How to increase the width of a man's Celentano. Effective ways to enlarge the penis at home

Medication correction

Today, microsurgical and surgical techniques for this purpose use the transfer of tissue from other parts of the man’s body and implantation of them under the skin of the penis. One of the options for such an operation is the transfer of a complex of subcutaneous adipose tissue from the gluteal fold. In this way, you can increase the diameter of the organ by one, maximum two centimeters.

The surgeon places the tissue under the skin of the penis along the entire length. It turns out to be a kind of wrapping of it. The skin harvesting sites are sutured so that they are almost invisible. The suture is placed intradermally. Thus, thickening is achieved by adding skin from another part of the body to the organ. If the patient wants to increase the thickness of the penis by more than one centimeter, the surgeon uses another intervention option. This is microsurgical thickening using muscle tissue transfer. The operation, compared to the previous one, is much more complicated. It lasts a long time, and the recovery period after it is not easy. But the more complex the task, the more difficult it is to achieve it.

Therefore, when deciding to carry out such operations, you need to think carefully, take into account their complexity, high cost, and length of the recovery period. The risk of possible complications after the intervention must also be taken into account. After all, nature does not like such intrusions, and even into such a subtle sphere. Sometimes, as a result of such correction of the penis, tuberosity may appear. More often, complications arise in the form of wound infection, bleeding, and prolonged swelling of the penis. There may be a temporary or permanent decrease in the sensitivity of the head of the genital organ, and the occurrence of pain during erection.

Late complications of such operations are considered to be shortening of the organ, changes in the angle of erection, instability of the penis during sexual intercourse, and necrosis of the injected tissues (muscle and subcutaneous fat). Often a man complains of erectile dysfunction and deformation of the penis.

And the most important thing. In half of the cases, men say that the result of the operation does not meet their expectations.

However, there are those willing to take risks. And, despite the surgeons’ warnings, such patients believe that all these warnings will not affect them.

Increasing the thickness of the penis with an extender

This method is safer. An extender is a special device that enlarges the penis. It was created taking into account the developments of outstanding sexologists who have been looking for a solution to the above problem for decades. The original purpose of creating an extender was to increase the length of the manhood. But practice shows that along with lengthening, the thickness of the penis also increases. This occurs due to the pumping of muscle tissue. Essentially, the increase occurs proportionally. It is impossible to lengthen an organ without a concomitant increase in its diameter.

The essence of the extender’s work is simple. The penis is extended thanks to a specially designed mechanism. If you follow the instructions exactly, the procedure will be painless. Changes are achieved due to the natural function of the body to increase the number of those cells that are affected.

Exercise and massage

These are the most accessible and safest ways to achieve your goal.

To perform a special exercise, you must use lubricant so as not to injure the penis. The procedure should be carried out in case of incomplete erection, avoiding acute pain. You need to squeeze the base of the penis with your left hand and slowly move forward towards the head. When you reach her crown, take the penis with your right hand and move forward in the same way. That is, with your hands you create the effect of milking (pulling). At the same time, you need to concentrate on the desired result.

Massage is a simpler procedure. These are circular rotational movements from the base to the head of the organ. They need to be done after preliminary lubrication of the organ. The procedure is carried out daily, systematically. It must be completed for two months. It is recommended to simultaneously take dietary supplements to stimulate metabolic processes in the body.

It is so arranged that a person is not always satisfied with what he has. The girl, being the owner of curvy figures, is constantly trying to lose weight - endless diets, grueling workouts.

Or having curls, she constantly uses a flat iron to straighten them. Not only representatives of the weaker half of society are dissatisfied with their appearance. This also applies to men.

Perhaps the most common problem among representatives of the stronger half of society is the small size of the penis. The second most common problem is potency. As you understand, these two topics are interconnected. Therefore, the question in the vastness of the World Wide Web: “How to enlarge the penis?” occurs quite often. The well-known saying “There was no sex in the USSR” did not indicate its actual absence, otherwise we would not exist now. Most likely, it testified to the lack of education of society in such topics. To this day, if there are plans to introduce sex education classes in schools, this often remains only a plan. Since the question immediately arises of how to present such material correctly.

The adaptation of foreign literature and textbooks comes as a shock to us, since it is too frank. Although, strictly speaking, there is nothing shameful or terrible about this. If this topic were compulsory to study, there would probably be few people who are dissatisfied with their appearance. Needless to say, together with modern technologies and the development of the World Wide Web, humanity is literally “thrown over” into the flow of information. And even if a self-confident person sometimes gets lost in the abundance of material, then what can we say about those who are not one of them.

