Quadruple entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck. Cord entanglement: why it happens and what is dangerous

Doctors urge not to dramatize the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck 1 time for several reasons. To begin with, it is worth going through an ultrasound diagnosis, which will show the actual state of affairs. There is not always a direct threat to the life and health of the child, so you should not push the attending physician to radical actions. The less the expectant mother exposes herself to nervous strain, the more likely it is to give birth to a healthy baby. The main thing - as mentioned earlier, is to let the doctors do their job.

We understand the details: cord entanglement, causes and consequences

First, the doctor must determine why there was a single entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus. Opens a list of possible causes of bad habits, unhealthy diet, addiction to tobacco products and so on.

Even passive smoking can not have the best effect on the health of the fetus, so you should think in advance about how to protect yourself. Other reasons are associated with permanent emotional overstrain.

The list of negative factors continues with a sharp change in climate or diet. It is strictly forbidden to do this without prior consultation with your doctor.

In addition, the unborn child puts himself in danger if one of the following reasons occurs:

  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Prolonged exposure to heat or cold;
  • Poor environmental conditions;
  • During pregnancy, children in the womb are wrapped around the umbilical cord as a result of the mother's failure to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene.

Medical statistics suggests that a double or single entanglement of the umbilical cord is the result of internal and external factors. Unhealthy diet, bad habits, past stresses are just some of the factors, each of which is subject to mandatory medical consideration.

Folk wisdom teaches: why umbilical cord entanglement happens

No matter how strange it may sound, but in the signs you can find a lot of rational moments. Opens the list of those pernicious addiction to knitting. It is enough to devote only 1-2 hours a week to this hobby in order to increase the chance of developing pathology several times. The consequences in this case will not keep you waiting, because knitting involves a long stay in one position.

The entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck or other parts of the body of the fetus is a diagnosis that is made to every third pregnant woman.

Almost every third woman hears on ultrasound: "Your child has an entanglement in the umbilical cord." The mother-to-be panics, asking a bunch of questions to the doctor.

But do not worry, because in most cases, such a diagnosis does not pose any danger to the fetus. Before the delivery process, the baby can both unravel and again become entangled in the umbilical cord.

Why does the umbilical cord wrap around the neck?

The umbilical cord or umbilical cord consists of connective tissue and three veins. One of them delivers blood to the baby with substances useful for life and oxygen, and the other two remove the baby's metabolic products.

Important: Vessels are protected from exposure by a special jelly-like substance called "Wharton's jelly". Due to this unique structure of the umbilical tissue, it can withstand heavy loads: compression, squeezing and twisting.

Why does the umbilical cord wrap around the neck? This happens when the umbilical cord is too long. The baby spins, and the umbilical cord forms multiple loops into which the legs or head of the crumbs fall.

Important: An increased fetal mobility is considered a predisposition to the development of such a diagnosis. Factors such as polyhydramnios and hypoxia can contribute to this.

Important: The expectant mother can avoid hypoxia if she does not smoke during pregnancy, but follows the daily routine, walks a lot on the street and moves a lot.

Such a pathology as polyhydramnios arises due to many reasons:

  • maternal metabolic disorder
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • kidney disease
  • infections
  • diabetes

Important: Register at the antenatal clinic in the early stages of pregnancy. The doctor will prescribe tests and a medical examination. This helps to exclude the presence of pathologies and infections.

Signs of entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord

The first and main symptom of cord entanglement is the excessive activity of the baby. But confirmation of the diagnosis occurs only after laboratory tests.

The signs of entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord include the following:

  • When conducting a cardiotocographic study, a decrease in the frequency of heart contractions during the period of fetal mobility is observed.
  • Ultrasound shows circular loops of the umbilical cord on the baby's neck
  • The determination of important indicators is carried out with color Doppler mapping. In this study, the vessels of the umbilical cord are visible on the neck or other parts of the baby's body.

Important: If, after the studies, there is no threat to the life of the fetus, then the doctors do nothing. The baby can unravel at any time before delivery.

