The men in Carey Bradshaw's life. Style in the city: the best images of Carrie Bradshaw Carrie Bradshaw wedding look

Sarah Jessica Parker turns 50 today. We decided to compare the actress and her heroine - the enchanting Carrie Bradshaw.

Sex and the City director Martin Patrick King spent a long time choosing actresses to play the main character's friends. But he didn’t doubt for a minute that the Manhattan eccentric journalist Carrie Bradshaw would be played by Sarah Jessica Parker. And the actress herself agreed without hesitation. After the television series topped all sorts of ratings and brought its creators incredible fame and success, Sarah Jessica did not turn up her nose. Sarah loves Carrie! “A miracle happened - I became Carrie. I don’t want to run away from her, I don’t want the audience to forget about her!” - Sarah opens up. When the actress is called by the name of the serial heroine, she says with a smile: “My name is Sarah, but you can call me Carrie.” Why is Sarah Jessica so attached to her on-screen image? Because in reality, even though they both live in Manhattan, they don’t have much in common.

Bad habits

Carrie Bradshaw

Smokes like a shoemaker. In almost every episode of the television series, the heroine does not part with a cigarette. Neither willpower, nor the requests of my boyfriend, nor even the anti-nocotin patch helped me get rid of the bad habit. She kept quitting smoking and then started again.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Parties and alcohol

Carrie Bradshaw

In almost every episode, four New York friends go on a spree at fashionable parties in Manhattan. And Carrie is the ultimate party girl. Miss Bradshaw's constant companion at noisy parties is the Cosmopolitan cocktail, which after the release of the film became one of the most popular alcoholic mixes.

Sarah Jessica Parker

He doesn’t keep anything stronger than mineral water in the house and prefers juices and milkshakes even to the most expensive wine.


Carrie Bradshaw

He knows a lot about fashion like no one else. She skillfully juggles kitschy vintage outfits and haute couture clothes. Over the six seasons of the television series, Carrie wore hundreds of Chanel outfits. Dior, Fendi, Gucci, and other world brands. Carrie even managed to take part in the D&G show, although she failed miserably, or rather slipped.

Sarah Jessica Parker

She prefers checkered men's shirts and worn jeans to glamorous outfits and floor-length dresses. “Women often come up to me in supermarkets to see how I look. And they see... the most ordinary flip-flops, jeans and a T-shirt. Looking at their disappointed faces, I usually answer that I'm too old to dress like Carrie Bradshaw." Recently, Sarah Jessica released her own casual clothing collection. Almost everyone can update their wardrobe with a piece from the famous actress - Sarah offers all items for $21.


Carrie Bradshaw

“I’ll be evicted from my house and I’ll live in shoe boxes,” she complained, having spent $40,000 on shoes. The journalist’s dressing room contains more than a hundred pairs of shoes, and what a variety! Carrie prefers Manolo Blahnik, Christian Louboutin and Jimmy Choo. World cinema has never seen a woman so obsessed with shoes.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Wears flip flops, sneakers and UGG boots. “Lately, even if I wanted to, I couldn’t wear high heels all day. Age, you understand,” the actress jokingly justifies herself.


Carrie Bradshaw

Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte are the closest people to each other. Even when friends quarrel, the conflicts disappear by themselves, as the girls understand that in the Big City the most important thing they have is their long-term friendship.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Nothing is known about the actress’s friends, but her relationships with her serial friends were not always easy. Either they sort things out with the actress playing Samantha, Kim Cattrall, over fees, or they don’t talk to Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) for weeks because the latter was offended by Sarah when she didn’t come to support the gay pride parade in which Cynthia and her girlfriend.


Carrie Bradshaw

Changes men like gloves. Over the course of six seasons of Sex and the City, 14 characters from her novel left their mark on the life and bed of the columnist. And no matter how Carrie tries to keep Mr. Big, fate again and again does not allow them to be together. Family life and motherhood scare her no less than kilometer-long rush hour traffic jams in Manhattan.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah's brother's best friend, actor Matthew Broderick, proposed marriage to her back in 1997. Now the couple has a son, James Wilkie, and twins, Marion and Tabitha. The actress devotes all her free time to her children and her beloved husband.

