Which sport should I choose? Which sport is best for you? What you need to choose a sport

As soon as you become fat (if this is your story), the first thing you start doing is thinking about playing sports. Driven by your lack of education on the topic (which is why you're fat, basically) and influenced by some of the conventions of our society, you're likely to make choices that won't do much to help you become healthier (from the word health, but not healthy/big). Let's talk about the topic how to choose the right type of activity for yourself. But first, I will express my thoughts and observations of Russian smooth guys who were persistently preparing and tightening their shape to meet nymph-like Thai girls on the sunny paradise beaches.

In the minds of our average person, playing sports = to go to gym= grab weights and grow your jars to the size of real 3 liter jars. As Joe Friel, the world's leading triathlon coach and author of "" (free expression mine):

Why is it believed that if you cannot fold your arms at your sides, but walk down the street like an imperfect robot T-800 from the movie “Terminator”, then this is health? At what point in evolution did low mobility and low endurance, bulkiness and disproportion become signs of a healthy body? Maybe there is no need to talk about health while pumping “cans”? Maybe we should just talk about your desire to catch the offender and break his neck like a match, or about your desire to have natural armor from street attacks? Or you just can't get over the image of the jackhammer man from porn movies and think this is what you need? Be honest - this is not a conversation about health, but about your wild imagination. Do you want to be healthy (from the word health) - the rocking chair is clearly not the first place to visit;) If you want to be able to stand up for yourself, then you should martial arts- a long but sure path to all the best in the world of sports.

If you can’t get rid of the image of a Russian hero or want to be, well, at least somewhat similar to the governor of California, then start with. This is a special type of training that will give you strength, and you will be able to run the “twenty” mark, and it will clearly improve your health and lose belly fat. If you want to get a complete picture of what it is cross fit, then watch the video from the Reebok Crossfit Games. And until the end. You won’t want to drag heavy weights into the gym after this. You'll want to get smarter about your workouts!

Well, always look at what kind of society you end up in. If you want to be 3-4 times a week in a sweaty room with huge wardrobes, admiring yourself in the mirror under Rammstein - rock yourself. If you want something less egocentric, social and smelling of sweat - read on.

Maybe for you, health is actually a healthy heart that won’t stop at 35? Maybe you should run around? But remember one thing - running is VERY difficult. And one more thing - you don’t know how to run and you knew how to do it until you were 8 years old, then the idiot gym instructors at school ruined everything for you. You need to start running carefully and smartly. We have information about this. This sport is social, interesting and, most importantly, when you reach the level of 10-12 km a day, you will really begin to lose weight rapidly. You will catch yourself thinking that you are not out of breath, not tired. You will understand that you have some kind of superpower that we have all forgotten about, unfortunately.

Ah, this superpower, yes, yes. The worst thing about amateur runners is when they start thinking about achievements and push themselves like professionals who do this for a living. The choice is yours, but know where is the benefit and where is professional deformation.

When you run up and bring yourself a little back to normal - you put away your shameful belly, you become like Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, and not like the American Man, then you begin to look for variety.

Here you will catch your eye, ultramarathon, same cross fit. It is so interesting - mathematics, theories, equipment, competitions - that you will never want to go back to the body of a bag of fat.

But don't forget about yoga. The first is the coolest social and sex thing :) with interval training and much more, the second turns the body into a stretched elastic string, and the consciousness into a powerful but calm river. Maybe this is where you should start?

A bicycles! My last 80 km walk with my favorite “highway” between my legs allowed me to burn 2500 kcal! Can you imagine how much delicious food I can just take and devour? 2000 kcal, standard for my weight and height, + 2500 kcal, donated by a bicycle - you won’t have enough strength to just chew it all! And if it’s winter outside, then go skiing- this is the same energy consumption as a bicycle.

If a very sad person looks at you in the mirror, then head to the pool. There is very little chance of injuring a body killed by pork kebabs and pies. Your body here, unlike running, is almost weightless, there is no left load on the joints. The first unpleasant surprise for you is how short you can swim. When I came to the first training session, I swam 2x50m and was just like a driven horse. But this quickly passes, it’s not only a matter of weakness, but also the inability to breathe and swim correctly. And don’t pay attention, fat friend, that after entering the swim in RunKeeper, so few calories were burned. The programs lie and do not take into account the real load, considering that you are an average swimmer in a vacuum, and they also do not take into account the calories expended on heating your walrus body - this is a lot of calories. Don't stop swimming, I pray.

