When to take a pregnancy test after conception. When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

The most proven way to detect pregnancy is to take a blood test. Blood levels of certain hormones increase throughout pregnancy. This is one of the most reliable methods for determining a special situation.

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But not every woman can conduct such an analysis, sometimes the reason is reluctance, sometimes there is simply no opportunity. And many simply do not see the point in spending money when there is an alternative way to resolve the issue.

How to easily detect pregnancy

The easiest way to check (positive result)

The most accessible, simple way to determine pregnancy is a test. It can be bought at absolutely any pharmacy. The price range is huge. Often this is a small narrow strip that is treated with a special reagent.

This type of diagnosis is quite accurate. Many manufacturers claim that accuracy can be up to 99%. But it also depends on when you do the diagnostics. How many days after conception can a test show pregnancy? They write on the packages that starting from the first day of absence of menstruation, you can use the tester.

But many begin to feel internal changes even before the onset of their monthly cycle. Experts say that the accuracy of such methods depends on the time of application and there are strips that are more sensitive and others that are less sensitive. But if you do everything on time, almost any test will show the result.

You should not conduct research immediately after conception. The level of chorionic hormone, through which pregnancy is determined, will increase only after some time. Usually, a sufficient period is seven days for the test to show pregnancy, because many people are interested in the question of how many days after conception they can use it. Therefore, it is possible, but still not recommended, to use a test to determine pregnancy before a delay. This will not always be an accurate result (you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be false), but sometimes you can determine it in advance.

Positive and negative result

Ovulation occurs approximately halfway through the cycle. But fertilization may not occur on the same day, but within a week. And the hormone level will increase only on the fourteenth day after ovulation.

There is no point in using an ovulation test unless fertilization (fertilization occurs after conception!) occurred in the previous cycle. It lasts only 24 to 48 hours. During this period, the chances of getting pregnant are very high. When ovulation is over, the chances of getting pregnant are practically non-existent. The exception is late ovulation, before menstruation.

In the absence of menstruation, a diagnosis must be made and if it shows a positive result, then pregnancy has been determined. If negative, it is worth repeating the procedure after some time to exclude a false result.

Home diagnostic methods

Tablet version of the test

Now there are many ways to determine your condition yourself at home, which will help detect pregnancy within a couple of days after ovulation using a test. On the shelves of pharmacies we can see several types of tests:

  • strip test, waiting for a reaction from three to five minutes;
  • tablet, reactions in five minutes;
  • jet, a couple of seconds is enough;
  • digital or electronic, operates on the inkjet principle.

It is convenient because there is no point in looking out for the appearance of a strip. The result is shown on the screen.

NameDescriptionPriceAccuracy (on a five-point scale, depending on the period)
BabycheckA strip for lowering a container with urine. Susceptibility from 25 mME/mlFrom 10 to 100 rubles3
Evitest ProofA device with a special window into which you need to add a few drops of urine. Susceptibility from 10-25 mME/ml.from 50 to 150 rubles4
Frautest COMFORTWithout the need to collect urine into a reservoir, the method of application follows from the name. The most convenient way to determine the state of pregnancy is several days late. Susceptibility 10 mME/mlfrom 150 to 250 rubles5

Before you check. Check the expiration date of the product. The lower the sensitivity number, the more accurate diagnosis is possible in the early stages.

Timing of determination after implantation

How many days can it take to take a pregnancy test after implantation? Devices that have a sensitivity of 10 mU/ml can be used to detect pregnancy from the seventh to tenth day after conception or implantation. Therefore, it is pointless to conduct tests before this date. Even the most sensitive can give false positive or negative results before the delay. Because the necessary level of hCG (a human gene that determines pregnancy with the help of this hormone) will not reach the required level. In order not to torture yourself in vain, the test should be carried out ten days after menstruation has not arrived. Or in two days, then for confirmation after some time.

The process of conception goes something like this

The optimal days to do the test after implantation depend on:

  • how sensitive and high quality the tester is;
  • what is the condition. When there is a threat of miscarriage, hormones are produced more slowly compared to a normal pregnancy;
  • correct execution. You must do everything as written, according to the instructions.

If the results are negative, but menstruation still has not begun, it is worth repeating the procedure.

