How to easily stop drinking alcohol: reviews of the Shichko method. About the Shichko method


The book consists of two parts: an essay by I. Drozdov “Secrets of a Sober Man” and materials by G. A. Shichko, revealing the experience he developed and tested in practice of sobering up alcoholics. The writer I. Drozdov was the first to describe the experience of G. A. Shichko and published a large essay about the Leningrad scientist and his method in the magazine “Our Contemporary” (No. 2, 1986). Here this essay is given in expanded form, it included stories about modern soberers, students and followers of G. A. Shichko.

The book will serve as a valuable guide for drinkers who want to take the path of sobriety, and will help sobering up instructors to better master the method of G. A. Shichko. It will also be read with interest by a wide range of readers.


Tips for drinking readers

Friendly conversation with an alcoholic

Method of self-detoxification from alcoholism

Classification of people depending on their attitude towards alcoholic products

Rights and responsibilities of readers of the collection who suffer from alcoholism2


Rules for keeping a diary

Basic sober terminology

Plan for writing an alcoholic profile

L.P. Shichko-Drozdova GET SOber (Appendix)

The alcohol problem in the light of the theory of psychological programming

Listener! You need:

Plan for writing an autohistory of an alcoholic

Plan for writing an autohistory of a smoker

Rules for keeping a diary

Form for keeping a diary

They said incredible things about the Leningrad psychophysiologist Shichko: he supposedly had the ability to turn a person away from drunkenness in two or three conversations - even one who was considered a lost alcoholic.

I once asked the famous Leningrad surgeon Academician Uglov whether what they say and write about Shichko’s extraordinary gift is true?

“I didn’t have a chance to meet him,” Uglov said, “but I heard about him more than once. Gennady Andreevich has been working at the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine for many years - perhaps thirty years - and leads a group of scientists there. I remember about ten years ago I read his monograph on reflexes - Shichko studied the second signaling system and its physiological mechanisms. The work is interesting: many new and bold thoughts, interesting observations. It is a pity that the monograph is little known in the medical world.

Well, does it really heal drunkards?

Fyodor Grigorievich smiled skeptically and shrugged his shoulders - he, of course, did not believe in it.

He showed me a stack of materials - about Shichko, about the sobriety club created by him - some were typewritten, others were published in newspapers and magazines,

The institute authorities, as I was told, do not approve of his undertakings, and some even laugh at him. But he's stubborn. - Fyodor Grigorievich thought for a second and suddenly suggested: - Do you want to visit him?..

In the evening of the next day we went to Gennady Andreevich. We drove to Svetlanovskaya Square in the Vyborg district, on the way Uglov’s wife, Emilia Viktorovna, talked about Shichko’s work at the institute, about the scientist’s bold quest in the field of hypnosis.

He turned the entire science of hypnosis upside down. Hypnotists first try to put the patient to sleep, and then instill in him their thoughts. Shichko asserts: there is no need to euthanize! People are more susceptible to suggestion in a state of wakefulness, with an actively working consciousness.

I can imagine how the knights of “black magic” took up arms against him.

They have a director there - Academician Bekhtereva, she, as I was told, cannot stand Shichko.


Yes, Bekhterev’s granddaughter, as if she were a granddaughter. In general, big names are often exploited here. They say that in Krasnodar in the scientific world there is Lomonosov, and among the poets there is Pushkin. When they told me about this, I asked: “Isn’t Lermontov in Krasnodar?” - “Imagine, there is Lermontov.” This is absolutely amazing.

We drove in silence for some time. From Ordinarnaya Street on the Petrogradskaya Side, where the Uglovs live, the road led along Kirovsky Prospekt, which connected the Neva with the Malaya and Bolshaya Nevka. Places that are memorable and dear to the heart of every Russian person. Here, in May 1703, troops under the command of Peter and Menshikov captured two Swedish warships - this was the first victory that opened the way for us to the northern seas, radically changing the course of Russian history. In honor of this victory, a medal was struck with the inscription: “The impossible happens.”

Shichko lived in a small apartment. The hostess, Lucia Pavlovna, who opened the door for us, looked little like the wife of a front-line soldier, a person of our generation - she looked about thirty to thirty-five years old. The owner was peeking out from behind her, and his appearance next to his blooming wife only intensified my bewilderment. “Well, fellow Leningraders! - I thought about him and Uglov, “they marry young and beautiful!”

Then it turned out: Lucia Pavlovna is not so young, but it happens to meet such a happy type of Russian woman who looks almost half her age. By the way, it would be interesting to know what character traits, what kind of lifestyle help other people - most often women - to maintain their girlish charm for so long, and sometimes, with age, with the prime of your life, you look even more beautiful.

We were led into a room where there was a carved sofa and two identical chairs. Later we found out: there is also an office of the owner in the apartment, but it is littered with books and papers; it was not shown to guests.

I closely examined the strong athletic figure of the scientist, although somewhat limited in his movements (he was seriously wounded at Stalingrad, his leg was damaged), and tried to understand what was unusual about him? Unless the speech is heartfelt, weighty, and polished. Immediately after the war, Gennady Andreevich graduated from the Naval Academy, then from the philosophical department of the university. He taught philosophy for several years and headed the department.

Do you know the art of hypnosis? - I asked.

In a way, this is my profession. But I don’t approach hypnosis with generally accepted standards. There is an opinion: hypnosis is a dream-like state, but I affirm the principle of hypnotic wakefulness. - He smiled. - However, if you want, you can “illustrate” it.

