The wife loved her attitude. How should a husband treat his wife? Beloved wife

Hello friends. For a man, family, home, intimate relationships are often no less important than for a woman. Losing all this is a serious life drama. But how to save the family, if the wife, what to do if the feelings for her are still alive?

Nine Signs Your Wife Is Cooling Down

First you need to make sure that love on the part of your spouse is really gone. Indeed, sometimes, when a wife says that she has fallen out of love and wants a divorce, this does not mean at all that she is ready to run to the registry office tomorrow with a statement about the dissolution of the marriage. Such words may simply be a hint that your soul mate lacks attention from you.

Or she is extremely outraged by some of your habits. Men tend to take words more directly, while women often give them completely unexpected meanings.

The following signs will help you understand that your wife is really ready for a divorce:

1. The wife no longer makes joint plans, does not tell you her dreams in which you succeed together, lives her own life.

2. She becomes more independent in making decisions, does not consult with you, making large purchases, is not interested in what you think of her new dress or new hairstyle.

3. Your wife stops asking what you would like to eat for lunch or dinner, while she usually continues to cook and do other household chores, but the dishes she cooks become easier, she does not care if you like them.

4. Your wife's phone starts receiving calls and texts from people you don't know. These are not necessarily men with whom she is ready to cheat on you. Just a change in social circle suggests that the current state of affairs does not suit the woman, and she is looking for something new.

5. Some of your personal characteristics begin to annoy her very much - snoring or the habit of reading while eating. Moreover, this does not lead to good-natured banter, but to high-profile scandals.

6. Your wife stops looking after herself at home. In itself, this may not mean anything, except that the spouse simply trusts you and does not consider it necessary to “make a marathon” every day. But in combination with others, this sign may indicate a cooling of relations.

7. The wife refuses to fulfill her marital duty under various pretexts. She increasingly "has a headache", she prefers to sleep alone or with a child.

8. She spends more and more time away from home. Again, these are not necessarily meetings with strangers. It is quite possible that she simply frequents innocent gatherings with her friends. But, if she enjoys spending time with them more than with you, this indicates a change in attitude towards you.

9. When raising children, the wife stops setting you as an example to them. The phrases: “do like dad”, “you will be as strong (smart, kind, well done) as dad” disappear. Instead, they receive phrases that carry a negative meaning. For example, “if you study poorly, you will become the same loser as your father.”

This is a good test of your family's strength. If the crack in your family has gone far, you can read no further. Try using magic. Read about how to do it. It really works, just don't put it off until later.

Is it worth returning the spouse if she has fallen out of love?

Before answering this question, you need to think about whether you really want this? If the cooling of feelings is mutual, then it is better to get a divorce. You have one life, spending it coexisting with a person who does not love you, and whom you do not love, will be a big mistake.

Also, you should not try to reanimate your wife's love in the case when you absolutely know that she is cheating on you regularly and for a long time with another man. Of course, you can try to fight for your family, but, most likely, this will not lead to anything good.

Often people continue to live together for the sake of children. This is a typical mistake. Such behavior is harmful not only for spouses, but also for children, for whose sake their parents suffer for years in marriage.

The fact is that, living with an unloved person, we lay the wrong model of family behavior in the child. Whereas, after parting, each of the spouses can remarry, and the children will see normal relations in two loving families.

How to get back the old relationship?

Very often, men turn to a psychologist with the following problem: “My wife said that she no longer loves me, what should I do?”

Specific tips for each case are different, but there are a few general recommendations:

1. Make sure that your wife is telling the truth, that her words are not a provocation, not an attempt to attract your attention. To do this, use the signs listed above.

2. Listen to your spouse. In many families, during a showdown or so-called serious family conversations, there is not a dialogue, but two monologues. Spouses are in a hurry to express their claims to each other, not listening to each other. Try to calm down, and, without saying anything, delve deeply into the words of your wife. Perhaps her claims are not so groundless, and with a slight change in your behavior, you can improve your family life.