Operating principle of the tester

Sets the level of hCG in urine

All pregnancy tests work on the same principle. They determine the level of hCG in the urine. This hormone begins to be produced when the placenta develops. In women, under normal conditions, it is normal – it is from 0 to 5 mU/ml. Starting from the first week of fertilization, the level of this hormone and its concentration increases.

Testers are divided into two types based on sensitivity:

  • those that determine the concentration of hCG from 10 mU/ml. Such a specimen can determine the condition already five or seven days after fertilization;
  • those that can determine the concentration from 25 mU/ml. They are the cheapest in the pharmacy and determine the condition at a later date.

So the principle of operation.

  1. They set the hCG level.
  2. The determination is possible due to the fact that each tester has an antibody to hCG. When the level is sufficient, the antibodies react.
  3. Red streaks appear during the reaction.
  4. It can be determined before the start of the menstrual cycle, and then. After a delay, the result will be more accurate. But you can check and repeat.
  5. The timing depends on the date of ovulation.

It is best to carry out a pregnancy test in the morning, then it will show the true result. Because urine is most concentrated in the morning.

When the second strip appears, the result is positive with a high probability (approximately 99%). A weak line is also considered a positive result, but the hCG level is still too weak.

In some cases, you can get a false positive result - this can happen due to taking certain medications or if there is a tumor.

New unused device

Sometimes there may be a false negative result. It happens:

  • when the hormone concentration has not yet reached the required level;
  • in case of kidney dysfunction;
  • Drank too much liquid before the test.

Correct use of instructions

The principle of the test, which will show whether you are pregnant or not, is very simple:

  • you need to wait for a certain day (whether it is a delay or you have calculated certain days from the moment of ovulation);
  • In the morning, collect urine in some container (the container must be clean);
  • lower the test strip to a certain mark for a few seconds;
  • then you need to wait for three to five minutes;
  • place the strip on a clean surface;
  • after ten minutes the test is invalid;
  • one bright red stripe – negative;
  • two bright red stripes – positive;
  • other cases (when a strip appears, but the second one - the result is invalid, or when the second strip is barely noticeable, it is worth doing another test after a while).

When a girl hopes to become pregnant (or, conversely, carefully avoids this situation), she buys a test even at the slightest sign of conception. From what period a pregnancy test shows a positive result directly depends on the individual characteristics of the female body and the research method.

How does he work

This method of self-diagnosis is common among modern women. The main advantages of testing are:

  • low price;
  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • anonymity;
  • reliable result.

To have an idea of ​​when to take a pregnancy test, you need to understand how it works. Any such device is programmed to search for a specific structure - human chorionic gonadotropin. This substance begins to be produced by the female body immediately after the attachment of the fertilized egg in the cavity of the reproductive organ. First, the concentration of the unique hormone increases in the blood. Some time after implantation, it begins to increase in the urine. It is during this period that it is better to take a test in order to quickly find out about the new situation.

Take a short online pregnancy test on our website in a couple of minutes and get the answer -.

When human chorionic gonadotropin is detected, the strip strips show the reagent. As a result of this, women see a positive result - two lines. When the pregnancy hormone is absent in the urine or its concentration is not yet high enough, the device shows one line - the control line. It indicates that the research was carried out correctly.

HCG level in urine

In a non-pregnant state, the level of hCG in the blood does not exceed 2-3 IU. In urine this amount is even less. Immediately after implantation, which occurs 3-7 days after the release of the egg, the amount of the pregnancy indicator begins to increase. Every day it increases by 1.5-2 times. How many days after conception the test will show pregnancy, the norm table will help you roughly determine.

In this table you can see what the content of hCG is in the urine by day from conception.

You should take into account the fact that the moment of sexual intercourse does not always coincide with ovulation. Sperm can exist in a woman’s body for up to 7 days. For this reason, it is necessary to count from the day the egg leaves the ovary. You can reliably determine the moment of ovulation using appropriate tests, measuring basal temperature or ultrasound.

The most sensitive tests

How many days later the test will show pregnancy after conception depends entirely on its sensitivity. Modern manufacturers of research instruments promise diagnostic accuracy of 99% even before the delay. However, one should not believe loud slogans and promising statements. It is necessary to understand test systems in order to know when to use one or another.

