How to develop a medium in yourself. The gift of the medium does not open in any person

Every woman has something magical, isn’t that why many of us have such a strong desire to lift the veil of the future, to become a magician, a medium, or at least. And if, despite the assertion of some experts that a person can only be born a medium, you still enter the question “how to become a medium” into the search, then this article is for you.

What does medium mean?

For most of us, the idea of ​​a medium comes down to the image of a person speaking to the dead. Indeed, mediums have a developed ability to communicate with the other world, in particular. Some have the gift of healing, but this is not a required aspect. Communication with the other world does not always take place in the form of a simple conversation; there are hearing mediums (they often play the role of a “translator”), seeing mediums (even a blind person can be one, because the medium “sees” spirits with the soul), somnambulistic mediums (the somnambulist expresses his thought, while the medium is the thought of another), etc. Mediums of physical phenomena are also distinguished; they are distinguished by the ability to “work miracles”: reproduce noise, move objects and perform other “tricks”.

Distinctive features of the medium

First, some good news: according to statistics, mediums are 6 times more common among women than among men. Our abilities are especially sharpened during the period of menstruation.

Other signs may indicate your makings:

  • character traits such as excessive irritability, capriciousness and naivety;
  • developed intuition;
  • eyes of different colors or the presence of specks on the iris.

In addition, there is a high probability of transmission of mediumistic abilities by inheritance, sometimes through a generation. Various life situations can also affect your abilities. For example, some great mediums temporarily lost their gifts during periods of emotional turmoil. Denel Hume lost his powers for a whole year after an attempt on his life. Another famous medium, Evpasia Palladino, noted a weakening connection with the other world after the theft of her property.

Development of mediumship abilities

First of all, learn to hear and trust your sixth sense - intuition. Ask yourself questions and look for answers. Try to guess: what song will be next on the radio, who will call on the phone, etc.;
  • Don't forget about the other five senses: smell, hearing, sight, taste and touch. Try to sharpen your perception of the world as much as possible;
  • take care of yourself from stress, it is very important to maintain emotional balance;
  • Be sure to check out The Book of Mediums by Alan Kardec. This is a continuation of the “Book of Spirits”, in which the foundations of the philosophy of spiritualism are formulated. In addition, The Book of Mediums gives some practical advice to beginners like you;
  • It is also useful to read the book “So You Want to Become a Medium” by Rose Aindren. There you will find a lot of useful information.

Medium Tools

You've probably noticed that mediums tend to dress in black and carry a lot of amulets with them. This is not necessary for you yet. For the right emotional mood, you can purchase special incense. Incense, resins for incense, wormwood - all this contributes to the desired mood.

It is worth mentioning a special device for talking with souls - the medium's board. Surely you have seen a similar device in films where they show spiritualistic seances. The medium's board is a tablet with letters written on it. the alphabet, numbers up to ten, and the words “yes” and “no.” A pointer is attached to the board, the response of which the fortuneteller feels under his fingertips after the question has been asked. With the wave of enthusiasm for spiritualistic seances, the problem of purchasing a medium's board has also disappeared - the Internet is full of special advertisements. However, it is believed that the most reliable tools of a medium are those that he obtained on his own.

If you are inspired by such hobbies, you should not abandon the world of the living. Don’t forget that our lives pass here and now, and the voices of the departed should not drown out those who surround you in reality.

Every person has something unusual and magical. And if we are talking about representatives of the fair half of humanity, then to a greater extent nature itself has endowed them with insight and various supernatural capabilities. As for men, they are either endowed with colossal potential and have enormous strength, or they deny otherworldly forces. However, every person thinks about their capabilities from time to time. And the question of how to become a medium is becoming increasingly common.

For many people, being a medium means talking to the dead. However, this does not limit the capabilities of this person. Anyone who has such superpowers can, in fact, communicate with the other world, with those who are no longer with us.

And besides this, being a medium also means having the gift of healing, foreseeing the future, moving objects and much more.

Signs that a person is a medium:

If there were already people in your family who were gifted in this area, then there is a high possibility that you too are endowed with a gift. Often abilities are passed down through generations.

Different colored eyes or specks on the iris.
When a person has eyes of different colors, this is one of the most obvious signs of superpowers. However, even those with eyes of the same color, but with speckles, can quickly and easily become excellent mediums.

Developed intuition.
If a person considers himself sensitive and always relies on intuition, then this is an excellent start on the path to developing psychic abilities.

