Cases of betrayal in life. Psychology of betrayal

Loyalty is one of the most important moments of family life. Of course, those people who did not have to know the bitter taste of treason in their lives are happy. However, even halves that are very loving and adoring each other do not always manage to achieve complete harmony in creating a strong family union. What to do if one of the spouses turned out to be unfaithful to his partner? What is betrayal and how to survive it?

The main thing in the article

The terrible word is treason: what can it really be?

Treason... How many destinies are broken, tears are shed and families are destroyed because of this phenomenon! However, what does this word mean? What is actually adultery? Is she as scary as they say she is?

Cheating is the violation of the fidelity of one partner to another, regardless of whether they are married or not. Most often we are talking about sexual contact "on the side", although many of us consider betrayal and falling in love with one of the partners in another person, arguing that "moral betrayal is worse than physical."

Cheating is most often not an accident and not an unfortunate misunderstanding that destroyed an ideal relationship, but an offensive consequence of the problems that have arisen between partners. It does not arise from scratch and always has its own reasons, which we often do not want to notice.

Adultery is a kind of wake-up call that the family ship, if it has not yet crashed into life, has given a noticeable leak. It can be treated differently: for some, husbands have a constant mistress for years, and not just one, but their wives pretend not to notice anything; others, having barely suspected a man of infidelity, immediately break off relations.

In any case, there are two scales in front of a loving person: on one of them is love and a calm relationship with your partner, on the other - a short-term affair, momentary lust. It's simple: if the second bowl of scales outweighs, then the sincerity of his love should be doubted.

There is a great phrase: "You can seduce a man who has a mistress or wife, but not one who has a beloved woman."

The difference between female and male infidelity

From a psychological point of view, male infidelity is fundamentally different from female. In male adultery, most often there is no element of betrayal itself. A man often does not experience deep feelings and emotional attachment to the object with which he is cheating on a woman. Often this is just a momentary whim, passion or inability to suppress an excessively and out of place instinct.

A woman, on the other hand, will not be able to cheat on her man if she does not feel affection or deeper feelings for the object of betrayal. Thus, a woman's path to adultery lies through the cooling of her feelings for her husband: another man begins to attract her. A man, on the contrary, cheating on his wife, continues to love her, sometimes even more than before betraying. That is why women's infidelity is NOT comparable to men's.

Female infidelity is a more destructive thing for marriage and relationships. Male infidelity is often light, superficial, and, if a woman does not find out about it, is not capable of destroying either a relationship or a marriage.

While a man has an “on the side” relationship in the evening, and in the morning he may not even remember the name of his passion, a woman, with rare exceptions, will not be able to give herself to the first person she meets: she will diligently choose a man with whom she has despaired of cheating on her beloved.

The next difference between male and female infidelity is that a man who has cheated on his wife is basically convinced that his woman is superior to the object of adultery, he begins to treat his wife more reverently and touchingly. A woman, on the contrary, idealizes her lover, her attitude towards her husband will only worsen. A man who has been “horned” is most often killed morally, compared, sexual relations are terminated with him, and in most cases the family is destroyed.

Studies have shown that men who cheat on their wives do not consider their marriage a failure, while cheating wives do not hide the fact that they are unhappy in marriage. And if a man does not always need a reason for cheating, then a woman in her infidelity always pursues some goal: whether it is a banal revenge, a desire to assert oneself or a desire to experience new feelings.

Why do husbands cheat on their wives?

Men can cheat on their wives both simply "at the behest of instinct" and for a specific reason. There are several reasons why husbands cheat on their wives:

  • fading love : if a man has ceased to have tender feelings for his woman and has lost passion for her, it will not be easy to keep him from betrayal. In this case, it would be pointless to keep a man near you, you need to muster up the courage to find out, and possibly terminate the relationship. You can blame your partner only for the fact that he was not honest, but not for the lack of love on his part.

  • relationship problems : This does not mean that love is no more. In most cases, on the contrary, with his betrayal, the partner wants to make sure of the superiority of his beloved and return the passion and ardor of feelings. Instead of expressing his claims to his wife, the man unconsciously tries to correct the situation in a very peculiar way - by treason.

That is why, from a psychological point of view, betrayal often serves as a stabilizer of relations, and people who have experienced all the “charms” of betrayal, in the future treat their partner with great understanding and tolerance.

  • desire to try something new : all friends have mistresses, and they do not miss the opportunity to show off their victories on the love front. And then the man decides to try to make a connection on the side - so as not to differ from others, and to diversify his sex life, which has become commonplace. Such connections can be both one-time and permanent - depending on the temperament and character of the man and his passion.

  • lack of attention from wife : often occurs when a small child appears in the family. Routine and everyday chores quickly tire a man, and his wife gives him less and less wonderful minutes. The man has no choice but to look for love pleasures on the side: in the bed of his mistress, he feels carefree, omnipotent and attractive.

  • impossibility to resist : some women are able to make remarkable efforts to drag the man they like into their bed. And if a man is not inherent in stamina, and there are problems in the family, then she can do it quite easily. It happens that it is such a strong woman who subsequently takes a man away from the family.

  • "drunk" : one of the most common causes of male and female infidelity. Alcohol dulls conscience and honor, but it can kindle desire and passion. The betrayal that happened due to the fault of the drunk alcohol often leads to nothing, since the man is not interested in continuing his fleeting connection. But if such a relationship dragged on, then everything happened not by chance, and alcohol only pushed the partners who had been looking at each other for a long time.

How to forgive a cheating husband and is it worth it?