The sole purpose of non-pregnancy tests is to detect human chorionic gonadotropin in the research material. On what day after conception it will be installed depends on the sensitivity of the system. All characteristics of the device are indicated on the packaging. Tests with a sensitivity of 20 and 25 mUl/ml are popular, but you can also purchase strips with a value of 10, 15 and 30. This figure shows the minimum level of human chorionic gonadotropin, which is necessary to establish a new position.

  • EVA is a test that is classified as an insensitive but accurate device. It detects pregnancy when at least 30 mU of hCG is present in the urine, which means that the likelihood of a false positive result for them is quite small.
  • Itest, Vera, Mon Ami, Frautest have a sensitivity of 25 mE. Such tests are the most popular.
  • Lady, Evitest, Mama Check with a sensitivity of 20 mU allow you to determine pregnancy 1.5-2 weeks after conception. However, before the delay, they still sometimes give a false result.
  • Insure, Clever Girl, which detects 12.5 mU of hCG in urine, gives an early result. According to the manufacturers' promises, they show two stripes within a week after ovulation.
  • BB test and First Sign position themselves as highly sensitive tests. They react when the level of pregnancy hormone in the urine reaches 10 mU. According to reviews, such devices often show a false positive result.

Should you trust the manufacturers?

Many manufacturers of home diagnostic devices use a marketing ploy and indicate on the packaging of their product the exact number on what day of conception a pregnancy test will show a positive result. You can buy systems at the pharmacy or supermarket that promise an accurate answer 1, 2, 4 or even 8 days before the delay. In fact, such statements cannot be trusted. The lower the sensitivity number of the device, the less hCG it needs to establish pregnancy, the sooner - according to the manufacturer - the test will show. Most gynecologists recommend conducting the study no earlier than on the first day of the delay. In this case, the result will be most accurate.

Before menstruation is delayed, many representatives of the fairer sex test positive. This is evidenced by their reviews. But often the device gives a negative answer, when after some time the pregnancy is confirmed. The cause of a false negative result is an insufficient increase in hCG or improper use of the test. False positives are less common. Its causes may be internal diseases, such as tumors. If the test shows 2 lines, but the woman is definitely not pregnant, then she needs to be examined.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, director of the family clinic “Repromed” comments:

— Implantation of the embryo usually occurs on days 21-24 of the cycle, the secretion of hormones reflecting the onset of pregnancy (hCG) begins during the first days after fertilization, but the concentration before implantation and the first stages of development of the trophoblast (future placenta) is too low to be detected during sampling (both blood and urine). Blood and urine tests on the 3-4th day of missed period become informative. Blood values ​​(hCG) have quantitative characteristics and therefore more accurately reflect the situation.

They are also important for the differential diagnosis of intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy. Determining serum hCG over time (at intervals of 2 weeks) is also important if there is a risk of pregnancy regression.

Pregnancy tests (urine) are also based on the detection of hCG, usually this is a qualitative study. For more accurate results, it is necessary to donate blood. In any case, it is advisable to consult a doctor if the pregnancy test is positive (or doubtful).

How to get an accurate result

When to take a pregnancy test, each woman decides for herself. If there is already a delay in menstruation, then the time of diagnosis does not matter. When you want to do a test the very next day after conception, and you barely have the patience to wait 7-10 days after ovulation to examine the biomaterial for signs of pregnancy, then you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • choose the morning time for testing (the first portion of urine after waking up contains a larger amount of human chorionic gonadotropin, since its growth occurs mainly at night);
  • find a clean container to collect the material (if a tablet test or strip strip is used, the container must be clean, otherwise various liquid impurities may affect the test result);
  • observe the time (the instructions for use indicate not only when you can take a pregnancy test, but also the time that you need to keep the strip strip in the biomaterial);
  • correctly interpret the result (it is necessary to evaluate the test response within 3-5 minutes; most devices become uninformative after 10 minutes, and the reagent begins to appear on their surface).

Various disorders can affect the diagnostic result. For example, if you use the test in the evening and drink a lot of water beforehand, the answer will be skewed towards negative. For this reason, manufacturers of all devices unanimously recommend refraining from urinating 2-4 hours before diagnosis, and also not drinking liquid during this period of time. Under such conditions, the urine will be more concentrated, which will eliminate errors and false results.