Uglov and I agreed willingly, Emilia Viktorovna did not show any enthusiasm, as for my wife Nadezhda Nikolaevna - she did not believe in hypnosis, smiled skeptically, but both women sat down with us on the sofa and prepared to listen. Shichko asked us and our wives to tune in to the wave of his desires. Noticed:

Mutual understanding is important in relationships between people. Respecting a person means believing in him. Be sensitive to everything he says. Sometimes it seems to us that a person is saying empty things, but in fact... the great sacrament lies in words...

He spoke more and more quietly, more monotonously. And he walked more and more slowly near us. Gestures and movements became smooth, he seemed to freeze, setting us up for rest...

You've had a busy day today, you're tired, now sit back. Like this. Nothing bothers you, nothing bothers you, you close your eyes and breathe evenly. You are relaxed, tune in to my voice. Listen carefully to me. You only hear me. Tension leaves your face and neck, you plunge into a state of peace, weightlessness. You can no longer hear the body at all...

Shichko continued to speak to us soothing, pacifying words. I got to the point where I said: “You are weightless, a state of flight is coming... You are flying...”

At this point I had already become so disconnected from everything earthly that I stopped feeling my body and for a moment it seemed like I was rising into the air.

And it is unknown how my condition would have ended if Shichko had continued his session, but he suddenly said:

Now take a deep breath. Your condition and mood are good. Good mood, open your eyes.

More than once I had to attend hypnosis sessions - both in circuses and in auditoriums, where visiting hypnotists tested their power over people. They usually said approximately the same phrases:

You feel good, you fall asleep, you fall asleep...

Shichko did not say these phrases. His words contained abstract thoughts, not necessarily close to the task of the session, but these were interesting, varied thoughts, they set the mood in a calm, peaceful mood, inspired confidence in the speaker, sowed the seeds of mutual respect and, in the end, built in the minds of those listening what a system of concepts, some harmonious view on this topic of conversation. And even if it was not immediately possible to highlight this theme, to define it in a short phrase, but it was, this theme, a general, big and strong thought about friendship, trust, the unity of close people, kindred spirits. And one more thing: about the power of the mind, the capabilities of the human spirit.

Well... you've rested. Let's go to another room. Let's drink tea.

Gennady Andreevich told me:

Your spouse is weakly suggestible - she needs additional effort.

They treated us in the kitchen. Although it is small, we were quite seated at the table. Out of the habit of a journalist and writer, I looked with passion at the decor, furniture, and dishes. Everyone else did the same - especially women sensitive to beauty. It seemed that a thoughtful, talented artist was working in the selection of dishes and utensils, in decorating the walls and all corners of the kitchen. Everything was in place, not quite ordinary and beautiful. On the table, instead of wine, there are juices in crystal decanters.

I sat next to the hostess Lucia Pavlovna. There was a healthy blush on her cheeks, her brown eyes sparkled youthfully. And again and again I asked myself an annoying and not entirely delicate question: “How old is she?”

Lucia Pavlovna suddenly asked me.

Young and elderly men and women consume alcohol, forgetting about work, family, and their own health. It is impossible to stop on your own.

Relatives offer help, and specialists work in clinics. Many techniques have been developed for the treatment of people suffering from alcohol dependence.

In the 80s of the last century, Shichko’s method became famous: quitting drinking is easy or not at all, let’s try to figure it out together, using the advice of this author.

Who is Gennady Andreevich Shichko

Many people know Gennady Shichko and his method of treatment, created by a great scientist, doctor, and psychologist.

He devoted his life not to idle entertainment, but to the study of techniques that promote the recovery of addicts through self-programming.

Gennady Andreevich comes from Belarus. Born back in 1922 in the small village of Grud, located in the Pukhovichi district of the Minsk region.

As a child, he moved with his parents to the Caucasus. I went to school there and entered the naval school. I failed to finish my studies: the war began.

Participated in the Battle of Stalingrad. When he was very young, he was injured in his legs.

Once on the operating table, I learned how dangerous alcoholics are. The operation was performed by a drunk surgeon.

The young guy had to endure the grave consequences of surgery. A medical error occurred and blood poisoning occurred.

For a year and a half I had to wander around hospitals, being bedridden. They suggested amputation of limbs, but the warrior did not agree. As a result, he defeated the disease, but was determined to fight alcoholism.

Disability did not prove to be an obstacle to obtaining an education. After the war, Shichko graduated from Leningrad University.

The long-awaited diploma gives the opportunity to work in Leningrad at the Institute of Experimental Medicine. Here, bit by bit, over the course of 30 years, Gennady Andreevich Shichko developed a method of combating addictions.

Having lived 64 years, G. A. Shichko died in 1986. He was cremated and his ashes were buried in the columbarium of the St. Petersburg Crematorium.

An outstanding scientist, doctor, and psychologist has passed away. However, the Shichko method remains, reviews of which clearly prove: alcoholism can be treated if the patient strives for self-improvement.

The essence of the method

Sometimes breakdowns occur during the treatment process. Not every alcoholic immediately achieves his goal. You will have to start the course all over again, calculating your own strengths, setting realistic goals.

To treat alcoholism, a group consists of up to 10 people. Psychologists who know the methodology conduct classes with addicts.

Conventionally taught lessons are divided into 2 equal parts. First, it tells how dangerous a vice alcoholism is, followed by a story about the delights of a sober life.

These classes involve the formation of motivation to change one’s own behavior. The belief is formed that one’s own instruction can change consciousness.

The lecturer is not asked any questions. Addicts do not discuss topics in groups.

The main emphasis is on independent lifestyle changes and keeping a diary. The effectiveness of the method is quite high if you strictly follow the steps that involve healing the body by giving up alcohol.

Steps from alcoholism

Using the Shichko method, it is possible to stop drinking alcohol after a deep awareness of addiction.

Taking photographs. When starting treatment, you will have to take a photograph on the initial day of the course.