Well, if Carrie isn't Sarah's opposite, she's certainly not her reflection in the mirror. The only thing that firmly binds them is their love for New York. “I love New York and Manhattan with all my heart. You will never lure me out of this city - I will scream and kick,” says Sarah.

Good afternoon girls!

Almost 20 years have passed since the release of the series “Sex and the City,” but the fashionable outfits of the heroines remain relevant. Therefore, I propose to understand together the style of the legendary girl Carrie Bradshaw.

The image of a chic blonde in search of two L-loves and labels has been in the hands of a stylist and costume designer for many yearsPatricia Field, creating a strong personality is her strong point.

The good partlook`s created for the main character balances between genius and complete bad taste. Thinking outside the box is the key to understanding Carrie's character. To bring her style into your wardrobe, you'll need inspiration, a Cosmopolitan cocktail and these 11 tips:

1. Naturalness. Nude makeup, lively tousled hair. The heroine Parker does not wear heavy makeup; she often wears gloss on her lips rather than lipstick. By the way, have you noticed that Carrie doesn't wear nail polish? As far as I remember, she only had a manicure in one episode (the episode with the politician).

2.Flowers. Huge flower brooches, floral print in clothes. A reference point for spring and romance. If large shapes predominate in jewelry, then the print most often consists of blurry watercolor drawings.

3. Playfulness, naivety.
Renard's theory about female types perfectly fits the image of the 4 heroines of the series. Carrie is that kind of girl, curious, emotional, passionate, eager to experiment. All this is perfectly readable in her direct manner of dressing.

4. Decorations.
Brooches, badges, funny gold pendants with a name or a horseshoe for good luck. While Charlotte wears a conservative string of pearls, Carrie wears it in 10 rows. Instead of classic status jewelry, Bradshaw's look will be more about goofy, sparkly jewelry.

5. Hats.
Caps, bandanas, hats, scarves. While Samantha rocks chic JLo-style wide-brimmed hats, Carrie opts for lightweight, mobile variations on the fedora theme.

6. Unpredictability.
Unexpected, like a moose in the blueberry bushes - this is about her. A belt from a skirt is worn over a bare stomach, sandals go with a fur coat, and even a wedding ring is worn not on a finger, but on the neck.

7. Irony.
Her keen sense of humor is everywhere. Even when Carrie puts on an elegant formal suit, underneath it will certainly be either a T-shirt with Mickey Mouse or a clown-looking striped shirt with a bow.

8. HOT!
Despite all her romanticism, she is still the author of a column about sex. Carrie often wears tight, body-concious dresses that leave little to no room for imagination. Let’s remember the famous “naked dress” on a date with Mr. Big, the pink one in which she seduced Aiden or the striped one in which she went to hang out with a gay friend in “Bungalow 8”.

Without making a separate point, I would like to note the bare belly; no other heroine, including the sexy Samantha, exposes it so often! It looks very organic - Parker has an excellent figure that is pleasant to look at.

9. Lingerie.
They say that Parker’s contract strictly stipulated that she would not show her breasts in the series, which is strange, since all the other heroines, including the conservative Charlotte, were not shy about exposing themselves on camera. We may not have seen Carrie's breasts, but we have seen her numerous bras under all possible sauces. Bradshaw's wardrobe doesn't have a nude bandeau bra or silicone straps, but there are red, black, pink, lilac, lace bras for every taste, which she wears with everything, so the latest LaPerla collection
was seen. Often, underwear becomes a full-fledged detail of the image, and not a utilitarian item. A contrasting bodice under a dress with an open back or a spacious white top? Easily! What is the bright pink Dayglo kit worth? from the episode "All that glitters".

10. Color.
It was as if someone had knocked over a box of pastel crayons. “The Woman with Eyes That Shine” wears mostly light clothes, chaotically combining all the colors of the rainbow. In Carrie you almost never see red or contrasting black and white combinations. If she chooses them, then, as always, playfully: remember the striped set from Sonia Rykiel, in which she flew to Paris to see Petrovsky. Black dresses tend to have a fairly deep neckline, thereby removing the black color from the face, which is the right strategy for giving the face a fresh look.

