The sorceress explained why one should not complain about life. Just one ancient dark ritual will help you get out of the trap! How to live happily and enjoy life? The secret is revealed by an absolutely happy man John Jandai from Thailand at TEDx How to live and be happy

How to live happily and enjoy life? The topic of the article is simple and complex at the same time. It would seem that what is needed for happiness? To be happy, how to become happy? Why are there so many unhappy people around that prevents you from finding happiness, external or internal reasons? The theme of happiness is philosophical and psychological, each person puts his ideas, ideas into this concept. Let's try to figure out how to live in order to be happy, where to look for strength, energy to overcome all difficulties, and where to draw enthusiasm from?

The concept of happiness

So let's start with defining what happiness is.

Happiness - a special state associated with inner satisfaction with one's own life, its conditions, the presence of meaningfulness of existence, understanding of purpose, self-realization in life, society.

As you can see, happiness includes the material and spiritual side of life. Interestingly, people often spend their whole lives looking for happiness, and at the end of life comes the realization that happiness is life itself, the ability to see the world, breathe, hear birdsong, play with children, happiness is in everything. However, in the hustle and bustle of life, we do not notice bright and happy moments, we are constantly running, trying to catch luck by the tail.

There is an opinion that happiness is wealth or unprecedented success, everything is relative. The rich also have difficult periods of life, and an ordinary person can get more joy from life due to his development and ability to see the beautiful. This means that the property of being happy depends on a person, his inner state, perception of the world.

The Dalai Lama identified two ways to achieve happiness

External - the desire to obtain the maximum amount of benefits, comfort, luxury and internal - spiritual development. Moreover, a conscious person who is in harmony with the surrounding world can be happy to a greater extent than a person who constantly strives to receive material reinforcement. Of course, the material part of life cannot be excluded from life, but with the presence of internal development, a person knows how to use reasonably received resources for the benefit of his own family and society, and also always enjoys life and his own achievements.

It is important to notice the results, the development process, the beauty of the world, to live for today and the moment. Happiness is not always a result, it is a state of mind, a feeling of joy from actions, striving for one's own goals, helping others. Often the path to a dream is also a joy, no less than an achievement. And the realization of abilities and caring for loved ones help to feel their own significance and happiness in life.

The sages say: whoever understands the world is not in a hurry and catches every moment of life.

Indeed, in the bustle we often do not notice something important - a favorite look, the first steps of a child, the smile of a passerby, a sunset or dawn. It is useful to give yourself a break, to look at the world through the eyes of a child who knows and notices the beautiful. And even happiness is known in comparison. It often seems that everything is bad, but remember the poor countries or the disabled - the realization comes that happiness is living, having shelter and food, and the rest can be created, improved, refined, found.

Happiness is multifaceted: it includes the presence of love, family, friends, living conditions, but some people attract good luck, good people, others - vice versa. Maybe you need to find inner happiness initially in order to obtain the external attributes of a happy life?

Laws of a happy life

How to live happily and enjoy life? The basic laws of a happy life will help answer the question:

Live on the bright side of life

Happy people live in a different dimension and think in other categories - they do not get upset over trifles, rejoice at achievements, but do not despair at moments of failure, continue to act and achieve the desired results, the presence of positive thinking and perseverance can move mountains and ensure success in any area.

Know the world and yourself

The desire for learning, reading literature or listening to audio books, trainings, getting new information about modern technologies helps to stimulate brain activity and ensures an active life and excellent health and mind. Developing personalities are not afraid of old age and illness, they are too busy and passionate, there is no time to worry.

Find time for personal interests

A person cannot live like a machine, in a state of "I must", such an approach leads to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, depression and physical disorders. It is important to encourage yourself with interesting things, hobbies, find joy in life - meet friends, go to the cinema, theater, exhibitions, play board games. Each person can find an interesting activity to relieve stress, the main thing is to set a goal, remember children's hobbies and interests.

Just a happy life is a search for your own realization, the opportunity to do what you love.

