Isotonics - what are they? How to prepare isotonic water with your own hands at home? Do-it-yourself isotonic at home: recipes for isotonics containing bicarbonates.

Isotonics appeared on the market relatively recently, but are already highly appreciated by all lovers of aerobic exercise and not only, because they perform a very important function, restoring not only fluid loss during physical activity, but also the lack of minerals that come out with sweat if we actively run, we work out in the gym, etc.

Why isotonics needed?

It is known that with the loss of just a couple of percent of the total amount of water, our performance decreases sharply, and the intensity of training even more so. And along with the loss of minerals, the water-electrolyte balance is also disrupted.

This is where isotonics come to the rescue. They contain water, carbohydrates, and electrolytes. Thanks to the content of maltodextrin and dextrin, they restore glycogen and enter the body almost immediately, which allows you to train more intensely and successfully endure any load.

At the same time, they do not allow the loss of electrolytes. They can have any composition, but the main thing is that the essence remains the same. They are especially useful for those who are just starting to get used to a heavy load. Drink isotonic drinks in small sips, taking short breaks between exercises.

However, store-bought isotonics also have their drawbacks. So, they may contain substances such as acesulfame and saccharin, and these sweeteners also have carcinogenic properties. Isotonic drinks can also be poorly tolerated by the body, and sweeteners and dyes often cause stomach upset.

And in general, there are not sports nutrition stores at every step. And why spend money if similar drinks, but less harmful, can be prepared at home with your own hands: it’s enough to know the proportions and ingredients well. Shall we get started?

Do-it-yourself isotonic - recipes

Recipe 1. The simplest.

We need:

  • Sugar or honey - 20 g. Fructose is also suitable.
  • Juice of any citrus fruit - lemon, grapefruit, orange. Preferably natural (fresh is possible), and not a kilogram of sugar in a paper bag. 30 ml.
  • Salt. Sea or iodized is best. A pinch is enough.
  • Water. 400 ml.

The glucose source is dissolved in warm water and salt is added. It is important that the water is not boiling, but warm, otherwise all the healing qualities of honey will disappear.

Afterwards, water is gradually introduced and citrus juice is added.

Recipe 2. Author's version of the previous one.

  • One bottle of saline solution.
  • Two bottles of glucose 400 ml.
  • A couple of lemons.
  • 2 tsp Sahara.
  • 200 ml water.

This isotonic drink is suitable for those who like long bike rides.

Recipe 3. Isotonic drink with energy drink functions.

It contains enough caffeine, so the body will also receive a lot of energy along with the liquid.

For it we will need:

  • Three bags of black tea
  • Bottle of water (half liter)
  • 20 vitamin C tablets.

The tea is poured with boiling water and infused for 10 minutes. Then 20 fifty-milligram tablets of ascorbic acid are poured into it. Now you need to add boiled water (cold) and leave it in the freezer. Just screw the lid on the bottle well.

You can also add BCAA powder (up to 10g), 10 g of glucose (crush the tablets) and about 20 drops of Eleutherococcus solution to the drink. The main thing is to do this before placing it in the freezer.

For runners, you can make an isotonic drink in the same proportions, but use mineral water instead of regular water, and also add a packet of rehydron to the drink.

Recipe 4. Semi-professional.

For it you need:

  • 3 liters of water
  • 2 g sodium bicarbonate
  • 10 tbsp. Sahara
  • 10 ml potassium chloride
  • 25 g glucose powder
  • 1.5 ml magnesium sulfate.

Mix all. This isotonic drink improves metabolism, is suitable for a long trip, and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week and a half.

It’s no longer a secret that one of the main factors in sports is proper nutrition. That's why so much attention is paid to various nutritional supplements that help achieve better results. Recently, isotonics have appeared on the sports nutrition market. What are their features, for what purposes are they suitable?

