Not just April. Famous transgender people of UkraineStory

Over the weekend, a new season of the famous vocal TV show started in Ukraine, and the four jury consisting of Tina Karol, Jamala, Sergei Babkin and Potap were amazed by the performance of the girl who sang Beyoncé’s hit Smashed into you. At first, none of the jury allegedly recognized the singer Boris April in the performer, who called herself Zianja. Although it has long been known that several years ago the guy went to the USA, where he had sex reassignment surgery. And now, going by the names Anna April and Zianja, the transsexual took the stage and decided to conquer the Ukrainians with his clearly changed vocals and unusual appearance.

In addition to Boris April, at least several other transgender people are known in Ukraine, including travesty diva Monroe, models Adriana Doronina, Kira Marks, Sasha Shatalova. And all over the world, famous trannies are a dime a dozen, although they mainly represent the modeling business.

"Correspondent" made a selection and talked about the biographies of famous Ukrainian and foreign transgender people, and also found out how much gender reassignment surgery costs in our country and abroad.

Difference between transgender and transsexual

Many people still confuse the concepts of “transgender” and “transsexual”, although there is a difference between them.

Transgender people are people whose inner nature they believe does not match their physical embodiment. At a certain age, such individuals change gender through surgery and/or hormonal therapy, or do not.

Transsexuals are those transgender people who have changed their gender surgically.

Transgender people are not always transsexual, and most often being transgender has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

Transgender people in Ukraine

  • Boris April/Anna April/Zianja

Boris Kruglov (real name) was born in 1990 in Chernomorskoye (Crimea) into the family of a shipbuilder. The boy loved to sing since childhood, so his parents sent him to a music school in vocal class, which he successfully completed.

Boris April before his sex change (photo from the network)

Boris April's musical career began in 2008, when he became a participant in the Star Factory-2 project. The guy came up with a stage name for himself and dyed his hair. He surprised the jury members not only with his vocals, but also with his shocking appearance and charisma. His unusual appearance and demeanor caused laughter among those around him, to which the guy practically did not react. Boris April reached the finals of the project, but according to the results of the audience vote he became third.

After that, April participated in many shows and wrote several songs. In 2010, he took part in the Star Factory super final. Having dropped out of the project, the artist disappeared. After graduating from university in 2012, he left for the USA.

In 2014, on his 24th birthday, the singer told fans that he was transsexual and had sex reassignment surgery. Today her name is Anna April. Anna said that she has a beloved young man. Anya has already deleted all old accounts on social networks where she was known under the name Boris April.

Updated Boris Arpel is Anna April (photo: 1+1)

On January 28, 2018, Anna April, or Zianja, took part in the blind auditions of the 8th season of the Ukrainian Voice, and advanced to the next round.

  • Travesty diva Monroe

In my youth and now. Monroe did not change her gender, but from the age of 18-20 she changed her image (photo from the Internet)

Alexander Shevchenko (real name) was born in 1978 in Kyiv into a family of engineers. In 2000 he received a master's degree in chemistry of macromolecular compounds.

Monroe began her career in 1999 as a show host at the gay club Cage.

In 2001, Monroe created the first and only professional travesty group at that time, Star Factory. From 2001 to 2004, the group gave 500 concerts throughout Ukraine, mainly in gay clubs and gay-friendly establishments.

Monroe has repeatedly taken part in Miss Travesty beauty contests. During her creative activity, she also managed to be an art director of several nightclubs, an author of columns in magazines, a blogger on Internet portals about the lives of stars, and a TV show host.

Monroe began to be interested in gender issues, as she says, at the age of 18. After a visit to a psychologist, Sasha realized that he was not a transsexual, because he did not want to change his gender. “I am aware that my passport and physiology are male, but in my soul I feel like a beauty queen,” says Monroe.

In her youth and now: from the age of 18, Monroe dreamed of becoming famous throughout the country (photo from the Web)

Today Monroe is a successful TV presenter, actress, public figure, drag queen artist and socialite.