Well, here, it seems, are all the main alternatives to the swing that you’ve been going to “well, right from the spring.” It will be too late to start in the spring, but today, right after work, is the time.

And don't overeat on New Year's Day. Stupid and stupid tradition.

We have all heard about horoscopes, and regardless of whether we believe them or not, we have read our horoscope at least once on the pages of magazines. Astrologers claim that belonging to one or another zodiac sign determines not only character traits, but also affects the path of life as a whole, the choice of profession, friends, and even daily plans. Of course, everything is individual, depending on upbringing, genetic predisposition and other factors, but often representatives of the same zodiac sign have similar traits and characteristics. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will make it easier for you to choose the sport that is right for you.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Energetic and active from birth, Aries are natural athletes. Natural stubbornness and the will to win can help achieve results, but at the same time they interfere: excessive passion sometimes overshadows common sense and prevents you from adhering to the chosen tactics. In addition, frivolity can provoke injuries.

Team sports are perfect for Aries - football, basketball, volleyball, hockey - it is likely that Aries will be chosen as captain of the team. An appetite for risk and a competitive spirit allow them to achieve high results in martial arts, motorcycle racing, and sprints.

The most vulnerable places for Aries are the head, face and nose. Almost everyone born under this sign has a scar on their face or head. Aries should also avoid too gambling and extreme sports, which can cause an increase in blood pressure and lead to migraines.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

A distinctive feature of Taurus is endurance and strength. But meanwhile, he is balanced and prone to calm games and creativity. Taurus love comfort, love to be at home and eat well, so sports are often a burden for them. But since representatives of this zodiac sign are prone to being overweight, sooner or later they face the need for regular physical activity.

Taurus will be happy to engage in various dances, gymnastics, and synchronized swimming. Thanks to their natural strength and endurance, Taurus show excellent results in bodybuilding, skiing, marathon competitions, rowing, etc. For general development, Taurus can be offered tennis, cycling, snowboarding, and roller skating.

It is worth remembering that Taurus’ weak point is the throat, so it must be kept warm and not overcooled. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign are better off giving up sports with a strong competitive component; they should also avoid martial arts - this can awaken uncontrollable aggression that destroys personality.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Representatives of this zodiac sign are characterized by natural lightness, agility, and a constant thirst for speed. Geminis are mobile and active throughout life, which allows them to maintain good athletic shape.

In sports, they need to avoid routine and boredom in order to maintain interest in what is happening. For this, group classes with music or team sports are best suited, especially since Geminis, by definition, need either a partner or a team. Also an excellent choice for twins will be active and interesting sports - tennis, cycling, athletics, shooting and extreme sports - skydiving, rock climbing, motorsports.

Due to their changeable character, Geminis quickly become bored with those sports that involve exhausting training. They should also avoid increased stress on the lungs, since this is their weak point, and winter sports due to their tendency to catch colds. You should also take care of your hands and nerves.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Being by nature very obligatory and constant in their affections, Cancers, like no one else, are able to get carried away by one sport for a long time and achieve great results in it. Due to their tendency to periodically gain weight, it is important for them to monitor their figure and nutrition.

Cancers are suited to solitary species, but in a team they flourish and strive for victory even more strongly. If Cancer finds support in a partner or team, this will benefit him. This sign will enjoy synchronized swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, yoga and Pilates. Eastern martial arts with their philosophy can captivate Cancer and help overcome internal barriers, but not defeat the enemy.

It is worth giving up wrestling and fencing - the chest, abdominal cavity and collarbones are among the weak points of crayfish and should not be subjected to mechanical stress.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

This sign also shows its royal nature in sports, treating it as an opportunity to show oneself in public. Leos always strive for glory, and their inner strength allows them to cope with the enemy on a moral level. They love games and relay races, and if the lion seriously intends to win, then that’s exactly what will happen.