Do not accumulate resentment

A happy healthy life is possible if you learn to forgive. People are not perfect, they are often inattentive, they forget to thank, if you notice all the little things, then the mood is constantly at zero. It is better to notice the good - to give compliments, to thank for the help, to open your heart to people and receive reciprocity in return. In addition, resentment is very undermining health. Learning to forgive is necessary even to take care of your own condition. It is this commandment that is often used in religions, a wise thought that has been known for many centuries.

Love yourself and the world around you

The road to a happy life opens when there is satisfaction with oneself and external life. It is important to be able to appreciate and respect your own personality. Everyone has positive and negative sides, it is worth concentrating on the merits and minimizing the disadvantages. Awareness of one's own characteristics, attractiveness and high self-esteem are necessary for life and achieving success in it.

In addition, it is impossible to love others without respecting yourself, the result is self-denial, self-sacrifice and a state of unhappiness, lack of satisfaction with life. Do not be too strict and self-critical, all people make mistakes - we draw conclusions and live on. Excessive anxiety harms the acquisition of inner happiness.

Share experience, help others

Each person has his own mission in life, it is important to find it and realize it. Quite often we have special knowledge, skills, experience that can be useful to other people. By transferring knowledge, helping people, we feel happiness, we make the world more beautiful. Carnegie also wrote that the best way to reduce stress and find happiness is to help others, it is useful every day to do good deeds for loved ones or others.

A good happy life is possible with the ability to live not only in your own interests, but by taking care of others.

Always find a way out, reduce emotionality

In the life of any person there are difficult situations that become important tasks, tests. The rules of a happy life suggest taking life as an adventure, avoiding dramatization. Yes, life can be confusing, but we can find the answer, and we will look - "let's see who is stronger."

In such cases, it is important to include logic and avoid emotionality, experiences. There is always a way out! The main thing is not to suffer, but to think and decide what to do, to find ways to change the situation for the better. A positive attitude and here helps to believe in the best, and high self-esteem - in yourself.

What you sow, you reap

Man is primary, his thoughts and actions create the surrounding reality. For a happy life, it is important to believe in the best, build good relationships with loved ones and colleagues, and radiate light. It is easy to live a happy life when you yourself radiate happiness, find and create it, without expecting miracles from others. If every day you take a step towards happiness and people, life will definitely reciprocate.

Calm, only calm

The problem of a happy life is eternal like the world itself, happiness is possible if there is inner satisfaction with oneself, life and peace of mind. This is the most difficult thing, to keep calm in any situation, to develop endurance, immunity to the troubles of life. Of course, optimism and meditative techniques help, as well as self-control - aggression will never help in a difficult situation, only reason and understanding of cause and effect.

Create a mood for happiness

Happiness does not come by chance, it lives on a certain wave. If a person is tuned in to it, then he notices and feels the happiness of life, looks at the world differently, sees the positive aspects of life, good people, breathes deeply. Every day we create a new life, write a new story from scratch, what will it be like? It all depends on the colors or the mood that we ask ourselves in the morning.

The life of happy people is formed by the people themselves, they know how to create an inner mood for happiness.

We examined the basic laws of happiness, everything is simple and clear, but how to become a happy person who attracts happiness and good circumstances into your life?

How to become a happy person?

Often people, especially at the beginning of life, in their youth, say: "I don't know how to live properly." Life seems complicated - you need to get an education, find a job, start a family, earn an income, raise children. There are many worries, but how to live happily and enjoy life, make it easier, get better results and favor of fate?

Change your own attitude to life, become a happy person. Consider the rules for a happy life based on the book "Ten Secrets of Happiness" by Adam Jackson and determine how to properly implement them in life.

Ways to become a happy person:

Exercise #1 - Notice the good in life, be grateful

Waking up in the morning, remember why you should enjoy life: "I am healthy, I have a family, I can walk and see the light, the weather is beautiful, I have friends, work, opportunities for development, wonderful children ... A beautiful, wonderful day awaits me."

A person always has the bright sides of life, you need to look for and understand what is good in life, relying on these thoughts as the foundation for building your own happiness, create mental flows of positive thinking, which gives great benefits in life.

There is a famous parable about a glass: one person saw it half empty, another saw it half full. Who is happier in life? Of course, the second - his thinking is set to search for the good. No one can make a person happy except himself. All the riches of the world will not give complete happiness, if you do not know how to enjoy life, something will always be missing, remember the fairy tale about the goldfish.

