21st obstetric week of pregnancy development. What happens to the child

At the 21st obstetric week, it’s time to start acquiring useful knowledge that will help you easily get through the next four months of pregnancy, but they will not be easy. Read about this and much more in our material.

This week, mommy is actively gaining weight - an increase of 5-6 kg is considered the norm. The baby is already actively moving, the woman not only feels it, but also sees it - through the stomach you can see how the baby begins to move and makes pushes.

During this period, pregnant women experience shortness of breath, this is due to pressure on the diaphragm. Experts recommend walking more in the fresh air and taking a comfortable position at home. If you have heartburn, you should not use heavy medications or soda; it is best to change your diet, eat small portions, but often. It is better to fight heartburn not with medication, but with the help of proper nutrition, so as not to harm the baby. If you feel unbearable heartburn, consult a doctor.

Due to the increase in the child, and therefore the abdomen, the load on the woman’s back also increases. Therefore, it may hurt in the back area.

At 21 weeks of pregnancy, a woman actively becomes prettier, a blush appears on her face, and her hair acquires a special shine, strength and thickness. But this can also cause problems: gums often bleed and the nose gets stuffy.

In addition, during this period, a woman may experience false contractions, which studies call Breston-Hicks contractions. They do not harm the body of either the mother or the child. This way the body prepares for real contractions.

The 21st obstetric week is characterized by the fact that mothers may experience mood swings more often. They can feel both tender emotions and emptiness at the same time. This phenomenon often prevents you from focusing on important things, but you shouldn’t worry. Anxiety for your child or your life may also appear for no reason. And this is where maternal instincts begin to work against the background of hormonal surges. Often, such sensations can be overcome with physical activity or active walks in the fresh air.

Description of pregnancy by week: changes in the body

During this period, the baby’s body has almost formed, so now it begins to actively grow and gain weight. In this regard, the pregnant woman will get tired faster.

Changes occur in a woman’s body: due to the fact that the child takes up more and more space in the abdomen, internal organs begin to shift and change position. For example, the bladder and intestines are pushed a little to the side. Such processes should not cause pain or other discomfort in the mother, but frequent urination and constipation may occur.

The heart muscle becomes heavier, this is due to the fact that blood volume increases by 35%.

A woman's uterus becomes enlarged, which can cause pelvic discomfort.

At 21 weeks, swelling may appear and the size of the leg may increase. Most mothers' hair is actively growing, their legs are becoming stronger, and their skin takes on a ruddy tint.

In addition, the woman's breasts also increase in size, and colostrum may be released from the nipples. But you can’t squeeze it out; you just need to wipe it with a clean napkin, or you can use specialized pads.

Stretch marks may appear in areas of enlargement (abdomen, breasts, hips), but not everyone has them. The main reason for their appearance is poor skin elasticity, hormonal changes and hereditary predisposition.

Active changes also occur in the fetal body. His skin is almost formed, but there are still many folds on his body. But you shouldn’t worry, the more your baby grows, the more his skin will stretch.

Eyebrows and eyelashes form on the face, and the rudiments of teeth appear in the mouth.

The formation of the child’s insides is almost complete; all that remains is to establish the correct functioning of the system:

1. The endocrine system has already appeared and has begun to work actively;
2. The spleen also begins its activity during this period;
3. The nervous system now distinguishes between periods of sleep and wakefulness of the child;
4. The digestive system has improved its functioning by 21 weeks. There may be consumption of the mother's amniotic fluid, from which the child takes useful substances;
5. Taste buds appear on the tongue, the baby is able to taste the amniotic fluid;
6. Leukocytes are produced in the blood, which are designed to protect the child from various infections;
7. The first hair appears on the baby’s head.

Some women notice that the 21st week of pregnancy has already arrived, but there is no movement in the stomach. This process should be monitored very carefully. Low activity is normal, but if you move too actively, you should consult a specialist. This may indicate oxygen starvation of the child.