3. Don't forget that women love with their ears. Be critical of your actions, do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness for offending or outraging your wife. For a woman, this is no less important than regular compliments. Don't forget to tell your wife that you love her. The sincere bewilderment of many men: “Isn’t it so visible?” sometimes even leads to divorce.

4. Analyze your joint past. Recall those moments during which you both were especially good. Try to reproduce them. However, do not try to recreate everything to the smallest detail. Time has passed, you have changed. For a woman, a few details will be enough to bring her to a pleasant memory - the wine that you drank then, music.

5. Women are very romantic. Do not forget to give flowers to your wife, to make small gifts for no reason. It is important to strike a balance here, since daily expensive bouquets can only cause irritation and accusations of waste.

6. Try not to appear in front of your wife in a funny or pathetic way. This applies not only to appearance. Don't forget that women love determined, confident men.

7. Tell your wife about business at work, consult with her. Do not forget to praise her for good advice, saying: “Yes, I myself think that it is necessary to do so. You are good to me."

8. Pay attention to your wife's relatives, try to help them. In a huge number of cases, family love is killed by mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law. Try to always maintain a good relationship with your wife's mother.

9. Leave your wife personal space and time. Some husbands, in an effort to regain their former love, begin to call their soul mate literally every hour, distracting her from work or household chores. They offer various entertainments, regardless of the fact that the wife is tired or try to completely protect her from her friends. This is fundamentally wrong behavior, which can lead to the opposite result.

How to return a wife to the family if she left?

First, you need to give time to yourself and your spouse. You should not run after him, make scandals, drag the other half home by force. Stop, calm down, think. The question of how to return your beloved wife and save the family, if you fell out of love and left, is very difficult.

Of course, it all depends on the temperament of the spouses. In some families, such an act of a wife as a temporary departure from home, for example, to her parents, does not mean anything terrible. A woman just needs to take a break from household duties for a while and change the situation.

At the same time, she shows her husband that some aspects of their family life do not suit her. In this case, the departure of the wife indicates that she wants to save, and not destroy the family, as she tries to make her husband draw the right conclusions and change his behavior. If she was not going to live with this man anymore, she would be completely indifferent to how he behaves in family life.

But if the wife really fell out of love and left for another man, everything is much more dramatic. You may not need to try to get it back at all. There are cases when women return to the family after such mistakes, but this happens infrequently.

Therefore, most likely, you should not waste your time and energy on the return of an unfaithful spouse. It is better to really get a divorce and try to stop loving her. In this regard, you can find quite effective recommendations that will help you quickly bounce back and start a new relationship.

Feel free to contact the experts. The advice of a psychologist will help you get rid of the feelings associated with divorce much faster.

But the most important advice is that in order not to think about what to do if your wife has fallen out of love, try not to let her stop loving you. Treat your soulmate with kindness and attention, help her with household chores, always take into account her interests, do not forget to give compliments. Then your family life will be long and happy. Ask your questions in the comments, I have been through a lot, I will definitely help.
Always yours, old ladies' man Pantelei.

In our article, we will try to understand the difficult and extremely unpleasant question: “What to do if your wife stopped loving you?” Unfortunately, the situation when people live in a marriage without love, out of inertia, is far from uncommon in Russia and the CIS countries. Many people consider this state of affairs to be normal: they say that falling in love passes, a habit remains, there is nothing strange in this.

Well, in our society it is accepted that what happens to most people is automatically recognized as the norm.

How to understand that the wife fell out of love?

How to understand that your wife has stopped loving you, what signs in her behavior should you pay attention to?

- You began to notice that your wife pays you less and less attention,

- She stopped complimenting you, pestering you with the question “Do you love me?” and other, previously annoying, female "things",

- All your communication is reduced to a discussion of what to cook for dinner, and SMS messages from her contain only shopping lists,

She gets annoyed with every move you make.

She started counting which one of you is more invested in the relationship,

“Or maybe you noticed how your wife secretly sighs about another man.

Love or habit in marriage?