  • Andriana Doronina

This Kiev model used to be Andrei Doronin and starred for glossy magazines in a male image.

Andrey Doronin (photo:

He was born in Crimea and from early childhood suffered from ridicule because he looked so much like a girl.

In 2012, Andrei took part in the show Masha and the Model, where he was noticed by the host of the show and part-time owner of the largest modeling agency in Ukraine, Maria Manyuk. Later, the androgynous Andrey signed a contract with the largest agency Elite Model Look and worked under a contract in Paris, China.

After Andrei was refused a contract because his short-cropped hair robbed him of his charm, he was on the verge of suicide in 2014. His mother helped him cope with the problem. He started taking hormones and gradually turned into Andriana. She has not yet undergone the gender reassignment surgery she so dreams of.

Andriana Doronina (photo:

Now Andriana Doronina is a transgender video blogger. She has her own channel, to which more than 50 thousand viewers are subscribed.

  • Kira Marks

Not much is known about transgender model Kira Marks. The girl herself says that she began to transform from a man to a woman even when she was at school. Mom reacted negatively to her son’s desire to turn into a woman and there were constant scandals in the family.

One day the guy attempted suicide and was placed in a psychiatric clinic, where he spent almost a month. Already while a student, at the insistence of his mother, he entered a rehabilitation center.

Kira Marks

Over time, the mother accepted her son’s feminine essence and even offered to pay for the gender reassignment operation. But for now the girl is taking the necessary hormones. Despite her feminine appearance, Kira likes women, not men, and society does not understand why she needs sex reassignment surgery.

According to Kira, most transgender Ukrainians use birth control pills with synthetic estrogen and testosterone blockers, which do not require a prescription, as hormone therapy. But you cannot buy natural estrogen in ampoules in Ukraine. She herself orders the hormone from India.

  • Sasha Shatalova

Transgender Ukrainian model, also not transsexual. Spends most of his time abroad.

Alexander Shatalov was born in Crimea. From an early age, the boy began to like male representatives; he was openly gay. Sasha decided to turn into a girl in 2015 - he realized that guys would like it more and feel more free in society.

Sasha Shatalova is a Ukrainian transgender model who used to be Alexander Shatalov

Sasha did not undergo gender reassignment surgery, limiting herself to breast augmentation surgery, which, by the way, she did in Russia, as well as depilation and hormone therapy.

Transgender people in the world

  • Lili Elbe (male name at birth - Einar Wegener Mogens)

The first person in the world to undergo gender reassignment surgery. Before the operation, he was a famous artist and himself posed for his wife, an illustrator in Vogue, as a female model.

Einar before sex change (photo:

Lili Elbe and his wife Gerda Wegener were considered the most fashionable representatives of the bohemians of Paris, where they lived since 1912.

The man changed his gender legally in Berlin and Dresden as a result of four operations in 1930-32. Elbe's case became a sensation in Danish and German newspapers, and in 1930 a Danish court dissolved his marriage to Gerda. The transsexual changed his passport and name to Lili Ilse Elvenes.

In 1926, Elbe was busy dressing up as a woman and posing for his wife (photo:

In 2016, the film “The Danish Girl” was released, based on the biography of Lili Elbe. The role of Lily was played by Oscar winner Eddie Redmayne.

Hoping to one day carry and give birth to a child, Lily underwent a series of operations to implant a uterus in September 1931. Elbe died at the age of 48 due to her body’s rejection of the transplanted uterus (this was her fifth operation, and one of the first operations of its kind in the world).

  • Caitlyn Jenner

Today she is an American television star, and in the past she was Bruce Jenner, the 1976 Montreal Olympic champion. Bruce won gold in the decathlon in a world record.

Caitlyn Jenner is also known for being the stepfather of socialite Kim Kardashian.

Kim Kardashian's stepfather - Kathleen Jenner (photo

In a new guise, he appears in various television shows, drawing public attention to issues of equal rights for transgender people.

