Overdose of energy drinks: caffeine and co. Are the harms of energy drinks exaggerated?

Energy drinks Carbonated drinks containing substances that stimulate the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems of the human body, creating the effect of a surge of strength and vigor.
  1. Energy drinks (stimulants)
  2. Isotonics (sports catalysts)

Energy drinks are produced by a large number of companies, but they differ only in their labels; the composition in most of them is almost identical:

  • Caffeine
  • Taurine
  • Ginseng
  • Schisandra
  • Guarana
  • Vitamins B2, B5, B6, B12, C, PP
  • Melatonin
  • Matein

What are Isotonics

Isotonic drinks are presented on the market in two forms - liquid and powder. And the formulas for their composition are very different from each other. Most often, the following components are found in isotonic drinks (they are also called iso-osmotic):

  • Sugar
  • Mineral salts
  • Acid regulator
  • Vitamins C, E, B1
  • Maltodextrin
  • Beta carotene
  • Flavoring additives
  • Food coloring
Isotonics Drinks or dry mixtures, which contain components that intensively replenish the deficiency of fluid, minerals, salts and vitamins during physical activity, through a special formula similar to human blood plasma.


The effect of energy drinks on the body

Many people believe that by drinking an energy drink, they replenish their body's energy resources. Actually this is not true. The energy drink only stimulates the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. As a result, the human body, experiencing stress, begins to work with increased load, releasing a large dose of adrenaline into the blood, causing the effect of euphoria or hyperactivity. In this state, the wear resistance of the body decreases, and the resource of internal organs is significantly reduced.

With the constant consumption of energy drinks, a person depletes his internal reserves of the body and depresses the nervous system, which can lead to:

  • Loss of strength
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Fatal outcome

Composition of energy drinks

Many energy drinks containing large amounts of vitamin B cause rapid heartbeat and trembling in the limbs.

The amount of caffeine contained in energy drinks can be very harmful to your health. After consuming one can of energy drink, caffeine is eliminated from the body within 3-5 hours, after which the body needs rest. If you drink coffee, tea or another can of energy drink at this moment, the daily permissible dose of caffeine will be exceeded several times, and this can lead to an increase or decrease in blood pressure and tachycardia.

The amount of taurine included in energy drinks exceeds the daily norm hundreds of times. In case of overdose, it can cause:

  • Stomach ache
  • Exacerbation of ulcer
  • Gastritis
  • Arrhythmia
  • Interruptions in cardiac activity

It is for this reason that the sale of energy drinks is prohibited in a number of countries.

Some energy drinks contain glucuronolactone, “veiled” in the composition by different spelling variations. This drug was developed by the US Department of Defense. It was tested on American soldiers during the Vietnam War. The main purpose of the drug was to increase the morale of soldiers. The test revealed that glucuronolactone simply destroys the human body, causing brain tumors and progressive liver cirrhosis. As a result, the drug was banned as a dangerous chemical.

Caffeine is addictive. Therefore, after a while, those who like to “recharge” begin to increase the number of cans of energy drink they drink per day, and some switch to alcohol-containing energy drinks.

Caffeine combined with alcohol causes a severe blow to the heart. The fact is that these two substances have opposite effects. Alcohol has a depressant effect, and caffeine has a tonic effect; as a result, the heart cannot adapt and begins to work in the wrong rhythm.

Caffeine, which is part of the energy drink, has a strong diuretic effect. Usually, after drinking an energy drink, people do not drink water, since energy drinks are used not only to restore strength, but also to quench thirst. In fact, the result is the opposite. The body becomes dehydrated.

D-ribose, a carbohydrate necessary for ATP synthesis, can lead to overexcitement and muscle pain.

Artificially synthesized vitamins D6, B12, C can cause gastrointestinal disorders, and vitamin C also causes allergies.

Ginseng can lead to overexcitement and increased blood pressure.

Due to the large amount of sugar and acids contained in energy drinks, their consumption disrupts the acid-base balance in the mouth and also destroys tooth enamel.

Harm of isotonic drinks

Isotonic drinks do not harm the body, with the exception of individual intolerance to certain components in the composition.


