A real woman is therefore all women. What should be a real woman according to men

Sex ends in bed, but it starts in the head. A woman knows what her man wants. She tastes, feels or guesses. And today's fashionable verb "fuck" can only be attributed to those couples who do not know how to make love. It is Love. With all its attributes.

Geisha also knew an excellent means of a love spell - copying the gestures of their man, mirroring. Now all successful businessmen use this technique. These are truly the same laws of psychology - in business and in love. When copying gestures and speed of speech on a subconscious level, a person is identified as his own. You feel better about your partner and, as a result, meet his expectations.

A woman with a capital letter will never allow herself to pursue her man, bother him with calls to work or stupid SMS. This is sure to put him in an uncomfortable position. At the same time, a real Woman skillfully plays a love game. Sincere and beautiful. The main thing in a relationship with a Man is to give everything that you have - tenderness, care, passion, without thinking about yourself. And then get tripled on the bills. That's exactly what happens. These are the women men never forget.

A real Woman will never pester with the question: “When will we see each other again? When will you call me?" Or even after the first night spent: “When will we get married?”. A woman is always a mystery in its essence, and what mystery can be intrusive? A man should always feel like a master. And it is the Woman who can give him such an opportunity. It is the Woman who makes the man the Man or the man.

Men don't like being forced to make choices. They start to thrash around and usually make illogical decisions. Is it necessary to test their feelings for strength if these forces can be used to create strong relationships? "She bewitched him." Heard many times. Yes, she did not bewitch, but managed to fall in love with him with her uniqueness, managed to reveal his manhood, his male potential. You don't leave such women. Masterpieces are written about such people and glorified for centuries.

There is such a belief among the people that men do not like smart people. They do not like not those women who are smarter than them, but those who poke their noses at their own weakness and inability. A truly smart Woman will never show her mind to a Man. Never show his superiority in anything. She will be able to create her own garden of Love, where her chosen one will be king and shah. Such Women always choose for themselves successful and strong Men. So why do they need women's morality? Leave it to his parents.

Every Woman knows that a Man is more than anything afraid of being used. He is often obsessed with the idea that every woman wants to get him into their networks, rob him and "let him naked in Africa." True, not every man admits this. Because mercantilism in a relationship can ruin everything. Since you are weaving nets, weave them in such a way that the Man himself will offer an overseas trip and a chinchilla coat. And most importantly, to be sure that this is his decision.

A real Woman is absolutely sure that she is the one and only, she never has complexes about a few extra pounds or centimeters. And he knows perfectly well that the main thing is not the size of the chest, but the absence of complexes. A man runs not from skinny or fat, but from notorious, insecure and squeezed. He perfectly understands that with such women full-fledged sex will not work.

You can sing an ode to a Woman endlessly. And each of you, my friends, will find something for yourself and will be able to continue this list. We know exactly what our Man needs!

What does it mean to you to be a real woman?
I get the impression that for many to be a real woman is to be weak, stupid, dependent; so that the husband maintains and beats like a slave, does what he wants, not out of love, but simply because property is needed today, but tomorrow it can be thrown away as unnecessary. To give birth to him as many and early heirs as possible, constantly shaking over your silicone presentation, instead of taking care of your natural beauty and health for yourself, and not in order to be an exotic toy for blowing, moreover, for a perverted taste. In general, by the standards of most people, "being a real woman" is, it turns out, not being a person: just a miserable, brainless application, an animal, a curiosity, an accessory, a sex toy, an incubator. A real woman needs not to have her own opinion and be comfortable.
After all, girls are indignant when many men call them skins and do not consider them to be people. But in relation to such a model of a "real woman" this is very fair. But, I want to note that this is true only for the majority of the female population, but not for all women, girls.
Can someone prove me otherwise? But only not hysteria, but justifiably. Who is a real woman in your opinion?

That's what I think! Real women, like real men - those who want to see the opposite sex!

Yes, just do not bother and hang a cliché. Live in pleasure and rejoice. And who invests what in the concept of "real woman" should be the last thing to worry about. My such opinion.

Why argue and prove? Every woman is special for someone, beloved.

What is a real woman? If a woman was born a woman, she is a real woman a priori.

How did you figure out which category most of ALL, please note, girls fall into?

If you are born of a woman, you are already a real woman. What a fool

All women are real, not robots. I don't work and I don't have children. I don’t care at all that there, according to someone’s concepts, a woman “should”. And yes, I'm from the planet silicone, and always on diets. And not with character, as required by the popular Torsunov. My husband loves it, and so do I. And it's somehow violet that someone in the Internet calls me for this "under-woman" or a skin. In reality, such idiots silently drool. And the rest ... give birth, holte jerks, work and so on. My husband considers me an ideal woman, but for his sake I have already changed and I can change, if he needs it, for him, but not for society.

Real women are not made out of men. All.

Oh those priorities...

I am inclined to believe that if you are not a rubber doll from a sex shop and not a bronze statue, then you are quite a real woman.

To be the best friend, girlfriend, brother, faithful life partner, mother of common children, to be everything in common.

