Why HIV and AIDS should no longer scare us. “I had three intensive care units and a heart attack”: Stas Piekha accused his mother and grandmother of drug addiction. The life and state of health of Edita Piekha at the moment

Popular Russian performer Stas Piekha was forced to stop his singing career indefinitely due to hospitalization. He was admitted to the hospital due to an exacerbation of pancreatitis. Now the singer is under the supervision of doctors and undergoing the necessary examinations. His life is not in danger, and the artist will resume his performances as soon as he recovers.

Popular performer Stas Piekha spoke about his hospitalization

Stas Piekha is a popular performer in the Russian Federation and abroad. He gained his fame in 2004, while participating in such a popular program as “Star Factory”. It is not surprising that Stas chose the profession of a performer. He grew up in a musical family. His grandmother Edita Piekha and mother Ilona Bronevitskaya were also popular pop singers in their time.

In mid-October, namely on the 14th, Stas scared his fans with a post on the social network Instagram. Piekha posted a photo where he is depicted in a hospital room with an IV in his hand. In the information under the photo, the artist spoke about his hospitalization.

Stas Piekha explained that he was not terminally ill, he would perform in the future, but due to his busy schedule, he did not have time to focus on his health. At the moment, he is awaiting a second wave of examinations and doctors’ conclusions on further treatment.

In the comments under the post, Stas Piekha explained that he was hospitalized due to acute pancreatitis. Now he is enjoying the warm autumn days and conducting additional examinations.

Stas Piekha responded to ill-wishers about the connection between his stay in the hospital and drug addiction

Stas Piekha admitted that he had problems with drugs in his life. He smoked, drank, and also took illegal substances. The singer associated all his addictions with the lack of attention from his family in his youth. He got involved with bad companies and tried drugs, which resulted in an addiction.

In the comments under Stas Piekha’s post, one girl expressed her opinion about the reasons for hospitalization. In her version, she suggested that if a person suffers from drug addiction and ends up in the hospital, then this is definitely connected. Stas Piekha did not remain silent. In order to prevent the spread of rumors and speculation, he explained that he was suffering from acute pancreatitis. Stas also added that he has been living with drug addiction for quite a long time, and his successful treatment for this disease is not carried out in hospitals. Stas Piekha added that one should not slander people about whose lives nothing is known.

Stas Piekha spoke about how his family found out about drug addiction

The artist associates his problems with drugs with a lack of attention from people close to him. His mother and grandmother are famous Soviet and Russian artists. Due to their work and busy schedules, they were absent from the child’s life. He did not immediately tell them about his problem. This happened completely by accident.

He was urgently hospitalized in one of the Moscow clinics with suspected acute pancreatitis. According to the 38-year-old artist himself, he is forced to temporarily interrupt his concert activities and pay attention to his own health. Now Piekha is under the supervision of doctors and hopes that he will quickly recover and recover. On his Instagram, Stas Piekha published a photo where he looks at the camera and makes an “okay” gesture with his fingers.

“I will live and sing too. Global changes will not follow - perhaps adjustments in nutrition, regime and loads,”

- said the musician. He also lamented that he needed "a good reason" to start "practicing self-love." Piekha expressed the hope that “this lesson will be enough for him.” Now the singer will be treated and “go through a full checkout (examination - Gazeta.Ru).”

So far, Stas Piekha has not commented on what exactly happened to him. Fans of the artist’s work also ask questions about the reasons for his poor health and wish Piekha a speedy recovery.

Recently, Piekha spoke in one of his television programs about difficult relationships in the family - since childhood he lacked parental attention, since his mother was constantly on tour, and his grandmother also performed on the stage all the time.

As a result, Stas “was left to his own devices” and fell into bad company, where he became acquainted with tobacco, booze and even drugs early on. He said he always wore long sleeves to “hide the needle marks.”

The secret became clear as a result of an almost tragic incident. One day Piekha fell asleep with a cigarette in his mouth, set fire to the apartment and almost burned down in a fire. The young man survived, but “the sweater burned, and his mother saw his injections.”