A responsible step lies ahead. Not many are ready to capture an image battered by illness and spoiled by alcohol.

However, then other images are taken to compare the results and evaluate the changes occurring. Photos are taken after 10 days, 30, 100.

Description of lifestyle under the influence of alcohol (autohistory). When starting the second step, you need to concentrate, prepare a general notebook, and collect your thoughts.

The description should begin with the fateful moment that led to the acquaintance with alcohol. The key stages that remain in memory are described in detail.

It is allowed to leave empty space between the facts described on the pages of the notebook in order to supplement the description as important points emerge. You need to re-read these “memoirs” twice a week.

Recording the feelings of life in sobriety (keeping a diary)

It is necessary to keep a personal diary, where the patient records the emotions received daily.

The pages of the document will reflect impressions from communication with former drinking buddies, feelings from meeting with a company drinking alcohol.

It is advisable to focus on plans aimed at a sober future, thoughts, experiences, achievements.

Identifying self-hypnosis

The addict gives himself daily instructions for a sober life, which he always pronounces, writes down, and then checks for implementation. The instructions are periodically repeated mentally throughout the day.

It is advisable to return to the records periodically, analyzing and evaluating how the designated norms shape behavior. You will have to first believe yourself, then influence your own psyche.

Self-interaction. The addict stops using the particle “not”.

Stop convincing yourself: “I won’t drink anymore,” it’s better to formulate “I’ll start living without alcohol,” “I’ll completely give up alcohol.”

Consolidation of the obtained results. Summing up the results of the work done is an obligatory stage.

The emphasis is on successes, and shortcomings are not hidden. Planning continues for upcoming events aimed at maintaining sobriety in the future.

The importance of a diary

The method of treating alcoholism proposed by Gennady Shichko requires that addicts keep a diary.

Otherwise, by refusing to take notes, the alcoholic is deprived of the opportunity to overcome his addiction.

The self-hypnosis diary must be filled out before bed.

A separate page, starting with a date, necessarily includes the main sections:

  1. self-report;
  2. self-analysis block;
  3. work plan for tomorrow;
  4. self-hypnosis.

It is necessary to rejoice at the changes taking place and express thoughts clearly. At the end of the page the text of self-hypnosis is written.

According to Shichko, it is written exclusively with the left hand. Sentences are made exclamatory, encouraging action: “I’ll stop drinking completely! I'm giving up alcohol forever! I celebrate the anniversary soberly!”

Many people are afraid that addicts get tired of keeping a diary. The author of the methodology foresaw such a development of events.

Freed from addiction, a former alcoholic stops remembering alcohol. Actions and actions gradually become fully conscious. There is no need to keep a daily diary.

It is suggested to use the chart:

  • Stage 1: the diary is kept daily for 2 weeks;
  • Stage 2: the diary is filled out every other day for 2 months;
  • Stage 3: it is acceptable to fill out the diary 2 times a week for 2 months;
  • Stage 4: it is permissible to access the diary once a week for 2 months.

An important event has occurred and you need to make an unscheduled recording. It is important to write a note on the eve of an event that requires making a responsible decision, then evaluate your own actions and conduct an analysis.

Keeping a diary is necessary for yourself. Important notes made before bed will not be read by relatives or friends. It requires being honest with yourself.

Phrases written before bed are perceived much more effectively than in the morning. The recordings lead to the destruction of false programs and their replacement at night with correct ones.


Chronic alcoholics were able to get rid of addiction. It's time to join the ranks of the lucky ones. It is enough to believe in yourself, stop, reprogram your own behavior.

Video: Method Shichko G.A.

Select a rehabilitation center that works according to the method of G. A. Shichko. you can here - select your city in the table

Unfortunately, humanity has not yet been able to develop effective, mass methods for the sustainable disposal of people from “narcotic” substances. All previously put forward concepts in the view of the problem as a whole and the approach for the purpose of practical resolution of it did not take into account the peculiarities of the properties of a person as a sociopsychobiological phenomenon in which all acquired vices arise and develop socially.

Analysis of the problem from the perspective of a systems approach made it possible to establish that the dominant factors in the prevention and disposal of vice are not psychosamotic factors, but social ones, which consist in eliminating vicious programming through the influence of the second signal system (words) on a person’s consciousness.

Long-term practice of sustainable group deliverance of people from alcohol drinking and smoking in the public organization of a sober and healthy lifestyle “Nizhnekamsk Optimalist” /19 years/, as well as primary and secondary prevention of youth drug addiction in the teenage club “Amethyst” /8 years/ using the method of a Leningrad scientist, candidate of biological sciences Sciences Gennady Andreevich Shichko proves the correctness of the scientific direction he created, on the basis of which a theoretical justification was professionally developed and its core essence was derived - the formula of social vice, which made it possible to create a methodology, methods and popular, highly effective training courses for getting rid of smoking, drunkenness and alcoholism and allows develop similar courses to rid people of other social vices.

The course is based on the teachings of V.M. Bekhtereva, I.P. Pavlova, P.K. Anokhin and other great famous scientists, as well as an unconditional democratic basis and completely excludes pressure, intimidation, the use of any medications and drugs, moreover, memorization, tests, exams. Smoking is not prohibited even during breaks. Only a benevolent, targeted influence on a person’s consciousness, exclusively with confidential information. On the basis of which, and for a deep, sustainable perception of it, situational games, auto-training (relaxation), hetero-training, unobtrusive, veiled self-control in the form of keeping a diary are included.

The course is simple, does not require any material costs and contains sufficient information and psychological potential to influence a person’s consciousness to ensure sustainable 100% elimination of a bad habit, provided that students follow all the simple recommendations set out in the guidelines.