When a girl made breasts, did she automatically become an accessory and a beautiful toy for a man? Cool. Naivnyak. In fact, she wants to please herself first of all and not to complex.

Where does your stereotypical thinking come from, right now, just the opposite, women are too self-willed. Live as you like and don't think about others. You should not worry about other women, think about yourself first.

There are few real women today, if we take the modern generation of women. In fact, they simply do not exist anymore. Some prostitutes and degenerates.

There is no answer to the question of what a real woman should be. Each person has their own opinion on this matter. And the author burns out because of stereotypes.

What does it mean to you to be a real man? I get the impression that for many to be a real man is to be a rich stupid idiot, so that the wife sucks all the money and puts horns. Changed like the last lustful animal. So that a woman needs him today, and tomorrow she uses them as a member and throws them away. Find as many whores as you can to pass on your inferior gene pool. Constantly shake over the state of your penis so that it is not sluggish, smear with creams and increase the length in order to satisfy your woman with an elastic penis, be a toy for a perverted mother, because she can stick him with a strapon. And this is instead of being a "real man", taking care of your inner world and health. In general, by the standards of most people, “being a real man” is, it turns out, not being a person: just a miserable brainless appendix and a piece of meat-sprout between the legs, a sperm bank. After all, the guys are outraged that many girls call them cock-bearers and do not consider them to be people. But in relation to such a model of a "real man" this is very fair. But, I want to note that this is true only for the majority of the male population, but not for all guys, men. Can someone prove me wrong? But only not hysteria, but justifiably.

Only a man can make a real woman. A good grass snake also has a wife that flourishes.

A real woman should give love to the world around her and receive it in return. When I hear the concept of a "real woman", then an image of a sensual, sincere, kind and tolerant person immediately appears in front of me. Of course, a real woman should understand how important she is to this world. After all, only a woman is able to create and endure a real, new life. It doesn’t matter to me how a woman will achieve love for herself, even if it will be done through plastic surgery, even if it will be only after admitting many mistakes, but the fact that a woman loves herself and makes her respected by other people. A real woman keeps comfort in the house, she always strives for development and creates for the development of other people. She does NOT condemn and does not envy, does not gloat and does not change. And no matter how many girls would like to seem like a "real woman", their attempts will be unsuccessful until they achieve harmony with themselves. Here is such a real woman, at least show me a photo, something I haven’t seen for a long time.

You see, dear author, at the moment man has reached a high degree of development: he flew into space, invented the Internet and subjugated gravity, but emotionally he differs little from primitive man, because biological evolution lasts for millions of years and the old foundations are losing ground only with a fight. Women have almost achieved equal rights, but not everywhere, and in developed countries the battle continues. And what is most interesting: this is a battle with yourself. That you can live alone and raise a child alone. That you can fix a crane and a car. That you can earn, and on a par with men. That you don't need a prince on a white horse. that you can be strong. And say no. That you're ready to pay the restaurant bill. And why does a seemingly independent woman still expect from a man what she did before, thousands and hundreds of years ago? She has money for food, entertainment, vacations, but courtship is a socially established sign of interest, it distinguishes a man from a friend or buddy. This is a ritual. Like a wedding, like a funeral. This is a tradition. The accepted way to test a man's serious intentions.

A girl is a young sexually mature virgin, a girl is from the word "virgin", and you are just covers.

How contradictory are the qualities of a real woman! And sit at home and earn. And to give birth to children, and to support a husband. I have a question - but the men are not instrumental?

To be a real woman, I think, first of all, it is to interest, excite your man.

A real woman is a female person. A real man is a man. Everything else is prejudices and stereotypes.
But you are right, the image that is imposed on a woman by patriarchy - weak and brainless, completely dependent on a man - is disgusting. I feel sorry for women who see their essence in the service of a man. But are they to blame?

To be a real woman is to be able to find an approach to men and be able to prioritize.

I laugh when I read your comments, real women. What the hell are you women if you walk around in jeans, smoke, swear like portmen!? Yes, you are much bigger men than all of us put together.

What do you think real women are like? And then you don’t need to scold the mind much, but to convey your idea to the girls, you have to try.

For me, the measurements of a "real person" are equal for both men and women.

So what should a real woman be like according to the author? The topic is half open. Yes, and there is no objective justification why it is bad to be obedient, humble, intolerant of the brain. Now all the women tend to pretend to be independent and self-sufficient, and at the same time they are unhappy. The true purpose of a woman is just to serve her man, to respect and love him. And modern females love only themselves and grandmas.

Finding a real woman in this world is unrealistic. You can find the woman you love.

To be a real woman, you just need to be born with it. Everything is much easier. And if you look into the depths, then a woman should correspond to a man or, conversely, a man to a woman. A tyrant, just like a tyrant. Lovelace-windy girl. Alcoholic drinker. And decent-shore.

90% of women are depraved animals in human form. A real woman is a fanatically loyal, devoted and nationally conscious girl. Well I do not know. If you give examples, then perhaps Eva Braun is the first one in memory.