What time to take the test

When to take a pregnancy test is not that important. If you follow all the rules, then after a delay you can conduct the study even in the evening or at night. It is not at all necessary to wait for the morning portion of urine. But it should be noted: the later the diagnosis is made, the greater the chances of receiving an accurate answer.

Taking certain medications may also affect the test result. Women planning pregnancy may be prescribed stimulation, which includes injections of human chorionic gonadotropin. This substance is removed from the body in about 2 weeks. Therefore, early testing may show a positive result in the absence of real pregnancy. Taking diuretics and some medications to lower blood pressure accelerates the excretion of urine from the body, as a result of which the concentration of the pregnancy hormone in the biomaterial decreases.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that the best time to take a pregnancy test is a few days after the delay. In this case, the result will be as accurate as possible, and the study can be carried out in the morning, afternoon or evening - whichever is more convenient for the woman.

If patience is not enough, and you want to find out about the pregnancy as soon as possible, then it is better to donate blood to determine hCG. This study will give a more accurate and earlier result. The analysis can be carried out as early as 5-7 days after ovulation (not to be confused with sexual intercourse). It is important to understand how a pregnancy test works: from what period it shows depends on its sensitivity. The lower the mE value indicated on the package, the greater the chance of early diagnosis.

Throughout the ages, girls have always wanted and want to know as early as possible about their pregnancy in order to convey this wonderful news to their loved one or their family. Naturally, the most popular, accessible and well-known method is the test strip for determining pregnancy. You can buy it at any pharmacy, and you can see it on the shelves of many stores.

True, it is not clear when it is better to do them so that they show 100% results, and when they may not yet determine conception. This is why we decided to write this article, so that such questions will no longer arise.

The female body has an unusual, even more magical property - the ability to bear and give birth to a new person. But in order to do so, you need to determine exactly when this is possible.

Each cycle allows only 7 days for fertilization. Of these, five days and two days after. All other days are safe.

Ovulation normally occurs on days 14-16 of the cycle. This means that you can fertilize an egg from day 10 to day 16 of the cycle. And if women are confident in their exact menstrual cycle and have systematic and accurate periods without deviations, then it will be easy. This is taking into account that she and her partner are completely healthy and suitable for each other.

And then comes the moment when this action happened. A married couple wants to quickly find out about their interesting situation, but this does not mean that they can immediately run to the pharmacy for a test after sex.

At such early stages, the test will not show anything yet. And, in fact, there is nothing there yet. It's all about the woman's body and the process of conception itself.

The fertilization mechanism is quite long and difficult. When sperm enter the vagina, their number is 60-150 million. And their difficult journey begins towards the waiting egg. The total movement time of the tails ranges from 2 to 6 hours. Much fewer sperm arrive at the target, but only one can fertilize it. It is he who penetrates inside and there.

Then, within a week, the fertilized egg moves along the fallopian tubes towards the uterus to attach to its walls. This process is called implantation.

On such days, some women may notice lingering pain in the lower abdomen, or see spotting vaginal discharge. All this is the norm. Implantation lasts about 40 hours. After this period, all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

The second important component to determine is hCG (choriotic gonadotropin), also called the pregnancy hormone. HCG begins to grow in the blood and urine of a pregnant woman 7-10 days after fertilization. Peak growth occurs at 11-12 weeks. Its level is used to judge how the embryo develops.

On what day can you take a pregnancy test?

Let's first look at how it works. In appearance, it is an ordinary cardboard strip (in a more expensive form it is still in a plastic case), its coating consists of a reagent.

Now there are plastic tests, and the test strip is inside. As a rule, they cost more.

Reacts to the level of hCG in urine and changes color. And since hCG begins to rise from the first day, as we said above, then, in fact, the test can be done the next day. But the test strips are not particularly sensitive, so at such early stages it will not show pregnancy.

But after 10 days, it is quite possible to use it. Typically, this occurs at the beginning of a woman’s monthly cycle. It turns out that it is advisable to do the test on the first day of the delay.

And at first it may show a weak second stripe, but every day the hCG level will increase and the stripe will be more and more visible. Because of this, gynecologists recommend making delays on later days to make sure.