The benefits of energy drinks

Energy drinks stimulate the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and endocrine system, causing a surge of energy, a feeling of vigor, lack of fatigue, and improve thought processes.

Glucose, a number of vitamins and botanicals found in energy drinks, speeds up the body's oxidation process, which gives muscles and internal organs extra strength.

Need to know!

After drinking an energy drink, the tonic effect lasts twice as long as from a cup of coffee, and a feeling of increased energy is felt almost immediately after drinking the energy drink due to the gases.

The energy drink can be consumed wherever it is convenient thanks to its compact and convenient packaging.

The benefits of isotonic drinks

Isotonic drinks quickly replenish fluid loss in the body during heavy physical activity.

Drinking an isotonic drink supplies the body with a complex of carbohydrates, replenishes glycogen reserves during exercise, and vitamin B1 is involved in the metabolism that occurs in the body and in the process of carbohydrate absorption.

Isotonic drinks also help compensate for calcium and magnesium, which are lost during active sweating and are necessary for the normal functioning of muscles. That is, isotonic helps muscles replenish vital minerals, helping to increase endurance, improve strength, prevent cramps and speed up the recovery process after exercise.

The protective vitamins C, E and beta-carotene included in isotonic drinks limit the production of free radicals during sports activities.

Drinking energy drinks

When drinking energy drinks, do not mix them with alcohol. This will cause a sharp rise in pressure and can lead to a hypertensive crisis.

Do not allow children under 12 years of age to drink energy drinks and try to protect teenagers under 18 years of age from using them. Energy drinks are harmful to a growing and developing body.

Avoid drinking energy drinks after exercise. This leads to dehydration and increased blood pressure.

It is better to refrain from drinking energy drinks in the heat. At high temperatures, the autonomic and cardiovascular systems are already working at full capacity, trying to balance the body’s temperature, and an energy drink, accelerating processes in the body, warms it up even more. In addition, energy drinks are most often sold cold, which worsens the situation even further, as the body begins to experience stress from temperature changes. All these factors can cause vegetative crises with hypertensive or hypotonic slopes.

Don't drink more than two cans of energy drink per day and do it no more than twice a week.

After drinking an energy drink, do not drink drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, etc.) for 5-6 hours to avoid becoming a victim of an overdose.

After drinking an energy drink, be sure to give your body a rest.

Drinking energy drinks is strictly prohibited for: elderly people, pregnant or lactating women, people suffering from glaucoma, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and increased excitability. People suffering from sleep disorders, nervous disorders and caffeine intolerance.

If you are actively involved in sports or experience heavy physical activity, you can use Isotonics. They promote rapid recovery of the body and have virtually no contraindications.

How long does the energy drink last?

    I can’t tell by time, but I drink it before going to bed, and when I wake up it’s still dripping.

    The energy drink does not take effect immediately. After about half an hour, you will get a burst of energy - the caffeine will invigorate you. This vivacity will be enough for several hours. Then you will either have to drink an energy drink again, or you will have to put up with a lethargic state

    The effect of any non-alcoholic energy drink ranges from 3 to 4 hours, it all depends on the brand of the drink itself. But you should absolutely not abuse it, as it can cause great harm to the body; it contains a lot of caffeine and all sorts of other chemical drinks. Be careful when using it.

    About 4 hours. But it does more harm than good.

    It's about non-alcoholic energy drinks. I want to say right away that my answer will be based solely on personal experience, because at one time I quite often consumed energy drinks in considerable dosages. So, the effect of an energy drink, including the duration of the effect on the nervous system of the consumer, may depend on a number of reasons:

    • Compound(brand, that is) energy drink (contents in it taurine And caffeine- main pathogens. If you carefully read the information on the can (bottle) of a particular drink, you will notice that it is often different for each energy drink. Accordingly, the effect of drinking can be stronger and longer, if in the energy sector more concentration taurine and caffeine.
    • Of course, it will also affect quantity, in other words, dose of drink. If, for example, one can can invigorate you for 2-3 hours, then 2-3 cans drunk after lunch, for example, can keep you awake until the morning.
    • Regularity of use- a key parameter, since within a few months addiction may occur and, as a result, the absence of the previous effect of vigor.

