Exciting massage for a woman: how to liberate and give pleasure. How to give a girl an erotic massage correctly

Close your eyes and plunge into the power of erotic massage... Awaken desire and lust, give unforgettable intimate moments to yourself and your partner! How to give an erotic massage that can drive you crazy and ignite a spark even in a fading relationship?


Erotic massage has its roots in the ancient East, where the separation of manual massage and intimacy was not dictated by society - on the contrary, they were connected. Of course, such a massage cannot be called a craft - it is a real art. Knowledge about it was obtained precisely from Asian techniques, and these people knew a lot about pleasure - just remember the Kama Sutra, Tantra Yoga and Taoist practices of love.

India, with its fragrant oils and spices, gave the world the opportunity to smell aphrodisiacs. Chinese knowledge about the body and the impact on certain reflex points revealed the secret of long lovemaking and the ability to control an erection.

Modern people can also learn how to do erotic massage. Anyone can master the technique of such a gentle and at the same time exciting influence on a partner.

How to do an erotic massage correctly: preparation for the process

Before the session, you should consider these points.

  • Manicure. Long nails can break or injure your partner's skin, which is quite unpleasant in the absence of orgasmic sensations. The skin of the massage therapist’s hands is ideally soft and silky, without abrasions or hangnails.
  • Hands must be warmed up to touch the warm skin of the back or other parts of the body. This rule is one of the most important.
  • When starting a massage, moisten your hands with cream or oil by rubbing it. But under no circumstances apply lubricant directly to your partner: the sensations are not the most pleasant.
  • It is advisable that the bodies of both partners be washed beforehand. In addition to the cleanliness effect, warm water relaxes, speeds up the blood and puts you in the right mood.

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Let's move on to something pleasant

Special courses, video tutorials, and books can fully answer the question of how to do erotic massage. And we will only outline the main nuances.

Essentially, erotic massage is smooth sexual stimulation of erogenous zones. Classically, it is performed on the naked body, but we will not follow the instructions “in the army”, but will act intuitively, subconsciously understanding the needs of the other party.


First you need to connect with your partner physically and mentally. Adjust your breathing to a rhythm with him, because he has not yet recovered from the worries of the day. Gradually bring his tense and frequent inhalation and exhalation to a relaxed one. To do this, place your hands on his knees and slowly move down to the foot, stretch the muscle a little by pressing on his toes. Then place your palm on the pads of your fingers and apply pressure, stretching the muscles of the lower leg. There should be a slight heat in your legs.


You should make smooth, moderately strong movements of your hands along your partner’s body from top to bottom. There are 3 main directions for the back: from the tailbone to the shoulders, to the hip bone and to the armpits. Hand movements are symmetrical, equally intense and gentle.

The highlight of erotic massage is the ringed movements. The main movement of the hands is with greater force from the bottom up, and then back, but a little easier. And be sure to hint at eroticism to your partner: when returning your hands, raise your palm and move only with your fingertips. By moving along the back to the tailbone in this way, you can make your partner flinch from the current running to the lower back.


Performed with the entire palm or its edge, more intense, but still gentle and alternate with stroking. They are more open, extending into the chest, buttocks, and also from the shoulder blades to the hip bones in front. You need to enter the groin territory carefully and gently, while keeping your partner waiting. Swipe along the regular lines several times and then across his intimate area.


Produced by fingertips that move in a circle. The fingers are folded into such a “tassel” and run from bottom to top along the back, arms and legs. Kneading is diluted with stroking, which relaxes the partner. It’s good if you feel some kind of excitement, because here you should be more frank and bold and direct massage movements to erogenous points: the groin area, spine, base of the neck, chest, scalp. It’s nice if at the beginning of the massage you “carelessly” touched them with your breasts or accidentally touched them with your lips. But don’t play around - save the “sweets” for the end of the massage.

The final

Closer to the expected end of the massage, knead, stroke and completely excite your partner, affecting the erogenous points of the body. At the end, add visualization - turn him over from his stomach to his back and stroke his upper body, going down to the groin and up again - play a little.