But, if you still decide to do it as early as possible, then you need to adhere to some rules. This:

  • It is better to take a pregnancy test in the morning, when the level of hCG in the urine is maximally saturated. At later dates, this point is not relevant.
  • Carefully follow the instructions on the test package. If this is a stream test, then remove the cap from the tip and place the indicated part (with the arrow) under the stream of urine. Hold there for about 5 seconds. For other types, you need to dip the stick with urine to the mark and hold for 5 seconds.
  • Then the test should be placed on a horizontal surface and wait for the result. Within a few moments (5 minutes) the test will manifest itself and determine whether you are pregnant.
  • After 10 minutes you should get rid of the dough. It will no longer be considered true, as it loses its peculiarity.
  • If the result and the delay persists, it is worth repeating it in a few days.
  • And, as we have already said, a weak second line indicates the presence of pregnancy.

The effectiveness of the test is 98-99% accurate. But there are always exceptions.

Its false indicator may indicate the following reasons:

  • The test was done too early;
  • Its service life has passed;
  • All points of the instructions were not followed;
  • The urine was not morning.

When the test may show two lines, but the woman is not pregnant:

  • In the case when a woman was treated for infertility with the help of hormones, and they remained in the blood in large quantities;
  • Test defects;
  • If before this a woman was pregnant and it was interrupted, then her hCG level remains quite high;
  • A positive result may also indicate the presence of some disease in the body. For example, a cyst, molar blister, tumor, etc.;

To avoid such cases as much as possible, it is recommended to purchase a pregnancy test in specialized places, pharmacies. Pay attention to its expiration dates.

Therefore, if two stripes are detected, you should contact your gynecologist to avoid various types of problems.

Methods for determining pregnancy

A test is one of the most accessible ways to find out about your interesting position. Its accuracy begins to work from the 7th day of estimated conception.

But, as we noted, there are cases that provide false evidence of fertilization or deny this fact. Therefore, to verify the readings, you can use other equally, and in some cases, more accurate determination methods.

Let's highlight a few of the most famous:

  • Basal temperature. BT is the body temperature at rest for more than 5 hours. It is done using a regular thermometer, which is inserted into the vagina, rectum or mouth. Often, gynecologists may prescribe measuring it due to a woman’s infertility. Temperature readings vary throughout the monthly cycle. In the first phase it is within 36-36.5 degrees. Two days before ovulation there is a jump of 37-37.2 degrees. The reason lies in the release of the hormone progesterone. This temperature lasts for the rest of the phase. With this measurement, you can clearly see what date ovulation will occur and prepare as much as possible for conception. From the day when critical days should begin, it returns to normal 36-36.5 degrees. If a woman has a delay and the temperature stays within 37-37.5, then after 10 days we can safely judge that pregnancy has occurred. By further measuring it, the condition of the embryo can be determined. BT should not rise and should not fall, as this may portend a threat to the fetus. It is important to take temperature measurements correctly and not change location. The rules for measuring are simple: take measurements in the morning without getting out of bed, do not change the measurement time, hold the thermometer for 5 minutes and mark it in your chart.
  • Early diagnosis of pregnancy – hCG test . We have already written about this hormone above. To determine it, a blood test is taken. This analysis can be found in any laboratory related to gynecology and not only. Starting from day 6, you can already go and donate blood. And the result will be positive. This analysis should also be done according to the rules: take it strictly on an empty stomach, in the morning. If you can’t do it in the morning, it is recommended to refrain from eating 6 hours before donating blood. Warn if you have recently taken or are taking. Avoid physical activity the day before the test.
  • Ultrasound . Ultrasound examination is done three times. It may also be done to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. You can also do an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. Starting from the 1st day of delay, an ultrasound scan will be able to detect the fetus. True, there are supporters of doing an ultrasound at such an early stage to prevent the pregnant woman from being exposed to radiation. But modern equipment is made in such a way as to maximally protect the baby and the expectant mother from harmful effects. In general, it is better to contact an antenatal clinic to discuss this issue.

Instead of concluding, I would like to say: it doesn’t matter how you determine your pregnancy, the main thing is to have patience. It doesn’t matter how long the confirmation is, the meeting with the baby will happen exactly in 9 months.

All attention should be directed to the self-feelings of the expectant mother, and worrying is not the most correct behavior. So let's enjoy it, and everything will come on time.