Leos can realize their desire to show off in front of the public in sports such as figure skating, gymnastics, skiing and golf. Pilates, yoga, and couple dance classes are also suitable for Leos. The tendency to take risks and seek thrills force Leo to choose sports such as football, snowboarding, and alpine skiing, and moral strength helps to achieve high results in martial arts.

Leo's weak point is the heart, so types of physical activity with a high load on this organ should be excluded. Preventing cardiovascular disease is an important aspect of exercise, so running, cycling and outdoor aerobics are a good part of your cardio workout.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

The main feature of this down-to-earth sign is accuracy in everything, and sports are no exception. Virgos, as a rule, strive to be in good shape and take care of their figure, but they are motivated to engage in sports more by the desire to be healthy and slim than by vanity or the desire to achieve any heights.

Virgos can be successful in areas that require refined movements and processing of actions. These are diving, figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming. Varieties that require good endurance are also suitable: hockey, tennis, running, football.

Virgos love to be outdoors; horseback riding, sailing, mountaineering and team play are perfect for them. Virgos are hardworking by nature and love precision and accuracy in execution, so a Virgo can make a good coach.

Due to natural disgust, Virgos find it difficult to go to the city pool and visit crowded gyms. Versions with heavy weights and monotonous movements - weightlifting - are not suitable for virgins. Dangerous places are the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system, so it is important to eat properly and regularly and avoid strong experiences.

Libra (September 23 – October 24)

Libras have a very soft and refined nature. They appreciate beauty and prefer to do everything measuredly, slowly, enjoy every moment and have fun. People of this sign tend to avoid conflicts, so the very spirit of competition disgusts them. Libras also don’t like to bother themselves with intense physical training.

Libras often choose dancing, figure skating, and synchronized swimming. They love external beauty, surroundings - elegant suits, beautiful hairstyles, music, the popularity of this sport, its prestige is also important for Libra. Team sports are perfect for them, because Libras enjoy not so much the activities, but rather the communication with people. Good outdoor sports: golf, skating, hiking. Bodyflex is also suitable, allowing you to maintain joints in excellent condition.

Libras are disgusted by violence and aggression, so they are extremely rarely attracted to contact sports, such as boxing and wrestling. Libra's weak points are the kidneys and lower back. You should avoid sports that injure this area (weightlifting) and do not overcool the body during the cold season.

Scorpio (October 25 – November 22)

Scorpios have a very high energy potential; they are born fighters. Their endurance and ability to distribute their vital forces allows them to achieve dizzying results. Competition for Scorpio is an opportunity to challenge yourself and prove that you belong to the category of strong people. At the right moments, a representative of this zodiac sign will be able to gather his thoughts and strength, make a breakthrough and reach the maximum of his capabilities.

Scorpios succeed where they need to get together and reach their maximum in a short period of time. For example, in sprinting, jumping, cross-country skiing, triathlon. They will excel in tough, strength sports: weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, martial arts. Since Scorpios are prone to loneliness, it is better for them to train alone, this is how they achieve maximum results.

Scorpios do not like activities that require patience and precision of movements, such as rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating. They should take care of their ligaments and learn to relax after intense training. Scorpios' weak point is the genitourinary system, so their feet should be kept warm, and girls, in addition, should not lift heavy objects.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 22)

The healthiest of all the zodiac signs, Sagittarius needs a lot of exercise, preferably in the fresh air. By nature they are athletic, beautifully built, strong and resilient, have good health. In sports, as in life, Sagittarius needs a goal, therefore, during training, clear motivation is necessary, so Sagittarius will achieve results faster and work harder.

Those born under this sign tend to be athletic and active, especially if they have someone to compete with. Cycling, cross-country and alpine skiing, step aerobics, kick aerobics and equestrian sports.

Strong calves and thighs allow Sagittarius to successfully engage in volleyball, cycling, basketball, athletics, running and skiing. People of this sign are very gambling, so they will like game sports. Sagittarians are excellent organizers and inspirers, so they often become leaders and captains of teams where they can show leadership qualities: football, volleyball, rugby, water polo.

Secular sports (tennis, golf) are alien to Sagittarius. Sagittarians have weak hip joints, blood vessels and ligaments, so intense power loads should be avoided. And before each workout you just need to stretch and warm up.

