Questions for the game of imagination. "Imaginarium"

Imaginarium - board game

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today I want to present to your attention an exciting and creative game with which you can develop your imagination and just have a good time. Meet the Imaginarium!

My review of the board game Imaginarium

Game Features

This is an interesting board game that you can play for hours, if not days. Its main advantage, in addition to fascination, is an unflagging interest in the gameplay even after the tenth or twentieth installment. In addition, the advantages of "Imaginarium" include:

  • simple rules that can be learned right during the game (more on the rules will be below);
  • development of creative imagination;
  • the ability to increase the level of interest in the game, supplementing and improving the current rules;
  • the ability to play in companies from two to seven people;

This is not a compact card game, and therefore taking the Imaginarium with you on a trip and playing on the bus will not work. But on the other hand, it can be very fun and interesting to spend time at home, away, in nature.

Game box set

The standard version of Imaginarium, which my friends and I played, comes with the following configuration:

  • thick cardboard box with a built-in playing field. The box is quite voluminous both in height and in width. The field is inside;
  • 7 colorful figurines of flying elephants as tokens for the players;
  • multi-colored chips with serial numbers from 1 to 7;
  • 98 cards with various images;
  • booklet with game rules and illustrations.

Game cards are quite large and bright, made of thick laminated cardboard. The images are clear and understandable, each drawing denotes some kind of action or plot. It is worth noting that the print quality of the entire publication is at its best - neither the playing field nor the drawings on the game cards are erased or damaged during the game.

In addition to the standard cards, there are special ones with additional marks in the kit. They may have an image:

  • numbers 4. The host must make an association consisting of exactly four words;
  • book. In this case, it is necessary to present the association to the players in the form of a short story;
  • TV. Here the presenter will have to link his association with a famous cartoon, program, book or TV series;
  • question mark. The association is formulated as an interrogative sentence;
  • logo. This mark means that the presenter should use well-known brands of trademarks or other companies in his prompt.

The decision to embed the field with the game in the box itself may seem rather unusual, but it is very convenient. Next to the field are compartments in which chips, cards and tokens are stored.

Rules of the game

This desktop is entirely built on associations and the ability to choose the right definition for a particular image. The official rules recommend playing with a group of at least four people. Otherwise, spending time behind the Imaginarium box may lose its charm.

Official game rules:

  1. At the beginning, each player is dealt six game cards.
  2. The leader is selected. It can be determined by a preliminary agreement between the participants or by drawing tokens from a pile. Whoever pulled out the token with the highest serial number is the leader.
  3. Each player chooses the color of the flying elephant. They are placed on the starting position of the playing field.
  4. Each participant is given voting tokens of the same color as the player's token. The number of tokens and their serial numbers must correspond to the number of players. For example, if five people are playing, then everyone is given voting marks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  5. The player chosen by the host first puts one of the cards on the table face down and names the association that its image caused him. A hint can be formulated in the form of a poem, one phrase, a proverb, a set of sounds. You can use gestures or expressive facial expressions.
  6. Other players take turns laying out one game card on the table face down, choosing the one on which, in their opinion, corresponds to the named leading association.
  7. The host collects the cards from the table, shuffles them and lays them out in front of the players from left to right, drawings up.
  8. All participants except the host try to determine his card. To do this, they lay out tokens with a number corresponding to the location of a certain card face down. By default, all images that are on the table are numbered from one to four from left to right (provided that 4 people play).
  9. The host opens the tokens after voting and places them on the corresponding cards according to the indicated numbers.
  10. If no one guessed the leader's card, he takes two steps back along the playing field. The rest of the players move their chips forward as many moves as the number of players voted for their picture.
  11. If not all participants guessed the leader's card, then he walks according to the following formula: 3 steps + the number of players who voted for his card.


with four participants, two players voted for the leader's card, and the third voted for another image. Then the presenter moves his flying elephant three main steps and then two more clouds equal to the number of participants who voted for him.

The rules also designate a special line of conduct for the presenters. They cannot:

  • take part in voting for associations;

The board game "" is one of the most popular entertainments of the Russian edition on associations, an analogue of the bestseller in the world of board games - « » . The game is filled with colorful illustrations and contains simple rules. She will give a lot of positive emotions to the participants and brighten up any party. Depending on the set of the game, an age limit is introduced: from 6+ to 18+, as some pictures evoke gloomy and contradictory associations. Party occupies 30-40 minutes but sometimes up to an hour.