Classes to get rid of alcohol and tobacco addiction are based on the principle of the educational process. These are courses of daily classes (not counting weekends) - ten days, excluding introductory and graduation classes. The duration of classes should not exceed two hours, with a mandatory break for students to rest.

I would like to note that G.A. Shichko, when developing the method, based it on the second signaling system. Those. the impact of the word “Heard”, the word “Read” and the word “Spoken”. Also examining various signals, I paid attention to the word “Spoken mentally” (not out loud), and especially to the word “Written by hand.” He also experimentally proved that the word “Written before going to bed,” before going to bed, affects the consciousness and subconscious of a person in most cases, much stronger than all other previously listed types of “Word”.

The main pedagogical element of classes using the Shichko method is Academician Bekhterev’s triad: beliefs (knowledge), suggestion and self-hypnosis.

I. Knowledge is the main component of beliefs and an important element of training. All information transmitted to students during the courses, and the transmission process itself, have several purposes:
Eliminating gaps in the awareness of listeners regarding the problems of alcoholism and tobacco smoking. Often, for example, we hear listeners assert that they already know everything. However, in reality it turns out that their knowledge is very superficial, and often comes down to the statement, which they themselves do not substantiate: “This is harmful.” However, they found themselves on de-alcoholization courses, and this fact should serve as a minimum of signals for themselves, and for the teacher only as a signal to focus on deepening and systematizing the knowledge of students.

Systematization of students' knowledge on the alcohol problem necessarily implies coverage of historical and medical aspects, an indication of the connection with the current state of the problem, as well as basic knowledge regarding the theory of psychological programming.

The main point of courses regarding such an element as “knowledge” is the formula - not only to know, but most importantly, to realize. And this can be done by bringing knowledge through consciousness to the subconscious of listeners. In this case, the most vivid, easily remembered elements are used: historical facts, theory and information about the consequences of alcoholism. Naturally, it is necessary to conduct several oral surveys, with the obligatory return to knowledge that is incomprehensible or not acquired by the listeners.

It should be taken into account that the main contingent is alcoholics whose cognitive abilities are weakened. Therefore, the complex of knowledge should be as clear and easy to assimilate as possible, with the absence of dialectical contradictions in their analysis and even their discussion, and the verification system is maximally focused on repeating material that turned out to be difficult to understand and assimilate.

The specifics of the audience also dictate the need to limit the duration of classes. So, for the weakened brain of alcoholics, this time should not exceed 1.5-2 hours, with a mandatory break of 10-15 minutes. Otherwise, the “fatigue” of the audience’s perception can nullify all the efforts of the teacher and lead to the need to repeatedly present the material, i.e. to prolongation of courses or their low educational function.

II. Suggestion in the waking state (relaxation) is the element with which each daily activity begins and ends. Relaxation is the first stage of psychological training and consists of preparing the body and psyche to work together. It is in moments of relaxation that you can hear your inner voice and feel connected to your deepest wisdom. These are moments of attention and silence. Relaxation means freeing the body and mind from unnecessary tension and relaxing moments, and has a beneficial psychological and physiological effect on a person. Before the first relaxation, it is imperative to explain to the listeners the meaning of this procedure in order to reduce the fear syndrome as much as possible. It should be explained that this is not coding or hypnosis, and that this element is necessary precisely for such people whose consciousness is burdened with the burden of their everyday problems, and is performed only for the purpose of relieving negative and negative emotions and tensions, as well as consolidating the knowledge they have acquired in class. In these words, everything is just pure truth, which must be conveyed to listeners. But at the same time, we must remember that the lesson itself serves as a tool for eliminating doubts and increasing a critical attitude towards the lessons. This means that the lesson must be reasoned, convincing and extremely clear for understanding, so much so that all listeners become supporters of the teacher’s point of view, briefly stated to consolidate the essence of the lesson in suggestion. Thus, the suggestion itself is a brief retelling of the lesson.

Suggestion consists of three main parts:

  1. Attunement of listeners, activation of attention.
  2. The main part is a brief summary of the essence of the lesson.
  3. The finale is to orient listeners to a future without alcohol and tobacco, normalization of sleep, and restoration of health in general.

Practice shows that the duration of suggestion should not exceed 5-10 minutes.

The basic requirements for the technique of suggestion come down to the following: speak clearly, evenly, rhythmically, without excessive emotional accents, it is better to turn off the light and ask to close your eyes: the text of suggestion should be free from negative particles “not”, “anti” and the word “no”. Musical accompaniment, kept to calm, soothing melodies, can be a good help during such auto-fixations.

III. Essay is also a necessary element of classes. This element is performed in three stages, each of which is of independent value and is therefore mandatory:
1. Preparation for an essay precedes its writing, takes about a day and is carried out in two stages.

The first stage takes place during the lesson, and its essence is an explanation of the purposes of writing as an act of introspection, namely:

  • analysis of the lived or experienced period by the listener or his “acquaintances”;
  • the obligatory requirement to assign (to oneself in the future) a date for writing an essay after an event that deserves further analysis, an alcoholic breakdown or other strong experience;
  • reading the most striking works of teetotalers, with mandatory discussion and analysis, in the future as an example of analysis of one’s own experience.

The second stage (hidden) is performed by listeners at home. It consists of thinking about the topic and essence of the upcoming essay.

2. Writing an essay, which usually takes up the entire second hour of the subsequent lesson. The essay can also be written at home. Common essay topics: “Alcohol is the number one drug, or how I came to the Optimalist club”; “Who is not with us”; “How I became a slave to the stinking tobacco nipple,” etc.

3. Analysis of essays, their group reading by the teacher and discussion are carried out at the beginning of the lesson following the essay, giving the students the opportunity to read their essay in front of the group, analyzing and focusing on particularly important elements.