Sometimes it turns out to be extremely difficult to understand whether love or habit holds your marriage together. And many do not even try to figure it out, considering everything that happens in their families to be due.

However, is it normal that almost every family lives dysfunctionally, without love and mutual respect, representing rather a pair of working horses in one harness?

Is family life, starting so rosy, must inevitably turn into a dreary and depressing coexistence with each other for the sake of children, jointly acquired property or status in society?

Or even fall apart when mutual irritation overflows, and the once-loving spouses start a wild quarrel with insults and accusations, which will end in a loud divorce.

The editors of our portal do not share the opinion of the majority and sincerely believe that family life should bring people happiness, love and support, and not melancholy, hopelessness and damaged nerves. Therefore, we will try to help you in a difficult situation and suggest what to do if your wife has stopped loving you.

By the way, men are usually less sensitive and emotional than women, so they notice serious problems in the family quite late - when the wife can no longer hide her irritation and desire to isolate herself from her husband.

However, this does not mean that the situation cannot be saved! There are no dead ends. We hope our advice will tell you how to behave if your wife has stopped loving you.

Discord in the family: who is to blame?

So, the first thing you need to do in case of family discord is to admit that half of the responsibility for this lies with you.

It seems that I am pointing out obvious things, but many men in such cases prefer to be angry with their wives, accusing them of infidelity, of being too demanding, that “women themselves do not know what they want,” and so on.

At the same time, they “whitewash” themselves, declaring that they did nothing wrong. And friends, out of male solidarity, of course, support them in this, even if they understand that the husband himself was largely to blame. It is not customary to delve into the minds of friends and engage in “home psychology” in the company of men.

Therefore, try not to kindle anger in yourself at your wife, not to vilify her in front of your friends, but to acknowledge your share of responsibility for the fact that your wife stopped loving you. So it will be easier for you to understand the true causes of discord in the family.

A man changes over the years

Like women, men change over the years. First, take a good look at yourself. Answer honestly, without excuses, are you the person you want to follow? Ask yourself the question: “What did I want to be as a child?”. If you, as a boy, saw your future self - the way you are now - would you be proud of yourself?

Would you like to grow up and quickly turn into this charismatic, respected, stately and successful man? Would your current look inspire the boy you once were?

Or you would cry and scream, "I don't want to be you!" Remember the scene from the movie “What else do men talk about”, when an elderly security guard meets with himself - a boy and justifies himself to him for what he has become.

You don't even have to go that far - just find your wedding photos - photos from the time when your wife was delighted with you. Look at them carefully and answer yourself what has changed since that time. After all, this may be one of the reasons why the wife fell out of love.

Perhaps the iron press has been replaced by a beer belly. Instead of arm muscles, sagging skin “decorates”. Or maybe your back is bent with a question mark, and you have long forgotten about good posture? How often do you use deodorant, men's perfume?

Do you, in principle, take care of your health, or have you already felt like a “young old man” who, after work, cannot find the strength in himself for anything other than sitting on the couch with a smartphone in his hand?

The appearance of a man is not the main thing?

If you seriously wondered how to return the love of your wife, if she fell out of love, then you need to stop thinking that the appearance of a man is not the main thing.

The phrase "a man should be only slightly prettier than a monkey" is an excuse for lazy people. Many men mistakenly believe that their appearance is not important to women.

Of course, a man should not take care of himself as much as a woman, but he simply must look dignified and well-groomed.

Tell me, is it pleasant for you to compare yourself with a monkey? After all, your appearance is an indicator of your attitude towards yourself and your wife, and if you look, frankly, “not a fountain”, then you don’t love and respect yourself. Where can you expect these feelings from your wife?

To make your wife fall in love with you again, first try to take care of yourself, your health and appearance, and do it with full awareness and dedication.

Review your diet and give up junk food, such as chips, crackers, various chemical snacks and fast food, which you indulged in while your spouse did not see.

