Why Everyone Hates Me: Ways to Make People Warm. I hate myself: reasons and how to deal with it What reasons can induce a person to hate

The need to be loved is almost a defining feature of a person. Everyone has it, even up to the moment when a person becomes conscious of himself. Babies who feel loved develop faster and grow healthier. Adults who know they are loved tend to be happier and more successful. These feelings are natural, even the fashion for sarcasm, loneliness and sociopathy cannot drown out the desire to be loved.

This desire is felt especially sharply when a person lacks love and attention. Because of this, it may seem that the whole world hates me. How to overcome these feelings? How to make people feel warm? First you need to figure out why a feeling of universal hatred may appear.


Oddly enough, the problem usually lies not in others, but in the person himself. Usually this:

For clarity, below are the standard situations that can occur in life. All characters are fictional.

Low self-esteem. At school, Luda was an "ugly duckling". Not a day went by that her classmates didn’t mock her: a bag thrown into the men’s room, spitting in tea, offensive nicknames. At home, the elder brother continued this baton: he laughed at her and teased her in the presence of friends. Luda has grown up. But the fears remained: she does not trust people, expects a trick from them, it seems to her that no one will ever want to communicate with her. Lyudmila is sure that the whole world hates her.

Low self-esteem is the basis for many problems. The ones described below can also appear due to low self-esteem.

victim status. Anya is the most miserable person in the world. If someone has a headache, Anya will definitely hurt more, which, of course, she will report. For some reason, people do not like to talk with Anya, and those who communicate are climbing with their unnecessary advice, as if they are the smartest. Nobody wants to treat her with understanding, everyone hates her.

Excessive requirements. Irina expects very little from people. She just needs to be respected, which means they don’t interrupt, listen with an interested person, sometimes guess desires. And they took the hints. And compliments were spoken. She just doesn’t see such an attitude towards herself, which means that everyone doesn’t give a damn about her feelings.

Excessive obsession. Galya considers herself a very open and friendly person. She always gets acquainted with interest, asks a person about his life, work, affairs, tastes, interests, whether he is older than his life partner, or younger. And then she tells about herself everything that she asked the person about. If her interlocutor complained about something, she will definitely try to help with advice, and then she will call and ask if he managed to do everything right. Galya always tries to cheer everyone up and tells a lot of funny jokes. She is very disappointed that no one wants to appreciate her kindness, responsiveness and openness.

Hatred for others. Natasha doesn't like people. No one deserves this: people are ridiculous, stupid, they impose their interests and feelings on everyone. There is not a single adequate person around - everyone is rude, cruel and aggressive.

Unwillingness to take care of yourself. Sveta has a good character, many admit it. But at the same time they make fun of her and do not want to communicate. No one wants to consider her true essence, erudition and rich inner world. But everyone notices the hair that she did not have time to wash and does not consider it necessary to style, a small mustache above her upper lip - well, these are already nit-picking, they are completely transparent. And in general, a worthy person will consider the appearance of a good person. But there are none worthy yet.

What can be done

Low self-esteem is not a sentence, although it will take time to raise it. First of all, you need to firmly understand for yourself that the opinions of others do not define us as a person. But if you focus on their attitude, scroll through their words in your head, you can easily convince yourself that they are right.

Even Jesus Christ, who never made a mistake, loved, healed and fed people, at the same time had a lot of ill-wishers.

Another way to boost self-esteem is to show people kindness, even if they don't really deserve it. Simple acts of kindness - to help an elderly woman carry bags, show someone the way, charge with positive and help to feel useful.

In addition, recognizing someone's virtues does not mean humiliating yourself, as well as admitting your shortcomings. Everyone has them, this is normal, and this is not a reason to hate each other.

Psychologists unanimously recommend - beware of attributing to yourself the status of a victim. To overcome this tendency, you need to try to see the good in every situation and share the good news. Every person has enough bad things in his life. In addition, you need to learn to sincerely sympathize - the fact that a person does not have the biggest problem in the world does not mean that he is not bad. And the ability to be content with what you have is a useful skill that makes life much easier.

