Galina Grossman's weight loss program. Galina Grossman's diet - menu for the week, useful tips

Galina Nikolaevna Grossman is an extraordinary woman who has been dealing with the issue of figure correction for many years. What is Galina Grossman's diet? Does it help you lose weight?

Helpful information

Grossman's weight loss program is suitable for people of different ages and different genders, but it always adapts to the needs of the body. Interestingly, this technique can be used even in the presence of quite serious diseases. Like many competent weight loss methods, this diet is divided into 2 stages - main and additional. During the main stage, you will lose the main excess weight, and during the additional stage, you will consolidate the result. A special diet that combines protein with fiber promotes weight loss.

Diet plan

During the diet you will have to eat strictly by the hour: 9.00-10.00; 13.00-14.00; 17.00-18.00; 20.00-21.00. If a person works at night, then breakfast should be moved to the evening, and dinner to the morning. Acceptable sources of protein: fish, beef, chicken, turkey, shellfish, shrimp, beef liver, low-fat cottage cheese. You can also introduce eggs into your diet, but it is advisable not to overuse them.

During the active stage of weight loss, eat 100-150 g of lean protein food and 250 g of vegetables for breakfast (with the exception of starchy types - potatoes, etc.). You can supplement your morning diet with bread (30 g), tea with honey, as well as tomato juice, milk or low-fat kefir. Lunch can consist of protein broth, herbs, fresh vegetables (100 g), kefir or yogurt (150 g) and muesli (1 tsp). After lunch you can have a cup of tea, coffee or buttermilk. The afternoon snack (first dinner) should consist of fresh fruit (200 g) and a drink (tomato juice, tea, kefir). Last snack: prunes (5 pcs.) and half a serving of drink (tomato juice, tea, kefir).

Men should increase their food intake by 50 g. The diet can be compiled independently, taking into account individual food tolerance. It is advisable to eat plant foods raw, but if this option causes digestive problems, you can heat them. If you are intolerant to milk, it is better to replace it with fermented milk drinks. You cannot eat anything between meals, but you can drink water, coffee, tea. Drinks may be sweetened with sweeteners.

Every Thursday you will have to unload on the water. The optimal duration of food refusal is 36 hours. Before unloading (on Wednesday), you should cleanse your intestines. During water relief, you should drink hot liquid (you can add lemon juice). In addition to water, it is permissible to drink tea and coffee (without sugar and its substitutes). Friday morning should start with a glass of unsalted tomato juice. On any day of the diet, it is recommended to go to bed before 12.00 (if you do not work at night).

Psychological moment

In order not to forget that you are on a diet, Grossman invites his followers to make a “peg” - tie a thread on their hand. Looking at it, you will definitely remember that Thursday is dedicated to water, and the rest of the days are dedicated to healthy nutrition.

Additional Diet Stage

At the stabilization stage, the diet can be quite varied. You can eat cereals, soups, salads (season them with vegetable oil). Use dried fruits as a healthy addition. You can end each meal with something sweet (no more than 20 g). Three times a month you are allowed to eat everything without restrictions, controlling the portion size. The weight loss program should be supplemented with yoga, running, race walking, and dancing.


(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

If you have disadvantages associated with a certain amount of extra pounds, and you also want to fight them once and for all, then Galina Grossman’s diet will be your best assistant in solving this problem.

The aphorism “There must be many good people” has long lost its relevance

By adhering to the weekly menu according to Galina Grossman’s diet, without much effort it is possible to remove a large amount of hated kilograms from your body after just a month.

And you can be sure in the future that the lost kilograms will not return in the future.

Find out how easy it is lose 10 kg in a week on the watermelon diet!

What is Galina Grossman's diet based on?

The basis of Galina Grossman’s entire diet is a harmoniously selected meal. The entire course of the war against excess weight using this method should be divided into stages, as a rule, there are only two of them. For example, the first stage lasts at least 30 days and includes exclusively eating foods with protein and fiber. But the second stage should not exceed two weeks and during this period the diet becomes much more extensive.

