let the host know when this time has expired, according to his feelings.

2. Exercise based on the Eisenhower matrix

This exercise teaches you to prioritize things. The facilitator talks about 4 types of priorities. The student must make a to-do list for the day, according to priority. That is, lay out the cards with tasks in 4 different piles. This exercise also gives the student an idea of ​​rigid and flexible cases. Hard ones are those that have a clearly defined start time (for example, a lesson, sections, circles, a movie session). Flexible things are those that just need to be done, no matter what time.

3. Exercise “Plan a Saturday”

Schoolchildren are given a text with plans for the Saturday of a high school student. It is necessary to emphasize flexible and rigid cases. Determine the priority of cases in this plan, arrange them in the correct order.

Student's daily routine

As a rule, the first half of the student's day is scheduled. He is at school in the classroom. The second half is partially occupied by visiting sections and circles. How to plan the second half of the student's day?

1. If you come home from school and feel tired, you need to lie down to rest and, if possible, sleep for at least half an hour. This will restore strength. After waking up, in no case do not turn on the TV or computer. It is better to immediately take on the most difficult task or lesson.

2. It is necessary to change activities every hour. Alternate less enjoyable activities with more enjoyable ones.

“First we postpone and delay the beginning of some business, and then, having nevertheless begun it, we postpone its termination. The inability to break off in the middle is partly due to the desire to have fun and the desire to avoid unpleasant experiences. Changing the type of activity is often accompanied by some discomfort. ... And it can be especially difficult to interrupt if you delayed the beginning. For example, you tidy your room or read a book and you feel quite good - until it's time to stop this activity. But after you strengthen your willpower, you will be able to not only start things on time. But also stop them at the right time.

Diana De Lonzor from The Easy Way to Stop Being Late

3. Estimate how long a task will take. Try to train yourself to fit into these time frames.

4. Prepare for the next day in the evening. Pack your backpack, get your clothes ready. If you do homework in the morning, then put the necessary notebooks and textbooks on the table.

All psychologists talk about the benefits of having a regimen. Correctly drawn up daily routine of the student makes him more collected, disciplined. Prevents neurosis and overwork.

What should be taken into account when drawing up the daily routine of the student?

  • Rise 7:00 - 7:30 morning exercises.
  • 7:45 - 8:00 breakfast.
  • 8:30 - 13:00 stay at school.
  • 13:00 - 13:30 lunch.
  • 14:00 - 15:30 - lunch nap.
  • 15:30 - 16:30 - a walk in the fresh air.
  • 16:30 - 17:00 - afternoon snack.
  • 17:00 - 19:30 - visiting circles and sections.
  • 19:30-20:30 - dinner and homework, cleaning the room.
  • 20:30 - 21:00 - a walk in the fresh air before going to bed.
  • 21:00 - night sleep.

Ideal daily routine for a teenager

Senior students have a lot of their hobbies and hobbies. They don't need to sleep during the day. It is very important to complete the lessons before 20:00, because after 8 hours the performance is very reduced. Be sure to take a walk in the fresh air or visit the sports section after school.

Adolescents spend a lot of time studying, this is due to admission to universities. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a constant change of activity. Physical exercise is simply necessary, otherwise the health of a teenager is greatly deteriorating from mental overstrain.

The daily routine of schoolchildren who study in the second shift

You need to go to bed no later than 9 pm and get up no later than 7:30 am. Lessons are best done in the morning.

Sample daily schedule:

  • Rise at 7:00 - 7:30.
  • Breakfast 7:30-7:45.
  • Walk 8:00-8:30.
  • Preparation for lessons 8:30 – 10:30.
  • Second breakfast - 10:45.
  • Free time and walk - 11:20 - 13:00.
  • Lunch 13:00 - 13:30.
  • Lessons at school 14:00-18:20.
  • Street walk from 18:30-19:10.
  • Dinner - 19:30.
  • Free time until 20:15.
  • Preparation for sleep and sleep - 20:00-21:00.

The daily routine of the student should provide him with a good rest, proper diet, frequent change of activity. The most important thing is the health of the child, at whatever age he may be. Parents should be responsible for the daily routine of the child, adjust and control what the child does. He not only has to keep up with everything, but also understand how to prioritize and plan time so that it is enough for both rest and sports. Every student should have an idea of ​​time management. This knowledge will be useful to him in adulthood.