Revitonics. Detailed video course of basic exercises from Natalia Osminina, Anastasia Dubinskaya

To look fresh and young, you need not only to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also to train your muscles. Revitonics is a unique direction designed to develop the muscles of the face and neck. When performed regularly, you can quickly prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

What is revitonics?

A set of exercises and manipulations aimed at eliminating the causes of aging and deterioration of the skin is called revitonics. Its founder is Natalia Osminina, who has been involved in the rehabilitation of facial muscles for many years. The revitonics method is based on knowledge of biohydraulics, biomechanics, theoretical mechanics, and so on. The exercise is based on the principle of adjusting muscle tension and relaxation.

Revitonics has the following advantages:

  1. Helps tighten sagging skin.
  2. Maintains muscle tone, relieves spasms and tension.
  3. Helps restore the oval of the face, reconstruct the muscle structure and reduce the number of existing wrinkles.
  4. Relieves swelling around the eyes.

Revitonics - main exercises

Osminina claims that you can study according to the system she proposed at any age and it is best to start from a young age. The revitonics system divides the full range of exercises into two types:

  1. Vacuum fitness. Vacuum jars of different sizes are used for training. They help increase muscle tone and normalize the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  2. Sculptural Fitness. This refers to ordinary exercises aimed at working the muscles.

Revitonics for the back

Many people suffer from back pain and in most cases it is due to poor posture. Revitonics for the back, spine and shoulder muscles involves performing the “Active Standing” exercise:

  1. Stand with your feet directly under your shoulders. Point your tailbone down, slightly tighten your buttocks and tighten your abs. The body should form a straight line.
  2. During the entire exercise, you need to stretch the top of your head up and open your chest. You can stay in this position for 1-5 minutes. Revitonics indicates that you can perform “Active Standing” not only at home, but also, for example, in the subway.

Revitonics for the neck

Exercises for this part of the body are in most cases aimed at relieving spasms from the trapezius muscle. This is due to the fact that tension in this area leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the face, the formation of withers and cervical osteochondrosis. Revitonics offers the “Frame” exercise, which is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Raise your arms above your head, bend them at the elbows and cross them to form a frame.
  2. Begin to stretch upward, stretching your spine, and then tilt your head down, but your body should continue to strive upward. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds.
  3. Place one hand above your chest and the other under your chin. Stretch your neck, thereby stretching the muscles. Switch hands. Do everything for 30 seconds.

Revitonics – exercises on a roller

A simple device can increase the effectiveness of training, relieve back pain, improve posture and even reduce your waist. You can use a ready-made juniper roller for revitonics, or you can easily make it yourself. Place a rolling pin or other wooden stick on the towel and twist it into a tight roller, securing it with rubber bands or threads. The diameter of the roller should be at least 10 cm. Revitonics exercises for posture differ in the location of the roller, but the technique of execution is something like this:

  1. Sit on the floor and place the foam roller directly behind your buttocks. Lie on your back and check that the device is under your belly button.
  2. Extend your legs forward, keeping them shoulder-width apart, and touch your big toes.
  3. Stretch your arms up, palms down, with your little fingers together. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.
  4. After this, roll over onto your side and to the side and only then get up, avoiding sudden movements.

Revitonics – facial exercises

The unique system was designed so that anyone could repeat it on their own at home. Revitonics for the face is based on a number of rules:

  1. You need to work on hypertonic muscles for no more than half a minute.
  2. In order to return the muscle to its normal state, stretching is carried out, and this must be done slowly and smoothly.
  3. You need to start training by preparing your muscles for stronger impacts. For this purpose, you can slightly stretch the muscles towards each other or in different directions. You need to hold them in this position until a relaxing reaction occurs.
  4. In order for the muscle to get used to the new position, revitonics uses fixation, which involves statically holding the muscles in the selected position for 3-5 seconds.

Revitonics for eyes

Common problems are swelling and bruising under the eyes, which can be eliminated using a simple complex. First you need to cleanse your face and sit on a chair with your back straight. Revitonics for the eyes offers exercises for independent performance:

  1. To warm up your muscles, sharply open and close your eyes. Inhale through your nose, sucking in your cheeks, and release the air, puffing them out.
  2. To perform the first revitonics exercise, fold your index fingers into an arc and place them near the cheek bones. Gradually close your eyes for 5-10 seconds, increasing the tension.
  3. Place your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes and start blinking frequently.
  4. Rest your elbows on your knees, open your palms and place your face on them at eye level. Hold for a few seconds, and then spread your arms and repeat the touch, moving towards your temples.

Revitonics – nasolabial folds

Simple exercises help reduce nasolabial folds, remove unsightly nasolabial ridges, maintain high cheekbones and tighten sagging skin. Revitonics facelift includes the following exercises:

  1. Place your index and middle fingers together near the sides of your nose, over your cheekbones.
  2. Use your lips to form an elongated oval. For eight counts, open your mouth even more, while maintaining an oval shape. Use your fingers to press on your cheekbones.

Revitonics for lips

To become the owner of plump lips, many women agree to injections, but this is not the only solution; for example, you can perform special exercises. Revitonics gymnastics for the face will make you look attractive:

  1. Pull your lips forward, and then clasp your upper lip around your lower lip and vice versa.
  2. Pull in the corners of your mouth as if you want to suck on a piece of candy. After this, try to lift them by tensing your muscles.

Revitonics for the forehead

One of the most problematic areas of the face is the forehead, where many people have wrinkles. If you like to draw or raise your eyebrows, then you need to take care that this does not lead to the formation of unsightly wrinkles. Revitonics offers exercises that are effective in this situation.

  1. Place your open palm on your forehead slightly above your eyebrows and fix the muscles with it. Raise and lower your eyebrows.
  2. Revitonics offers an exercise to get rid of the unsightly fold between the eyebrows. Using two fingers, fix the corners of the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose. Try to draw (as if frowning) and relax your eyebrows.

Revitonics – books

People who are interested in this topic can find specialized literature in bookstores.

  1. « Fitness for the face. Revitonica system" N. Osminina. He explains in detail what revitonics is, a book written by the developer of this direction. Natalia not only describes the exercises, but also talks about the reasons for the appearance of the main shortcomings.
  2. « Resurrection of the face, or an ordinary miracle» N. Osminina. The author explains what the revitonics technique is and delves into the true causes of skin deformation and aging.

It is known that a woman’s main weapon is youth and beauty. But no matter how sad it may sound, over time, youth turns into maturity, and old age is not far off.

The skin on the face loses its elasticity, becomes flabby and wrinkled. Some people come to terms with this, gradually accepting the changes that are taking place. For others, such changes are unacceptable, and all sorts of methods are used to preserve beauty. Subcutaneous injections, resurfacing, creams and even plastic surgery begin.

Age-related changes in appearance do not happen suddenly; it is a gradual process that begins with little things. We begin to notice the first signs after 25 years.
How to stop this without resorting to radical plastic surgery or ineffective cosmetic procedures? There are also more loyal methods of rejuvenation. One of the best in this direction are the Revitonics exercises.