What does real mean? It is difficult for me to understand this term, as well as the term "real man". If people give each other happiness, comfort, love, care, and so on - he or she is "real", or rather, those who we need. Everything else is stereotypes and clichés that people hang on each other for no reason (out of envy, out of idleness, and so on). I consider myself real, exactly the one that my husband needs, and this is the main thing for me. Although reading some people, according to some, I get a muzherabka and ovulyakh, according to others - a kept woman and a consumer. In general, people cracked, along the way, with their stereotypes ...

Real Russian women are disinterested and always follow their man. And you ... you are not women. Mares with eggs.

Quite often, women pretend to be fools so that a man feels stronger and smarter in a given situation (the same thing with weakness - "look you are stronger, it's very cool dear, you are a real man") Silicone - a woman strives to be attractive to her husband .. Here they write "submissive, homely comfort ... and so on" - for a woman working on an equal footing with a man, this takes a lot of strength - hence the frequent quarrels in greater numbers. And if the husband planted houses with his imperious word, of course, she will be dependent on him. Double-edged sword.

A woman is not a dog and not a conscript to serve, love, respect, hear her man, but not to serve.

A real Russian woman would send a rogue. Alas, our girls suffer freaks who ride them, use and humiliate them. The women have gone, oh, they have gone.

Certainly not such a consumer as all of you here. With a sweet paradise and in a hut.

When you ride a Porsche. Do not cover up your failure with a hut. It doesn't suit real men.

Well, I have nothing against bungalows in the Maldives!

A real woman should be the application of her man. To give birth to children for him, to provide for him, to be faithful, modest and devoted.

What's incomprehensible? If in doubt - poke a needle! If it doesn’t hiss, but yells and swears, it’s real!

How to check that you are a real woman? Look into shorts. We are all different and that's good. What you write is somewhat unrelated, stereotyping and violence. Unfortunately, anyone can become a victim in a relationship. Washa in the head of the author is clearly burned.

Well, look: the ship has a captain and a crew. Cap rules, the team follows his orders. Estimate what will happen if everyone does what he wants, or "I won't do it"! Storm! Lower the left sail! What do you mean you won't do it? I'm exaggerating, of course, but that's the point. So if you want the right, stable, good relationship, then listen, serve your man. But only if he is the captain of course, and not a snot without eggs.

How many disputes about a real woman! And this is just the beloved woman of a real man.

The captain is obeyed because his knowledge and skills are higher than that of a sailor. Unfortunately, this is not always the case between a man and a woman. The captain only knows a lot about navigation, and not every man has answers to all everyday questions, sometimes a woman understands something better.

Everyone has to do their own thing, yes. But a man needs to steer a family and relationships. And what to cook for dinner - these are the questions of a woman. And you don’t need to snatch the steering wheel from the captain, do your own thing, and the man makes serious and strategic decisions. And for this he needs the obedience of the team and the fulfillment of his tasks. If you don't like it, welcome overboard, otherwise many people ride freeloaders and rats on ships.

A real woman will never say a word against a man. And she is not a kept woman and a freeloader.

Of course, a real woman has a man - a keeper and a freeloader, is that what you wanted to say?

A woman should be cunning, shut up in time, support in difficult times and take care of her loved ones, and not forget about spiritual beauty, otherwise there are many piss and queens, and when they open their mouths, it’s like from a garbage dump. And, of course, borscht to cook.

The woman is far from weak. Clever knows how to manipulate.
A man thinks that he is in charge, let him think, it's a pity, or something. All the same, the woman lays the decision in his head. And so it was always, my grandmother taught me this.

A real woman in a relationship is the neck, and the man is the head. Wherever the neck turns, the head looks there.

Nature deprived a woman of physical strength, so she perfectly mastered the art of psychological violence.

The place of a real woman in the kitchen is to play the piano while her husband cooks.

Firstly, a smart man sees all these manipulators from a kilometer away. And secondly, just the same smart woman will honestly say what and how, and a stupid woman will try to lie. And in the end, it turns out that she only fooled herself. How many times have you convinced yourself of this?

The cunning of a woman is calculated twice, as well as hypocrisy. When will you understand that only honesty, openness and a good attitude work. The rest causes negativity and disgust. A real, good woman is always honest.

And a real man at the same time should be a financial bigwig.

Men plow in the field, and a man is a god by default!

I'm wondering where does everyone get such a conviction that a woman should be smart-assed, manipulate a man, be a hypocrite? These are the qualities of a rat. Or do you think that the smartest and you can’t see anything of this and the men are eating your shit and praising you? Also, be proud when someone is divorced, fu.

And I was convinced just as many times that it is much easier to resolve the issue with kindness and all sorts of phrases in between cases than with a scandal based on different points of view. You are probably judging the meetings, and I'm talking about marriage, where scandals are not an option at all, like open confrontation, and the times of dialogues have already passed. I'm afraid not everyone knows how to calculate this, but I already wrote about a good attitude - not everyone loves honesty and sincerity, sometimes you tell the truth - and the person is not happy.

Would send you. Agree with your master - this is what real women do. If a woman contradicts the Master, she is just a hole. There are no real women now.