Is it dangerous to wrap the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus?

The main danger in such a diagnosis is the occurrence of hypoxia.

Important: The expectant mother should walk a lot, eat right and lead an active lifestyle, but in moderation. Large physical exertion can be dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Young parents often ask the question: “Is it dangerous to wrap the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus?” Doctors distinguish several levels of complexity with this diagnosis:

  • Single, double or triple cord entanglement
  • Tight and loose entanglement
  • Isolated or combined entanglement. In the first case, the umbilical cord wraps around only the neck or only the limbs. In the second case, many parts of the body are confused

Often, doctors diagnose a single, loose, and isolated cord entanglement. Such a diagnosis does not pose a danger to the fetus. Childbirth will take place in the usual way, and the midwife will easily unravel the baby's neck as soon as the head appears from the birth canal.

Important: If the birth is delayed, then obstetricians give a stimulating injection. This is necessary so that there are no complications and fetal hypoxia does not appear.

Important: If a woman in labor has a tight and repeated entanglement of the fetus, then doctors may prescribe a caesarean section.

Single entanglement of the neck of the fetus with the umbilical cord, photo

The entanglement of the umbilical cord can be seen on the computer screen with ultrasound

As mentioned above, a loose and single entanglement of the neck of the fetus with the umbilical cord is not dangerous to the health and life of the baby. This is a signal for the pregnant woman and her obstetrician.

Important: A woman needs to be more attentive to herself, reconsider her daily routine and nutrition.

Photos will help you see how this type of cord entanglement looks in the picture.

Double entanglement of the neck of the fetus with the umbilical cord, photo

This type of entanglement occurs in many pregnant women. If the entanglement is not tight, then it also does not pose a threat to the health of the fetus.

Important: Single and double umbilical cord wraps around the neck of the fetus may disappear before delivery. The local gynecologist will prescribe medications that will help maintain blood circulation in the uterus and placenta.

In the photo you will see what this type of entanglement looks like.

Triple entanglement of the neck of the fetus with the umbilical cord, photo

If a threefold entanglement of the fetal neck with the umbilical cord is diagnosed, but without a threat to the health and life of the baby, then you should not panic.

Important: Do not skip the examinations that the doctor prescribes for you. Thanks to various studies, it is possible to learn in a timely manner about violations in the development of the fetus and prevent the appearance of negative consequences.

Look at the photo - this is what this type of entanglement looks like.

Cord entanglement on ultrasound photo

Ultrasound when entwining the fetus with the umbilical cord

Cord entanglement on ultrasound

Such a diagnosis as entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord is made on a planned ultrasound examination (20-22 weeks). Additional ultrasound when the fetus is wrapped around the umbilical cord is not performed. The doctor should prescribe dopplerography or CTG.

Based on these studies, a conclusion is made about the threat or its absence for the life and health of the fetus. At the 20th week, the fetus is still small and entanglement with the umbilical cord does not pose a big threat to him.

Important: The baby can get tangled and untangled several times a day.

Important: If such a diagnosis is made at the 32nd week of pregnancy, then doctors begin to monitor the course of pregnancy and the health of the baby.

How to avoid cord entanglement?

When a woman registers with a antenatal clinic for pregnancy, she is assigned to take tests and conduct various studies. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and lead a correct lifestyle.

So, how to avoid cord entanglement? What is prevention?

Tip: Go for walks more often, and in any weather. Avoid stressful situations and do prenatal exercise or swimming. Do breathing exercises.

All this is necessary so that oxygen starvation of the fetus does not occur, which causes increased activity of the baby.

How is childbirth with entanglement of the umbilical cord?

If the entanglement is not tight and isolated, then childbirth takes place in the usual way. The obstetrician-gynecologist who helps the baby to be born will carefully remove the umbilical cord from the baby's neck or leg.

Important: Such childbirth does not pose a danger to either the baby or the mother.