It is believed that most women are born or become mediums. Among generally recognized specialists, there are six times more representatives of the fair half of humanity than men. In addition, it is much more difficult not to become an excellent medium, but to remain one, since abilities can pass for a while, then return or not return. Many of these people lost their gift due to serious shocks, problems or experiences.

If you decide to become one of these specialists, then some exercises can be performed at home. Theory and practice together will help you achieve results in the shortest possible time.

Useful literature

  • Rose Aindren "So you want to become... a medium";
  • Alan Kardec "The Book of Mediums";

In these two books you will find actionable answers and receive detailed information that will certainly be useful to you. It is recommended to read books at home in order to better absorb the information.

The beginning of the way

Having decided to develop psychic abilities in yourself, you need to follow the basic rules that will help you not to lose your gift, but only to increase it:

As often as possible and as much as possible, trust your sixth sense - your intuition. Do simple exercises to develop it - for example, try to guess the next song on the radio or what will be waiting for you for lunch.

Five senses.
Don't forget about the other five senses. Ideally, it is recommended to sharpen your perception of the world as much as possible, which will not only help you become a person with superpowers, but also succeed in life.

No stress or worry.
Try to worry about trifles and get upset as little as possible. In this case, emotional balance and stability are important.

Various books on how to become a medium are considered effective for those people who want to develop their psychic abilities. Theory and practice together will help you achieve excellent results. And it’s not at all necessary to look for specific videos with exercises; you can use books.

If previously there was a theory that mediums are exclusively born, today everyone can develop these abilities in themselves, it is enough to recognize exactly how they manifest themselves and constantly work on themselves over a long period of time. Most of humanity perceives mediums as people who can talk to the dead. In fact, the medium has such abilities, but it may not always be talking, a person can hear, move objects or heal the sick. If you have repeatedly wondered how to become a medium and understand that you have a special gift, or you have been told that abilities are inherited, start working on yourself.

How to become a medium in real life?

Here we present useful information on how to recognize a person with similar abilities. According to statistics, there are 6 times more women mediums than representatives of the stronger half of humanity. A woman’s abilities become more acute during menstruation, but on other days also pay attention to the following signs:

  • well-developed intuition;
  • eyes of different colors, presence of dots on the iris;
  • a character characterized by irritability, naivety, and capriciousness.

Often, mediumistic abilities can be inherited or appear/disappear with changes in life situations. But is it possible to become a medium with such qualities? Without doing anything - of course not. You need to start by developing your abilities. First of all, it is important to learn to hear and trust your feeling, which we often call intuition. Such training involves guessing, for example, what song will be played next on the radio or who will call on the phone. It is worth remembering that in addition to intuition, there are other basic senses - sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell. You need to work on all the senses, and not just focus on one. To improve your abilities, you can read various literature. The theory of how to become a medium is beautifully outlined in The Book of Mediums by Alan Kardec. It is a continuation of the "Book of Spirits". The literature provides some useful practical advice for beginners. It is very important to take care of your emotional balance and inner peace.

How to become a medium - exercises

After you have studied a lot of useful literature and understood the theoretical part, we recommend moving on to practice. The exercises involve working on breathing and improving overall sensitivity. It is recommended to do the exercises for 5-15 minutes a day. In India, similar methods have been practiced for a long time, but they are based on the accumulation of energy, which allows one to discover abilities in oneself.

Exercise 1. Take a comfortable position, relax and start working on breathing in accordance with your heartbeat. That is, for every 4 hits you need to inhale, then hold for 2 beats and exhale for 4 beats. At this time, imagine how powerful energy fills every cell of your body.

Exercise 2. Topical for healing. You can start with yourself. For headaches, imagine the source of pain in the form of a black spot and send the accumulated energy from the solar plexus in order to eliminate the headache. Similar manipulations can be carried out with other people if you feel that your own energy makes you feel better. When working with another person, you should not experience negativity, since energy is transferred to him during such interaction.

There have always been many different interpretations and even fairy tales about mediums. They were previously credited with, and now they are being “attributed to” through promotion in science fiction films, the most unrealistic abilities. So who are they? What can they really do and what can they become?

Who is a medium and what abilities does he have?

A person who has the ability to communicate with the souls of the dead is called a medium. He does not lead them, does not send them “on a mission,” but only hears them, and in the best case, talks. These abilities are most often innate. It’s just that not everyone is aware of them from infancy. Science does not recognize the reality of such “communication,” but facts are stubborn things. No matter how the communication occurs, it is often effective. There is plenty of evidence of this.