General information about isotonics

First you need to figure out what it is. Like any type of sports nutrition, isotonic is aimed at improving a person’s performance and endurance during heavy loads. Its main task is to help restore the previous balance of microelements in the body that was before the workout.

When an athlete works out hard, a lot of water and salts come out of him along with sweat. Important substances such as electrolytes (elements that are indispensable in the process of transmitting electrical impulses in nerve and muscle cells) are also lost.

Their deficiency in the body can lead to spasms or convulsions. Most often, electrolytes are found in ordinary food. But why not eat in the middle of a workout? This is where isotonic comes to the rescue.

It contains those substances that the body loses during exercise. The most important component is water or other liquid. It also includes some vitamins and minerals. In the store it is sold in the form of regular soda or cans of dry powder, which must be diluted according to the instructions.

Depending on what effect is needed, there are different isotonics. They differ from each other in the substances dissolved in them. The following types are distinguished:

  1. Isotonic. They are in great demand in the sports nutrition market due to the fact that they are well absorbed. A special composition helps him in this, in which the concentration of salts and minerals is similar to the human body.
  2. Hypotonic. It is a solution that contains a minimum amount of fast carbohydrates and salts. They are used by those who do not need additional nutrition during sports.
  3. Hypertensive. They contain a high content of salts and carbohydrates. They replenish nutrients and electrolytes.

Positive effect

Drinking an isotonic drink can improve your workout performance. This was determined by researchers at the University of Edinburgh.

During the experiments, they obtained data that after drinking isotonic water, a person can perform exercises 24% longer than usual.

With prolonged physical activity, the metabolic processes of various microelements accelerate in the human body. For intense contractions of muscle fibers, many enzymes, electrolytes and other substances are required.

This type of sports nutrition helps restore the water-salt balance of the body, ensuring its normal functioning.

The sugars dissolved in it provide a new supply of energy. Thanks to this, a person can increase his performance in training, which will lead to better results.

To achieve the best effect, you should choose the right isotonic drink. For those who decide to take up running or gymnastics, you do not need a mixture with a high sugar content. For this type of activity, a hypotonic would be the best choice.

An isotonic drink is suitable for strength exercises and exercise in the gym. This is the most balanced drink. It is well absorbed, so it will quickly provide the body with the necessary fluid, microelements and glucose.

Long and grueling workouts lead to significant loss of energy and important substances. To restore balance, you can drink a hypertonic drink. The large amount of sugars and minerals contained in it will quickly replenish the body's energy reserves.

You need to understand that isotonic is not water. Therefore, there are some nuances to its use. It all depends on the level of stress and the person himself (on his physical fitness).

For athletes who exercise professionally, it is advisable to drink up to one liter of isotonic water per hour of training. For amateurs and beginners in this matter, the portion can be halved.

For those who decide to engage in fitness, aerobics and other types of cardio training, isotonic water can also be useful. It is worth drinking a couple of sips before the start of classes, and then the rest during the loads themselves.

15 minutes after finishing, you can also drink an isotonic drink. If you consume a sports drink using this method, your body will not experience a shortage of the microelements it needs.

Cooking methods at home

In order to include this type of sports nutrition in your diet, you don’t have to go to a specialty store for it. If you buy, then only a proven brand. Good products are quite expensive, although there are cheap options. It is better not to be swayed by the low price, as you can buy a fake. It is better to prepare isotonic water with your own hands.

Required Ingredients

Most often, this type of sports nutrition can be prepared independently. Since it does not contain any complex components, the ingredients for it can be found in your kitchen. Most often, the base is plain water or juice. Then salt and sugar are added.

Store-bought isotonics also contain electrolytes in the form of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and amino acids, which increase brain function and serve as the basis for enzymes. Sometimes lutein is added. This substance keeps eye pressure normal.

Isotonic recipes

There are several simple options that you can do yourself. Each recipe suits specific needs.


For it you will need:

  • 20 grams of honey;
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened juice (grapefruit, lemon);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 glasses of warm water.