Before the invention of pregnancy tests, humanity resorted to various methods of guessing the onset of the gestational period. Original pregnancy tests were carried out by wetting grain with female urine, mixing urine with wine, changing the characteristics of biological fluid under the influence of various additives, and also injecting it into a certain type of frog. Thus, it was believed that when pregnancy occurs, grains of wheat or barley, watered with urine, germinate faster, which helped not only to diagnose a successful conception, but also to predict the gender of the child. A repetition of a similar test in the 70s of the 20th century showed a 70% effectiveness of the method for determining pregnancy.

A modern pregnancy test makes it possible to determine with a high probability the beginning of a new life without lengthy experiments with various compositions and grains. The variety of rapid diagnostic tests, however, requires knowing when to take a pregnancy test, how to interpret the result, and which tests are best to use.

Despite the modernization of diagnostic methods, the material for testing remains the same as in the Middle Ages. Urine contains human chorionic gonadotropin, the same hormone whose concentration is assessed when diagnosing pregnancy using a blood test.

In venous blood, the hCG hormone begins to be detected 2-3 days after the chorionic villi begin to penetrate the walls of the uterus. Human chorionic gonadotropin reaches a concentration sufficient for most tests in the excreted urine approximately a week after the start of the process of its production in the body.

If there is a concentration of hCG in the urine sufficient for the level of sensitivity of the test, a reaction of the chemical on the surface of the test and the hormone occurs. In the absence of the hormone or its insufficient concentration, the reaction does not occur, and the result is negative.

The average sensitivity of tests on the market is 25 mUI; hCG usually reaches this level two weeks after fertilization. Existing tests with higher sensitivity, reacting to smaller amounts of the hormone, diagnose its appearance 3-4 days earlier.

When can I use the test during a regular menstrual cycle?

If the menstrual cycle is regular and has a constant number of days between the onset of bleeding, then calculating the date of ovulation is easy. The middle of the cycle (with a standard menstrual cycle of 28 days - on the 14th day) the egg is released.
Fertilization of an egg is possible within three days, its life cycle. After the process of fusion of the egg and sperm for 4-5 days, the germ cells migrate through the uterus to the placentation site, after which the production of hCG begins. Assuming fertilization within 2 days, 4 days of migration and the time necessary to achieve the desired level of concentration in the urine of the hormone, highly sensitive tests are able to show the onset of pregnancy 10 days after ovulation, that is, with an average cycle of 28 days - on the 24th day of the cycle . For greater confidence, experts recommend using a highly sensitive test on the 12th day after the release of the egg from the ovary, and tests of ordinary sensitivity - after 15-16 days.

Diagnosis of pregnancy with irregular cycles

If the menstrual cycle is not regular, the duration of the periods between menstruation varies, then the time to use the test depends on the date of ovulation.
Ovulation can be determined by subjective sensations (some women feel characteristic tingling in the area of ​​one of the ovaries, a feeling of fullness, swelling, changes in sensitivity, mood), as well as by measuring rectal temperature and using an ovulation test. To determine the onset of ovulation and possible fertilization, a pregnancy test is used 15 days after the due date.

Morning is wiser than evening: when is the best time to take a test?

Most modern test strips do not limit the diagnostic period to any time of day: they can be used in the morning, afternoon, and night. However, experts, taking into account the possibility of a natural decrease in the concentration of hCG after drinking a large amount of liquid, recommend resorting to diagnosis in the morning, using the first portion of urine after a night's sleep, especially if the probable stage of pregnancy is short.

During the day, when fluid enters the body, the concentration of the hormone decreases. For periods more than 18 days after ovulation, this factor is not decisive, but the timing of ovulation also does not always coincide with the expected one. For accurate indicators, it is better to follow the recommendations of specialists, and in a situation where the test needs to be carried out during the day or evening, the optimal diagnosis would be after four hours of abstaining from going to the toilet and limiting the consumption of liquid products to maintain the level of hCG concentration.

Rules for using rapid tests

  • It is necessary to follow the test storage rules provided by the manufacturer.
  • Using the test in damaged packaging may distort diagnostic results.
  • The package is opened immediately before diagnostics.
  • Using an expired test will result in incorrect results.
  • The optimal time for the test is in the morning, immediately after a night's sleep.
  • If the test is not a jet test, urine collection requires the use of a clean container.
  • It is recommended to carry out hygienic procedures including washing the external genitalia before testing.
  • Strictly follow the instructions for use.