Mostly for the first 30 days, Galina Grossman's diet(the menu for the week will be presented below) burns the largest amount of extra pounds unnecessary to the body. This action occurs because:

  1. In the nutrition mode during this period of time there is a minimum number of calories.

  2. Meals are scheduled strictly according to time.

Advantages and disadvantages of this diet

Water day is very important when following the Galina Grossman diet

If we begin to take a detailed look at the weight loss method that Galina Grossman advocates, we can highlight some of its advantages:

  • The menu for the week consists exclusively of products that are healthy and balanced with each other for the body losing weight, which means that throughout the entire diet of Galina Grossman, your stomach will not experience discomfort, which means it will not go hungry either.
  • This method of combating excess weight is suitable for absolutely every person, since it not only burns fat, but also helps the body in the recovery process (removal of waste and toxins, normalization of blood pressure, strengthening of the spinal joints and much more). For hypertensive patients, a salt-free diet for weight loss is also suitable, reviews of which can be viewed by clicking on the link.
  • Exactly following all the recommendations while following Galina Grossman’s diet will allow you not only to defeat a huge number of hated fatty deposits, but also no longer worry about the fact that they may come back.

As for the disadvantages of this diet, they are practically absent. Perhaps the most important disadvantage in this war on fat is that absolutely any meal is strictly according to the clock.

This is not always a convenient way of eating and therefore can cause discomfort in a losing weight person who follows this method.

What foods can you eat during the Galina Grossman diet?

Perhaps the most common question among all people losing weight is how many pounds of fat they can lose using one or another weight loss method. For example, Galina Grossman’s diet (according to the correct menu for the week) will help you burn about eight kilograms in a month.

If your weight was initially very high, then there is a high chance that you will be able to lose 15 kilograms over the same period. All calculations are based only on the initial weight of the person losing weight; the more it is, the greater the process of losing fat deposits.

At the first stage of Galina Grossman’s diet, it is allowed to eat meat and fish, which contain a minimum percentage of fat, vegetables in any quantity, any fermented milk food, unsweetened fruits and freshly squeezed juices from them, tea and coffee without added sugar, as well as a small amount of black bread.

In the second stage, that is, two weeks, you are allowed to diversify your daily diet with the following products:

  1. Rarely and in a small amount of oil (preferably in a dry frying pan) lightly fried meat or fish.

  2. You can consume no more than 50 grams of sweets in one week; it is best to divide this amount into three doses and scatter them on different days of the week.

  3. Sweet fruits and juices from them are added, but in moderation.

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Read the entry: How to lose weight by eating low-calorie meals from the simplest foods.

How to lose weight without harming your health

To prevent sagging skin during a diet, exercise is necessary.

For Galina Grossman’s diet to be effective and bring the desired result, you must remember that Each meal is strictly timed.

Breakfast should take place no earlier than 9 am and no later than 10 am. Lunch strictly from one to two in the afternoon. There should be two dinners. The first takes place from five to six o'clock in the evening, but the second from 9 o'clock in the evening and ends no later than 10 o'clock in the evening.

The best friend of any person who is on a diet should be water, so Galina Grossman advises using water in very large and unlimited quantities in her method.

With a sudden loss of a large number of extra pounds, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby. In order to avoid this, you must regularly visit the gym for the entire period of the diet. This will not only allow fat to disappear faster, but will also help keep the body in good shape.

In addition, it is mandatory to have fasting days at least once a week. Fasting days are based solely on taking only liquid throughout the day.

It can be either water with minerals, but without gas, or kefir or any other liquid.

Menu for the week


  1. First breakfast- an omelette made from two whites and one yolk, you can add chopped herbs.
  2. Lunch- one glass of freshly prepared juice.
  3. Dinner– red borscht made only from vegetables and two small baked potatoes.
  4. First dinner- salad only from green vegetables.
  5. Second dinner- fish without fat and steamed vegetables.


  1. First breakfast– one glass of grapefruit juice or can be replaced with orange.
  2. Lunch- skim cheese.
  3. Dinner– soup, no more than 300 g. any vegetables, in the form of a salad, or low-fat yogurt as a dessert.
  4. First dinner– your choice of cheese or red fish, as well as vegetables and fruits, you can use a glass of kefir 1%.
  5. Second dinner- only dried fruits.


  1. First breakfast- one boiled egg and vegetables.
  2. Lunch- rye bread with milk of the lowest fat content.
  3. Dinner- any liquid dish, but only with vegetables and without meat, as well as vegetable salad with lean meat.
  4. First dinner- cottage cheese without fat content.
  5. Second dinner- vegetables, kefir.


Every Thursday should be a fasting day, that is, only liquid is consumed throughout the day. Eating food is strictly prohibited.


  1. First breakfast- steamed vegetables, tea and a small amount of honey.
  2. Lunch- kefir 1% and a piece of black bread.
  3. Dinner- vegetable stew, steamed meat.
  4. First dinner- yogurt without fat.
  5. Second dinner- vegetables, can be in the form of salad, tea.