There is a lot of information on the Internet, sometimes not reliable. It is not possible to verify this. Therefore, many people continue to rely on initially incorrect information until the end of their lives. And as a result, teenagers no longer ask their older friends for advice, they simply enter a question in a search engine, and immediately find out what their ancestors could only guess about at one time. And this is where many people fall into the trap of not so much false but exaggerated information.

And this, in turn, negatively affects not only your sex life, but also your attitude towards yourself. Many who have watched enough videos or read information that is not entirely correct develop a complex. After all, what is shown sometimes does not coincide with real numbers. This is why men want to know how to enlarge their penis. Many people, probably from biology lessons, know that the penis is an organ consisting entirely of cavernous fibers. When filled with blood, there is an increase in these tissues in size.

How much the organ increases in size, thickness and circumference (girth) is a completely different question. This is already inherent in nature. Here the result will vary, sometimes significantly. According to statistics, more than 70% of men have members that increase in length during an erection, and more than 15% of men have an organ that increases in width. It is almost impossible to predict what the penis will be like when aroused, based on its thickness or length in a non-excited state.

When taking measurements of the penis, it is important to consider several nuances. For the penis to be fully erect, the temperature should be approximately 22 degrees. The length is measured along the back of the penis, from the pubis to the head. A right angle should be maintained between the body and the penis. The girth is measured with a tape measure. Penis size is a rather hot topic among men. Over the past few hundred years, studies have been conducted to determine the norm of the penis. Similar studies were carried out in different countries. It was found that length and width are determined by genetic predisposition.

Now more about normal penis sizes:

  1. If the length of the genital organ is eight centimeters, then this is the so-called “micropenis”. According to statistics, 1% of representatives of the stronger half of society are endowed with this dignity.
  2. A small penis is an organ reaching a length of 8-12 centimeters. Two percent of the male population of the planet has this organ.
  3. A penis with a length of 12 cm is considered normal. 55% of men are endowed with this size.
  4. A penis whose size is more than fifteen centimeters is above average.
  5. Representatives of the stronger half of society, whose penis is 20 cm long, are the owners of an impressive penis.

If you are one of those people who couldn’t resist and measured their organ, but in the end you were unhappy with the result, here’s some more material about its impressive size.

  • The larger the size of the penis, the greater the amount of blood that flows to it. This is the only way to bring the organ to the required state.
  • Any, even minor, outflow can negatively affect erection and, consequently, the quality of sex.
  • The formation of the organ ends at approximately 18 years of age. After this, any changes in its width or length are nothing more than a visual illusion.
  • Penis shrinkage may be due to excess weight. On average, every five extra kilos “steal” a centimeter of the penis. Again, all changes are visual; in fact, the organ remains unchanged.
  • It can actually make your penis smaller (not a visual effect). And this is usually due to a decrease in androgen levels. For example, bodybuilders who use drugs that provoke hormonal imbalance most often encounter problems such as penis reduction, in general and with erections.
  • Also, a reduction in the penis can be caused by incorrect and unsuccessful operations to lengthen it. The fault may be either the low professionalism of the surgeon or physiological characteristics.

Not everyone thinks about the depth of the vagina, but rather most people do not know about it, and when they have sexual intercourse for the first time, they know only about one value. On average, the depth of the vagina is 10 cm. This indicates that for normal sex, a penis size of 15 centimeters is quite enough. The vaginal tissues are elastic, they allow you to adjust to a certain length and width.

They allow you to give your partner more and more pleasure each time. Constantly changing sexual partners is not encouraged, because it affects sensitivity and does not benefit representatives of the weaker half of society. Of course, size matters. And this applies not only to the length of the genital organ, but also to its thickness. But it’s impossible to say with certainty how suitable people are for each other without testing them in practice. In addition, do not forget that sex is the art of mutual understanding, and not just width, length and depth.

You can increase your manhood. Although it sometimes takes years to achieve positive results. Penis enlargement is a labor-intensive and painstaking process, but quite real. Today there are a huge number of ways and techniques to enlarge the penis. Some of them are more effective, others less. In any case, the choice of technique is yours. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with all the details of the chosen method.

You can enlarge the penis using surgery, folk remedies and special devices.

