Biography. Biography Height and weight of Lena Perminova

What unites a mature businessman from the capital with a young provincial girl? Life is a complicated thing, so whatever intertwining of destinies happens. This is what happened in the story where the main characters are Elena Perminova and Alexander Lebedev.

The story of Elena the Beautiful

Elena was born in the provincial Siberian city of Berdsk. The family lived simply. There were no expensive toys or luxury clothing. Despite this, Lena dreamed of a modeling career from a young age. From the age of sixteen she began to realize her dream. She began to take her first steps in this difficult task in Novosibirsk. The promising and fragile beauty was noticed and invited to work in Moscow. This was clearly her chance! She left for the capital, and literally a few months later the famous agency Modus Vivndis offered the girl cooperation. They entered into a long-term contract. And, it would seem, Elena has nothing left to reach the top of the modeling business. But in 2004, cooperation was interrupted ahead of schedule due to a criminal case against Perminova.


This was a dark streak in the life of the Siberian girl. She found herself at the center of a story involving drug trafficking in the capital's nightclubs. She was facing prison time for trying to sell twenty-five grams of ecstasy. To help his daughter, Elena’s father wrote a letter to Alexander Lebedev, who at that time was a State Deputy. Duma and promoted the bill on witness protection. He agreed to stand up for a minor criminal. I used all my possible and impossible connections and means and finally achieved a suspended sentence.

Unequal marriage

For Lena, he immediately became a guardian angel, and subsequently their relationship moved to a new, closer level. Despite the large age difference (Perminova is 6 years younger than Lebedev’s son (!)), they realized that they could not live without each other. The result of this union currently are two children born in 2009 and 2011.

Years later, Alexander Lebedev and Perminova again found themselves under threat of trial. This time the culprit is a billionaire and former KGB agent. Alexander could be sent to prison because of a fight on live television. The charge was brought under the article “beatings motivated by political hatred.” Lebedev got into a fight with businessman Sergei Polonsky. A recognizance not to leave the place was applied to the accused as a preventive measure. But Alexander did not sign it, citing the UN convention “Tokyo Rules”.

Elena Perminova is a Russian model born in the provincial town of Berdsk, located south of Novosibirsk. The future star of the modeling industry spent her childhood and youth in the same Berdsk, studied to become a lawyer at the Kuzbass Institute of Economics and Law, but was expelled with the wording “for failure to appear at the end of her academic leave.” Elena Perminova’s husband is a famous Russian billionaire, businessman and deputy. Alexander Lebedev and Elena Perminova have three children (two sons and daughter Arina).

  • Real name: Elena Perminova
  • Date of birth: 1.09.1986
  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Height: 175 centimeters
  • Weight: 50 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 57 and 86 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 42 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Gray, blonde.

Elena Perminova, whose biography is replete with various scandals and piquant moments, began her modeling career at the age of 16, when she signed her first contract with the Moscow agency Modus VivendiS. But a year later, in 2004, the contract was canceled due to a criminal case brought against the young beauty.

This was connected with the trade in drugs and illegal drugs in nightclubs of the Russian capital, where one of the main defendants was Elena Perminova, her age at that time was 17 years old. According to the charges against Perminova, she faced up to six years in prison for allegedly selling 25 grams of ecstasy tablets. However, the aspiring star of the Russian fashion industry was saved by her future husband.

According to unconfirmed information, the father of a promising model, worried about the fate of his daughter, wrote letters to State Duma deputy Alexander Lebedev, one of the authors of the bill on witness protection, asking him to assist in the release of his daughter. In 2007, the case was closed, and Perminova herself was sentenced only to a suspended sentence. As it turned out later, the young model was persuaded to sell drugs by her then boyfriend Dmitry Kholodkov.

Successful career after trial

As it might seem, a high-profile case, several years of litigation, and the intervention of an influential person could put an end to Perminova’s future career. However, billionaire Lebedev, who by that time had fallen in love with the future catwalk star, contributed not only to her release, but also to her success in the modeling field.

Shortly after the court case was closed, our heroine was chosen by Playboy magazine as a girl of the month. After this, Elena Perminova began to take an active part in fashion shows held in various European cities. Thus, since 2009, the Russian model has been the star of the catwalks in Milan, Paris and Rome. Leading designer brands of the Old World cooperate with Perminova, including Lanvin, Viktor & Rolf, Armani and many others. The elegant model demonstrates the latest collections of the best fashion houses in Europe.

Thanks to her graceful forms (weight 50 kg with a chic height of 174 cm) and natural beauty, the model has won many admirers in Russia and the countries of the European Union.