  1. First breakfast- oatmeal with honey.
  2. Lunch- one tomato or a glass of juice from it.
  3. Dinner

The name of Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann is becoming increasingly popular among those striving for slimness and health. Most often, these are grateful admirers of her talented efforts to alleviate our lot as overburdened beings: overloaded with food, work, stupidity in the head and quirks in habits.

She managed to find relief from this fate. Not only quick and fairly easy weight loss, but also rejuvenation, a return to the freshness and lightness of a young and healthy body - these are its basic results, based on long-term research into the mechanisms of aging of the body. Her energy sessions have a positive effect on the mental and physiological functions of our body, launching the processes of restoration and rejuvenation.

Thousands of people passed through her caring hands and tried her rejuvenation method. She has been conducting them for more than 25 years with amazing results. Her research in medical biology has been published in many scientific journals and presented at conferences.


Galina Nikolaevna grew up in a remote Estonian village. Since childhood, I have been interested in traditional medicine and the healing abilities of other people.

She studied as a biologist at Krasnoyarsk University and later defended her dissertation. She began her scientific career at the Institute of Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. She took part in the Institute of Experimental Biology of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Since 1996, he has headed the Center for Human Biology and Ecology in Estonia, where he continues his research and practical activities. She regularly conducts sessions on rejuvenation of the body and losing excess weight.

Galina Nikolaevna has been dealing with the problem of losing weight and normalizing weight for many years. She has helped many people overcome the disease of overeating and painful excess weight. She has recorded a large number of video courses, regularly conducts trainings, master classes and webinars, and gives consultations. Her attitude towards excess weight is based on an understanding of human nature and recognition of the fact that we are one in essence and perfect in origin. They just got a little lost in their earthly hobbies and burdened themselves with many unnecessary things: excess biomass, bad habits for us and artificial attitudes in the head and consciousness, leading to diseases and disorders.

Her main task (as I understood, in any case, after becoming more familiar with her methods) is to return to a person the understanding that initially we were all created perfect and full-fledged, self-sufficient in order to live our lives cheerfully and effectively, to go through it easily and cheerfully, dancing . And it’s not for nothing that one of her trainings is dedicated specifically to dance. She teaches us the opportunity to dance our lives: both externally and internally by tuning in to dance.

What is dance? This is an expression in the movement of Beauty - that perfect and Primordial Beauty on which the entire living natural world, all living matter rests. To express this Beauty with your movements, your thoughts, feelings, gestures and actions is the co-creation of a person with the Eternal and Unfading World of Life, Truth, Harmony and Perfection. And any person has the power to learn this and follow this rhythm of Life. Only he needs to believe in himself and his capabilities, remember his original potential and give a little work to show it in everyday life. And Galina Nikolaevna, like a real sorceress, helps us remember this in us and, in fact, be reborn to a new life. And the kind and sometimes even enthusiastic reviews of many of her admirers and students are the clearest confirmation of this.

Her Center uses different weight loss methods. One of them is lipolytics– developed by Galina Nikolaevna. Lipolitics combines dancing with simple movements that are accessible to plus size women, and special sessions. By increasing the internal tone of a person’s consciousness, lipolytics promotes fat burning and shows excellent results in weight loss and restoration of health.

Although the basis for losing weight is still the nutrition system. The diet she developed is based on a wide variety of diets and is aimed primarily at ordinary people who are accustomed to eating everything: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, etc. If you are a vegetarian or even a raw foodist, you may be prejudiced against this approach.

But Life is rich in the variety of forms of its manifestation, firstly. And besides, all people also vary greatly in their capabilities, characteristics and details. And if a fruitarian can feel great, eating only fruits and juices for years, this only means that this is his path and his current task in life. The other has different goals in life and, most importantly, a different internal baggage; he still needs to resort to heavier food.

And Galina Nkolaevna offers a wonderful way out precisely for such people, for those who are a little lost in their own nature and body and cannot find the saving path to health and bodily well-being. For most people, eating behavior is instinctive. Overweight people have suppressed natural food instincts, and the process of eating itself is perceived on an emotional level: food becomes almost the only source of pleasure. When a healthy eating scenario is activated, such people’s pathological appetite disappears, or as people say - stomach pit . They begin to instinctively choose healthy foods and reject unhealthy ones. This is the first step to losing weight. And the topic is directly related to the problem of diseases and, as a consequence, aging of the body.