And this is what Bruce looked like before he was transformed into a woman:

1976 US President Ford (center) at the White House introduces Olympic champion Bruce Jenner (right) to Liberian President William Tolbert (official White House photo)

  • Leah T. (Leandro Cerezo)

Brazilian androgynous model, one of the first transgender models. Lea graced the covers of such magazines as: ELLE, Love, Vogue, Interview. She is the face of the Givenchy brand.

Leandro Medeiros Cerezo (real name at birth) experienced a craving for the female form in childhood. After he became famous in show business, he underwent sex reassignment surgery.

Lea on the cover of ELLE in December 2017

The cover with transgender Lea reproduces Sandro Botticelli's legendary painting "The Birth of Venus". The girl is the muse of the house Givenchy.

  • The Wachowski Sisters (The Wachowski Brothers)

The famous American film director brothers, known as Larry and Andrew Wachowski, became Lana and Lilly after operations. They became famous for their film trilogy The Matrix, the films Communication, Cloud Atlas, Jupiter Ascending, etc.

The Wachowski brothers before operations (photo: East News)

The Wachowski sisters have been openly transgender since 2012.

Wachowski after surgery (photo GLOBAL LOOK PRESS)

  • Gina Rosero

One of the most sought after and highly paid models in America. At the height of her career, she shocked fans, her agent and friends with a loud statement. Having invited journalists and hosts of the most famous TV shows, the girl admitted that before moving to the USA she lived in the Philippines and was a boy.

This is what Gina looked like as a child (photo:

When the guy grew up, he flew to the USA to fulfill his dream and at the age of 17 had sex reassignment surgery, changed his name to Gina Rosero and became a women's underwear model.

Frank recognition did not prevent the model from developing in her profession.

Chaz Bono is Cher's son, who used to be a daughter (photo from the Web)

Gender reassignment: how much does it cost in Ukraine and the world?

In 2016, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine changed the rules for gender reassignment. This was done so that patients who decided to change their sex did not undergo many medical commissions, sterilization and hospitalization in a psychiatric clinic (from 30 to 45 days). In Europe, Asia and America the procedure is more simplified.

To change gender in Ukraine, a person must obtain a diagnosis of “transsexuality” from a sex therapist, without whom a legal operation cannot be carried out. Then the patient is registered with a medical institution for about a year. After a medical examination in a mental hospital and obtaining permission from a special commission, a gender reassignment operation is performed. The last stage is obtaining a new passport.

The issue of gender reassignment and obtaining medical confirmation was regulated by Ministry of Health Order No. 60, adopted in 2011. The document establishes medical, biological and socio-psychological indications for gender correction. They are used under certain conditions and contraindications.

In Ukraine, gender reassignment operations are performed in several clinics. In public medical institutions it is officially free, and in private clinics the cost starts from 2 thousand dollars. Despite the extremely low price (compared to prices in other countries), there are not many people willing to change their sex in Ukraine; clients leave for Russia or Thailand.

In Russia, each stage of gender reassignment costs about 30,000 rubles (about 15 thousand UAH).

Having 3 thousand dollars, you can try to have the operation in Serbia.

Thailand is considered the leader in the number of gender reassignment operations, where transsexuals are classified as individuals of the third gender. The cost of gender reassignment surgery in Thailand is 7-10 thousand dollars, and this is one of the lowest prices in the world, while the level of medical care is quite high. There are officially about 10 thousand transsexuals in Thailand.

In the US, changing gender costs from 30 to 40 thousand dollars, in the UK - from 20 thousand pounds. Moreover, the cost of operations to transform a man into a woman is two times cheaper than vice versa.

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I talked with three transgender girls - Andriana Doronina, Kira Marks and Sasha Shatalova - about what people with a different gender identity have to go through in our country on the way to harmony with themselves.

Popular model Andriana Doronina I decided to transition “quite late” - at 24 years old. The girl decided to take this step after she began to have thoughts of suicide. “I realized that I couldn’t do this anymore - it was a kind of suicidal point. I was faced with a choice: either die or move on,” she admits. “When you feel out of place in your body, it gradually eats you up. That’s why so many people like this decide to commit suicide,” the girl notes.