Thai massage

Thai massage in the classical sense is not an intimate service, but a therapeutic procedure that uses important energy channels and brings the body into balance. Its specificity lies in applying pressure not only with hands, but also with forearms, elbows, knees, and feet. The massage therapist performs flexion and extension of the body to influence the deep-lying muscles. “A peculiar dance of the many-armed Shiva above you” - these are the reviews left by people who have visited real Thai masters. By pressing on certain points, the functioning of organs, blood flow and lymph is improved. Typically a session lasts from 1 to 3 hours.

Thai erotic massage

This is a kind of mixture of excitement and relaxation in one bottle. How to do Thai erotic massage, close to the original? This is a rather complex task that requires knowledge of many nuances. It is no coincidence that the Thais say that a woman who masters the technique of Thai massage masters the male subconscious. Still, something can be done.

The whole body is lubricated with massage oil, which relaxes the partner. Next, deep kneading is carried out. Be sure to pause and touch your partner's body with light sliding movements. Use the “anmo” technique - use your fingers to move the skin, approaching and touching the erogenous zones. The most stimulating technique is perhaps “awakening the dragon” - the groin area is massaged with the pads of the fingers, but the genitals are not affected. After 4 minutes of manipulation, you need to kneel between your partner’s legs. The end of the massage will be a “shower” of long hair sliding over the skin.

Nuances of erotic massage

  • Do you want a stormy and passionate continuation of the massage? Be ardent even before your “shah in the harem” appears. Take a bath, massage yourself - get a slight buzz before meeting a man.
  • The importance of smell is great. When a partner enters the house, he will first feel it. It would be good if it was the aroma of fresh baked goods or vanilla. You can light candles/sticks or warm up a bun in the microwave.
  • Clothing can be different: from a peignoir to cute woolen socks - the only ones on the body. The main thing is that you must like yourself.
  • Sandalwood and jasmine in the form of oils have a hormonal effect, while rose, patchouli, and ylang-ylang relieve tension and relax.

Both partners should learn how to do erotic massage so that love games will later acquire a brighter color. This is useful not only for boredom, contrary to popular belief. In fact, it helps to study and understand your body and its reactions. If you know how to do a stimulating massage, then stimulating techniques will turn the fulfillment of marital duty into an erotic holiday.

How to do an exciting massage - technique

Finding erogenous zones

Many men know (and those who don’t know, let them know immediately) that the main erogenous zones in a woman are the mouth, neck, breasts, clitoris, vaginal opening, inner thighs and ear.

Women overwhelmingly believe that the main erotic zone of a man is the penis, scrotum and inner thighs. The main one, but far from the only one. Experience an exciting massage on your loved one, and you will discover many unfamiliar sexual points of the male body.

Erotic massage technique: how to do it?

Start with light touches to the neck. You can slightly tousle your hair; there are many biologically active points on the head. The contour of the face should be caressed by your gentle touches.

The area between the shoulder blades, the so-called “cat area,” is no less sensitive. And so that your loved one does not become completely weak from the massage and falls asleep, you can walk over his body with your lips. The result will follow immediately.

You can continue to study sensitivity in a variety of places, for example, just below the navel or in the ear area.

Erogenous zones can be not only purely individual, but also wandering. At the same time, in an exciting massage you can work not only with your hands, but also with your mouth: biting, pinching, even blowing.

Towards the end, pay attention to the genitals. There is no man who would be indifferent to caresses in these intimate places.

A clear sign that you are on the right track is the increased breathing and heart rate of your subject.

This means that the stimulating massage has fulfilled its purpose and you can move on to what it all started for – love itself.

Exciting massage for couples - step by step

Erotic massage helps relieve stress and feel closeness. The basic techniques are the same, but together with sensual movements and nuances they can turn a massage into a romantic dance. Strokes in an exciting massage should be light, playful and languid.