At 21 weeks, the baby’s weight reaches 800 grams and its size is 25 cm.

The presence of twins significantly changes the appearance of a pregnant woman, namely, it affects her weight and size. If the belly with one baby is not yet so noticeable, then if you have twins, it is already so easy to hide the pregnancy.
A woman with twins should be more careful about her health and monitor the progress of her pregnancy more closely.

Tummy 21 weeks pregnant: pain

At this stage of pregnancy, pain in the lower pelvis may occur. If it is episodic in nature, then there is nothing wrong with it - such a phenomenon is considered the norm.

For pelvic pain that feels like contractions, it is better to sit down and relax. This is due to increased uterine tone. Unpleasant sensations may extend to the lower back. This phenomenon should not be ignored: an active increase in uterine tone can lead to premature birth. If the pain does not go away in the pelvic region for several hours, then you need to consult a doctor.

By this period, it is necessary to undergo a second screening test. Using screening, the doctor can find out the coccygeal-parietal size, head volume, hip volume and other indicators. During screening, the height and weight of the fetus are determined, as well as whether these parameters correspond to the norm.

During this period of pregnancy, specialists determine the condition of the mother’s placenta. Its development may be disrupted. This pathology is called low placentation during pregnancy. Also, the doctor must evaluate the amount of amniotic fluid.

Deciphering an ultrasound at 21 weeks of pregnancy allows you to determine the quality of the baby’s heartbeat and placentation. For example, over 180-190 beats per minute may indicate oxygen starvation of the baby.

What to do with oligohydramnios

A woman may suffer from oligohydramnios due to infection, as well as due to carrying twins. Typically, this problem is discovered when a doctor examines pregnancy in the early stages.

Oligohydramnios has the following symptoms:

  • reduction in the size of the uterus;
  • moving the baby causes pain;
  • pain in the pelvic region;
  • constant weakness, nausea and dry mouth.

The presence of oligohydramnios can lead to serious consequences, including abortion.

21st obstetric week of pregnancy: what can harm

Although the protection of children in the belly of a pregnant mother from external factors is very high quality, there is still a risk of harming the unborn child. So, there are substances that can cause pathologies during fetal development:

  • nicotine;
  • alcohol, alcohol;
  • narcotic substances;
  • sulfonamides;
  • antibiotics;
  • various hormones.

21 weeks of pregnancy: presence of discharge

This stage is characterized by copious discharge, but it should not differ significantly from what was previously. The norm is considered to be white or milky in color with a neutral odor. If, during the discharge, you observe strange colors, for example, green or brown, or pain appears, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

It’s a bad sign when there is discharge with blood and mucus accompanied by pain. This may indicate a miscarriage, and also significantly affect the formation of the child.

Is it possible to have abortions (possibility of termination of pregnancy)

During this period, doctors do not recommend having an abortion, that is, terminating the pregnancy. After all, at 22 weeks the child is almost fully formed, he has acquired the abilities to feel, hear and see. In addition, abortion can greatly harm your health.

But there are several reasons for interrupting:

1. medical indicators;
2. pregnancy due to rape.

At the same time, women must be prepared for the consequences of abortion:

  • severe inflammation of the cervix;
  • endometrium;
  • uterine incompetence;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • The cervix can also be severely damaged.

In addition, you should know that under no circumstances can you terminate a pregnancy without a preliminary examination. Based on a short consultation, the doctor cannot refer the woman for the procedure.

21st week of obstetric pregnancy: nutritional rules

During this period, it is very important to diversify your diet, eat foods that are rich in various vitamins.

A woman should increase the calorie content of her food, because the baby is actively growing, and therefore more energy is required from the mother.

Very salty, spicy, fatty, smoked foods should be excluded. This can negatively affect your health, such as causing heartburn.

Fetal presentation

This period has not yet been determined. This usually occurs at the end of the third trimester. When the baby is breech, the doctor will know how the baby will progress at the time of birth.