There are other reasons that can push a man to cheat, but not in all situations, the most reasonable way out will be a complete break in relations. The solution to the problem must be sought together, not embarrassed to discuss internal family problems.

If in the case of a betrayal a person is driven by his inner feelings, the discomfort that he experiences when he is next to his lawful wife, then the culprit of such a betrayal is not only a man.

A woman, before completely breaking off relations, needs to reconsider her attitude towards her husband, understand what he lacks at home, what does she “not give” to him such that he is offered in abundance “there”?

If it is not possible to solve internal problems at a family council, you can seek advice from an experienced psychologist who will offer options for solving such a problem as adultery.

With a qualified, correct approach, you can not only save the marriage, but also make the relationship more sincere, deep and trusting, learn to appreciate and respect each other even more.

However, not all men are worthy of forgiveness, and the phrase “if you love, you will forgive” is not applicable in all cases.

There are betrayals that cannot be forgiven. If a man cheats on his wife for a long time, doing it practically “in front of her”, bringing his mistress home, settling in a family bed, or starting an affair with his wife’s best friend, it is better to take such a “male” out of your life forever.

Such a betrayal is nothing but a real betrayal, and it will be very difficult for a woman who even recklessly loves her husband to forgive him.

Female betrayal: is it worth it to open up to a man?

To decide on treason, a woman needs a VERY good reason. And the question of whether to tell a man about the fact of her campaign “to the side” or not depends only on what the woman wanted to achieve with her infidelity.

So, TOP reasons for female infidelity :

  1. Revenge. If a woman feels that she is being cheated on or knows for sure, she often decides to repay the man in the same coin. At the same time, she pursues the goal of attracting attention to herself and reviving her former passion. Not every woman will dare to make her husband a “cuckold”, moreover, it is not a fact that she will achieve the return of love and affection from her husband. And in her lover, she is often completely disappointed, so quite often, having had enough of new sexual relationships, a woman returns to her husband and loves him with renewed vigor, without telling him about her betrayals, trying to save her family.
    If the husband nevertheless found out about his wife's infidelity and forgave her, she will do everything possible to atone for her guilt.
  2. New love. To provoke a woman to treason can suddenly arise feelings for another man. She, of course, may not succumb to delusion and “drive away from herself” a new love, but if the new man turns out to be persistent, even an impregnable fortress can fall.
    In the case of true, mutual love, it makes no sense to hide betrayal from her husband. Often such “trips to the side” lead to the emergence of new alliances, which turn out to be quite happy and durable.
  3. Intoxication. Alcoholic or erotic - it doesn’t matter, but it rolls suddenly, like an obsession: as a result, a woman goes for treason. At the moment of infidelity, she is not embarrassed by the consequences, she is in the grip of momentary desire.
    After everything is over, she will most likely realize her mistake, admit her guilt, and never repeat it in the future. In this case, it is better to protect her beloved man from the unpleasant truth.
  4. Interest. Women who did not walk up in their youth, but, once married, realized that their husband was not such a chic lover as he dreamed of in his dreams, they decide to try something new and go for treason. Then everything depends on what has been achieved: if the betrayal ends with a stormy romance, passion and real feelings, it simply does not make sense to hide it from her husband.
    However, most often a woman is disappointed in her lover and returns under the wing to her lawful spouse, trying never to remember how interest led her to betrayal.
  5. Boredom. Women turn a blind eye to many things: they are able to come to terms with male habits, routine and the role of a housewife. But not everyone can withstand the constant absence of her husband at home. At the same time, many husbands are physically close to their wives, but morally they are outside the access zone.
    Naturally, a woman begins to look for a replacement for her husband: both moral and physical. Having told her husband about her infidelities, she will most likely lose him, and having kept silent, she will leave everything unchanged.
  6. Instinct. We've heard a lot about masculine instincts and polygamy, but many women also have a heightened sexuality. Especially during the period of ovulation, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when their libido rises to the maximum, and the desire to fertilize just rolls over.
    If during this period the beloved husband is not nearby, but there is a “male” who charms the woman with his charm, she can succumb and cheat on her husband. It is during the period of ovulation that most of the female infidelities occur.

Life after betrayal: is it easy to live after forgiveness of betrayal

Infidelity is in any case a family failure, to which, however, not all spouses react in the same way. Opinions about betrayal are different, therefore, any person will look for his own way of how to survive the infidelity of a loved one, and also decide whether to go further through life with him or part forever.

Those who, despite everything, have set themselves the goal of maintaining a relationship, should remember that simply “staying together” is most often not synonymous with family happiness. It is important not only to hush up betrayal and turn a blind eye to it, but to realize its causes and your position in this situation, to believe in the successful continuation of the joint life path, to get rid of resentment and fear of new betrayals. You should not take on the role of a victim: you need to be ready to work on yourself and on relationships within the family, to build mutual trust.

In order to get closer to each other again, you need to sincerely apologize and absolutely sincerely forgive, share the responsibility for damaged relationships equally, not be afraid to take a new step into the common future, be interested in the feelings of a partner and not be afraid to voice your own.

There are many couples who have gone through infidelity, but still stayed together, having come to terms with this fact, or forgiving their couple. Here it would be more appropriate to say that if you have already stayed together, having forgiven your partner for his mistakes, then be so wise that in later life you do not remind him of this unpleasant event and do not reproach him for the deeds of bygone days.

This is what determines selfless love and respect for your soul mate - the most important component of a strong marriage.

Recognition of treason and a statement of the fact of an extramarital affair are two fundamentally different situations in meaning.
In both cases, the betrayal is told in order to involve the other in resolving a difficult crisis situation and to relieve oneself of the burden of mystery and responsibility.