And the body ages not at all for genetic reasons (although those also influence it). We all live under constant external stress. Our body and our feelings, nature, are constantly negatively affected by environmental factors that are incompatible with life. As a result, we spend almost all our internal strength, all our resources to resist these destructive factors: from the chemical composition of water and food, which are far from natural, to the psychological attack of harsh aggressive vibrations, almost deliberately thrown into the atmosphere by means of the media industry and the media in order to keep us under control and prevent us from spreading the wings of our internal capabilities. Eating them, somehow breaking away from this oppressive influence is becoming almost a narcotic habit among many, if not all, modern inhabitants of Mother Earth, who wished us a completely different fate, who gave birth to us for completely different meanings and fulfillments.

Therefore, most people live much less than what is inherent in our genetic program. Galina Nikolaevna’s rejuvenation sessions and the technique of removing the age complex help reduce the influence of negative factors, prolong a person’s life, and slow down the aging process. Rejuvenation session(if we talk about details) it is required to be performed every day for 2 weeks. Then it is repeated once a month for 3 months. Then sessions are carried out as needed. Good self-discipline practice.

Among the methods of our sorceress there is one method for facial rejuvenation. It consists of two stages. At the first stage, you restore youthful skin, at the second, you continue to keep your face in this condition for a long time. The basis of the technique is full awareness of your face. This is psychological training, a type of meditation. At a subconscious level, we build the image that we want to have for ourselves.

Galina Nikolaevna even has a technique for reduction of face shape. Well, her video sessions activate metabolic processes in the body, in particular, in fatty tissues in the abdominal areas, and accelerate the process of burning fat on the buttocks and thighs.

How old is Galina Grossmann?

Well, now I’m ready to answer the main question of our article: how old is Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann? I don’t think I’ll be original if I say that a woman (and not only her - this also applies to men) is as old as she looks or wants to look. And Galina Nikolaevna looks beautiful, both in soul and body. To do this, just look at her photo again. Well, if someone still needs numbers, then I can give one hint.

Since 1974, she worked at the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in Krasnoyarsk. And since 1988 at the Center for Medical Biological Problems and Human Ecology in Tallinn. I graduated from Moscow University in 1977 and I am 60. The last action of this arithmetic problem is your homework. Perhaps it will work with the answer at the end of the textbook. But where is that textbook...

If you are desperate in the fight against excess weight, then there is still hope for the last person - Galina Grossman, who for many years has been closely studying methods of proper weight loss without harm to health.

This woman is a well-known specialist in medical circles and an idol for people who have achieved results and lost from 3 to 15 kg during a six-week diet course. Galina Nikolaevna is respected because she is a Doctor of Biological Sciences with impressive experience and, at the same time, a nutritionist.

Developing her theory of cleansing and rejuvenation, during scientific developments in microbiology and physiology, Grossman was able to make sure that the biggest problem was being overweight. This made it possible to create her own method, which partially formed the basis of the book “Biolifting of the Abdomen” by her author.

By working on your body using the method of this nutritionist, a person will be able to lose extra pounds, but this is only a side effect. The entire nutrition and exercise system is structured in such a way as to ultimately lead to the healing and rejuvenation of the body, which is the ultimate goal. Of course, you can’t do this without losing weight.

Also by-products are:

  • Normalization of blood pressure;
  • Reducing high blood sugar;
  • Reducing the concentration of bad cholesterol;
  • Increased activity due to improved sleep quality.

Grossmann Galina Nikolaevna is extremely frank with her students, puts them in a positive mood, and explains many nuances that may not be clear. That is why one of the principles is the “magic component”, a positive charge for losing weight.

Diet success comes from burning fat, not getting rid of excess fluid, which will always return. It is also important to strictly follow these recommendations. The range of weight loss ranges from 3 to 15 kilograms, as it depends on the extent of the original problem. Fatter people lose weight faster.

According to the specialist, food should enter the stomach in an already prepared form - mushy. That is, primary digestion should begin in the mouth. This will help maximize digestibility, reduce slagging, and accelerate the feeling of fullness.

The last of Galina Grossmann’s main rules is to ask to eat something that can be eaten without cooking. If you can eat carrots raw, you should do so. But fried foods should be removed from the diet or subjected to minimal processing.

Galina Nikolaevna talks about all the steps of healthy weight loss in her free video course.

Diet rules

The main accumulation of fat in women and men is in the waist area (in women, additionally in the legs, and in men, more in the organs). Accordingly, people make it a priority to get rid of this particular problem area. For him, in particular, biolifting of the abdomen was invented - a separate set of exercises and breathing exercises.

