In fact, with Shurygina 1.09 17. Diana Shurygina told the whole truth about rape on a lie detector (video)

“The Shurygina case” continues to acquire more and more new details, despite the fact that the perpetrator of the rape, Sergei Semenov, has already served time in a colony and is free, and the main character of the scandal got married in October and is living happily in her marriage.

It would seem that there is a more or less happy ending to the story for everyone and it would be time to put an end to it, but that was not the case: Channel One filmed an episode of the talk show “Actually”, inviting the ideological inspirer of the meme “On the Bottom” to participate. (the same Diana known throughout the country), as well as Alexander Rukhlin, a young man who, it turned out, also took advantage of Shurygina’s drunken state and abused her.

In general, Alexander and Diana were invited to the studio to take a lie detector test. Moreover, this was not the first test for the girl. At the end of August, Shurygina proved to the whole country that she was not lying when she claimed that she did not verbally offer sex to anyone that ill-fated evening, that she did not use drugs at the party (although there were some), that she got drunk until she lost consciousness and that she tried to get out of room, but couldn’t - she was so drunk. This time, the emphasis was placed on the “testimony” of Rukhlin, whom until that day everyone had called the second rapist, who only managed to evade the investigation. On the air of the program, he said that at that “registration” in a country cottage he simply took advantage of the dead drunk state of the young guest of the party and, in fact, there was no rape, and he did not know about the girl’s age. All this served as a reason for the court to transfer Alexander from the status of an accused to a witness.

Diana herself, as last time, claimed that she did not remember all the circumstances due to her condition (a few glasses at the bottom had an effect), and therefore could not accuse Rukhlin of rape. Since the answers to all the questions of the presenter and the expert were confusing, the polygraph recognized them as false, but one thing could be said for sure: there was sex between the young people that evening, but only Rukhlin remembered about it.

The culmination of the meeting between the “rapist” and Diana was the entry into the studio of Andrei Shlyagin, Shurygina’s husband. With shouts of “Apologize, you bastard!” he attacked Rukhlin with his fists.

Andrey, your mother! – Diana had only time to shout and immediately rushed to separate the guys. The girl Alexandra was also in the thick of things, she came to the program to support her lover and also got into a brawl.

Shlyagin’s shouts of “Be a man” did not force Rukhlin to ask Diana for forgiveness. The result of the minute-long fight was quite succinctly outlined by presenter Dmitry Shepelev: the families are far from reconciled.

A fight in the studio: Diana Shurygina’s husband attacked her offender with his fists. In fact. Fragment of the release dated January 17, 2018. Diana Shurygina first met in the studio with Alexander Rukhlin, who, according to her, also raped her on the ill-fated night at a party. Diana's husband Andrei Shlyagin could not stay away and burst into the studio. The meeting ended in a fight.

At the end of the episode, Alexander Rukhlin stated that he repented. The guy noted that after everything that happened, his life has changed, and now he is preparing to get married.

Escaped punishment: the second offender in the Shurygina case is on the detector. In fact. The most dramatic moments of the episode dated January 17, 2018. The studio will host a meeting between Diana Shurygina and Alexander Rukhlin for the first time. What will they say to each other? How will Alexander respond to Diana's accusations of rape?


The heroes of “Shurygina’s story” are paid up to half a million rubles for participating in television broadcasts. Correspondent Natalya Varsegova believes that human drama has been turned into a profitable business ()

Shurygina's rapist was released from the colony for good behavior, and not for filming in Malakhov's program. Sergei Semenov gave the fee he received for an interview on the talk show “Let Them Talk” to an orphanage, but this had no effect on parole ()

Diana Shurygina about Ulyanovsk: “Bydlo is a city where people are scumbags.” In an interview with Andrei Malakhov, Diana calls herself a provincial, because she is accustomed to a measured and calm rhythm of life. Moscow for her is a noisy big city, where the girl is unusual. However, Ulyanovsk for the star of the show “Let Them Talk” is also not a dream city


After the scandalous rape, Diana found love and got married

On October 5, 2017, the 18-year-old star of the talk show “Let Them Talk” married 29-year-old TV cameraman Andrei Shlyagin. The couple dated for only three months, and then Shlyagin proposed marriage to his beloved. The young people had a wedding in Moscow; among the guests were their closest people and show business stars. However, there was a fight (

A video recording of the second part of the program about the raped Diana Shurygina, with whom the mother of her rapist Sergei Semenov now communicates, is gaining popularity on the Internet. Both take a lie detector test on Dmitry Shepelev’s show. On YouTube you can watch a video filmed by the young man’s relatives. For more than 13 minutes, Sergei’s sister Ekaterina talks about how the filming of the infamous show took place.