    One way or another, with energy drinks you need, no matter how trivial it may sound, to be very careful and, if possible, reduce their consumption to a minimum. The norms declared by the manufacturer (no more than 1 can per day) are, in my opinion, very excessive; I would recommend drinking them no more than a couple of times a week, and indeed in emergency cases. Then the vigor will last about 3 hours without significant consequences on the body and the psyche as well. Be healthy!

    If we are talking about non-alcoholic energy drinks such as Bulide, Red Bull, Jaguar, then such energy drinks can affect the human body three o'clock, this is if you rarely use it. But if this happens often, then the dose will need to be constantly increased for the effect to continue.

    And if at first a jar of two hundred and fifty grams is enough, then later you will need a jar of five hundred grams.

    In principle, when you are very tired, it can help out and give you vigor, because it contains caffeine and taurine. You can drink it if you haven’t had enough sleep, or you need a state of vigor, but of course you shouldn’t abuse it at all.

    Firstly, everything depends on the body and the energy drink itself. I only drank alcoholic energy drinks a couple of times and didn’t like it. But I drank non-alcoholic ones when I was ferrying cars from Europe. When you haven’t slept for two days, an energy drink helped for a maximum of two hours. The next one was for an hour, and then drink it like soda.

    Energy drinks such as Red Bull or Adrenaline Rush begin to act within 30 minutes. The duration of their action will depend on how often you use this energy drink, but on average, if you do not abuse it, then about 3-4 hours.

    Energy drinks last up to a day; the state of a vigilant drunk, when drowsiness is replaced by vigor due to a mixture of caffeine, taurine and alcohol, does not allow a person to sleep.

    The danger of this drink is that a person does not control the alcohol he drinks, because he feels cheerful and sober, so the dose may be higher than usual, which results in insomnia, which lasts for a long time.

    People either get addicted to such drinks and spoil their nervous system, or switch to more serious stimulants, which always ends in death.

    It all depends on how much you drink. After one jar, vigor may disappear even after half an hour. But if you overdo it with energy drinks, it could very well become very bad. It's better not to get carried away with them.

    Energy drinks contain caffeine, and caffeine is an intense brain stimulant; a burst of superactivity occurs after half an hour and lasts up to four hours, then fatigue and apathy set in. To feel energetic, you need to drink energy drinks every four hours, but you will agree, this is harmful to the body.

    Energy drinks only last an average of three to four hours, and the effect does not begin immediately, but after about thirty minutes. After the end of the effect, the energy and vigor disappears, a new portion of this drink, harmful to the body, is required.

Energy drink advertising is colorful and original. Manufacturers promise that their compositions will inspire the consumer, fill them with strength, and turn them into either Carlson or Superman. Energy specialists are indeed capable of helping a student learn a whole semester’s worth of material a few nights before an exam, a minibus driver or truck driver to drive a car almost around the clock in difficult conditions, a disco regular to dance the night away and then go to work or study in the morning.

However, doctors are less optimistic: as the popularity of energy drinks grows, serious diseases of the blood vessels, liver, pancreas, and nervous system become significantly younger. To understand the benefits and harms of energy drinks, let’s look at their composition.

Types of energy drinks

There are two main types of energy drinks (stimulants):

  • non-alcoholic;
  • low alcohol.

Non-alcoholic and low-alcohol energy drinks may contain:

  • caffeine, theine, mateine ​​are alkaloids. Substances tone up, stimulate brain function, increase blood pressure, and suppress the feeling of hunger;
  • Theobromine is an extract from cocoa beans. It is an alkaloid similar in action to caffeine;
  • taurine – participates in metabolic processes, affects the reduction of blood glucose levels and blood pressure;
  • extracts of ginseng, guarana, lemongrass, echinacea - plants that are traditionally used in folk medicine to strengthen the body and quickly restore strength;
  • carnitine – accelerates fat metabolism and increases appetite;
  • melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep frequency and affects the endocrine system;
  • B vitamins – substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and are necessary for the correct transmission of signals between neurons;
  • sweeteners and other flavoring additives, flavorings, food colors, preservatives.

In addition to stimulants, isotonics (sports catalysts) are available for sale, intended for athletes who need to replenish their strength after training. Isotonics are a powdered or diluted in water mixture of salts, vitamins and flavoring additives.