Today, socialite and model Elena Perminova is also a successful stylist and fashion critic. Thus, since 2011, the star has been the editor-in-chief of the fashion section of the English magazine POP.

Casual style

Another difference between Elena and many other Russian and European models is her unique everyday style. She herself calls it “the style of a city madwoman,” since the model’s usual wardrobe contains practically no blouses, jeans or trousers. The girl prefers avant-garde style: a combination of many colors, different styles and shapes, thanks to which the model looks stunning not only on the catwalk, but also in everyday life.

Marriage to Lebedev: wife and mother

Litigation truly strengthened Perminova and gave her a new stage in her life. At the end of all the proceedings, Elena Perminova, whose personal life had not previously attracted attention from the media, married Alexander Lebedev. Despite the fact that their marriage is not officially registered, the couple has three children together: sons Nikita (born in 2009) and Yegor (born in 2011), as well as daughter Arina, born in April 2014.

Alexander Lebedev, owner of the influential British newspapers Independent and Evening Standard, has a son from his first marriage, who is six years older than his father’s new wife.

Currently, Elena Perminova, Lebedev, and their children live in London. The couple can often be found together at various social events. In her numerous interviews, the girl openly says that she is not embarrassed by the large age difference between her and Lebedev, and her husband himself is her guardian angel and a reliable man with whom she can talk about everything in the world.

Elena Perminova invited HELLO! to visit and talked about how she makes every New Year unforgettable for her children.

It is very important to give children the confidence that all the best will definitely happen again,

Elena Perminova thinks. The model and, obviously, supermom talks about traditions - it is on them, in her opinion, that a family should be built. It is on them that Elena and businessman Alexander Lebedev are building theirs.

In the living room of a mansion in the Moscow region of Razdory, children's laughter does not subside: nine-year-old Nikita, seven-year-old Egor and Arina, who is not even five years old, selflessly indulge in playing in a New Year's shoot in the company of their mother and Labrador Buddy.

New Year is a special holiday in the Perminova family, and this has been the case since Lena’s childhood:

I remember each of them - imagine how vivid the impressions were!

Despite the fact that Lena and her older sister Sasha, now star makeup artist Alexandra Kiriyenko, grew up in modest surroundings and not exactly a magical atmosphere in the northern town of Berdsk, the New Year was always held in anticipation of a miracle.

I will never forget the surprise that dad prepared for us. We simply loved sweets - I think we are unoriginal in this,” Lena recalls with a laugh. - And one day dad decorated the Christmas tree with our favorite sweets. Happiness knew no bounds!

In her childhood, the Christmas tree was decorated, by the way, only on the morning of December 31, but now Lena and her children do everything in advance - “to enjoy the beauty longer.”

Elena's children believe in Santa Claus. They write letters to him, list the merits for which they were especially praised, and, of course, tell him what they would like to receive as a reward.

Then I buy everything according to the lists, package it beautifully and put it in the treasured bag. Grandfather Frost comes with him to the guys. Children must prepare poems for this occasion and recite them one by one, and then receive their gift. I love good traditions!

Elena Perminova and Alexander Lebedev

However, despite all this snow-covered romance, the family is planning to celebrate the New Year for the second time in a row in warmer climes - Tulum, Mexico.

The all-inclusive package includes decorated Christmas trees with all the necessary attributes, and instead of snow there is white sand and the ocean. Only now we’ll fly earlier, otherwise last year we simply overslept the holiday due to the time difference.

Although Nikita, Egor and Arina are no strangers to sleeping on New Year's Eve - usually the guys, due to their age, do not wait for the chimes to strike. But Lena does not rule out that her eldest son will meet his parents in 2019. Probably in some edgy look?

What do you! - Lena laughs. - We usually choose outfits for celebrations spontaneously and at the very last moment. Our family look is smiles from ear to ear and a great mood.

The Christmas tree in Perminova’s house near Moscow is decorated in advance, at the beginning of December, “to enjoy the beauty longer”

Touching gifts that children do not skimp on, and not only on holidays, also help lift the mood:

They draw us postcards several times a day, and they are the most precious to me. The guys try so hard, they write “mommy” everywhere - albeit with mistakes, but this makes it even sweeter. There was even a concert for my birthday.with poems and songs: they came out from behind the curtains, as if from behind the scenes, and took turns performing. And then everyone gave me a gift they had made with their own hands.