How to live happily and enjoy life? It is useful to train, write down achievements, good events of the day, learn to focus on positive moments, supporting yourself in any endeavors. A diary of happiness and success will help create an inner state of happiness. Make notes more effectively in the evenings, summing up the day and fixing, starting with five important and joyful events in life. Gradually develop the skill to notice the good in life.

Exercise number 2 - "A healthy mind in a healthy body"

To improve the general condition, raise the good spirits, a person needs physical activity - exercises in the style of aerobics, breathing and moving (running, swimming, gymnastics). Walking in the fresh air promotes health, the main rule: movement is life!

You can start with small loads of five minutes and increase gradually up to half an hour. To cheer up and increase confidence, it is important to walk with a good posture, stop slouching. Everything in a person is interconnected: the physical state and the spiritual. If you start your morning with exercise, correct posture and a smile, the day will definitely be successful. And happiness will occur more often, as it comes from a person.

Nutrition is also important - it is useful to enrich the diet with fruits and vegetables, cereals are also useful - buckwheat, for example, has a beneficial effect on brain activity and helps to avoid depression. Artificial substitutes and light sugar harm the body, you should not abuse it.

An important aspect of the body's work is the presence of light in the working room or place of residence. In winter, people often suffer from depression, it is necessary to walk for at least 1 hour during the day, special fluorescent lamps help to compensate for the need for light. We remember that children need vitamin D from the sun, but adults have similar needs.

Help your body be happy!

How to live happily and enjoy life? Provide yourself with movement, quality food and the presence of light.

Exercise number 3 - Live for today and the current moment

To get happiness in life, it is important to learn to concentrate on specific actions, to notice the world around you, to be attentive. Life happens here and now at a particular moment in time, not yesterday and not tomorrow. People waste time worrying about past losses or predicting the future, forgetting to live today and enjoy life.

Concentration on a specific moment of life helps to notice important life events, to be in good shape and quickly respond to life circumstances. To make plans, you also need to find time, write them down, and live today and create your own life, develop attentiveness to the world around you, people.

Try to look at life with a fresh eye, notice the needs of children, find out the interests of colleagues, see new flowers outside the window, or just a car driving along the road. Attention to life brings happiness and security, makes a person mobile, successful and conscious.

How to live happily and enjoy life? Remember that life is a moment, cherish it, use it for good deeds, so that in the future you don’t regret a vain life that you didn’t have time, didn’t do, didn’t notice ...

Life is today and the current moment!

Exercise number 4 Forming your own image

Who do you represent yourself? Happy and successful or tortured by life and disease? Are you worried about old age or are you ready to discover a second youth? A person always remains who he is, the inner image forms our attitude and behavior.

Why do we meet cheerful and happy old ladies and unhappy young girls? It's not about age, it's about state of mind. You can flutter at 60 and be tired of life and disappointed at 20. The presence of complexes and self-esteem has a great influence on life. Often, as a result of childhood failures, a wrong idea of ​​\u200b\u200bone's own personality is formed. You can not underestimate personal abilities, believe negative statements.

Each person is unique and can show their personality traits in the best possible way, find a calling, bring something good to people, help, engage in creative and useful activities: heal, build, teach. Any occupation chosen by the heart will be useful to society, and unloved will harm the person and others. It is important to learn to understand and respect your own "I", to accept with all the features, to look for interest in life, to reveal your own potential.

Try to understand your own psychological portrait, who you represent yourself, write down your thoughts on paper. If there are negative statements, replace them with positive ones, repeat them daily, getting used to the new image of a confident and happy person, life will become easier and more enjoyable. Choose a new role in life, and let it become the second "I", it is not too late to change yourself, and therefore your own life!

The happy life of a woman and any person is possible with high self-esteem, building the image of a confident and successful person.

Exercise number 5 Determine the meaning and purpose of your own life

A person cannot live without goals, there is a possibility of getting lost on the roads of life. By determining the direction of movement, the desired aspirations, you can find a way out of any situation and achieve success in any business. A happy person knows how to find meaning in his own life and ways of self-realization, determines goals and aspirations - helping relatives and friends, career aspirations, interaction with society, helping others.