I want all people to be the way they are described in the previous two paragraphs. But, unfortunately, everyone has flaws. Each of us would like our own mistakes to be treated with indulgence. In this sense, it is useful to start with yourself. When people see their shortcomings being tolerated, they experience gratitude, the opposite of hate.

Personal sincere interest is wonderful. But, like all good things, it is useful in limited doses. Interfering in other people's affairs and imposing does not become interesting for others. It is necessary to recognize the right of every person to keep some personal information with him. The interlocutor himself will help to determine which one.

It doesn't take any effort to dislike people. It's easy to do on its own. That's just in people we see what we ourselves feel for them. And when we feel hatred, we harm ourselves first of all. There is something good in every person, and it is good to notice it.

There is an interesting exercise. If someone is annoying, you need to sit down and write down 7 of his positive qualities. If it works out, it's easier to look at it differently. If not, then you do not know this person enough to judge him.

A rich inner world is wonderful. But if this world is really so rich, it will manifest itself outwardly. A good appearance is not only love for yourself, but also a manifestation of respect for others. Who is pleased when talking to hear the smell of cutlets with garlic, which the interlocutor dined? But how pleasant it is to look at a well-groomed, neat, tastefully dressed girl! Finding out her inner world is much more interesting.

The hatred that a person feels usually comes from him. To cope with it, you need to try to love yourself and others.

Lyudmila, Gryazovets

To be honest, I've wanted to write about this for a long time. And now, it seems, it's time to take a stick, dip it in oil, set it on fire, and dig deeper into this stormy anthill called Minecraft.

In one of our materials, this game was included in the TOP games that are talked about too much, but that are played too little. This is not to say that this survivalist is completely unpopular. Of course not. It's just a nuance that a lot more people know about it than actually played it, at least once. Minecraft is Justin Bieber in his field: everyone has heard of him too, but few have listened. All in all, this is clearly an overrated contraption that is honestly annoying, and right now, for that matter, to back up the above with real arguments, we present you with 10 reasons to hate Minecraft.


Whatever you say, Minecraft looks extremely poor. So poor that it has even become fashionable. A bunch of critics immediately began to say that this has its own unique style. On the catwalks during high fashion days, models in square-and-nested clothing walked out, a bunch of cosplayers hid their forms under ridiculous rectangular outfits. In general, somehow it suddenly began to seem that there was nothing to worry about. It's just retro. But it's not retro, ladies and gentlemen. Retro is Battletoads Double Dragon, this is The Way, or the same Terraria. And here it’s just a deliberate coarsening of everything that is possible. There is an opinion, and in the 90s, not everyone would be able to play like that. And what about the present times? In short, the cubic style of Minecraft, in my opinion, is one of the worst manifestations of the modern gaming industry, like Malevich's Square in a painting, or a garbage sculpture on an exhibition in a museum.

Do you know why many people stopped playing Skyrim? Because there, as in all the Elder Scrolls, there are rather dull fights, especially if you play as warriors. If you think that's not the case, then play Ubisoft's vintage action game Dark Messiah. There is also the first person, and the battles are my respect. So, the years go by, and combat mechanics progress. Kingdome Come and For Honor have already been released, in which these same battles are raised to a fundamentally new level. So, the boring battles in Skyrim are nothing compared to the battles in Minecraft. The fights here are not just boring, but arch-boring, dull and primitive. I won’t be surprised if I someday find out that this very combat mechanic, a couple of programmers and one designer, was washed down on Monday, in one day, after a stormy weekend with plentiful libations. You know, this type of work, fuck off? So, it seems that the battles in Minecraft were done exactly according to this principle.

Vain promises.

