What is the difference between a girl and a woman - the main differences. Men and women

Having determined the psychological differences between men and women, it is easier for both sexes to understand each other and find a common language. Interesting differences between women and men.

The differences in worldview between a man and a woman are not always visible and resemble paired pictures from children's magazines on the theme “find 10 differences.” You and I will search. At the physiological level, the matter lies in differences in brain activity and hormonal levels. At the psychological level, women are endowed with the genetic ability to give birth to new people. The decisive influence is exerted by various economic and social factors: roles in society, rules of conduct, etc. What are these psychological differences?

Differences between women and men

1. Difference in thinking processes. Nature has endowed women with intuitive, verbal thinking, while men are more inclined towards logical and analytical thinking. As a result, men can be too straightforward, and women can be too emotional. On this basis, gender conflicts often arise. Men in most cases think rationally and are results-oriented. It is very important for women to maintain friendly contacts on a verbal level. They often make responsible decisions at the emotional level.

2. Difference in priorities. It is extremely important for a man to realize himself in a professional field, while women are more drawn towards relationships with loved ones, family and raising offspring (unless the woman is completely spoiled by modern urban living conditions). For this reason, a man often strives for risk, for leadership through the manifestation of individualism. A woman is a worried element of society for everything and everyone, constantly in need of support from loved ones. As a result, women are fussy, suspicious and prone to unnecessary worries. A man represents success and a career, and a woman strives to create a healthy, strong family and preserve it. It’s stupid to accuse men of callousness and call representatives of the fair sex roosts; it’s just that everyone has their own respectful role in society and the family: he is the main breadwinner, and she is the caretaker of the family hearth.

3. Differences in the scale of thinking. The stronger sex tends to orientate well in space and think on a larger scale, more rationally, accurately and logically. The weaker sex thinks more emotionally and irrationally from a logical point of view, relying on intuition and personal feelings. It is pointless to speak unequivocally about the benefits of one type of thinking, because each is necessary in one or another specific situation.

4. Differences in goals and methods of communication. It is extremely important for women to establish mutual understanding and support as a result of communication. A man subconsciously strives to be the best, to take the lead. This greatly affects the style of communication and is clearly manifested when choosing films: women love melodramas in which feelings and relationships are analyzed, and men love exciting adventure films and various battles. Men like to be “in themselves”, to digest situations in their inner closed space. The woman, in turn, constantly strives to receive support and practical advice from relatives and friends.

5. Difference in sexual activity. It is influenced both by differences in hormonal processes and by the roles that have been assigned since ancient times to a man as a continuator of the family, and to a woman tuned to the process of bearing a fetus and childbirth. As a result, a man “lights up” faster than a woman, and also does not choose his sexual partner as carefully.

6. Difference in reaction to other people's opinions. Men are less dependent on the opinions of others, and therefore are prone to decisive action. A woman carefully weighs every step, is inclined to consider the multivariate development of events, to analyze her own behavior in any of the scenarios, as well as to anticipate reactions from the outside.

7. Difference in reaction to extraordinary situations. In emergency situations, men quickly mobilize, react adequately and act immediately, while women are lost and “slow down.” In an unusual position, a man becomes impulsive, sometimes aggressive, and any obstacle can unsettle him. A woman, despite her slow reaction, is able to adapt to any conditions and will gently adjust to the current situation.

8. Difference in the speed of achieving goals. Due to his impulsiveness, it is important for a man to quickly achieve results, while any deviations from the intended course can knock him off his feet. Women are more patient, ready to move towards the goal slowly, smoothly adapting to current events and calculating in advance various options for the development of events.

9. Differences in temperaments. Among men there is a large percentage of impulsive choleric people, and among women there are sanguine and melancholic people. Phlegmatic temperament is characteristic equally of both sexes.