You can lengthen the organ using stretching, weights, a hydraulic pump, special exercises, medications and home remedies, in particular baking soda. Cosmetics, including creams, will also help in solving the problem. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with its technique before applying this or that technique. This is necessary in order to prevent mechanical injuries and the development of complications.

Penis enlargement at home: popular methods

There are plenty of ways and techniques to promote penis enlargement. Many of them can be easily used at home. It is not at all necessary to resort to medical help, in particular the help of a plastic surgeon.

In addition, penis enlargement at home will cost exactly as much as the device you will use to carry out the procedure. The cost of surgical methods is very high. One of the most common methods for penis lengthening is jelqing. Reviews about it are extremely positive. Many who used this method managed to achieve what they wanted. To make it clearer, jelqing refers to a set of exercises, the implementation of which has a beneficial effect on the penis. Special exercises promote pronounced enlargement of the penis and enlargement of the head. This technique has absorbed the skills of manual penis lengthening that people have accumulated over several millennia.

The use of jelqing promotes:

  • stimulating blood circulation;
  • increased pressure inside the organ;
  • growth of cavernous fibers;
  • formation of new cells in volume.

Cell growth is a completely natural and natural process. The technique only helps in launching and stimulating it. In addition, jelqing helps to significantly increase sexual activity and stamina. There are various jelqing techniques. They differ only in details. There is only one principle - “milking”. The main movement is to tightly wrap your fingers around the penis at the base and move your hand forward to the head. The penis, stretching, fills with blood.

In order to successfully perform the exercises, you need to purchase a cream or spray. It will help you achieve results faster. Certain techniques do not require lubrication. Pay attention to this when choosing a technique. Do not skimp on lubrication, otherwise you will chafe your penis. In addition, such savings are fraught with tissue ruptures and the inability to practice jelqing in the next fortnight.

You should also not replace specially designed products with soap, shampoo or other compounds. This can lead to discomfort and injury. Enlargement of the penis using this technique is only possible if the organ is in a semi-excited state. Carrying out the exercise while fully excited can cause damage to blood vessels and organ tissue.

Technique 1. After applying the lubricant, wrap your hand around the penis and run it along the shaft a couple of times, while holding your clenched hand at the head for a couple of seconds.

This is the first stage - preparation. If you do not need it, you can proceed to the next stage - the exercise.

Grasp the base of the penis with your thumb and index finger. Gently pull the organ down. Do this two hundred times. Of course, it will be difficult at first, so if you become overexcited, it is better to interrupt the exercise. As soon as the penis reaches the required degree of arousal, you can continue. The full course is three months. During the first week, do it every day for ten minutes (this is usually ten minutes), during the second - 300 (15 minutes). Do the exercise for twenty minutes.

Technique 2. Having lubricated the organ, grab it with your hand at the base and pull it down and to the right. Then do the exercise in the other direction. Do the exercise slowly at first. Per day, make 50 movements to the right and the same number to the left. Increase the number of exercises every day - up to 200.

Technique 3. In this case, perform exercises from the first and second techniques without lubrication.

Technique 4. Essentially this is technique 1, but the exercise is performed very slowly. After applying the lubricant, wrap your fingers around the penis at the base and slowly begin to do exercises towards the head. The head will swell and become filled with blood. Hold the position for ten seconds. The duration of the exercise is ten minutes.

All exercises according to the method of action are divided into lengthening and thickening. They are carried out either with the help of hands, or mechanical devices or weights.

Exercises can be stretching, vascular and auxiliary:

  1. We increase potency
    • Stand up straight, straighten your back. Raise your knees one at a time towards your stomach.
    • Relax and tense the muscles of the buttocks and perineum (while you need to stand on half-bent legs).
    • Lie down on the floor. Raise your pelvis.
  2. Increasing the length of the penis
    • Forced erection or “Kegel”. Lubricate the genital organ with cream. Wrap your fingers around the penis and make progressive vertical movements.
    • Stretching. Stretch the relaxed penis very slowly (for fifteen seconds). Do the exercise ten times.
  3. Increasing the width of the penis. This includes exercises from the Jelqing technique, as well as compression and bending exercises.

How to enlarge your penis with an extender, using weights, massage and pumps

You can increase your penis, its diameter, thickness, and length not only with the help of various devices, but also with the help of massage. Independent manual technique helps not only lengthen the organ, but also increase sexual activity and endurance. In addition, massage has a beneficial effect on erection, as well as its duration.