Elena Perminova with children - Nikita, Egor and Arina.
(Elena: dress, Dolce&Gabbana (TSUM). Nikita: jacket, Stella McCartney Kids; T-shirt, trousers, Gucci (TSUM). Egor: vest, Stella McCartney Kids; long sleeve, Zara Kids; jeans, Levi's. Arina: dress, Bonpoint ( TSUM))

As for the festive table, the family cook is traditionally responsible for it. Well, during the holidays, Lena herself will certainly prepare her signature dish - custard pies with boiled condensed milk.

I can say with confidence: no one makes them like I do! Once a month we prepare this delicious dish with the children. By the way, they are delighted with the process and have recently mastered two more recipes from my childhood: lollipops and cream sausage. Both caused a real sensation among my sweet tooth!

Perminova says with a smile.

Elena always dreamed of a big family. Her children are very different: Nikita is a sensitive romantic, Yegor is a real bully, Arina is an angel in the flesh, smart beyond her years.
(Elena: sweater, Jil Sander; shorts, Saint Laurent (TSUM). Nikita: sweater, trousers, Gucci (TSUM). Egor: trousers, Bellerose; sweater, Arc-en-ciel. Arina: dress, Chloe; leggings, RUBAN ; all - TSUM)

Hearing about a healthy lifestyle from a person with an ideal figure, and even recently from the owner of a brand of gluten-free baked goods, is quite unexpected. In response to our question, Lena smiles:

You can rarely indulge in pranks, but the healthy dishes that come with me every day are thinly sliced ​​and toasted gluten-free bread; I take it and our yeast-free crackers even when traveling. The whole family loves “Flax & Buckwheat”, we bake for each client as for my children - this is the main guarantor of quality.

“I’m indifferent to collecting clothes. My dressing room is much smaller than it might seem.”
(Shirt, Victoria/Tomas (TSUM); trousers, Joseph; ankle boots, Blumarine; strap, Dior)

“Lenagrechka”, as relatives jokingly call the bakery “Len&Grechka”, happened in Perminova’s life this year:

I discovered myself in a new role and was finally able to apply the knowledge I acquired at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University.

Napoleonic plans - to create a gluten-free empire, no less:

My mission is to make sure that people in Russia can eat right without denying themselves such familiar joys as bread.

Arina is a long-awaited girl in the male kingdom. Although parents try not to spoil their children, this hardly works out with their daughter. “Many brands send elegant dresses as gifts, so it turns out that we regularly replenish her wardrobe for no particular reason. But there’s nothing you can do about it,” Lena laughs.
(Elena: blouse, Valentino; jeans, Balenciaga; everything - TSUM. Arina: dress, Sasha Kim; shoes, Pom d’Api)

Lena also does not forget about another important endeavor of hers - the online auction @sos_by_lenaperminova, which she considers her fourth child:

And children come first for a woman.

Some are ours, some are strangers. In almost four years of the auction’s existence, Perminova managed to help 116 kids, and Lena herself considers the fact that even her own children take part in it, and solely of their own free will, to be an indicator of the project’s demand.

I will never forget how Egor asked to transfer all his pocket money to the girl for whom we were collecting at @sos_by_lenaperminova.

“We raise children not with words, but with example. I would like them to be like their father: Sasha is kind, calm, smart and very noble. I myself take my example from him in many ways.”
(Nikita: sweater, trousers, Gucci (TSUM). Egor: trousers, Bellerose; sweater, Arc-en-ciel. Arina: dress, Chloe; leggings, RUBAN; wand in hand, Bonpoint; everything - TSUM. Elena: sweater, Jil Sander; shorts, Saint Laurent (TSUM))

The question of how to raise a sensitive child seems to have been resolved long ago for Lena.

Alexander and I educate only through kindness,” she explains. - To love, to help each other, to provide support - this is exactly what we teach. And I can say for sure: it works.

Well, what about the dilemma familiar to every parent: “kindness VS spoiling”?

A subtle point, Lena thinks. - Of course, I want to pamper, because it’s so nice to see joy in the eyes of the baby. But we are strict about this: children receive gifts only on holidays. So, just coming to the store and buying toys for no reason does not happen to us. However, we are not against the reward system. For example, at school children have a so-called star of the week, you can earn it. And if the children brought it home, they may ask for a present.

Elena Perminova and Alexander Lebedev spend all their free time with the children: playing, fooling around, cooking. “Kids sometimes come to my bakery and tell customers about their favorite treats,” says Lena

And Nikita, Egor and Arina do not have iPads or iPhones: only Egor has a push-button phone. They don't watch TV while eating, don't interrupt adults, and don't fight with each other. All these rules are the fruit of his mother’s labors: Alexander in this family is quite obviously the “good policeman.”