Well, of course, I have not yet met such an idiot who would tolerate you. A smart woman will never allow herself to be humiliated, reproached and used.

The only thing that a woman has mastered is the ability to substitute her hole for the most advantageous member. All woman's manipulations ultimately boil down to this. And all attempts to call it something super abstruse more and more often causes hellish laughter. With the advent of glasnost and democracy to the masses, even the most common man has already learned not to behave, and the value of the hole is rapidly declining, the number of deer is declining. To correct the situation, you need some kind of military conflict, as an option. The man will become obsolete, and the woman will again be able to show her "priceless" qualities and everything will work again as in the good old days.

A man is a king, a man is a god, but he is always at a woman's feet.

The image of a real woman is just a fantasy. We are all humans.

This is a faithful woman. If she looks at another man, she is already a prostitute and is cheating in her thoughts.

And who let you out of the madhouse with such a worldview?

You are fools women, you are all fighting, you are digging a hole for yourself. Case: literally the day before yesterday he sent a very good friend, she decided to fight with me. Wanted a war? Get it - now she's covered in snot, I'm blacklisted and nafig no longer needed. And I'm fine. So who is worse off for that? Only you. If you want war, you will get it.

If a girl tells you like it is every time, believe me, you won’t live without scandals. The same goes for men. People who love each other always lie. They lie that their half is the most beautiful, they lie about little things to make it pleasant, they hold back some moments so as not to offend. It will be honest to admit it.

A faithful and loving wife and a good, caring mother to her children. The life of a real woman is happiness and harmony with herself.

The main thing for me is to be honest, you will look better in my eyes, no matter what the truth is. This is just a lesson for me and an opportunity to work with it. And when they lie to you and hypocrites - it does not develop, it locks you in hallucinations and so on. And then bang, the real world and you in snot, I normally perceive the truth.

What kind of women should you come across if you perceive politeness as flirting? While I’m chatting with you, I managed to walk a goat, sell milk, dig up potatoes, I’m cooking dinner, and what are you doing, besides sitting on women’s resources? He taught me, an old aunt, he thought of what I should do! We are discussing your vision of real women here, and not me in general.

A real woman knows how to do all kinds of blowjobs. Have I resolved your dispute?

To argue, you just need to understand what these manipulations are for, their purpose, method. We are all trying to influence someone. Of course, if your goal is a new fur coat, this is a so-so option, but if you just want everything to be fine with you and better understand how, but you don’t want to get ahead in the role of the main one, but leave the right to decide for a man, what’s in it like this?

I fell in love with a guy but didn’t guess
Not at all what I saw in a dream
I blinded him from what was
And then I fell in love with something, like that.

I wonder what is the limit of pride and hypocrisy and what is a person willing to give up so as not to lose or lose close relationships?

To be a real woman, you have to be born with a vagina. Actually, that's all.

The commandments of a real woman say - for the sake of appearance, you can agree, but mentally always stand your ground. And turn your head (man) in the direction you need.

This is complete consumerism!

No matter how hard the rogues try, love for them cannot be instilled.

Who comes up with all these stereotypes that a girl should obey. Here is the picture. You cry into your pillow at night and get up at 6 in the morning for your useless job with a beggarly salary. On a date with a beautiful girl, from a neighboring house, you have no money. And, it seems, in the summer, when flowers grow in the flower beds, you can pick bouquets to drag the ugly janitor Zinka. But she won't give it to you either, since a real male, a locksmith of the 6th category Kolyan, has it.

I would still like to learn from real men how to become a real woman. The outpourings of those wishing to become gods are not interesting here.

A man must be liked. Men with money are loved not for money, but for the qualities that money comes with.

Traditionally, a woman needed a man for hard work, and he needed a woman for housekeeping and childbearing. But the world has changed. A woman does not need to chop, plow the field in order to survive. She can earn her living by mental labor. But upbringing and life principles have not gone away. It is hard for us to accept that sex can be without children, just for the sake of pleasure, a woman can have many partners, children can be raised without a father or not at all. But for some reason, society condemns any "wrong" turns, although who cares? Society even dictates what real women look like.
But in order for women to stop being "an appendix", they must receive equal rights from society. Not on paper, but in reality. So that there is maternity leave with decent pay, so that a man can and should go on it, so that there are more places in kindergartens. So that domestic duties are no longer divided into women's and men's. So that women could wear a miniskirt without sexual overtones, they could wear a miniskirt and a top. To accept that, she may not want children. That she can sleep with anyone and in any quantity and not be known as a fallen woman. That a woman is an equal partner of a man, and not his complement, half or decoration.
We are developing rapidly, but what was laid in us by nature will remind of itself for a long time to come.
But I believe in progress and I believe in women.

You guys just want to do nothing in life: don’t go to work, do nothing at home, ask and fix the child first, and then not deal with it, since I am the king, and the women must obey me. And this creature lives in anticipation of his ideal woman. Just does not understand how a real woman behaves with such creatures. She doesn't notice them.

I have a negative attitude both to expressions like "all women are whores" and to modern feminism. It is better to live in harmony than to swing rights.