Join a gym or buy sports equipment for your home. Every time your laziness persuades you to lie down on the couch and give a damn about any self-development, ask yourself: “Do I respect myself?”. If the answer is "yes" - drive this laziness away and continue to develop!

If the answer is “no”, then why are you even looking on the Internet with the question “What should I do if my wife stopped loving me?”. Close the page immediately and go to degrade further, lying on the couch and playing the five hundredth game on your smartphone!

But don't complain later that your wife doesn't love you! And moreover - do not dare to be indignant when she cheats on you or leaves you! What did you want? You do not respect yourself, and you yourself admitted it, then why would other people respect you?

If the husband has no purpose

Appearance and health are not everything. To understand why your wife stopped loving you, remember yourself, your behavior and worldview in your youth. Why is youth so attractive, despite its maximalism? Because young people are full of hopes, goals and intentions to fulfill them. Because their eyes are shining, and their hands are itching to do what they love!

And maturity should be good because a person remains purposeful, while gaining the necessary experience, but is no longer so worried about minor failures and is not such a maximalist.

If the husband does not have a goal in life, this can also affect relationships in the family.

Do you have goals? Not a newfangled smartphone on credit, not an increased salary that you can spend on drink in a bar, but real goals, having come to which you will begin to respect yourself and enjoy life?

Or is your life reduced to the algorithm "to work - from work - eat - sleep"? If you don't have goals, start setting them. It's that simple, yes.

For starters, it can even be a hobby. Let a hobby be not a big goal that radically changes your life, but still, a serious business sometimes begins with a hobby.

Plus, a favorite pastime is a favorite thing to light a happy living fire in your eyes, and your wife will definitely notice this.

Is there life after marriage?

Sometimes women cool off towards their own husbands due to the fact that the latter greatly change their attitude towards them after the wedding. What exactly changes in husbands? Has your life changed since marriage? Perhaps you can answer these questions yourself.

Remember how you behaved with your wife at the beginning of your married life or even at the beginning of your relationship.

I assume that you complimented her, admired her, gave her even modest ones - but still gifts, tried to look good on a date, could talk about everything in the world. They also tried to help her as much as they could and convinced her that she was a beloved woman, and not a cook, a cleaner and a laundress. However, over the years, all this has gone somewhere. And no woman can like it. Therefore, do not be surprised that your wife stopped loving you.

Think for yourself, would you like it if your wife looked great for some time after the wedding, cooked delicious meals for you, admired you, had passionate sex with you, tried to help you in everything, and then gradually stopped doing all this? Wouldn't it seem to you that instead of "the girl of your dreams" they slipped you a "pig in a poke"?

Women also feel deceived when their husbands stop caring for them after the wedding, and also happily throw all the housework on them, considering it "not a man's business." Men mistakenly believe that all ladies, being obsessed with the desire to get married, will perceive a marriage proposal as the most important compliment - one and for life.

Women dream not so much to get married as to create a happy family. Feel the difference? Painting in the registry office in itself does not bring happiness.

Therefore, in the question of how to save a family, if your wife has stopped loving you, consider this possible reason. Try to return your former manifestation of love, and also take on half the household chores, and this will not go unnoticed by your beloved woman.

Give your wife gifts for no reason

It is clear that the “candy-bouquet period” cannot last a lifetime, but still, some “fragments” of it should be present in your life. I don't think it would be too much of a burden for you to buy small gifts for your wife for no reason at all?

Let it be postcards, cute key rings, inexpensive pendants, scented candles and the like. Watch your wife and you will understand what cute little things she likes. In any case, a real gift is a gift for no reason, give gifts to your wife!

"Why should I do this?" - you ask. And doesn’t it seem strange to you that you once gave gifts to different girls whom you courted, although you weren’t in a serious relationship with them, but to give gifts to your wife - the woman who stays with you, no matter what, you think unnecessary?

People appreciate only what is not available to them - this is the scheme of modern life. But this scheme is flawed, and it should be changed. Appreciate your wife, because she is the same “dream girl” that you once met.