Andriana says that she was lucky with her parents, and they were able to accept her. However, she had particular difficulties during the transition period - “when, due to hormones, you are no longer a guy, but not yet a girl, and people notice it.” In addition, gender reassignment procedures are very expensive, and she has to “work double” to cover the necessary costs. The girl regrets that at one time she “made her life public.” Andriana is sure that if her transgenderism had not become public, it would have been easier for her to start a family.

“I have already taken upon myself the mission to talk about existing problems and there is no turning back,” she says. “I want to appeal to those who are depressed or experiencing tragedy, and show by my example that there is no need to be discouraged.”

Another heroine of the material, Kira Marks, draws attention to the difference between the concepts of “sex” and “gender”: if gender cannot be changed, then sex can be adjusted.

When she began to “transform,” and this happened back in her school years, Kira recalls, her classmates calmly reacted to the changes in her appearance, but her mother could not understand her daughter’s intentions. “We started arguing a lot. This went on for about 3-4 years,” says Kira. She “had to endure a lot of humiliation” from her own mother.

After a breakdown and attempted suicide, the girl, with her own consent, was sent to a psychiatric hospital for almost a month, and later, while studying at the university, she was forcibly taken to a rehabilitation center. Only years later was the parent finally able to come to terms with her daughter’s transgender status. “Now we have a good relationship with my mother. She even offered to have the operation in Kyiv or Thailand,” Marks continued.

According to her, most transgender Ukrainian women use birth control pills containing synthetic estrogen and testosterone blockers, which do not require a prescription, as hormone therapy. Because you cannot buy natural estrogen in ampoules in Ukraine. She herself orders Indian on various sites.

Kira claims that she most often encounters misunderstandings regarding her sexuality: “Very often people think that since I’m a girl now, I should now like guys. And even relatives and friends think this way. It's crazy to them that I like girls. They immediately ask why I needed all this.”

Marx calls on everyone to be more tolerant of points of view different from their own. “Even if you don’t understand something, you should respect it. And the choice of another person,” she concludes.

Sasha Shatalova said that thoughts of starting a transition had visited her since she was 16 years old, but the fear of being unrecognized and rejected held her back. “With every year of independent life, strengthening myself, I realized more and more clearly that this is my life, I have to live it, and I must decide for myself: I want to live it happily, or in an eternal struggle to find myself,” the girl reasoned .

About the need for change

It actually didn't happen overnight. This has always been in me. I am from a small town in Crimea and I did not have access to information. When you feel out of place in your body, it gradually eats away at you. That is why so many such people decide to commit suicide.

I've been talking to girls since childhood. It comes from within, although you don’t even understand it. At 3-5 years of age, awareness comes. At this age there are still no social restrictions, because the child is allowed more. Then I put on women's clothes, watched TV series with my grandmother, and wove wreaths from daisies or dandelions. Nowadays everyone is on social networks, but I had a different childhood.

I feel very sorry that when a person works in a mine in Donetsk, he feels like Masha, but his name is Seryozha.

I regret that this happened quite late - at 24 years old. Only two years have passed since then. After one of the TV projects and trips as a model in Europe and Asia, I finally moved to Kyiv. I realized that I couldn’t do this anymore - it was a kind of suicidal point. I was faced with a choice: either die or move on. I talked to my mother, went to church, and realized that I would live as long as I could. But I won’t change myself.

I wish I was younger, because now everything is easier– a completely different exchange of information. I was lucky with my appearance: hormones made my skin better and my breasts bigger. I haven't changed my face in any way, although I plan to make small adjustments in the future. But I really like my nose, cheekbones and lips.

About relationships with relatives

I was lucky with my parents. I have a big family - my mother, two cousins, an uncle and an aunt, and then there was also a grandmother. I was a very gentle child and was treated kindly and loved very much. This is important because most parents do not understand or support their children. This is how a child develops complexes already in childhood. And they were inspired by close people, and not on the street.