We are watching a master class on the Revitonics system from Anastasia Dubinskaya. Five popular exercises are demonstrated by Anna Agofonova.
The author of the method is Natalya Borisovna Osminina, who devoted more than 20 years of her life to studying the topic of natural rejuvenation.
Revitonics by Natalia Osminina is a scientific and empirical method of appearance correction and rejuvenation, which has no analogues in the world in terms of its effectiveness and sustainability of the effect obtained.

Why do we grow old - the theory of Revitonics

It is believed that facial aging is associated with a loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin, resulting in the formation of wrinkles and sagging. However, changes in skin quality are just consequences of more global processes. There are more than 70 muscles on the face, attached to 29 bones of the skull; blood and lymph move through the vessels.
Any failure in the internal structure is immediately reflected on the surface of the skin. So muscle spasms cause their contraction, as a result of which the skin that was stretched over the muscle corset begins to sag (Roman blind effect).
Due to spasms and tension in the muscles, blood flow deteriorates. The lymph on the face, which removes toxins, also stops moving normally. As a result, the complexion becomes gray and swelling appears.

The condition of the face is reflected in the condition of the spine and neck. Due to slouching, the skin of the entire body tightens behind the body and begins to
hang in front. Spasms of the neck muscles prevent blood from flowing normally to the head, worsening the condition of the face.

Revitonics: principle and direction of action

Revitonics for the face of Natalia Osminina is based on:

■ bringing the muscles of the face, neck and back to their natural position by
stretching and leveling;
■ normalization of lymphatic drainage in the body;
■ relieving emotional tension leading to tightness of the facial muscles.

“Revitonika” is a system of techniques aimed at launching the process of natural rejuvenation of the body by restoring its impaired functions. As a result of regular fitness classes for the face and neck, lymphatic massage using the Revitonics rejuvenation system, the balance of the front and back of the body is equalized, lymph flow is normalized, relaxation and
previously tightened muscles are stretched, which leads to tightening, restoration of the oval of the face, disappearance of the double chin, improved blood supply and complexion, and reduced swelling.

Rules for performing Revitonics techniques

Before you start training according to Natalia Osminina’s method, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for performing a set of exercises for the face.

✔ “30 seconds” rule
Many fitness routines are based on the “30 second” rule. It consists of squeezing both ends of a hypertonic muscle or an entire muscle block for 30 seconds.
By squeezing the muscle for half a minute, we help the body resolve this spasm and relax. It is rare that the body “copes” with it in a shorter period of time, and it is also rare that more time is needed and repetition of the exercise is required.

Actually, this is the work of “reverse” techniques, when we return to the original point that caused the tension and temporarily increase the spasm, bringing the situation to the point of absurdity, thereby pushing the body to resolve it.
30 seconds is the empirically calculated time that the body needs to independently “extricate itself” from a block of problems, get out of a state of spasm and produce an effect in the form of relaxation.

Usually, while performing the technique, there is a feeling of freedom of movement. In this case, gently push the tissues, applying a gentle force (no more than 10 grams), as if squeezing them.

Maintaining a time of 30 seconds applies only to techniques for relieving muscle hypertonicity.
The use of less time (10-20 seconds) in some exercises is related to other techniques based on the principles of post-isometric relaxation.

✔ Muscle stretching
Almost always, when performing techniques, a gentle stretching of the muscle or working area is required. This is necessary in order to return the muscle, shortened by a previous spasm, to its original length.
Stretching should be done slowly and smoothly, since we are not working with the muscle directly, but through its connective membrane - the plastic fascia.
All housewives who have had to deal with hard white films when cutting meat know what it is. Not only muscles and bones, but in general all our organs are wrapped in similar “films” - fascia, which are connected into a single system throughout the body.

Anatomically, it is believed that the facial muscles do not have fascia. Indeed, the membranes of facial muscles are very thin. However, the surface layer of each facial muscle has a denser structure than its inner part. Their outer shells can also be called fascial, since they perform the same tasks and work on a similar principle as the fascia of skeletal muscles.
By its nature, fascia is plastic and, when worked correctly, can be stretched: this should be done very slowly and gently, with the feeling that an elastic band is being stretched under your fingers.

✔ Pretension
Pre-tensioning is a preliminary step to performing many techniques. This is the primary tension of tissues towards each other or in opposite directions until the first stop and maintaining the level of this tension until the reaction to relax the muscle begins, that is, release is achieved.

Fixation is the final touch of the exercise, which consists of stopping the hands in the correct position for 2-5 seconds. Fixation is necessary to stabilize the results so that the muscle (or tissue) remembers its new position.

When performing many exercises associated with working according to the “30 second rule”, the force of tissue clamping should be minimal. Techniques for relieving hypertonicity from facial muscles do not work directly with the muscles, but with their tension at the level of the ascial membranes.
Therefore, on average, the load on the tissue (called perceptual) should be minimal and amount to approximately 5-10 grams. This is the weight of a ten-ruble coin. It is strictly prohibited to force the achievement of results by applying additional forces.

✔ Balance
“Balance” is a central concept in the Revitonics methodology, as it supports its main advantage - a combination of effectiveness and harmlessness. In relation to the face, everything must be in balance, from the fibers of the muscles in relation to each other to each bone of the skull.
This principle is observed throughout the entire body - everything must correspond to the perfect matrix that Nature has created for each of us.

In the absence of genetic errors, our body is initially harmonious. However, throughout life, the balance of all structures and systems of our body is disrupted. As for the face, even hypertonicity of one muscle can disturb its balance, since next to a muscle in hypertonicity there will always be a muscle in hypotonicity (weakened tone).
Muscles with hyper- and hypotonicity are located next to each other, figuratively speaking, in a checkerboard pattern. To restore balance after relieving hypertonicity, we must easily and gently stretch the working area and spread the tissues evenly around the working area using point-to-point blotting movements. Thanks to such manipulations, the body itself determines the correct position of the tissues.

Technique of performing techniques

When performing all exercises, the fingers should not pull the skin or “fidget” over it - they should “stick” to the place where they were placed. Despite the fact that the techniques should be performed with minimal load, the penetration of the fingers should be deep enough.

At the same time, it is unacceptable to press your fingers on the tissue using force. To do the technique correctly, you must first linger for a second at the starting point and feel how your finger, with a light pressure, seems to plunge, “thaw” deep into the tissues, which should seem to let your finger inside, as if “parting”, you should feel how underneath muscle mass expands.

To avoid the formation of creases and wrinkles on the skin, when performing techniques and grips, be sure to
use a mirror to check.

Features of performing specific course techniques

✔ "Deception"
If difficulties arise during the process of performing a technique, the so-called “deceptive technique” can be used. This is the principle of “reverse” osteopathic techniques, which we can use on any work area that is not amenable to conventional massage or plastic techniques that work through direct techniques.
Remember the words from the funny pirate song: “Normal heroes always take a detour!” Don’t force your face, it’s always better to go around a mountain than to storm it straight through.