But, how does childbirth go with the entanglement of the umbilical cord, if the umbilical cord is tightened tightly? In this case, doctors monitor the baby's heartbeat, control is carried out every half hour.

Important: If the heartbeat remains normal throughout the entire period of labor, then delivery is carried out in the usual way. If the rhythm is disturbed, doctors prescribe drugs to the woman in labor that stimulate labor activity.

Important: If something starts to go wrong (hypoxia or asphyxia occurs), then the doctor urgently performs a caesarean section in order to get the baby faster and help him and the mother.

Do not panic, because such a diagnosis is not always a threat to the baby. The doctor will prescribe an examination and blood and urine tests.

So, what to do when the umbilical cord is wrapped around the fetus? Advice and feedback from women who have already given birth and were diagnosed with this during pregnancy will help you cope with anxiety.

  • Provide your little one with a constant flow of fresh air. Take a walk, ventilate the living room
  • Perform breathing exercises, gymnastics for pregnant women. Try not to be nervous so that there is no release of adrenaline into the blood
  • Trust the doctors during childbirth, and do what they say
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat so as not to overload your internal organs. After all, the health and metabolic processes of the child depend on the good work of your body.
  • If the doctor has made such a diagnosis, do not use dubious folk recipes and exercises for treatment. All this will not help to “unravel” the umbilical cord, but can only aggravate the situation.

Be prudent! Seek advice only from a doctor who monitors pregnancy. Then you will be fine!

Video: About cord entanglement

In any of the periods of pregnancy, the expectant mother is worried about her baby. Even the smallest change in well-being can lead her to think about a possible pathology of fetal development, although these changes are not always a reason for panic. A more accurate criterion that allows us to confidently assert the presence of deviations on the part of the child is the variants of pathology identified during diagnostic measures. One of the most common and frightening examples for expectant mothers is umbilical cord wrapping around baby's neck connecting it with the mother's body.

Umbilical cord (umbilical cord) is a spirally twisted formation that looks like a cord. It has a gray-blue color, its surface is not matte. The length averages about 55-60 cm during the normal course of pregnancy, the thickness is 2.5 cm.

By structure, the umbilical cord is not homogeneous: its core is a connective tissue formation of a gelatinous structure, and in addition there are the most important vessels designed to connect the child with the mother's body through the placental barrier. Education Data have a strong vascular wall due to the massive muscular layer.

Functionally the umbilical cord is vital for the normal and timely formation and development of all organs and systems of the embryonic organism. With the help of the umbilical arteries, all the blood of the child, passing through the placenta, absorbs a portion of nutrients and oxygen, and gives out processed substances and carbon dioxide. After that, the blood is returned back through the vein. In addition to the function of oxygen enrichment and nutrition of the fetus, the umbilical cord takes part in the metabolism with amniotic fluid.

Consequences and risks of entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus

Entanglement of the umbilical cord in the neck of the baby is called the formation of its revolutions with a possible threat to the life of the fetus. According to the generally accepted classification of umbilical cord pathology, this entanglement option is isolated (captures one part of the body - the neck), but can be single, double and multiple (in accordance with the number of turns of the umbilical cord around the baby's neck).

Single cord entanglement around the neck is not considered dangerous, it is not even elevated to the rank of a pathological condition of the fetus. A double and triple twist the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetal variant just might pose serious consequences for the embryo.

TO the main consequences of cord entanglement baby's neck includes:

  • Clamping of blood vessels, which are part of the umbilical cord, with the development of oxygen deficiency in the child and a lack of nutrients in his developing body.
  • With a strong tension of the umbilical cord, it is possible from the inner walls of the uterus.
  • Inhibition of normal growth and development of the baby with the risk of insufficiency of various organs and systems after his birth.
  • The death of a child in the womb mother from absolute oxygen deficiency.

Causes of entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus

There is a mass various mythical reasons, allegedly explaining the formation of an entanglement of the neck of the fetus with the umbilical cord. This is knitting during pregnancy, and unwillingness to bear a baby, and sewing outfits by a future mother, and raising her hands. However, being in the conditions of modern society, it is impossible to take such myths seriously as the real cause of this pathology of the umbilical cord.