Features of non-alcoholic energy drinks

By carefully studying the composition of non-alcoholic energy drinks, one can come to the conclusion that they consist of only healthy products. The problem is that there are too many of these substances in drinks (often several daily doses) and they are combined in a very bizarre way. It is impossible to predict in advance how the body will react to a loading dose of compounds, some of which increase blood pressure, others lower it, and others stimulate the endocrine system. Carbon dioxide, which is always included in drinks, accelerates their absorption into the blood and enhances the effect. Due to the high content of sweeteners, blood sugar immediately rises.

All ingredients in energy drinks increase performance by releasing the body's hidden reserves. The benefits of energy drinks to the body are approximately the same as the benefits of artificially increasing the processor frequency to a computer. It's easy to overclock the processor, but it will burn out much faster after that.

Alkaloids (caffeine, mateine, theobromine) gradually become addictive. For an energy drink lover, the natural production of adrenaline decreases; as a result, a person, without drinking a tonic drink, feels lethargic and exhausted. Too much B vitamins contribute to irritability; in severe cases, hands begin to tremble, and mental activity deteriorates. An addiction similar to a drug addiction occurs.

Alcoholic energy drinks are addictive

Features of low-alcohol energy drinks

Low-alcohol energy drinks can contain up to 9% alcohol. This means that in an aluminum can with a volume of 250 ml - up to 22.5 ml of pure ethanol, translated into vodka - almost 56 ml. The same can of energy drink with a strength of 5% is equivalent to 31 ml of vodka.

Alcohol only invigorates at the very beginning; after 45–60 minutes it has a sedative effect. The tonic substances in the energy drink last for 2-3 hours. Two effects are neutralized: exciting and inhibitory. Even a healthy body can barely cope with such a load, but a person who begins to feel sleepy drinks a new portion of energy drink.

Excessive addiction to low-alcohol energy drinks is a direct path to alcoholism. A person who consciously consumes strong drinks usually follows a drinking culture: he drinks little by little, savors it, has a snack, and tries not to exceed his own norm. But in energy drinks the alcohol is almost not felt; their drinker drinks can after can.

It must be remembered that low-alcohol energy drinks are not means to stimulate performance, but alcoholic cocktails. In moderation they are acceptable during parties and feasts. It is better to avoid low-alcohol energy drinks with caffeine, mateine ​​and theobromine; these drinks are the most harmful.

How to choose the right energy drinks

The benefits of energy drinks are very questionable, but if you urgently need to restore strength, you must follow the following rules:

  • choose non-alcoholic energy drinks that contain any one tonic: either caffeine (mateine, theobromine) or plant extracts. Energy drinks with natural plant extracts are preferable;
  • you should not consume more than 250–300 ml of energy drink per day;
  • maximum permissible monthly dose – 6 aluminum cans;
  • coffee, carbon dioxide and alcohol dehydrate the body. After drinking the energy drink, you need to drink at least 0.5 liters of water in several doses;
  • The daily caffeine intake is no more than 300 ml (no more than 100–120 ml at a time). You need to carefully read how much caffeine is in the drink. Energy drinks should not be washed down with coffee or eaten with chocolate;
  • choose energy drinks with a minimum content of dyes and flavoring additives (these substances are carcinogenic).

Contraindications to the use of energy drinks

It is forbidden to drink any energy drinks if you have the following diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • endocrine system (especially in diabetes);
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver and kidneys;
  • nervous system.

Energy drinks are an invention of the second half of the twentieth century, and can be easily replaced if desired. For centuries, people have increased their performance by eating foods containing vitamin C: apples, citrus fruits. A mixture of apple, pumpkin and carrot juices gives you a boost of energy for the whole day. To overcome drowsiness, you can eat chocolate, drink coffee or cocoa. If you want an unusual taste, then at a party it is better to order a cocktail with high-quality alcohol. Frequent artificial stimulation of the body with energy drinks poses a health threat.