Before telling you how to enlarge your penis with massage, I would like to tell you about the basic rules for carrying it out:

  1. Prepare before the massage. For this purpose, it is recommended to use warm compresses. Soak a small towel in warm water, wring it out and wrap it around the organ. Change compresses every three minutes (three times).
  2. Massage should be done every day.
  3. Combine massage with the use of tablets (dietary supplements or homeopathic remedies that promote penis enlargement).
  4. Do not perform a massage if you are under the influence of alcohol.

Technique 1. Grasping the head of the organ with your hand, squeeze it. Compression should not interfere with blood circulation. Pull your head towards the floor. After a minute, you can increase the stretching force.

Technique 2. Squeeze the head first with two fingers and then with your whole hand. Do everything carefully, don't rush. Pull your penis towards the floor for a minute. Next, rest and release the penis. Then repeat. Do the exercise twenty times.

Technique 3. Grasp the penis with your index finger and thumb. Squeeze the organ and move from its base to the head. Stop every now and then.

How to enlarge your penis using weights

This technique is old but effective. It was and is still used today by some tribes in Africa. The essence of the technique is hanging and securing a load on the penis. Long-term stretching action helps to increase the penis both in length and width.

The load should be convenient to use and small in size. It is also important that there are as many weights as possible. In this case, it will be possible to calculate the load and increase it over time.

Before starting the procedure, massage or apply a compress. Then install the weight locking system behind the head and install the weight itself. Start with a light weight. Lack of preparation can result in injury. The load should increase gradually. You can hang the weighting material in any position.

Do not allow blood to stagnate in the head. From time to time, remove the weight and fixation device and massage. Extender, stretcher, expander, stretcher - all these devices belong to the same family of devices that help increase the length and width of the organ, as well as correct the curvature of the penis shaft.

The principle of action of all such devices is the same and consists of a daily (at least five-hour), long-term (at least three months), small (500-200 grams) stretching effect on the penis. As a result, the body responds to external influences by forming new cells in the area of ​​stress.

The designs of the devices are somewhat different, but the essence of the mechanism is the same - the penis is fixed using clamps that provide tension on the flesh. Another way to influence the size of the manhood is with a vacuum pump.

The principle of operation of such a product is to create a vacuum environment in the pump, where the male genital organ is actually placed, due to which the blood flow to it increases and it increases in size. However, judging by the reviews of men who have experienced a similar method, we can conclude that pumping does have a positive effect, but it is not so significant and is temporary.

How to enlarge the penis in other ways

Today, the market offers a great variety of different drugs in the form of creams, gels, ointments, sprays, telling how to use them to enlarge the sexual organ to unimaginable sizes. However, in practice, not everything is so rosy, of course, among them there are those that really have a positive effect, but still a large number of remedies are of a dubious nature, which can leave not only an unpleasant aftertaste due to disappointed hopes, but also affect health men.

No surgeries, pumps or extenders, a list of proven drugs recommended by doctors:

Penis enlargement with soda is the most modern method of solving this delicate male problem. Surgical intervention reliably guarantees that the penis will become larger, but not every man is ready to go under the knife, and not everyone has the means to do so. The use of soda is much more accessible, and therefore more popular. Whether there is any result from it is an ambiguous question. Many representatives of the stronger sex who used this method of enlarging the penis on themselves were satisfied. But there are those who find this method ineffective and unsafe and even risky.

Some Popular Penis Enlargement Methods

Today there are many: surgical operations, taking dietary supplements, using special creams, vacuum pumps, as well as weighting agents that can harm men's health. In addition, massage is recommended to enlarge the penis, and traditional medicine does not stand aside.

One of the popular methods of penis enlargement, which has been successfully used since ancient times, is the use of baking soda. This method can be easily combined with other methods, such as massage. Another advantage of using soda is its comparative safety, unlike many creams that have a dubious composition. After surgery, there is a risk that a man will not be able to fully function sexually. Weights are unsafe because they can damage the genitals.

Areas of application of soda

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a white powder. It has a large number of useful qualities, which are used in cooking, cleaning, and also in the treatment of many diseases. Soda is used to treat thrush in women, but for men there is another use for this product.

Before learning how to enlarge your penis with soda, you should decide whether you really need it. Scientists have long proven that for a woman’s sexual satisfaction, a large penis is not needed – technique is important here. But if a man dares to take such radical measures, it is better to start with the simplest, most accessible and relatively natural method, such as using baking soda.