But in Galina Nikolaevna’s advice, the bulk of the instructions concern proper nutrition. What we eat can be deposited in the form of waste, be excessive, and disrupt metabolism.

Therefore, the laws of diet are:

  • Eat food 4 times a day strictly at certain intervals;
  • Observe water Thursdays (aka hungry Thursdays);
  • Focus on fluids and consume as much as your body requires;
  • Eat mainly proteins and fiber;
  • Use products from a clearly defined list;
  • Do physical exercise while on a diet.

Water Thursdays

The mentioned water Thursdays allow you to achieve not only weight loss, but also rejuvenation using Galina Grossmann’s method. During the weight loss stage (more on this below in the Stages section), only water is consumed on Thursdays.

In order for the water day to pass without tension and stress, you should prepare for it emotionally the day before. Galina Nikolaevna helps with this with her positive attitude. That is, on Wednesday with the last dinner, you must mentally set yourself up that “everything will be fine” and give up those elements of life that cause negative emotions: TV shows with showdowns, communication with unpleasant people, worries about unfulfilled desires, etc. .

No pieces of bread or vegetables for 36 hours!

In addition, on Wednesday, the last two dinners should consist only of tea (without milk and without sugar) or hot water, which can be diluted with a small portion of lemon juice. In some cases, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines artificially.

Coming out of Water Thursday also has its own characteristics. So, on Friday, for breakfast you are supposed to drink half a glass of tomato juice or low-fat kefir, after which the first meal should not be earlier than lunch.

Diet stages

The total duration of the Galina Grossman method is 6 weeks. The first 4 weeks are the period of weight loss. The remaining 2 weeks are called the stabilization period. To speed up fat burning, you can start abdominal biolifting from the very first days.

Weight loss period

During the first 4 weeks, there is a change in eating habits, the body is rebuilt, realizing after the first water Thursday that it is time to switch to a backup source of nutrition - its own fat.

However, the remaining days will not give the body rest, because the consumption of fat is completely excluded, and portions are reduced several times. In addition, the body adapts to the digestion of protein products, non-starchy vegetables, kefir, dried fruits, tomato juice - so on day after day.

Thirst must be quenched with water, sometimes tea or coffee without sugar.

Stabilization period

To prevent the body from becoming overly happy at the end of Galina Grossman’s strict recommendation, there is a stabilization period when fats, sweets, and other familiar, but not harmful, foods are gradually introduced into the diet. Stabilization allows you to maintain your new eating habit and never break it again. In some cases, it is allowed to take a slight break from the restrictions, for example, add boiled potatoes.

The duration of the second period is 2 weeks and the number of water Thursdays here can be halved.

Advantages and disadvantages of Galina Grossmann's diet

Many people note that they find it difficult to identify any shortcomings of Galina Grossmann’s weight loss method, and, probably, this opinion is a consequence of the euphoria from weight loss. But still there are shortcomings.

When you deprive your body of fats, you not only reduce your calorie intake, but completely remove important elements from your diet such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, good cholesterol, phospholipids, and monounsaturated fats. One could say that the body can tolerate the absence of animal fats, but there are other negative aspects:

  • Hungry Thursdays (in the second half of the day it will definitely suck in the pit of your stomach);
  • Strict time regulations (what to do if the meeting drags on?);
  • The surrounding urban stress will make it difficult to comply with the rules;
  • A large amount of fiber will increase gas formation in the intestines;
  • Should be used with caution at different ages;
  • It is generally recommended to eat 5 times a day, not 4;
  • There is a duration limit after which you can “jump off.”

If you scratch it, there will be a dozen more negative aspects in Galina Grossmann’s method, but all this can be smoothed out by high results - losing kilograms. Provided that you have enough willpower after the end of such a rhythm.

One of the main points of the integrated approach is getting physical activity, in which the easiest thing is abdominal biolifting. The rest may seem quite difficult: running, push-ups, squats - especially if you have a body mass index greater than 35. In general, all physical activity should be considered positive, as well as the following features:

  • Guaranteed weight loss;
  • Giving up bad habits (smoking, alcohol - an obstacle to Galina Nikolaevna’s conditions);
  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Getting rid of toxins and waste;
  • Rejuvenation and healing are the main goal of the course;
  • Improved brain activity;
  • High activity and vigor;
  • Good sleep, blood pressure and cholesterol;
  • Suitable for men and women.

Some advantages must be questioned, because there are certain standards for the consumption of certain micro- and macroelements, and their deficiency will certainly affect the overall functioning of a person.