Light touches to the skin. These touches help establish a connection. We often take our partner for granted, so take this opportunity to rediscover their skin. Stroke your partner with your palm, fingertips, and nails. The lighter the touch, the greater the stimulation of the skin. Take your time. An exciting massage should not be quick.

Warming the skin with breathing. This romantic movement can complete any stimulating massage technique. Stretch your muscles and then blow on your skin. The closer you are to the body, the warmer the breath will be. This perfectly relaxes and stimulates your partner's skin. Try on your arms, legs, back, or back of your neck.

Hair touching. This movement of erotic stimulating massage can also be used to complete the techniques. Run the ends of your hair over your partner's skin. This is especially nice.

Kneading the neck. Be creative when it comes to stimulating massage. Use closeness and intimate moments to give tenderness and attention an unexpected massage. It is difficult to express love while remaining tense. Therefore, knead your partner’s neck with your thumb and forefinger, as usual, without touching the spine.

Pressing your fingers on your face. Facial massage is extremely pleasant, and light gentle stroking makes it magical. Run your fingertips over your partner's face, moving from the center to the sides. Slowly and sensually outline the eyes, nose and mouth, gently touch the eyelids and eyelashes.

Hair pulling. A scalp massage is very pleasant, as is gentle pulling on the hair. Movements in an exciting massage should be light. Work through hair from roots to ends, passing it through your fingers. Twist the ends, tug lightly, then ruffle your partner's hair.

Stroking the back. Be creative using the techniques of exciting erotic massage you already know. Try, for example, stroking your back in different ways, changing the pressure, pace and position. If stroking with palms and fingertips doesn't excite your partner anymore, why not try forearms or feet? For the most effective massage, follow the relief of the muscles. It can be exciting!

Exciting massage for a man with low potency

Having faced this problem for thousands of years, the Chinese treat it with great attention; they were the first to discover the most effective points. Although it should be noted that in such a dynamic area as a person’s sexual life, the result can never be guaranteed. But the safety and simplicity of the exciting massage technique deserves to be used. You have to be persistent, especially since acupuncture is a good help to any other therapy.

Erogenous points

In an exciting massage, it is important to influence two main and two auxiliary points.


  • The first is in the lower back, on the spine, or rather even on a vertebra located on the line connecting the two iliac crests.

The second is on the outside of the calf, a palm above the ankle, on the back border of the tibia, in a small depression.


  • The first is on the stomach, in the middle of the segment connecting the navel and pubis.
  • The second is on the bend of the wrist on the little finger side.

How to influence points in an exciting massage?

The points should be stimulated one after another, not too intensely, from five to fifteen minutes, morning and evening, by hand, needles or electric shock. The duration of the stimulating massage course is 10 days. After a week's break, treatment should be started again and such courses should be carried out continuously.

The Chinese inject vitamins or male hormones into the points.

How to learn how to give an exciting massage: video

What could be more pleasant than the touch of a loved one? Thanks to touch, we can understand each other without words, and at the most intimate level. You can give pleasure and awe both mentally and physically through massage. This is why massage is an essential component of quality sex.

Erotic massage is an unforgettable pleasure for a man

What is erotic massage? This is a variant of manual intervention in which all erogenous zones of the partner are stimulated. You need to know these by heart and try different types of influences on them to see what effect can be achieved from more gentle or stronger stimulation. But it is important to remember that when doing a massage, you need to use not only skillful hands but also a smart head, since incorrect movements, especially during a massage, can cause harm to health, or at least not bring the desired result and not please your partner.

Types of massage for your man?

Even in ancient times, massage was known as a remedy. It was used by primitive people as a remedy. In China, massage began to be used in the third millennium BC.

A woman who has skillful hands and performs this procedure with love will bring her man tremendous pleasure and this will only enhance his feelings. Massage does not require special skills or knowledge. The only thing your significant other needs to do is get acquainted with the most basic techniques and types of procedures, purchase special oil and ventilate the room. Once prepared, the process can begin.