Any pregnant woman should clearly understand this and be aware of underlying clinically valid reasons entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck of the embryo. The list of main etiological factors includes:

  • Frequent and strong psycho-emotional anxiety mother during childbearing.
  • Excess cord length, which directly leads to an increase in the free movements of the child in the womb.
  • Polyhydramnios pregnancy, which also forms an increased space for moving and turning the baby in the stomach.
  • to the embryo, because of which he reflexively performs motor actions in an attempt to show his unfavorable state.
  • Uncomfortable position for the baby in the womb of a woman.

The entanglement of the neck with the umbilical cord very often occurs completely by accident, therefore it is especially important to carry out all diagnostic measures to identify it before the development of all adverse consequences.

The saddest fact remains that the expectant mother will not be able to identify this condition based on her symptoms, because no outward symptoms. The only sign can be considered an increase in the number of movements of the baby, however, this is not a specific symptom of entanglement and may accompany other pathological conditions.

The presence of entanglement is determined only with the help of special diagnostic measures that any mother experiences several times during pregnancy. Diagnostic methods include:

  1. Complete history taking life and the entire past embryonic period with a detailed specification of all the sensations of a woman, careful management of a woman and her baby during pregnancy and childbirth.
  2. Examination of the placenta and fetus using ultrasonic waves(ultrasound). When carrying out, the specialist without fail analyzes the visualized picture of the location of the umbilical cord, its length, structural features, the amount of water around the baby.
  3. (CTG) of the umbilical cord, which consists in the sequential recording of the child's heart rate and its changes in accordance with the contractile movements of the uterus, exposure to environmental factors and the activity of the baby himself. The specialist may identify a suspicious decrease in the heart rate in combination with a mismatch in uterine contractions.
  4. in order to assess the state of blood flow in the main vessels that make up the umbilical cord.

Therapeutic measures are not indicated for carrying out with a single entanglement, however, if there are more turns around the baby's neck, constant close attention is made. supervision of a leading obstetrician-gynecologist with possible hospitalization in a medical institution.

Medical methods of modern therapy for obvious reasons do not exist. Applicable only antihypoxic drugs, but not every doctor resorts to their appointment. The basic principles of treatment are laid down in the methods of childbirth in patients with this problem and are more often aimed at emergency saving the baby from a hypoxic state.

What should a future mother do if her child has entanglement?

All actions of the mother should not be reduced to falling into a panic, because panic never leads to anything good and efficient in relation to any situation. A woman must exclude psycho-emotional overload, ensure her calm state. This will help not only her, but also the baby, reducing his active movements in the abdomen. Especially important prudently approach the implementation of all recommendations and appointments of the leading gynecologist, including all diagnostic measures.

In pregnant women with identified pathology of the umbilical cord, childbirth can take place in two ways:

  • naturally (through the physiological birth canal);
  • caesarean section operation.

Natural delivery can be indicated for lighter and less risky entanglement options, that is, with a weak and single entanglement of the fetal neck. Also in favor of physiological childbirth is the absence of oxygen deficiency in the child after a cardiotocographic study.

A woman gives birth on her own, however, the midwife, who is always present at the birth, carefully monitors their progress and analyzes what she sees. With the full appearance of the baby's head, the midwife removes the umbilical cord from the neck and straightens it. Also, right in the birth process, periodic (every half an hour) kartiotocographic control of the child's condition occurs.

Surgical treatment according to the method caesarean section shown to those women in labor with tight entanglement of the umbilical cord, the presence of repeated coverage of the baby's neck by the umbilical cord and the hypoxic state of the fetus.