IV. The questionnaire, unlike an essay, is filled out by students outside of the course, but preferably after informing and explaining to the students the basic concepts contained in the questionnaire. The purpose of the survey is to identify the degree of alcoholism, inclinations and living environment of listeners. The information contained in the questionnaire is necessary to carry out an individual approach, or to implement the principle of singularism. It should be noted here that it is better to write the questionnaire on the first day of classes, or at least the questionnaire of all students should be completed by the third day of classes, when working with diaries becomes one of the main tools for de-alcoholization throughout the course.

V. The diary is an element of the course that students must complete independently. Writing a diary is done strictly before going to bed (hereinafter sleep, exclude sex), and at other times of the day it is ineffective. The diary describes the events of the past day. The diary is kept by students daily and is used by the teacher for analysis (feedback) during the courses. The absence of a diary before classes is considered a gross violation of the course. The diary is written legibly; it is imperative to answer all questions with complete and understandable answers (at least five to seven words in the answer). The answer should be a question. The diary is kept by students even after completing the primary (full-time) course. The fact is that the form of conducting them is already on a certain schedule: daily from 1 to 15; every other day from 16 to 24; twice a week from 25 to 34; once a week (on weekends) from 35 to 45 diary. When writing the 45th diary, the sixth month of the part-time course ends. The frequency of keeping diaries may be increased, and a diary writing schedule is given to each student individually and in accordance with the stage of alcoholism and tobacco addiction, the nature of binge drinking, remission, and tendencies identified in classes using diaries, a questionnaire and an essay.

A diary is also a very important element of auto-training. Let’s say that on average a person has a remission (recovery after heavy drinking) of about 30 days, this allows such a listener to complete up to 30 trainings. By writing a diary, the listener reminds himself of his problem and arranges a small provocation for himself, but at the same time he consciously refrains from committing a pathological act and trains his own consciousness and will, thus destroying harmful subconscious programs. Unconfirmed conscious and subconscious motivations that arise when writing a diary fade away, which overcomes, for example, the possibility of another “planned” binge, and subsequently leads to the consolidation of sober life attitudes.

The diary also performs the function of introspection, providing the listener with the opportunity, after some time, to analyze his own state. Look at yourself as if from the outside, draw appropriate conclusions and make possible corrections in working with the diary, which ensures that the listener self-tunes for a positive effect.

The club takes upon itself the responsibility of helping an alcoholic or tobacco smoker achieve sobriety and learn sober communication. The club’s task is not to retain a person; if you don’t like something, look for someone else who is working in this direction.

You need to learn to communicate sober, people do not know how to communicate sober, mind you, not drinkers, but people in general, so this is not a problem for you, but for humanity as a whole. Once a form of group communication without the use of “drugs” is found, people will abandon them. Now you have the opportunity to communicate soberly and get the joy of sober communication.

A person creating a sobriety club must himself undergo a special course using the G.A. method. Shichko, get rid of bad habits and become a conscious teetotaler. It is very important to agree on a room for each day (the ideal option is an apartment on the ground floor, or a separate non-residential building). The purpose of the club is to unite non-drinkers and non-smokers into interest groups, as well as to promote a sober and healthy lifestyle, both by personal example and by attracting to an alternative way of life that excludes alcohol and tobacco poisoning. This unity of club members is especially important during “state drinking situations”, in order to avoid breakdowns. The factor of your own example is important, i.e. all possible support for the new member of the Optimalist club. For newly organized clubs: do not be alarmed by the small number of people, it is difficult to form a group, people are getting used to each other. To create a group, desire is enough; experience will appear later. The most important thing is your stability in visiting the club. A lot of people show up once or twice and then come back a year, two, three, but all these years they knew that they were welcome at the club.

Every week the Optimalist club holds a club day, in Nizhnekamsk it is Wednesday (1800 hours). At this time, the club gathers fellow optimalists who have completed courses in different groups to get rid of bad habits. Over the 19 years of the club’s existence, there have been 276 groups (5 or more people in each). The meeting is opened by the chairman of the club, information for the week, a plan of planned events and work in the club for the future period are discussed, the printed organs “Companion”, “Optimalist”, “Phoenix”, “Grain of Sobriety” and “Aek Bulu” are distributed. Companions discuss in-depth “thorny” problems of club work; those contingent who have not completed the courses completely hand over their diaries to mentors - teachers. Families come on this “busy” day, because it’s not for nothing that “Nizhnekamsk Optimalist” is called a family club; family relationships are corrected there.

People from all over Russia and the CIS, near and far abroad come to learn from the experience of club work and its study. In Tatarstan, from “Nizhnekamsk Optimalist” clubs were born in Naberezhnye Chelny, Zainsk, Bugulma, Leninogorsk, Almetevsk and Aznakaevo, it’s great that it is being revived in Kazan. It is gratifying that clubs have been created in Nizhnekamsk and Almetevsk under the youth affairs department - these are “Amethyst” and “Saulyk”, their basis is anti-drug education of the younger generation.

The principles of the optimalist movement are based on theses: “Hurry to do good!”, “If not me, then who?”, “If you choose yourself, help someone else!” They are fundamental in the life of sobriety and health clubs. We are optimalists and believe in a sober and non-smoking future of our city, republic, and country. The main task of the optimalist movement is to pass on the “parents-teenagers” relay of sober and healthy upbringing.