If, while performing a technique, you feel that you have bumped into a block that does not allow you to go through the entire working area to the end, you can use a “cheating” technique in this difficult area. For example, if you feel that the fabrics do not stretch, bumping
on some block, then you can, without lifting your finger from the working point, move them in the opposite direction to the first stop. After 30 seconds, you need to return to the starting position and continue performing the main technique.

✔ “Tissue Horseshoe” technique
The “Tissue Horseshoe” technique is used to restore elasticity lost by tissues, equalize their density, distribute them throughout the muscle corset, eliminate blocks, improve blood supply, and ensure uniform flow of blood and lymph.

The essence of the technique is to form a “tuck” from fabrics in the shape of a horseshoe with the base at the top or bottom (depending on the area being worked on). In this case, it is necessary to deepen the “horseshoe”, resting on its center, and at the same time stretch the ends in different directions, working to expand.

✔ “Grinding” technique
The “grinding” technique is a specific technique that improves blood supply to tissues and frees them from muscle-tissue blocks. In essence, this technique is a modernized technique for relieving hypertonicity using clamps for 30 seconds, in which the static execution of the technique is replaced by a dynamic one.

The “grinding” technique significantly reduces the time of working with both hypertonicity of one muscle and an entire spasmodic block consisting of several muscles, which allows you to relax the entire “knot” of problems at once by attracting additional blood to it.
In addition, the technique allows you to restore mucous tissue in thinned areas and build up subcutaneous fatty tissue, which differs in structure from other neighboring tissues.
The skin after performing this technique becomes more elastic.

When performing the “grinding” technique, one finger is fixing, the second is active. Both fingers should not “fidget” or move the skin. The active finger moves forward, as if “screwing” towards the fixing one. The “impenetrable” fabric (fold) is rubbed vigorously, but at the same time softly and carefully.
The technique is performed until the tissue completely “melts” under the fingers. Usually it is enough to complete the reception
20-30 seconds, if there are no big problems - 10 seconds. After performing the technique, it is always necessary to lay out the tissues.

The rejuvenation method according to N. Osminina’s system includes techniques that can be easily performed at home.
We have already discussed Revitonics exercises for aligning the spine, neck, back, and lower back in the following posts:

Revitonics for the face includes a set of exercises aimed at relaxing and stretching all the muscles in this area.

Techniques for the forehead

We erase wrinkles on the forehead.


■ Reduction and complete elimination of wrinkles on the forehead
■ Return of smooth skin
■ Restoration of eyebrow position
■Improved sleep quality


■ Place the index finger of one hand with the entire inner side surface above the eyebrow.
Create an emphasis with your thumb on the temple, placing it to the side, stretching the skin in a horizontal direction. Your palm should form a kind of visor with which you cover your eyes from the sun.
■ With your other hand, throwing it over your head, draw spiral lines, starting from the eyebrows to the hairline. You will feel that with each spiral movement the skin is pulled up and the eyebrows are raised.
■ Do the same on the other eyebrow.
■ Massage the middle part of your forehead. Place your palms on your face so that your fingers touch your forehead. The little fingers touch each other and are pressed to the center of the forehead.
Using massage spiral movements, move from bottom to top from the center to the edge, smoothing out wrinkles. The emphasis is on moving the little fingers up the center of the forehead, nudging them with a facial raising of the eyebrows.

Relaxing the forehead and raising the eyebrows

■ Place one hand under the back of your head, the other on your forehead.
■ Imagine energy (perceptual vibration) passing between your hands.
■ Send vibration from the back of your head to your forehead and back for 4 seconds in each direction, following the movement of energy with your inner gaze. Perform for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
■ Then begin to pull the forehead tissue upward. Before you start taking it, you should feel wetness between your forehead and hand.
■ Slowly move your palm up to your hairline, tightening the skin of your forehead.
Feel how the skin, fixed by the palm, moves along with the palm. Follow the movement with your inner gaze.
■ At the same time, help the movement of the forehead tissues with an auxiliary hand lying on the back of the head, directing the aponeurosis downward. Stretch your heels away from you, imagining how with this movement you are helping to raise your eyebrows.
In the same way, without getting out of bed, you can continue to work on your face.

Revitonics for eyes

Enlargement of the orbit at the inner corner of the eye.

Perform the technique for each eye separately, starting with the left.

■ Make a “V” with your index and middle fingers of your left hand. Point the outer part of your palm towards your face. Place your middle finger at the outer corner of your eyebrow and your index finger at the outer corner of your eye.
■ Place the index finger of your right hand under the inner point of the eyebrow, and the middle finger under the inner corner of the eye.
■ Imagine that the pupil of the eye is the center of the resulting rectangle. Using the corners of this rectangle, try to expand the orbit of the eye evenly relative to the pupil.

Expansion of eye orbits


■ eyes wide open.


■ Make a “V” shape with your index and middle fingers. Point your palms outwards towards your face.
■ Place your middle fingers on the upper bone of the eye orbits, and your index fingers on the lower bone. Pressing your finger bones into the orbit, bring the spacers all the way to the bridge of your nose. Wait 20-30 seconds.
■ Then move the “spacers” in the opposite direction - towards the periphery. As you move, squint your eyes, resisting your fingers.
Move in intermittent dotted movements towards your temples. Fingers should not pull the skin.
■ Use your fingers to widen your eyes. Hold the position for about 10 seconds.
■ Without changing the position of your hands, move your eyes around the entire circle, starting from the top. Raise your eyes up, as if looking under the top of your head, and hold them until you feel that your view begins to increase, you begin to see things around you that were not previously in your field of vision.
■ Directing your gaze downward, look as if into the depths of the body, slightly lowering the lower orbit of the eye, follow its relaxation. Don't try too hard.
■ After the downward movement has finished, fix your gaze downward and again move your eyes as high as possible. The fabrics are in place, they do not stretch when you move your gaze.
■ Direct your gaze to the left, squinting your eyes as far as possible, moving them in an outer semicircle.
■ Repeat on the left side.
■ At the end, expand the orbits of the eyes as much as possible without removing the “spacers” from them.
Blink quickly for 1 minute.

It is important to remember that your eyes show your age. Regularly performing exercises for youthful eyes will help restore this area and slow down aging.

Revitonics for lips

Raising the corners of the lips.


■ Place your index fingers on the corners of your mouth, place your thumbs on the jaw arch where the triangular muscles attach to it (see picture).
■ Gently pull your fingers toward each other. Take your time, wait until the skin is moisturized and moves freely. When the skin becomes moisturized, it will mean that the muscles have relaxed.
■ Next, work on each corner of your mouth in turn.

Revitonics for nasolabial folds

Reception for muscle relaxation and lymphatic drainage of the nasolabial area.


■ Reduces the size of the nasolabial lips, which often fill with fluid during sleep due to slower lymphatic drainage,
■ Relaxes the muscles around the nostrils,
■ Removes water from the area.