Preventive actions are not so difficult for a pregnant woman that she is not able to perform them. It is only necessary to consciously and conscientiously adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Before you should go through a pregnancy planning program, thanks to which doctors achieve sanitation of foci of chronic infections and treatment of acute and chronic somatic diseases.
  • It is necessary to register in a antenatal clinic in a timely manner.
  • You should regularly visit the receptions of the leading obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • Important, this is obvious not only for the normal development and growth of the fetus, but also for maintaining the health of the mother in general.
  • Complete rejection of bad habits.
  • It is necessary to sleep well, to exclude psycho-emotional and physical overload.
  • Enrichment of the diet (only after consulting a specialist).
  • Carrying out adapted for pregnant women.

Video about the entanglement of the umbilical cord in the fetus

In order to fully understand all the information about such a condition of pregnant women as umbilical cord around the fetal neck, you can see the video, which popularly describes the causes of the development of this pathology, methods of diagnosis and therapy for such women in labor, and most importantly, measures to prevent its undesirable occurrence.

It is especially important to share your own experiences and impressions if you have had an episode of a similar pregnancy. By giving some advice, you help other women prevent the umbilical cord entanglement in their baby's neck or understand the tactics of action in case of an entanglement that has already happened. Also don't be shy ask your questions on this topic.

The expectant mother often hears stories about the umbilical cord entwining the child. What it is? Is cord entanglement dangerous? Can it be avoided?

When entangled, the free length of the umbilical cord decreases, too short an umbilical cord in the straining period of childbirth causes the fetus to "spring" in the birth canal - the umbilical cord attached to the placenta can prevent the baby from going out. In such cases, the doctor usually performs an episiotomy (incision of the perineum) in order to facilitate the birth of the baby. If the fetus is already suffering from hypoxia, vacuum extraction of the fetus or obstetric forceps can be performed to speed up the removal of the child.
Immediately after the birth of the head, the obstetrician frees the neck from the loops of the umbilical cord, thereby preventing its strong tension and disruption of blood flow through it. At this moment, a woman should not push, which the obstetrician will definitely say. In childbirth with entanglement of the umbilical cord, it is very important to strictly follow the instructions of the doctors: this will reduce the risk of injury to the mother and child.

Quadruple entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus on ultrasound:

With new modern methods of research and control over the condition of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor and a child, cord entanglement is no longer as dangerous as before, and allows you to give birth to a healthy baby.

The entanglement of the umbilical cord of a child is quite common, but in most cases it does not pose any threat to the baby.

The umbilical cord and placenta are the main link between mother and fetus, normal blood flow through it is very important for the growth and development of the child. Normally, the umbilical cord has a length of 40-60 cm, this is enough for the baby to be born without difficulty, but not enough for a large number of loops to form and the child could get confused. However, if the umbilical cord is too long, more than 70 cm, the risk that the fetus becomes entangled in it increases.

If during pregnancy the umbilical cord entanglement is detected on an ultrasound before 34 weeks, there is a high probability that the baby is both confused and unraveled, that is, such a diagnosis does not mean that the intrauterine cord entanglement will necessarily remain until childbirth, and may interfere.

The umbilical cord entanglement of the neck is most common, while on ultrasound, the doctor sees a loop in the neck of the child with a distinct blood flow with Doppler.

Is it dangerous to wrap the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus? Usually not, during childbirth, the loops are removed, which makes it possible for the child to be born without difficulty.

The entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus can be single, double or even triple. On the other hand, wrapping the umbilical cord around the child's neck is not the only option; the umbilical cord can entangle the entire body of the child, his arms and legs. The diagnosis is made, as a rule, during an ultrasound examination of a pregnant woman. And although the umbilical cord is clearly visible on ultrasound from the 16th week of pregnancy, doctors begin to attach importance to the entanglement only from a period of more than 32-33 weeks of pregnancy. Breech presentation and entanglement of the umbilical cord may be of particular danger in relation to complications of childbirth.