It's stupid, I think, to complain about the environment, instead of arranging yourself.

Since the majority is against feminism, that is, equality, it means that patriarchy in the country and a man must provide. But I don't need a sexist, of course, with money either.

No, not right. Our men want us to be both weak and strong, both mother and mistress. If you depend on him financially - it’s bad, if you devote yourself to work, it’s also bad. Sitting at home - boring, walking - walking. Fig knows, knows what she needs a real woman.

If you have cognitive dissonance, see a psychologist. At one time, such peasants inspired low self-esteem in me. I have been working on myself for a long time. So my psychologist: unsure of themselves, losers who have not achieved anything in life assert themselves by calling girls skins, whores, support the idea that a girl's place is in the kitchen. This is such a way of self-affirmation. But in no case should self-esteem suffer because of such losers who have nothing else to assert themselves.

Even the very wording "real woman" is nonsense. Obviously they have intelligence, like a stupid American bush. So you don't even have to worry about all that.

What do you think?

I work as a female sexologist.

And in my office very often these questions are heard: Who is a real woman? How to become a real woman? How to meet a real man? How to turn your worthless man into a real one?

And these topics are raised endlessly.

And rivers of tears flow. That "I'm not a real woman, and he's not a real man."

And I listen to all this in ancient Russian longing and understand that big business, together with the media, simply tore our heads to pieces.

Of course, they also need to sell us all these procedures, drugs and services. So they inspire us with the news about two cyborgs - about a real woman and a real man. And in the eternal pursuit of them, we will spend tons of money on the illusion of happiness, youth, beauty and sexuality.

But if you figure it out - who is this, a real woman? She is, of course, young. We don't need the old ones, we need the old ones in the gas chambers so that we don't spoil the picture of an ideal world. Very beautiful. Lips and boobs should be large and protruding in order to arouse sexual desire in real men. Skin is perfect. Imperfect we do not need nafik. Threads and Botox are needed from childhood, and preferably from birth, to be sure. Otherwise, this mimic wrinkle under the eye will spoil the real man's entire erection. Hair should be long, thick and silky, so that a real man can iron it in the evenings instead of a cat and calm down. You need to dress brightly and defiantly, in everything tight, with cuts and necklines - in order, firstly, to immediately show all the goods with your face, and secondly, to awaken sexual desire in real men. Heels are a must. To take languid poses, show all your curves and post your photos on Instagram in order to awaken sexual desire in real men.

Maybe they forgot something?

Forgot. Because a real woman only does what she awakens, she understands that she will have to answer for it, so she knows 150 ways of oral sex, craves anal sex every second, knows how to do erotic massage with hot tangerines, grape seeds and a firebird feather. She wants sex all the time. It is always wet and ready. She never has a headache and there are no critical days. She cums instantly - and if the friction lasts more than a minute, then she will do it many times, about one orgasm in three seconds. During sex, she screams like a crazy elephant and growls like a wounded tigress. After sex, even lasting half a minute, she heartily thanks her benefactor (a real man) for giving her his sacred attention.

But this is not enough. What about after sex? Don't stare at the telly. What nonsense. How can a real woman and a real man stare at the telly.

A real woman knows how to cook delicious food. Between blow job courses, she attended cooking classes. French cuisine, Italian and Asian. After a minute of sex, she cheerfully prepares a couple of culinary masterpieces for a real man, in the process entertaining him with smart conversations. What, you might think that a real woman is stupid? Wake up!

A real woman has at least two higher educations. One of the humanitarian - well, she's a girl. And the second is economic or legal, to help a real man in business. It's not just for bed. She is also for life. She is like a cow - and milk, and cheese, and cottage cheese. Solid benefit.

Another real woman herself makes good money. Otherwise, how will she be a support for a real man in difficult times?

And - which is very important - the character of a real woman. He's perfect. Without a hitch - without a hitch. She is understanding, kind and gentle. Supports always and everywhere. Possesses dog devotion, unconditional acceptance and adoration of a real man. He will follow him into fire, and water, and copper pipes. She suffers, is silent and smiles. No bad mood, discontent and - most importantly - no requirements for a real man. And absolute obedience. He needs a mistress - well, a threesome - okay, he got a child on the side - what can you do. What a golden character a real woman has!

Haven't forgotten anything? Forgot.

A real woman is constantly studying at all sorts of self-development courses. Drama circle, photo circle. After all, it should always be interesting, light, cheerful, funny and diversified. If a real man gets bored with her, he will immediately find himself another real woman. Therefore, you need to run along the escalator 2 times faster.

And - of course - a real woman remembers that you need to pump up a real man with energy. Because his professional and career growth, his well-being depend on how she pumps him with energy. If he lies on the couch, drinks beer and does not want anything, it means that she pumped him up badly. So, you need to take a couple more courses in order to learn how to pump better.

Is it any wonder that the client sitting in front of me, so eager to become this creepy cyborg, is in a decent neurosis. She understands that she doesn’t succeed, which means she is a loser, which means she is bad. Loser. No one wants. Sitting and tears pouring from loneliness.