There are several types of massage that you need to know:

Massage for a boost of energy

If he is tired and falls exhausted, a massage based on vibrating movements and gentle blows will help restore them. From the outside you might think: who wants to be beaten! But in fact, such movements improve blood circulation and tone the muscles. And for these purposes there is no more effective technique than light blows. Lay your loved one on his stomach. Place your hands so that they are perpendicular to his body. And move from the shoulders to the lower back with quick striking movements. The blows are circular and sharp, made alternately with the edges of slightly clenched fists. Then shape your palms into a cup and rhythmically stroke the skin with both hands in turn. There should be some space between your palm and his skin to create a vacuum. This way you will achieve a skin tightening effect. If you're giving him a massage to invigorate him, try alternating patting and effleurage with squeezing and kneading. But it is important to remember that if you want to achieve a tonic effect, you should follow a specific sequence of massage. We start with a back massage, move on to the pelvic area and the back of the thighs, then massage the chest, legs and front of the thighs.

Massage to relieve fatigue and relax

We all know that stress is the cause of many unpleasant surprises that our body can throw at us. For example, insomnia and severe stress. In such situations, massage can help. In moments of strong mental arousal, the muscles tense, and they can be relaxed with a massage. And when they relax, a signal is transmitted to the brain that relieves nervous tension. In this regard, a feature of massage for relaxation is the predominance of exclusively soft and smooth movements. For example, rubbing and stroking. It’s best to start with the feet, because there are a lot of active points on the feet. Take the tips of your fingers and the balls of your feet in your hand and apply pressure. You need to press hard enough and make circular movements. This massage is done with the thumbs. Start at the base of your toes and work your way towards your heel. Repeat the same movement from your ankle to your toes. Remember to massage each finger; simply pulling it out will be enough. At this point, press firmly on the nail of each finger and release sharply. Usually fatigue and stress affect our neck - it is very tense. Therefore, it is useful not to forget about this area during a relaxing massage. Place your index fingers on the side of your neck and press 3-4 times, very firmly. Then place 4 fingers on the back of your neck, the little finger should be on the hairline. Apply pressure to this area with each hand alternately. Once on the right, once on the left. But each press should be no longer than three seconds, as there is a risk of damaging the vessels and nerves passing close to the skin. Ask your loved one to close his eyes and relax his facial muscles so that the brain does not receive exciting impulses. There is a separate relaxation massage technique for the muscles running along the spine. You need to place your index and middle fingers on both sides of the spine at the base and move along it to the neck with small trembling movements. This is exactly how a relaxing massage should end.

Erotic massage

If you know the secrets of an exciting massage, then you will be guaranteed a honeymoon feeling even after celebrating your golden wedding. Just like a relaxing, stimulating massage involves only soft movements, and it’s also a good idea to dilute them with kisses. Start with his arms and legs. This will increase blood circulation and relieve fatigue. But remember that some men can get turned on by massaging their big toes; for some they are an erogenous zone. Start with your little finger. Gently pull it, gently press the pads of your fingers several times on the interdigital area and move on to the next finger. Pull and push again. And so on. Apply the same technique to his fingers. After all, the palms have no less number of active points. After your feet, move to your back. Almost weightless touches with the back of your hand are your first step. Rise from the lumbosacral region up to the seventh cervical vertebra, pressing symmetrically with your palms along the spine onto your back. But we go back down differently. Also along the spine, but we press with the phalanges of our fingers. Don't neglect the trapezius brachialis muscle. A gentle “tuck” technique is suitable for this. Then massage his head with movements similar to washing his hair. Next comes the most interesting part. Buttocks massage. Rubbing is strictly prohibited here! Exceptionally affectionate gentle strokes! Only touch the area from the lumbosacral region to the buttocks with your palms. The fingers should be turned towards the shoulders. But here you need to do not sliding movements, but kneading ones. That is, we touch and release, touch below and release again. Hand movements are symmetrical. This way we increase blood circulation in the pelvic area. And we know that this leads to sexual arousal. Then move on to the stomach and chest. The chest needs to be stroked, going lower and lower. The area just below the navel in almost all men has an erogenous point. And if you touch her, he will be ready for a night full of passion. And the best assistant in an exciting massage will be massage oil, your love and imagination!

