If a person eats quickly there is psychology. You are the way you eat: what lies behind the habit of eating too slowly or too quickly

Hello, I need your help or even advice. I just can’t figure out one situation: I recently met a young man. He is older than me. He has a girlfriend, and this girl is far from beautiful. I really like him.
I began to notice that he often looked at me, tried to be closer to me... I tried to get to know each other. It seemed to me that he liked me not as a person, but as a girl, but it also happened that I thought that maybe he was interested in me simply as an interlocutor? As a man? But no more....
I just can't figure this out. My friends say that he is interested in me as a girl, but my mother says that he is just interested in me as a person. I doubt my abilities... I am quite beautiful, I have a sense of style, I am much prettier than his girlfriend. Of course, I love myself, but I doubt that I can please anyone.
Please help me understand this situation. What should I do?
Thank you very much in advance!

Inna, Russia, Moscow, 15 years old

Sexologist's answer:

Hello, Inna.

And what do you want? Do you want him to like you as a girl? When a man says that he likes someone as a girl, it means that he is attracted to her sexually. If MCH says that he likes her as a person, this means that he likes her human qualities. When a man decides whether to have a long-term relationship with a girl, and not just a sexual relationship, he evaluates both her sexuality and her human qualities. With a beautiful, but stupid, monotonous, little-interested girl who can’t put two words together, MCH can be with a girl for some time (because of sex), but it will quickly get boring, since it’s boring with her and there’s nothing even to talk about. It seems that he is attracted to you, that is, he likes you as a girl, but he is not yet sure about your other qualities. And he also has a girlfriend who is not as pretty as you, but probably has other qualities that outweigh that. Try to understand - which ones? Maybe knowledge, skills, ease, confidence, experience. If you find and acquire them, the “scales” may tip in your direction.

Best regards, Alexander Kolosov.

Until the age of 2–3 years, children eat almost everything. My son happily devoured broccoli puree without salt or other additives. Now, when I hear the word “cabbage,” hysterics begin. As a child, I hated liver, and my girlfriend didn’t eat tomatoes. Why this happens can be answered by the psychology of food.

All people have a list of foods that they didn't like as children and that they enjoy now. But the smell of liver still makes me sick, and some of my friends don’t understand how anyone can eat prunes. Most often the problem is not in the stomach, but in the head.

How to make friends with foods you don't like? Psychologist Elizabeth Phillips studies the psychology of food. She tells us how to cope with food aversions that we have not tolerated since childhood.

Why we love or hate food

People form their menu under the influence of innate and learned preferences. In the first case, each person’s brain makes decisions according to the same laws. And in the second, the secret lies in childhood.

Innate preferences

It turns out that our innate taste preferences play an insignificant role in the choice. From birth, we are programmed to crave sweets and reject sour and bitter foods.

Taste preferences can be explained from an evolutionary point of view. Sweet foods are a good source of nutrients, which is why we tend to choose them. For example, ripe fruits are most often safe and rich in vitamins. While poisonous plants are almost always bitter, so we genetically reject this taste. This partly explains why some people dislike vegetables so much.

From the first days, babies show an attitude towards sweet and bitter, and their reaction to salty develops a little later.

Phillips believes that our craving for sodium chloride can also be easily explained by adaptation. The water of salt lakes contains many microelements necessary for the body.

We also love fatty foods: they provide a significant amount. That's why people love the combination of fatty and sweet (ice cream) or fatty and salty (fried potatoes).

Learned preferences

Innate factors correct eating behavior, but learned preferences have the main influence. They are formed even before we are born.

We learn our first lessons about taste while in the womb. The child absorbs knowledge from the mother through the umbilical cord and amniotic fluid. Scientists have proven Human fetuses learn odours from their pregnant mother’s diet that children express less negative reactions to the smells of anise and garlic if women pregnant with them consumed these products. The same goes for . Babies liked the taste if their mothers drank carrot juice during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

You already know that taste preferences are formed over the course of two years. First you eat everything adults give you, and then you become neophobic. Now you don't like the new food. So, if your mother did not like garlic, onions or liver, the chances of enjoying them are close to zero.

This is where many parents make the biggest mistake. They believe that the child simply does not like this kind of food. But children generally do not like new food. If you stop trying to feed your offspring these foods, they will hate some of them as adults. Parents simply do not know that if they continue to treat their child to boiled vegetables, over time he will like them.

The solution to the problem is to make this food. Try again and again. This may take 10 to 15 attempts. So if you don't like a dish, put it on the menu more often.

