Galina Grossman's weight loss course reviews. Galina Grossman: diet and weight loss

Galina Nikolaevna Grossman is an extraordinary woman who has been dealing with the issue of figure correction for many years. What is Galina Grossman's diet? Does it help you lose weight?

Helpful information

Grossman's weight loss program is suitable for people of different ages and different genders, but it always adapts to the needs of the body. Interestingly, this technique can be used even in the presence of quite serious diseases. Like many competent weight loss methods, this diet is divided into 2 stages - main and additional. During the main stage, you will lose the main excess weight, and during the additional stage, you will consolidate the result. A special diet that combines protein with fiber promotes weight loss.

Diet plan

During the diet you will have to eat strictly by the hour: 9.00-10.00; 13.00-14.00; 17.00-18.00; 20.00-21.00. If a person works at night, then breakfast should be moved to the evening, and dinner to the morning. Acceptable sources of protein: fish, beef, chicken, turkey, shellfish, shrimp, beef liver, low-fat cottage cheese. You can also introduce eggs into your diet, but it is advisable not to overuse them.

During the active stage of weight loss, eat 100-150 g of lean protein food and 250 g of vegetables for breakfast (with the exception of starchy types - potatoes, etc.). You can supplement your morning diet with bread (30 g), tea with honey, as well as tomato juice, milk or low-fat kefir. Lunch can consist of protein broth, herbs, fresh vegetables (100 g), kefir or yogurt (150 g) and muesli (1 tsp). After lunch you can have a cup of tea, coffee or buttermilk. The afternoon snack (first dinner) should consist of fresh fruit (200 g) and a drink (tomato juice, tea, kefir). Last snack: prunes (5 pcs.) and half a serving of drink (tomato juice, tea, kefir).

Men should increase their food intake by 50 g. The diet can be compiled independently, taking into account individual food tolerance. It is advisable to eat plant foods raw, but if this option causes digestive problems, you can heat them. If you are intolerant to milk, it is better to replace it with fermented milk drinks. You cannot eat anything between meals, but you can drink water, coffee, tea. Drinks may be sweetened with sweeteners.

Every Thursday you will have to unload on the water. The optimal duration of food refusal is 36 hours. Before unloading (on Wednesday), you should cleanse your intestines. During water relief, you should drink hot liquid (you can add lemon juice). In addition to water, it is permissible to drink tea and coffee (without sugar and its substitutes). Friday morning should start with a glass of unsalted tomato juice. On any day of the diet, it is recommended to go to bed before 12.00 (if you do not work at night).

Psychological moment

In order not to forget that you are on a diet, Grossman invites his followers to make a “peg” - tie a thread on their hand. Looking at it, you will definitely remember that Thursday is dedicated to water, and the rest of the days are dedicated to healthy nutrition.

Additional Diet Stage

At the stabilization stage, the diet can be quite varied. You can eat cereals, soups, salads (season them with vegetable oil). Use dried fruits as a healthy addition. You can end each meal with something sweet (no more than 20 g). Three times a month you are allowed to eat everything without restrictions, controlling the portion size. The weight loss program should be supplemented with yoga, running, race walking, and dancing.


(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

If you have disadvantages associated with a certain amount of extra pounds, and you also want to fight them once and for all, then Galina Grossman’s diet will be your best assistant in solving this problem.

The aphorism “There must be many good people” has long lost its relevance

By adhering to the weekly menu according to Galina Grossman’s diet, without much effort it is possible to remove a large amount of hated kilograms from your body after just a month.

And you can be sure in the future that the lost kilograms will not return in the future.

Find out how easy it is lose 10 kg in a week on the watermelon diet!

What is Galina Grossman's diet based on?

The basis of Galina Grossman’s entire diet is a harmoniously selected meal. The entire course of the war against excess weight using this method should be divided into stages, as a rule, there are only two of them. For example, the first stage lasts at least 30 days and includes exclusively eating foods with protein and fiber. But the second stage should not exceed two weeks and during this period the diet becomes much more extensive.

Mostly for the first 30 days, Galina Grossman's diet(the menu for the week will be presented below) burns the largest amount of extra pounds unnecessary to the body. This action occurs because:

  1. In the nutrition mode during this period of time there is a minimum number of calories.

  2. Meals are scheduled strictly according to time.

Advantages and disadvantages of this diet

Water day is very important when following the Galina Grossman diet

If we begin to take a detailed look at the weight loss method that Galina Grossman advocates, we can highlight some of its advantages:

  • The menu for the week consists exclusively of products that are healthy and balanced with each other for the body losing weight, which means that throughout the entire diet of Galina Grossman, your stomach will not experience discomfort, which means it will not go hungry either.
  • This method of combating excess weight is suitable for absolutely every person, since it not only burns fat, but also helps the body in the recovery process (removal of waste and toxins, normalization of blood pressure, strengthening of the spinal joints and much more). For hypertensive patients, a salt-free diet for weight loss is also suitable, reviews of which can be viewed by clicking on the link.
  • Exactly following all the recommendations while following Galina Grossman’s diet will allow you not only to defeat a huge number of hated fatty deposits, but also no longer worry about the fact that they may come back.