Capricorn (December 23 – January 20)

Capricorns combine colossal perseverance and endurance. They do not expect quick results and are ready to give their all in order to gradually and systematically move towards the goal and achieve high results. They endure defeats with steadfastness and perceive obstacles as just another step towards success.

Capricorns need strength training, endurance tests, and victory over themselves in difficult circumstances. Hiking, rock climbing, morning jogging and gymnastics can help keep you in good shape, as long as you exercise regularly.

Most often, Capricorn is interested in single sports, where individual skill is important: running, cross-country skiing, speed skating. He may be attracted to mountaineering, but skiing is not to his liking due to the lack of quick reaction. Colossal endurance will make Capricorn an excellent marathon runner, and long-distance swimming and cycling are also good choices.

Since Capricorns have weak points in their bones and joints, especially their knees, they need regular movement to regularly stretch them. You should avoid traumatic sports such as football, boxing, and racing.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

Aquarians are inquisitive, open to new things and sociable. They are distinguished by their speed of movement and dexterity, with a real love of heights.

Representatives of this sign love entertainment and need communication and recognition of their successes from others. All extreme and active sports are suitable for them, which include mountaineering, ski jumping, snowboarding, water skiing, parkour, and parachute jumping. Aquarians have fast movements, a swift gait and a long stride - irreplaceable qualities in athletics. Their love of heights and good coordination of movements can be realized in ski jumping, mountaineering, and parachuting.

Team sports are also useful for them - hockey, football - where the team spirit and the intensity of emotions are most strongly felt.

A thin Aquarius lacks brute strength, so it is difficult for him to resist in all types of martial arts. Aquarians do not like routine and passive sports, including weightlifting. This zodiac sign should monitor their diet and avoid excess carbohydrates, as well as take care of blood vessels and feet.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Soft, peace-loving Pisces rarely show interest in sports, but they appreciate beauty, spectacle and celebration. Such people approach sports wisely, think through tactics, but cannot overwork and be subjected to heavy stress, as they get tired quickly.

Pisces are suitable for sports that train balance, thinking and poise: for example, yoga or curling, as well as everything that is somehow connected with water - swimming, surfing, water skiing, diving. Pisces love music, so moving to music will not only be useful for them, but also a pleasant pastime, for example, dancing and aerobics, especially water aerobics.

Pisces are indifferent to everything extreme and exhausting, as they lack toughness and aggressiveness.

Pisces is not a very sporty sign, so too much work is contraindicated for them. Especially on the legs, since Pisces are prone to leg injuries, from sprains to fractures. Winter species are also questionable due to their naturally weak immunity.



Aries are very active people. The choice of sports for them is quite wide. Like any representative of the Fire element sign, Aries excels in a team, especially as a leader. Therefore, sports such as football, basketball, hockey and volleyball are good for him. Another factor that inclines one to choose one of these directions is that they all require great mobility, and Aries is doing great with it. Since childhood, they are very active people, so they will be able to achieve excellent results. The presence of willpower, determination, courage and drive allows representatives of the first zodiac sign to achieve outstanding results in harsh sports based on direct confrontation: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and so on. But, given that not every Aries is a warrior by nature, for many of them directly opposite forms of physical activity may be preferable: gymnastics, figure skating, athletics. As you can see, there are many options.



Taurus are calm and reserved people. Even physical activity in their case should be carried out without much pressure, haste, time restrictions and the spirit of competition that dominates the whole thing. That is why for representatives of the second zodiac sign it is preferable to engage in sports such as, for example, figure skating. It allows you to individually select the rhythm and plasticity of movements, learn the desired sequence of actions, and find the intersection of sports and art. An equally good option for Taurus is swimming. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign show a penchant for those sports in which it is necessary to ride some object - a bicycle, snowboard, skiing, and so on. Taurus also have a great chance of achieving success in throwing projectiles and lifting loads. Arm wrestling will not be an exception, where representatives of the second zodiac sign have a great chance of success and achievement.