How to properly use baking soda to enlarge your penis

Using soda, which almost everyone has in the house, you can make baths for the penis. They will contribute to the elasticity of the penis. To make a bath, you will need one teaspoon of baking soda per glass of warm water. You need to take a bath for at least 15 minutes. This procedure is recommended to be done an hour before sexual intercourse. Many men in their reviews said that the result after using this method is weak. But almost everyone noted that, even if there was no increase in the penis, its elasticity increased quite significantly.

You can also use baking soda as a scrub. To do this, you first need to moisten the penis, and then rub soda with careful movements along the entire length. As a result of these manipulations, blood begins to actively flow into the genital organ. But you need to keep in mind the negative side of this method. Baking soda can cause irritation and burning of the penis. It must be used very carefully. Despite the fact that sodium bicarbonate particles are very small, they can injure the very thin and sensitive skin of the penis, causing pain. Scrubbing with soda enhances erection and, although slightly, actually enlarges the penis. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to drink soda with milk, this will improve your overall health.

A less popular, but also effective method of using soda to enlarge the penis is the use of compresses. Place the soda on a clean cloth (this can be a bandage folded in several layers), soak it a little and apply it to the organ. You can leave this compress for 15-20 minutes, but no more.

Do not let soda get on the head of the penis so as not to injure it!

In about two months of using soda, the penis gains about one centimeter in size, and in some cases more. It all depends on the body and build of the man.

Don't forget that using baking soda can cause allergies. After the procedure, it is necessary to wash the penis with warm water, without soap.

Contraindications to the use of soda

There are practically no significant contraindications, but there is no need to forget about precautions. Do not forget to check the expiration date of this product, follow the prescribed dosage, massage and scrubs only with clean hands. These simple measures will protect you from unwanted consequences.

Do not be upset if after the first use of soda there is no effect. In order for any result to be noticeable, baking soda must be used regularly for two or even four months. This is hard work that requires great perseverance and determination.

Let's look at 16 techniques on how to quickly increase potency in men at home. Let's start by analyzing the causes of the problem.

Causes of sexual dysfunction

  • negative emotions, stress and frequent worries;
  • excess excess weight, obesity;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • sedentary and sedentary lifestyle;
  • low testosterone levels;
  • injuries of the spine, intervertebral discs, hernia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • bad habits;
  • elderly age;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of sleep.

16 ways to solve the problem

1. Grasp the organ at the base with your fingers

  • If in bed with your beloved your dignity experiences lethargy, blood flows poorly there, and combat readiness is lost, then you need to squeeze your organ at the base as if you were applying a tourniquet. This is the ancient secret of the Taoists.
  • You squeeze at the very moment when, for example, you are about to put on a contraceptive. Until you start doing frictions, the grip is not removed.
  • You can squeeze with three fingers - index, middle and thumb. They form a tourniquet against the outflow of blood. Put this technique into practice.

2. Perform beneficial exercises for the pelvic organs

Its performance over a long period of time depends on how good the blood flow is to your organ, and endurance is also developed.

To better fill the pelvic organs with blood, it is useful to perform special physical exercises.

  1. Exercise " Squats" Regular squats all the way and return to the starting position.
  2. Exercise " Soldier's Steps" The bottom line is that during a step you need to raise your knees to the level of your stomach. You can put your hands on your belt. It's like you're marching in a parade.
  3. Exercise " Stone retention" Place your hands on your belt, feet shoulder-width apart. We begin to bend our knees and squat a little. You don't need to squat all the way. In this suspended position, tense and relax the buttock muscles with maximum force a certain number of times, then return to the original stance.
  4. Exercise " Raising the pelvis" Lying on your back, supported by your palms, feet and shoulder blades, you begin to lift and lower your pelvis. Imitation of movements back and forth, with your pelvis lightly touching the floor on return.
  5. Exercise " Bike" Lie on your back, hands on your waist, knees bent, legs raised and begin to imitate rotating your legs as if you were riding a bicycle.
  6. Exercise for perineal muscle training. Lie on your back, knees bent and spread apart. Now you begin to alternately tense and relax the muscles of the perineum (the area from the male organs to the tailbone). Don't try to tense your buttocks. A sign that everything was done correctly will be the appearance of warmth in this area.
  7. Exercise " Running in place" The point is that you imitate running in one place, and try not to lift your socks off the floor. We also talked about these and many other practices in.