Male erogenous zones and erotic massage techniques

If you are interested in how to give an erotic massage to a man, then you should determine his erogenous points. It is a mistake to believe that only with the help of the genitals can a representative of the stronger sex receive true pleasure, because each “male” is individual: one is aroused by touching the shoulder blades, and the other by manipulation of the tailbone. But one truth is known - all men are delighted with touching their ears.

For the session to be successful, you need to find out some details about your partner:

  • what kind of music does he prefer;
  • what smells are your favorite?

In addition, it is worth paying special attention to the atmosphere of the room, creating twilight, and making sure that there are no other people in the apartment. If you plan to make love, it is best to be naked.

You should start an erotic massage by touching the thighs and buttocks, as they belong to one of the erogenous zones. Next, you should stroke your legs, starting from the toes and ending with the groin area. All this time, your loved one should be in a calm and relaxed state.

The next step will be to concentrate on the hips and spine. To do this, you need to lubricate your hands with the required amount of aroma oil and stroke your buttocks from the spine to the hips, making circular movements. At this time, it would be appropriate to touch your bare part, for example, the chest, of the man’s body. It is very important to convey all your desires through rubbing and stroking.

Having completed the first stage of the massage, you need to move on to kneading. It is worth remembering that your loved one should not feel pain during the entire process, so it is necessary to be as gentle as possible. After stretching and stroking your back, you can lightly spank your partner’s butt.

Next, you need the man to turn over on his back, since it’s time to perform some manipulations on his stomach. All movements should be performed clockwise, starting from the navel and going lower. Touching the genitals of your loved one is prohibited, as you must always keep the intrigue.

Since most representatives of the stronger sex have hair on their stomachs, it is best to put your fingers in a rake position and perform all manipulations on this part of the body this way. Light tapping on your loved one’s belly, as if you were playing the piano, will not be superfluous either.

If your massage has not yet turned into violent sex, then you should move on to the man’s chest. To do this, you can sit on his lap and start massaging this area of ​​the body, touching his chest with your chest. For a more intense sensation, you can use pieces of ice.

To massage the ears, you need to make circular movements using your thumbs and forefingers. All rubbing of the earlobes and their shells should occur smoothly and slowly, and this procedure ends with stroking with open palms.

Morning express massage

To keep him alert and full of energy in the morning, you can diversify your breakfast with one simple “dish” - a quick massage of the ears. Bend your ears forward with your fingers and press the ears to your head, then release. Repeat this several times. Then move on to the next movement. Grab both earlobes with the pads of your thumb and index finger. Pull down and release. This manipulation needs to be done 5-6 times. Next, insert your thumb into the external auditory opening and press the protrusion of the auricle with your index finger. Squeeze it lightly and turn it in different directions for about 20-30 seconds. Another technique is that there is a cartilaginous protrusion behind the external auditory canal. Pinch it with your index finger and thumb and move it up and down. Ear massage activates the points located in the auricle and quickly activates the body's reserves that are dormant after the night. This “one-time” massage will drive away all drowsiness.

Wellness massage

When your loved one feels tired, it is very difficult to think about erotic games, therefore, a wellness massage will come to the rescue, with which you can relieve fatigue and pain in the body.

If a man feels pain in the lower back or back, then he should lie on his stomach. As for the surface, a sofa or rug placed on the floor is perfect.

A wellness massage should start from the shoulders and end with the hips, and its technique is described above. When performing this procedure, you must always focus on the pain point of your loved one.

One of the health-improving movements is the “herringbone”, which is performed at the base of the spine with your fingers, moving down.

For neck pain, movements should be performed from the head to the shoulders. Grasping your neck with both hands, you need to rub it intensively.

Sports massage

This type of massage can be performed using special massagers: manual or electric. Particularly popular are “crabs”, which are made from plastic or wood.