I try to tell her that it's time to send the creepy cyborg to the trash. And that the reason for loneliness may be precisely in the fact that she strives to become a real woman, and not at all in the fact that she did not become one.

I tell her about myself. I have a bad temper. Overweight, which she herself sees. I don’t know how to cook and I’m not going to learn: what food delivery will bring is nice. I am 36 years old - and I have never tried any anti-aging treatments. I dress only in what I like, and this is the usual city clothes: jeans, comfortable flat shoes and some kind of sweater. I don't know how to energize anyone except my students))) - well, this is hereditary for me, I'm a teacher in the third generation. I work a lot, and often I don’t have time and energy to communicate with loved ones. I work for pleasure, because my favorite work. And she - yes - makes good money. But I don't support the man. Somehow) I’m not versatile at all - I understand well only in my profession, but in many other ways I’m a complete sucker. In general, I am almost a complete antipode of a real woman. And for some reason, I live with pleasure and joy. And I feel very sexy. Because sexuality is how you feel in life. And I feel good about myself.

And this is “good”, my feeling, my condition, my love contact with life and attracts men to me. Never in my life have I experienced a lack of male attention. After all, sex is a desire for unity and dissolution. And it is logical that you want unity with a happy woman, you want dissolution in her state of mind, and already spit on the wrinkle under the right eye and the pimple on the pope. And it is logical that one does not want unity with an unhappy woman and one does not want to dissolve in her suffering. Therefore, at least pump your lips to the floor of your face, but still, not a single man wants to dissolve in your suffering and neurosis. And for some reason I understand him ... So it turns out - hello, loneliness.

And the only thing I can advise is to fuck a real woman along with her real man. Be the way you want, the way you like it, the way you feel comfortable. Focus only on whether you are happy or not. Look for the job that you enjoy. Chat with those with whom you get high. Do only what your soul and body lie for. And then, after this, a state of background joy will come. And life will be fun. I call it sex with life.

And if you learn to have sex with life, then is it any wonder that loneliness and suffering become a ghostly memory.

No, I'm not saying that life will become all sugar. There are experiences and troubles - but under any turns and currents of circumstances there will be a background "life is pleasure." And this is a completely different quality of life. A completely different taste. And it's worth a try. If you get saturated with this taste, other people will want to try it through you, and then again, and again ...)) I think this is what sexuality is all about. And it does not depend on age, appearance, physique, character, habits, knowledge, skills, or anything else.

A real woman is not that fictional glamorous monster that it's time to send to the dustbin of history. A real woman, high, tasty, happy, interesting, surrounded by friends, men, attention, communication, events - this is you when you do not adapt to other people's rules and do not take on other people's forms, when instead you confidently and boldly lead your line, live the way you like it, you do what you want, you enjoy life when you live for real, when you enjoy life with pleasure and automatically share it with others.

Nastya Mikheeva, psychologist-sexologist, Moscow

A real woman is one who has a lot of virtues and amazing qualities that are intertwined with each other. Only a real woman can attract the attention of the most fastidious man.

Every woman should strive to be perfect. To do this, you need to learn how to combine certain qualities and criteria that you can’t forget about for a second. This is given to every woman, but not everyone can perceive it.

The image that a real woman has has always and at all times attracted the attention of men. The opposite sex respects such women, admires them, and also trusts them. Therefore, every woman who wants and dreams that men treat her like this should strive and do everything in order to be perfect. However, not every woman is aware of what it means to be perfect, and therefore they make a lot of mistakes, because of which the attitude towards them becomes not what they would like.

So, a real woman is, first of all, a loving nature. Any man, first of all, appreciates love for himself in his soulmate. Therefore, a woman should give her lover joy, warmth and love. Even if a woman is very beautiful and rich, but she treats a man coldly and impudently, he is unlikely to be able to treat her with love and tenderness. Moreover, it is love that makes a woman beautiful, charming and attractive.

In addition to love, a woman should also have such a character trait as kindness. It is necessary to learn to forgive mistakes, because mistakes are common to everyone. A kind person is always dear to the heart, even if he is not so handsome. In addition, kindness is a purely feminine quality, therefore, one should strive to be like that.

We should not forget about such a quality as femininity. Each representative of the fair sex should look like a woman, and accordingly, behave the same way. Describing in simple words what it means to be feminine is not so easy. As they say, this quality is either in a woman, or it is not.

Patience and wisdom - this is another difference between a real woman and other representatives of the fair sex. It is necessary not to splash out your emotions on any occasion and behave like a hysteric, but try to calmly and wisely resolve the situation.

To learn how to manage a man, a real woman must be a good psychologist. It is necessary to understand people, and also to understand why they act in this or that situation and not otherwise. It is with the help of this quality that one can achieve great success and victories, especially with regard to men.

Besides, only a real woman can be weak and strong at the same time. It is necessary to know and understand at what point it is worth showing weakness, which is inherent in all the fair sex, and when you need to show your strength. If a woman gives up and succumbs to the provocations of fate, then it is unlikely that anyone will admire her.