How much time to do

These exercises are simple, and the effect is very noticeable. Focus on them first 5 minutes a day, then increase the time to 10 minutes every day.

The results will be available in a week. Verified.

Secret of success– this is constancy.

Take time to develop yourself in order to get rid of frequent thoughts about how to increase potency in men using folk remedies at home and quickly increase male libido.

3. Know the secret of poses and choose the right one, where there is no outflow of blood

The fact is that if you like a position where she is on top and you are lying below, then it is easy for those who have problems with male strength and libido to lose an erection. Because in this position the blood will be pulled down. This is especially true for older people.

It is better to use poses where your body is vertical. These are the positions with the least blood flow from the penis.

  • Dogi style pose, where she is on all fours, and you stand behind or lean on your knees.
  • She lies on her back, her legs on your shoulders, you look at her.

4. Exercise your pubococcygeus Kegel muscle

This is the same muscle due to which we can stop the flow of fluid when we walk small.

Also, during an erection, it is this muscle that helps our friend jump.

Why is this muscle important?

It is directly related to the following factors:

  • endurance in bed;
  • improving blood flow to the necessary organs;
  • achieving the required level of testosterone;
  • increased sensations during intimacy.

It is useful to train this muscle even for those who have no problems in bed.

How to train a muscle depending on experience

  1. Stopping the jet toilet fluids and renewal (to record and remember the location of the muscle).
  2. Long and short voltages in any place and at any time, no matter if there is someone nearby or not (no one will know anyway).
  3. Kegel muscle tension isolated from the abs, legs or other organs. Completely separate compressions. Try not to hold your breath while doing this.

Here is a technique that helps you better understand questions about how to increase potency in men after 45 years or other ages without drugs. We also talked about her.

5. Use the secret of the tiptoe stand in the toilet

  1. The bottom line is that when you go to the toilet in a small way, you need to stand on your tiptoes when urinating. This technique was used by wise Taoists.
  2. The nuances are that you need hold direct posture, do not bend your back, stand on tiptoes and the liquid should come out as you exhale slowly. Also need grit your teeth When releasing fluid, tense your stomach and buttocks.

pros this technique:

  • improved kidney function;
  • endurance in bed;
  • treatment of impotence.

6. A method of increasing blood flow to an organ

  1. Take a deep breath and hold your breath.
  2. Squeeze your manhood holding your breath at the base: clasp with your thumb on top and your index finger on the bottom.
  3. And now, while you are not breathing, you begin with wave-like movements drive blood towards its end.
  4. About yourself you can count to 9. With each count you move closer to the end.
  5. Hold this grip for as long as you can hold your breath.
  6. There is no need to excite yourself here! Basically you are only covering the trunk.
  7. Technique strengthens circulation blood and combat readiness of your organ. Here is a proven way to increase potency with folk remedies in men. We talked about similar methods elsewhere.

7. Follow the rule - lose semen less often during intercourse

If you are engaged in self-satisfaction alone or spend the night with the woman you love - avoid liquid end of the session.

Especially men in old age this rule must be followed. After 50 years, you need to reach the finish line as rarely as possible.

Young people recover much easier after finishing and can afford it more often. But only young people.

This does not mean that now you need to abstain from making love altogether. No, no need Nothing confuse! You also don’t deny yourself anything, you just follow this new rule.

9. Eat special foods

The following are beneficial for male libido:

  • ginger;
  • fish fat;
  • bananas;
  • lemon and citrus fruits;
  • chicken;
  • oysters;
  • flounder;
  • boiled mackerel;
  • veal;
  • seafood;
  • turnip;
  • nuts;
  • quail or chicken eggs.

We wrote in detail about nutrition for our libido in.

10. Massage a specific body part

  • The massage is done on the testicles.
  • These are the same organs that give us masculine energy, produce testosterone and give us a lot of benefits in bed.
  • If you have a weak libido, you should definitely massage your balls as often as possible.
  • It is also useful to massage them during intercourse, when you feel something coming up.
  • Thus, the energy accumulated in the organs will spread throughout the body. It will not accumulate in one place. Now it's early, and this massage is especially useful.

Such a massage will help you prolong the pleasure with your beloved and stop asking questions about how to increase potency quickly at home and increase your libido before a date.