Difficulty level: WITHmiddle

Number of players: 2-6

Develops skills: Vmindfulness, mindfulness

What is in the box?

Opening the heavy box with the Imaginarium game for the first time, one sees something colorful and imaginary. Inside are the following components:

  1. The playing field required for scoring. It is designed in the form of a starry sky, through which clouds float, and the numbers corresponding to the player's victory points are placed in them.
  2. cards with associations that do not repeat among themselves - 98 pcs.;
  3. tokens for voting in the form of small rectangles with numbers - 49 pieces;
  4. chips - flying elephants - 7 pcs.;
  5. rules brochure.

The playing field is built into the box, and under it there are cells for additional sets.

Imaginarium - a game for the company!

As expected, the exciting game "Imaginarium" received a competitive format, a quick-witted, resourceful and attentive player will win the game. It will come in handy to learn how to fight the imagination of true friends and just acquaintances.

Everything is very simple

In the original "Imaginarium" and in its additions, all manipulations are simple and do not require concentration and concentration when explaining the rules. Party members lay out cards with illustrations, after which the players need to guess which of the laid out cards caused the Leader's association, passing farther and farther across the playing field.

Learn all about your friends!

The same picture causes different associations for each player. So, for example, on a map with Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka“animal”, “childhood”, “friendship” and more are guessed. It is the associations that will show an old friend or acquaintance from a new side, this will help to get closer by looking at what is really going on in the player’s head.

Imaginarium cards

The most interesting thing that awaits the participants in the set with the game "Imaginarium" - cards in the amount 98 pieces custom-sized with original, funny and provocative illustrations. They are required in order to spur the imagination of the players. After a dozen games of exciting entertainment, the basic set of cards will gradually become boring, because all possible associations are visible at a glance. Additional sets with cards will help such players, total published 5 new decks 98 cards.

By the way, about the artists

The game "Imaginarium" is made by Russian illustrators, and it is popular all over the world. And in the additional set “Imaginarium. Odyssey" and in the anniversary set "Imaginarium", the names of the artists are finally revealed, they are written on a card with brief information about the illustrators.

A difficult mission is expected from the Leader. While he is looking at the illustration on the card, he should not invent a transparent and detached association. After all, if it is not original and obvious, the players will easily vote for the Leader's card from the laid out pictures. This will cause the Host to lose 3 points, and the rest will remain at the same " little cloud» fields.

A similar situation will occur if the Leader makes an association that is too distant from the objects on the map, which will not be clear to the rest of the participants. Then there is a high probability that his card will remain without votes, and again he will take two steps back.

For those who love complexity

The complexity of the game "Imaginariui" is given by the presence of fields with special signs. The facilitator will come up with associations based on the tasks assigned to each sign: present the association in the form of a question or using strictly four words, etc. In this way, the players will definitely develop their imagination and associative thinking skills.

Board game "Imaginarium" - game rules

In the Imaginarium, the rules of the game are allowed to be adjusted as soon as you want. The creators even prepared variations to diversify the games that end the same way:

  • End the game when one of the player's flying elephants reaches cloud number 39.
  • Do not limit yourself to the game when the deck and cards in hand are completed, but shuffle the discard pile and thereby form a new deck with illustrations. So the game goes on forever.
  • Make association restrictions permanent. This implies that each association will be guessed based only on the tasks of special fields.
  • If there is only one set available and there are more than 7 participants, it is a good idea to pair up and play a game with two instead of one.

On the fields of the Imaginarium, in addition to cloud cells, there are special fields marked with special signs.

  • a cell with a question mark requires the Host to make an association, respectively, in a question form;
  • a cell with "4" suggests an association expression in four words;
  • the cell with "abibas" says that the association should be associated with a popular brand. It is not required to mention the brand exactly, it is enough to be based on the slogan, advertising and the like;
  • "TV" requires to connect the association on the basis of a famous film, popular TV show, series;
  • a cell with a book implies not just a word or a combination of several words, but a full-fledged story.

Preparing for the game

  1. Each player selects a chip for the party - a flying elephant, which will move around the "clouds" of the field, as well as small voting tokens of the same shade. The number of tokens corresponds to the number of participants.
  2. The chips of each participant are sent to the initial cell of the field "1".
  3. Cards with illustrations are carefully shuffled, distributed to participants in 6 pieces. A deck with non-repeating pictures is formed based on the number of players. For four players from the picture pile, 96 cards are needed, for five - 75, for six - 72, for seven - 98.
  4. Choose a player who will become the Leader on the first turn and start the game.