As for the technique of such a massage, it is performed from the bottom up, starting with rubbing and stroking, and after that you can use a massager.

Bottom line

Massage is a unique method not only to improve your man’s health at home, but also to bring him a lot of pleasure sexually. But do not forget about contraindications when this procedure can cause harm. If these factors are present, you should not perform massage yourself:

  • tumors;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • hypertension of the second and third degrees.

If your loved one has prostate disease, then you can help him recover with massage. To do this, you need to visit the doctor together and ask him about movements that will be useful for diseases of the prostate gland. By devoting just four to five minutes a day to your loved one, you can protect him from surgery, and he will be grateful to you all his life. To perform such a massage, you need to have gloves, cream and know a couple of techniques that you can easily learn from the video.

It’s quite simple to melt the cold heart of your beloved man - you just need to give him the pleasure of an erotic massage. It is he who will bring new sensations, passion, fidelity and love into your relationship. By pleasing your soulmate, she will answer you a hundred times more.

In contact with

There are probably no people in the world who don’t love massage. This procedure helps to improve the health of the whole body, blood circulation improves, the person relaxes and enjoys. Today we will talk about the main types of this procedure, and also learn how to give an erotic massage to a man.

Of course, you can visit specialized salons and get your dose of pleasure there. But how much more pleasant it is when the woman you love gives you a massage. In this case, you can combine various techniques, perform a sensual erotic massage, and then smoothly move on to making love.


Let's look at the most common and popular techniques:

  • Erotic. Designed to stimulate sexual function, promotes liberation of the sexual partner and release of sexual energy. Helps to get closer spiritually and find mutual understanding in bed.
  • Wellness. Used to relieve tension throughout the body. Stiff muscles come to a relaxed state, fatigue disappears, swelling decreases, and blood circulation is restored.
  • Sports. During sports training, enormous tension is placed on the muscles, and lactic acid is produced. This technique will help get rid of overexertion and reduce pain. Muscles will receive additional vitamins and minerals for growth with increased blood flow.

Preparatory stage

Before you start the massage itself, you need to do some preparation at home:

  • First of all, make sure that no one will disturb your peace or interfere.
  • Create a cozy twilight in the room. This can be done with candles, a lamp, or simply leaving the TV screen on.
  • Be sure to play pleasant relaxing music, taking into account your man’s musical preferences.
  • It is recommended to take a bath or shower before the procedure. You can do this together with your chosen one, which will help you get in the right mood.
  • Take care of beautiful and erotic clothing. Just from one glance at you, desire and attraction should awaken in a man.
  • Prepare cream or butter.

Erogenous zones

Quite often, women mistakenly believe that only caressing the penis can bring pleasure to their partner. Let’s dispel this misconception and list all kinds of erogenous zones of the male body:

  • Limbs. You have no idea how many nerve endings are in your fingers, toes, feet and palms. For a man, this will be indescribable, especially if no one has stretched his fingers before.
  • Neck, head, ears. You can start with the ears (a very sensitive area for many representatives of the stronger sex), gradually moving on to pressing the scalp and stroking the neck.
  • Coccyx and lower back area. In this case, combined movements are perfect - point pressure with your fingers and gentle stroking.
  • Inner thighs. Pamper your partner with gentle air movements in this area of ​​the body. This will provoke sexual arousal.
  • Breasts, nipples. Don't forget to caress your breasts; soft, sensual strokes will do. You can apply slight physical pressure to your nipples.
  • Scrotum, penis. The genitals should be treated with extreme caution - there is a high probability of premature release in the form of ejaculation. Don't forget about the anus; you can lightly stroke the intergluteal area.

Erotic massage

In order for your efforts to be successful, it is important to know how to do an erotic massage correctly. To perform the session, you need to choose a hard surface; a soft bed will not work - the man will drown in it and will not be able to fully enjoy the process.