11. The method of walking barefoot or using mustard plasters

To increase male power, you need to activate the points on the feet. They are responsible for sexual functions. By activating the points, sexual performance awakens.

How to activate them two ways:

  1. Walk barefoot without shoes on sand, grass, earth.
  2. Activation of points using mustard plasters. To do this, soak mustard plasters in warm water and apply to each foot, and put on warm socks on top. Wait for 10 minutes and remove them.
  3. Then rinse your feet with cold water and rub your feet red with a rough cloth. All is ready! Previously we wrote about.

12. Medical method

What medications are used:

  • We recommend the drugs from our site.
  • Silalis.
  • Impaza.
  • Laveron.
  • Levitra.

13. It's time to stop smoking and drinking alcohol

Tobacco constricts your blood vessels. Beer promotes the production of hormones in the body that are more common in women, but not in the stronger sex.

Be sure to quit smoking and give up alcohol.

This will help get rid of thoughts about how to increase male potency at home.

14. Useful tinctures, decoctions and herbs

  • Onion in the amount of 2 chopped onions with 400 ml of boiled water, let stand for 3-4 hours. Then drink 100 ml three times a day. There are also others.
  • Walnut grains grind and mix with honey, taking the ingredients in equal quantities. You need to take two teaspoons after you eat. It is useful to eat this entire mixture with milk. Use for about a month.
  • Lungwort officinalis. Grind the herb in an amount of 10 grams and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour. After that, strain it all, take one tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Garlic tincture. It is also sold in pharmacies. Twenty drops are used two or three times a day. Garlic itself is good to eat with food.
  • Asparagus officinalis berries about 10 pieces are poured with 400 ml of boiled water, and covered with a lid, left to stand for 6-8 hours. Consume 50 ml three times a day.
  • Mumiyo in an amount of 0.16 grams, dissolve in a tablespoon of water. Drink either in the morning on an empty stomach, or in the evening before going to bed. After 9 days of use, the result is already noticeable.

Using this list and following our advice, you can enhance potency with herbs for men and increase desire for the opposite sex.

15. Take a contrast shower

Contrast showers affect the general condition and performance of male organs.

It is useful to perform in the morning or evening. You can change hot to cold water and back for 40 seconds, respectively.

In addition, going to a sauna or steam bath will be effective. All this improves blood flow in the body and genitals.

16. More mental rest and relaxation

Inner harmony plays an important role for male strength. Therefore, it is important to monitor the positive emotions within yourself and not get drawn into negativity.

  • If you can avoid getting involved in a quarrel, scandal or fight, don’t get involved. Don't create it yourself.
  • On weekends, you can completely isolate yourself from the bustle of the city if everything is boring. Be alone with yourself or your girlfriend, lie around, listen to silence, calm music.
  • Fight less with your loved one. Otherwise, it suppresses all desires between you, knocks down attraction.
  • Look at your surroundings and don't associate with negative people. Surround yourself with strong and positive guys.
  • You should remember that whiners and crybabies take a lot of energy from you and draw you into their needy vibrations. Don't communicate with them.

We have told you as many as 16 effective methods on how to increase potency after 50 years or increase its strength at an earlier age.

Regardless of your age, the article is a great help in solving the problem.

The penis is a receptive organ. You can reduce its size within just two months. Are you surprised by this information? To do this, it is enough to use means of sexual satisfaction that are narrow in diameter: be it a young girl or a tightly clenched hand.

Is it possible to enlarge your penis? If it can be reduced, then

Of course, you can increase it!

First of all, you need to determine the average penis size in order to be critical of yours. It is 13-16 centimeters in length and 3 in diameter for representatives. If the size of your warrior fits into this framework, you should think carefully before proceeding with the procedures described below.

How to enlarge your penis at home?

So, the most effective methods are:

  • jelqing;
  • massages;
  • extenders;
  • stretching by loads;
  • gels, medications, vacuum pumps, which are less effective, used in combination with basic techniques.

The most important thing you need to know at the very beginning of penis enlargement training: you will not get immediate results. Moreover, once you finish regular training, you can lose all the achievements you have gained in persistently building your self-esteem.

Let's look at how to enlarge your penis at home and what the known methods are based on.

Jelqing. How it works?

The principle of increasing phallic centimeters using jelqing is universal for all massage methods of this delicate sphere. It is based on stretching the structure of the penis. By increasing their diameter, we increase the volume of blood filling them during an erection. And this, in turn, means increasing the size of His Majesty’s penis itself.