The presence of an important goal in life makes a person happy, sets the direction of life, fills with energy. It is incredibly important to determine the vector of life, goals in various segments of life and strive for them with all your heart, feeling a surge of strength and cheerfulness.

A senseless life is empty and worthless, a person does not live, but lives life or exists.

Write down the main goals on a piece of paper, what is important in life, why do you live? Define 5 strategic goals, later broken down into tactical ones that help you move forward and achieve what you want. Everything is possible if there is, understanding and concretization of desire, a plan for achieving results. Even unrealistic dreams begin to take shape.

How to live happily and enjoy life? Define landmarks, goals and go your own way of life, enjoying every moment along the way.

Exercise number 6 Look for the positive in life, simplify the difficulties

The main problem of a person lies in the thoughts on the issue of a certain situation. Two people looking into a puddle see dirt or the reflection of stars. In any situation, there are two sides of the coin, the perception of a person depends on the internal focus and mood of the psyche, thinking at a given moment in time. Often, after some time, we understand that everything was not so difficult, and we laugh at past difficulties and experiences.

Maybe you should immediately reduce the value of trouble? After all, these are trifles of life in comparison with the problems of a global scale - wars, famine, deadly diseases.

To practice a new approach to life, it is useful to look at each situation from the positive side, try it. For example, a person had an accident - there are two reactions: thank God - I'm alive, and everything is so bad - I crashed the car. Feel the difference? It could have been worse, the man was lucky - he saved his life. Life is easier with this approach. There are positive moments even in difficult situations.

Often people with physical disabilities, disabilities, are involved in social activities and strive to be on a par with healthy people. A great example is Nick Vuychich, who does not have arms and legs, while a well-known lecturer and an excellent family man, has a wife and a healthy child.

The main question is: what life lesson, experience, benefit can I draw from a particular situation, what is positive in my incident? Even the loss of a job or business can be the beginning of a new life, a change in outlook and the writing of a new chapter in life. Nothing is lost as long as there is life, the opportunity to act.

A person chooses: to be happy or unhappy at a particular moment in time. What choice will you make today? How to live in order to find happiness? Let's try to find a positive in life and smile, despite the circumstances, life will definitely reciprocate.

Exercise number 7 Forget grievances, do not keep anger in your soul

Living the right life means learning to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions, this is mental garbage that destroys a person. People who are envious and prone to resentment often get sick and feel unhappy, why make life difficult for yourself? It is better to let go of all past grievances and live with a light heart and a wonderful mood.

How to do it? Mentally repeat: "I forgive everyone who was unfair to me, and I forgive all my mistakes."

The affirmation must be repeated at least twenty times daily, you will gradually be able to forget unpleasant feelings and emotions, and tune in to a positive wave of life. It is also useful to refuse accusations and condemnations of other people, because there are different situations in life, we may not know everything and not understand a person completely.

Unhappy people are engaged in discussion and accusation, and happy people notice the good in others, they can support them in difficult periods of life.

The task is to monitor your thoughts and statements, replace negative statements with positive attitudes, look for a good beginning in people. There are no ideal people - everyone has their shortcomings, it all depends on the point of concentration.

How to live happily and enjoy life? Learn to forget grudges.

Exercise #8 Giving happiness to others

Interestingly, in the modern world, people often get hung up on getting benefits - expensive purchases, modern technology, constant income growth, girls - on finding a rich groom for a comfortable life. And what can a person give to others, because by giving time, help, attention, we ourselves become happier, we feel our own significance.

It is impossible to live only for yourself. That is why charity is very popular in Western society. Bill Gates, for example, founded a special fund and constantly helps the poor and orphanages, realizing that in this way he can help society and make his life happier. Such people command respect.

A beautiful happy life is possible when it is filled with meaning, a person realizes his destiny, finds ways of self-realization, helping other people.

Each person can learn to share happiness, it is not necessary to have big finances, you can say something good, support a person, help an old man cross the road or carry a heavy bag, give way in transport. There are many opportunities around to make the world a better place, to give a person a smile. Happiness is always mutual - giving, we get back.

