Fur similar to mink but cheaper. Groundhog fur coat: what it looks like and how to care for it

All this was combined in a fur coat made of groundhog fur, which, at the same time, is also relatively inexpensive. In their appearance, marmot fur coats are very similar to mink fur products, but they are much cheaper. First of all, it was the availability of the material that caused such popularity of marmot skins in the production of fur clothing.

What does a marmot fur coat look like and a photo of mink products

Groundhog fur is similar to mink, it is very easy to confuse them, therefore, if desired, cheaper material can be replaced with an expensive one.

According to the designers, the marmot fur coat has long been a wonderful alternative to expensive and luxurious noble mink products.

Here you can clearly see in the photo what a marmot fur coat looks like:

The fur of this animal is characterized by a shiny, smooth and uniform hairline with amazing tints.

The fur coat is just as elegant, refined and beautiful, it is distinguished by its natural beauty and looks no worse than mink outerwear.

To be convinced of the similarity of the furs of these two common fur-bearing animals, just look at the photo of a mink fur coat, located a little lower:

Indeed, only an experienced expert will be able to understand that in front of him is not a mink, but a marmot coat.

How much does a groundhog coat cost?

How much does the fur of this animal cost and can almost every fashionista really buy such clothes?

In this photo, the price of a marmot fur coat is approximately 50 thousand rubles:

In the salons of fur products, prices for short fur coats from the fur of this animal start at 30 thousand rubles. The longer the coat, the higher the cost.

An important role in the formation of prices is played by the style, namely its relevance this season. Also, a product made in a trendy color will cost a little more.

If you're considering buying big-name fur outerwear, be prepared to spend quite a bit of money.

Also, the prices for such fur products may differ depending on the time of extraction of the marmot fur, its color and the quality of the dressing of the skins.

Given the relatively low cost of such fur clothing, many women are interested in the question of how marmot fur coats are worn and how long they will serve their mistress.

Outerwear made of marmot fur, with proper dressing of the material and high-quality tailoring of the product, is worn well.

If the owner of the fur coat follows all the rules for caring for the product, it will serve her for at least three to four seasons, while maintaining its presentable appearance.

How to wear a marmot fur coat and how to care for it

In order for a luxurious thing to warm and decorate its mistress for more than one year, you should learn how to care for a marmot fur coat.

Care is very simple, but it must be correct and constant, only in this way the fur will retain its new look for many years.

Groundhog fur care consists of the following actions:

Cleaning. Every time at the end of the season, outerwear should be cleaned. However, this should not be done on your own, but only in dry cleaning, especially fur coats made of white and light fur need such care.

Drying. If you are in a fur coat caught in the rain, coming home, it must be dried in natural conditions. The product must be hung on a coat hanger away from heaters and drafts, the fur should be gently smoothed by hand and left to dry completely.

Scuff prevention. The main problem when wearing a fur coat is the appearance of scuffs, they form on the sleeves, pockets and shoulders. It is difficult to eliminate such defects, sometimes it becomes even impossible, so it is better to prevent them.

No need to put dirty hands in pockets, often carry a bag on your arm or shoulder. When traveling by public transport, if possible, remove outer clothing and place it on the seat or hold it in your hands.

Smell. Natural fur has one unpleasant feature, it absorbs all odors - both pleasant and not very. Experts do not recommend spraying perfume directly on a fur coat, as they can soon change their smell, soaking into the wool, and start to smell bad. So that the thing does not absorb other smells in the apartment, you need to store it in a special case, hanging it on a hanger in the closet.

Shine. If there are several pieces of outerwear in your wardrobe - and a fur coat, wear a fur product more often. So your fur coat will shine longer, and the skin will remain elastic.

Below is a photo of a marmot fur coat, which is properly cared for:

Even after a few seasons, it looks like new. A marmot fur coat will become a worthy decoration for every woman, making her more elegant and graceful.

If you are thinking about buying a fur coat made of natural mink fur, then you will certainly have to learn how to distinguish mink fur from a marmot. They are incredibly similar to each other, and at first glance it is almost impossible to distinguish, so sometimes inexpensive marmot fur is passed off as a luxurious mink. We will introduce you to 7 main differences.


Mink fur (link) is very elastic, and you can not only sew various beautiful products from it, but also create all kinds of fashion accessories - scarves, handbags, cosmetic bags, jackets. Groundhog fur (link), on the contrary, is difficult to process and has practically no elasticity. It is also worth noting that the mink has much softer and more delicate fur. If you want to buy a marmot fur coat, then you need to look very carefully at the quality of the workmanship.