In general, it should be noted that the entire complex should not be called a diet, but proper nutrition or even a proper lifestyle, with minor amendments in the form of a vitamin and mineral complex.

Sample menu and recipes

The menu and diet according to the Grossmann diet between different stages, as mentioned earlier, differs to a greater extent in the dosage and inclusion of individual ingredients. In general, caloric intake is greatly reduced, which will be a real stress.

Menu for the weight loss phase

The weight loss phase menu emphasizes vegetables with a small portion of lean meat in the first half of the day, and fruits and liquids in the second.

Period Product Grams
Breakfast 150
Vegetables with fiber (usually crunchy and tough) 250
Small piece of whole grain bread 30
Tea with honey 200
Tomato juice or low-fat kefir or milk 200
Dinner Meat broth 250
A teaspoon of muesli in low-fat yogurt 6/100
Cucumber, pepper, cabbage 100
Tea, coffee, low-fat buttermilk 150
First dinner Fruits 200
Second dinner Prunes 5 pieces

A couple of lines about physical activity during the weight loss stage

The full complexity of such a diet can be realized when the body begins: cross-country, Nordic walking, squats, and the like.

Because all this requires energy, which will have nowhere to come from. After all, offhand, such a menu is approximately equal to 800-1000 calories. And the most modest female body at rest will need about 1200-1300 calories. So eating according to Galina Grossmann’s diet, in addition to abdominal biolifting, can cause a constant feeling of hunger in some. The good news is that there is a caveat: depending on individual characteristics, you can increase the volume of some products. For example, for men it is allowed to add 50 grams of protein food per day.

Menu for the stabilization phase

The stabilization stage will be a feast for the brain and body, because some fats, including animals, and fast carbohydrates in the form of sweets are allowed.

Period Product Grams
Breakfast Boiled beef, chicken breast, other lean meat, including fish 150
Fiber vegetables (usually crunchy and tough) with olive oil 250
Tea with honey 200
Paste 20
Dinner Soup without meat (borscht, kharcho, cabbage soup, etc.) 250
Bread with butter 30/10
Tea 200
Candied fruits and halva 50
First dinner Fruits in the form of salad 200
A couple of squares of dark chocolate 25
Drink without sugar or milk if desired 200
Second dinner Raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits 5-7 pieces
Tomato juice, tea or low-fat kefir 100

Thus, what you can eat during the stabilization stage of Galina Grossmann’s diet is not very different from the first stage. Of course, this is a sample of the first days, but the end of the 6th week will not seem particularly eventful.

Video with consultation by Galina Grossmann: losing weight is simple and easy

In the next video you will see firsthand how Galina Grossmann consults. Information about the rules of weight loss and rejuvenation will be useful to everyone who dreams of losing extra pounds, rejuvenating and healing the body.

Galina Nikolaevna Grossman /Grossmann/- a legendary woman. Many call her a woman without age. And indeed she looks very young and beautiful for her age, she leads an active lifestyle. Many girls and women cannot boast of their slim body and the absence of wrinkles on their faces even at an earlier age. Although she is already well over 50 years old!

Answer to the question “How old is Galina Grossman now?” you will get it if you put some effort and time into this matter. There is a small and simple riddle for you, when you guess it, you will understand HOW OLD GALINA NIKOLAEVNA GROSSMAN IS.

But before we talk about the age of this amazing woman, be sure to download her unique book “ABMILY LIFTING” for free >>

This book has helped thousands of women and men begin to lose weight and look younger without exercise, diets or pills. Reviews about the “Biolifting of the abdomen” method

So, now let's talk about the real age of our heroine... Think about it... Since 1974, Galina Nikolaevna began working at the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Since 1988, the doctor began working at the Center for Medical Biological Problems and Human Ecology in Tallinn. Now it's 2017. Stretch your brains and calculate approximately how old this woman is now...

If you are at a loss, here is a simple and understandable calculation... In 1974, when she began working at the Institute of Biophysics, she was about 23-25 ​​years old, considering that people enter a university at 18 and graduate from a higher educational institution at 23- 25 years. Some earlier, some later, but something like this.

Is it a lot or a little? Personally, I think that with such excellent appearance and health, Galina Nikolaevna at 66-68 years old looks very amazing! If I didn’t know her personally, I would give her a maximum of 45 years, no more! She really looks young!

All that remains is to wish her health and longevity! And I wish for you that if you have health, excess weight or skin problems, you will be able to solve them and get the body that you deserve and that you want so much!