My mother sent me to dance and to a music school, where there were mainly women's classes. At school I was very beautiful, so I was often insulted - they said that I had big lips and asked why I acted like a girl. I couldn't explain.

I was different from everyone else, and such people are never liked. At this age, it is very rare for someone to understand and support you. In a small town you find yourself in a vicious circle from which you are trying to get out.

I am one of those who likes to achieve my goals and not give up. Although many do it differently, confusing all this with orientation. But how you feel inside does not depend on it. If I want to be lesbian, gay or straight, I will be. Many people confuse these concepts, replacing one with another. Our people are still wild; they need to be taught tolerance and the ability to understand.

About difficulties

The difficulties were very great. They still exist today, and are mostly related to voice. Hormones haven't helped much here - he's changing and breaking down, but that's not what I would like. Perhaps I will do voice feminization. This procedure is carried out in Japan, but it is very expensive - about $8 thousand.

Difficulties also arise during the transition period– when, due to hormones, you are no longer a guy, but not yet a girl. And people notice it. They shouted different words after me, but I walked with my head held high and understood who I was and where I was going.
I also understand why people have this reaction. We are brought up this way - there is red and white, but something pink is already wild. People in our country do not perceive new information. Europe and America have a completely different mentality. But I am grateful that our youth already understand who I am and that I was unlucky.

It would be easier for me to be gay, but in harmony with myself. Now this is a tragedy for me - you are in the prison of your body. And you need to have very great strength, because such procedures are very expensive. This is especially true in situations where there is no finance. You have to work twice as hard not to be a prostitute like the majority. Yes, it's hard. But I am proud that I earn money myself and achieve everything.

About stereotypes

You shouldn't judge everyone by one person. There is an opinion that since you are a transsexual, you are some kind of abnormal, with deviations. But we are the same as everyone else. Just with other problems.

I may be more of a woman than those who are naturally so, but I don’t value it.

I can be more of a womanthan those who are such by nature, but do not value it. I would like to wish them to still appreciate their femininity and beauty, to respect themselves and their choices. I get scared when I see women with a cigarette and beer in their hands. Although this is their right, they look worse than men.

I want to reach out to those who are depressed or experiencing tragedy., and show by example that you shouldn’t be discouraged.

About personal life

Family is very important to me, but I myself deliberately ruin my personal life. Not every man can stand the fact that his girlfriend is a transsexual, a model, and a popular one at that. At one time, I was very stupid and put my life on public display.

I wish people didn't know who I am. Then starting a family would be easier. Therefore, if you want to be public, approach this decision consciously. I have already taken upon myself the mission to talk about existing problems and there is no turning back.

I must either be very lucky, or it will be a man from another country– with a different mentality and attitude. Ours will have a hard time in such a situation: he seems to love a girl, but everyone around him says that in the past he was a guy.

Kira Marks

About where it all started

There is the concept of “sex”, and there is “gender”. The realization of the latter came to me later. Until I was 15, I had a more androgynous appearance - my mother did not forbid me to grow my hair. I led an active life and calmly communicated with different children. At a children's camp, for example, I played football with the boys. And then the girls painted my nails, and we went for a walk.

At the age of 15, the transition period began– testosterone levels increased, an Adam’s apple appeared and the voice changed. This was the first call.

I had a certain upbringing - I was raised to be a gentleman. And since I’m a normal guy, I had to change myself somehow. I believed that I was mistaken or mistaken about something.

The first question that arose within me was about sexuality. Since childhood, I liked both girls and boys. I clearly understood that I was not gay, but I could not understand the reason for such different thoughts in my head. Such experiences were very strange for me. At that time I only knew about transvestites, but I had never heard anything about transsexuality or gender reassignment.
I had a certain upbringing - I was raised to be a gentleman. And since I’m a normal guy, I had to change myself somehow. I believed that I was mistaken or mistaken about something.

Yes, there were conversations behind our backs. But I didn’t feel any aggression. After 2-3 years, I began to explain myself what was happening. I wanted my friends to accept my new social status. I was the president of the gymnasium. When, even before hormones, I started dressing and wearing makeup differently, my classmates reacted calmly. Perhaps they were hiding their real reaction.