Hard work is a quality without which it will be difficult for a woman to survive. A woman should not only be outwardly well-groomed and well-dressed, but also in the house, as well as in business, everything should be fine with her. And to achieve this, you have to work hard.

To be able to be different is not available to every person. You need to learn how to change your image and all that, depending on the situation. Monotony gets boring very quickly, so you should not bring it to this.

We can distinguish the following criteria that a real woman must meet. One of them is sexuality. To arouse interest and affection in the eyes of the opposite sex, you need to have some sign of "sexuality". If a woman does not have such a criterion, then she will not attract the attention of men.

Beauty is what people pay attention to in the first place. But, it is worth noting that external beauty will be insignificant if a woman does not have spiritual beauty.

A man prefers naturalness in a woman, so you need to adhere to this quality and it should prevail in everything, both in appearance and inside.

No matter how callous and wealthy a man is, he will always appreciate the woman who takes care of him.

Decorates a woman with such a quality as accuracy. If a woman does not possess this criterion, then all her external beauty will come to naught.

In behavioral terms, as well as financially, a woman should be independent and not dependent on anyone. Moreover, she must not only be such, but also know and understand that this is so.

Repels a man from a woman such criteria in her behavior as shyness and timidity. You need to behave relaxed, then male attention will be provided.

Today it is difficult to meet such a person who, having made a promise, will definitely fulfill it, so that he does not have to do it. Reliability is what adorns a woman and exalts her in the eyes of society, and not only men.

Every woman and girl should be able to communicate, not be silent. Those women who communicate little create additional problems for themselves.

The ability to be patient with the actions of other people, not only exalts a woman, but also increases her self-esteem, and makes her attractive. Only a few have this quality today, so it’s worth joining them.

In every woman there should be a certain "zest", which is inherent only to her. It is the "zest" that can make a woman individual, attractive and charming.

Advice for a real woman can also be found in the following postulates. They briefly and clearly reflect what a real representative of the fair sex should be.

The most important thing is that a woman should be aware that she was born a woman and not anyone else.

The assertion that women age earlier, and not men at all, was invented by the representatives of the stronger sex themselves. In fact, a woman has a lot of opportunities to look and feel younger than she is.

Not a woman should show signs of attention to a man, but vice versa. If the fair sex should look after anyone, it is for children, sick or elderly relatives.

A lot of hobbies and activities will not allow a woman to do what she should not do and does not want to do.

A woman should not solve the problem of men, turn her shoulder to them so that they can wipe their tears. The man himself is obliged to solve all the difficulties in his path.

Every woman dreams of looking her best at the right time. For it to be so, she needs to be beautiful always.

It is important to be able to properly treat money. When a woman has money, she must be able to spend it. In the same case, if they are not there, which happens very often today, you should not be upset.

Whatever the income of a woman would be, her wardrobe must have at least one good fur coat. The same rule applies to shoes. The more of it, the better. There is an opinion that the most expensive and revered thing in a women's wardrobe is shoes.

If an annoying gentleman has become attached to a woman, then you should not drive him away right away. the more attention from a man, and, no matter what, a woman will receive, the more interest she will arouse among other men.

A man, and not as a woman, must fulfill all women's whims. This postulate should be learned and never forgotten, because today, usually everything happens the other way around.

The fair sex has one powerful weapon called tears. However, it should be remembered that it should be used as a last resort, and not constantly, otherwise the tears will cease to act on the man.

In the event that a lady does not want to answer a question, she just needs to smile.

When meeting people, it is not acceptable for a woman to immediately show all her virtues. you need to leave most of them for later.

Every woman is simply obliged to know her worth, but she should never, under any circumstances, name her.

To constantly feel like a real woman, you need to bring variety into everyday life. It is also helpful to change things from time to time, such as work, wardrobe, and maybe men.

It is worth taking seriously all of the above and try to apply all the rules, qualities and postulates on yourself. Only in this way will it be possible to achieve in order to become a real woman.

Learning to have all the listed qualities and criteria of a real woman will not be easy. However, with a strong desire, you can learn everything, you just need to believe in yourself and everything will work out.

There are many philosophical mysteries in the world; mysteries with no solution. One of them is a "real woman". As "Doc" Emmett Brown (Back to the Future character) said, "A woman is the greatest secret in the universe." And it is. Therefore, men and even the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity themselves are constantly puzzling over the question “What should a real woman be like?” Some do it to find their Laura or Elena, while others do it to match this light (or dark) image. In any case, the search is exciting. So let's go!

Tastes could not be discussed

First, I would like to upset a little those who expect the article to construct some ideal, to which one must strive with terrible force. It will not be here, because everyone has their own. In general, in a conversation on the topic “A real woman - what is she like?” people are not looking for the truth. They usually declare their own tastes. Therefore, we should arrange a kind of parade of female types and consider their pros and cons.

Type one. "Independent Woman"

When we hear this phrase, the image of a kind of business woman comes to mind, who in the modern world not only wants, but also confidently competes with a man. She earns well, as she puts her career first. Such women either do not marry at all, or do it very late. Sexual partners are treated like men (we will not decipher this).