Children can twist ropes out of it,” Lena smiles. “He even swears so funny that they don’t take him seriously.” More often than not, if I have to say no, I’m the one who says it. And my word is law.

“It is important to give children the confidence that all the good things will definitely happen again. This is tradition.”
(Elena: top, Chloe (TSUM); bracelet, Dior; trousers, L’Autre Chose)

Style: Maria Kolosova, Stylist assistant: Alena Gazarova, Makeup: Savva, Hairstyles: Konstantin Kochegov, Producer: Olga Zakatova, Producer assistant: Elizaveta Garder

Alexander Evgenievich Lebedev is a major entrepreneur, banker, beneficial owner of the financial and industrial holding National Reserve Corporation, which includes about a hundred enterprises in various sectors of the economy, media magnate, owner of a large stake in Novaya Gazeta, the British TV channel London Live, the influential publications Evening Standard, Independent, I Newspaper and other media resources. Previously, a people's deputy and KGB officer.

According to Forbes, he amassed a billion-dollar fortune in the late 1990s through transactions with commercial and government debt. In 2006, his capital reached $3.7 billion, but subsequently the entrepreneur lost most of his assets. In 2015, his assets were valued at $400 million.

Childhood and family of Alexander Lebedev

The future oligarch was born on December 16, 1959 in Moscow. The head of the family, Evgeny Nikolaevich Lebedev, was a well-known optical physicist in professional circles, a professor at the Moscow Higher Technical University. Bauman. Mom, Maria Sergeevna, taught students a foreign language at MGIMO.

The parents gave their son an excellent education. At first he studied at school No. 17 with an English bias, then at the economics department of the Institute of International Relations. In 1982, upon completion of his studies, he began working at the academic Institute of Economics of the World Social System.

Career of Alexander Lebedev

In 1983, he was offered to join the ranks of state security officers. In 1984, Alexander graduated from the Red Banner Institute. Yu. Andropov KGB USSR. As an undercover intelligence officer, he held various positions in Soviet diplomatic missions abroad. Since 1987, Alexander lived and worked in the capital of Foggy Albion, which allowed him to make many useful contacts.

A successful diplomat, intelligence officer, part of the British establishment, acquired useful connections in business circles, met with Mikhail Prokhorov, Oleg Boyko, Vladimir Potanin, Andrei Kostin.

In 1991, a special services officer with the rank of KGB colonel resigned and began entrepreneurial activity. From 1992 to 1993, he was a representative of the banking institution Kompani Finansjer Tradison in the CIS.

Interview with banker Alexander Lebedev: the best in 4 minutes

In 1993, an ex-special services agent, in partnership with former colleagues, established the Russian Investment and Financial Company, included in the structure of the Imperial Bank, within which he specialized in the restructuring of external debts of the Russian Federation. In 1995, RIFK bought out the National Reserve Bank. Among its founders and main shareholders was Gazprom. In 1999, Lebedev initiated the creation and headed the National Investment Council.

Political career of Alexander Lebedev

In 2000, Alexander defended his candidate’s dissertation, and after three years, his doctoral dissertation. In 2003, he was nominated for the post of head of the capital's administration and received about 12% of the votes (versus about 75% of the votes for Yuri Luzhkov). According to analysts, this attempt was a means of making a name for itself in big politics.

During the same period, he became the head of the Rodina bloc, participated in parliamentary elections and was among the deputies of the State Duma of the fourth convocation. Then the parliamentarian left his business projects and posts, including the position of head of the NRB, and concentrated his efforts on fulfilling the tasks of the highest government body. He moved to United Russia, became deputy chairman of the Committee on CIS Affairs, head of the group of deputies for cooperation with the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada, and a member of the group of Russian delegates to PACE.

In 2006, the politician announced his entry into A Just Russia, and also, in partnership with Gorbachev, acquired a stake in Novaya Gazeta and transferred a package of Aeroflot securities to the foundation of the ex-president’s wife.

Biography of Alexander Lebedev from Discovery Channel

In 2007, Alexander Evgenievich took over the management of the National Reserve Corporation, receiving more than half of the company’s shares. In 2008, he was “expelled” from A Just Russia (allegedly due to the dissatisfaction of the Just Russia members in connection with the publication of information about the alleged divorce of Vladimir Putin and his wedding with Alina Kabaeva).

Alexander Lebedev hit Sergei Polonsky

In 2008, the New Media company was established, headed by Lebedev. In 2009, he acquired (for a symbolic cost of £1) the United Kingdom tabloid Evening Standard, becoming the first influential British publication to be owned by a Russian media tycoon. In 2010, he also bought the Independent for a similar fee.