How to live happily and enjoy life? The easiest way is to help other people, bring joy and happiness. The task is to try to do at least five good deeds in relation to other people during the day.

Exercise #9 Communication is the Key to Happiness

In today's world, there are many people who suffer from loneliness, even in a crowded city. Why? It is difficult for them to build relationships with people, find friends, open their souls. We often prefer to worry alone, trust our thoughts to a moon friend or a piece of paper, but without communication and close people it is impossible to be happy. Even big finances cannot replace friendship, family and love.

The problem of a happy life is not possible without solving the issue of building relationships. How to communicate with people, make acquaintances? It's simple - you need to be open, smile, be sincerely interested in other people, strive to understand their interests, hobbies, be friendly and benevolent. To maintain communication, friendship - to strive for communication to be mutually interesting and useful, to avoid petty insults. A friend is a reliable and devoted person who knows how to come to the rescue in a difficult situation.

Communication is necessary for a person to relieve stress, because by sharing joy, it increases, and troubles decrease. A person is a social being, he needs to maintain contact with other people, so it is worth learning how to build good relationships. A happy life, a family do not arise on their own, but are the result of a person's desire to build strong relationships, the ability to take care of others.

The task is to think over behavior, attitude towards other people, learn how to make new acquaintances, become a good friend, life partner.

Exercise #10 Finding Faith in Life

Probably, many have noticed that religious people are more calm and confident in life, why? They rely on a higher power for everything. Of course, not everyone is inclined to accept faith in God, it is important to find your faith - to believe in yourself and your own strengths, to realize personal capabilities, to believe that life is going as it should, and everything has its turn, as the Eastern sages say. There are also laws of the universe or life.

Every person lives with faith and beliefs, for example: "I am lucky or unlucky", "I am happy or unhappy", "I am worthy of love" or "I am not worthy". All our beliefs have a great influence on life, so it is important to control them. If there are difficulties in life, then it is worth writing down your thoughts, beliefs on this issue and replacing them with positive attitudes and beliefs.

How to live happily and enjoy life? Believe in the best! Everything works out when there is faith in the soul.

So, we considered the main ways to become a happy person. It is important to understand that another happy life is possible. Everything is in our hands, a person creates his own life. By changing yourself and your attitude to the world around you, you can significantly transform the existing realities. Using the rules and recommendations above, you can make life easier and more enjoyable.

We wish everyone to be happy!

The right life ... What is it, who can say? How often do we hear this concept, however, in spite of everything, no one can answer for sure the question of how to live correctly. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you need to abandon yourself and your life and let everything take its course, not at all.

The following are the most common examples of "correctness" in our lives. They apply to everything: work, study, recreation, entertainment and even health. They are considered the most acceptable, and therefore correct. However, in spite of everything, everything in the world is relative, including our topic, so you should not completely and completely rely on the written “rules” and forget about the most important thing: life belongs to you, which means that only one person has the right to dispose of it. Human. You. No one else: neither the author whose advice you read, nor the TV presenter whose recommendations you watch, nor the parents who have to listen and enroll in an unloved specialty, for example. Your existence and how it will be tomorrow and in 10 years depends only on you.

Self-improvement and self-development

In childhood, a person learns something new every day. A sea of ​​new questions is spinning in my head, I want to know everything at once as soon as possible, starting with the name of a bird flying by and ending with the principles of the universe and the laws of physics. If a person from childhood is fed only with food, without including information in the diet of growing up, and absolutely any information, then such a child will grow up a mentally retarded creature that has not formed as a person and is completely unable to live in society.

With age, the desire for knowledge fades. School starts to force you to study, and, unfortunately, people are arranged in such a way that the more they are forced, the more they resist. Not to mention the time after graduation. All the information has been received, and the person does not want to develop further, not understanding how important it is. In the absence of spiritual and physical development and without self-improvement of a person, thoughts in the style of “how to live correctly” are increasingly beginning to visit.

Right Thoughts

Thoughts are no less important than self-development. How a person thinks directly affects his life. And if he asks himself the question of how to live correctly and happily, then there is more negativity in his head, because otherwise, if everything suits him, he will not even think about this topic.