The 21st week of pregnancy is the sixth obstetric month. If you look at it by week, 141-147 days have passed since conception. The 21st week of pregnancy marks the second half of the gestation period. The second trimester is considered the most calm and pleasant period throughout pregnancy, since toxicosis, as a rule, has already been left behind, and the tummy has not yet grown so much as to cause discomfort and inconvenience, and therefore mothers begin to experience an unprecedented surge of strength and vigor.

Development and size of the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation

What happens to the baby at 21 weeks of pregnancy? Almost all organs and internal systems are formed in him. It is at the 21st week of pregnancy that an active supply of subcutaneous fat begins, due to which the body becomes round, and although the skin retains its wrinkles, it is no longer so red, and the blood vessels become less and less visible every day. The baby is still very thin and can be compared to a small grapefruit or orange. The average weight is approximately 300 grams, and height can reach 25 cm. However, a slight deviation in size to a smaller or larger direction is not considered a pathology, since each pregnancy always proceeds individually.

At the 21st week of pregnancy, white cells begin to form in the blood, which are responsible for the development of immunity in the fetus. After their formation, most of the mother’s diseases become less dangerous for the baby, since he is already able to protect himself. At the 21st week of pregnancy, taste buds continue to improve, thanks to which the baby can already distinguish the taste of amniotic fluid very well, drinking it during the day in an amount of at least half a liter. The eyes begin to open slightly, and the hearing is already sufficiently developed for the baby to hear sounds coming from outside. He is already able to distinguish his mother’s voice, which is why it is recommended, starting from the 21st week, to talk to the baby as often as possible.

Belly photo. What does the belly look like at 21 weeks of pregnancy?

Movements at 21 weeks of pregnancy

The 21st week of pregnancy is the period when the fetus is actively moving and makes at least 200 movements per day. However, of the total number of movements, the mother is able to feel only a part, since the baby is still too small and has plenty of space in the uterus. In addition, at 21 weeks of pregnancy, the duration of fetal sleep is about 20 hours, and sometimes the sleep and wake patterns of mother and fetus may simply not coincide. Movements at the 21st week of pregnancy should be daily, and the pregnant woman should normally feel at least 10 movements per day; their absence or, on the contrary, a significant increase may indicate deviations in the development of the baby, or even his death.

Video: Baby movements at 21 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound at 21 weeks of pregnancy

21 weeks of pregnancy is the most appropriate time to undergo a second screening ultrasound. If at the first screening one could only assume the presence of pathologies in the baby, then at the second ultrasound examination their presence can be confidently confirmed or refuted.

In addition, at the 21st week of pregnancy, all organs of the fetus are fully formed and they have taken their permanent location. That is why any deviations in the development of these organs or their complete or partial absence are clearly visible on an ultrasound machine.

No less important is ultrasound at 21 weeks of pregnancy to assess the condition of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid, the number of vessels in the umbilical cord and their correspondence to the gestational age. This will help not only to identify in time any deviations or complications in its course, but also to take measures to preserve the pregnancy and restore its correct course.

Ultrasound photo at 21 weeks of pregnancy

Weight gain at 21 weeks of pregnancy

Weight gain at 21 weeks of pregnancy is about 4.8-5.8 kg. This figure can vary by 1-1.5 kg, both up and down. The norm and deviation in weight gain depends on: age, height and weight before pregnancy, physique, tendency to be overweight, characteristics of the body, early and late toxicosis.

21 weeks of pregnancy - sensations

What happens to the mother at 21 weeks of pregnancy? This is a happy time for the expectant mother in terms of well-being. Her mood is cheerful and upbeat, since many disturbing symptoms, such as drowsiness, dizziness, nausea and frequent mood swings, are far behind her, and the baby’s first movements, which are already felt quite clearly, cannot but rejoice, which has a positive effect not only on the pregnant woman’s mood, but also on her general mood. In addition, although the tummy has become slightly rounded, it is still not very noticeable to others and does not cause any discomfort for the expectant mother.