Definition of the first move

Nominating a player to go first is very simple. It is allowed to choose the usual way to determine. The creators of the game "Imaginarium" offer an option: take a stack of tokens face down, mix thoroughly on the surface and let the players draw one card at a time. The participant with the highest number on the token will start the game, the rest will be distributed clockwise.

Game progress

The turn phase in the game consists of several steps that are easy to remember. It's safe to say that after 1-2 moves, all the actions of the players will reach automatism.

The biggest stress when buying a new game is to wade through the intricacies of the rules. In the Imaginarium, the developers approached the description of the rules with special love and talked about them in such a way that anyone can figure it out in five minutes.


Each player chooses an elephant and voting tokens of the same color. There are 7 tokens in total in the game. You need to take as much as the person is participating in the game. If 5 people are playing, then 5 tokens.

Game progress

  • The elephants of all players stand on the field on a cloud with the number "1"
  • The deck of cards is shuffled and players receive 6 cards each.
  • One player becomes the leader and comes up with an association. Then the next player in clockwise order becomes the leader.

The host comes up with an association with one of his cards, says it out loud and puts it face down on the table.

Special Fields

There are special fields on the playing field that impose conditions on inventing associations:

association must contain exactly four words
the association must be in the form of a question
the association must be associated with a well-known brand, its slogan or commercial
the association must be related to a movie, cartoon or show
the association is guessed with the help of a story

You can use these restrictions in the game, ignore them, or, conversely, introduce them as the basis of all your associations.

After the Host has made an association, all players look for a suitable phrase among their cards and put it face down.
The host takes all the cards, shuffles them and lays them out on the table in a line. The card on the left is numbered 1, the next card is numbered 2, and so on.

Guessing the leader's card

The task of the players is to guess which card the Host has chosen and vote for it. The host does not participate in the voting round.
When the player has made his choice, he gives the leader a token with the card number, so that no one sees the number.
Once everyone has voted, the tokens are opened and points are awarded.


  • If all the players guessed the leader's card, then he goes 3 moves back (or to field 1, if he has not yet advanced beyond the third field), and the rest of the players stand still.
  • If no one guessed the leader's card, then the leader goes 2 moves back. Plus, the players whose cards are guessed get points.
  • In any other case, all players who correctly guessed the card receive 3 points. The leader receives 3 points plus one point for each player who guessed it.
  • All players receive one point for each player who guesses their picture.

Players move their bishops the number of steps they have received.

End of turn

At the end of the turn, each player draws one card into their hand, so that each player has 6 cards at the beginning of the next turn.
If the cards in the deck are over, then the players continue to come up with associations until the last card.

End of the game

The game ends when the cards in the players' hands run out. Even if you jumped across the field the second circle with your bishop.

Game with different number of players

Depending on the number of players, the number of cards in the deck changes:

  • 7 people - 98 cards
  • 6 people - 72 cards
  • 5 people - 75 cards
  • 4 people - 96 cards

If there are more than seven players, you can break into teams and come up with collective associations.

February 3, 2016

One of the most interesting ways to have fun with friends and family is to play games. And if at the same time you choose the game "Imaginarium", the rules of which are quite simple, then time will fly by unnoticed, and you will be able to learn a lot of new things about each other. After all, this board game was created in order to guess other people's thoughts with the help of associations.

"Imaginarium": the rules of the game

Before embarking on a pleasant pastime, it is worth understanding what the essence of this entertainment is. The main idea of ​​the Imaginarium can be expressed in this way: you need to come up with associations for the selected picture and try to guess the pictures of other players through the explanations they provide. Everything is quite simple - turn on logic and imagination, and you are guaranteed a sea of ​​​​positiveness, laughter and pleasant emotions.


Before you start playing Imaginarium, the rules of which are described here, you need to prepare a game deck. To do this, you need to decide on the number of cards. After counting the required number of pictures, set aside the extra ones. Four players (minimum) will need 96 cards, five players will need 75 cards, six players will need 82, and seven players (maximum) will need 98. Not logical, those are the rules! Now everyone must choose a chip and the same color cards needed for voting. There are only seven sets in the game, and if, for example, five players are playing, then the extra chips and cards must be removed.

First move

The board game "Imaginarium" (the rules are presented here) does not imply any rivalry, but still it is necessary to choose a host who will make the first associations. The authors of the game themselves suggest this way: take voting cards and choose one at random, turn it over and check with other players. The leader is the one with the highest number in the picture. But this is optional, and you can choose the player who makes the first move at your discretion.