As for the disadvantages of this diet, they are practically absent. Perhaps the most important disadvantage in this war on fat is that absolutely any meal is strictly according to the clock.

This is not always a convenient way of eating and therefore can cause discomfort in a losing weight person who follows this method.

What foods can you eat during the Galina Grossman diet?

Perhaps the most common question among all people losing weight is how many pounds of fat they can lose using one or another weight loss method. For example, Galina Grossman’s diet (according to the correct menu for the week) will help you burn about eight kilograms in a month.

If your weight was initially very high, then there is a high chance that you will be able to lose 15 kilograms over the same period. All calculations are based only on the initial weight of the person losing weight; the more it is, the greater the process of losing fat deposits.

At the first stage of Galina Grossman’s diet, it is allowed to eat meat and fish, which contain a minimum percentage of fat, vegetables in any quantity, any fermented milk food, unsweetened fruits and freshly squeezed juices from them, tea and coffee without added sugar, as well as a small amount of black bread.

In the second stage, that is, two weeks, you are allowed to diversify your daily diet with the following products:

  1. Rarely and in a small amount of oil (preferably in a dry frying pan) lightly fried meat or fish.

  2. You can consume no more than 50 grams of sweets in one week; it is best to divide this amount into three doses and scatter them on different days of the week.

  3. Sweet fruits and juices from them are added, but in moderation.

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Read the entry: How to lose weight by eating low-calorie meals from the simplest foods.

How to lose weight without harming your health

To prevent sagging skin during a diet, exercise is necessary.

For Galina Grossman’s diet to be effective and bring the desired result, you must remember that Each meal is strictly timed.

Breakfast should take place no earlier than 9 am and no later than 10 am. Lunch strictly from one to two in the afternoon. There should be two dinners. The first takes place from five to six o'clock in the evening, but the second from 9 o'clock in the evening and ends no later than 10 o'clock in the evening.

The best friend of any person who is on a diet should be water, so Galina Grossman advises using water in very large and unlimited quantities in her method.

With a sudden loss of a large number of extra pounds, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby. In order to avoid this, you must regularly visit the gym for the entire period of the diet. This will not only allow fat to disappear faster, but will also help keep the body in good shape.

In addition, it is mandatory to have fasting days at least once a week. Fasting days are based solely on taking only liquid throughout the day.

It can be either water with minerals, but without gas, or kefir or any other liquid.

Menu for the week


  1. First breakfast- an omelette made from two whites and one yolk, you can add chopped herbs.
  2. Lunch- one glass of freshly prepared juice.
  3. Dinner– red borscht made only from vegetables and two small baked potatoes.
  4. First dinner- salad only from green vegetables.
  5. Second dinner- fish without fat and steamed vegetables.


  1. First breakfast– one glass of grapefruit juice or can be replaced with orange.
  2. Lunch- skim cheese.
  3. Dinner– soup, no more than 300 g. any vegetables, in the form of a salad, or low-fat yogurt as a dessert.
  4. First dinner– your choice of cheese or red fish, as well as vegetables and fruits, you can use a glass of kefir 1%.
  5. Second dinner- only dried fruits.


  1. First breakfast- one boiled egg and vegetables.
  2. Lunch- rye bread with milk of the lowest fat content.
  3. Dinner- any liquid dish, but only with vegetables and without meat, as well as vegetable salad with lean meat.
  4. First dinner- cottage cheese without fat content.
  5. Second dinner- vegetables, kefir.


Every Thursday should be a fasting day, that is, only liquid is consumed throughout the day. Eating food is strictly prohibited.


  1. First breakfast- steamed vegetables, tea and a small amount of honey.
  2. Lunch- kefir 1% and a piece of black bread.
  3. Dinner- vegetable stew, steamed meat.
  4. First dinner- yogurt without fat.
  5. Second dinner- vegetables, can be in the form of salad, tea.


  1. First breakfast- oatmeal with honey.
  2. Lunch- one tomato or a glass of juice from it.
  3. Dinner

Galina Grossman is a famous nutritionist and author of weight loss techniques. During the experiments, she developed a special diet, thanks to which you can successfully lose weight. Currently, Galina Grossman’s weight loss method is quite popular among men and women of all ages who want to lose excess weight.

The weight loss system according to Galina Grossman provides a complete and balanced diet, thanks to which you can lose unnecessary pounds in just a month.