Despite the fact that the general health of the pregnant woman at 21 weeks is very good, there is still a possibility of pain that can cause severe discomfort to the mother.

Pain and cramps in the legs at 21 weeks of pregnancy

The 21st week of pregnancy is the period when more and more mothers begin to complain of increasing leg cramps, especially in the evening, which cannot but interfere with the normal flow of sleep. Cramps are a sign that a pregnant woman’s body does not have sufficient amounts of calcium and potassium, which must be reported to your doctor, who will prescribe additional vitamin complexes.

Leg pain that appears at this time usually indicates problems with blood vessels, as well as the possible onset of varicose veins. This may be due to the fact that the enlarged uterus puts significant pressure on the vena cava, thereby complicating venous outflow. Periodically resting throughout the day, wearing compression stockings, and avoiding long, long walks can help relieve this pain.

Uterine tone at 21 weeks of pregnancy

Normally, there should be no pain in the abdominal area at 21 weeks of pregnancy. If these are small nagging pains on the sides, then it’s okay, since this is associated with sprained ligaments, and as a result, the growth of the uterus. But if these pains become cramping in nature, and the stomach seems to turn to stone and is compressed in a vice, then this indicates the emergence of tone, which can provoke premature birth. It is important to understand that despite the fact that all the internal organs of the fetus have already completed their formation, at birth at 21 weeks of gestation, it has no chance of survival. That is why, if you observe similar symptoms and do not go away even after a long rest, you should immediately seek medical help.

Gastrointestinal disorder

The 21st week of pregnancy is a period when mothers experience an unprecedented increase in appetite; they want to eat everything at once. At 21 weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to eat small portions, since overeating is fraught with heartburn, pain in the stomach and intestines, as well as.

Pregnancy is considered a golden time, which is accompanied by rapid changes in the body of a woman and child that do not bring significant discomfort to the expectant mother. The difficulties of the 3rd trimester and childbirth are still ahead, but now the woman can enjoy her condition. Surprisingly, a pregnant woman’s appearance changes for the better: her hair becomes shiny, her skin takes on a healthy pink tint, and her breasts become fuller. General well-being and emotional background do not cause concern. Week 21 of pregnancy (5 months and 1 week) is the second trimester of gestation. Pregnancy is considered a golden time, which is accompanied by rapid changes in the body of a woman and child that do not bring significant discomfort to the expectant mother. The difficulties of the 3rd trimester and childbirth are still ahead, but now the woman can enjoy her condition. Surprisingly, a pregnant woman’s appearance changes for the better: her hair becomes shiny, her skin takes on a healthy pink tint, and her breasts become fuller. General well-being and emotional background do not cause concern.

What happens to the baby and mother?

  1. Abdominal enlargement – ​​volume 70-75 cm.
  2. Rounding of the navel.
  3. Fetal movement.
  4. Decreased blood pressure (hypotension in pregnant women): dizziness, weakness, drowsiness.
  5. Mild anemia: flashing spots before the eyes, pale skin, fatigue.
  6. Swelling in the legs at the end of the day due to increased stress on the urinary system.
  7. Discomfort in the lower back due to a shift in the center of gravity and increased load on the lumbar spine.
  8. Increased appetite.
  9. Weight gain.
  10. Mild cramping pain in the abdomen.
  11. Slight decrease in visual acuity.
  12. Increase in leg size.

All pregnancy symptoms disappear after the baby is born. These are temporary clinical manifestations that are associated with the load on the expectant mother’s body due to gestation.

  • frozen fetus (no fetal movement for more than 2 days);
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus with infections (herpes, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasma);
  • placental abruption (manifested by profuse bleeding from the vagina);
  • increased uterine tone and threat of miscarriage;
  • , hemorrhoids in a woman.