Personal life of Alexander Lebedev

At the moment, the oligarch is married for the second time. His first wife was the daughter of academician Vladimir Sokolov, Natalya. Their common son, Evgeniy, was born in 1980. In 1998, the marriage broke up. Evgeniy Aleksandrovich became an economist and was the executive director of English media resources owned by his father (Independent, I Newspaper, Evening Standard).

The second choice of the millionaire was model Elena Perminova, who was 27 years younger than her husband. She gave him three children: Nikita (born in 2009), Egor (born in 2011) and Arina (born in 2014).

According to media reports, at a young age (17 years old) she was prosecuted on charges of drug distribution. The young girl faced a prison sentence of up to 6 years in prison. However, allegedly thanks to the support of Alexander, a deputy in those years, to whom Lena’s father turned for help, she received a suspended sentence.

The businessman’s main hobbies are swimming and football.

Alexander Lebedev today

In 2011, the oligarch became a Duma deputy from the Slobodsky municipal district, located in the north of the Kirov region. In 2012, critical articles about his business methods in various fields of activity (aviation, agriculture, construction) were published in the press. During the same period, the millionaire announced his intention to focus exclusively on publishing with the suspension of all his business projects in Russia. According to him, he concluded that his mission is to support free media.

Lebedev voluntarily provides selfless assistance to non-profit programs in the field of culture, ecology, and social protection. For this purpose, he created the Charitable Reserve Fund project.

Among Alexander Evgenievich’s awards are gratitude for participation in the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin, the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Ukrainian Order of Yaroslav the Wise, the UNESCO Medal “Dialogue of Cultures” and other awards.

Model Date of birth September 1 (Virgo) 1986 (33) Place of birth Berdsk Instagram @lenaperminova

Elena Perminova is a top model, the wife of Russian billionaire, politician and owner of various media Alexander Lebedev. The model’s excellent appearance, combined with charm, brought crowds of fans and many large contracts with famous brands in the fashion world to her feet.

Biography of Elena Perminova

Elena was born in Siberian Berdsk into a simple family. After high school, she received a law degree at the Kemerovo Institute of Economics and Law, but failed to complete it - the girl was expelled for systematic absenteeism associated with starting a career in the modeling business.

In 2003, Lena began collaborating with the capital's modeling agency Modus VivendiS. A year later, the cooperation stopped, as a criminal case was opened against the model. The reason was the trade in ecstasy in nightclubs. The star was pushed into this reprehensible activity by her lover, the crime boss Kholodkov. Perminova faced a serious prison sentence if not for the intervention of her influential future husband. Journalists found out that the girl’s father contacted Lebedev, a member of the lower house of Parliament and the author of the law on witness protection, and asked to help his daughter. Lebedev influenced the course of the case, and in 2007 the girl received only a suspended sentence. At the same time, she had to cooperate with the investigation and hand over her former lover Kholodkov.

By that time, Perminova had become the lover of an influential billionaire, who began to actively help her career growth. In 2006, the model appeared on the cover of the prestigious Playboy and began performing on the most elite catwalks.

In the second half of the 2000s, Elena became a star on the catwalks of Paris, London, New York and Milan, and entered into contracts with Armani, Lanvin, Viktor & Rolf and other leading brands in the fashion world. Her face appeared on the covers of Vogue and Harper's Bazaar.

In 2010, through the efforts of expensive lawyers hired by Lebedev, all charges and a suspended sentence were dropped from the girl.

The famous model began to try herself as a stylist, writing reviews for fashion shows in various magazines. In 2011, Elena received the position of editor of the fashion section of the popular British magazine Pop.

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100 necessary things: parka jacket

The sweet life of star children: couture, yachts and villas

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Sobchak sold the dress she never got married in

One of the lots from Ksenia Sobchak was her wedding dress Valentin Yudashkin, in which she planned to marry Alexander Shustorovich in 2005 (in the photo Elena Perminova poses in the dress) Stars on Instagram: the best pictures of the week

Personal life of Elena Perminova

Since the end of the 2000s, Elena has been living in a civil marriage with billionaire Alexander Lebedev. They own an estate in the suburbs of London, a mansion in the Moscow region and an estate in Italian Umbria. The couple has three children: Nikita (2009), Arina (2014) and Egor (2011). Alexander is much older than Elena, but in interviews the girl has repeatedly emphasized that the age difference does not affect their relationship in any way.

The catwalk star is rarely seen in the usual trousers or jeans. She loves avant-garde eclecticism, whimsical combinations of different styles and colors.