10. Difference in emotional expression. Women love to talk openly about their emotions, which cannot be said about more reserved men. Due to the ongoing hormonal processes at different periods of the menstrual cycle, it is difficult for the weaker sex to keep their emotions inside. Men have more stable hormonal levels, and therefore their emotional state is stable. A woman’s ability to emotionally color her thoughts increases her resistance to stress; the outburst of negative emotions leads to inner peace. For most men, opening up about their experiences is a sign of weakness, and therefore they often hide negative emotions behind a mask of well-being. Due to the lack of outlet for negative emotions, men are more likely to suffer from heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

We have found 10 differences between male and female psychology, but in no case should clear boundaries be drawn between them. This is fundamentally wrong, since many masculine traits are also characteristic of women, just as feminine traits are characteristic of men. This line is always blurred, and therefore, instead of reasons for disagreement, it is better to look for points of productive interaction.

Most people don't even realize how fundamental the differences are between men and women. Gender characteristics exist at the level of behavioral reactions, at the physiological and even neural level.


Danish scientist Bert Pakkenberg found that the male brain has four million more cells, but women perform 3% better on tests than men.

It turns out that this is due to the so-called corpus callosum, which serves as a kind of “cable” between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. In women, this body is thicker than in men, and there are 30% more joints in it.

The male brain is specialized and divided into certain sections. Due to fewer connections between the hemispheres, a man can only do one thing well, fully concentrating on it. Let us remind you: he is a warrior and a hunter. He chases game or fights. A woman at home can do many things, such as cooking, looking after children, caring for relatives and knitting.

Because of the extra connections in the brain, girls can actually drive and talk at the same time, while most men, concentrating on driving, will turn down the radio and ask passengers to be quiet. And it’s better not to contradict them at this moment.
If a man reads, he hears almost nothing. And if you talk to him while he's shaving, the likelihood of him cutting himself will increase dramatically.
Even men and women sleep differently: in men, the electrical activity of the brain during sleep will drop by 70% (he is a hunter, and when he comes home, he must rest properly), and in women - only by 10%, because she is always “watching” » home and children.


Men in the left hemisphere have a center responsible for speech, and if a man receives an injury to this hemisphere, he loses speech and stops “seeing” drawings” in three-dimensional space.
In women, two centers are responsible for speech: a larger one in the left hemisphere, a smaller one in the right. To go numb, she would have to suffer severe trauma to both hemispheres of her brain. An injured left hemisphere will not prevent the average woman from reading blueprints. True, they see them differently: flat.

Men's speech is distinguished by an abundance of terms and a rich vocabulary, while women's speech relies on intonation and emotions. Establishing relationships through conversation is a purely female prerogative, which is why they make excellent lawyers, teachers and educators. A woman easily pronounces up to 8,000 words a day, uses up to 3,000 sounds and up to 10,000 nonverbal signals. A man speaks up to 4,000 words a day, makes up to 2,000 sounds and makes up to 3,000 gestures. A woman is talking to her interlocutor. A man is more often with himself. And at this time he is silent.

Orientation in space

The weakness of most women is spatial orientation. Tests by Asian scientists using labyrinths showed that men have 92% of successful solutions, while women have only 8%!
82% of men can park a car parallel and close to the sidewalk, including 71% on the first try. For women, the results are disastrous. Only 22% can do this, and even then two thirds of them will not do it on the first try.

Women also have serious problems with geographical maps. In 1998, the British, as an experiment, released a map of England with two sheets. One had a standard map, the other had an inverted image. The card was purchased by 15,000 women who liked the fact that they didn't have to turn the map over in their head when traveling south.
By the way, there are women who are missing one of the X chromosomes. They are not able to drive a car at all, because they have problems with spatial orientation.


The retina of the human eye contains almost seven million “cone” receptors, which are responsible for the perception of color. The X chromosome is responsible for their action. Women have two of them, and the palette of colors they perceive is wider.

In conversation they use shades: “sea green”, “sand”, “light coffee”. Men talk about fundamental colors: red, white, blue. True, this does not explain why there are so few women who are brilliant artists.
Women have developed peripheral vision. For some of them, it reaches 180º, and that is why women rarely miss side impacts when driving a car and can, without turning their heads, “count” a rival or keep an eye on a child.