Why confess to treason?

1) When one of the spouses loves his “half”, and the extramarital affair was an accidental misunderstanding, then it’s hard to carry the secret burden of adultery and live under the pressure of guilt. I really want to confess to treason, be honest in my own eyes and get forgiveness.

2) If love for both women lives in the heart at the same time, then the soul simply cannot bear the burden of carrying two loves in itself. Indeed, in relation to each of them, “treason” is committed: at the moment when a man has a mistress - a betrayal of his wife, and when in a family - a betrayal of his mistress. There is a double heaviness. Then the confession of treason sounds like a cry for help: dear, help me cope with the temptation and heal from "love insanity." Release from such a burden, on the one hand, facilitates the situation - it removes the severity of split from the soul, but on the other hand, the situation becomes more complicated, as it requires a decision: to stay in the family and part with the mistress or leave the family for the mistress. in this case has a deeper meaning and more devastating consequences.

3) Often men and women do not want to dissolve the marriage, they just dream of "walking on the side" and at the same time save the family. In the absence of love for your spouse and desire to change the situation, it makes no sense to admit to cheating. In this case, the "traitor" chooses and either "lives in two houses", or constantly has various short-term connections on the side.

4) If one of the spouses decided to leave the family and create a new one, then this is no longer a confession of treason, but a statement of the fact of a change in life: love is changing, another marriage contract is being created and another family. Cheating happens where there is love and the desire to save the marriage. When a decision is made to change life, the person, as it were, announces that he is leaving the old marriage union in order to create a new one.

It happens that it is difficult to decide on the final step - the destruction of the family. Then a confession about a parallel life is necessary in order to shift the responsibility to the second spouse, who will push for a real change in life: he will collect things and put him out the door.

Of course, a confession of infidelity can become a reason for a showdown in order to end some relationship or justify their destruction. If there have been scandals in the family for several years, a lot of grievances, discontent, compromising evidence have accumulated, then confession of treason is a reason to throw out the accumulated.

Women often admit to cheating on demand, without even cheating. It so happens that the interrogation of her husband with prejudice makes a woman confess even to something that actually did not happen, if only to stop the torture and satisfy the desire and curiosity of her husband.

Unlike men's, it can proceed according to a different principle, have different mechanisms and lead to different consequences.

The very fact of adultery cannot be experienced just like that, something must change. After all, betrayal concerns not only the one who cheated and the one who was cheated on, but also all family members and even the social circle.
Will betrayal escalate into a fire in which families are destroyed and children suffer, or is there a way to localize it?

It is pointless to look for answers to all these painful questions from others (relatives and friends) - no one is ready to truly take responsibility for your feelings and your family.
It is much wiser to seek professional help from a psychologist.

Indeed, in any case, changes are already taking place and it is better to do everything possible so that they proceed as painlessly as possible, and you can get out of the situation with minimal losses and make this crisis a point of strengthening the family.

Male betrayal today will not surprise anyone. Moreover, in society there is no sharp condemnation of men for their campaigns on the side. The explanation of their polygamous physiology is most often limited to one phrase “He's a man!”, Which implies permission for treason. And, despite the fact that the betrayal of a husband is one of the most common causes of divorce in the world, most often men's fleeting hobbies are forgiven by their wives.

The attitude in society towards female adultery is the opposite. Since ancient times, a woman was considered a coaster, a keeper of the hearth. Her modesty, fidelity to her husband were considered the most valuable qualities. In some cultures, a wife could be executed for treason, more often a crowd threw stones at a traitor. Today, a woman who cheated on her husband does not expect such a severe punishment. But, if a man's infidelity is justified by nature itself, then female adultery is a complex concept that requires a detailed explanation.

The psychology of female infidelity

The nature of female infidelity can be explained by one phrase from an old anecdote: "It is not difficult to take someone else's wife away, it is difficult to return her back later." Although many wives deny that they can ever cheat on their spouse, in fact, statistics prove the opposite. A woman, unlike a man, is guided not by the physiological needs given to him by nature, but by feelings. Therefore, it is a married woman who is easiest to seduce and fall in love with herself. Against the backdrop of a stagnant relationship with a spouse and a lack of romance, it is very easy to awaken a woman's extinguished feelings. After all, every woman dreams of being loved and desired, and words for her are often more important than actions. Think about why at all times notorious romantics and vagabonds were revered by women more than sensible businessmen? Why do women leave a reliable spouse for a street bully? As already mentioned, women live with feelings, and cheating for them is an action dictated by their emotional sphere. No woman will cheat on her husband just because she liked the biceps or butt of her alleged lover. Among the causes of female infidelity lie deeper roots.

Common causes of female infidelity

So, why does the wife decide to take such a risky step? For many, this is, first of all, a step of desperation, a search for a way out of a situation, a solution to problems. The reasons for the wife's infidelity should be sought only in the family.

  • Trying to forget family problems. More than 10 years of marriage pass, the family has children, but there are certain problems that do not make a woman happy in marriage. Young girls are likely to file for divorce, and a woman who has decades of family life behind her will not dare to destroy the created world. Because of my own insecurities, because of my children, because of the fear of change. She will find an outlet in the form of a lover. But over time, this illusion will also be destroyed, a woman will realize that she is deceiving herself, first of all.
  • Satisfying your own ego. Psychologists say that an unmarried woman can be distinguished by her look, by a certain gleam in her eyes, an aura emanating from her. Having married, a woman loses these signs and becomes uninteresting for men. And the fact that she is married also repels fans from her. It is in search of male attention and romance that a woman decides to cheat. Moreover, often in such cases, it is she who becomes the initiator of extramarital relations.
  • Problems in sexual life. Intimacy plays a big role in family life. But over time, passion dulls, and many couples are overtaken by a crisis. Not trying to find a joint solution to this problem, the spouses find it on the side. Sexual dissatisfaction pushes for treason and wife.
  • Women's revenge. Cheating for this reason is a huge mistake. Having learned about her husband's infidelity, the wife, overwhelmed by feelings, under the influence of severe stress, goes for treason. But the result is a spiritual emptiness and, perhaps, even a broken marriage. After all, a man, unlike a woman, is not always ready to forgive betrayal.