From the standpoint of house building, such an image of a modern girl cannot be called attractive. The obvious disadvantages of a business woman for a man are that she is not child-loving, not homely, she is not used to “licking” a man and considering him the center of the earth. Such a (real?) woman treats the surrounding men the way they deserve.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of a woman of this type are that she is smart and independent, which means that she is unlikely to turn coexistence into a living hell when the wife hangs with all the children on her husband and curses him for what the world is for the fact that he is a “poorly earning machine , as Kurt Vonnegut used to say. This will not happen to an independent woman.

True, she has another not too pleasant feature. Any overly smart person is prone to excessive reflection, so such a lady can arrange a psychological hell for a man (even the most intelligent one). It can be understood as a state when a couple is constantly dissecting their own relationship. This pleasure is below average, I must say. But we move on.

Second type. "Woman Mother and Housewife"

Here everything is exactly the opposite than in the first case. Such ladies are not adapted for solo life. They are made for a man and for his sake. The only problem in a world where the ideals of masculinity have gone astray is to find a worthy gentleman who would want to become a faithful companion for such a woman.

Someone (this someone, of course, is a man, although it may turn out to be a lady, this is actually not so significant), when asked “A real woman with a man, what does she seem to you, first of all?”, The answer can give next: "Well, she's a mother, a wife and takes care of the house." A variant of men and women without intellectual frills.

Most likely, if a person answers in this way, then he himself comes from such a family. It had a clear gender and professional differentiation. In other words, a classic union, rooted in the century before last. Philologist girls specializing in the literature of the 19th century still dream of him madly.

Positive and negative sides

Here, too, it is not difficult to isolate the advantages and disadvantages.

The virtues of such a woman are obvious: she (in her extreme version) idolizes her husband, adores children, enjoys cooking and cleaning, and her spiritual life is reduced to reading obscene, cast female prose. And, reader, please do not think about this vulgarity, which has 50 shades. Our housewife prefers Rubina and Ulitskaya. And yet she is smart in her own way.

The disadvantages can be reduced to the following points. A serious disadvantage is that such a girl does not think of her life outside the family. From here, everything else that is not too pleasant in this image results: low self-esteem, narrowness of intellectual and spiritual needs. In the end, if a man is not closed only in the "work-home-work" space, he will be deadly bored with such a wife.

Third type. "Girl-Girl"

It is clear from the name that the mistress is hiding under it. She has an extreme degree of dependence on a man, but the weakness in comparison with the type of housewife is that the “girl-girl” cannot tie a man to the rope of children, family and life. And such women want a purely piece-work (business) character to have a relationship with a man.

Nevertheless, when a man is asked: “A real woman, what do you think she is?”, He answers in such a way that we understand: this is a “girl-girl”.

Distinctive features

How does she look? In different ways, but always at 100! Such girls are not sleepy or tired, since their appearance is all they have. They follow fashion, dress beautifully, and are pleasing to the eye.

Men on the wave of sexual arousal can “peck” on them, maybe even marry, but this is always a marriage of convenience.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dignity is only sexual, and everything that organically adjoins them.

There are also many disadvantages. They mainly rest on the lack of a clear prospect of life after the sunset of their beauty.

But if, for example, such a woman can harpoon a millionaire and in 10 years ensure a comfortable existence for herself for the rest of her life, then honor and praise be to her.

And we are moving on to the ideal of a woman.

"The mistress of the house, the tigress in bed and the queen in public"

Of course, it would have been nice if that was the case. In reality, this does not happen. In our article, we described some cases, abstract options for the development of women's destinies. In fact, the girls are all good and different. And almost none of them can be safely attributed to one of the types presented here.

A girl should not lose face, she should always remain a “real woman”, no matter what meaning she herself puts into this concept.

Peter Mamonov said: "There is only one way - your own." This maxim of the once rebellious artist should be followed by all people, regardless of gender. As for the strong half of humanity, "real men" love women of all kinds. One problem: to understand who this "real man" is.

In search of a phantom. Postulates of a real woman

It's a paradox, but despite the fact that the ideal is unattainable, a person wants it. Women in this series are no exception. So for those who are craving some guidance, we offer our commandments:

  1. A woman must be beautiful. And now it is not necessary to look skeptically in the mirror now. As Coco Chanel used to say: "If a woman has not learned to be beautiful by thirty, then she is just a fool."
  2. A woman should be without sexual complexes. The ideal girl hardly knows only one position in bed. Aphrodite hardly blushes from the discussion of intimate topics.
  3. A woman striving for the ideal reads a lot and works hard on herself.
  4. She does not forget about sports. And not because there is a healthy mind in a “healthy body”, but because it increases endurance and performance.
  5. The ideal woman does not tolerate addiction, therefore she is able to provide for herself and her children. In one old movie there was a phrase: "You will have so much money that you can marry for love."
  6. The woman cooks well and likes to eat herself (optional item).
  7. A woman is scrupulous in matters of cleanliness in the house (optional item).

The commandments turned out to be contradictory, but there are no ideals without flaws.