A man’s brain provides tunnel vision, he “leads” the target, sees only what is in front of him, and is not distracted by trifles. It is because of the narrow field of vision that men often become victims of road accidents, and at home they cannot find oil in the refrigerator. But they see better at night and more accurately determine the distance to objects.


Women are better at distinguishing high-frequency sounds. A one-week-old girl can already identify the sound of her mother's voice and hears when another baby cries. Boys don't need that. Women are better than men at recognizing changes in tone and therefore know very well when men are lying. Men, on the other hand, specialize in the sounds of wild nature (this skill is not so necessary in the city) and “hear” directions perfectly. If a woman hears the kitten’s meow first, then it is the man who will indicate where to look for it.


A woman's skin is 10 times more sensitive than a man's skin. Research by English scientists has shown that even the most sensitive man in this sense does not live up to the most insensitive woman. But men's skin is thicker than women's and therefore men have fewer wrinkles. On the back of an adult man, the skin is four times thicker than on the stomach. And if a man is busy with work, then the sensitivity of the skin drops even more, and he almost does not feel pain.

Taste and smell

Men taste bitter and salty better. This is what is associated with their love of beer. Women, as fruit gatherers, have a more subtle sense of sweets. This explains the fact that most chocolate lovers are women.

Women have no equal when it comes to their sense of smell. A woman’s nose can detect not only the smell of burning, which threatens the house, but also the smell of pheromones, which cannot be done consciously. Moreover, a woman’s brain is able to “read” a man’s smell and decipher it, determining how strong his immune system is. Scientists believe that in most cases a woman needs no more than three seconds to do this.

If the woman's own immune system is weaker, she will find the man sexually attractive.

The physiological differences between men and women are not limited to the reproductive system. It turns out that the perception of color and smell, the ability to see in the dark and remain sober after consuming a certain amount of alcoholic beverages - all this differs quite greatly among us. But let's take things in order.

1. Brain.

A man, as a rule, can focus on solving only one task, while women most often solve several problems at the same time. The reason is the structure of the brain: women have more neural fibers connecting the right and left hemispheres. Unlike men, women have language centers in both hemispheres, which is why languages ​​are easier for us. But it is simply useless to compete with men in spatial orientation - here they are in the lead by a huge margin.

2. Flexibility and posture.

Women have a more flexible neck. Therefore, to turn back, we only need to turn our heads, while men need to turn their entire body.

3. Leather.

It’s not for nothing that men are called thick-skinned: their skin is actually much thicker than women’s, so wrinkles are less visible on it. At the same time, women's skin also ages earlier. This process is directly related to age-related changes: after 35 years, the body decreases the production of the hormone estrogen, which affects the production of collagen. That’s why expensive anti-wrinkle creams and constant visits to a cosmetologist are not a luxury, but a vital necessity!

4. Smell.

Women smell better and understand them better. It's no surprise that we love scented candles, oils, perfumes and hot bubble baths. And that’s why we don’t like it so much when dirty men’s socks are scattered around the house!

5. Color perception.

This, frankly speaking, is not the strongest side of men - and there are physiological reasons for this. Women can distinguish up to one hundred million shades, while representatives of the stronger sex are often unable to discern the difference even between red and green (there are no color-blind women).

But men can make out the smallest handwriting and see better in the dark!

6. Intimate area.

Surprisingly, it is the genitals of men and women that have certain similarities. The clitoris and penis are structured in a similar way - they both have a shaft, a glans, a foreskin, and a fold of skin covering the glans. But it takes us about five times longer to achieve orgasm than men!

7. Sex hormones.

Women's ovaries produce estrogens, hormones responsible for changes in the body. The male body also produces estrogens, but in much smaller quantities. Estrogen has many beneficial properties: it lowers the level of heavy cholesterol, ensures a healthy brain, promotes the deposition of calcium in bone tissue, accelerates metabolism, improves oxygen metabolism, has a positive effect on skin health, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Estrogen, chemically identical to natural, is used in the production of the latest generation of oral contraceptives - the so-called “female formula” contraception. It is well tolerated and may help maintain stable weight. And thanks to the dynamic dosing regimen, when using contraceptives with a “female formula,” the body receives exactly as many hormones as needed on a specific day of the cycle.