“Before going to the studio, we were tested with a detector. When Diana passed, we sat in the next room and heard her answers: what was true, what was a lie. Throughout the entire program, she constantly avoided answering. Then she started a game: “I remember, I don’t remember.” "When it’s convenient, I remember, when it’s not, I don’t know, I don’t remember. Either she could walk, or she was unconscious. When the experts got tired of her leading them by the nose, they asked to give precise answers. To which she, in her usual style, began throw a tantrum, tear off the wires from the detector and leave. Repeatedly obscene insults were thrown at me and the studio. Diana could not express her thoughts except by swearing. The organizers, realizing that the filming was on the verge of failure, began to ask the experts to be loyal to Diana and stop pressing her. After that, answers in the form: “I don’t remember, I don’t know, maybe” began to be accepted, and in the end it turned out that everything she said was true. Diana’s happiness knew no bounds, she tried to show that she was crying “In fact, she covered her face and laughed that she was able to deceive,” Semenova revealed the details of the filming.

Further, according to her, the organizers said that they needed a “swing”. “Sergei is right, Diana is right - to maintain the interest of the audience and raise the rating of the program. The filming was four hours, it is unknown what will be left there after editing. So you understand, the script was written long before we passed the polygraph,” explained Sergei’s sister .

Semenova said that they understand perfectly well: in any case, the charges against her brother will not be dropped. “And if we talk about the detector, it is not evidence of guilt, the results are not attached to the case file. Because for one person a beating means bruises, abrasions and beatings, but for another it is a hit and has already been beaten. In both cases, the detector evaluates it as truth ", - Ekaterina reasoned.

By the way, Sergei asked to take a lie detector test twice, but was refused. “The explanation was that no one will be guided by the results and will not be involved in the case,” Semenova said. She then went off topic a bit and started talking about the actions of Diana and her family. “The series is in real life, you have to somehow survive in Moscow. Everything would be fine, but if they didn’t ruin other people’s lives and didn’t do dirty tricks on everyone who comes their way. But I dare to remind the Shurygins that the Earth is round and boomerang is no one I didn’t cancel it. I don’t want to convince you to believe us or her. I just told you how it all happened, and it’s up to you to decide. I think people can identify a lie no worse than a detector,” the girl concluded her revealing speech.

Published 09/04/17 23:00

The second episode of the “Actually” program with Diana Shurygina was aired, in which the final point was set.

Diana Shurygina, notorious throughout Russia, in the second part of the show “Actually” with Dmitry Shepelev answered the main question - whether Sergei Semyonov really raped her.

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Let's remember that in the first issue, experts found out that on that fateful evening Diana was very drunk, and much more than she initially said. Sergei was in approximately the same condition. The girl did not offer any serious resistance, but emphasized more than once that intkbbee she simply did not have the physical strength to fight back due to poor health.

In today's episode of the program “Actually,” the girl met with the mother of Sergei Semenov, who from the first minutes of the broadcast attacked her with accusations of slander, saying that her son was not to blame.

Diana Shurygina. In fact. Second part. VIDEO

The mother of Alexander Rukhlin also came to the program - the second allegedly also tried to have sexual contact with Shurygina, but when she expressed disagreement, he left.

During the inspection, expert Sabina Pantus expressed her conviction that Sergei could well regard Diana’s flirting as a call for intimacy and foreplay. The girl reacted violently to Semenov’s mother’s words.