Jelqing. Exercise 1

How to enlarge your penis at home using jelqing? First of all, the cavernous bodies need to be warmed up to increase their elasticity. To do this, heat table salt or any cereal in a frying pan. Pour the contents of the frying pan into a sock (of course, into a clean and dry one, and not the one that happens to be on one of your legs at the moment), and apply it directly to the penis. You should try to warm up the entire surface of the penis, distributing the contents of the improvised heating pad evenly.

After this, we begin milking - this is how the word “jelqing” is translated. First of all, we imagine something spicy that can excite our hero. We shouldn’t be overzealous: we only need a 40-50 percent erection. This is necessary to partially fill the cavernous structures with blood, from which they will stretch when a mechanical effect is applied to the penis.

Now, clasping it at the very base with your fingers folded into a tight ring, with the same “ring” we move the blood to the head, carrying out a pulling movement along the penis. The tightness of finger compression is determined individually, based on the sensations: there should be no pain, but the tension should be high. The movement should be slow (up to 35 seconds), with a slight pull down. We don't touch the head. We repeat the exercise.

The direction of movement must be changed: down, left, right, up.

It is better to limit the duration of the procedure for the first time to 40-50 stretches. In the future, it is recommended to increase their number to two hundred to three hundred. Representatives of the stronger sex who have become masters of jelqing are allowed five hundred exercises a day!

Exercise 2

This exercise stretches the cavernous bodies by increasing pressure. To do this, we clasp the penis with the entire surface of the palm, apply compression, and hold for at least ten seconds. If the palm does not cover the entire surface of the “hero”, it is permissible to use a second one. We compress without fanaticism, so as not to injure blood vessels and cavernous structures. We pull the penis in the directions described above.

If the procedure is carried out correctly and jelqing exercises are carried out regularly, the result can surprise even the owner of an enlarged penis. You can expect at least 2 centimeters of growth in one month of training. Combination with other techniques increases the effectiveness of the event.

How to enlarge your penis with an extender

One of the most effective ways to enlarge the penis is to use a device with an incomprehensible name “extender”.

It looks like two rings connected to each other by sliding metal or plastic rods. Fixing the penis with one ring at the base, the other at the head of the “fighter”, periodically increasing the distance between them by increasing the length of the rods, we wear it constantly, for a month. Due to the lightness and small size of the extender, wearing it does not cause discomfort. We remove it, cause an erection, measure it. The results are noticeable: from a three-centimeter increase in length. We fix it and carry it on.

Extender. Operating principle

How to enlarge your penis at home using an extender? Stretched cock between

rings causes its structure to stretch, and also provokes increased tissue growth, as the body seeks to get rid of uncomfortable tension, initiating cell growth to compensate for deficient tissues. Brilliant - simple.

The difference between penis enlargement using an extender and all other methods is the guaranteed and lasting result. That is, the mighty dimensions of the “hero” will remain forever.

There are several types of extenders:

  • vacuum;
  • waist;
  • looped

Vacuum and belt extenders are considered the most portable, while loop extenders are more popular due to their lower cost, despite some pain. Each ruler of the phallus chooses for himself how to enlarge the penis, based on his own conclusions. You can purchase these useful devices in online stores, as well as in any sex shop in the country.

Same principle, but free

Stretching the penis with weights suspended from it works on the same principle. The effectiveness is not as high due to more infrequent activities than with an extender.

You need to secure a wide strip of adhesive tape with a securely fastened cord. A load is tied to the end of the cord: small at first, increasing with time and the number of procedures. The event is best carried out in a sitting position, no longer than fifteen minutes for the first session. Subsequently, the duration of the exercises and the severity of the load are gradually increased. And don’t let your head go numb! Remove the adhesive plaster periodically, allowing your little friend to rest.

Penis enlargement through medications, gels and ointments

Is this real? How can you enlarge your penis with ointment? In general, no way. The principle of their action is extremely primitive: increasing blood flow to the body. It acts for no longer than two hours, with minor exceptions. This does not bring enlargement to an unstretched penis.

And with medications that are little more effective than gels, you need to be vigilant. They are based on hormones. This is fraught with unpleasant consequences. In addition, such drugs can lead to hypersexuality. In itself, it’s not very bad, but in the context of a hormonal disorder it can cause a lot of trouble.