If you experience discomfort or a disturbance in your general condition, you should immediately consult a doctor. Scheduled visits to the gynecologist allow you to promptly identify abnormalities in the development of pregnancy and prescribe adequate treatment.

A woman needs to get proper rest and continue to lead a healthy lifestyle. Smoking and drinking alcohol, even in small quantities, is strictly unacceptable. Nicotine and ethyl alcohol cause intrauterine dysfunction, which leads to delayed physical and mental development.

The diet includes fresh vegetables, herbs, nuts, and fruits. Fermented milk products and porridges (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat) normalize intestinal function. Lean meat supplies a woman’s body with proteins for fetal growth and prevents the development of anemia. It is recommended to exclude fatty and fried foods, smoked foods, processed foods, fast food, and sweet carbonated drinks from the diet. Limit baked goods and sweets.

Clothing should be loose, not restricting movement, made from natural fabrics. At this stage, you can already select special styles for pregnant women. Shoes should be low heels or wedges no higher than 2-3 cm. Particular attention should be paid to underwear. Briefs made of cotton fabric, a loose, supportive bra that does not compress the breasts.

Women are recommended to attend courses for expectant mothers. It is important to lead an active lifestyle for the normal development of the baby. To do this, it is recommended to sign up for Pilates, water aerobics, fitness for pregnant women, and regularly go to the pool. To maintain good physical shape, it is useful to take walks at a slow pace in parks or squares away from busy highways. Pregnant women can take multivitamins as prescribed by a doctor.

- another step that brings a woman closer to childbirth, and prepares the baby for life outside the womb. A proper daily routine and diet, timely visits to the doctor, and a positive emotional attitude help you get through this period without complications.

Each week of pregnancy is accompanied by a number of interesting events that occur in the body of the growing baby. Intrauterine development continues at 21 weeks. The 21st week of pregnancy is a kind of milestone in the intrauterine development of the baby. By this time, the child has already formed many important vital organs, as well as nerve analyzers, through which he will recognize the world. The first sensations in the fetus appear.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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At this stage of pregnancy, the fetus develops the ability to hear various sounds. It is important to note that these are just the beginnings of hearing. The fetus cannot yet understand and analyze speech, since its brain is not yet developed enough for this. However, the baby can hear various sounds and even recognize the voices of his parents. Numerous scientific studies have proven that the voice of his mother has a calming effect on the baby.

Too loud and irritating sounds cause the baby to start pushing or moving too much in the mother’s tummy, while pleasant melodies, on the contrary, improve the baby’s well-being and have a positive effect on the development of his nervous system.

Experts recommend that future parents have “dialogues” with their baby. You can tell your child fairy tales and talk with him. Of course, the baby will not yet understand the speech he heard, but it will have a beneficial effect on his nervous system.

There are scientific studies confirming that regular conversations with a child who is still in the womb have a positive effect on the formation of a psycho-emotional bond between mother and baby.


Despite the formed eye sockets and even eyeballs, the baby still cannot really see. However, he is already able to distinguish various bright flashes of light. For example, scientists have noticed that when a bright light from a lamp is directed at a child’s face, even through the stomach, he immediately turns away from the blinding rays.

On the outside, the palpebral fissures cover the eyelids. Their skin is very thin and delicate. The sizes of the eye and eyelid are still disproportionate. When the eyelids tightly cover the baby's eyes, it seems that the baby is sleeping.


The child's tongue already has special microscopic growths - papillae. It is thanks to them that he is able to distinguish different tastes. The baby can do this only by swallowing the amniotic fluid.

It should be noted that amniotic fluid can have different tastes. On one day it is a sweet and quite pleasant liquid, on another it is salty, which can be a little bitter. The taste of amniotic fluid is largely influenced by the food that the expectant mother eats.

A child, swallowing a small amount of amniotic fluid, is able to recognize its taste. In some cases, the baby likes it, but in others, on the contrary, it is unpleasant.