A person who has changed his worldview, his attitude towards the poisons “alcohol” and “tobacco”, and other narcotic poisons, comprehensively changes his life (his social circle as a whole). The “Optimalist” club is called an island of sobriety by its comrades; the first timid steps (like the first steps of a baby) in sobriety are very important for beginners. “The pier of last hope,” that’s what one of our club’s comrades called it. This is true. I can truthfully say that among my listeners, and I myself conducted more than 100 groups using the Shichko method, there were many people who had lost even their last hope of salvation and had almost resigned themselves to their fate. But “a ray of light in the drinking kingdom of alcohol, tobacco and drugs - Optimalist” has already brought more than 6,000 thousand out of this whirlpool, this web of deadly sin.

Eyes opened very wide, insight that comes from true truthful information and a look with a sober eye transforms attitude and faith. Patriots are not born, they are made.

Here are the members of our club, they are patriots of their people, the Motherland. Who, if not us, the sons and daughters of our country, can help achieve change, of course, in a positive (better) direction. A sober person is a better person. And that's it…

Sergei Konovalov, head of the public organization for a sober and healthy lifestyle "

03.02.2018 Narcologist Mikhail Konstantinovich Transition 0

Getting rid of addiction using the Shichko method

The Shichko method is a way to get rid of alcohol addiction on your own, without resorting to medications, hardware and other treatment methods. Gennady Andreevich Shichko was a staunch supporter of the idea that a person can only cope with addiction on his own.

Candidate of Biological Sciences, employee of the Institute of Experimental Medicine Gennady Andreevich Shichko devoted several decades to the development of his technique. For a long time he studied the mechanisms of formation of addictions in humans. The scientist was looking for a way to non-violently treat addiction; he categorically opposed medication and other coding techniques. He believed that a person’s cure was only in his hands; all other options were of no practical use.

Shichko was looking for an opportunity to push an addicted person to independently recognize the harm from alcohol, to understand that continued drinking has a destructive effect on his body and life in general. The Soviet scientist did not recognize hypnotic methods of influence, considering them a type of coercion. In his opinion, no methods of forced treatment can bring a stable result that will bring relief from addiction forever.

Using the ideas of the humanistic direction of psychoanalysis, Shichko developed his treatment method for many years before it took on a finished form. In 1980, he presented his development at the party congress. The effectiveness of the technique is confirmed by the fact that it has been successfully practiced for almost four decades. The Shichko method allows you to quit drinking alcohol either on your own or with the support of a specialist. The latter option is preferable, since the doctor will help you go through all the steps correctly, support you in difficult times, and will be able to give an objective assessment of the intermediate and final results.

The essence of the Shichko method

According to G.A. Shichko, the negative program that allows people to drink is embedded in every person. This is facilitated by social factors: environment, family, media and works of art, and the opinion of society as a whole. In our society, alcohol is sold legally, and it is customary to celebrate holidays by drinking alcohol. A person who drinks simply does not perceive this fact as something abnormal, does not understand the threat to his health and life, and does not see anything wrong in this process. He thinks: “Everyone drinks, and I drink, there’s nothing terrible or special about it.”

The author of the method believes that the desire to take sedatives and other psychoactive drugs is a pathology. Nature did not create a need for alcohol in humans; the normal state of the body is sobriety. Conscious intake of poison, which, in fact, is ethyl alcohol for a person, is a deviation from the norm. The most important stage of treatment is awareness and acceptance of this fact. Getting rid of alcoholism and overcoming addiction using the Shichko method is only possible by realizing the disease and deciding to lead a sober life.

Getting rid of beliefs ingrained in childhood is not easy. Persuasion, threats, and medications cannot destroy attitudes. Long-term work is needed, convincing scientific substantiation of the position that sobriety is the norm. The technique involves studying the moral, social, medical and historical aspects of the problem of alcoholism, which the teacher talks about in class. A person must also work on himself independently: write a diary, fill out questionnaires. This is a method of self-hypnosis; in the process of such exercises, false negative attitudes are erased, and healthy beliefs take their place.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Despite the numerous advantages, the Shichko method also has some disadvantages. Before trying this method to get rid of your addiction to alcohol, you need to comprehensively evaluate it.

This technique cannot be applied to a person who is not aware of his problem and does not want to be treated. But even if an alcoholic has decided to get rid of addiction using the Shichko method, there remains a high probability that at some stage a breakdown will occur. To follow this method, you must muster all your willpower and muster the determination not to deviate from treatment. Not many people, and especially those who are dependent, are capable of total self-control, so there is always a risk of not completing the work started.

The advantages of this technique are incomparably greater. These include:

  • no contraindications;
  • absolute safety;
  • availability;
  • The method does not involve taking medications.

In addition, this technique helps to cope not only with alcohol addiction. This way you can get rid of the smoking habit. Today it is successfully used to treat drug addiction to so-called “soft” drugs: marijuana, smoking mixtures.

The technique does not pose any danger to the mental and physiological state of the addict, since it is not coding, but an independent removal of negative attitudes. In addition, the method of getting rid of alcohol addiction does not involve the use of medications. Medicines may have contraindications and side effects, may be harmful to health, and most of them are expensive. Treatment of alcoholism using the Shichko method allows you to do without drug therapy.

Treatment for alcoholism according to Shichko has no contraindications or side effects; every person is able to use it without fear of consequences. To begin a therapeutic course there is no need to undergo a diagnostic examination.

Consecutive steps of the program

Gennady Shichko's program is based on voluntary decision-making. This is the first and necessary condition for treatment. The stages of the method involve continuous work on oneself, taking successive steps leading to a sober, independent life. If you complete all the sobriety lessons according to the Shichko method correctly, recovery from your addiction will come.

Today, drug treatment clinics offer various programs based on this method. Some of them involve strict adherence to the scientist’s developments, others are built using individual elements of the method. The original method involves several stages.