Compliment your wife and express gratitude to her. Let it not be pretentious chanting of her hair, eyes, hands and “thin body”, which were relevant in her youth. But telling your wife that she is beautiful, that you love and appreciate her, that she is the most beloved woman for you, is a must.

And just say “thank you” for the fact that you don’t have to think about what to eat, what to wear and how to sort out a mountain of rubbish on the floor - after all, women usually take care of these things. Is it hard to thank someone close to you? It's not difficult, and by doing it more often, you won't ever have to think about how to behave if your wife has fallen out of love.

The best recipe for family happiness

Well, the last tip for today that will help you revive your relationship with your wife again, and which can be called the best recipe for family happiness. Listen to her more. Yes, just listen.

You are not required to express an “expert opinion” on certain issues, teach your wife how to live or go to deal with the “evil boss”, “unscrupulous saleswoman” or “the elephant that crushed her leg in transport”.

Just listen to what your spouse tells you, encourage her, saying that she will be able to cope with all the tasks that stand in her way, and you will help if she asks you about it. Hear what the wife says, maybe this will be the answer to the question why the wife stopped loving you.

It is said that women whose husbands listen to them for 20 minutes a day will never need any psychotherapists.

Our self-development portal wishes you to become the man you want to follow. A man who is imitated by teenage boys and who is happy in family life. And may you never again have to ask the Internet about what to do if your wife has stopped loving you!

Not only women suffer from the betrayal of a partner. Very often, men also wonder how to get their wife back if she fell in love with another. And the strong half of humanity is surprisingly vulnerable when experiencing the loss of a loved one.

The more a woman we love

Psychology believes that attachment is the basis of any relationship. Its presence indicates that a person has entered a comfort zone. This state is characterized by the fact that there is no real dissatisfaction with one's life. Something may seem like a problem, offend, offend and hurt, but a person who is in a comfort zone is not going to change anything.

In relation to relationships, this is expressed in finding out who is right and who is wrong. Then the loved one is "forgiven" for his guilt. This is the moment when the fear of leaving your comfort zone overpowers common sense.

The question of what to do if the wife loves another, how to save the family, already contains part of the answer. Not feeling affection for a man, the woman preferred a relationship on the side. But the abandoned husband has not yet lost his love for her, trying to return the destroyed comfort zone. Hence the desire to return his wife, to restore relations that suited the spouse, but could not be accepted by his partner.

Looking closely at the problem, you can see that a strong man just became dependent on the benefits that he had in a relationship. And the main one is compliance with the image of a man accepted in society. The realization that someone else was preferred to him hits self-esteem the stronger, the greater the degree of affection.

Is it worth returning the wife to the family?

Another question that men abandoned by their spouses are trying to solve: what to do if the wife left for another, how to return her? And hardly anyone is trying to think whether it is worth doing it.

Every person has some needs. The husband, who hopes to save the family, if the wife has fallen in love with another, really wants to maintain his status as a “real man”, head of the house, father, master. He does not consider his wife as a person who is entitled to have completely opposite desires.

Even if you resort to force or manipulation, trying to return your wife to the family, this is unlikely to bring joy. Dependent on the opinion of society, offended by a lady who dared to neglect his feelings and prefer another, a self-pitying person is not able to maintain the illusion of well-being for a long time. If the relationship has ended, then you should not try to resurrect the marriage.

But it also happens that adultery was an accidental hobby caused by the external gloss of a new man. If the cheating partner returns to her ex-spouse again, she probably feels a stronger attachment to him. But how to regain the trust of her husband after the betrayal of his wife?

We've all fallen in love and made mistakes. A fleeting infatuation of a partner should not cause negative emotions in a spouse, if in the end they are together again. If the wife fell in love with another, but so far is limited to flirting, the spouse should think about the fact that this is a signal of trouble in the relationship.