“Yes, in general, you’re hurt, you’re just hurt. Is Semyonov a saint among us? Why are they only groaning at me?” Shurygina was indignant. “Now I defended myself and my family as best I could. Sergei is a saint among us, he didn’t drink or smoke with us, I was a virgin and wanted to become a priest."

In turn, Sergei Rukhlin’s mother was quite aggressive towards Diana and threatened to sue her for libel. At the same time, she admitted that her son acted unworthily, and placing all the blame on Shurygina is wrong.

At the end of the broadcast, Dmitry Shepelev again asked her the main question about rape. The heroine of the broadcast answered in the affirmative, and the polygraph and experts in the studio confirmed that Shurygina was telling the truth.

Diana Alekseevna Shurygina is a girl who became famous after the rape scandal in Ulyanovsk. After her case received public outcry, Diana became a frequent guest on talk shows like “Let Them Talk” and “Actually.”


Diana Shurygina was born on June 12, 1999 in Ulyanovsk. Diana’s father, Alexey Viktorovich Shurygin (born 1979), was a truck driver (after the scandal, according to him, he left his job due to constant threats). Mother - Natalya Shurygina (born 1983), before the story of her daughter’s rape, worked in a hypermarket of creative supplies.

Natalya gave birth to her first daughter very early - she was not yet sixteen when Diana was born. In 2008, Diana gave birth to a younger sister, Karina. The family, who first huddled in a dorm room and then moved to a rented apartment, was always in dire need of money.

According to Diana's acquaintances, she was never distinguished by modesty and exemplary behavior. Proof of this is numerous photographs from social networks. After the rape story, Diana deactivated most of her old accounts, but some of the content managed to spread across the Internet, such as this video.

Diana Shurygina in the car

Journalists captured Diana on a joint smoke break with her father. The fact that he did not react in any way to his daughter’s nicotine puff also speaks volumes. In May 2015, 15-year-old Diana left home. The parents sounded the alarm and contacted the authorities for the control of neglected children, who found the girl at the home of the adult Vladislav Troshin. Shurygina explained that she loves him and has been in an intimate relationship with him for about 4 months. At the insistence of the authorities, Diana’s mother wrote a statement against Troshin. Shurygina's lover received a year of restriction of freedom.

After graduating from 9th grade, Diana entered a vocational pedagogical college to become a supervisor of machine tools and plumbing work.

Rape of Diana Shurygina

The story, which became known only at the beginning of 2017, occurred on the night of March 31 to April 1, 2016. The girl was in a company of guys celebrating the birthday of a 20-year-old friend at a rented cottage. The party was not complete without strong alcohol and narcotic smoking mixtures.

The morning after the party, Shurygina filed a rape complaint at the police station. According to her version, at night one of the guests, Sergei Semenov (born 1995), tried to perform violent acts on her, taking advantage of Diana’s helpless state.

The investigation, which lasted about 8 months, ended with a sentence for the young man to 8 years and 3 months in a strict regime regime. This sentence was due to the fact that, according to the court, Sergei was aware of Diana’s young age and understood that she did not want to have an intimate relationship with him. Later, Semenov’s defense filed an appeal, as a result of which the sentence was commuted to 3 years and 3 months. However, in January 2018, the young man was released on parole.


Perhaps Diana would have remained one of the thousands of unknown victims of rape if the TV program “Let Them Talk” on Channel One had not become interested in the case in Ulyanovsk, to which Semyonov’s parents turned with a request to cover this unpleasant story. Shurygina and her family, as well as Semenov’s relatives and friends, were invited to filming in Moscow. Diana's parents refused to go, but the girl decided to convey her version of what happened to the audience at all costs.

First episode of “Let Them Talk” with Shurygina

In Andrei Malakhov's studio, Diana told her version of what happened. The girl said that because of a bad stomach, she could not drink beer - she had to drink vodka. A little, out of respect for the birthday boy. As a result, she drank more than normal, went to look for friends, but ended up face-to-face in the room with Semyonov. According to Shurygina, he pushed her onto the bed and, not paying attention to her resistance, hit her in the face and raped her.