Perhaps the longest dark period in Bradshaw's wardrobe occurs in the first full-length film, immediately after the failed wedding. Gothic look heroine on Valentine's Day seems almost alien to her. Fortunately, having moved away from the love drama, our favorite bright blonde heroine returns to us.

11. Shoes!
“How are you celebrating writing the article? I’m buying shoes and handbags.” Heels are present always and everywhere, even with sports breeches, or with jeans, to run out into the street for a newspaper and coffee. The more interesting the design, the better, but Manolo doesn’t make any others.

I hope that today I was able to open the door to the wardrobe of everyone’s favorite heroine. Tell us in the comments why you like Carrie and which of the images you filled out more than the others.

If you're a fan of the series, here are a couple of useful links:

1. Scathing remarks about the outfits of heroines on Instagram @everyoutfitonsatc
2. On the HBO channel website in the description of the episodes you can find a list of brands worn by the heroines. You need to select the episode you are interested in and go to the fashion credits section. It is relevant if you are looking all over the Internet for a vintage skirt exactly like Charlotte’s, by checking the site you can easily figure out her brand and collection.

For Miss Bradshaw, contrary to all the laws of female friendship, men always come first. Not coming to a meeting with a friend because the Man of Your Dreams suggested having dinner with him? For Carrie, there’s nothing to even think about - she, of course, agrees. Go with your new lover to his country house and miss the weekly get-togethers? Not a question either. Moreover, warning in advance is not Carrie’s style. She may forget about the meeting altogether. And it doesn’t matter that someone there needs friendly support.

She doesn't know how to manage finances

Carrie lives beyond her means - she is a columnist, her column about sex does not appear every day and Bradshaw does not earn that much. But she spends money as if she has it. Chic shoes from Manolo Blahnik, trendy handbags and dresses, trips only by taxi, dinners in the best restaurants in New York.

Carrie hopes others will help her solve her financial problems. One day she even turns to Charlotte with the complaint “Why didn’t you offer me money.” Charlotte ends up giving Carrie her old engagement ring - strange story, right?

If you calculate how much Carrie earned and how much she spent (rent, cigarettes, shoes, shoes, restaurants, bars, designer shoes again), it turns out that she was always in debt. For your peace of mind, we won’t talk about clothes from the world’s haute couture gurus. But even if you don't take it into account, it turns out that Bradshaw's debts amounted to about $3,000 a month.

She's always trying to change Mr. Big

Yes, he acted like a complete asshole to her many times, and this is often said. But Carrie herself was often no better. If you are not satisfied with a person, it is better to break up with him. However, Carrie tries countless times to reshape Big, to turn him into a better (in her opinion) person.

She's a selfish narcissist

Carrie stops all conversations about other people's problems (cancer, divorce or infertility), turning to her beloved self. At the same time, she may not have any problems - everyone just has to admire her new handbag. Carrie needs her friends' world to revolve around her. This seems to be how she understands friendship.

Okay, friends are friends, but Carrie seriously believes that Big's wife (whom he cheated on with her) should listen to her, understand and forgive her. It’s not easy for even Carrie to live with a feeling of guilt, so she tries in every possible way to meet with Natasha, who has already lost her teeth because of her. We must pay tribute to Natasha's self-control - she behaves like a true lady.

She treated Aidan disgustingly.

Aidan asked her to quit smoking, but she didn't keep her promise. Aidan proposed to her and she accepted, although she didn't really want to marry him. Aidan trusted her and she cheated on him with Mr. Big. By the way, Carrie even managed to drag Big to Aidan’s country house.

It's been many years, but it still hurts us when we see how lovingly Aidan looks at Carrie and how she treats him.

She denies bisexuality

When Carrie finds out that her new boyfriend is bisexual, she is shocked and then declares that bisexuality does not exist. Carrie's reaction was strange even for the USA in the 1990s. According to Carrie, all bisexual men are actually gay. However, only Samantha disagrees with Carrie.

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Addition, expansion (@everyoutfitonsatc) 16 Lis 2017 r. about 9:27 PST

1. She arrives an hour late and starts talking about herself. About my shoe addiction. About problems with Mr. Big. About what literary critic Michiko Kakutani wrote about her in the Times. What? Do you have more important problems? Suspicion of a tumor? Oh wait, don't you know yet that her Russian boyfriend wrote to her?