Minecraft at some stage really had to be an interesting game. Until the project was bought by Microsoft, it seemed promising. And when Notch chopped off a couple of billion dollars and dumped it, it became clear even to the most ardent fan that the game from the category of promising migrates to the category of forever promising, remaining in fact imperfections. Fans were promised a lot of things, from a bunch of new modes to the addition of a full-fledged story, but no one fulfilled these promises. If anyone forgot, I remind you: it was Microsoft who at one time refused to support Minecraft, due to the fact that, they say, no one will play this stupidity. The open game was called garbage, but everything happened exactly according to the classics: the leadership of the small-soft ones underestimated the unpredictability of human stupidity. People loved it, and years later Microsoft gave away a lot of money to ride Minecraft to its peak.

The stupidest intellect.

Minecraft has very boring fights done on the knee in one day, and, characteristically, never developed into something more interesting. The same can be said about the artificial intelligence of mobs. Their intellect is an example of the dumbest intellect in general in the history of the gaming industry. The zombies in the first part of Blood or the Germans in Wolfenstein 3D were smarter than the local enemies. All these witches, slugs, skeletons, ifrits - they all operate on the same principle: to minimize the distance from the target, and start hitting it slowly. What can I say if the intellect of the same slug is not one gram different from the intellect of the ancient guardian. You have to really dislike video games, or just not understand them, to be inspired by Minecraft as a game with interesting battles.

Self-entertainment and repeatability.

There is nothing in Minecraft that can keep you entertained on its own. I mean, some kind of chips that would cling and tighten. Here you are simply put into an arena filled with cubes. They plant and leave, and you are there as you want. And many, I must say, love it. I like that they were left and allowed to have fun on their own. However, if you look soberly, we can say that everything in the game is extremely monotonous, and most importantly, the gameplay is obscenely repeatable. Every day in this static world looks the same. And all the changes that he is ready for, you must make yourself, with your own hands. As a result, really interesting and unusual mechanics remained bare and unfinished. Minecraft can be compared to a scooter among bicycles. But, nevertheless, many believe that pushing off with one foot from the ground to drive a few more meters by inertia is much more interesting than pedaling and entering dashing turns at speed.


I just told you about repetitiveness and self-entertainment, and now I will talk about the meaninglessness of Minecraft. This concept is different from all of the above. In my opinion, every entertainment process should have a meaning, from masturbation to sawing with a jigsaw. Video games are no exception. In an ideal video game, the hero, whether he is a person or an entire state, develops, moves along some kind of independently plotted plot, and in the end achieves some kind of result. Minecraft doesn't have any of that. The game did not and does not have a normal single player campaign. Why are there campaigns - it doesn’t even have a coherent system of rewards and rewards for achievements. There is no normal leaderboard, there is nothing at all that would motivate to develop. Jumping in a puddle is even more fun - the puddle will spill over sooner or later, and you will remain standing on solid ground. And Minecraft, it seems, will not change, and will never evolve.

Lack of prospects.

There is an opinion that the work of those who are hired to improve Minecraft is that hard labor. How can something like this be improved? The answer to this question will be an endless series of meaningless and monotonous updates that add new creatures, new resources or new pieces of equipment to the game. The maximum effect that such content is capable of is to surprise the regulars: wow - a new type of zombie. But when the zombie is killed, it turns out that it is not new at all, but exactly the same as it was, just in a new cover. Either they add a horse, or a donkey. It seems that the developers already have all this content ready, but they put it out in parts - a teaspoon a day, because if you dump all this beauty at once, people will get bored faster than a child will get bored if you give him a box of toys, instead of to issue one new one every day.

Infinite horizontal.

The world of Minecraft is dull, like the Rostov steppe in July. Only in the steppe there is night, kites fly, small reptiles run, mounds stand, and in general life is in full swing. In this game, only the illusion of life. And okay, let it be an illusion: the problem is that the world here is extremely horizontal. There are few in the world of games of this genre, where there would be such flat locations. All the terrain that can appear here must be created by the players themselves. Yes, you can dig deep here - a pretty rare thing in video games. Games where you can dig down, delving after, can be listed on the fingers. But what is down there? Nothing, same as above. And now, when multi-level worlds, with mountains and dungeons, are in vogue, the Minecraft world looks like an outdated atavism.

No realism.