Now the presenter must choose one of his pictures, make an association with it and put it on the table face down. And here we come to the most interesting thing in the game "Imaginarium", the rules of which we are analyzing now. Anything can be an association, from a line of a song or a poem to an indescribable set of sounds. Everything depends on your imagination.
The rest must choose from their pictures the most suitable for the explanation of the leading player and also lay it face down on the table. After that, the host shuffles the cards and lays them out already open. Now you need to number the pictures and try to guess the card of the leader, who is not involved in guessing. Everyone chooses a voting chip with the number of the card that he thinks belongs to the presenter and places it face down in front of him. Here you need to clarify that you cannot choose your card. After all the players have made their choice, the tokens are turned over and the scoring begins.

Imaginarium Rules: Scoring

Elephants should be moved around the field in this way: the leader’s chip, as well as the players who guessed his card, moves forward 3 steps. Also, the chips of all players move as many steps as the number of people who have chosen their card. For example, the presenter is Sergey, and Katya and Roma guessed his card, and Kostya chose Katya's card. This means that Sergey moves forward 5 moves, Kostya stands still, Katya gets 4 moves, and Roma gets 3. But if all the players guessed the leader’s association, then his chip retreats 3 cells back, and the other players’ bishops stand still. If no one guessed the card, then the leader’s elephant retreats 2 cells, and the rest of the chips move as many steps as the players have chosen their card. For example, no one guessed the leader's card, but 4 players chose Masha's picture, and two players chose Mikhail's association, which means that Masha's bishop goes forward 4 moves, and Mikhail only 2.

The presenter faces a rather difficult task - to come up with a not too obvious, but also an easy association on the card. But this is the charm of the game "Imaginarium", the rules of which we analyze. After all, each picture is rather ambiguous and sometimes causes a variety of feelings, which turns the game into a verbal battle over this or that choice - no one will be bored. At the end of the turn, all played cards go to the end, each is dealt a new card from the deck, and the right of the leader passes to the next player in the circle.

Additional tasks

Some fields on the map are marked with special icons, and the presenter, who has fallen on such a cell, must take into account some restrictions. If the chip hit the cloud with the number 4, then the association should consist of 4 words. Once on the field with the image of a TV, the player must come up with an explanation related to the film, series, cartoon, and so on. For a field with an interesting Abibas logo, you need to come up with an association associated with a brand - it can be a slogan or an excerpt from an advertisement, etc. If the host's bishop hit the field with a question mark, then the association should be interrogative. And finally, the sign of the book indicates that explanations should be given in the form of a story.

The final

You can play Imaginarium indefinitely. The rules of the game assume an ending as soon as the cards in the deck run out. In this case, the winner will be the one who moved forward as far as possible across the field. But if you want, you can always shuffle the deck and continue the adventure. And if one of the elephants reaches the last cloud, then you can send it to the next round - it all depends on the desire of the players. But what to do if it starts to seem that all the cards have been studied up and down and you want to learn something new? In this case, you can always purchase additional decks, because the developers spoil their fans with interesting new products.

"Imaginarium" for the whole family

Some of the pictures in this wonderful game are quite provocative, and many parents feel awkward explaining their associations to their children. In this case, the Imaginarium: Childhood option is suitable for the whole family. The rules of this game are almost the same as the adult version. In the same way, the required number of cards is counted, chips and tokens are divided. After the deal, the youngest player becomes the first leader, and the game continues in the same way as described above, but with some differences. First of all, participants under the age of six do not go backwards, even if they did not guess the card. Also in the game "Imaginarium: Childhood" for a guessed move, there are two points.

Additional tasks: a stone with a life buoy means that the player does not step back, even if no one guessed his card, or everyone chose his association. If you hit the field with a cat, then your association should be invented about any fairy-tale character. If a stone with a book falls out, then the explanations should begin with the words "Once upon a time." The end of the game comes if one of the players reaches the field at number 30 - he becomes the winner. That's all you need to know about the board game "Imaginarium: Childhood". The rules of the game are more simplified and understandable, it will not be difficult to understand them.

Now in the store you can buy a lot of games for the company, but which one will stimulate the imagination? To have an interesting and useful time, try out entertainment that has various options and names: the board game of the Association, Casual Stupid, Imaginarium, Imaginarium Odyssey, or the Imaginarium 3d game. What are the features of the game?