Pregnancy test: instructions for use

There are different types of rapid tests. Instructions for each type are attached to the test; violation of the rules of use most often results in the appearance of incorrect indicators.

When diagnosing pregnancy, the test is used within the time frame specified by the manufacturer. If testing is recommended from the first days of the delay, then there is a possibility that the sensitivity of the reagent or individual characteristics, the timing of conception will allow pregnancy to be detected earlier than the specified period, but most often an accurate result is possible only on the indicated days of the cycle.

The cost of the test most often directly correlates with its reliability: the lower the price, the lower the production cost and the cheaper the chemical reagent, respectively, the higher the number of incorrect results. The most common tests on the market today are four modifications; each type has its own characteristics and instructions for use. Some manufacturers produce different types of tests under a single brand (Evitest or Evitest, Frautest, etc.); when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the variety.

Test strip or strip test

The strip test is one of the first options for diagnosing pregnancy, a test for independent use and quick interpretation of the results. The most common and cheapest option (for example, Itest Plus is offered at a price of 20 rubles).
A paper-plastic strip with an additional inner layer impregnated with reagents becomes colored in one or two places upon contact with urine. One strip confirms the effectiveness of the test, two indicate the presence of a sufficient concentration of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin to confirm pregnancy.

Directions for use: collect the first morning urine in a clean container, lower the test to the limit indicated on the strip, hold it in the liquid for the required time (usually 20-30 seconds), remove it and place it on a dry horizontal surface.

Diagnostic results appear within a period of 1 to 10 minutes, depending on the concentration of the hormone. Some tests can also change the degree of color of the control strip - the paler the color, the shorter the gestational age.

Tablet type tests

Tablet tests are based on the same operating principle as strip tests: when a certain part of the surface comes into contact with urine, a chemical reaction occurs between the reagent and the hCG hormone. To reduce the likelihood of error, the volume of liquid is dosed, and the contact point is limited by a special window.
According to the instructions, you need to collect urine in the included clean container, then use the pipette included in the kit to dose 4 drops into the small window of the test tablet. The results are evaluated in the following window: depending on the variety, one or two stripes or a minus and a plus appear.

Inkjet tests

This variety is considered one of the most accurate and sensitive, and also does not require additional devices or manipulations. The test strip is placed under stream of urine for 10 seconds (if necessary, you can use a container and immerse the test in the urine).
Results are to be assessed at intervals of 1 to 10 minutes, depending on the concentration of the hormone. Unlike the above options, jet tests can be used 5 days before the expected date of menstruation.

Digital pregnancy test

Electronic modification of conventional options. The test evaluates the concentration of the hCG hormone and requires immersion in urine, but the result (depending on the type of test) is displayed either on an electronic mini-display or appears on the computer screen to which the test is connected via a USB port.
This option is considered the most optimal due to the impossibility of distorting the interpretation of the results. However, the sensitivity of digital tests is the same as that of inkjet tests: they can be used 3-4 days before the expected date of menstruation. When tested 2 days before the start of menstruation, 99% accuracy is guaranteed.

Negative test result in developing pregnancy

In most cases, tests show a negative result in pregnant women if tests with low sensitivity are used too early, or instructions for use or storage are not followed. A negative result is also possible due to late ovulation and late conception - in such cases, hormonal levels change more slowly than expected in accordance with the menstrual cycle.

Diseases of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalances also lead to negative test results. The threat of miscarriage is characterized by an increase in the level of the hCG hormone that is inappropriate for the gestational age, which, accordingly, leads to one line on the test at a time when the hCG concentration should be sufficient for two.

It is worth knowing that during pregnancy, tests can only be used in the first trimester. The concentration of hCG is not maintained during the period of waiting for the child, which leads to incidents: if tests are carried out for a period of more than 2-3 months, the result will be negative.

False Positives

Positive test results in non-pregnant women are much less common than the opposite situation and in most cases indicate the presence of diseases (ovarian dysfunction, the formation of a tumor in the reproductive organs that produces hormones, etc.). False-positive diagnostic results are also observed in the first two months of the postpartum period and when using an expired test.