I had certain achievements The girls liked me, but it didn’t help get rid of my worries. I understood that I needed to get more information. At first I found androgynes, but it wasn't really my thing. And I delved further into the topic.

About the solution

I saved money from school lunches for hormones, which were cheaper then, and I understood that my mother shouldn’t talk about it. But she found out anyway - she found a note to a psychologist in my things. It seemed to me that they understand this and can help, but most of them in Ukraine have not encountered such problems and do not know what to do.

Mom didn’t believe it at first - she thought it was all a whim. But when she found the hormones in my bag that I always carried with me, she realized the seriousness of the situation. We started arguing a lot. This went on for about 3-4 years.

About the reaction of relatives

At school I was forced to live with my mother, During my first years of university, I also came home. To some extent, I still depend on her now, but then I had to endure a lot of humiliation and misunderstanding.

At first I was silent and agreed with her in everything, but later my nerves began to give in. The last year at school was difficult - before the cancer test I had a breakdown and attempted suicide. My parents are divorced, but together we decided that I needed to rest and go to the hospital.

So I ended up in a psychiatric hospital in Donetsk for almost a month. There they examined me - they did an MRI of the brain, they tried to detect schizophrenia, but there was none. This period greatly influenced my future life. I didn’t go to the budget, because then I had apathy towards everything and I didn’t care what happened next.

During my first year, the depression continued. I didn’t see a way out and didn’t understand what would happen next. There were constant problems with my mother, I lived in a dormitory in the men's room. Now I understand that difficulties strengthen willpower and character. I told my mother that I have connections in Moscow and I am moving there. I should have already left, but two people came to the hostel and simply led me out by the arms. That’s how I ended up in a rehabilitation center in Donetsk. This was also a kind of experience, I communicated with other people.

As soon as I left there, news immediately appeared about the seizure of Crimea and the beginning of events in Donetsk. The hostel building was located near the SBU and everything there was destroyed. There was no more school, I spent the whole summer at home. I accidentally met a transsexual from St. Petersburg. She helped me a lot - she paid for a good psychologist from her city via Skype.

After my second year, I decided to change my name in my passport. Mom began to understand that I had serious intentions. Then I was already away from her - I transferred to study in Lviv. She helped me financially and even sent me parcels with dresses. I didn't like them, but it was a move on her part.

Now I have a good relationship with my mother. She even offered to have the operation in Kyiv or Thailand. She was always worried about how society would react to me. But I proved that I am accepted in it. After changing my documents, I had many complexes, contradictions and stereotypes regarding gender and social roles. Now it seems to me that this is all exaggerated. My views changed when I became involved with activists and feminists.

First of all, I wanted to remove my Adam's apple and change my voice, I didn't like my foot size. But then I started thinking about how to deal with it. Visits to a psychologist were not very effective. I realized that only I could help myself.

For some time I convinced myself that I was a person without gender. If there is no male and female, then anything is possible. This went on for two weeks. But then everything suddenly passed - the complexes disappeared and internal harmony came. I didn't have to worry about anything anymore.

About the role of gender

I communicate with people older – 5-10 years older. And I can say that during communication they do not think about who is in front of them - a girl or a guy. In the same way, they do not think about themselves. If I say with confidence that I am a girl, then everyone perceives me that way.

There were situations when I was mistaken for a guy by my voice, but then immediately apologized and continued communication. If you are an open person, get along well with people and give them confidence that you can be trusted, then they don’t care whether you are a girl or a guy.

If you could choose your gender, I would probably still remain a guy. We have a patriarchal society, and I would be more comfortable being a guy. But something inside didn’t allow me to do this, no matter how hard I tried.

You can present yourself in different ways. And among transgender people there are, for example, bigenders. But you still have to fulfill a certain social role in society. And I consider myself a girl.