A single or double entanglement of the umbilical cord of the fetus does not threaten the child as long as the blood flow in the umbilical cord is not disturbed. The baby himself does not breathe, does not eat, the source of life for him is the mother's placenta, and the umbilical cord is the only way to deliver oxygen and nutrients. If blood flow is disturbed in it, he will begin to suffer. However, this requires a tight entanglement of the umbilical cord, which is rare in utero, it can happen during childbirth due to the fact that the umbilical cord is short for the birth of the baby. The tight entanglement of the umbilical cord without disturbing the blood circulation in it does not threaten the fetus in any way.

Signs of umbilical cord entanglement that could be detected when examining a woman or she could notice herself do not exist. This diagnosis is always made by ultrasound or during childbirth. Ultrasound not only makes it possible to determine the entanglement of the umbilical cord, but also to assess the blood flow in it, color Doppler mapping comes to the rescue, which will not only show whether there is blood flow in the vessels, but will also allow you to assess its quality, whether it is sufficient and normal.

If the ultrasound showed an entanglement with the umbilical cord, the woman will just need to be more carefully observed. CTG, dopplerometry allow you to identify intrauterine suffering of the fetus, if the umbilical cord is suddenly pinched.

Cord entanglement, causes

Why does cord entanglement occur? This happens when the umbilical cord is too long and forms multiple loops in the uterus. The baby moves unconsciously, his movements are not coordinated, and he may accidentally become entangled in these extra loops of the umbilical cord. Increased fetal mobility predisposes to this, for example, with polyhydramnios.

There are stories among the people that if the mother sits cross-legged, the child may become entangled in the umbilical cord. This is not only partly true. Uncomfortable posture forces the child to move more actively, and theoretically, the chances of getting confused increase. In the same way, hypoxia, which the baby experiences, increases the activity of the fetus if the mother is in a stuffy room, does not walk, moves little or smokes.

If the child is already confused, an entanglement of the umbilical cord was found on ultrasound, exercises and other tricks will no longer help. Either the entanglement will remain so, or the baby will unravel itself by childbirth.

Cord entanglement, consequences

Why is cord entanglement dangerous?

If we talk about whether it is dangerous to entangle the umbilical cord during pregnancy, yes, there is a small risk. With tight entanglement, clamping of the umbilical cord vessels and fetal hypoxia is possible, a strong tension of the umbilical cord can cause placental abruption.

What threatens the entanglement of the umbilical cord in childbirth?

Even a loose entanglement with a short umbilical cord or a two- or three-fold entanglement can become tight, with impaired blood flow in the vessels, as the baby moves through the birth canal. Strong tension on the umbilical cord can cause placental abruption in childbirth with bleeding and asphyxia of the newborn.

Doctors decide how to give birth to a woman based on the approximate length of the umbilical cord. If there is entanglement, but at the same time there are many free loops in the uterus, you can give birth on your own. The entanglement of the umbilical cord during childbirth in such conditions will not be tight, and the baby will be free to be born without harm to himself. In such cases, even if there is a double entanglement of the umbilical cord, the consequences will not be severe.

How to avoid cord entanglement?

It is possible to avoid entanglement with the umbilical cord if a woman walks enough in the fresh air, does not smoke (including passive smoking should be excluded), if polyhydramnios, feto-placental insufficiency can be avoided. But even under all conditions, a certain risk remains, because the length of the umbilical cord depends on the genes, and not on how much the mother walks, and if the umbilical cord is too long, there will always be a risk.

What to do with cord entanglement?

Neither gymnastics, nor conspiracies and herbs will get rid of entanglement, but complications can be avoided by regularly being observed by a gynecologist in a antenatal clinic and if you go to the hospital in a timely manner, having arrived there not with contractions and progressive childbirth, but during the day, as planned, so that doctors have the opportunity to choose the correct tactics of childbirth in your particular case.

Read also

Most often, it is difficult to establish the exact cause that led to the development of this disease (each case is studied and considered individually), although doctors name several of the most common points. Among them:

  • uncontrolled intake of various medicines, which include biologically active additives and vitamins consumed by expectant mothers without consulting a specialist;
  • viral diseases (influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.);
  • smoking;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy;
  • taking illegal drugs, etc.

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