The composition of energy drinks includes: caffeine, taurine, carnitine, ginseng, guarana, B vitamins, mateine. Thanks to its composition, when drunk it gives a person energy and a feeling of vigor. Drinks with a high caffeine content help cope with drowsiness, and vitamin-carbohydrate energy drinks increase endurance during physical activity.

The drink has a convenient package, so it can be taken in situations where you cannot drink tea or coffee.

Thanks to the high content of vitamins and glucose, the energy drink stimulates vital processes in the body, gives energy to the brain, internal organs and muscles. Its effect is enhanced by the presence of carbon dioxide in the composition and lasts up to four hours.

Negative effects of energy drinks on the body

Medical studies have proven that energy drinks have a negative effect on the human body. If you consume more than two cans a day, this will lead to a significant increase in blood pressure and sugar levels, which can trigger the development of serious diseases - diabetes and hypertension.

Energy drinks are popular among nightclub lovers, students preparing for exams, workaholics, athletes, and drivers. Many people consider these drinks harmless, because even a child can purchase them without restrictions. However, doctors are sounding the alarm - energy drinks pose a serious danger.

The main natural elements of energy drinks have been used by humanity for hundreds of years to stimulate the nervous system. However, their excessive consumption can lead to dangerous consequences.


Students see energy drinks as a salvation during a session, office workers use them when they are unable to meet deadlines, fitness trainers use them to set new records, and they help drivers stay awake on the road. But despite the assurances of manufacturers that their products only bring benefits, this is not entirely true. Many components of energy drinks are prohibited in developed countries of the world, and their excessive consumption can lead to irreversible consequences.

Energy drinks contain caffeine. Excessive consumption puts extra strain on the heart, causing palpitations, shortness of breath and nervousness. You should not exceed the permissible dose, which is contained in two cans of energy drink.

Energy drinks do not provide energy, but use the latent energy of the human body. Therefore, after taking such drinks, the body needs rest and time to recuperate.

Energy drinks should not be consumed after physical activity or sports training. They increase blood pressure, which needs to be normalized after exercise.

Under no circumstances should energy drinks be consumed by pregnant women, children, the elderly, as well as people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, sleep disorders, glaucoma, increased excitability and hypersensitivity to caffeine.

One of the worst mistakes when using

Tip 7: What drinks help you get rid of extra pounds?

Dieting is not easy. But we go to great lengths to get rid of excess weight. Nutritionists are in a hurry to please: now the problem can be solved with the help of healthy drinks that you can prepare yourself.

Dandelion tea

Preparing your figure for summer begins in the spring. And this is where dandelion tea comes to the rescue. Fill a liter jar with flowers without leaves and pour boiling water over them. Add a couple of spoons of honey and leave the resulting mixture to steep in a cool place for 4 hours. This drink will perfectly replace regular tea, cleanse the body of harmful substances, improve health, and, most importantly, get rid of extra pounds. Just be careful! Dandelion tea is a strong diuretic.

Pineapple juice

It has a rich fruity taste and perfectly quenches thirst. Of course, it can be purchased at any supermarket. But it's better to cook it yourself. To do this, peel one pineapple and squeeze the juice from the pulp. Dilute with a little cold water. This drink will remove excess fluid from the body and regulate metabolism. Thus, it will be useful for your figure.

Sassi water

This miracle drink is rich in vitamins and is great for those who cannot diet. To prepare it, take two liters of cold water, add the juice of one lemon, finely chopped cucumber, mint leaves and a few pieces of ginger root. Infuse this cocktail in the refrigerator for 15 hours. You need to drink sassi water for four days, 8 glasses each. Then it is better to take a break for a week or two.

Lemon with ginger

This is a fairly simple cocktail that anyone can make for themselves in the morning. Add lemon juice and chopped ginger root to a glass of water to taste. If desired, the drink can be cooled with a few ice cubes. Ginger is a great helper in the fight against excess weight. Lemon regulates kidney function, metabolism, and cleanses the body of toxins. Such a useful tandem of products will definitely help you achieve your desired figure.

Honey with cinnamon

Another magical cocktail that will help you get rid of extra pounds. Add a tablespoon of honey and a level teaspoon of cinnamon to a glass of water. Drink this drink in the morning half an hour before breakfast. Cinnamon normalizes digestion and metabolism. And replacing sugar with honey is generally good for your health and figure.