Scientists note that the fetus is able to swallow about 400 ml of amniotic fluid during the day. This process ensures that the amniotic fluid is constantly renewed. Swallowing liquid, and then excreting it, is the most important stage in the development of the baby’s urinary system.

First movements

The intensive development of the musculoskeletal system and the functioning of the nervous system contribute to the development of motor activity in the fetus. The baby not only moves his arms or bends his legs, but also begins to turn his head. The fetus is also capable of turning over.

The baby can push away from the walls of the uterus. Such active movements, as a rule, are already quite clearly felt by a pregnant woman. The more active the baby is, the more his mother feels it.

Often, pregnant women attach too much importance to the first movements of the fetus. Of course, the baby’s motor activity is very important, but still it is not a determining factor in the physiological course of intrauterine development.

Some babies can be quite calm by nature, which in the future, as a rule, manifests itself in their character after birth. Others are restless. Even during its intrauterine development, the restless baby causes quite a lot of anxiety to its mother, constantly kicking in her stomach.

The motor activity of the baby is influenced by a huge variety of various factors, from the diet of the expectant mother to complex pathologies.

It is very important that the course of pregnancy is monitored by an experienced and qualified doctor. It is he who will be able to assess whether the baby’s motor activity is normal and whether any pathologies are present.

Body parameters

Every day the baby, who “lives” in his mother’s belly, grows and develops. Experts often compare the fetus with some object or fruit. This allows expectant mothers to more easily imagine the size of their baby at a certain stage of its intrauterine development. A fetus at 21 weeks of gestation can be compared to a fairly large banana.

The most important indicators of the intensity of intrauterine development of a child are the basic parameters of his body - weight and height. These indicators are necessarily measured during an ultrasound examination. The normal values ​​of the basic parameters of the baby at 21 weeks of pregnancy are presented in the table that follows.

A method that allows you to estimate the size of the fetus is called fetometry. At its core, this is a specific ultrasound examination. When conducting such an examination, in addition to the baby’s height and weight, the specialist determines other clinical criteria. One of them is biparental size (bpr). At this stage of pregnancy, its norm is 4.5-5.6 cm. The remaining studied parameters, which are also determined during the examination, are presented in the table below.

It should be noted that the expectant mother should not panic if her baby weighs slightly less than his age norm. Body parameters depend on many factors, some of which are not at all a consequence of pathology.

Only a doctor who monitors the development of a particular pregnancy can determine disturbances in the intrauterine development of the baby. Such an assessment is carried out comprehensively, and not just based on any one obtained value of fetometry.

Location in the uterus

During its intrauterine development, the baby can be located in the uterus in different ways. It is important to note that before birth, it can change its location several times from 20-21 obstetric weeks. This usually happens with restless babies or in the presence of certain pathologies during pregnancy.

Doctors consider cephalic presentation to be the most favorable position for the fetus.. In this case, the baby's head is facing the entrance to the pelvis. With this option for the location of the fetus, its birth, as a rule, occurs physiologically - naturally and without any complications. During childbirth, the head passes through the birth canal first, followed by other parts of the body. In this case, childbirth, as a rule, proceeds safely.

A less favorable option is breech presentation. In this situation, it is not the fetal head that is located at the entrance to the small pelvis, but its pelvic end.

The independent natural birth of a baby with such a presentation is fraught with the development of various pathologies, including very severe ones. The perinatal mortality rate of breech babies is currently, unfortunately, still quite high. To prevent the risk of possible complications during childbirth, doctors prefer a cesarean section for a breech fetus.


A child who “lives” in his mother’s belly already looks like a real person, but only very small. It is already possible to distinguish individual facial features - a flat forehead, a tiny nose, cheeks, and chin. The fetus even has brow ridges formed.

On the sides of the face there are small ears, which are located quite close to the neck. The baby has very fine vellus hair on his body and head. Also, he has already formed small eyelashes. The eyes are covered from the outside with thin eyelids.