The graphics, senselessness and lack of intelligence of the enemies could be forgiven if Minecraft would be good with realism. But it's strange to expect something like this from a game whose main feature is primitiveness in everything. The force of attraction works very controversially here. Yes, what is there to almond: it does not work at all in any way. Mining, which, supposedly, is the main hook here, is maximally arcade-like. You will not be covered with earth in a collapsed tunnel, you will not be flooded with groundwater, and you will not be suffocated by the lack of air. You do not need to put props and lay fixing mortar on the blocks. All this is more like some kind of comic tech demo, like the one that shows us, some kind of program that overclocks a video card in order to calculate its capabilities.

Stupidity on the servers.

Well, the last reason to hate Minecraft is the extremely low intelligence of the people around you. This game has taken one of the leading places in our hit parade of games where you can meet the dumbest players, and, after a long time, I will not only not refuse, but I will support my opinion that the situation is exactly the same in the same Digger. Strange, but somehow it turns out that primitive games attract the same, not sophisticated people. They themselves can be good, kind and sympathetic, but, unfortunately, they do not read books, are not interested in the outside world, and, most likely, are simply indecently underage. Children play Minecraft, and I personally can understand this. Difficulties with understanding arise when you see how adult men who already have their own children play it. And, worst of all, both children and men behave the same on the servers.

1. Hate in response to hate

We usually don't like people who don't like us. The more we think they hate us, the more we hate them in return.

2. Competition

When we compete for something, our mistakes can benefit our competitors. In such cases, in order to preserve our self-respect, we shift the blame to others. We begin to blame our failures (real and imagined) on those who are doing better. Gradually, our disappointment can turn into hatred.

3. Us and them

The ability to distinguish from enemies has always been vital to safety and survival. Our thought processes have evolved to notice potential danger more quickly and respond accordingly. Therefore, we constantly enter information about others into our own “reference book”, where all our views about different people and even entire classes of people are stored.

We usually classify everything into one of two categories: right or wrong, good or bad. And since most of us don't stand out in any way, even minor, superficial differences, such as race or religious beliefs, can be an important source of identification. After all, we, first of all, always strive to belong to a group.

Considering ourselves part of a certain group that we think is superior to others, we are less inclined to sympathize with members of other groups.

4. From compassion to hate

We consider ourselves responsive, sensitive and friendly. Then why do we still feel hatred?

The fact is that we have a clearly established opinion about ourselves and our rightness. And if we cannot reach a compromise, we blame the other side, of course. Our inability to fully assess the situation, as well as the fact that we always justify ourselves, lead us to think that the problem is not with us, but with others. Such a view often incites hatred.

In addition, in such situations, we usually consider ourselves a victim. And those who violate our rights or restrict our freedom seem to us to be offenders who deserve punishment.

5. The influence of prejudice

Prejudices can influence our judgments and decisions in different ways. Here are some examples.

Ignoring the virtues of the other side

There are no unique situations. All have their own merits and demerits. But when we are in the power of hatred, ours is distorted to such an extent that we do not see any positive qualities in the opponent at all. So we have a wrong idea about a person, which is then quite difficult to change.

hatred by association

According to this principle, the nature of the news influences our perception of the person who reports it. The worse the incident, the worse it seems to us and everything connected with it. That is why we blame the herald, even if he has nothing to do with the event.

Distortion of facts

Under the influence of prejudices based on likes and dislikes, we usually fill in the gaps in information about an event or person, based not on specific data, but on our own assumptions.

The desire to please

We all value the opinions of others to varying degrees. Few want to be hated. Public approval significantly influences our behavior. Remember the words of the French writer and philosopher La Rochefoucauld: “We readily admit to small shortcomings, wanting to say that we have no more important ones.”

How hate manifests

Physical and mental pain is a very effective stimulus. We do not want to suffer, so we seek to either avoid or destroy the enemy. In other words, hate is a defense mechanism against pain.

Hatred can find different expressions. The most obvious of these is war.

In addition, it manifests itself in politics. Remember such eternal confrontations: left and right, nationalists and communists, libertarians and authoritarians.