Rules of the game in the Imaginarium

The box contains:

  • playing "cloud field";
  • cards with drawings - 98 pcs.;
  • flying elephants - 7 pcs.;
  • tokens with numbers, different colors, 7 pieces of each.

Board game rules:

The Dixit game is similar to this entertainment, but the task is slightly different.

Each player is given tokens and elephants of the same color. If 6 people play the board game Imaginarium, then you will need tokens from 1 to 6.

At the beginning of the game, put the flying elephants on the cloud-start, shuffle the deck, give each person 6 cards, and put the rest in the center of the field face down.

The game deck is formed in accordance with the number of people playing:

The course of the Imaginarium

The first leader is chosen as follows: mix the tokens with different numbers and pull them out without looking - whoever has the largest number starts the entertainment. Further, the role of the leading player is transferred on each move to the next participant in a clockwise direction. The first move is for the leader, he pulls out a card from his mini-deck, puts it in the center of the table with the closed side and says his association. In the form of an association, it can be: a word, poetry, a song, a set of sounds, a well-known aphorism, a proverb, gestures, facial expressions.

Answer options

When revealing the association, the leader is guided only by his own imagination, if his bishop is not installed on a special cloud. The rest of the players lay out from a row of their cards one that more closely matches the leader's association, and lay it closed next to the leader's card. The first player shuffles all the pictures and arranges them in a row with the pictures up from left to right.

Revealing the leader's card

At this stage, the first player does not participate. The main task at this point is to guess the leader's card. Participants choose a token with their version number and place it in front of them with the number down. You can't choose your picture. After all players have made a decision, the digital tokens are turned over and placed on the corresponding cards for easy counting.

Advance across the field of flying elephants and the end of the turn

If the card of the first participant is guessed by everyone, then he returns the elephant three steps back or to the zero cloud if he has not yet reached the third cloud. The rest advance a number of moves equal to the number of people who chose their cards. In other cases, the bishops of all players, including the leader, move three steps forward and a number of steps equal to the number of those who judged his card as correct. When the turn is over, the cards are discarded, and each player is given 1 picture from the deck until it ends. The role of leader moves clockwise.

Board game Imaginarium: special fields

There are also special icons on the playing field that limit the leader's association. These marks mean:

  1. Number 4. In the description of the resulting drawing, you need to reveal your imagination in only 4 words.
  2. Question mark. You need to formulate your own association in the form of a question.
  3. Logo. Associate guesses with the brand, brand, its logo, slogan.
  4. TV. You need to associate a hint with a cartoon, movie, series, TV show. You can complicate the task and somehow connect the pictures with the releases of only Soyuzmultfilm.
  5. Book. Provide a story or story as a clue.

game over

The board game Imaginarium ends when the whole company has sold cards in personal mini-decks. The winner is the player whose bishop is the farthest on the field. If some elephant has reached the last cloud, then send it to the second circle and mark yourself somewhere. This is necessary in case the player turns out to be the strongest and completes the circle faster than the others.

How to diversify the classic version

What ideas can be embodied in a change in the entertainment process:

  1. You can end the game when one of the elephants stops at cloud 39.
  2. If you wish, you can play endlessly: the deck is over - the garbage was mixed and the deck was formed again.
  3. You can come up with your own restrictions on associations: if it’s a film, then Love and Doves, Odyssey, Office Romance, or any other. If a book, then any book read by the whole company. You can set associations from a couple of words or just stories.
  4. If the person is more than 7, then unite in pairs.
  5. To somehow refresh the game, if you have been playing it for a long time, draw cards yourself or buy additional ones.

How to play Imaginarium with two or three players

The game is designed for a minimum of 4 people, but what if there are two or three of you? There is a way out: for 3 players, the leader needs, in addition to his association, to draw one more card from the deck in order to confuse the rest of the players. The rest of the participants also lay out 2 cards each. If there are 2 players, the leader draws 2 additional cards from the deck in addition to his own, and the second participant lays out three. Then both make moves, draw from the deck.

The price of the board game Imaginarium

You can buy such a toy for the company in the online game store, online on the official website. The game will be thoughtful, it will not take time to create maps on your own. You can also find the Imaginarium on the shelves of ordinary stores, shopping centers, in the department of entertainment and all kinds of toys, catalogs of supplies to such stores. The price is quite democratic, it varies depending on the type of game: 250 rubles - a children's version, from 750 to 3500 - an adult.

Find out what you can come up with.

Video: picture association game Imaginarium childhood