Geminis are representatives of the Air element, for whom speed, changeability, and airiness are of particular importance. They perform well in those sports where reaction and coordination of actions play a decisive role. For example, the ideal option for a child born under the sign of Gemini is fencing. Another good example is tennis, since it combines all the advantages of fencing, but is also connected directly with the air. Athletics, various running competitions, acrobatics, and shooting were no exception. You can also think about water sports. Some Geminis will enthusiastically take up rowing, but there is a possibility that others will find it boring to constantly sit in one place, moving the oars, so you need to pay special attention to the child’s reaction at first. You can also forget about traditional sports and enroll your child in a mountaineering school - this is an excellent combination of constant movement and upward striving that will give all the impressions a representative of this zodiac sign needs.


Cancers are people who are reluctant to express themselves in sports. Their vulnerable nature is quite sensitive to defeats if they happen, and constant stress due to competition can negatively affect their health. The preferred option for such sensitive children would be physical activity options that involve some form of artistic or spiritual activity. For example, rhythmic gymnastics or figure skating may be perceived by Cancer primarily as an art rather than a competition. The same applies to various forms of swimming. Climbing is about connecting with nature, not about seeing who can climb a mountain the fastest. By developing this thought, you can come to spiritual practices. We are not even talking about yoga (although about it in particular), but various martial arts, which have their own philosophy at their base. Developing within these traditions, a person first of all strives to overcome his own internal barriers and physical boundaries, and not his opponent. Some martial arts schools completely reject sparring as a form of training, building training around individual training, not only with the body, but also with energy. If you have a large choice, you can look for schools of qigong and other interesting areas - all of them will be favorable for the physical development of Cancer.

a lion

Leos are athletic natures. Regarding the representatives of this zodiac sign, one can say approximately the same thing as we previously said about Aries. Belonging to the element of Fire, they prefer team sports, such as volleyball, football, hockey and others, since they allow them to show not only activity, but also their leadership qualities. Being warriors by nature, Leos willingly take on various forms of direct confrontation between two rivals: boxing, fencing, wrestling, and so on. In addition, they perform quite well in various “air” sports that require lightness. For example, these include tennis, figure skating, athletics, gymnastics, and so on. Thus, the list of those areas of sports in which a child born under the constellation Leo can express himself is even wider than that of all those zodiac signs that we considered earlier.


Virgos are people for whom chess would be the most preferable option among all sports, but given that we are talking about physical activity, we will have to choose another option, which in our case will become a compromise. Virgos are calm, unhurried people who do not like the spirit of competition and racing at all. Therefore, the preferred options in our case will be various sports that exclude these components. For example, synchronized swimming is one of the most beneficial sports for Virgos. It does not require overtaking opponents, but involves carefully rehearsed choreography. Rhythmic gymnastics, which is also suitable for Virgos, requires approximately the same from athletes. Considering that people born under this zodiac sign generally prefer to go their own way, then types of physical activity that cannot be called sports at all are suitable for them. For example, rock climbing or horseback riding - but not equestrian sports that require overtaking opponents.


Libras are people who always strive for harmony in everything. Violence is alien to them, and therefore they should immediately discard options with boxing and wrestling. Particularly traumatic sports, such as hockey, should also be excluded. Libra willingly takes on various “aerial” competitions - that is, those where the player himself or the sports equipment rushes in the air. This can include tennis, basketball, volleyball, and ski jumping. For single Libras, figure skating, sports dancing, various types of swimming and gymnastics are recommended. You can even go to a ballet school, for example. Also, taking into account the element of Air, various projectile throwing, archery, high jumping and other similar forms of physical activity should be taken into account.


Scorpio is a person who does not tolerate weakness. One of his main aspirations in life and motives for his actions is to prove to himself that you belong to the category of strong, resilient people. So any sport that tests endurance and stamina can be perceived by Scorpio as a challenge, which he will certainly readily accept - and achieve amazing results with honor. This includes marathon and regular running, cycling, car and motorcycle racing. Scorpios willingly take part in team competitions: volleyball, football, hockey, and so on. A person born under the sign of Scorpio and tough sports cannot be intimidated. Wrestling, rugby, boxing - all this is within the capabilities of such a person. In contrast to these areas, you can choose rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, and athletics. Thus, the options preferred by Scorpio are incredible. Actually, what else can you expect from such a complex nature?