Important! Before experimenting with drinks, seek advice from specialists. You may have intolerance to certain foods. This can cause an unpleasant reaction in the body and will only complicate the situation.

Quickly recharging your energy and almost instantly getting a powerful boost of energy for several hours is quite convenient and even tempting. However, every action must have a downside, and it’s not always as rosy and attractive.

We have been hearing for many years about the miraculous effects of energy drinks on various areas of perception, but we have not thought at all about what consequences these “magic” drinks can bestow on our body.

Origin and original composition of energy drinks

Even in ancient times, there was information about the miraculous effects of various elixirs and herbal infusions, helping to stay awake for a long time and feel full of strength. At the same time, the harm from such drinks was minimal, largely due to the natural origin and environmental friendliness of the components.

The first energy composition appeared in England and was launched into mass sale under the name “Lukozade”. The second producing country was Japan, which is now rightfully considered the leader in the production of such products.

Modern energy drinks have appeared relatively recently, and all manufacturers of original products of this type unanimously speak about the complete safety of their creations. At the same time, it is worth considering to what extent individual components can be harmless or, conversely, make a negative contribution to the life of various organs.

Energy Drink Ingredients

The components of energy drinks from different manufacturers are almost the same, at least the main ones are the same. The main components of the energy elixirs of our time are:

  • Taurine. The synthesis of the substance occurs in the gall bladder, participating in a number of metabolic processes and improving cell nutrition. It is considered harmless in small quantities, but not in those in which it can be used as part of modern energy drinks.
  • Caffeine. Can be replaced by theine or mateine. Mainly serves to increase mental and physical performance, enhancing reaction and memory. At the same time, the pulse rate increases, the level of blood pressure (BP) increases, and in many cases arrhythmia may develop.
  • Theobromine. Quite a strong stimulant.
  • Melatonin. Provides the level of vital functions, activity, and circadian rhythm of a person.
  • Vitamins and glucose.

It can also be noted that energy drinks are highly carbonated drinks containing carbonic acid. Thanks to it, the components included in the drinks are absorbed much faster, and the desired effect is achieved quite quickly. By law, manufacturers indicate on the labels or containers the exact composition of the drink they produce, as well as the safe amount of the product for consumption.

To drink or not to drink? That is the question!

The benefits of drinking energy drinks seem to be significant, but at the same time, the effect is temporary - with a duration depending on the specific product and its composition. The most harmless and even useful components of drinks are glucose and various vitamins, as well as carbohydrates. Even many famous athletes do not hide their preferences for energy drinks.

But constant research tirelessly confirms the negative, extremely negative impact on individual areas and the body as a whole. The excited, often euphoric state of a person after drinking energy drinks is replaced by even greater fatigue, insomnia and nervous irritation.

A number of proven factors are considered clear indicators that an energy drink is extremely harmful. The main ones include:

  1. Rapid increase in blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
  2. The effect is addictive and can significantly deplete the nervous system.
  3. The presence of multiple side effects in case of overdose, of which the most unpleasant are depression, cardiac dysfunction, and psychomotor overexcitation.
  4. High calorie drink.

The dark side of the coin - why are energy drinks harmful?

It is also worth considering the point that many representatives of modern youth simply do not pay attention to when they consume energy drinks excessively. It is highly undesirable to mix energy drinks with alcohol or drinks containing caffeine. Such abuse can lead to the most unpleasant consequences, so you need to think about what and at what time you can use the energy drink.

In addition, energy drinks in any form or quantity are absolutely contraindicated for certain groups of people: pregnant women, teenagers, children, the elderly, as well as people susceptible to various heart or chronic diseases. You should not drink energy drinks while undergoing medical intervention or taking medications.

Among the lesser evils that can result from the abuse of energy drinks are disruption of the acid-base balance in the mouth and destruction of tooth enamel. And in some cases, the occurrence of allergic reactions could be observed.

Therefore, the debate about whether modern energy drinks are beneficial or harmful continues to this day, without ever coming to a common denominator. At the same time, it should be noted unequivocally and irrevocably: energy drinks can only be consumed in small doses, not too often, and only for those people who have no obvious contraindications.