  1. Cover the surface with a soft cloth. Please note that oil stains may occur. Lay the man down on his stomach. Rub the cream or oil into your palms, then apply with smooth movements to the skin of your back and arms.
  2. Start the procedure with your hands, work each finger and rub your palm. Don't skimp on the oil; your hands should glide freely over your partner's skin. Then move on to the forearms, rubbing and stroking are suitable here.
  3. Move smoothly to the shoulders and neck, do not make any physical effort, do everything carefully. Pay special attention to the ears, massage the scalp.
  4. Go down to the shoulder blades, using light pressing movements, move from top to bottom along the spine to the buttocks. This is where a little force is needed, remember them well. Next, you need to turn the man's belly up.
  5. Caress his chest in a circular motion. Now he can see you, his arousal will increase. Gently move across your stomach and down to your hips. Leave the genitals unattended for now.
  6. Play with the inner thighs with light movements and you can move on to massaging your legs and feet.
  7. While performing the procedure, casually touch his body with your body, slide over it, this causes excitement.
  8. How to massage intimate parts of the body? Pay attention to the scrotum, you can lightly squeeze it in your palm, stroke the intergluteal area, do not forget about the oil.
  9. To finish, you can lie on your partner and rub all the convex parts of your body against him. Of course, he will be delighted with such a massage.

During the massage, the partner will experience strong arousal, it’s time to begin sexual intercourse and make love. Erotic massage will guarantee a stable and faithful relationship. Now your man will always rush home in anticipation of the next surprise!

Wellness massage

This type of massage involves working the upper body. The main movements are stroking, pressing and rubbing. First, you should warm up the skin, then intensively knead your back, rub your neck and head, and stretch your shoulders. Finally, it is recommended to perform soothing movements - stroking. After this, it is recommended to cover the person and leave to rest for at least 15 minutes.

Sports massage

It is recommended to perform starting from the feet, gradually rising up. Warming stroking movements are used. The goal is to increase blood circulation, distribute lactic acid throughout the tissues and relieve physical tension. Circular kneading movements will do. After the muscles and skin are warmed up, you can use massage devices made of plastic or wood.

This procedure is not only a method of treatment, but also an excellent option for relaxation.

How to give a man a massage? It all depends on what goal you are pursuing during your manipulations. Today there are many varieties from medicinal to erotic, and today we will learn the basics of most of them. You will be surprised how effective our advice will be, and you will understand how to put it into practice. Your man is guaranteed to thank you in return!

Types and varieties

Unfortunately, adultery is a common phenomenon, and, unfortunately, happens all the time. But the reason for this is not always masculine nature or a woman’s reluctance to take care of herself properly so that her other half always likes it. It happens that you look at a woman: she looks perfect, well-read and smart, well-mannered and sweet, but stories of her husband’s infidelity thunder around the area with frightening regularity. What is the reason?

It should not be said that men are male by nature, and sometimes they are attracted only by base reflexes, such as food and sex. But they all value not their quantity, but rather the quality component. Agree, homemade food seems to them tastier than what is prepared in a restaurant, and intimacy is good only when it is impossible to get enough of it.

Individuals of the stronger half of humanity, perhaps more than women, love affection and touch. This means that a massage will be the best reward for any of them. The procedure can serve as both a relaxing procedure and a prelude to sex. By performing such manipulations, you demonstrate to your loved one your devotion and readiness to do something pleasant at any moment.

In the Ancient East, massage was used to achieve a peaceful and calm state of mind and body. During the sessions, the muscles relaxed, every cell was filled with energy. If it is performed by gentle female hands, a man is able to remember the positive emotions he receives for the rest of his life, becoming his savior’s whole life: a lover, a reliable friend, an ally and a faithful family man.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with the presence of a massage room in a beauty salon or spa center. But not every representative of the strong half of humanity visits such establishments. But why not recreate the relaxing atmosphere in your own apartment? To do this, just prepare aromatic oil, turn on good music and ventilate the room. Well, shall we get started?

So, we suggest you consider the following varieties:

  • Erotic massage– will help make your sex life bright and varied.
  • Restorative– it relieves tension that can accumulate in the body for a long time.
  • Sports– it is usually used to relax muscles after tiring workouts.