Testing during menstruation

In some women, pregnancy is accompanied by menstrual-like discharge, similar in abundance, timing and symptoms to normal menstruation. As a rule, the discharge ends in the first trimester, but there are known cases of its manifestations throughout the entire gestation period. In such situations, it is recommended to resort to diagnosis using a blood test, but the use of tests is also possible.
Any test is based on assessing the concentration of the hormone in the urine and the presence of menstrual fluid in it does not affect the effectiveness of the tests.

If the test results are in doubt

Sometimes it is not easy to interpret the results of express diagnostics: the second indicator strip is slightly marked, visible from the inside of the test. Sometimes this happens due to poor quality production of cheap paper test strips: when wet, the reagent becomes slightly more noticeable than when dry.
A visible but pale second line most often indicates a low level of hCG, insufficient for the sensitivity of the test. In this case, it is better to postpone the check for 1-2 days or use a more highly sensitive option.

A strip with an insufficient degree of color may also appear as a result of improper storage of the test or violation of the instructions. In any case, repeat testing and/or blood testing for hCG is recommended.

Ectopic or non-developing pregnancy

The test results for an ectopic and/or non-developing pregnancy are also positive: on the days of expected menstruation, the presence of a second line on the test is most often noted. But the hormone level does not increase in such conditions; upon repeated testing, the pregnancy indicator strip may turn pale or not appear, which requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

When to take a pregnancy test? It seems that this science is not too difficult - to use the subject of self-diagnosis of an interesting situation, but sometimes girls make annoying mistakes when conducting tests, which is why the result is incorrect. Let's look at the basic rules that need to be followed when diagnosing pregnancy, and the main mistakes that lead to distorted results.

When to take a pregnancy test? If we are talking about the date, then it is best to wait until the first day of your missed period. This is exactly the recommendation that appears on absolutely all pregnancy test packages. But many women do not want to wait so long after possible conception and begin testing 10 days after ovulation, that is, before the start of a missed period. And, accordingly, most of them receive either incorrect or questionable results. The second line, indicating the presence of hCG (“pregnancy hormone”) in a woman’s urine, may not appear or appear barely noticeable, so that it will be impossible to interpret the result. Therefore, advice to those women who do not have the patience to wait for the required period for diagnosis: take a blood test for hCG. Here it shows reliable results already 10 days after possible conception. The doctor is unlikely to give you a free referral unless you are registered for infertility, but you can take this test for a fee. Always keep in mind the pregnancy test when it shows the correct result and do not worry ahead of time.

What time of day is best to take the test? It is recommended in the morning, after waking up, so that the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin is maximum, sufficient for a second strip to appear in case of a positive result. This concerns the early stages. And in the second half of the first trimester and later, when it is better to take a pregnancy test: in the morning, afternoon or evening, it does not matter. Ask: why do the test at such a long time, when the doctor can already make the correct diagnosis during a gynecological examination, and the fetus is already visible on an ultrasound? But the fact is that in this simple way women are trying to identify a possible threat of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy, which is fundamentally wrong. If a test suddenly becomes negative during a long period of pregnancy, this only means that it is not of high quality.

How many days after the delay will the test show pregnancy (video):

In conclusion, we list the reasons why tests show incorrect results.

1. Diagnosis too early (before the onset of delayed menstruation).

2. Performing the test not in the morning as recommended.

3. Poor quality test strip (perhaps it was stored under temperature conditions or expired).

4. Evaluation of the result earlier or later than the time specified in the instructions.

5. A woman has a disease that causes the level of hCG to increase.

This happens with some cancers, for example.

An approximate algorithm of actions for those who doubt the result.

1. Buy and make a couple of tests with higher sensitivity from other manufacturers.

2. Measure your basal temperature in the morning without getting up from sweating. If it is above 37 degrees, most likely you are pregnant.

3. Take a blood test for hCG. In this case, the reliability of the result is not even discussed.

4. Go to an appointment with a gynecologist. The doctor will be able to determine the duration of pregnancy (if any) if the delay lasts more than 2-3 weeks.

5. Do an ultrasound. In this way, you can quite accurately not only diagnose the presence of a fertilized egg, but also find out its location. If all the signs of an interesting position are present, and the ultrasound does not show the embryo in the uterus, despite the fact that the delay has already begun, then there is a high probability that the embryo has begun to develop outside the uterus, and this is very dangerous.

Pregnancy tests are certainly convenient and affordable. Every woman who is sexually active should learn to use them and know the features of diagnosing pregnancy.