First, you need to filter your thoughts. As soon as you think about something bad, immediately try to switch to something much more positive. Over time, you will learn to see the positive even in the negative. This will affect your life in a good way. Yes, at first you will not notice the changes, but one day you will definitely understand that you feel better than before.

Secondly, think less about how to live correctly. You can get hung up on it, become paranoid in search of “that very” existence, and in the end you won’t notice how life was missed behind all these actions.

Third, dream. This will help to start a couple of large-scale ones and just develop your imagination.

Right lifestyle

How to learn to live properly without taking care of yourself and your body? No way. A person must take care of himself. This includes not only elementary things like brushing your teeth and regularly changing your underwear.

Charging, jogging, light exercises or something else like that - all this the body needs no less than water or food, it's just not expressed so clearly. At least at a young age. In old age, the lack of physical activity will still have an effect. That is why it is recommended not to forget about your body, not only in terms of cleanliness, but also in other respects. or jogging, getting up and going to sleep at a certain time, wholesome nutrition, as few pleasant “harmful things” as possible in life like cigarettes, alcohol ... The list can be continued for a very long time, but in general, everyone imagines what a “correct” lifestyle should be.

Proper nutrition

A healthy diet can also tell you how to live right. True, not from a psychological point of view. This is more related to the previous point. It's just that food is so important that I had to take it out separately for better memorization.

Everyone is well aware of how many goodies are prepared for purchase in the store. Every time at the sight of another harmful product, the brain screams: “Buy it! Buy it! And people buy, as if hypnotized, after which they regret what they did.

You need to eat right. At least those who believe that they deserve good health and a happy long life.

Right relationship with people

Some are interested in how to live properly with a husband, relatives, etc., because sometimes there are situations when it is completely incomprehensible how one can coexist in one room in peace and harmony with other people. Others want to know how to properly communicate with a stranger when there are no common topics for conversation, and it is awkward to be silent. Still others are interested in how to learn how to get to know people and how to behave on a first date. Fourth worries about how to find the right approach to all people.

4. Take care of yourself, your health, body and nutrition.

5. Communicate more.

6. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

7. Show less aggression towards others.

8. Learn to show the positive qualities of your character and get rid of the negative traits.

9. Love the people around you.

10. Be yourself.

Now you imagine how to live correctly and happily. Take action! Good luck to you!

Remember the words from a fairy tale known from childhood: “And the prince kissed Cinderella, and since then they lived together happily ever after”?

Probably, from the age of four, I was periodically worried about the same question: “Is it like living happily? What does it mean?" Those. I could well understand and realize what “long” and “together” are, but with the category of happiness, the situation was more complicated.

I constantly annoyed my parents, trying to figure it out, but the only answer that I managed to get from adults was: “Grow up, and you will understand everything yourself!”

Well, I have grown up. We can say that even very, very grown up. I know how to be myself, how not to change my principles, how to succeed in my career. Perhaps it's time to deal with the category of happiness.

1. The concept of happiness.

Before answering the question of how to live happily, let's try to define this word.

The Encyclopedic Dictionary states that this state should be understood as the feeling of the highest inner satisfaction in completely different areas of life: in everyday life, in a career, in family life. Also, at the same time, it is imperative to feel both the fullness and meaningfulness of your existence.

In the process of writing this article, I had to familiarize myself with a huge amount of relevant literature. It turned out that most of the population of our planet, namely 51%, are pessimists. Those. these are the people who, according to psychologists, deliberately mentally attract trouble. Trying, as they say, to live for themselves, they are much more likely to get divorced, get cancer, remain lonely and forgotten by everyone in old age. Why is this happening? The thing is that only positive and bright thoughts always give rise to joyful events.

Those. I want to say that thinking about the bad and waiting for success or the same happiness is a priori a hopeless and useless occupation

2. What does it mean to be happy?

Before starting to write this material, I decided to spend a short time. In one of the social networks, I just asked the above question. I confess that the result made me think.

In the first place, the respondents put satisfaction with life in general, in the second - luck, and the third and fourth went to strong and joyful experiences and the possession of the highest blessings, respectively.

Perhaps I would arrange everything a little differently. Although I note that all the respondents were mostly people of the same age group and social status, so the data obtained may well be considered very, very subjective.