■ Place the index finger of one hand on the nostril, the index finger of the other hand at the beginning of the nasolabial fold on the cheek.
■ Move two fingers relative to each other, as if scrolling a figure eight, one wing of which is drawn by one hand, and the other by the other.
■ Do the same with the other nostril.
■ Place your index fingers along the nasolabial fold towards
■ Using light vibration movements along the nasolabial fold from bottom to top, move the stagnant lymph in intermittent movements, stepping back a little at each step and moving forward again.

Help this movement by sniffling.

Exercise to relax the muscles that lift the ala nasi and upper lip


■ Perform on each half of the face separately.
■ Pinch the outer edge of the left nostril with the index finger and thumb of the right hand. We place the index finger of the left hand at the inner corner of the left eye, at the beginning of the levator ala nasi muscle.
■ Move the lower finger towards the upper one. We capture not the skin, but the muscle. Hold for 30 seconds, rubbing the resulting crease until it disappears. We stretch the working area in different directions.
■ We form a tuck again, periodically gently stretching the area of ​​the muscle we are working with. We fix the stretched and relaxed muscle.

Revitonics for facelift - exercise "Scream"

This technique can be performed without getting out of bed in the morning.


■ Reduces age-related upward lifting of the jaw and eliminates spasm of the masticatory muscles, ensuring uniform placement of facial tissues.
■ Returns the “angle of youth”, helps to correctly distribute the tissue of the masticatory muscle, remove the “eyelid-cheek” boundary and smooth the cheek tissue.

Raising technique:

■ First, let’s consider the “Scream”, intended for those who have the First type of biomechanical aging of the face (formation of jowls with age):
1. Open your mouth, strongly lowering your lower jaw. The lips are drawn out like a tube, as if pronouncing the letter “O”. Often people feel pain at this moment at the junction of the jaws.
2. Place your palms in the area where the jaws connect, not paying attention to the pain, try to lower the muscle, smoothing it along its entire length. To do this, press downwards with your palms, starting from the edge at the outer corner of the eye, and move down vertically and along an oblique line as shown in the figure. Eyes wide open.
Repeat several times.

■ Exercise “Scream” for those who have the Second type of biomechanical aging of the face (lifting the chin up with age), this technique should be performed as follows:
1. Place your palms on your cheeks. The fingers are located from the chin to the outer edge of the eye. The palms are pressed tightly against the jaw angle and the entire jaw arch.
2. Slightly pull the lower jaw forward and slightly upward, following the existing deformity, reinforcing it. Hold the position for 30 seconds. The load force should not exceed 5-10 grams.
Gently return the lower jaw to its original position and move it as far back as possible until it stops, fixing it for 5-10 seconds.

■ The third version of the “Scream” exercise is suitable for all types of biomechanical aging and is performed with the mouth closed (Fig. 2):
Place your hands on your cheeks in the direction from the corner of the jaw to the inner corner of the eye, covering the masseter muscle with your palms. Press the base of your palms tightly to the lower jaw, to the beginning of the masticatory muscle. The fingertips touch the eyelid-cheek border.
Stay in this position for several minutes. DO NOT press with your palms; the skin of your hands should seem to stick to the muscle.

Try the Revitonics exercises and see from your own experience that your body itself is able to recover and restore youth. We just need to help him.


■ You have diseases of an autoimmune, systemic nature;
■ Do you suffer from dermatitis;
■ Have chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
■ Are undergoing any treatment.

The “Revitonika” system is not able to remove defects caused by the listed diseases and is used by conditionally healthy people. If you have diseases that cause swelling - problems with the kidneys, heart, lungs, low blood pressure - the result of the anti-aging system may be short-lived due to the characteristics of a particular disease.

After injections of Botox on the face, gel, or other drugs, after operations and implantation of gold threads, you must consult a specialist before starting practice.

Current page: 6 (book has 13 pages total) [available reading passage: 9 pages]

Determining your type of aging

To determine your type of aging, take a profile photo and take measurements, comparing the results with the reference parameters given below (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Reference facial proportions

Ideally the height of the middle part of the face should be equal to the height of the lower part “a” = “b”. The anatomical landmarks of the upper part are the glabella point - the depression above the bridge of the nose and the lower point of the nasal septum. The lower part is measured from the bottom of the nasal septum to the edge of the chin. As you already know, age-related changes in both the first and second types will always manifest themselves as changes in facial proportions.

So, with the first type, the distance “a” will become less than “b” - the upper part will be shorter than the lower. With the second type, on the contrary, the distance “b” will be less than “a” - the lower part will become shorter than the upper (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Changes in facial proportions in the second (left) and first types of aging

This test will help you understand whether they are in a compressed or extended state. masticatory muscles– this is necessary in order to choose the right Revitonics techniques designed to overcome these defects.

The second type of aging can be complete or partial. The complete deformation includes the entire complex of masticatory muscles along with temporal muscles(Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Temporalis muscle

In this case, the face is folded into a “box” relative to a line drawn along its middle.

A striking example of this is the face of Penelope Cruz.

Most often, however, the deformity is partial, affecting either the upper part of the face or only the lower part. Or the face will bend relative to the line of the mouth (demonstrating strength orbicularis oris muscle), or – relative to the line of the bridge of the nose, showing the power of the suction whirlpool orbicularis oculi muscles. That is, in both cases, the “whirlpools” of the circular muscles, pulling into themselves the neighboring muscles, will be to blame for the deformations.

When testing the mucous surface of the orbicularis oris muscle, these lumps can be easily felt with your hands or even with your tongue. By and large, every muscle can be located in such lumps, or “torsions”. This comes from the fact that the body, as a self-regulating system, always being in a state of autopilot, in its own way tries to solve the problems of its painful condition, including physical movements of tissues, their tension, reversals. And this happens according to the type of nervous activity. Nervous individuals with a labile psyche, subject to the presence of initial problems of the musculoskeletal system, always have a larger layer of “layers”. Based on the nature of the “promotion”, its speed and directions, one can already draw a conclusion about what nervous type a person belongs to and how he tries to solve his problems (not only internal, but also external).

The simplest skills of training Revitonics techniques allow you to feel this “promotion” almost at the same level as professional osteopaths feel it.

The first type of aging also does not exist without its subvariants, which can be called mixed types.

In their simplest form, they are caused by psycho-emotional tensions (facial patterns) affecting the lower part of the face: orbicularis oris, triangularis And chin– spasm of these muscles always raises the jaw line, making it almost horizontal, which leads to the formation of mixed type variants. This also includes the role of various types of malocclusions, underdeveloped jaw length, etc.

The shape of the jaw and chin, according to phenotypology, is one of the main indicators of a person’s psychophysical qualities (his mental and physical stability). By biological analogy with the animal world, lowering the chin (like lowering the tail) is an indicator of demoralization and loss of protective qualities, and a decrease in stress resistance.

In addition, constantly pursed lips, resentment reactions leading to chronic spasm mentalis muscle, “vampire” suck the juices from the chin bone, leading to its reduction and degradation (bone resorption).