  • New love. No matter how old a woman is, she constantly needs love and romantic courtship. And, if on her way she meets a seducer who will give her everything, then she, headlong, will rush into the maelstrom of new relationships.
  • Frequent separations. Long business trips of the spouse can also serve as a catalyst for the wife's infidelity. In this case, there are a number of reasons that contribute to discord in relationships: lack of attention, suspicion of the husband of infidelity, sexual dissatisfaction.
  • First love. As you know, first love leaves the strongest emotional memories in the soul. And if the object of youthful passion (provided that he did not drink too much, did not degrade) meets on the path of a woman, then her memory will excite past memories and the relationship will continue.
  • Marriage without love. Unfortunately, such marriages are becoming frequent in society. A childhood friend, by calculation, by flight - it is difficult to surprise with such reasons for getting married.

And another important aspect - a woman cheats not only with her body, but also with her soul. Therefore, if a break with a mistress is easy for a man, then for a woman such a choice is very difficult. And when such a situation occurs, it is very important to stop being guided by feelings, and start acting according to the arguments of the mind.

Signs of a cheating wife

The nature of a woman is such that it is difficult for her to hide the changes that are happening to her. The female powerful emotional sphere is again to blame for everything. Therefore, if the wife did not admit to infidelity herself, which often happens, her husband can find out about her romance by a number of signs:

  • the wife hides her phone from her husband, does not talk on the phone with him;
  • there were changes in appearance, the wife began to carefully monitor herself;
  • a woman has cooled off for sex, constantly finds a reason to evade intimacy;
  • the spouse has become emotionally distant;
  • she no longer cares about housekeeping;
  • absences from home became frequent, the wife also returns late from work;
  • any words or actions of the spouse now irritate the woman;
  • and the most important sign of infidelity is the appearance of brilliance in the eyes, mystery and riddles.

But no matter what reasons a woman is guided by infidelity, its consequences are, most often, very sad. What does a woman feel after her infidelity?

Most likely, an exorbitant burden of guilt will fall on women's shoulders. Even if the husband never learns about the fact of the committed betrayal, the wife will worry and suffer for a very long time because of what she has done. Because of the fear of condemnation and disclosure of secrets, a woman is unlikely to tell anyone about her act. But in such situations, it is best to speak out, cry on someone's shoulder. Being in this case herself and a lawyer, and a judge, and an executioner, a woman can easily reach a nervous breakdown. And then only a psychologist or a husband who forgave her can help.

The breakup of a family can also be a sad consequence of a wife's infidelity. Although, depending on which side to look at. If the marriage was already bursting at the seams, maybe it's not worth saving? And divorce is the only step to start life from a new leaf. As a rule, men do not forgive adultery. A man understands perfectly well that if his wife cheated on him, then she gave vent to feelings, which means that not only physical, but also spiritual betrayal occurred. This means that his wife does not belong to him. And rarely can a spouse forgive this. Therefore, the consequences of a wife's infidelity for her husband are always so categorical.

Another consequence of the completed adultery is a new relationship and, possibly, a new family. There are many such cases in life. Having met true love, a woman goes to her lover and gets married. In this case, we can say that life after the betrayal has become happier.

Thus, we can conclude that the reasons for adultery on the part of the wife lie in the search for love, warmth, attention and understanding, which she lacks in the family. Change occurs when the relationship has outlived its usefulness. Therefore, in order not to blame yourself for the destruction of the family, you need to do everything to save it before a woman decides to take a desperate step. If in her own husband she sees at the same time a protector, lover, friend, then there will not even be thoughts of betrayal.

Like everything in this life, betrayal comes into a woman's life not by chance. This is not just a betrayal of a partner. This is a desperate attempt of life to get through to you, to interrupt the lazy sleep of your inner world. The psychology of betrayal is a series of nuances that lead to severe pain.

women. Sometimes the very fact of what happened is a complete surprise for her, and sometimes it is only a confirmation of her conclusions from observations and conjectures.

Of course, betrayal is especially hard to endure when it falls like snow on your head. In this case, the comfortable and protected world of a woman, in which she completely trusted her partner, collapses, flying apart.

But life doesn't end there. We need to live on. Trust people and love them.

Tsunami of betrayal

The news of the betrayal of her husband undermines the foundations of trust in the female soul. The integrity of the couple's space is destroyed.

It is very difficult to restore the ability to trust a woman after this. Nothing and never will be in the union as before. This is the line, overstepping which, you can open the relationship in a new way, moving to a new level of their perception, or the connection will completely fade away on the spiritual plane - even if the partners remain to live under the same roof.

But nothing will ever be the same. With what was paired before the betrayal, you have to say goodbye. However, this crisis may become the option when the end is the beginning of a new one.

In anticipation of betrayal

Women always blame the man for everything. But after all, your partner did not come to this decision - to build a relationship with another woman - not suddenly. So there was a fire before that thick and suffocating smoke of defeat appeared.