All components must be mixed well. This drink is perfect for those who do not engage in grueling workouts. It is good to use it before jogging.


For it you will need:

  • 3 tea bags;
  • half a liter of water;
  • 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • 3-4 tablets of ascorbic acid.

Tea is poured with boiling water. It should be allowed to cool to room temperature. Crush ascorbic acid tablets in a mortar and add to tea along with sugar. This isotonic drink contains a minimal amount of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is advisable to drink it for those who want to lose excess weight.


For it you will need:

  • 3 liters of water;
  • 11 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 grams of sodium bicarbonate;
  • a teaspoon of potassium chloride;
  • 1 milliliter of magnesium sulfate.

All these substances can be obtained at the pharmacy. You can mix in any order. This isotonic drink contains a lot of glucose and electrolytes. Perfect for bodybuilders doing strength training.

Possible harm

Ready-made store-bought isotonics may contain preservatives, dyes, citric acid and sweeteners. Such components will definitely not benefit the athlete. Therefore, when choosing, you must carefully read the information on the label.

Since isotonic water is not absorbed as quickly as water, it should be drunk in even portions during training.

People with diabetes should not consume such sports drinks because they contain glucose.

In contact with

Isotonic sports drinks containing carbohydrates and electrolytes are often consumed for endurance performance. Most people do not need to drink sports drinks if they exercise for 60 minutes or less. But for athletes who perform heavy physical activity, isotonic drinks are a must. So, let's take a look at what they contain and how you can make your own isotonic water.

Composition of isotonics

These drinks contain two main ingredients:

  • Carbohydrates: these are sugars that provide fuel for working muscles.
  • Sodium: essentially just salt. A small amount helps speed up rehydration. It maintains fluid balance and replaces salts that are lost through sweating.

Isotonic Sports Drink Ingredients

If a drink is described as "isotonic", this means that it contains similar concentrations of salt and sugar as in the human body. In other words, it will contain 6 to 8% carbohydrates (sugars). How to make isotonic water with your own hands at home? You can make alternatives to store-bought sports drinks at home.

Isotonic recipes

Option 1: Fruity Sports Drink

  • 250 ml real fruit juice ( 100% juice, not a drink);
  • 250 ml water;
  • a pinch of salt.

Mix all ingredients and refrigerate. This drink contains 10.4 g carbohydrates per 100 ml, so in the end the finished sports drink contains approximately 26 g of carbohydrates, the same as in store-bought versions. Each serving will cost you somewhere between 10-20% of the cost of a store-bought sports drink.

Option 2: mojito, non-alcoholic recipe

  • 1/2 lime juice (about 20 ml);
  • 150 ml apple juice;
  • Water 330 ml;
  • Honey or brown sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Mint (4-6 leaves);
  • A pinch of salt.

Just mix the sugar/honey and mint together without breaking the leaves. Add apple juice and water. Shake, cool. This recipe has a little more ingredients than the previous version, but it's worth it. It is inspired by the famous mojito cocktail. It's a good sports drink because it naturally contains a fair amount of carbohydrates compared to store-bought sports drinks, but it no nasty synthetic substances, which you will find in specialty drinks.

Option 3: Lemon and Ginger Sports Drink

  • 44 ml lemon;
  • a piece of raw ginger;
  • 450 ml water;
  • Honey 3 tsp.
  1. Add a few thin slices of ginger to a large cup of boiled water and let it steep.
  2. Remove the ginger pieces and squeeze in the lemon, then stir in the honey.
  3. Let it cool before pouring the drink into the bottle, leaving it in the refrigerator to cool.

Ginger has a large number of health benefits, especially its anti-inflammatory properties, as does natural lemon juice. So it's a good healthy drink that also rich in vitamin C.