Villus length

In a mink, all the fibers are of the same length, while in a marmot, on the contrary, the pile is very uneven and uneven, which creates a texture unusual for a natural mink. This is one of the most obvious criteria by which these two furs are distinguished.

Tactile sensations

Another effective way to check the fur: iron the coat against the wool. In a mink, the pile immediately returns to its original position and does not deform, in a marmot, on the contrary, it bends down, crumples, and bristles in different directions.


Groundhog fur, though very similar to mink, but still there are some differences in shades. Groundhog fur can be dyed to look like a mink, then it will have a slight bluish or purple tint, while a real mink fur is shiny, light and without a blue tint.

Low temperature resistance

The mink is great for warming in cold weather, while the marmot is better suited for early winter or autumn. At temperatures below -10 it will be very cold in a marmot, but you can walk in a mink all winter, and you will be warmer only in a beaver, fox or arctic fox.

wear resistance

Mink is one of the most durable furs, and groundhog, on the contrary, wears out in 2-3 seasons. Dyed fur wears out even faster, so if you buy a dyed marmot, it will last 1-2 winters.


Mink coats are much more expensive than similar groundhog coats. You can buy a groundhog coat that looks very much like a mink, and it will cost 3-4 times cheaper, but the quality will be much worse and it will last you only one or two seasons, while a mink, with proper care, can please you 10-15 years old.

Knowing these features, you will not let yourself be deceived, and most importantly, buy a really high-quality product made of first-class fur, which will serve not only as a good decoration, but will also warm you in cold winters. We wish you a successful purchase!

When you buy a mink coat, you need to know the fundamental differences between expensive fur and similar ones. Groundhog fur is recognized as the best "imitator". Outwardly, the products are almost exactly the same, only the mink coat is resistant to wear, therefore it warms and pleases with its appearance twice as long as the marmot one.

Even if the quality of the marmot fur is high enough, it can be distinguished from the mink by "special signs":

1. The uniformity of the length of the hairs. The mink has an even pile, but the groundhog has different hair lengths.

2. To the touch, the groundhog coat is much denser. While mink fur is surprisingly soft and plastic. To be sure of this, it is worth feeling things in turn.

3. Another property of mink villi is to strive in one direction. If you ruffle a mink coat "against the wool", the track will quickly straighten out, and the groundhog's fur can bulge in different directions.

4. When buying a mink product, a bluish or purple tint should be alarming - it is likely that you are offered a dyed marmot skin.

Advantages of a groundhog coat

The main thing here, no doubt, is the price, which is several times lower than that of a mink. In addition, the fur coat is elegant and good-looking - mink-like fur very much.

Also among the advantages is the rare lightness of the product. The fur coat will not hang like a stone weight on the shoulders of the hostess, because the villi are located differently than in other types of fur, which makes marmot coats perhaps the lightest of all.

Knowing which fur looks like mink more than the rest, you can buy a comfortable fur coat that looks like a million, but costs much less.

Keep in mind that the gentle groundhog does not like too low temperatures - try not to wear a fur coat at temperatures below 10 degrees below zero. It is necessary to store the product at room temperature, monitoring the moderation of humidity in the room.

The range of fur coats on the modern market is only expanding from year to year. These are elite fur coats from valuable and affordable economy class products. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are constantly faced with the choice of which fur coat to buy.

Not everyone has access to a marten or sable fur coat, and every woman wants to look beautiful and elegant in winter. One of the affordable, but quite attractive options is a groundhog fur coat. It should be said right away that a fur coat is needed not only in severe frosts, but also in warmer winter weather. For such cases, you need to choose a product from lighter fur, which will be comfortable even in a thaw. A marmot fur coat will be an excellent choice of clothing for warm winters and off-season.

Groundhog fur has long been in demand in Rus'. At first, it was used as a finish for good-quality clothes, and then they began to sew fur coats and various accessories.

A marmot fur coat also attracts customers by the fact that it looks like a mink one, but at the same time it costs much less.

The marmot is common in regions with a warm climate, so its fur is not as warm as that of a mink. Groundhog fur, indeed, does not retain heat well. It is best to wear this coat at temperatures above -10C. In such weather, it will give comfort and warmth.

A marmot fur coat is perfect for autumn and spring. It will not be hot in it, and the special structure and arrangement of the villi makes the product light and comfortable. It is known that groundhog fur is one of the lightest, which is very valuable for outerwear.