What can a partner not notice in a life together with a man? What is the psychology of betrayal?

Very often, women emotionally wall themselves off from their partners without seeing it. They push a man out of their space, heart, soul, turning all their attention to work and hobbies or to children and girlfriends.

But it happens otherwise. A woman can become so lost in a man that she eventually loses herself and destroys her own personal boundaries. She literally strangles her partner with her all-consuming attention and love. And then he is forced to look for a breath of freedom on the side. And then another appears ... so tender, but independent ...

Or maybe you just initially chose a man, ... out of habit.

So it turns out that the psychology of betrayal is extremely simple: some men cheat, fleeing from next to their partner; others flee from her stickiness and attachment. Well, Don Juan simply cannot miss a single skirt.

The role of betrayal in the soul of a woman

Like everything in this life, betrayal comes into a woman's life not by chance. It is an indicator of the malaise of your soul.

To restore relationships and her trust after infidelity, a woman will have to take a different look at the very fact of what happened. This is not just a betrayal of your partner. This is a desperate attempt of life to get through to you, to interrupt the lazy sleep of your inner world. And while you see only deceit in treason men you will not be able to heal your inner balance and trust.

Of course, if your partner turns out to be very attentive and delicate, if he asks for your forgiveness, carefully treating your feelings, you will most likely restore your ability to trust ... and become dependent on the behavior of a man.

And if sometime minor waves appear on the surface of the relationship, the woman will again and again plunge into her dramatic experiences of the times of betrayal. It's a vicious circle.

Trust can only be re-formed at a new level! A return to the old life is impossible.

What is needed to jump to another layer of relationships?

Any spiritual transition is associated primarily with spiritual development, as well. You will finally have to admit that a man and his act are a reflection of your expectations and reactions repressed deep into the unconscious. And this means that there is no point in accusing a partner.

When you see the dark that was hidden in your psyche, when you realize how you yourself communicated with other people and how you hurt them, you will understand your man.

The ability to forgive

Try to remember when you behaved in life in the same way as your partner behaved with you. Why did you act like this? What drove you?

So, passing the awareness of your actions through the prism of the soul, you will be able to understand and forgive a man.

Forgiveness will become possible when you see in yourself what you do not like in your husband, what hurts you. By forgiving and accepting yourself, you can reconcile with your partner.

Yes, it's hard. Just like stop blaming your husband for everything. But the restoration of the soul's ability to trust will occur only after deep forgiveness and acceptance of a man.

And do not expect from him a calming and ingratiating behavior. You don't have to expect anything from anyone else. You need to deal with your suffering and shadows by yourself! A man can support you on this path, and no more.

Your husband is your teacher. messenger of karma. He again and again provokes your childhood pain to show itself and show itself on the outside. And the most powerful stimulant of pain is betrayal.

This is your chance to heal internally - only by following the path of spirituality, reflecting on your life, you can restore the ability to trust. And most importantly, take a chance and grow up through it, gaining self-confidence and strength. If you have chosen the path to go into the depths of pain, and not from it, then out of suffering you will feel ANOTHER yourself.
Not emotionally closed and unable to love and trust, but confident and therefore calm, able to love, trust and wait.
Remember that in a relationship, responsibility lies with each partner.

Open up to new opportunities that give you the ability to forgive and understand in order to reach new heights of trust and love in your union.

To understand at what stage your relationship is now, in what state they are, sign up for my.

With love,

Irina Gavrilova Dempsey

"How to create and save a family. Wise advice to husband and wife" The advice of saints, wise elders and experienced confessors will help to avoid many family troubles and create a strong and friendly family. Read "Secrets of Relationships" "About family life" That mysterious word "love" Read "Love" by Deepak Chopra Read

Chapter 13



I am often asked: “How do you help people save a marriage when one of the spouses is unfaithful? What do you say to spouses when this happens in life?” My approach to dealing with adultery relies on two words: be gentle but firm. People caught in the web of adultery need loving care, especially spouses who are cheating. At the same time, if you find yourself being cheated on, don't resort to tantrums or hand-wringing. If you want to save your marriage, then you need to take action.

Step one. Do you want to save your marriage?

First of all, ask yourself if you sincerely want to weather the family storm. It is possible that your marital relationship has been under threat for a long time, and you did not realize it. One or both of you have unmet basic needs that set the stage for adultery. The cheating spouse is tempted to blame the other party and (always prematurely and rather stupidly) just demand a divorce. For those who come to me for a consultation, I try to point out that the cheating spouse is not alone in everything. The betrayal begins with the fact that the account in the Bank of Love is slowly decreasing. Although this is rather unpleasant, the adultery victim is forced to ask: “How is it that my account in the Love Bank fell so much that adultery occurred? And what need have I not been able to satisfy?”

Step two. Don't delay action

Secondly, do not postpone everything for the future if you find out about the betrayal. You may not have been able to meet certain needs of your spouse, but this does not mean that you should lay down your hands and accept:

“Well, it’s good that he satisfies this need somewhere on the side.” As I said in chapter 1, marriage is an exclusive relationship in which two become one and must remain one, and three are already a crowd.

My counseling records include a surprisingly large number of cases where women simply put up with cheating on their husbands in order to stay married. Often people who have strong religious beliefs tell me, “My church doesn't allow divorce. God wants us to stay married. And the Bible clearly teaches that divorce is a sin.”

I agree with all of these statements because they are consistent with my own beliefs. At the same time, once infidelity has occurred, marital relations are undermined. What God has joined together, one of the spouses, man or woman, has already torn apart. If you want to connect again, you need to take certain actions. I urge the wife to take a particularly strong, independent position and speak out in favor of separating from her husband for a while until they can resolve this matter together. Whatever the wife does, she must clearly show the cheating spouse that she is not going to put up with the betrayal.