The singer noted that he was offended by his family - he did not feel loved and needed, they “rarely gathered at the big table.”

Stas Piekha is quite an active Internet user. Thus, the artist has profiles on Facebook and Instagram, Stas actively communicates with fans online. True, according to his principle, “he does not personally add strangers as friends.” There is also an official group of the artist and many fan groups dedicated to Stas on VKontakte.

In 2004, Stas Piekha successfully passed the casting and became a participant in the First Channel television project “Star Factory - 4”. It was on this project that his first hit was recorded - the song “One Star”, written by the composer.

At the very beginning of the project, when all the participants filled out the forms, Stas said that he would like to sing a duet with Valeria. The recording was a success, and the song “Let Me Go” in a duet with the singer was performed at one of the reporting concerts of the TV show. As a result of the competition, Stas entered the top three winners of the project, receiving as a prize the production of a solo album, filming of a video at the expense of the TV channel and a scooter.

During his career, Piekha recorded three albums, 15 video clips and visited dozens of cities in Russia and the CIS countries on tours.

Piekha also participated in politics: in 2012, he was officially registered as a confidant of the presidential candidate of the Russian Federation, at that time the prime minister. In 2017, Stas Piekha became one of the jury members of the new international children's vocal project “You are Super!” on .

According to Piekha, he is “absolutely not a brave person,” the artist reported in an interview with the portal Tele.ru. “That’s why I did reckless things - to prove to others that I was capable of something. Brave people are quite calm, but I went to great lengths just to get out of my comfort zone and get some adrenaline. I was completely crazy and out of control at some point in my life - I drank, smoked, used drugs, left home,” said the artist, adding that he survived literally “by a miracle.”

Piekha added that family intervention and the intervention of doctors saved him from death. And most of those with whom he was friends and used drugs in his youth have already died. Now his “limit of luck” has come to an end, the singer believes, and he is responsible for his family - especially for his son. That's why he doesn't play with life anymore.

“I feel bad, I cough terribly. I just can’t recover, and the hospital doesn’t have the necessary medications. There is no one to go to the pharmacy. Every day someone calls and asks if I’m alive or if I’m dead? And I answer: “You won’t wait.” Although the disease is very difficult,” the singer complained.


The journalists decided that if relatives do not care about their loved one, then they themselves should help Edita Stanislavovna. Having collected the necessary medicines and the singer’s favorite flowers, representatives of the “You Won’t Believe” program decided to help the people’s artist.


Now Piekha is in the cardiology department, but according to the singer, this is not related to heart problems. “I am in cardiology not because of heart problems, but because the hospital simply does not have a department for patients with bronchitis. Now I’m lying on the bed in a robe, all disheveled. But as soon as I get myself in order, I will definitely get in touch with my fans,” the artist admitted.


Stas Piekha confirmed that his grandmother is in the hospital with bronchitis. But the singer is not going to change his tour schedule for the sake of a sick relative. He noted that Edita Stanislavovna had nothing serious. According to him, she has a normal acute respiratory infection and therefore he is not at all worried about her.

Edita Piekha is already 80 years old, the singer admits that it is getting harder and harder for her to go on stage every time. But she cannot give up performing and continues to delight the audience. At the same time, at several concerts Piekha sang while sitting on a chair and each song was given to her with great difficulty. So maybe it’s not just ordinary bronchitis, as she’s trying to assure everyone?

In 2014, Stas Piekha became a father. Model and DJ Natalya Gorchakova gave the popular singer a son, Peter. Piekha doesn’t hide it. that you don’t see your baby often. “He’s sick now, and probably in a couple of days we’ll be able to visit him. He and his mother also travel a lot. They’ve been to Spain, St. Petersburg, Belarus. Now, thank God, in Moscow. Of course, we need to see each other more often. Of course, I do everything that is required by the state and the family in terms of supporting the child. But, of course, this does not replace communication with my father. I understand this, I always try to visit him between tours. Petya already says, however, I don’t always understand yet his language. He is very inquisitive and active,” said Stas.