We don't just eat foods because we love them. Vice versa. We love them because we eat them all the time.

But switching to a new diet is not as easy as it seems. This must be done within 2–4 months. If you are used to drinking full-fat milk, 10 glasses of skim milk will clearly not be enough to generate warm feelings. Your body needs time to readjust its taste buds.

How to accustom yourself to unloved foods

It would seem that since most of our preferences are learned, then it is enough to adjust our diet and simply force ourselves to become addicted to new food. But there are many interesting nuances in the psychology of taste that are worth knowing.

For example, there are people who are hypersensitive to bitterness, which is why they try to avoid green vegetables.

Also, do not forget that the senses play an important role in taste preferences. The smell of food greatly affects us, but we also evaluate a dish by its appearance. If you change it, it will be perceived differently.

Remember how long you can’t even look at what you recently poisoned yourself with. It’s all in the head: a kind of program has been developed in order to protect us from poisonous food.

Remember: if you want to change your attitude towards certain products, you need to prepare psychologically and accustom yourself to new things gradually.

If you have one, try to diversify their menu as much as possible. They should try new things. And even if they don’t like something, perhaps on the twentieth time they will say that now it is their favorite dish.

Developing taste buds and getting used to different foods is not only beneficial for the body. This will come in handy when you travel. For example, Asian cuisine is characterized by tastes, colors, and smells that are unusual for Europeans. It’s more interesting to try something new than to frantically search for the nearest McDonald’s.

A person is given away not only by his gestures and manner of speaking, but also by what he eats. But the way he does it can say even more about him.

This classification of personality types from LittleThings, although not scientific, is quite interesting, because it is based on eating habits. Are there psychological reasons why you like to have a quick snack or, on the contrary, like to stretch out your lunch longer? According to food expert and founder of Food-ology, Juliet Boghossian, eating habits can say a lot about your personality.

Lovers eat slowly

Many people know this type: everyone has already finished their dish, and only one person slowly picks at the plate, eating one piece at a time. He is never in a hurry, enjoying the process.

Boghossian notes that this type is usually a person who likes to be in control. They value life, are confident and consistent in their actions.

Those who eat slowly only occasionally may do so because they are in a bad mood or lack of energy. According to psychologist Julia Hormes, mood also affects eating habits.

Sometimes this type of person can feel pressured to keep up with everyone else. But the habit of eating slowly can have a very positive effect on a person’s health - reduced energy consumption, less hunger and pleasure from eating.

Lovers eat quickly

There is a high probability that you or someone in your environment fits the description of this type. Such people usually empty the plate before most have even eaten half of it.

Such habits indicate initiative and energy, determination and readiness to experiment. But at the same time, these people can be impatient. According to Boghossian, the speed at which you eat reveals the pace of your life.

There is nothing wrong with this habit, but it is worth remembering that eating too quickly can harm your health in the future and cause excess weight.

Seeker of adventures

Representatives of this type are always looking for the next gastronomic adventure. When it comes to food and any other issues, such a person always seeks thrills and likes to take risks.

“Your unique approach to life is something you should never change. Just don’t force others to behave the same way, because not everyone likes experiments,” says Phil Mutz.

According to Boghossian, adventurous people are willing to try something new outside their comfort zone.

Demanding and fussy eater

Representatives of this type can forever remain faithful to their childhood taste habits and refuse unknown dishes. Such people always ask the waiter to serve a dish without some ingredient or sauce.

It turns out that every emotion has a certain taste or aroma, and therefore, by eating certain foods, you can influence your psycho-emotional state

Modern doctors have noticed that the psychological factors of diseases are so strong that they often dominate over physiological factors in treatment. It is also noted that a person’s taste needs depend and are determined by his mental and emotional state, and not by reasonable expediency. And this is due to the fact that food is a source of not only nutrients for the physical body of a person, but also forms his emotional potential of the psyche. Simply put, it gives power to emotions.

The taste of food is an emotion

According to Ayurveda, there are 6 tastes:

  • sweet
  • sour
  • salty
  • bitter
  • tart
  • astringent

And if all these tastes are present in a balanced state, then food gives a person health and happiness. If this harmony is disturbed, which often depends on shortcomings of character and behavior, then illnesses occur.

So, for example, being in a state of laziness, a person wants a sweet taste. Sweet taste is useful, but from its excess, i.e. Excess sugar in the body reduces the defenses, the metabolism and function of the liver, pancreas, and small blood vessels are disrupted, and vision suffers. It has been noticed that a lot of sweets, especially in the evening, are consumed by those who try not to solve their problems.