The exact date of birth of Galina Nikolaevna Grossman is unknown, but followers of her diet say that it doesn’t matter how old she is, what matters is how she looks. And if you consider that she devoted about 40 years to scientific and practical work alone, and look at her photo, then the answer is obvious: for her age, this woman looks simply amazing.

Galina Nikolaevna was born in Estonia. After school, she entered the biochemistry department of Krasnoyarsk State University. She defended her thesis on the influence of phytoncides of taiga plants on entomopathogenic fungi. Her work has been published in academic journals, she has participated in various conferences in the following disciplines:

  • ecology;
  • Protection of Nature;
  • medicine;
  • pedagogy;
  • physiology;
  • microbiology;
  • Physiography.

In the mid-90s, she founded the Center for Human Biology and Ecology. Since its foundation, active scientific work has been carried out there, which was devoted to the problem of excess weight, as well as other human addictions.

Currently, on the website “Losing Weight-99” you can familiarize yourself in detail with Galina Nikolaevna’s articles, as well as sign up for thematic author’s courses.

Galina Nikolaevna Grossman: diet and its description

The weight loss system developed by Doctor of Biological Sciences Grossman is based on the biocompensation method. According to the author, this technique not only heals the body, but also rejuvenates it.

The diet does not include giving up key foods; it remains varied and includes four meals a day. It also eliminates various types of exhausting physical activity; you do not need to take all kinds of medications and nutritional supplements.

Starting from the first day of this diet, fats begin to burn and leave the human body in a natural way - through breathing, sweat or urine. In a month, on average, women can lose up to 15 kilograms of weight, and men - up to seventeen. The diet also has a healing effect on the body, because already in the first few weeks the following is noted:

  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • sugar content is normalized;
  • cholesterol levels are reduced;
  • sleep is normalized;
  • signs of diabetes disappear.

This diet also has a positive effect on appearance:

  • the waist becomes toned;
  • the face becomes younger;
  • the skin becomes even and smooth.

The Grossman diet occurs in two stages:

  • within a month, the menu should include fiber and protein foods;
  • then two weeks are allotted to exit the diet; during this period, the range of the menu expands noticeably.

The most intensive weight loss occurs in the first phase of the diet, since the menu is formed on the basis of low-calorie foods, and food intake is carried out strictly according to the clock. This approach allows you to quickly and painlessly lose weight, it is suitable even for those who suffer from various diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of Galina Grossman's diet

Compared to other methods of losing weight, this diet has many advantages:

There is only one drawback to this method - the need to eat food strictly by the hour. If a person has a busy work schedule, then this can be a problem.

What products are allowed

Most people who want to lose weight are primarily interested in how many kilograms can be lost during one course of such a diet and what foods can be eaten.

So, you should definitely take your initial weight into account. The larger it is, the faster a person can lose weight. On average, you can lose 8-15 kilograms within a month.

At the first stage of the program, the following products are allowed:

At the second stage, such products are supplemented;

  • fried meat or fish;
  • sweets (50 grams three times a week);
  • more fruits and juices.

Diet rules

Sample menu and recipes

So, what could be the menu for this diet? During the first stage, which lasts a month, the menu may be something like this:

The second stage of the diet is stabilization, at this time there is an exit from the diet. The nutritional rules at this time are as follows:

  • also eat by the hour;
  • add fried and sweet foods to your diet, but no more than three times a week and in limited quantities;
  • We do fasting days twice a month;
  • salads are seasoned only with vegetable oil;
  • Don't forget to eat cereals and soups on a regular basis.

Diet recipes

To prepare dietary meat soup, you need to boil beef or chicken in water. When the broth boils, add chopped onions and carrots. About 10 minutes before readiness, add greens to it. Serve to the table in this form.

To prepare the salad, you need to chop white cabbage, as well as chop tomatoes, tomatoes, dill and parsley. Mix the ingredients and season with lemon juice.

You can bake beef in the following way:

Weight loss results and reviews

There are practically no negative reviews about Galina Grossman and her weight loss method on the Internet. Experts note it as effective, safe and versatile. And in order not to gain weight again after leaving the diet, you just need to limit yourself to fatty and sweet foods, and also sometimes do fasting days.

Typically, losing weight looks like this:

  • a person intensively loses weight during the first month, his blood pressure returns to normal and his well-being improves;
  • In the future, the body is fully cleansed of waste and toxins.

Exit from the Grossman diet is provided already at its second stage and can last from two weeks to a month.

As for the reviews of those losing weight, we present some of them.

Thanks to the Grossman nutrition system, I easily lost almost 15 kilograms within a month. Now I eat healthy and exercise regularly to keep myself in shape.

Marina, Kazan

My initial weight was almost 90 kilograms. After I started following the Grossman diet, within a month I lost more than 10 kilograms, and this is an excellent result, in my opinion. There is no need to go hungry, and due to the fact that meals occur at certain hours, the body is constantly full and does not crave sweets.