According to the singer, Petya loves music very much. He even sways in different directions, as if dancing, and includes facial expressions. "But at this age - and he is not yet three - it is too early to talk about any talents. It seems to me that this will be clearer a little later. But now he is doing a little of everything. He is going to kindergarten, where they will be taught languages, logic, design and so on,” Woman Hit quotes the artist.

Currently, Stas Piekha is an eligible bachelor. According to the singer, he does not have a specific image of what a potential chosen one should be. "Of course, there are some moments like that she should take care of herself and be pretty... But, probably, everyone will say that. The intellectual basis is undoubtedly important. Not necessarily a doctor of sciences - God forbid! But the most important thing is unity of views, energy and the desire to develop,” said Stas.

And for Piekha, honesty in relationships with a girl is important. “I will not tolerate manipulation. Honesty is very important. I am careful in what I say and how I do it, because every person wants to hear something pleasant. And, I must admit, I myself can’t stand critics. There are enough of them around, including in the virtual space, but in a relationship with a girl I don’t need another critic,” summarized Stas Piekha.

In the last century, AIDS was a terrible monster that killed 40 million people worldwide. But things are changing, and now HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is no longer a death sentence. Most HIV-positive people with access to modern medicines will live completely normal lives. Scientists have found several more reasons to be happy about how the fight against this terrible disease is going:

There is a patient who recovered

One of the biggest breakthroughs. Timothy Ray Brown was diagnosed with HIV in 1995 and immediately began taking antiretroviral therapy for suppression. In 2006, he was diagnosed with leukemia and underwent two bone marrow transplants. The new stem cells were resistant to HIV, so after treatment he stopped taking antiretroviral therapy. 10 years have passed, and his condition remains stable, and most importantly, there are no signs of the virus in his body.

HIV is no longer a death sentence

Between 1988 and 1995, 78% of those infected with the virus died from causes directly related to AIDS. However, by 2009 this figure had dropped to 5 percent! Today, taking therapy, you can expect an average life expectancy.

AIDS is no longer a gay disease

One of the biggest misconceptions is that HIV and AIDS are gay men's diseases, particularly because it has been found more often in men. The very first cases of HIV infection among citizens of the USSR occurred as a result of unprotected sex with African students in the 70s, and the widest resonance occurred after an outbreak of infection among gay men in the early 90s. However, people now know that anyone can become infected with HIV without having to have unprotected sex with a man, and not all gay men are necessarily sick.

It's possible to find a point where you don't infect anyone

If an HIV-positive person takes medications as prescribed, they may reach a point called an “undetectable viral load.” This means that there is no active virus in his blood, which significantly reduces the risk of disease transmission: it remains, but tends to zero.

Now there's no shame in discussing this

Stigma and taboos associated with HIV have hampered the fight to eradicate the virus. For example, the media wrote that this is “a disease common in the West among prostitutes, homeless people and homosexuals.” Now any teenager has the idea that the virus can be caught even at a dentist’s appointment.

Of course, statistics in Russia are not yet on our side: in 2016, 5.3% more new cases of HIV infection were registered than in 2015 - 103.4 thousand. Some officials continue to link the virus to sex and drug use and prohibit discussion of these topics.

However, thanks to large-scale campaigns, as well as the work of charities, the new generation is quite well versed in what is true and what is false. Knowledge of treatment options is increasing, and people around the world understand that anyone can be at risk and are getting tested regularly. By the way, this may be why the numbers are so different: more and more people are learning how important it is to get checked regularly.

A generation will soon grow up that will not know about this disease.

Because countless advances in treatment, as well as the difficulty of transmitting the virus, make the phrase “the end of AIDS” a realistic goal. The UN has already published a report on what is required to end the epidemic by 2030. In my opinion, these are quite good timing:

24-hour free state information hotline on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment 8-800-200-5555 (toll-free)