The first step can be called awareness of the problem and readiness to get rid of alcoholism. The person must do it himself. This can be called one of the disadvantages of the method: it cannot be used in secret, you cannot tie the addict to the bed and make a teetotaler out of him. However, other methods of treating alcohol addiction do not work long-term and successfully if a person does not have the desire and confidence in his decision.


During the treatment period, as part of the technique, it is necessary to take several photographs. At the time the technique was developed, taking a photograph was not so easy. You had to go to a photographer or use your own camera, and then develop the film and print the pictures. Today everything is much simpler, everyone has a phone with a camera, and pictures can be taken at least a hundred times a day. However, this step must be taken responsibly.

The first photo is taken before treatment begins. The second photo must be taken ten days later. Subsequent photographs are taken on the 30th and 100th days, respectively, since conscious sobering began. On the tenth day of exercise (when the second photograph is taken), you must carefully examine both photographs, noting the changes that have occurred. The same should be done with subsequent photographs. It is necessary to constantly compare and analyze how a sober lifestyle is reflected in appearance. The energy also changes; the eyes of a sober person radiate joy and calm.


At this stage, the addicted person writes his autobiography, where he consistently describes his relationship with alcohol. You need to start your life story starting with your first experience of drinking alcohol. You need to describe your feelings, the problems that have arisen, both moral and material, the reaction of the environment to your exploits, troubles at work, material losses. In general, all the incidents, the entire period that passed under the influence of alcohol.

It is necessary to approach the compilation of this anamnesis responsibly. You shouldn’t look for excuses for yourself or embellish reality. You need to write the ugly truth, no matter how disgusting it may be. In the future, this opus needs to be periodically re-read and supplemented with new precedents that have come to mind.


The author of the technique claims that a word written on paper has amazing power. And this is true, this is precisely what explains the desire of many people to keep diaries. This method helps you understand yourself, as if looking at yourself from the outside.

In the diary you need to write down all your thoughts, feelings from a sober life, describe the situations that caused any emotions. You need to record literally all aspects of your sense of self. For example, when you find yourself in the company of former drinking buddies, you need to describe your thoughts and emotions about this. Perhaps sometimes, or maybe often, you have a desire to drink, for example, to relieve tension in this way. All such moments must be recorded in a diary.

Keeping a diary helps you plan your own life long-term and short-term. You need to write down your plans and goals, as well as the ways in which you plan to implement them. Then you need to analyze whether you managed to achieve your goals with the means and within the time frame that you expected.

The author of the technique suggests writing a diary in the evening, before going to bed. Entries need to be re-read periodically; this helps you realize problems that you may not have noticed, as well as analyze how life has changed and what successes have been achieved. When you write a diary, it is very easy to track how the life and condition of a voluntarily sober person changes.

Determining the degree of suggestibility

At this stage, it is better to take the help of a teacher. You can contact a hypnologist, psychologist, or group leader if you attend group classes. You can conduct a study of your own suggestibility on your own. Determining the degree of self-hypnosis is necessary to work at the next stage of the program.


At this stage, texts containing positive attitudes are compiled and spoken. These texts are developed taking into account the results of the previous stage with the help of the teacher. By rereading these texts, making additions and changes, memorizing them, speaking to himself, a person conducts self-hypnosis sessions. These are peculiar attitudes towards maintaining a sober lifestyle, an aversion to alcohol.


At this stage of treatment, it is necessary to watch special films and read books about the need for a sober life, and study educational materials. It is also advisable to exchange experiences and share feelings. Being in a group of people with similar problems helps to consolidate the results. This stage of treatment involves strengthening one’s own position and consolidating the results obtained. Being in a group of like-minded people significantly increases the chances of not having a breakdown when meeting former drinking buddies, or finding yourself in a difficult life situation.

Treatment results

The results of treatment using the Shichko method depend only on the firmness of intentions and the ability to gather willpower into a fist so as not to deviate from the intended sober path. It will be most effective to go through the steps of the program in a group of people who have the same problems as you. This makes it possible to share experiences and receive support in difficult moments that happen even to the strongest. A mentor or teacher will help you compose instructional texts, test yourself, point out mistakes, and help you perform exercises correctly. But the undeniable advantage of the method is that you can do without these conditions if for some reason you do not want or cannot attend group classes.

To achieve better results, the author of the method advised acquiring a hobby, some kind of hobby that will help you occupy your leisure hours, without thinking about the fact that you used to relax by drinking a bottle. It is also recommended that, in addition to autohistory, you write other essays, for example, about what changes have occurred in your life after you began to lead a sober lifestyle.

It is also recommended to take care of your health, since alcoholism leads to the development of various abnormalities in the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Get examined, take a course of immunomodulating drugs, take a course of herbal decoctions.

One of the most significant advantages of the Shichko method is the fact that it can be repeated. No one is guaranteed against breakdowns, but within the framework of this technique, you can simply start all over again, adjusting accordingly. This technique can be used by people with any stage of alcohol dependence, in any state of health. There are no contraindications. There is only the attitude and desire to be free and independent.

Gennady Andreevich Shichko is a famous Soviet psychophysiologist who discovered and patented a method of getting rid of addictions. It is based on the destruction of the alcohol program embedded in the brain and the creation of a healthy one. The Shichko method is the only scientifically proven way to get rid of alcoholism and drug addiction. By keeping a diary and writing down self-hypnosis phrases before bedtime, a person’s craving for drinking alcohol disappears and behavior changes.

People who drink are often said to be “going downhill.” Indeed, the development of alcoholism occurs along a descending ladder, which was discovered and explained by G.A. Shichko.