8. Genetics.

Men are more likely to suffer from hereditary diseases because they have one X chromosome, while women have two. Damaged X chromosomes are responsible for hemophilia and color blindness, as well as baldness. Androgen receptors, a hormone that plays a key role in the process of baldness, are located on the X chromosome.

9. Alcohol tolerance.

Women don't know how to drink - and it's not their fault at all! The female body produces less alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme that processes alcohol. On the other hand, representatives of the fairer sex develop alcohol addiction much less frequently.

10. Healthy heart.

Women live longer - and also thanks to estrogens, which protect blood vessels. Before the onset, women are much less susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack and stroke, than men.

Incredible facts

The gender gap is the difference between men and women, beyond the obvious anatomical differences, reflected primarily in the social, political, intellectual, cultural and economic spheres.

However, this list of differences focuses on biological aspects associated with both sexes, such as the well-known fact that men are more resistant to the effects of alcohol than women because women have higher body fat and their stomach contains fewer enzymes that can “digest” alcohol, and as a result, for the same volume of alcohol consumed, women tend to be 30 percent drunker.

10. Navigation and orientation in space

The way we perceive the surrounding reality largely depends on our gender, however, it has been proven that men are much better at oriented in space. Men, as a rule, use kilometers and cardinal directions in their calculations, while women often navigate by natural landscapes and left-right directions. Moreover, men also have a more developed part of the brain that controls the perception of speed and the mental ability to perceive three-dimensional objects.

The roots of these differences lie in the distant past, when people were hunters and gatherers, and when the man who led the meat production needed to have all these traits to hunt successfully. On tests of three-dimensional object perception, boys performed significantly better than girls in spatial abilities (4:1), with girls' best performance equaling boys' worst.

The male brain is programmed to effectively focus on one thing at a time, while the female brain is designed to multitask. The reason for this may be the fact that the neural fibers connecting the right and left hemispheres are much more abundant in girls.

9. Intelligence

The male brain is larger than the female brain, contains 4 percent more cells, and weighs 100 grams more than the female brain. However, each sex has an equal brain weight to body weight ratio. The female brain is more compact, it is more densely “stuffed” with neurons. In women, the region of the brain responsible for language and social interaction is located in both hemispheres, and not just in the left, as in men. Although men outperform women in spatial navigation and geometry, women outperform men even more in language abilities. A study of eighth-graders found that girls outperform boys in this regard by a ratio of 6:1.

Because men have fewer language centers and are located in only one hemisphere, men are more at risk of developing language disorders such as dyslexia. Most boys suffer from stuttering and speech impediments. But despite this, when taking IQ tests, men score on average 3-4 points more than women.

Interestingly, Dr. Louann Brizendine states that every brain begins its development as a female, and only when the fetus becomes male at 8 weeks does testosterone surge, the language centers slow down their development, and several regions responsible for aggression begin to grow.

8. Health

In most countries of the world, women live longer. This may be due to safer lifestyles, or the fact that jobs with high mortality rates are predominantly held by men. Although both men and women are equally at risk of developing mental illness, women are less likely to develop complications and chronic diseases, which may be due to the presence of two X chromosomes, so at first women may simply be carriers of the disease for a long time before symptoms begin to develop, this may also be due to decreased exposure to testosterone. Males immediately show symptoms of the disease if their only X chromosome is damaged.

For this reason, some diseases are much more common in men. Examples of X-linked diseases are hemophilia and color blindness. There is a possibility that Asperger's syndrome is also a genetic disease; moreover, it occurs 4 times more often in men.

7. Aging

Women, unfortunately, do not age as well as men. The female body contains particularly dense neurons that age unevenly. This, in turn, can lead to dementia developing faster than in men. But women tend to have a faster flow of blood to the brain, so they lose less brain tissue as they age.