How to get rid of hate

  • First, through prolonged close contact with people. Joint activities are especially effective when you cooperate to achieve a common goal or unite against a common enemy.
  • Secondly, thanks to an equal position in all aspects (education, income, rights), which will operate not only on paper.
  • And, finally, the most obvious - we must be aware of our own feelings and try not to dismiss the feelings of others. When you are overcome by strong emotions, it is better to just step aside, take a deep breath and try to get rid of your prejudices.

Stalin died in 1953, but for some reason some people still hate him. Probably everyone has their own reasons:

The second reason the fact that Stalin was a hard worker and did not like idlers, he forced them to work and persecuted them for parasitism. Therefore, all parasites, lazy people and loafers hate Stalin. Because they do not know how to work and do not want to work. They only want to consume, eat, spoil and enjoy everything that is possible and what is impossible, but at someone else's expense, in general - freeloaders.

Third reason that Stalin was an honest man, he kept his word given even to the enemy. He strictly carried out the decisions of the collective, if they had already agreed, then Stalin did not retreat from the persuasion. With his iron will, he achieved the strict fulfillment of the tasks and orders of the working people. He demanded honesty from all leaders, subordinates and did not like liars and deceivers. Therefore, naturally, all liars hate Stalin. And since now the main liars are sure to lead anything, they do not like Stalin. But most of all, he is hated by liars and liars from among the TV and radio bosses, their deputies and other henchmen who have long sensed that now it is best to make a career and profit from lies and meanness. Stalin would have prevented them from lying, so they hate him.

Fourth reason in that they are cowards and they are afraid, what if Stalin returns and everyone will find out everything about traitors, scoundrels, rogues, bloodsuckers and cannibals. Therefore, cowards are terribly afraid of Stalin. And even at the mere mention of him, cowards and alarmists are covered with small red pimples, and some even gush green mucus and purple steam comes from their heads. Cowards hate Stalin and are even afraid of his portraits, because if they are sent to war, then because of their skin they will immediately surrender to the Nazis and become policemen, executioners and will hang everyone in a row and be afraid of Stalin's retribution.

Fifth reason that under Stalin it was impossible to steal so freely and widely. Simple and understandable rules for accounting and self-financing easily revealed every stolen penny, weighing, cheating and deceiving the people. Under Stalin, there could be no talk of large-scale theft, and even on a state scale - it was simply impossible not only to steal, but even to encroach on public property. For a bucket of wheat spikelets in the famine years - they gave a real term. Speculation was impossible, the selling price of the goods did not change from producer to consumer. Moneylenders, fat cat bankers, stock exchanges and pyramid schemes were banned. Defaults and air sales were impossible. Therefore, thieves, thieves and thieves, corrupt officials and embezzlers of all stripes and shades fiercely hate Stalin. It is clear that Stalin did not allow stealing.

Sixth reason that Stalin respected human rights not on paper, but in kind gave people free housing, built hospitals, schools, kindergartens. Under him, a person worked and received a salary increase and promotion for his work, a simple person could even grow up to a minister. The current human rights activists, who have grown up to this through meanness, slander, fraud and tribal blasphemy, naturally hate Stalin, because he did not line up people in line for human rights through corrupt courts and corrupt bureaucracy, but directly through the Soviets ensured the rights of the working people in in kind. For the fact that he deprived crooks of the opportunity to profit, he is viciously hated by venerable human rights activists fed on foreign handouts. They are ready even now to kill anyone, to rot in prisons and Gulags anyone who encroaches on their right to hate Stalin and profit from human rights.

Seventh reason is that Stalin was an internationalist. He was a real Georgian and knew the national question well, forbade anti-Semitism, but loved the Russian people, considered them the great and most respected people in the world. Therefore, Stalin is hated by all nationalists, Zionists, fascists, racists and all those who do not know the national question and are trying to solve their clan-tribal and small-town issues at the expense of other peoples.

If someone else hates Stalin, write, we will analyze what reasons you have for that.

Yes, and more. 130th anniversary of Stalin!

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