2. Everything she says is important. Especially her puns. Are you tired of appreciating them yet?


3. She spends all her money on shoes and, of course, did not listen to you when you advised saving for a rainy day. And now you have to help her pay for the rent.

4. At a friendly dinner, she suddenly asks you how often you give your husband a blowjob. And when you raise an eyebrow in confusion or blush, she will wave her hand: “Oh, I won’t tell anyone!”

5. She won't tell. She will write. Every detail of your personal life will be retold in a weekly column, and she won't even bother to change the names of the main characters. Well, maybe he’ll sign Alena Ivanova as “Alena I.”

6. Her abs are great, but she constantly shows them off in inappropriate places: at a mommy's party, at a church service, while meeting her boyfriend's parents, at a wedding. Did all her blouses shrink after the laundry?

7. When she goes through her closet, you'll spend the entire day appreciating her looks. In the end, she will generously give you everything she decided to get rid of, but not that it really suits you.

8. What do you mean you can’t go somewhere because you overspent? She spends thousands of dollars a month on shoes, drives a taxi, drinks $18 Cosmopolitans (all on a columnist's salary? Okay...) and has no idea that some people live differently.

9. She doesn’t know how to drive, so on trips and trips you will have to drive. And she, of course, will sip Cosmopolitan all the way.

10. She will not appear at the dinner that you organized in her honor. She's an original!

11. She is unlikely to agree to go somewhere where it will not matter what she wears. Picnic in the forest? She will have to spend the weekend in sneakers, and no one will even notice that they are Dior!

12. She has a terrible husband for you to spend time with. Mr. Big is narcissistic, elderly and immature at the same time. You know what we mean.

13. She is afraid to take responsibility for pets, so she has a gay friend who will replace her lap dog. To walk with her, he must look the part.

14. She is not very knowledgeable about technology and gadgets. You will have to teach her how to use the Metro Map app. Which she will never use anyway...

15 ...and will not come to visit you if you live in a residential area. In her opinion, there could be nothing interesting there other than a gang of troubled teenagers and a cluster of minibuses. How can you even live there? This is dangerous to your health!

This summer, exactly 20 years have passed since the release of the first episode of Sex and the City. And yet, the series has not lost its relevance. It remains the most quoted to this day, and the style of the main character has become legendary. Today we remember the 6 most striking and iconic dresses of Carrie Bradshaw:


It couldn't help but end up in 1st place. We all know and remember this nude dress of Carrie.

In a conversation with Miranda, the heroine seriously notes the strength of her “naked” dress. She blames this thing for having sex on the first date with the Man of her dreams.

I have nothing to do with this! It's all a dress. The dress... the damned dress! It had a life of its own.

However, Carrie’s love for lingerie style, transparency and dresses with thin straps can be seen throughout the entire series.


One of the most powerful scenes and one of the most elegant portrayals of Carrie in the series. In a snow-white midi-length dress, Carrie releases Big and says the phrase and film “The Way We Were”:

“You have a wonderful wife, Hubble!” Carrie says, and walks away.

I thought... Maybe it wasn’t me who went around him.. Maybe the whole problem is that he didn’t go around me. Or maybe some women cannot be tamed? And they must run freely without a saddle and without a bridle until they meet someone of their own breed and run together...


In one of the episodes, Carrie is going to participate in the show. At the fitting, she is given a stunning dress with a contrasting floral pattern from Dolce&Gabbana. And, it should be noted that it works flawlessly on heroin. However, during the show itself, Carrie gets a jacket and panties set.


Before us is one of the most delicate and romantic dresses of the main character of Sex and the City. Going on a date with the Man of her dreams, Carrie looks incredibly feminine and romantic in this outfit. True, then Carrie and Big awkwardly say hello, and accidentally both fall into the lake of Central Park. 😀


During a date with the charming Alexander Petrovsky, Carrie tries on a dazzling short dress with golden fringe. In this episode, the couple has dinner at the well-known restaurant “Russian Samovar”.