Until the complete collapse of the family happened, and the wife did not go to her lover, a really strong person should try to find the reasons that make the partner seek thrills not with him. And this, most likely, will not be the promiscuity of a woman, but her dissatisfaction with her relationship with her husband, whether it be sex or lack of money for new shoes. For the representatives of the weaker sex, the status of a woman who has managed to create a family, to be loved and taken care of by her husband is no less important.

But if the irreparable has already happened, the wife has gone to another, then how to return her will be a completely useless question. At first, any attempt to charm her again, to return her by force, manipulating her with the help of guilt or pity, simply cannot be adequately perceived. After all, if a person for some reason became indifferent, his feelings become unimportant.

Who is to blame and what to do?

Some men may begin to blame themselves for the fact that their wife left them. It would be as untrue as admitting her guilt. There is no right or wrong in this situation: everything happened the way it did.

If 2 people begin to depend on each other, that is, expect something specific from a partner, then sooner or later someone runs the risk of not living up to expectations. In this case, the spouses begin to experience mutual grievances:

  • she - because her husband did not justify her hopes, that is, does not support her status as a wife;
  • he - due to the fact that she preferred the other and thereby lowered his opinion of himself as a spouse.

But it is worth considering whether men really lose their value when their cheating wives leave them?

A deliberate answer to this question for yourself will help you understand something else: how to survive betrayal and is it worth returning love by force? Someone may object and say that relationships must be fought for. But if these relationships are tied to a simple habit and dependence on the opinions of friends, on what a person received in marriage, then they are unlikely to be needed.

For those who think in advance about what to do if the wife who cheated suddenly returns, the restoration of relations seems to be a welcome victory. In this case, the woman will certainly suffer: after all, a rare spouse will really forgive her to the end. And the question of how to get your wife back after infidelity takes on a slightly different connotation.

Considering the problem on the part of a spouse who wants revenge on a woman who has gone to a new lover, I want to ask: what will he do if she returns? After all, their further relationship can turn into a constant accusation of the spouse. Guilt can never even form a new attachment, and such a family will fall apart at every opportunity.

In matters of love, people become vulnerable and vulnerable. When it comes to feelings, a person is quite easy to offend, offend. And this happens not at all on purpose, not intentionally, but by chance, under the influence of emotions. Many men literally go crazy with despair and come to see a psychologist with one - the only question: what to do if the wife does not love her husband?

One can imagine the whole heavy range of feelings experienced by a person whose feelings were trampled on, rejected by his wife. This is such a difficult condition that sometimes life loses its value, the very meaning goes away. If a divorce enters a family where love and understanding used to reign, it hurts doubly. However, it also happens that two people live under the same roof out of habit. If there is no love on one side only, then the other partner is forced to suffer. This article considers the case when the wife is largely estranged from her husband. How to behave to a rejected spouse?

  • Try to accept the situation. The tactics of a man's behavior will largely depend on his character and temperament. But in the case when the relationship is already completely destroyed and there is no point in fighting for the restoration of relations, one should accept the fact of the past as soon as possible and start a new life. There is no need to waste time with a person who does not want to know you or continue a relationship that destroys both. Feelings should inspire new achievements, lead forward, contribute to the development of the individual. When emotions are so exhausting that there is no strength left for a full life, then the need for such a relationship needs to be reconsidered.
  • Admit your mistakes. As a rule, any relationship comes to an end when there is no sincerity and originality in them. In order for love to constantly grow and develop, it needs emotional nourishment. And where to get it if the spouses do not have common interests? If the relationship is at an impasse, look back at yourself: perhaps you paid insufficient attention to your soul mate? Admit your wrong openly, indicate your intention to save the family. Perhaps you will be heard.
  • Become an interesting person. A person can be interesting to someone only if he is interesting to himself. If your wife does not love you, and you know it for sure, take care of yourself! Do something for yourself, no matter what your spouse does not appreciate. But you will know that you are capable of much. And perhaps, after several significant victories, the beloved woman will come to her senses and look at you with new eyes.

When the family ship cracks, you must first try to save feelings. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. An important role is played by the presence of a spiritual connection between people, common interests, views.