The so-called “ladder of vice” consists of 5 steps:

  1. alcohol program - established in childhood in the form of games, imitation of parental behavior, thanks to advertising, etc.;
  2. adoption of the habit occurs during adolescence. According to statistics, about 30% of schoolchildren regularly drink alcohol;
  3. habit - corresponds to the first stage of alcoholism, when drinking alcohol is timed to coincide with holidays, events, to lift the mood, etc. This behavior forms the habit of drinking;
  4. need is the second stage of alcoholism. At this stage, a person feels the need to drink alcohol, withdrawal symptoms appear;
  5. installation - the third stage of alcoholism. This stage usually occurs at about 50 years of age. All thoughts are focused around the bottle, the person falls into a vicious circle of his addiction. It is almost impossible to get out of this stage into a sober life.

G.A. Shichko in his works indicated the age of initiation into the habit - 18 years. Today, the population starting to drink alcohol has become significantly younger.

How the alcohol program is laid in the brain

The human brain contains approximately 15 billion nerve cells that form stable neural connections among themselves. These connections are responsible for the emergence of various programs and attitudes, starting with a reaction to one’s own name and ending with an attitude towards drinking alcohol. The destructive pattern of drinking has been recorded even in children.

An experiment was conducted: in a preschool group, 4-5 year old children were given the task of depicting a holiday. Most of the kids began to raise their glasses, clink glasses, make toasts, some of them imitated a drunken gait. Thus, the behavior of adults, especially parents, uncontrolled viewing of TV and Internet resources lays the alcohol program in children for life.


The habit of drinking begins to take root in a person from the first glasses. Moreover, the younger he is, the faster the habit develops and the more difficult it is to get rid of it.

A few years after the start of drinking alcoholic beverages, the first stage of alcoholism develops. At this stage, it may seem to the patient and his loved ones that everything is in order. Drinking alcohol occurs infrequently and is always associated with some occasion - holidays, fatigue, “washing” purchases, meeting your wife from the maternity hospital, get-togethers with girlfriends, etc.


The need for alcohol corresponds to the second stage of alcoholism. A person begins to notice that he has serious problems - drinking alcohol becomes a necessity. Most patients in drug treatment clinics are precisely at this stage of the “ladder of vice”.

It is not difficult to recognize the need - a person increasingly waits for a reason to drink, begins to justify himself, intoxication occurs even from a small dose of alcohol, and a pronounced hangover appears.

If no action is taken, the disease enters the final stage.

The lower the step of the “ladder of vice”, the faster a person goes down it.


The attitude is the third stage of alcoholism and the final step of the “ladder of vice”. At this stage, a person does not belong to himself, all his thoughts and actions are subordinated to the bottle. He is aware of his addiction, but cannot do anything about it. The average age of development of the installation stage is about 50 years.

For example, a person has negative and false programs in his head: “Alcohol is fun and fashionable”, “Everyone drinks - it’s normal”, “You need to drink on a holiday”, etc. And before going to bed, the following statement is written in the diary: “Alcohol is poison, destruction and death.” A person falls asleep with these words, and his brain forms a new program regarding the same issue.

The human consciousness is structured in such a way that it cannot contain two different opinions about one subject at the same time. The struggle between the old and new programs begins. Once the old attitude is destroyed, a complete change in priorities occurs. A person can no longer live in the old way, he develops an aversion to alcohol and opens his eyes to his own life.

Alcoholism treatment program G.A. Shichko

In his scientific works, the scientist identified 6 main steps to move from drunkenness to a sober life:

  1. fixation - no personal sensations have such persuasive power as a photograph or video. The patient is filmed at the beginning of therapy, after a month, six months and a year. The difference in appearance is a great incentive not to return to your previous lifestyle;
  2. medical history - a person who wants to get rid of alcoholism must look at his life, remember the beginning of the addiction, how it developed and strengthened. At this stage, you will need the help of a loved one or a qualified psychologist;
  3. keeping a special diary - entries must be made every evening, strictly before bedtime. Indicate your thoughts, events, conversations related to alcohol;
  4. determining the level of suggestibility - a psychologist, using special tests, determines the degree of operation of the brain's defense mechanism and helps a person compose suitable phrases - suggestions that can pass through this filter;
  5. use of self-hypnosis - after filling out a daily note, suggestion phrases are prescribed;
  6. approval of the results - at this final stage, the person tries to sum up the results: compares his photographs, feelings, talks with family and friends, makes a conscious decision never to return to drinking alcohol.

Notes on journaling and self-hypnosis

Words written down just before falling asleep affect the brain hundreds of times better than words spoken, read or heard. This is the basis for keeping a special diary, in which, before going to bed, answers and settings are written down, aimed at destroying the old program or installing a new one:

  • belief in success. When writing in a diary, the first thing you need to give up is doubt. If you write before going to bed: “probably nothing will come of this,” it means it really won’t work out;
  • no negativity - all phrases must be used in an affirmative manner. For example, you cannot write “I can’t stop drinking,” but it is necessary to write “I am starting a sober life”;
  • All entries are kept in the first person. Each phrase must contain the words “I”, “mine”, “me”;
  • no abbreviations - every word is written carefully, legibly and completely.

After the diary notes, self-hypnosis is written. A prerequisite is to write them immediately before bed. Self-hypnosis can be like this:

  • Alcohol is a poison, my poor health, illness, early old age and death;
  • Sober life is my choice, health, beauty and life;
  • I am a strong and responsible person for my life;
  • I destroy the alcohol program in my mind forever;
  • I know how to relax and have fun without alcohol;
  • I strive to restore my health.

Alcoholism is a true epidemic that destroys the health and lives of millions of people around the world. Using the technique of the famous scientist G.A. Binge drinking can be prevented and cured. Thanks to the brain’s ability to change the underlying alcohol program, a positive change occurs in the consciousness of the drinker and a complete change in his life.