The proportion of the fetus's torso also changes little by little. So, his head no longer looks huge. The limbs continue to change. Each hand and foot have small fingers with marigolds.

The external skin of the fetus is covered with a special substance - vernix lubrication. Its formation involves the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, mixed with exfoliated epithelium. Vernix grease usually has a light yellowish tint.

Is it possible to determine the sex of a child?

It is already possible to find out whether a boy or a girl will be born at this stage. It is very important that such a study is carried out by an experienced specialist - in this case, the likelihood of error is somewhat reduced. In case of multiple pregnancy, a specialist must determine the gender of each baby separately.

The possibility of determining gender is largely due to the fact that by this stage of its intrauterine life the fetus has already formed the main genital organs. Boys even have a formed prostate gland, and girls already have eggs.

At the 21st obstetric week of pregnancy, the intensity and strength of the baby’s movements increases, which cannot please the mother. She feels good and enjoys her condition.

The 21st obstetric week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 6th month.

Due to the reflux of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, the expectant mother experiences heartburn.


At 21 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus continues to grow and put pressure on the intestines. This may cause a woman to experience constipation. The pressure on various organs becomes noticeable and causes discomfort. The bladder also suffers due to the growth of the uterus, so the expectant mother feels a frequent urge to urinate. The growing uterus displaces the stomach: it is now located above and behind. The pressure in this organ increases, and the angle between the intestines and the stomach changes.


The baby's eyes gradually open slightly, he hears his mother well. The baby still remains thin, but is already beginning to gain weight. His body is covered with lubricant and original fluff. Often, the fetus moves actively at 21 weeks of pregnancy, and the mother feels movements in the lower abdomen.

The position of the fetus may change - there is a lot of amniotic fluid, and the baby feels spacious. The child sleeps about 20 hours a day and even dreams.

The baby continues to accumulate fats for muscle development and weight gain, which is why the expectant mother is so hungry during this period.

At 21 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s digestive system improves: part of the food is absorbed by the body, and the other part passes into the rectum. The work of the intestines is facilitated by enzymes and hydrochloric acid, which are produced in the body in small quantities.

Muscle and bone tissue continue to strengthen. The endocrine glands are working fully, and the spleen has recently started working. The production of white blood cells responsible for suppressing infections occurs. Improves bone marrow. The size of the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation is already 26 cm.

The taste buds on the baby's tongue are almost developed, and very soon the baby will fully appreciate the taste of amniotic fluid. The placental layer gradually thickens, at 21 weeks it is 22.81 cm. The baby’s heartbeat is now listened to using a small tube called a stethoscope.


The belly at 21 weeks of pregnancy is quite large: the baby inside is constantly growing and takes up more and more space. This is why the movements and impacts become more pronounced. Outsiders may be able to see the baby's movements. The most observant ones notice the protrusion of an arm, leg or butt. At this stage, pain occurs due to tension in the abdominal muscles.

Feelings at 21 weeks of pregnancy

If a woman is thin, then her tummy may still be small now. The pregnant woman continues to experience pain in the lower back, abdomen and sides. They are caused by severe pressure from the uterus on the body and do not pose a danger to mother and baby.

The expectant mother's legs may swell: this is caused by a large accumulation of fluid in her body. Colostrum may be released from the breast.

Most expectant mothers feel movements in the lower abdomen at 21 weeks of pregnancy, which give them great pleasure. However, if the mother still does not feel the baby’s movements, then this may happen a little later - some women begin to feel movements at 24 weeks. Can a specialist easily listen to a child’s heartbeat? This means that the expectant mother has no reason to worry.


Pain at 21 weeks of pregnancy can be of a very different nature: tingling in the navel, pain in the lumbosacral area, back and legs. Unpleasant sensations arise due to the ever-increasing load on the spinal column. The child puts pressure on the pelvic area, which is especially felt after sitting or standing for a long time.