It should immediately be noted that the matter should be approached with full responsibility. Try to treat each session as a means to achieve a certain goal. And she should be the only true one - to please her other half. And half the success is that both participants in the process have a positive attitude.

It is not difficult to guess that each of the types of massage listed above is based on a simple set of manual manipulations - stroking, rubbing, vibration and kneading. Let's consider each option separately.

  • Ironing It is done with open palms, which move in different directions from the center to the periphery. Touches can be chaotic and repetitive, zigzag and circular. If your husband is overweight, you can clench your hands into fists to influence the treated areas.

  • Pressing or kneading allows you to work out every centimeter of the working area, all muscles and ligaments. If you perform the manipulations correctly, after the session the skin will become soft and warm. To achieve this effect, imagine that you need to knead the dough so that there are no lumps left in its structure.

  • Patting and vibration. These movements should complete the procedure. They will help speed up the process of blood circulation, and therefore skin regeneration, and make metabolic processes faster.

Advice! Here are some more tips for novice masseuses: on your back you can find or make a roll of leather with your hands, which you can roll from bottom to top or pinch it with two fingers. And to knead your arms or legs, it is better to use rotational manipulations.

What is arousal technique?

Erotic massage has a large number of functions, the main one of which, perhaps, is increasing sensitivity. Foreplay is an important stage that should not be neglected, because its absence can ultimately have a detrimental effect on family relationships.

An arousing procedure runs the risk of becoming ordinary relaxing manipulations if a woman does not know where a man’s erogenous zones are located. You may not have guessed it, but to create the necessary conditions, it is not necessary to caress the genitals of your other half. Sometimes they get just as much pleasure from rubbing their ears, feet, back or buttocks. If you have lived with your husband for more than a year, you probably already know little secrets that often help you out.

Advice! During the whole action, try to demonstrate to the man the full depth of your desires. He should feel how much you are attracted to him. All your movements, as well as their intensity and passion, can indicate this.

Elimination of pain

Often representatives of the stronger half of humanity complain of back and neck pain. The reasons for this may be different, but you have the power to save your spouse or partner from such discomfort. All you need is a flat, hard surface and the necessary knowledge, which you can gain in this section.

So, perform all manipulations in the direction from the spine to the hips. To begin, intensively smooth the lumbar area, as if preparing it for something stronger. Rub from top to bottom, and then carefully knead each point and muscle, focusing on the painful area.

You can make a so-called “Christmas tree”. To do this, place your index fingers at a distance of about a centimeter from the spine. Slide them as if you were on a skating rink and impact each element of the bone chain.

The “raindrop” technique helps a lot. It involves a slight vibration with your fingers, as if water were falling on your back.

If you want to relieve your husband of neck pain, the movements should start at the head and smoothly go down to the shoulders. With your hands clasped around your neck, do active rubbing, tapping and kneading, as if you were making something out of dough or kneading it. Whichever technique you choose, remember that for best results, it is recommended to repeat each manipulation at least three to four times.

Advice! Such a simple method as hitting the piano keys is very good at relieving tension and stress that has accumulated during a long working day. With its help you can influence important points and nerve endings.


Massage has long been considered a health procedure, which means that, like any other medical procedure, it has a number of contraindications. But first, let's talk about in what cases it is advisable to use it. So, these are the following diseases:

  • Myositis, bursitis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Neuralgia.

Now let's get back to our question. Massage is strictly prohibited if the body has a tendency to bleeding, an increase in blood pressure of 2-3 degrees, as well as in the presence of any types of tumors, even if we are talking about benign ones.

Advice!Massage sometimes works real miracles. Especially if a man develops prostate diseases. In most cases, they end with surgery, but there is a chance to avoid these problems. Be sure to visit a urologist together with your other half. You should find out from him what manipulations should be performed and in what sequence. The duration of the procedure is approximately 4-5 minutes, but the effect of such procedures will be stunning!