A marmot fur coat, reviews of which are mostly positive, will last 3-4 seasons. Many fashionistas are used to keeping up with new trends, but not everyone can afford to change expensive mink coats often. Relatively inexpensive clothes will allow you to update your winter wardrobe more often and keep up with fashion.

Groundhog fur is similar to mink fur, which sometimes plays into the hands of unscrupulous sellers. In order not to get into trouble, you need to learn to distinguish between these furs. To do this is not so difficult. Groundhog fur has villi of different lengths, which changes the texture, making it unique. And the mink fur is even, because the hair has the same length.

Any fur coat must be chosen correctly so as not to run into a low-grade product. When choosing a product from a marmot, you need to use simple tips, and then the purchase will not disappoint.

When buying a fur coat, you should pay attention to such qualities of fur as density, softness, elasticity, shine, tensile strength, and the number of small natural skin defects.

First you need to run your hand over the fur. If you feel elasticity and firmness, then it is good. If you stroke it, then it should immediately return to its original state. Good quality fur should be soft and pleasant to the touch.

You should check the quality of coloring, if the fur is dyed. To do this, you need to run a white damp cloth over it. There should be no marks left on the cloth.

With a low quality of fur, waxes can come out of a fur coat. With poor dressing, the hair will easily come out even with a slight twitch. Also, you can run a woolen cloth over the fur. If it is of poor quality, the fluff will remain on the rag.

To determine the quality of a marmot coat, you need to shake it. If at the same time it rustles quietly, then the product meets quality standards, and if the sound is loud, then you should refuse to buy, since the fur is damp in this case.

In addition, a groundhog coat should not have too many seams, which make it less durable. Any product of good quality is supplied with a tag where you can read tips on caring for the product.

You should be aware that on high quality fur coats, the lining is not sewn to the fur along the bottom of the product. This is done so that the buyer can evaluate the wrong side, namely, the quality and number of seams.

There should be no chemical odors. Another "bell" of dyed fur. Also, you should not feel the dead animal fat, this is an indicator of a violation of the technological process.

Fundamentally: from time to time, the mezra remains light even when painting. Looks like cotton balls. In fact, it has no undercoat. Fundamentally: According to statistics, the most popular fur coat model is knee-length and with a hood. It is warm and no need to take a hat. A good fur coat is unlikely to be sewn in handicraft production.

The master must understand furs, be able to select skins by color and quality for one product, know all the subtleties of technology. Knowledge and abilities are acquired over the years and no one will exchange them for sewing low-grade products. Look at your armpits. They will issue a merchant who is trying to sell a used fur coat. Fundamentally: Wrinkled armpits speak of a worn product. 9. So you can check whether the fur is dyed or not. 6. Look at the mezra by lifting the hem at the lining, if it is not sewn, or by pushing the fur from the outside.

Take a fur coat only with a light skin, which shows the lack of paint and young fur. The manufacturer decides whether or not to sew on a lining, and many eminent designers and factories sew it on, which in no way underestimates the advantages of designer products. 7. Smell. It produces the memory of a cast skin.

A fur coat from parts looks as if sewn from small semicircles, in appearance it is wavy. How not to buy a bunny instead of a mink? The bunny is more suitable as a cheap analogue of the chinchilla, especially the Rex breed. But he is also given out for a mink, usually for a sheared one. Sheared and dyed to mask flaws. 2. Look at the undercoat.

Mink is winter and summer. They differ in pile and undercoat. Look also at the undercoat, whether it is quite thick. Fundamentally: Good fur does not need to be dyed. You must call on the help of vigilant eyes and a skeptical attitude. You can tell a rabbit from a mink by eye. Bunny fur is soft and shaggy.

From time to time, a fur coat is sewn into dissolution. For this technology, the skins are cut in a herringbone pattern and stitched back. On the one hand, the fur coat seems to have a floating silhouette, but, on the other hand, the product itself is the least durable. With poor tailoring, furrows may appear after the first season. When choosing such a model, pay special attention to the quality of the seams. To bring the bunny closer to the shorter pile of the mink, it is plucked.

Move the pile apart, look at it from the inside to see if there is an undercoat. Look at the color. The bunny is one-color, and the mink has small snow-white hairs. The fur coat itself does not "play" in the sun and it does not have shine. The next test is by touch. Bunny is much softer than mink. Look at the seams, they should be strong and strong, as well as the quality of the lining fabric, and what method it was sewn on. Fundamentally: the flawless lining is sewn by hand through the slanting inlay. 10.