Sergei's relatives insisted that the sexual intercourse took place by mutual consent. Information surfaced that Shurygina’s father demanded a million rubles from the suspect’s family in order to “hush up the matter.” Other guests of the party recalled that Shurygina got drunk and was not averse to spending time with someone in bed, but after the “rape” she did not go home, but continued drinking as if nothing had happened.

Apparently, the arguments of Semenov’s side turned out to be more convincing - after the release of “Let Them Talk,” a barrage of criticism fell on Shurygina: Diana was accused of dissolute behavior and perjury. Among the people who sided with Semenov were popular bloggers, for example, Maryana Ro. The bullying had a detrimental effect on Diana’s health – she ended up in the hospital.

Immediately after the release of the program, Shurygina’s image became an Internet meme: hundreds of parodies of the girl, photo collages and even music tracks based on phrases spoken by Diana appeared on social networks. The phrase “at the bottom” has become popular and even found its way onto T-shirts. In just a few days, Shurygina earned millions of followers on Instagram.

In the next 2 months, 4 more issues of “Let Them Talk” were released one after another, dedicated to the rape scandal. During the new episodes, Diana and her parents admitted that their life had turned into a nightmare - they received threats, their mother was attacked, and the tires of Alexei Viktorovich’s car were punctured.

In the summer of 2017, Shurygina and her family, due to the increased attention of the residents of Ulyanovsk, moved to Moscow, where she got a job as a barista in a cafe at a shopping center. We didn’t have to wait long for the attention of fans and opponents: videos of Shurygina, angry at the caustic addresses of visitors who recognized her, quickly appeared on the Internet.

Diana Shurygina in a cafe

At the same time, she began to receive cooperation offers from celebrities. For example, Aiza Anokhina (ex-wife of rapper Guf) offered her a place in her beauty salon. The girl managed to talk with Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov, Elena Letuchaya, Nikolai Fomenko. Passers-by regularly approached her with a request to take a selfie together - Diana did not refuse and gladly showed her signature “on the bottom” to the camera.

In July 2017, Andrei Malakhov, the host of the talk show “Let Them Talk,” made a film called “The New Life of Diana Shurygina.” In the film, Diana tried herself in new professions and talked about life after the scandal. Almost immediately the video was deleted from Malakhov’s channel, but the video remained on the clone of the TV presenter’s channel malakhov 007. Malakhov also published several episodes of the show “Shura-mury with Diana Shurygina” on his YouTube channel.

"Shura-mury with Diana Shurygina." 1 issue

At the end of August 2017, Diana took part in the television program “Actually,” during which presenter Dmitry Shepelev, together with experts, again examined the rape situation and verified the veracity of the girl’s words. In a lie detector test, Diana confirmed that she was telling the truth about the details of the scandal. However, the relatives of Sergei Semenov, who were present during the recording of the program, argued that it was staged, lied and edited.

In fact: Diana Shurygina on a lie detector test

“She constantly avoided answering and started a game of remember or don’t remember. Convenient - I remember, uncomfortable - I don’t know, I don’t remember.” The prisoner’s sister sympathized that the lie detector readings could not be attached to the investigation materials and remembered that Sergei twice asked for a polygraph test, but was refused both times.

Personal life of Diana Shurygina

According to Shurygina, before the scandal, she met with a certain young man who was serving in the army at that time. Obviously, they had to forget about the long-distance relationship after the uproar.

The wedding took place on October 5: the lovers exchanged rings in the Moscow registry office No. 4 and continued to celebrate in a teahouse in South Butovo.

Diana Shurygina now

In January 2018, Sergei Semenov, convicted of raping Diana Shurygina, was released from prison on parole (parole). The young man told the press that during this time he had matured and become smarter, in particular, he would no longer get involved with girls like Shurygina, he intended to get a higher education at another university and get a job.

In June 2018, in connection with Sergei Semenov’s move to Moscow, a thematic issue of “Live Broadcast” was released with Andrei Malakhov, in which Diana’s friend and colleague Sasha Chest, who helps her with the creation of songs, said that Shurygina had an abortion from her husband, who, according to him According to him, he doesn’t love Diana at all, but is promoting himself on her name.