Men's skin ages more slowly than women's, and men's wrinkles appear later than women's because the level of collagen in their cells does not deplete as quickly as women's. However, hair loss is another X-linked recessive trait that males inherit from their mother. And all due to the fact that androgen receptors, a hormone that plays a key role in the process of baldness, are located on the X chromosome. So if you want to know what your hair will look like in a few decades, look to your grandfather, the man who gave your mother one of her X chromosomes. Chronic diseases are also more common in older age in women than in men (especially hypertension and arthritis).

6. Smell

Women are more sensitive to odors than men, and this may be due to the hormone estrogen. The structure of women's and men's noses is the same and they have the same number of receptors in the nose, but studies have shown that smells activate a larger area in women's brains. Studies have been repeatedly conducted that show that women are better at navigating odors and better distinguishing their intensities.

In one study, men were given clean cotton T-shirts to sleep in for two nights. They were subsequently packaged in clean plastic bags and given to women to rate how healthy they thought the wearer of each T-shirt was. As a result, women considered men with the strongest immune systems to be the most attractive.

5. Pain tolerance

Women have more nerve receptors that make them feel pain more than men. A woman has 34 nerve fibers per square centimeter of facial skin, while men have only 17. A man simply does not feel pain with the same intensity as a woman does.

This has far-reaching implications, as chronic pain sufferers may require higher doses of painkillers when treating chronic pain. Moreover, about 70 percent of those who suffer from chronic pain are women. However, their sensitivity and tolerance to pain differ significantly from each other. Women have more mechanisms designed to cope with pain, which helps them cope with life-changing events such as childbirth.

4. Vision

When it comes to vision, there are also significant differences between men and women. While men can read the smallest lines of writing and see better in the dark, women have a better sense of color, a wider peripheral vision, and are more likely to become trichromats. Trichomatus implies a wider spectrum of vision between green and red and their 100 shades, theoretically allowing a woman to see 100 million different colors. Only women can be trichromats. This is because the genes for red and green pigments lie on the X chromosome, and since only women have two X chromosomes, this makes it possible for one pigment to be located on one X chromosome, and the other on the other.

Unfortunately, the mechanism does not work clearly in the male body, since men inherit either two green pigments, or two red ones, along with blue, so they do not distinguish between the colors of the spectrum between red and green. 8 percent of men worldwide suffer from “color deficiency,” compared to 0.5 percent of women.

3. Communication

We all know that men and women communicate differently, and some observations from the scientific community make things clearer. Women control their facial expressions better. However, the opposite is true when it comes to expressing anger. There is a tendency among women to "hijack" other people's emotions, a phenomenon known as emotional contagion, although men are better than women at suppressing their emotions.

Women look into the eyes of their conversation partner more often than men. Men look around more often. At the same time, women value communication more than men. Men tend to discuss several topics during debates, while women can have a long conversation on one topic. Thus, when it comes to conversation, each gender has many different tendencies, and this helps explain why certain phrases are understood differently by each gender, such as, for example, "Let's talk about us."

2. Friendship

Friendship is also an important aspect in which women's and men's approaches differ. For men, companionship is a kind of competition. They avoid communicating about weakness and vulnerability, as well as personal and emotional problems. For women, communication on such topics is a matter of course; they seek friendly help during difficulties. For this reason, it can be said that women are emotionally closer to their friends than men.

Women generally value connection with their friends, they listen and talk, they provide support and make their friend feel comfortable. On the other hand, men become closer to each other by engaging in joint activities and providing services to each other. Boys at school play more energetically and take up more space on the playground than girls. Girls choose sedentary games; they are easily ready to accept a new “participant” into the game, while in order for a boy to be accepted, he must demonstrate his usefulness to the group.

1. Orgasm

During orgasm, both the female and male genitals become engorged with blood, and the muscles involuntarily contract at intervals of 0.8 seconds. It is during orgasm that our blood, both male and female, is filled with the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin, produced by the female body, causes women to lie still for some time, which increases the likelihood of conception.

However, the difference between male and female orgasm is the time it takes to achieve orgasm and its functionality. According to sexologist Alfred Kinsley, 75 percent of men can achieve orgasm within 4 minutes of sexual intercourse. For women, this time varies from 10 to 20 minutes.