Option 4: Coconut Water

100% pure coconut juice is nature's sports drink. He contains 5 g carbohydrates per 100 ml, very close to the amount found in commercial sports drinks, and contains an impressive blend of minerals, such as: sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Many of them are also found in branded sports drinks. You can add fresh lemon juice to it. Flaw is that it is not as cheap as an artificial sports drink (at least if you pay for 100% juices).

Option 5: Cheap and Light Sports Drink

  • 100 ml of natural juice of your choice;
  • 400 ml water;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 4 tsp. sugar (optional).

Mix everything together and store in the refrigerator. Drink contains only about 7 g sugar per 500 ml, much less than in store-bought isotonics. If you think you are lacking carbohydrates, you can add sugar (about 4 teaspoons) and dissolve it, but very few people will need additional sugar for exercise lasting less than 1 hour. If you are going to dissolve the sugar, you will find it easier to do so in warm water.

Option 6: isotonic from rehydron

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 3 tbsp. l. honey;
  • rehydron 1 package.
  1. Dilute rehydron in a glass of water;
  2. squeeze the lemon and add the juice to the remaining amount of water;
  3. add honey and stir everything together.

Regidron is known as a remedy that restores the acid-base balance due to its disturbances caused by heavy sweating, as well as poisoning.


Consuming an isotonic drink to optimize fluid absorption affects endurance performance and may have a beneficial effect on endurance performance compared to sodium-free drinks. Consume the drink at least half an hour in advance. When preparing a drink at home, watch the amount of sugar, otherwise you may upset the balance.

Isotonic recipe in video format

In order for training to give maximum results, many people use sports supplements. Thanks to the technologies used, they are made exclusively from natural ingredients, so in reasonable quantities they bring exceptional benefits. Recently, a product called isotonic has been in demand among both amateurs and professional athletes. What is it and can you make it yourself?

Do-it-yourself isotonic at home: recipes

If you can't buy it at a sports nutrition store, try making it yourself. But before you start, you need to familiarize yourself with the information about what it is.

Isotonic- a product that softens the effects of physical activity on the body, preventing the destruction of muscle tissue. It also helps to quickly recover after training and reduces fatigue. If after each exercise you feel tired and lack of strength, be sure to take an isotonic drink.

Isotonic fluids are used by athletes, and they are especially popular among middle and long distance runners.

This drink is designed to quickly replace fluid in the body. But during training, our body needs hydration so much! Isotonic also contains fast carbohydrates, which give strength. Thus, the product performs two functions at once - moisturizes and invigorates.

But in order for it to work, you also need to remember to take a vitamin complex regularly, watch your diet and get enough sleep. If you do not follow these recommendations, the isotonic drink will not work as you expect.

The main function of isotonic - keeping your body hydrated and moisturized. During physical activity, fluid leaves the body through the skin in the form of sweat. Many people drink plain water, but studies have shown that an isotonic drink hydrates the body much faster and more effectively.

Homemade isotonic recipe: several options

How to make isotonic water with your own hands? Below you will find several recipes for its preparation, all of them differ in composition and effect. There are both simple and more complex recipes here.

Option #1

To prepare it, you will need to take 1 ½ liters of water, 5 ml of 4% potassium chloride, 0.75 ml of magnesium sulfate 25%, 12 grams of glucose (powder), 10 tsp. sugar and 1 gram of sodium bicarbonate.

It’s easy to prepare an isotonic drink - you just need to mix all the listed ingredients in a bottle or shaker. Cover the bottle and store in a cool place for 8-10 days.

Option No. 2

You need to mix 200 ml fruit juice, 800 ml water, 2 tbsp. honey, a pinch of salt and the drink is ready! Store in the refrigerator for 1 day.

Option #3

Mix 500 ml of unsweetened fruit juice (orange, apple or pineapple) with the same amount of water, add 7-8 tsp. sugar and 2 tbsp. lemon juice. The shelf life of the drink is 1 day.