Step three. Find a good marriage counselor

When I propose this, I do not believe that I have developed the best new technique that will solve everything. Rather, I advise you to find a good family counselor for the same reason a person needs a good surgeon when they have appendicitis. Most likely, you will not be able to end the betrayal yourself. And you won't be able to solve the problem in two or three weeks. When I begin counseling a couple in this situation, I warn that we have at least a year's program ahead of us. I need to see the cheating man at least twice a week for a certain period.

I make my strict demand that the cheating spouse never date the person they are cheating with. In explaining this, I compare a spouse to an alcoholic. An alcoholic can hope for a cure only when he completely stops consuming alcohol once and for all. In much the same way, the only hope for a person involved in an extramarital affair is to create as much distance as possible between him and his mistress or lover.

Time and time again I find that people involved in adultery fail to completely and decisively break with their lovers. They try to meet again for a moment. But inevitably, everything ends with another act of treason. It seems that when they meet, some completely irresistible force binds them.

When it comes to cheating, I try to explain to the cheating spouse that when there is a love affair outside of marriage, the permanent influence of marriage still cannot be ignored. The cheating spouse will never stop feeling love for the other spouse whose account in the Love Bank remains constant, as there is very little reason to decrease it. And in order to reduce the account of the person with whom the spouse is cheating, this person must take some unpleasant or painful actions, but in most cases such negative actions are very difficult to create, and they do not occur spontaneously.

Anatomy of adultery

To illustrate the powerful drive to cheat, let's look at the anatomy of a typical adultery using Alex, Helen, and Harriet as examples.

Alex sighed as he walked over to the switch and turned off the lights. Then he kissed Helen on the cheek and said, "Good night, dear." Ellen didn't answer. She was already asleep. This did not surprise him. He knew how annoyed she would be if he woke her up to make love. He lay down and covered his head with a blanket. Long ago, Alex stopped feeling guilty about her refusing to sleep with him. He began to take it for granted, although once, even before the children appeared, Helen behaved quite differently.

The next morning, Alex made it to the 7:30 am train and met Harriet and Fred on the train, with whom he worked at the same firm. Opening the morning paper, Alex remembered that he had nothing to do during lunch and asked if anyone would like to have lunch with him. Fred apologized and said that he would need to leave town, and Harriet, a tall, slender woman, diligent and diligent, replied: "Come on, I'll have lunch with you." - "I haven't seen her for a long time," thought Alex. They went to college together, but then lost each other for a few years. from mind until they started working for the same company. Their friendship was rekindled a few months ago when they started working in the same department. And then they again began to work in different departments - Alex on the fifth floor, she - on the seventh.

You know, Alex told her over dinner. I'm glad Charlie left town today.

I’m glad too,” she agreed, smiling. “I’ve missed you since you started working two floors down. Perhaps we should have met earlier.

Yes, it was interesting to work on that topic. When they said goodbye, they agreed to meet again the following week. Soon lunch became a regular part of their daily routine. When Harriet gave Alex a book on computer programming, he gave her a modest but pretty bracelet a few weeks later. When he gave her the bracelet at dinner, her face lit up. Leaning over the table, she kissed him on the cheek.

Harriet, I'll be honest with you,” he said bluntly. “I need you more and more, and this is more than friendship.

I never shared my family problems with you.

You don't have to share them, she replied.

When I married her, I did not realize what I had decided on. I thought that we had common interests and would spend a lot of time together, but all this disappeared after about a year. Now she does her own thing, and I do mine. She doesn't want me to talk to her about work and complains that I don't make enough money. About half the time after I come home in the evening, it's like in a madhouse.

Harriet listened with attentive silence. Alex then went to her house to “talk”.

In the morning, when Alex woke up in Harriet's bed, he thought about how beautiful she looked. He kissed her on the shoulder and she smiled, opening her eyes. After that night, Alex and Harriet became literally obsessed with each other. Never before in his life had Alex felt such enthusiasm for love.

At first, Helen had only some weak assumptions, but soon, when he began to absent himself more often, her doubts turned into suspicion. At first he began to linger in the city in the evenings, and then stopped visiting on weekends. Eventually, one day, she decided to test her suspicions and called Jack, whom Alex said he planned to spend the evening with. Jack tried to convince Helen that her husband had not yet come to him, but this did not convince Helen. When she called later, no one answered the phone.

Helen recalled that she had heard Alex speaking very affectionately on the phone to Harriet about some computer project. She also knew that Harriet lived nearby and decided that Alex was probably with her. One Saturday, after Alex left, Helen asked the neighbor boy to look after the children and went to Harriet's house. When she pulled up to her house, she noticed Alex's car on the corner.

Helen stopped the car, found Harriet's apartment, and, gathering her courage, rang the doorbell. It was opened by Harriet, who was wearing a nightgown. Helen also found Alex there. Running out of the apartment, already in the car, Helen burst into tears. She automatically came home. Divorce was her only option.

When Alex returned, he noticed that Helen's car was parked with the engine running on the track. He turned off the ignition, put the key in his pocket and went home. He heard the children crying. Alex went upstairs, found Helen's room locked from the inside, and decided that the children needed to be calmed down first. He prepared a quick meal for them and put them to bed. Then he knocked on Helen again. They didn't answer him.

Helen, please, he asked softly. The lock on the door clicked and he saw Helen sitting on the bed, her eyes swollen with tears. He approached her.

I'm so ashamed, dear.