If we compare the types of facial aging from the point of view of their belonging to different characters, then it is obvious that the standard type with a tendency towards the second type will have the most leadership qualities, even predatory instincts. Such a person will be more aggressive, assertive, prone to “eating” competitors and defending his place in the Sun. Naturally, such types predominate more among the male part of the population than the female part. People with the first type of aging jaw are more flexible and soft. But those whose jaws are shortened and slanted inward can be classified as “herbivores.” Which does not mean they are harmless. Most often, such a person is a walking psychological problem with a lot of complexes, capable of harboring grievances and taking revenge “quietly.”

In any case, no matter how small the musculoskeletal “defect” is, it progresses with age. This is facilitated by two forces - attempts to adapt to the influence of some external force and the further development of an already established pathology.

Mixed type of aging

Those who are the luckiest are not so many - this is a small percentage of people whose skull shape is deformed to a very small extent. In this case, of course, age-related changes in muscles are possible, but in general such people retain their facial features until old age. Unfortunately, such lucky ones, as already mentioned, are few. Much more often it happens as in the famous joke, reflecting worldly wisdom. The man is indignant: “He took Elena the Beautiful as his wife - she turned into Baba Yaga.”

The swing principle

To establish the reality of the existence of division into basic types, we can imagine changes in the biomechanics of faces on the familiar design of the swing on which we swung in childhood: one end of the swing is always higher and the other lower.

The center of the swing can be imagined to be in the area where the jaws close. In the first type of aging, pressing up one end in the ear area will lead to the downward movement of the other end in the chin area (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. The swing principle for Type 1 aging

With the second type, the deformation force pulling the center of gravity of the swing is on the opposite side compared to the first type (Fig. 2). In the case of the first type, we squeeze our jaws “on our own”, spasm masticatory muscles, applying force as if from within. In the second type, the deformation comes from outside the body - some external forces of our body pull, push the jaw forward and upward, leading to tension and stretching masticatory muscles. At the same time, the face sinks deeper, as if someone is hitting it with a fist.

To summarize, we can say that if the dominant tension is compression of the masticatory muscles, the jaw in the ear area will be pressed upward (the first type of aging). If it is stretched, the jaw will be deformed according to the second type of aging. In deformations of the first type, the direction of the total vector is usually directed towards the pupil of the eye, leading to a concentration of the fleshy parts of the nasolabial folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

Rice. 2. The principle of swing for the Second type of aging

The classic “Scream” technique is intended for those who have the first type of biomechanical aging of the face. It is not suitable for people with mixed types of aging and those who have a shortened jaw. In such cases, it can be replaced with a passive “Scream”.

The “Scream” technique will help you acquire a more correct “youth angle” and correctly distribute the tissue of the masticatory muscle. This will remove the ridges creeping onto the outer corner of the eye and reduce the “eyelid-cheek” border.

What does the phrase “eyelid-cheek border” mean? This term from plastic surgeons refers to the smoothness, or rather lack of smoothness, of the cheek tissue running down from the outer corner of the eye. We have already discussed the origin of this roller above, talking about the behavior masticatory muscle and the complex reaction of neighboring muscles. When it is forced to shorten, the “excess” part of the tissue covering the chewing part must be located somewhere.

Most often, it gets stuck in the upper part of the face, covering the outer corner of the eye like a roller (Fig. 1). It creeps onto the lower eyelid, impairs its blood supply (which leads to loss of skin elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles), and reduces peripheral vision.

Rice. 1. Border “eyelid-cheek”

Often, deep oblique wrinkles running from the outer corner of the eye downward have their origins not only in increased facial expressions, but also in the habit of sleeping on the side. And the culprit should be sought not in stretched skin, but in the appearance of excess tissue between the eye and the middle of the cheek, which we “punch” at night while we sleep on our side. Where does the thin skin of the eyelids, pressed down by our weight, go – so it forms into a sharp wrinkle.

It was to avoid the appearance of these wrinkles that I came up with the “REFORMIO” anti-aging pillow, which gently fixes the head, preventing it from turning to the side. By the way, Japanese traditions require women to sleep exclusively on their backs to maintain a youthful appearance.

Rolling a tissue roll onto the outer corner of the eye

The choice of pillow for sleeping is important. It is known that a high headboard promotes the displacement of the lower jaw forward and downward, while a low headboard promotes the displacement of the lower jaw backward and downward.

From a psychophysiological point of view, a correctly positioned jaw is an indicator of a person’s inner confidence. It is due to the body’s ability to develop adaptive reactions aimed at maintaining its normal functioning. This indicator is very important in the process of adaptation of the human body to new conditions, including climatic and geographical ones (acclimatization).

Indeed, from the point of view of evolution, the chewing function is one of the main parameters of human capacity. At the beginning of the book, I wrote that an animal that is not able to chew food is doomed to death.

But the task of the masticatory muscles is not limited to the task of chewing - they are also actively involved in our psycho-emotional life.

The instinctive spasm of the jaw in moments of stress and danger is an ancient reflex of our body. Remember the evil grin of animals when they are preparing to attack or defend. Unlike our human stresses (which are chronic, long-lasting, protracted), a sharp release of adrenaline during short-term stress leads to the mobilization of the entire body - increased blood supply to the masticatory muscles, lips, cheeks, teeth for subsequent work. Mainly hunting for food. And the subsequent work of eating the caught victim and the resulting pleasure from saturation completely eliminates this stress, leading to the removal of spasm from the jaws and the release of opiate-like hormones - endorphins (hormones of joy).

Stress in this form is normal and does not entail negative consequences. This is why people whose jaw shape (and, accordingly, their psychotype) are classified as “predators” are much more stress-resistant than those who belong to the first type of aging and “herbivores.” Both of the latter groups, in anticipation of a constant energy attack, are forced to “keep their ears open,” that is, to be in long-term stress to the outside world most of the time.

The fact that we overcome everyday difficulties, as they say, courageously “gritting our teeth,” leads to a chronic spasm of the jaws, in which such unrepressed emotions as hidden anger, aggression, and discontent are reliably sealed, like in a safe. It is for this reason that the place where the lower jaw is attached to the upper jaw (with the help of the masticatory muscles) becomes the “weak link” and the root cause of aging of our face.

And here we are talking not only about a cosmetic defect.

Chronic clenching of the jaws leads to many negative consequences for health: the vessels that nourish the skin of the face, the branches of the trigeminal nerve are compressed, and the excretory ducts of the salivary glands are compressed. Excessive pressure when closing the jaws leads to faster wear of teeth, worsens their condition and nutrition, leads to abrasion of enamel, malocclusion, periodontal disease, etc. Usually this process begins on one side, the one on which we prefer to sleep. Often during sleep, we press ourselves into the pillow with such force that the pinched nerves, deprived of blood circulation, begin to atrophy. The healing sleep we need so much can, during times of stress, lead to a deterioration in our appearance, to the appearance of new wrinkles, and sometimes to instant aging. But there is a physiological explanation for all this. During the day, we control our emotions as much as we can, and only by relaxing during sleep does the body, trying to relieve us of underlying stress, “push” it to the surface of our skin. As a result, blood vessels, capillaries, and nerves spasm. You never know what can happen to our face from severe stress. The most unpleasant case is instant complete tissue atrophy, caused by spasm of all facial muscles under the influence of severe stress.