History of mediumship

The phenomenon of mediumship itself is ancient. The Bible also describes a case when Endora communicated with the spirit of the prophet Samuel. She needed information about the upcoming battle. The phenomenon became widespread in the nineteenth century. In Europe and the States, spiritualistic seances began to be held. It turned out that a considerable number of people have the abilities of a medium. Some stories, of course, are fiction or imagination. But there are documented examples that shed light on this or that event, which living people did not have the opportunity to unravel.

It is known that in the twentieth century the phenomenon became of interest to special intelligence services. Mediums were strictly selected through testing and their abilities were studied using scientific methods. The results of the study were never made public. Perhaps because they are too important.

Types of mediums and their abilities

The "simplest" medium is one who speaks to spirits telepathically. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to prove that the medium is not a fraudster. It turns out that he takes information out of nowhere. This may be as it seems to him. Or maybe a conversation with your subconscious. Or just schizophrenia. In principle, these are practically identical phenomena in meaning, since on the subtle plane the personality does not matter. We are all connected at the level of the soul much more closely than in the physical world.

A physical medium can demonstrate some phenomena on the level of matter. For example, psychokinesis or levitation are the abilities of physical mediums. There are also confirmed cases of materialization. Such people are capable of creating any thing out of nothing. For example, who could create ashes, jewelry, and so on. These phenomena have never received a scientific explanation. The Orthodox opposed nothing but criticism to the miracles that the Indian Saint created. They say that he even materialized a living creature (monkey) for scientists.

There are people who have both mediumistic abilities. They are called boundary. An interesting fact is photographic mediumship. It consists in the fact that an image of spirits or others appears in the photo. Science cannot directly reject this, since the phenomenon has direct physical evidence. So, the figure of a now deceased relative or a long-departed celebrity may appear in the photo. There are many examples. Not all are recognized as fake. Many photographs remain a mystery to scientists.

Is it really possible to become a medium?

It is believed that such abilities are given from birth. If so, you probably already. Those who wish to acquire the abilities of a medium are advised to listen to themselves. If you can talk to spirits, it will manifest itself sooner or later. But there is another option. You can learn to talk to your Higher Self. There are many technicians. But your soul will communicate with spirits and transmit information to you.

Many people want to gain amazing, supernatural abilities. Is it possible to learn to work with subtle matters, or from nature, how to become a medium, and what does this mean in practice? Is it necessary or can you do it yourself, where to start and how to hone your skills? There are a lot of questions.

Mysterious person

Before you can learn how to become a medium, you need to understand who a medium is. According to most people ignorant of witchcraft, a medium is one who speaks to the dead. Correction: he doesn’t speak, but makes contact. At first glance it may seem that the difference is small, but if you delve into the meaning of the words, the difference will be obvious. After all, mediums vary in strength and capabilities. Some speak to the dead, while others can only hear their voices, a kind of one-way communication. Still others can see them, not with their eyes naturally, but at the level of the soul. Mediums who have well-developed physical manifestations of the gift are the most powerful - the movement of things, the creation of noise and light phenomena are in their power.

Pay attention to signs

Is it possible to focus on external signs, and if so, how? A woman is 6 times more likely to become a medium than the stronger sex. This is due to more women, their energy is able to more easily perceive signals from the outside, this is especially pronounced during monthly bleeding. If you are irritable, naive and at the same time prone to whims, then hidden talents may lie dormant in you. Of the purely external signs, the most reliable will be the different colors of the irises of the right and left eyes. This feature tends to be inherited from ancestors; if there were people in your family with pronounced abilities, then you can discover talent in yourself.

Practical Tips

It is necessary to sharpen your physical senses as much as possible and learn to use them to their fullest in order to perceive the world around you. If you want to learn how to become a medium, you must not forget that a person is a subtle system, so you will need to remain calm, even some detachment. This is necessary so that the energy flows smoothly and is easier to manage. Smoking and incense will also come to the rescue: wormwood, lavender, amber will help you tune in, concentrate and relax. External paraphernalia, characteristic of experienced magicians, is not only unnecessary at first, but even harmful. You need to learn to achieve the right state with a minimum of auxiliary factors. But no one canceled the training. The main source of esoteric knowledge for many centuries was books. How to become a medium is described in many publications on practical magic. However, the most powerful guide is recognized as the work of Kardec Allan, entitled “The Book of the Medium.”

A psychic medium cannot imagine his work without a special board for spiritual contacts. Buying this item today is as easy as shelling pears, but the most effective and powerful for any magician will be artifacts mined or made independently, since these things, in their vibrations, become consonant with the master, and it is easy for him to interact with them.