Sagittarians are vain people when it comes to sports competitions. It is not enough for them to have certain achievements; it is much more important that they be confirmed by some kind of status, recognized by society, and could become a reason for boasting. Therefore, team sports for Sagittarius are interesting mainly in cases where there is an opportunity to become a leader, captain of this team, its face, a person who is in plain sight and whose name is well-known. Sagittarians readily agree to sports where they can act independently. Given the passion of Sagittarius, it is not surprising that they prefer various types of racing - from regular running to auto racing. Sagittarius' ambitions require them to set records, and therefore if a sport does not provide such an opportunity, it often becomes more of a burden than a pleasant pastime. As an alternative, Sagittarians can be offered those forms of physical activity that can provide them with something else. For example, traveling, climbing mountains or diving is not just a way to make your body work, but also a form of entertainment. Older Sagittarians find their own leisure time in the form of more extreme entertainment, such as skydiving. Well, very young people can be interested in the element of play in one or another sports competition.


Capricorns are very stubborn and persistent natures. Based on their character traits, the most preferred sport would be marathon running or cycling, which involves riding long distances. You should approach sports that require a reaction with caution. It is noteworthy that, despite all the calmness of their nature, people born under the sign of Capricorn can count on great success in various combat sports. This can be achieved due to natural composure, which does not allow one to lose reason and the ability to think analytically even in the most stressful moments. It is also worth paying attention to water sports. Although Capricorn himself is a zodiac sign belonging to the element of Earth, interaction with water will benefit him. You can limit yourself to exercises in the pool, or you can think about, for example, sailing. Surfing should be considered with caution - it requires a high reaction speed, and this is not particularly in the spirit of Capricorns.


Aquarians are very restless children who love to misbehave and misbehave due to an excess of energy. It is not surprising that parents try to channel this potential into sports activities. But not everyone succeeds. And the secret is that sport requires a certain discipline, for which Aquarius does not have the slightest inclination. Young representatives of this zodiac sign may be interested only in those types of physical activity that leave them enough freedom, give them the opportunity to fool around and improvise. From the point of view of rationality, it is better to come up with some kind of gaming equivalents to ordinary sports in childhood, since simply throwing a ball, devoid of any meaning, will become a burdensome boredom for Aquarius, and over time it will turn into torture. Being people who strive for constant change, Aquarians willingly take on only those sports that can give them variety. An example is biathlon and other all-around events. Aquarius can also take the initiative to take up the idea of ​​exercising in nature, traveling through caves, mountains, forests or rocks - all this is more interesting than the daily routine in a dusty gym. Older Aquarians will take the initiative to accept various mystical teachings affecting physical development. As an example, it is appropriate to mention qigong and hatha yoga. But the catch is that Aquarians are fickle and restless, which is why not many of them are able to achieve serious results.


Pisces are people who are far from sports. They like quiet pastimes, such as golf or curling, and representatives of the twelfth zodiac sign will prefer to find physical activity in a fitness club, but not in the sports arena. You can count on the fact that people born under the sign of Pisces will achieve success on the border of sports and art - in figure skating, but representatives of this zodiac sign have much greater potential in various water sports. Here, of course, there is plenty to choose from. But the most preferable options are calm ones - for example, synchronized swimming. And yet, you should not force your child to engage in water sports just because he was born under the twelfth zodiac sign. Mostly such people are creative and spiritual people, so sports for them can become more of an obstacle on their personal path. For most Pisces, options such as yoga are preferred.

What are your preferences in sports? Who are you according to your zodiac sign? Share your observations, it's very interesting! If there are questions that you think should be addressed in future publications, be sure to write about it in the comments. The best suggestions will definitely be used in subsequent articles.

How to choose a sport for physical education. What influences the choice. Temperament and sport. What to pay attention to (10+)

Choosing the most suitable sport for yourself

Everyone has long known the saying “a healthy mind in a healthy body.” And in the modern world, more and more people want to follow it. But many people who are just embarking on this path begin to think about what sport to choose. After all, today there are quite a lot of them, and not everyone knows where to start. This especially applies to the direction in which to move.