Larisa, Ivanovo

I can’t say that the result was great, but even 10 kilograms in a month is nothing at all. A huge plus of this diet is that you don’t have to starve, like many others.

Irina, Tambov

Such a nutritional system has a positive effect on a person’s health; he can not only lose excess weight, but also improve his health.

Attention, TODAY only!

We scoured the entire Internet to find negative reviews about Galina Nikolaevna Grossman and the Grossmann Center- a unique center for weight loss and rejuvenation. We wanted to expose this woman, but it didn’t work...

Fortunately or unfortunately, we never found not a single openly negative review about the methods of Dr. Galina Nikolaevna Grossman!

Yes, there were some negative comments on forums and on YouTube, and they mainly related to organizational and technical aspects of training at the center. For example, some of the subscribers and students were unable to download a book on Biolifting, see, someone did not receive an email or the email ended up in spam, the site did not work, they could not connect to the webinar, someone was not answered on time in the support service and other points.

There were also unfounded and inadequate comments and messages on forums from people who, for example, called Galina Nikolaevna “grandmother” or “old woman.” This is stupid and shows the disrespect of such “clever people” for a person who has devoted her whole life to studying the structure of the human body and the laws of health, youth and harmony. You shouldn’t pay any attention to such comments at all, they are not to the point and are written by slackers. We will tell such “smart guys” - let’s see what you will look like at 80, 70, 60 and even at 50, if you live, of course, and if we live))

Regarding Grossman’s diet, there were comments regarding the fact that in order to lose weight you need to give up confectionery and sweets. Yes, this really is in the diet. But at the same time, the diet itself gives simply fantastic results (below, see photos of girls and women BEFORE and AFTER the diet).

But we didn’t find any directly negative reviews about Galina Grossman, her methods of weight loss and rejuvenation, and her training center on the Internet!

We must understand that we are all human and we all have failures. Moreover, being the head of such a huge weight loss and rejuvenation center as the Grossmann Center is not easy. The center is actively developing and every month teaches thousands of people around the world to become young and beautiful, lose excess weight without heavy physical exercise and stress, rejuvenate their face and whole body through proper nutrition and energy.

By the way, if you still haven’t downloaded Galina Grossman’s book “Biolifting of the abdomen” and video lessons on losing weight and rejuvenating the body, then do it right now on the official website of Dr. Galina Grossman!

Also, download and watch the unique video course “6 Steps of Healthy Weight Loss” from Galina Grossmann right now:

The technique described in the book “Biolifting of the abdomen” and in the video course “6 Steps of Healthy Weight Loss” allows you to lose 8-15 kilograms in a month or look 5-10 years younger without heavy loads, pills and diets. You don't even have to use willpower!

According to this method, you don’t have to run in the morning or go to the gym to lose weight and become slim and young. Yes, we are all different and each person initially has individual physiological data, different weight, metabolism, lifestyle, but practice has shown that by studying according to Galina Grossman’s method, you can lose an average of 8-15 kilograms in the next month and will be able to look younger 5-10 years in the near future. The results of people of different ages - from 20 to 80 years old - confirm this! Try it too!

At Galina Grossman /Grossmann/ There are many programs aimed at skin rejuvenation, weight loss, elimination of cellulite, etc., but we advise you to start your path to a beautiful, healthy, slim and young body with the free book “Biolifting the Abdomen.” Download the book and start losing weight today!

The only thing is that you definitely need a period of stabilization after losing weight. I didn’t go through it and after a month the 4 kilograms began to come again... and the skin began to turn red, as before. But my mother underwent stabilization. And now her weight is kept at the desired level and floats a maximum of a kilogram back and forth. No more. Mom looks great! And it’s been two years since the diet!

Now I’m losing weight again according to Galina Grossman’s program with the intention of going through all stages of the diet))

I highly recommend watching Galina Grossman’s video. I’m only telling you about the diet, but you also need to write a program for yourself, watch an energy session, a session for a water day, Grossman lipolytics...

Above I posted BEFORE and AFTER photos. These are the only photos that I have after Galina Grossman’s weight loss program. The quality is not very good, but it is enough to see: THERE ARE WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS!

This review and photos were left by a user of the site “Megala”

Comment from a women's blog:

Galina Nikolaevna, I listen to you and am getting younger before my eyes, I really want to look young and will always be with you. Thanks a lot!

Nina, 2013

Review of Galina Grossman's diet:

I tried Galina Grossman’s diet a couple of years ago, when I was on maternity leave. The choice fell on the diet of Galina Nikolaevna Grossman, since her diet is not stressful for the body, is designed for a long time and you can eat a wide range of foods. In the first month of the diet, I lost 5.5 kg, my waist decreased in size by 7 cm, and my hips by 5 cm. My overall health improved, my weight dropped, the load on my joints decreased, and my knee stopped hurting.