Since the presented recipes contain natural ingredients, they need to be stored for no more than 1-2 days, and even better, prepare the drink immediately before class, since after several hours it loses its properties. You can take the drink before, during, or even after exercise.

How to take isotonic?

In order to get a good result and feel the effect of the drink on the body, you need to consume it in a certain way. Drink 100 ml of the drink half an hour before class, another 100-150 ml during training (spread this amount over 2-3 doses). Well, drink the last 100 ml immediately after completing your workout.

Men's online magazine website

Anyone who was once seriously involved in sports came across this name - isotonic. Isotonic is a drink used by athletes to restore the body after prolonged exercise. During a long training session or competition, an athlete loses a lot of water. Along with it, salts and useful minerals are removed from the body. These losses must be urgently compensated. This is what isotonic is designed for.

Types of Sports Drinks

Drinks consumed by athletes can be divided into three types:

  1. Isotonic.
  2. Hypotonic.
  3. Hypertensive.

Isotonic drinks are the most popular, since their composition of microelements corresponds to the composition in the body, and therefore is quickly absorbed. I distinguish hypotonic drinks They have a reduced composition of elements and are used under light loads. Hypertonic, on the contrary, contain a high salt content and serve to quickly restore the body after intense training. We will dwell in more detail on isotonics.

What does isotonic consist of?

The drink necessarily contains a small percentage of sugar to restore the body’s energy. To maintain the acid-base balance of the body, vitamins and minerals are added to the drink. They mainly belong to the group of magnesium and calcium. This drink allows you to restore the content of electrolytes, so necessary for the functioning of the body. Therefore, athletes use it after endurance training.

Research on the drink by scientists

Scientists from Scotland conducted experiments on teenagers during competitions. They determined that those athletes who consumed isotonic were much more resilient and stayed in shape longer. However, this did not affect the sports results in any way.

Those same athletes who trained without drinking the drink quickly lost weight and their athletic performance deteriorated sharply. A process called dehydration occurred in the body, and the isotonic drink allowed it to be avoided.

However, there were scientists who criticized this drink. Thus, a scientist from America came to the conclusion that these drinks should only be consumed during long workouts lasting at least an hour and a half. His Australian colleague found that they harm the body's digestion. It has also been proven what to restore the amount of sodium in the body, this drink is effective only after four hours of exercise.

Scientists have proven, based on experiments, that the increase in athletic performance advertised by manufacturers after consuming isotonic drink is absolutely groundless. Moreover, the results were obtained when working with professional athletes, and what effect it has on ordinary people is poorly understood. Although, there is an assumption that people who drink this drink without prolonged exercise are prone to weight gain.

Isotonic recipes at home

Despite conflicting reviews about this energy drink, recently it is still popular among athletes. Many people prepare it themselves at home. Let's look at how to prepare isotonic water in some popular recipes.

Drink "Classic":

A very simple recipe for making isotonic water with your own hands, which tastes like the one sold in stores.

You should drink it in small sips while performing various activities. The caffeine in tea has a tonic and stimulating effect. Ascorbic acid will help suppress catabolic hormones. This isotonic can also be used for weight loss.

Energy drink "Razdrive":

The ingredients in this energy drink can be manipulated to your liking..

You should also drink it during training..

Decaf Recipe:

This is an energy drink that you can make yourself without caffeine. It can be prepared very simply and quickly. You need to take a bottle of mineral water, preferably warm, and add two tablespoons of honey to it. Then add squeezed lemon juice (can be replaced with citric acid) and a little tincture of any adaptogen. You can use it both before and during training.

Isotonic drink for athletes:

This recipe is suitable for all athletes involved in outdoor sports, namely: running, swimming, cycling, etc. The previous recipe is taken as a basis, but replacing mineral water with rehydron, which is sold in pharmacies. It replenishes the body's potassium and sodium ions lost through sweat during exercise. It can also be used as an isotonic for weight loss.