When experiencing grief, a person unconsciously seeks to diversify his diet with such bitter foods as: mustard, rye bread, coffee. As a result, there is a high likelihood of chronic infections, diseases of the blood and skeletal system. A pessimistic, touchy person constantly strives to eat sour things. And sour in excessive quantities harms the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, joints, and disrupts the internal environment of the body.

A fussy, tense person simply loves salty food. He loves her so much that he is ready to eat even sweets and salt. And too much salty food is an enemy of the blood vessels of the whole body, bronchi, kidneys, and joints. Stubborn, assertive, unrestrained people love things that are overly tart. Such food leads to diseases of the hormonal organs, bronchi, spine, joints, and bones.

Angry, overly temperamental people experience an addiction to spicy food, resulting in inflammatory processes in the liver, pancreas, stomach, heart, and genitals. The need for fried food in a person arises when there is rudeness in the character, a feeling of fatigue and an aversion to work. And this leads to overload of the blood vessels of the brain, liver, stomach, and hormonal and immune functions are disrupted.

Greedy people love excessively fatty foods, which leads to diseases of the stomach, liver, skeletal system, and metabolic disorders.

Food taste and stress

People who are under constant mental stress, do not know how to distract themselves from problems, prefer to tone the body with tea, coffee, St. John's wort, and oregano.

Being in this state, a person, as a rule, begins to smoke, drink alcohol and other means of poisoning.

One way or another, but at the physiological level the result of such habits is damage to the blood vessels of the brain, heart, kidneys, and liver. Moreover, the functions of the gonads decrease and the circulatory system begins to suffer.

Irritable, stubborn, greedy, fussy people like to eat a lot, they are in a hurry while eating - excess weight appears, blood pressure disorders, hormonal disorders, disorders in the spine, and the body's defenses decrease.

Food and the modern world

With callousness, greed, bad attitude towards people, cruelty, excessive attachment to things, a craving for meat appears. And cruelty and straightforwardness causes a huge need for fish products. The result is pessimism, constant irritability, malignant tumors, accidents.

In addition, these meats and fish require a lot of energy to digest, which as a result leads to a weakening of all other functions of the body, including the natural desire for self-healing. Diseases become chronic.

So, what emotions are associated with food? Let's summarize:

    grief - bitter emotions,

    fear has an astringent character.

These two emotions aggravate the psycho-energetic flows in the human body, called “vata” in Ayurveda.

    envy is a sour emotion,

    anger is a caustic emotion.

These two emotions aggravate pitta.

    desire and passion are sweet emotions,

    greed is a salty emotion.

These two increase kapha.

A person who is passionate about what he loves, who treats people kindly, is not inclined to pervert his taste qualities, and thereby increases the opportunity to be healthy and happy.

Thus, by indulging our negative character traits, we acquire disturbances in harmonious taste sensations, which, in turn, forces us to eat meat, fish products, fried foods, tea, cocoa, and coffee. Excessively - sweet, - sour, - salty, - tart, - bitter, - fatty, - spicy. And with poor nutrition, diseases develop. This is how the mechanism of punishing a person for negative character traits works. Therefore, eat harmoniously and balanced, exclude meat, fish, coffee from your diet, reduce the amount of fried foods, and then you will help your body get rid of many diseases. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

In everyday life you have to interact with many people, both at work, at home, and in shops and other public places. Some people are perceived by the delight of positive emotions, and there is a circle that causes negative ones. This is the perception of each person. So we are perceived by the people around us from completely different sides. You can dislike a thousand different people, but there will also be many reasons for this, since each individual has his own perception.

20 reasons why people don't like you

There is a set of common characteristics that can irritate every person.

Using "I" too often

People around you get the impression that you are being selfish by using this pronoun too often.

It is necessary to “yak” as little as possible so that your interlocutors feel respect from you and feel comfortable during the conversation.

Inability to listen, and most importantly, to hear

An individual has a special talent if he does not interrupt his interlocutor, but listens to him conscientiously.

In a conversation, there are 2 manifestations of disrespect for a person.

First: indifference to the conversation and absorption in one’s thoughts, while completely ignoring the interlocutor.

Second: it is absolutely rude to interrupt when expressing your comments, to show that the subject of the conversation itself is uninteresting.

Such behavior is inappropriate if the topic is far from the concept, and an incompetent opinion can put you in an awkward position. Therefore, you need to find strength and always listen to what the person is trying to convey, and only then insert your comments.