To remove the eyelid-cheek border and smooth the cheek tissue, it is necessary to restore the tone and location of the muscles, the deformation of which led to the formation of the ridge.

The “Scream” exercise reduces the pathological upward pulling of the jaw and relaxes the spasm of the masticatory muscles, providing free space for the even laying out of the cushion tissue.

Exercise "scream"


Reducing the eyelid-cheek border

Reducing the tissue ridge under the eyes

Reduction of diagonal wrinkles from the corner of the eye

Opening the eyes from the outside

Exercise technique

masticatory muscle in the direction from the corner of the jaw to the inner corner of the eye (Fig. 1).

2. Press the stool of the palms (the widest inner part of the palm that goes into the hand) tightly to the lower part of the masticatory muscle. The index fingers touch the eyelid-cheek border, the thumb touches in front of the ear. In the “O” position, lift the “general array” all the way up masticatory muscles towards the nose and inner corner of the eye. Hold for 30 seconds. You need to grab the lower part of this block not by the jaw angle, but by the lower part masticatory muscle.

3. Does not relieve tension from the stool of the palms, fan out your fingers towards your temples. Fix them for 1-2 seconds on the cheekbones, stretch the tissues with your hands horizontally to the temples and slowly, with gentle force, lower them masticatory muscle vertically downwards with “blotting”, “sculpting” movements, at the same time kneading all the bumps on it and trying to distribute them smoothly over the cheeks (not all the fingers come off, but one at a time - the palm seems to roll over the cheek according to the “papier-mâché” principle) (Fig. .2). When stretching the masticatory muscle downward with palpating movements, do not forget to pull down the “eyelid-cheek” border with the last phalanges of your fingers, ensuring that it becomes smoother or disappears.

The general direction of hand movement looks as shown in the figure below (Fig. H).

Exercise "Scream"
Preventive option


The appearance of a “youth angle” and a correct jaw line

Restoration of facial oval

Alignment of the eyelid-cheek border

Return of youthful facial features

In order to compensate for the damage caused to your teeth and jaws by night cramps, it is recommended to do this exercise as a preventative every morning (or throughout the day).

Execution technique

Place your hands on your face in the “O” position, using “blotting”, pressing movements, slowly, with gentle effort, move from top to bottom along the masticatory muscle, at the same time kneading it with your palms and pulling it down, trying to distribute it smoothly over your cheeks. The masticatory muscle must be lowered in 2 directions, both in the directions of the fibers of the deep and superficial parts (Fig. 1).

Passive "scream"

The “passive “Scream” technique is suitable for any type of biomechanical aging of the face. It is absolutely safe for any displacement of the jaw joint and is very effective because it works at a soft fascial level.

1. Place your palms on your cheeks, as if covering masticatory muscle in the direction from the corner of the jaw to the inner corner of the eye.

Press the palm stool (the widest inner part of the palm that goes into the hand) tightly to the bottom masticatory muscle. The index fingers touch the eyelid-cheek border, the thumb touches in front of the ear.

Lock in this position for a few minutes. Do not press your palms deep into the muscle; you should “glue” to the muscle. Then, together with the muscle, move your hands away from your face, all the time feeling and controlling this “coupling”. Your hands should seem to be floating in the air. The longer you keep your hands in this position, the better. Thus, you, as it were, warm up the muscles, relaxing them and giving them the opportunity to unwind on their own. Ideally, you can hold your hands like this for up to 5–7 minutes.

You can do this technique in two variations, both with the jaws closed and in the classic “Scream” position.

Exercise "scream" for the second type of aging

1. Place your palms on your cheeks. Direct your fingers from the chin to the outer corner of the eye. The hands are pressed tightly against the jaw angle and its arch.

2. Pull the lower jaw forward and slightly upward, according to the existing deformity. Strengthen it. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

3. Gently return the lower jaw to its original position and move it as far back as possible until it stops, maintaining a fixation time of 5 -10 seconds.

With a shortened lower jaw line, it is recommended to do a passive “Scream” and “Scream” for the second type of aging, with the exception of the third final phase (limited to points 1 and 2). The effect can be supplemented by a technique for stretching the jaw arch.


And with the first type, and especially with the second, gymnastics for the jaw joint is recommended.

You can make normal physiological movements with your jaw: move your jaw up and down (lowering the lower jaw down, opening and closing your mouth), left and right, and make circular movements with a small amplitude. It is useful to perform this exercise: slightly tilt your head down, turn it as far as possible to the left and, following the arc described by your chin, return to the starting position. The chin describes a semicircle. Perform the exercise several times in both directions.

Nasolabial folds

It's no surprise that our first instinctive attempts to relieve stress lead us to the refrigerator. Doctors, by the way, recommend not fighting natural instincts, but simply replacing high-calorie food with a “dummy”, in the form of regular chewing gum, which they advise chewing at this moment as intensely and quickly as possible. Chewing can be completely compensated for by physical activity - running or just walking quickly. We came out of Nature, and all instincts, reflexes, and reactions remained with us from the animal world.

By working naturally to lengthen the neck, restoring the chin, the correct angle and a beautiful jaw line, we neutralize the effects of aging of the body not only superficially (aesthetically), but also from the inside (physiologically). We change our character, make ourselves stronger, more capable, and therefore more sexually attractive, since the second law of Nature - procreation - forces the opposite sex to instinctively focus on individuals capable of surviving and protecting the common offspring.

Everything in a person is so interconnected that, for example, incorrect positioning of the jaw is often caused by incorrectly positioned cervical vertebrae. This connection between the correct statics of the spine, the position of the jaw and the health of the teeth is explained by the fact that the vector of forces from the chewing teeth is always directed towards the base of the skull.

The connection between the increase in the length of the lower jaw (body and ramus) and the stage of development of the cervical vertebrae has been scientifically proven.

Over the past decades, the relationship of the cervical spine with the position of the lower jaw and occlusion (closing of teeth - contact of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws) has been repeatedly demonstrated in experimental and clinical studies.

Thus, in 2005, Dr. D’Attilio and a group of co-authors, in experimental work on rats, showed a direct dependence of the condition of the spine on occlusion.

Orthodontists know that patients who enter the office with a straight back, good posture and in a good mood are coming only for a preventive examination and do not need orthodontic treatment. But those who are stooped, with “curvatures of the spine”, “lethargic” and sad, alas, need treatment. The connection between posture, health and proper bite is scientifically proven. Any violations of posture lead to compensatory changes occurring throughout the body, also affecting the maxillofacial area.

And the main attribute of this area is the nasolabial folds. I won’t particularly sin against the truth if I say that they worry many women in the first place.

Almost always originating in the upper part of the face - at the wings of the nose, nasolabial folds tend to grow and lengthen, turning into lower sagging - “jowls”, “dog cheeks”, “bulldog cheeks”, etc., in general, into everything that acquired by “backbreaking labor” over many years..