Any person who plays sports feels much better than someone who spends their free time on the couch. With the help of sports you can overcome depression, bad mood, and stress. Moreover, people with good athletic training are less susceptible to any viral or chronic diseases. But how can you choose a sport for yourself that will make you want to devote both energy and time?

Sometimes it happens that when starting to engage in any kind of sport, you cannot concentrate on classes, considering yourself not too diligent - subjecting yourself to constant stress and training that do not bring any pleasure. This needs to be ruled out! You should not pay attention to what is available, popular and stylish; it is best to choose a sport that is truly suitable and necessary for yourself. Let's look at the best way to prioritize and choose an activity that suits you completely.

What do you need to choose a sport?

In order to choose the most suitable sport for yourself, you will need:

  • Endurance and patience.
  • Simple awareness of what a particular sport is about. The global Internet can help you with this.
  • You need to realistically assess your initial physical fitness, as well as your state of health. Choose the load by realistically assessing your capabilities.

Steps to help you choose the right sport

It is best to take your choice of sport type seriously by following the steps below.

Determine your own interests in sports. But approach this question not from the point of view that “I love watching this on TV,” but from the position that you are really ready to do this, and in the conditions that are familiar to you. Think about what will bring you more pleasure: peaceful movements in Pilates or classes in the gym. Remember that the sport chosen for you should bring exceptional satisfaction, without straining or overtiring you.

After you have chosen a sport that suits you, you must determine level of your own physical fitness and know your health status. After this, you can choose which from the list is most suitable for you. For example, breathing exercises or strength training. You should know that neutral sports include walking, running, and swimming.

Don't forget about your own temperament. For example, a team sport (basketball, football, etc.) is best for sanguine people. But for phlegmatic and melancholic people, checkers, chess, golf, and cycling are best suited. For choleric people, the best option would be contact or strength sports (karate, wrestling, etc.).

The next step is to answer the question " What is your goal?. Why are you starting to play sports? "In addition to the usual ones (to be in good shape, for general development, etc.), you should set specific goals for yourself. You can choose gymnastics if you want to become more flexible and flexible. But if you want to pump up muscles, then you should take up swimming or go to the gym. If you want to find a certain social circle, then pay more attention to team sports. But if you plan to tighten the muscles in your legs, then you need to start running in the evenings or in the morning .

The last point is habits. You must understand that to play sports, you will have to give up something. Let's say you have to quit smoking if you want to run without getting out of breath. Do you want to exercise regularly, or maybe you only want to go to the gym occasionally? The answers to these questions will influence what you can achieve in the future.

Popular sports

Let's look at some of the popular sports today:

Rock climbing and mountaineering. Ideal for those who loved to climb roofs, fences and trees as a child. It is possible that you simply did not have enough mountains. Thanks to rock climbing, you can strengthen and develop all parts of your body at the same time: legs, back, arms, shoulders, while your coordination will also improve.

Mountain bike. This sport will allow you to travel more while training your heart. By the way, at the same time you can do something interesting.

Water sports. Quite a varied sport. Here you can choose the most suitable option for yourself in terms of energy and load. In addition to swimming, you should pay attention to kayaking, rowing, fishing, wakeboarding, sailing, windsurfing and water skiing.

Pilates. These are concentration exercises that will develop your stamina, flexibility and concentration, as well as improve your posture and help you create a beautiful figure.

Yoga. With its help, flexibility, balance, stretching and endurance improve. Thanks to this sport, you can get rid of worries, worries, stress, and also achieve harmony of soul and body.

Tai chi. This is a health gymnastics from China that strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs, making your body more flexible.


Remember that if you do not have sports experience, it is best to turn to a knowledgeable person for advice in order to avoid unpleasant situations. Another tip is to develop a habit. If you train yourself to run every day or play volleyball at least once a week, then in the future laziness will not prevent you from doing this all the time. Sports should not be perceived as a necessity; spend as much money and time on it as possible. Do not forget that thanks to sports you will improve your health, get a good figure and sleep better, and you will also become calmer.

But when choosing an active sport with constant loads, give yourself periodic rest. You can stay in shape during these “breaks” by doing more relaxing sports (for example, jogging or cycling).

So let no stress bother you, and let life give you only pleasure.

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