About drugs

In many CIS countries, a prescription is required to purchase hormones, but it’s easier for us in this regard. They can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. Most use birth control pills, which do not require a prescription. They contain synthetic estrogen and testosterone blockers. It is impossible to buy natural estrogen in ampoules in Ukraine, so I order Indian on various websites.

On the nature of aggression

This is largely due to differences in views. In our country, traditional values ​​are often advocated by people who profess Orthodoxy and adhere to principles from the Bible, as well as those who are close to right-wing ideology.

During the recent Equality March, a group of people held their own anti-pridewith similar calls. And I believe they have the right to this, just like everyone else. It was unpleasant for me later to read the same LGBT activists who persecuted us on this issue.

Understanding can be achieved if one does not use aggression and force. Even if you don't understand something, you should respect it. And the choice of another person. For two years I went to a Protestant church in my city. Everyone there noticed my changes. And although my new social status was not accepted, we still managed to find a compromise.

I'm always interested in communicating with other groups and hearing their opinions. Once I was at a right-wing conference and even received an autograph from Dmitry Yarosh. We talked for about a minute. And he had no doubts about the fact that I was a girl.

About stereotypes

For me the most important stereotype- this is a question of sexuality, which is inherent in us. Very often people think that since I'm a girl now, I should now like guys. And even relatives and friends think this way. It's crazy to them that I like girls. They immediately ask the question why I needed all this.

From the experience of communicating with transsexuals from different countries, I can say that they are often either polysexual or prefer girls. There are about 60% of them, another 40% like guys.

Sasha Shatalova

About the decision to change gender

Thoughts of changing my self-identification seriously visited me from the age of 16, but the fear of being unrecognized and rejected was stronger. With each year of independent life, strengthening myself, I realized more and more clearly that this is my life, I have to live it, and I must decide for myself: I want to live it happily, or in an eternal struggle to find myself.

On January 1, 2015, Sasha Shatalov became Sasha Shatalova.

I, as you already understood, preferred the first option, and I do not regret my choice. Thus, relatively recently, on January 1, 2015, Sasha Shatalov became Sasha Shatalova. I didn’t even have to think about my name, and I always loved my last name. The process of “transition” for me lasted very actively and easily, because I got a sweet appearance, pretty facial features, short stature, and a fairly high-pitched female voice. In a word, everything that suits a girl, but not a guy.

4 months later I was already in St. Petersburg for breast surgery, which went quite successfully. I haven’t had any more surgeries, and I don’t plan to. I took hormones for only 6 months: a few before my breasts, and a couple after, to form beautiful areolas. Then I stopped and am not going to start, because everything suits me. I got rid of body hair with some difficulty using laser hair removal, I recommend it to everyone. And in general, constant self-care will turn anyone into a princess, well, or so.

About the perception of gender

I don't know if this is scientifically correct or not, but I believe that all people are born with the same sexuality, or bisexual. And then that same “social superstructure” comes into play, which says “as it should”, as “correctly”. I believe that everyone is free to choose their own gender and sexuality. After all, no one will live your life for you, live it in harmony with yourself.

About stereotypes

This may sound funny, but I honestly don't know what stereotypes people have about transgender people. Only a few come to mind, and they are of a more personal nature. First: guys think that if they sleep with transgender people, then they are gay. Remember, gays (guys in my case) are not attracted to transgender people, not at all. They are attracted to the same guys, most often brutal. Transgender people attract people with erased boundaries, open-minded, bisexuals, or simply those who are looking for new sensations in sex.

I also noticed from personal experience that if someone “hits on me”(and many people make advances), immediately after I say that I am a transsexual girl (I do this almost immediately), then all the romance disappears. And would-be boyfriends think that they can afford an incorrect attitude. I want only those who know who I am to sincerely love, and the love to be mutual. There is no other way.

About aggression

People react so aggressively to any manifestation of otherness, because they were raised that way.

Photographers: Dima Romas and Anton Sofiychenko

Earlier, Ukrainian viewers of the show “Voice of the Country” were shocked by the transgender girl Zianja, once known as Boris April. Boris' transformation into a woman left no one indifferent - some considered it a strong act, others criticized it. Be that as it may, Zianja (aka Anya April and Boris April) is not the only Ukrainian transgender.