The worst thing in the life of every married man is to hear the phrase: “I don’t love you anymore!” At this moment, the husband does not realize what is happening, and frankly, it is scary to imagine how he might react to this. Most often, emotions are manifested by screaming, accusations towards the wife, what to do is contraindicated. As in any situation, you need to sit down and calm down, try to think about everything: why it happened and what to do if the wife stopped loving.

The realization of the absence of love does not come suddenly. Something has become a definite impetus: quarrels, scandals, financial problems. The main reason is the routine of family life. On the one hand, it’s good to wake up together in the morning, have breakfast, drive to work, meet in the evening after work and spend time watching a movie in an embrace. But this is good for the time being, because such a pastime bothers the wife, she wants to experience those exciting moments, like at the beginning of dating, those “butterflies in the stomach” and, perhaps, not enough romance. Despite the fact that the wife said that she fell out of love with you, it is worth trying to return the former love and save the family. For starters, try adding something new to the relationship. The next reason is you. Neglect of his wife. Did you like to spend weekends and time after work with friends, at the computer, or doing your own thing? You need to devote more time to your other half! Despite the fact that you are married, you have simply excluded your wife from leisure. Separation from each other occurs over time. It can upset your wife that you stopped paying attention, winning, caring, and then it turned into indifference, with the realization that love for you has passed.

What to do if the wife fell out of love?

Advice for a woman who has come to believe that she has fallen out of love with her husband

In marriage, the phrase “I know him as flaky” is often heard, but in vain. There are probably things you don't even know about. In any case, forget what you know about him and look at him like the first time you met. Perhaps this will help to look at the partner with an interested, loving look.

Is it worth living together if the wife has fallen out of love?

The most difficult thing is to make a decision - to revive feelings, to live on as if nothing had happened, or to look for a new love. But do not rush to conclusions. To begin with, weigh all the pros and cons, focusing not on the problems of everyday life, but on the feelings of each of you. It will be very difficult to get used to living separately, maybe not worth it. Fears are always with us - now it is the fear of change, being alone, the fear of hurting a partner. Remember, to break - not to build, you will always have time to disperse. It all depends on the decision you made, if there is no love for each other, then what is the point of living together? See how you both suffer? It is better to leave and give each of you the opportunity to build a new family. And if love is alive, at least for one of the spouses, then it is better to change the wife’s attitude towards herself in front of her eyes. Some couples stay married because they have children. They want to raise a child in a full-fledged family. But do not forget that a saved marriage is only half the battle. After all, a child is happy when his parents are happy. But is this happiness he wants to see? Looking and being happy are two different things! And children see and feel everything.

How to understand that a wife fell out of love with her husband?

There are several main points and minor ones.

The rest include:

  • The wife stopped hiding her shortcomings and maintaining good manners in your presence.
  • Rejection of intimacy. A lover either already exists or is about to appear.
  • Unreasonable jealousy, a sense of ownership began to appear.
  • Complete disregard for your presence. I used to meet me from work with screams, squeals, hugs and kisses, but now I have zero emotions - I came and that's fine.
  • The wife became selfish and rude. Make a remark - get a boorish phrase in response.
  • She gets irritated over little things that she used to be calm about. Mugs near the computer or under the bed, an overflowing ashtray on the table, socks are all over the apartment, etc.
  • A woman is the keeper of the hearth, but not in your case. She is more interested in going to a cafe with a friend than cooking for her husband.
  • “It’s bad with you, but it’s even worse without you” - again, not about you. In your case, it’s more suitable - it’s bad with you, but it’s better without you. As soon as you appear in the field of view of your wife, her mood drops noticeably.
  • You are the man and the head of the family. Now they don’t ask your opinion, the wife is both the “neck” and the “head”.

There are no perfect families, except in books about love. In every family there are scandals, conflicts, indifference, but this may be due to a family crisis, which, if both spouses wish, can be dealt with.

Find common ground, try to talk about problems and find the only right solution. All in your hands! We wish you family happiness and the ability to survive crises!