Don't you dare call me dear, she hissed.

But, Helen, I love you and the kids. You mean everything in my life. I don't understand how I could hurt you like that.

Again Helen began to cry, and Alex instinctively tried to comfort her.

Dont touch me! she recoiled and pushed him away. "How could you do that?" I do not want to see you!

Ellen, please, this will never happen again. I'm just crazy, please give me one more chance.

You are a liar! You lied to me all those evenings you supposedly spent with Jack! And don't lie anymore, you'll only make it worse!

You're right, I won't lie to you anymore. I can only promise that this will never happen again. You and the children mean a lot to me. It's all gone, Helen, honestly.

So they talked until about three o'clock in the morning. Alex asked Helen for forgiveness and for her to understand him, and Helen felt anger and rage. Eventually, exhausted and tired, she condescended to a temporary truce and allowed Alex into bed.

Over the next few days, Alex showed that he was to blame, and tried to calm Helen to some extent. By the end of the week, he had convinced her that it was just a temporary insanity that had caused him to cheat with Harriet, and that it would never happen again.

Alex stopped having lunch with Harriet, but he called her at the first opportunity:

I need to see you, but I can't do it now. I love you very much, but I don't know what to do.

Alex, I love you too, there can be no doubt about that, but I want you to save your marriage. I don't want to be the reason for the divorce.

Harriet, you are gold. Don't worry. Even if it ends in divorce, it won't be your fault.

Alex held out for two weeks, but then he met Harriet at dinner and said:

I can not stop thinking about you. I have never had anything like it in my life. And I know this will never happen again.

Harriet could only take Alex's hand and sigh. The following week, they met at Jack's apartment, and their relationship continued with renewed vigor. They even seemed to have gained even more energy stored in a week of separation. Then they began to meet for dinner every time it was possible. It was out of the question for Alex to stay in town for the night, because Helen would start to get suspicious again, but one Saturday afternoon, Alex managed to leave the house and come to Harriet's. He did not assume that Helen saw him and followed him. The same scene of jealousy was repeated, and Helen was completely desperate. She kicked Alex out of the house and filed for divorce.

Alex considered moving in with Harriet, but decided he didn't have to. Instead, he rented a room and realized that he not only missed Helen and the children, but that he needed to think about many other things, because he would be rejected by family and friends. He will need to pay a lot of money to lawyers, pay alimony. He also thought about his work. The company where he worked did not favor adultery and sought to save families. He could lose his job, or at least stop being promoted.

One evening, about a week after he left home, Alex called Helen:

At first Helen didn't know what to say. Maybe Alex is really right? Could it be that she is to blame? And Alex also wanted to seek help from a consultant.

All right, she finally answered. Let's try.

Before the end of the week, Alex returned home. Before that, he managed to briefly talk to Harriet, tell her that he still loved her, but could not agree to a divorce, at least not yet.

During the consultation, Alex tried to explain why he considered the marriage wrong and why he did not like Helen.

Alex, - said the consultant, - you need to clearly understand what, in your opinion, is wrong. Let's look at everything in detail.

Alex spoke about Helen's indifference to lovemaking, lack of interest in his career and unwillingness to relax with him. Then he told about endless quarrels, about domestic problems, although he never forced Helen to start working.

As Ellen listened, she wondered if most of the problems were really her fault.

The counselor then asked Alex to be completely sincere and asked if he still loved Harriet.

Yes, - answered Alex with shame and challenge. Alex, however, did not say that they were still seeing Harriet and dining at Jack's. But the consultant did not ask about it.

In the months that followed, Alex managed to attend counseling sessions and meet with Harriet at the same time. He deceived Helen and the consultant, assuring them that he was completely faithful to his wife. He learned to be more careful when meeting with Harriet.

How eternal is the “love triangle”?

Alex, Helen and Harriet seemed to be caught in an eternal triangle, and it's not hard to see how it happened. When Alex and Helen got married, their Love Bank account was at the usual level, but when their expectations were not met and their needs were met, Helen's account in Alex's Love Bank dropped significantly. After the first meal, Harriet's account in Alex's Love Bank grew significantly. Alex cheated on his wife and began to love two women instead of one. So he trapped himself. He couldn't do without any of them.

So, what will Alex, Helen and Harriet come to in such a situation? At the beginning of my practice, a person like Alex could deceive me, but in helping couples like Alex and Helen, I soon discovered they had a clear course of action. The cheating spouse could not give up his extramarital affairs. I tried various tactics and approaches, but nothing worked. I made the misguided spouses think for a while. I brought them together with pastors whenever possible for moral guidance. I worked from the premise that a new commitment would change the behavior of people like Alex. Experience has proven me otherwise.

Eventually I began to resort to the practice of total abstinence used in the treatment of alcoholics. If Alex and Helen came to me today, I would demand that Alex never see Harriet again. To make sure he keeps his promise, I would insist that Alex tell Helen where he will be. If Alex had become indignant and shouted that this was not fair, I would have answered him:

I know this sounds childishly unfair, but you have a very serious problem. You say you don't see Harriet anymore. If you are minding your own business, then you have no reason not to tell Helen about your plans. Let her be sure that she can contact you at any time. Moreover, you yourself should call her from time to time to find out what she is doing.

Does this 24-hour reporting really work? I assure you that it works better than just confidence in Alex. There is one serious drawback to this kind of background check on people like Alex. Helen's account in the Love Bank will grow slowly when she checks it all the time and when he needs to call her from time to time: in the beginning, such actions lead to a decrease in the account in the Love Bank, because they annoy Alex.