But pulling or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region, is not the norm. It may appear with uterine tone.

Muscle cramps of the lower extremities can be a consequence of calcium deficiency.


The weight gain is about 6.5 kg. Weekly weight at 21 weeks of pregnancy increases by 0.3 kg. Appetite at this stage is good, but you should not overeat. You need to eat a balanced diet; there is no need for extra calories.

At 21 weeks of pregnancy, all the baby’s organs are almost formed. But this does not mean that the expectant mother should neglect certain recommendations.


Nutrition at 21 weeks of pregnancy should be correct. The fetus grows rapidly, so the woman experiences constant hunger. In this regard, you can gain unwanted kilograms, which are dangerous for her and the baby.

In order for the birth to go smoothly, she should eat vegetables and fruits, boiled or baked beef and fish in small portions. If a woman really wants something sweet, she can replace it with figs, dates or dried fruits in small quantities.


The expectant mother continues to take the vitamin and mineral complex recommended by the doctor. If necessary, the gynecologist will recommend taking medications.

If you eat fruits and berries in large quantities, you can do without taking synthetic vitamins.


If you have uterine tone, are pregnant with twins, or have certain health problems, it is better for the expectant mother to abstain from sex at 21 weeks of pregnancy and beyond.

Physical activity

Sports activities are still not contraindicated; they should be moderate, without heavy loads.

With proper physical activity, the baby receives oxygen, and the mother’s body becomes stronger. Doctors recommend choosing swimming. In the normal course of pregnancy, it can be continued until birth.

Also suitable for a woman are water aerobics, exercise machines or home gymnastic exercises that do not put strain on the back and stomach at 21 weeks of pregnancy. But they should be done only after consultation with a specialist. Dangerous sports should be abandoned for a while.

Medicines and medical procedures

The expectant mother should be wary of medications during the 21st week of pregnancy until birth. She can only start using certain medications if prescribed by a doctor.

Surely the woman has already studied her body, and with a common cold at the 21st obstetric week of pregnancy, she can limit herself to traditional methods of treatment. If you have an acute respiratory viral infection, you should still consult a specialist and rule out serious consequences.

Today, every pharmacy has safe homeopathic remedies that improve immunity and help you recover faster. If the expectant mother has a fever, then it should be brought down only after 38 degrees.

Possible problems

You need to worry about the fact that the expectant mother does not feel the baby’s movements if the specialist does not listen to the baby’s heartbeat. In this case, the doctor will refer the woman at 21 weeks of pregnancy for an ultrasound. The study will clarify the situation, exclude or confirm a frozen pregnancy.


A woman needs to pay attention to the discharge at 21 weeks of pregnancy: normally it is transparent, white or yellowish. If green, foul-smelling discharge occurs in large quantities, you should consult a specialist. If there is bleeding, call an ambulance. If there is bloody discharge, the expectant mother should also not hesitate, but immediately see a gynecologist.

Ultrasound and tests

  • thigh length – 37 mm;
  • chest diameter – 50 mm;
  • abdominal circumference – 144 mm.

In addition to the ultrasound, the specialist will prescribe tests at 21 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman has recently donated blood, the doctor will limit herself to a general urine test.

Features of IVF pregnancy

At the 21st obstetric week of IVF pregnancy, the doctor will refer the expectant mother for an ultrasound to see or rule out problems in the development of the baby.

If pregnancy does not have any abnormalities, then the woman can go to a regular antenatal clinic. However, if a specialist sees a certain threat, then observations must be extended to 28 weeks.

Multiple pregnancy

With multiple gestations at 21 weeks, more than half of the term is already left behind, because such babies are born faster: birth occurs at approximately 37 weeks.

The rest of the pregnancy is uneventful. The only thing that worries the expectant mother is the rapid growth of the abdomen and the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs.

Video of the twenty-first week of pregnancy