3. How to live happily and can it be learned?

Psychologists say that those who aspire to achieve this state need only adopt a few

  • Smile more often. To whom? Friends, acquaintances, relatives, passers-by, your own reflection in the mirror.
  • Give compliments every day. Even if you are very sad, find the strength in yourself to at least pick up the phone and please, say, a girlfriend or beloved grandmother with a kind word.
  • Get brighter. Well, this recipe, of course, will be more useful for girls. Try dyeing your hair, putting on brighter makeup, dressing a little more provocatively than usual.
  • Enjoy even the smallest things.
  • Remember the moments of happiness and live, looking forward to good luck and positive.
  • Surround yourself with light colors both in clothes and in the interior.
  • Feel something new, learn something. Develop, find a hobby, because there are so many interesting things in the world.
  • Tidy up the room and on the desktop in the office. According to psychologists, neatly folded things create a feeling of confidence in achieving your goals.
  • Talk more than write. As it turned out, happy people are more open to communication, while gloomy people tend to exchange only a couple of phrases.

Well, here we, perhaps, answered the question posed at the very beginning of the article about how to live happily. Difficult? I don't think so. It turns out that in order for luck to accompany you, you just need to take a step towards it. Make and smile sincerely.

In order to be happy, many people think that you need to work hard and study hard. But this is absolutely not the case, for this it is important to find inner harmony with oneself and the world around. How your life will turn out, everything depends only on you, and not on other people and circumstances. There are several tips on how to learn to live happily.

Be grateful

Often those people who are completely unable to appreciate what they already have are unhappy. Learn to be grateful to everyone and everything around you. After all, happiness, first of all, does not lie in a beautiful house and wealth, but in the people who give it to you. Always thank fate for your parents, soulmates, children, friends and relatives.

Be sure to give thanks for everything that you have achieved in life, for success in school, work, sports and other things that are very important to you, even for very small victories. The more you thank your life, the more pleasant surprises it will give you.

Gain confidence

If a person has low self-esteem and he does not feel the possibilities, he feels hurt, weak and helpless. Such individuals cannot fully enjoy happiness. Because of their cowardice and inaction, they miss important moments in life, which may no longer be in the future. You need to radically change yourself and your thinking. Stop comparing yourself to others, they are no better than you.

Each person has his own talents, you just need to find and reveal them. Do not be afraid to take action, even if nothing works out, this is not the end of the world, because every person makes mistakes, the main thing is not to dwell on them. Do not stand still, move forward stubbornly, trust your intuition and then you will achieve what you dream of.

Learn how to quickly get rid of nervous tension

At some point in life, each person on his way has various problems, which are sometimes difficult to cope with. Troubles can be of a different nature, both at work and in personal life. A person is lost, begins to get nervous, which usually leads to stress and depression. As a result of all this, problems become even greater, your moral and physical health is undermined, and various diseases appear.

To prevent this from happening, you should learn how to get rid of nervous tension as quickly as possible. There are many options for this: walks in nature, going to the pool, to the gym, to the movies, doing hobbies or exercising at home. You just need to choose which method is right for you. At such moments, it is important to discard all the troubles and enjoy everything that surrounds you, and then you will be happy.

Appreciate and cherish your loyal friends

Not many in life have true devoted friends, of course, everyone has comrades, acquaintances and close people. Something connects you with all of you, with some - work, with others - common interests, with others - wives and children. But it is very important to have those people who will always support you in difficult times, will rejoice at your achievements and will not betray you in any situation. Such people must be protected and thanked by fate for introducing you to them. But you should also not break ties with all your other comrades, appreciate them too, because on some path their help has been and will be useful to you.


Another step towards a happy life is human development. Many people live ordinary days in which absolutely nothing happens, they are in their own closed world. All this affects a person and sometimes leads to degradation. Time passes, our world is developing and we are with it.

Do not sit in one place, start learning something new, unknown to you. Visit those places in your city where you have not been yet, watch scientific and educational films, do something that is completely new to you, travel and meet interesting people, because happiness is around us and in ourselves. Learning to live happily is extremely necessary, because without it, all days are very similar to gray everyday life.