It has also been suggested that due to the physiological similarities between the male and female genital organs, the female orgasm is an "echo" of the male. As evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould noted, the clitoris is analogous to the penis, it is the same organ, endowed with the same anatomical organization and response potential.

Moreover, after orgasm, both sexes often experience a burst of creative thought because orgasm triggers activity in the right, creative-thinking hemisphere of the brain.

A man and a woman are representatives of different worlds: some are from Mars, others are from Venus. You must have heard this opinion before. According to researchers of this problem, all this has a completely natural justification. Representatives of different sexes are not only different on the outside, but their inner world is also different. In order for a woman to have a personal life, she must learn to see the world through the eyes of her chosen one in order to be able to explain the motivation for many of his actions. Let's try to understand this issue: what is the main difference between the behavior of women and the actions of men?

1. Men and women. Differences.

Men fall in love more often, faster. According to experts, men and women imagine love relationships differently. The thing is that different parts of the brain are responsible for these feelings!

Men love with their eyes. And their main “weapon” for assessing the attractiveness and sexuality of women is their eyes. That is why, looking at a woman, evaluating her, the male sex is ready to imagine her sexual potential. And this visual motivation instantly affects visual receptors, provoking an active release of hormones based on a signal from the brain. This is precisely why men experience love at first sight more often.

And the female sex, at the same time, tends to mentally judge their chosen one as a candidate for a long-term relationship, coordinating everything with their mind and memory. At least. At least in the first stages of the relationship.

2. Difference between man and woman. Men dream about sex, and women dream about romance.

When fully interested in a woman, male representatives of the sex experience an erection, triggered by the release of hormones. This slows down their rational thinking and pushes them to spontaneous decisions that do not always coincide with their interests. Reason is suppressed by erections, and experts agree.

For a man, the finale of a meeting with a female representative of the sex is much more important than the romantic atmosphere around this finale, and it doesn’t matter at all to him whether the aromas of jasmine or vanilla will spread around, and the color of his partner’s underwear only echoes red at such moments.

3. The difference between a woman and a man. A man cares about the external world, while a woman cares about the internal world.

A male representative of the sex, when looking at a woman, can very quickly evaluate her.

It is known that a woman clearly remembers the words of a man yesterday, three weeks or several months ago. She is also concerned about how a man perceives children, whether he has generosity and kindness. It is important for her how he treats his mother; she is interested in his occupation and hobbies. She evaluates his financial viability. And only then decides whether this man is right for her or whether she should not rush into choosing a permanent partner.

Thus, the woman seems to be working on the difficult task of assessing the man’s partner potential, while he is examining and managing to consider the woman.

4. Differences between women and men. Men live less than women.

From statistical sources, the life expectancy of men is eight years less than that of women. In addition, the male sex does not really like to take care of their health. It is no coincidence that the passion for diets and rejuvenation recipes is the prerogative of women, while smoking and strong drinks are more suitable for men.

5. Men and women. Differences. Married men want to be fathers.

Studies say that after marriage, men are the first to start talking about children. It’s easy to explain: nature pushes them to think about procreation. Whereas a woman rethinks herself from the role of a bride to the role of a married woman.

Although, after the birth of a child, families often break up... due to the fault of the male gender: after waiting for a cute creature, a funny child, they are suddenly faced with sleepless nights, dirty diapers, material costs, and jealousy awakens, because their woman now has another idol - child!

6. The difference between a woman and a man. Women are much more patient and enduring than men. It is she who, with a high fever, terrible fatigue and inexpressible pain, is able to continue working, and besides, she is trying to look great, as befits in society. And the man? A slight increase in temperature causes him to panic and want to immediately go to bed (that’s it! I’m sick!), and let the world collapse, but he should have a well-deserved sick leave, even with beer and chips on a tray! The structure of men's skin is different from the structure of women's skin. Their skin is thicker, less prone to cellulite and wrinkles, so it stays young longer, and they don’t need to follow a diet without a hamburger or fried potatoes.