Such a large group of muscles takes part in the creation of nasolabial folds that it is easier to explain the reasons for what is happening by dividing this problem area into three parts - upper, middle and lower.

Behind "upper sagging"– “sides” at the very wings of the nose are responsible for spasm of the alar muscle of the nose, as well as hypertonicity of the muscle that lifts the upper lip and ala nasi, which is partially woven into the nasal muscle (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Muscles that provoke the formation of nasolabial folds:

1 – nasal muscle;

2 – muscle that lifts the upper lip and wing of the nose

Spasm of the lateral part of the nose leads to the fact that the side of the nose is shortened, drawn closer to the eye and, overgrown with cartilage and fatty tissue in this place, creates a tubercle or bulge (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Nasalis muscle (lateral nasal muscle)

As I already said, this happens because inside the shortened fascia the muscles begin to “clump” into a thick sausage. This spasm leads not only to hypertonic nasolabial folds, but also to recessed eyes and shortening of the sides of the nose (Fig. 3). Naturally, the nose then immediately begins to appear longer and “peck down.”

Rice. 3. Visibility of lengthening of the central bridge of the nose

So that the tissues begin to fall down from the wings of the nose, forming full-fledged nasolabial folds - "medium sagging", deformation needed several more muscles - the levator labii superioris muscle, the zygomaticus major and zygomaticus minor muscles(Fig. 4).

Zygomatic major and minor muscles attached to the cheek bone and woven into the corner of the mouth. If they become spasms (hypertonicity), they begin to tighten, shorten in size, and the excess skin begins to sag in nasolabial folds.

Rice. 4. Muscles that cause nasolabial folds in the middle part of the face:

1 – muscle that lifts the upper lip;

2 – zygomaticus minor;

3 – zygomaticus major muscle

In both the first and second types of aging, the greatest hypertonicities are always located near the nose and in the middle of the face, with only a slight difference in location. This is explained by the fact that in the vast majority of cases the face spasms towards the center, clenching into a fist.

"Lower sags" are formed mainly due to the deformation of four muscle structures - the buccal muscle, the triangular muscle (the depressor anguli oris muscle), the depressor labii muscle and the mental muscle (Fig. 5). As a result of their imbalance, folds and wrinkles form at the corners of the mouth, which subsequently frame the chin and go down to the jaw arch, becoming part of the “dog cheeks” and “bulldog cheeks” that are so hated by all women.

Rice. 5. Muscles that cause lower sagging:

1 – buccal muscle;

2 – triangular muscle (muscle that lowers the angle of the mouth);

3 – muscle that lowers the lower lip;

4 – mental muscle

As a preventive measure to combat such defects (and in the case of the initial stage of their occurrence), it is enough to do a light massage of the points at the wings of the nose, from which the contraction of the muscles of the lateral part of the nose begins.

The dream of any woman is to always remain young and beautiful, but over time, irreversible processes happen to everyone. Somewhere the slender body disappears, the joints begin to deform, the royal posture disappears, unsightly folds, wrinkles and age spots appear. The oval of the face and the skin of the neck are especially modified. Swelling and bags in the eye area, double chin, nasolabial folds increasing every day, all these signs of aging make every woman constantly upset.

The older a woman gets, the more she dreams of returning her former beauty to her appearance. And then everything comes into play: miraculous masks, cosmetic procedures, plastic surgeries, trips to charlatans who promise miraculous rejuvenation in one visit. Sometimes one of the above helps, sometimes it causes irreparable harm to appearance and health. So what should ladies do, whose age is approaching the point after which signs of aging become noticeable to the eye?

It’s not too late to take care of yourself at any time; you shouldn’t give up, believing that only young girls can correct their figure and improve their appearance.

You only need to understand one thing: the older a woman is, the longer it takes to take care of herself.

Fitness will help give you a slim figure; you just don’t need to forget that when playing sports, it’s the system that’s important. Only exercises, the course of which is recommended by an experienced instructor, can help to model a figure after a certain time. It’s also a good idea to think about properly selected diets: a separate nutrition method or a protein diet; each woman herself must determine what best suits her body.

But the main problem of any woman of post-Balzac age is skin aging. Wrinkles around the eyes, loose skin in the neck area, blurred facial contours—these are signs of approaching old age that cannot be hidden under clothes or veiled with cosmetics. First, various expensive creams and anti-aging capsules are used, the course of which costs fabulous money, after which many decide to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

But there are methods by which you can give your facial skin a blooming, healthy look and restore lost youth to it, without using the services of plastic surgery.

In science, this direction is called biogymnastics.

So what is it? In simple terms, this is gymnastics for all facial muscles. Many researchers have developed a whole set of special exercises for the eyes, facial muscles and neck - the places where it is easiest to determine how old a woman is. This method of rejuvenation has been known for quite a long time, the exercises, the course of which must be performed, are simple and effective, but one should not forget that here, first of all, the system is important, otherwise the result will not be noticeable. Reviews from those who have mastered the set of exercises and done them regularly are the most positive.

A method called “Revitonika”, what is it?

There are many methods that guarantee those who start using them on themselves an instant result, but the method discussed below does not promise that a miraculous transformation will happen on its own; this method requires people to perform the exercises for a long time and systematically, only in this way thus guaranteeing the result.

The Revitonics exercise system is fitness for the muscles of the face, neck and skin in the eye area, the founder of this direction is Natalya Osminina, a well-known specialist who has long and fruitfully been involved in the rehabilitation of muscles in the facial area. Since 2010, Natalya Osminina has been promoting the method of natural skin rejuvenation using special devices and manual influence on the muscles of the face and neck. The recommended exercises are based on the principle of adjusting muscle tension and relaxation. The method is based on deep knowledge of biomechanics, biohydraulics, manual modeling and rehabilitation techniques.

The motto of this direction in the field of facial rejuvenation can be called the following phrase: “Revitonika, turn back time”, this is exactly what Osminina promises to those who master the whole range of exercises. Like any new endeavor, Osminina’s method has many supporters and opponents, their reviews are diametrically different. To more accurately understand whether it is worth using it, you need to understand what this method is.

Revitonics are special exercises combined into a complex, designed to pump up certain muscles; each specific course of movements performed can solve a specific problem: remove wrinkles, improve lymphatic drainage, tighten the muscles around the eyes. This kind of facial fitness can be done on your own if you carefully study the video lessons, where the basic course of classes is clearly outlined, or by reading Natalia’s books.

What exactly does such gymnastics give?

A system of exercises performed for a month can radically change your appearance; the changes will become noticeable not only to the person doing the exercises, but also to those around you.

Reviews from those who systematically complete at least the basic course indicate that:

  • the facial oval changes, it becomes clear, the double chin disappears,
  • blood flow improves in all tissues, which leads to the formation of a clear oval contour,
  • gymnastics forms a beautiful jaw line,
  • bags in the eye area go away,
  • wrinkles disappear.