There is one sure way to become happier! One of my friends used to often sin by going to for advice to a fortune teller. In difficult life situations, it was hard for her to make a choice on her own, and the instructions of an outsider miraculously supported and rescued her. A strange feature of character, but we are all different ...

During one session, a clairvoyant fortuneteller asked Dasha (that's her friend's name): “When was the last time you performed a gratitude ritual? When was the last time you were thankful for everything you have? The more you complain, the more your life energy goes away. Stop doing this and you will see how happy times will come.

Dasha hesitated. Then the witch said: “Set aside 1 hour this coming Sunday for gratitude. Write down everything you can sincerely say “thank you” for on a piece of paper. This is a very powerful magical experience! Out of gratitude, a new life, a new destiny is born. If you perform the ritual every week, you can become a happy person and reach your cherished goal very quickly.

Starting with gratitude practices you can change your life for the better very quickly! The magical power of thanksgiving will help you appreciate every minute you live.

We asked the author of two bestselling books "100 Ways to Change Your Life" Larisa Parfentiev choose for us 10 ways from your book. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it and put it into practice right away! Every living being deserves happiness.

How to live happily

10 ways to change your life

  1. Get creative
    Our brain always strives for two modes at the same time - peace and creativity. Most often, peace wins, and that is why we feel unhappy. The best way to change your life is to start doing creative things!

    Start drawing, write haiku about how you met your best friend, learn scrapbooking, make ikebana, buy an anti-stress coloring book and fantasize about how to decorate it.

    I think creativity is a basic need of the body. The art of living happily means constant art! A sure way to catch a bluebird.


  2. Have an Ancestral Day
    Man is like a tree. No matter how beautiful the crown is, it will not grow long if the roots of the tree are rotten. It is not enough for a person to build the future - it is also important to know one's past.

    Find at least 2 people among your ancestors that you could be proud of. Once you begin to understand what wonderful people are behind you, you will feel more confident.


  3. Find out growth areas
    You can do a bold experiment that will reveal your zone for growth. This method was used by my friend, who could not get married until the age of 35.

    Relations did not develop - that's all. He called all the girls he was romantically involved with to find out what "was wrong." I honestly looked into my eyes and learned a lot of new things for myself.


  4. Look into the eyes of your fear
    They say that the best way to get rid of fear is to take a step towards it. My friend suggested an extreme way to get rid of the fear of losing your wallet. She threw her wallet off the bridge into the river. She says it helped her a lot. Despite the fact that later she had to restore bank cards, she forever got rid of the fear of losing her wallet.

  5. Do it the other way around
    You can arrange a “reverse day” for yourself: go out in atypical clothes for yourself, go to work in a new way, you can even use your left hand as a leader if you are right-handed. “Reverse day” helps to form new neural connections in the head and take a fresh look at your life.

  6. Challenge yourself
    To shake yourself up, sometimes you need a push, an impulse. It can be anything - go on a solo trip, run a marathon, meet 50 new people in a day, learn to play the drums, buy a motorcycle. In general, it should be some kind of thing that will pull you out of the routine, make you forget about the current difficulties and help you focus on the goal.

  7. Give yourself an informational detox
    On average, an adult spends 1.5 to 4 hours a day on social networks! Imagine what could be done during this time? An average book of 120 pages can take 120 hours to write (1 hour per page). If, say, you spend 2 hours a day on social networks, then you could write one book in 2 months. And in a year you could write (or read) 6 books. Think about it at your leisure.

  8. Clear the area
    In one of my projects there is a task - to clear the territory. This means delicately talking to a person with whom you have some kind of reluctance in a relationship. To do this, there is a special technique, the meaning of which boils down to a simple action: honestly tell the person how you feel. "Tension" takes a huge amount of energy and does not allow to move forward.

  9. Deal with a toxic environment
    There are toxic people who literally suck all the vitality out of us. How to recognize a toxic person? He constantly whines, complains about life and for a long time only chats, but does not move in any way to change. So, you need to run away from such people! And the faster the better.

  10. Dance!
    All children love to dance as children. But, growing up, we forget about it, we are fettered by fears and complexes. To regain the taste of life again, start dancing. You can even at home in front of a mirror or in the darkest park in the evenings. Most importantly, move! It doesn't matter how.