Famous Ukrainian transgenders

Anya April did not become the first transgender person on modern Ukrainian television. Previously, two girls who were previously boys took part in the show “Ukrainian Supermodel”.

We are talking about Karina Minaeva (season 1 of the program) and Yulia Mochalova (season 3).

Karina Minaeva

Karina Minaeva once was Konstantin Ostroushko, who was born in the village of Romashkino in Crimea. Kostya always had problems in his homeland. His parents also did not support the guy in his desires to play with dolls or try on a dress. “It was terrible at school: high school students were constantly insulting, threatening, beating...”- the model recalls.

Karina made her final choice to become a girl in Yevpatoria, where she studied at a medical college. Friends and relatives did not accept her decision and advised her to see a doctor.

“I spent a whole month in a mental hospital: I worked with psychotherapists and took tests”- the girl recalls.

But the decision had already been made. Kostya became Karina and loved ones had to come to terms with this fact. True, the girl’s father was never able to accept this turn of events. At that moment, their communication stopped.

Karina became one of the participants in the show “Ukrainian Supermodel” (season 1), the girl performed well in the project, but dropped out, taking 11th place.

Now the beauty continues to be photographed and is popular among Instagram users (the girl has more than 10 thousand subscribers there).

Yulia Mochalova

Various sources claim that before the gender change, Julia was called either Anton or Vasily. At the casting of the show “Supermodel in Ukrainian,” Yulia did not hide the fact that she used to be a guy, but she did not immediately admit to the audience. Vasily turned out to be such a pretty girl that even the judges of the project did not immediately notice the piquant nuance - at that time the girl had not yet undergone the “major” operation and was not quite a girl.

In the surgeon's program Andrei Yakobchuk Yulia told the details of her decision: “It all started when I was six years old. I didn’t understand why all the girls went to school in dresses and bows, and I wore trousers and a shirt. At school I was an outcast, they often tried to beat me. My psychological state left much to be desired, I even tried to commit suicide... In the end, I realized that I could no longer live in a male body, and I needed to do something about it. I started taking hormones at the age of 15. At 16, I moved to Kiev and began to change."- the girl shared.

On the show "Supermodel in Ukrainian" Yulia lasted until the 10th episode. Now she continues to work as a model, plays sports and has not responded to offensive statements about gender reassignment for a long time.

Sasha Shatalova

She is Alexander Shatalov. Since childhood, Sasha was attracted only to members of his own sex; he realized quite early that he was gay. But Sasha decided to change his gender in 2015. True, the “major” operation was not performed then, limiting itself to breast augmentation and hormone therapy.

Now the beauty often works with many photographers and is popular on social networks.


Of course, speaking about Ukrainian transgender people, one cannot fail to mention the travesty diva Monroe.

Once upon a time, Monroe was Alexander Shevchenko. Sasha received a master's degree in the chemistry of macromolecular compounds, but began his career in 1999 as a show host in a gay club. And then, as they say, away we go.

Monroe took part in beauty contests many times, performed at a wide variety of venues, and even created her own drag queen group.In 2016, the beauty released the book “It’s Good That I’m Not a Woman,” and a little later she decided to launch a solo project.

“I am aware that my passport and physiology are male, but in my soul I feel like a beauty queen.”- says the star.

Andriana Doronina

Once upon a time she was Andrei Doronin. Since childhood, Andrei was very similar to a girl, which is why those around him constantly laughed at him.

In 2012, the guy took part in the show “Masha and Models”, where he was noticed by the owner of the modeling agency Maria Manyuk. At that moment, life changed. Andrey began collaborating with the largest agency Elite Model Look and worked under contract in Paris, China.

And in 2014, Andrei turned into Andrianna. The guy was denied a modeling contract; for a long time he was on the verge of suicide. As a result, the guy started taking hormones.

Now Andriana Doronina is a popular video blog, more than 50 thousand people are subscribed to her channel.