After just a few trainings, everyone who was distrustful of this technique notices an improvement in their appearance. This means that Revitonics classes, despite the negative reviews of some people, can be considered an alternative method of rejuvenation, which is quite capable of replacing plastic surgery. This opinion exists not only among ordinary people, but many doctors confirm that the skin seems to regain its youth after a set of exercises.

What is the method based on?

This technique is based on deep knowledge in the field of osteopathy, used to rejuvenate and restore skin tone. The entire set of exercises, divided into certain blocks, is designed to restart metabolic processes in the body, increase the rate of lymph exchange, resulting in a noticeable tightening of the skin on the face, the effect of these actions is very similar to the lifting effect. With regular exercise, capillaries are restored, swelling disappears, especially in the eye area, bags and wrinkles disappear.

The basic course is aimed at:

  1. Restoration of posture and mobility in the cervical spine.
  2. Relieving muscle tension.
  3. Starting lymph exchange in the body.
  4. Stimulation of the circulatory system.
  5. Strengthening the muscles responsible for facial expressions.
  6. Restoration of masticatory muscles.
  7. Unlocking the natural potential of self-regulation processes.

Gymnastics for the skin, principle of action

So, what are the principles of action, and how does the founder of the method see the problem of aging?

Literature worth reading

Anyone who is truly interested in this technique should read Osminina’s books on the topic of rejuvenation.

The book “Resurrection of the Face or an Ordinary Miracle,” published in 2015, explains in detail the author’s position and reveals many secrets of the human body. The miracle it talks about is a description of the hidden capabilities of the body and methods for revealing them.

All women strive to remain beautiful for a long time. A technique has now been developed that allows you to keep your facial skin in constant tone. These are revitonics exercises for the face. This complex is a combination of massage and exercises for the facial muscles. In this way, maximum efficiency can be achieved. The main advantage is the improvement of blood supply to the facial skin. Due to this, aging slows down.


In practice, there are several types of revitonics. The common thing here is the impact on problem areas. There are options depending on the place of application. This is due to the characteristics of a particular area of ​​human skin. Usually the following varieties are distinguished:

  • For eyes;
  • For the neck;
  • Massage. Sometimes called revitonics for the face.

Let's look at the main types in more detail.

For eyes

One of the popular trends is revitonics for the eyes. This type of gymnastics is aimed at normalizing the skin around the eyes. As you know, most women have problems with wrinkles around them or bags under their eyes, it all depends on the type of face. Special revitonics complexes can significantly reduce the risk of this problem.

The main task is to strengthen the muscles and ligaments that keep the skin toned. This will stop the formation of wrinkles. Normalizing the nutrition of the integument, which occurs during these exercises, will significantly reduce the risk of bags under the eyes.

As a result, you get a significant improvement in the appearance of the integument; there are cases when a person visually looks 10-15 years younger. These wonderful results can be achieved by doing just half an hour a day. And it should be noted that no expensive creams or procedures are required here. You can also do this kind of gymnastics anywhere.

For the neck

These complexes are more serious and extensive. This is due to the characteristics of the neck. As a rule, the problems here concern not only the skin, but also the general tone of the neck muscles. All this can reveal the real age of even the most well-groomed woman. Therefore, it is extremely important to pay significant attention to working with the neck. Experienced cosmetologists recommend doing such exercises for at least 15 minutes a day.

Complexes for the neck are varied. Revitonics for the neck necessarily includes a warm-up. This avoids microdamage to the muscles. All options include massage and muscle development exercises. You can pay attention to the exercises, they are somewhat reminiscent of ordinary gymnastics, but the emphasis is on flexibility, and techniques for pumping up the neck are practically excluded.

Correctly performed exercises will allow you to remove excess fat from your neck, in particular, get rid of a double chin. You will also get normal skin tone, which will reduce the problem of wrinkles, including in the décolleté area. Additionally, you will get rid of stagnation, so a good consequence of revitonics is a reduction in headaches and the disappearance of osteochondrosis.

For face

Often these complexes are called revitonics massage, this is due to the characteristics of the exercises. Most involve manipulating the skin with your hands combined with certain movements. With the help of such exercises you can achieve a great effect and ensure yourself an almost ideal appearance. During classes, all exercises are conditionally divided into zones, and they are affected in turn. The following types of exercises are distinguished:

  • For the nasolabial fold;
  • For cheekbones;
  • For the forehead;
  • For general tone.

An organic combination of all types of exercises allows you to most effectively keep your face in excellent shape. You need to remember that the result will not be immediate, so as not to burn out, experienced people recommend taking a photo at the beginning of classes. Then take pictures two weeks later. This way you can clearly see progress.


At the moment, quite a lot of different complexes have been developed that allow the most optimal restoration of the skin and muscles of the face. But for all options there are general recommendations that are best followed. The main mistake of many girls is to increase the training time, so they strive to speed up the results. To do this, they study for about an hour instead of ten minutes. This leads to significant stretching of the skin and muscles, so on the first day after training you will get a saggy face. Never exceed the recommended 10-15 minutes of exercise.

The important point is regularity. You should exercise every day, preferably in the morning. After two months of training, you can reduce the intensity of training to three per week.

Before starting exercises, it is necessary to warm up. This is especially important when working with the neck. As a warm-up, you can use slow tilts of your head, and you can also lightly pat your face.

To begin with, you should pay attention to the cheek muscles. They are located parallel to the lower jaw. The simplest option is the following exercise:

  • Let's open our mouth, lips need to be pulled out in the shape of the letter "O", the lower jaw drops and does not rise during the exercise. We insert the index fingers into the mouth; they will serve to control and limit movement. Then we pull our cheeks inward to touch the inside of our fingers. The exercise is repeated about ten times;
  • Another exercise for tightening the cheekbones is pressing on the chin. Sit down and rest your elbows on your knees, then rest your chin on your palms. So freeze for 30 seconds. The exercise is repeated three times.

Exercises for other muscles are also quite simple. For example, the following action helps fight wrinkles on the forehead. Open your eyes wider, while trying not to wrinkle your forehead. In this position, look into the distance for about 5 seconds; you will need to do 10 repetitions.

If there is a problem with the nasolabial fold, then you can do the following. We smile, after which we simply press our fingers on the nasolabial folds and slightly stretch the skin. It is enough to do it once for 30 seconds.

To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, you can lightly press your fingers on the bone in the corners of the eyes. In this position, open and close your eyes 10-15 times. This simple exercise will help you avoid the appearance of crow's feet.

For the neck, it is recommended to use a set of two exercises. First you need to stretch your neck forward. Pay attention to the need to keep your chin parallel to the floor. After which the head is moved back as far as possible. Watch your chin. Ten repetitions are done.

For the next exercise, be sure to relax your back and shoulders as much as possible. Turn your head left and right. At the same time, you should reach your chin to your shoulder. Also perform 10 repetitions in each direction.

Useful video about revitonics, interesting exercises

With these simple exercises you can significantly rejuvenate your facial skin. This will avoid the use of many cosmetic procedures. The complex does not take much time, which is very important in the modern world. You can find ten minutes in any case. Many thousands of women have already appreciated this technique and use it regularly.

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