Obviously, we should not leave Alex alone with his feelings, but become more than just conversationalists. Usually the cheating spouse, faced with such circumstances, reacts to them with complete depression. He tries to save his marriage, but feels utterly oppressed. Now, separated from Harriet, with the person he thinks Alex loves dearly and with whom he achieves the fullness of his life, he feels trapped.

Step four. Start meeting each other's needs

The fourth step in my program, marital preservation, provides a way out of this trap. Both spouses must make a sincere effort to change their behavior for the better and meet the needs of the other. In the case of Alex and Helen, it was up to her. I understand that Alex cheated on her, but Ellen must come to terms with his needs and understand that they were not being met.

If all goes well, Helen will make herself more available to Alex in terms of love and start joining him when he wants to take a break. The ideal scenario is that she will read books about computers and programming in order to better understand what he does for a living. Will, in order to achieve complete perfection in this sense, provide him with domestic support and stop complaining that he earns little.

All this can take many weeks and months. Probably, Alex did not show enough tenderness for Helen, and that is why she rejected him in the sense of love. In addition, Alex will need to gain some skills and learn how to talk to Helen. Instead of just judging Helen for her lack of interest in computers, he should have gotten better at talking to her about her interests and feelings. Helen really misses the communication that Alex had with Harriet.

Obviously, Helen's basic female need for sincerity and openness in this case needs serious attention. Alex will have to work hard to regain his trust, and he can do it.

Step five. Realize it won't be easy

If I were Alex and Helen's consultant, I would pay special attention to Helen that she started a long and difficult journey. At first, she may expect small changes for the better as a result of her efforts, but she should not expect that as a result of all her changes in behavior, Alex will suddenly become more loving, caring and loyal. In fact, as I said, Alex will initially respond with depression. If he had sincerely described his thoughts, he would have told Helen that he spends a lot of time thinking about Harriet. Helen may even expect Alex to lie to her for a while. It will have to set the program of control in motion, otherwise change will never happen. If she refuses to control him, then soon Alex may be tempted to try to meet Harriet again.

Helen must absolutely fully understand and accept that no matter how she begins to satisfy Alex's needs, he will always love Harriet to some extent. Alex and Helen are able to resume their marital relationship. By beginning to satisfy each other's five basic needs, they can rekindle the flames of their fading love, but all efforts will not end the love between Alex and Harriet. It will smolder weakly, but will never go out. Just as an alcoholic remains addicted to alcohol for the rest of his life and yet never dares to taste it again, so Alex will love Harriet for the rest of his life, although he will never dare to see her again.

When I tell my wife that her cheating husband will always love his mistress, the typical reaction in this case is not joy and relief.

Why am I going to live with him? - they usually answer me.

Because you love him and want to save the marriage through the tough days, I reply. I have seen all this many times. You have to understand the fact that your husband will always love that other woman, but that doesn't mean that you and him can't have stronger love between each other. I want to say that maintaining a marital relationship is a difficult task. This is an incredibly complex problem, and it has no easy solutions.

Usually, the breakup of a man with his mistress is more difficult than the breakup of a woman with her lover. I don't know why this is happening. Perhaps women feel more uncomfortable when they love two men, while men are better at adjusting to these dual relationships. In the course of history, in a typical system of polygamy, men supported women, but most societies did not allow women to do the same. Sociologists usually acknowledge that this discrimination has economic justifications (men can support women, but women usually do not). But the reason may also be emotional: men like having multiple wives, while women don't like having multiple husbands.

When a man regains his wife after adultery, having learned how to meet her needs, he has little to worry about. My counseling experience has shown that when a cheating wife returns to her husband and sees that her needs are being met, she is no longer tempted by her former lover.

However, in the case of cheating husbands, we face more serious problems. I have seen husbands build new and wonderful relationships with their wives, but then return to their mistresses 56 years after what seemed to be the pinnacle of married life. When I ask them “Why?” they inevitably tell me that they miss this woman terribly. At the same time, they insist that they love their wife and do not want to leave her.

I think this man is telling the truth. He is in a hopeless trap, and he needs all kinds of help so that he is away from his mistress and remains faithful to his wife. I often recommend as the best approach that any man who has cheated on his wife at least once should come to me for a consultation once every 36 months, just to talk about how things are going and tell how he manages to be away from his mistress. He must condemn himself to spend the rest of his life without her, fully aware that he will miss her for the rest of his life. His desire will never disappear, and therefore he must never see his mistress. He definitely shouldn't work with her, they should probably live in different cities or states. And even with these restrictions, his desire to meet her remains.

Step six. Your marriage can be stronger than ever

In conclusion, I say to those who wish to maintain a marital relationship after infidelity that when they become completely in control of themselves, their love and marriage can become stronger than ever. My biggest problem is to convince people that such a state is worth any effort. A person who discovers that a spouse is cheating suffers one of the most severe blows to ego that he can only endure. A constant struggle begins, which makes both spouses emotional rivals. But once they've weathered the worst, they find they love each other like never before. Many couples tell me that they have created better love relationships than they would have if one of them's betrayal hadn't forced them into these constructive changes. They feel that infidelity ultimately did not destroy their relationship, but, on the contrary, improved them. Of course, infidelity is an amplifying trauma that ultimately forces spouses to work towards meeting each other's basic needs. Once you begin to meet these needs, your marriage becomes exactly what it should be.

In virtually every case I have counseled, when a couple faithfully follows the program I have suggested, they develop better relationships than ever before. People tell me that they can never love or trust their spouse again after being cheated on. And I know it's not true. It is a long and difficult process to restore relationships, but it is possible.