What fur is similar to mink but cheaper

Should wobble a little. The least wear-resistant fur, the same bunny, is softer and does not prick. Nothing should remain in the hands, and the fur should quickly return to its previous position. Fundamentally: Do not believe the assurances that the fur is shedding, as the fur coat has been folded for a long time or has not been worn. The fur climbs due to violations of production technology, or the mink was obtained during molting. 4. The difference between a good mink coat.

An excellent mink coat looks expensive and rich. Quality can be seen in everything: cut, tailoring, details and the level of the fur itself. The fur coat should be sewn from whole plates, from the backs.

This is the most wear-resistant and excellent option. Winter has a thicker undercoat, it is warmer in it, and it costs less. The summer mink has a smoother, even and shiny appearance, the undercoat is smaller, and it costs more. 3. We check the core. Fur is a precious pleasure, and giving huge amounts of money for a fake or illiquid is doubly sad.

But don't worry! The specialists of the Furs of Russia portal will guide you along the most zigzag path to a meeting with your beloved and coveted mink coat. How to find mink fur. Black, brown - indicates the old age of the fur. 4. Evaluate visually.

Look at the fur coat or the skin as a whole. Well-known trading houses and brands do not sacrifice their reputation for the incomprehensible profit from the trade in bad fur, in the long run it will come out more expensive. The cost for it is one of the lowest in the fur market. It is absolutely not shameful for a young girl to have a vest or a handbag made of a bunny. It is worse if, under the guise of an expensive and high-quality mink, they offer a fur coat from a bunny. Lack of experience leads to the purchase of similar "mink coats".

But this can be avoided. Mezdra - the lower part of the skin. She talks about age. Choose only products and skins with a light elastic core. This happens when applying the technology of staining with bleaching or when lightening. Then trust your gut. 8. Look at the appearance, as a uniform color throughout the product, even color transitions.

5. Run a snow-white napkin or handkerchief over the fur coat. They must remain unsullied. Pay attention to style. Super trendy tailoring can look outdated after 1-2 seasons.

If you do not plan to change your fur coat often, give preference to the classics. Mink belongs to the highest category of valuable furs on a par with sable, lynx, chinchilla and is characterized by high wear resistance. A mink coat is worn for more than 6-8 winters, and can last even 10-14 seasons.

Study the label. It should contain the serial number and country of origin of the fur, the address of the manufacturer and other contacts. Fundamentally: There will still be a separate label for the auction fur. And in the end, it didn’t seem to sound ordinary, buy fur coats in tested places. Fundamentally: among buyers there is a worldview that the lining of a fur coat should not be sewn on, otherwise it is a fake. Let's dispel this myth. Bunny is a good animal.

It grows fast and is soft to the touch. The seams should not be visible at all. Dear lining. After all, a fur coat is purchased for long and long years, and the lining should also not wear out ahead of time. Self-assessment of the property of fur. Let's try to find quality without the help of others.

The method is suitable for individual skins, and for the entire product. 1. We evaluate by touch. The sounds will tell you if the fur was overdried or the development of the dressing was not respected. 2. Blow on the pile and touch the entire surface with your hands. You should not find creases by touch, you need a soft fur coat.

Fundamentally: Creases on the mezdra lead to holes and frisky wear. 3. Run your hand over the fur or gently tug at the hairs. Good high-quality fur feels smooth and soft to the touch. Moderately flexible, the villi should return to their previous position when you run your hand over it. How to distinguish a mink coat from a fake. On the eve of the next winter season, let's talk about how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake. Not a bad coat, well made. No loose threads, semi loose seams.

Specifically, for the beauty and durability, the mink was so fond of. But the quality varies, as does the cost. The quality is mainly influenced by the age of the fur, the part of the skin and the type of mink: European, Scandinavian, South American, etc.

Fur coats are sewn from various parts. From the back they are more expensive, from foreheads and tums - cheaper. The fur should be uniform, even. The fur from the back is denser and smoother.

Foreheads, tummies and other parts are the least durable and beautiful. But they are much cheaper. Fundamentally: In the product from the backs, the joints and undercoat are completely invisible. Large salons work directly with well-known factories, offering customers the best models.

Before buying, do not be too lazy to check the mink coat. So we come to an exciting moment: we like the fur coat, the price is right, it remains only to go through our checklist. 1. Shake the fur coat, it rattles or not, or squeeze the edge, listen to the rustle.

Feel more fur coats, after 10 you will understand where the fur is soft and where it is tougher. Fundamentally: Sheared mink is prickly to the touch with trimmed guard hairs, and the bunny still remains soft.