Why does a modern woman need a man. Why do you need a man in a woman's life? Why is a woman dating a married man? Women want to love a strong man

Meeting with friends for a cup of coffee, we often discuss only one topic - men. Or rather problems with their men. We often hear complaints from women that: earns little, drinks, beats, disappears with friends, does not help with children and household chores, goes fishing, plays games, does not want sex, walks and more. Listening to their family stories, I often thought to myself, why such victims - torturing myself? For what? For society to call you a full-fledged family? Why endure if you are not appreciated? Why and why does a woman need a man?

So I had a question - why does a woman need a man?

Looking through the women's forums and asking women I know, these are the conclusions.

Man needed:

  1. This is accepted in society. We are used to getting married because it is necessary, what will relatives and neighbors say? Not married means something is wrong with her. A single woman with a child in our society is considered inferior. And accordingly, women suffer all the problems because they are afraid, having examples even worse than men among girlfriends, and their own parents. Probably this has already been laid down by history, where a woman takes “anything” when, for example, during the war there was only one man left in the village, and then a crooked, hunchbacked man. That's fixed, take what you have, and rejoice that you are not alone.
  1. For the conception of children, or rather, for the children to have a father. Often women endure physical and moral bullying, while they firmly believe that everything is for the sake of children. That with such a father, children will be better than without a father. I have a friend in childhood, along with my brother, more than once witnessed how their father “educated” their mother. At the same time, a friend often defended her mother, but the older brother always stood silently and did not interfere. Time passed and the children grew up and created their own families: at the same time, the girl did not allow herself to be insulted, but her older brother often beat his wife. So why bring up new tyrants and cripples with a sick mind. It also happens that children, being witnesses of how a father beats a mother, consider this the norm, and already in adulthood they do not know how to protect themselves (and this is almost 70% of our women).
  1. For financial stability. “To provide for me and the child” - there are and will be such women. They are sure that the man owes them. They take advantage of his love, position and twist him as best they can. And if a man is not satisfied, then they find another. It happens, and vice versa, that a woman is afraid that being herself, and even with children, she simply will not be able to cope, will not be able to provide them with everything necessary. Therefore, she tolerates her husband for the sake of financial security.
  1. For intimacy. For sex? Nowadays, finding a lover or just a person for sex is not so difficult. Although for a woman brought up in a conservative family or pious, a man should be the first and only.
  1. To not be lonely. The fear of loneliness also encourages our women to endure their chosen one. To be abandoned, useless - such thoughts prevail among women with low self-esteem. It is they who are the victims and are mostly silent and simply feel sorry for themselves, not even trying to change their attitude towards themselves.
  1. For housework. Well, to whom, as a man, we turn to rearrange the closet, move the bed, make repairs, repair the faucet in the bathroom))) Is it funny? But a certain percentage of women keep (you can’t say otherwise) men just for this. A self-sufficient woman, financially independent herself, raises children, has a lover, a man is needed precisely for what is called “to be”))) or as one friend put it: “Who will sleep on the sofa by the TV?”
  1. To love him. Well, this is the most pleasant. And here are your options. To be a support, for love comforts, support, a vest and a punching bag, a father for children, an interesting conversationalist and just to be there)))

So it’s better without a man, freedom is complete freedom of action (respectively, as for a man without a woman), but over time, loneliness, emptiness comes to replace freedom, and then, for both a man and a woman, this changes everything dramatically. Forgetting finances, sex, and it comes - love. And remember, everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness, no one chose a man for you. Therefore, you yourself and determine why you and why a woman needs a man in general.

Well, a few words about the statistics that I came across at one of the women's forums. The polls were created by a man.

Surely the question of what a beloved man can give, every woman asked herself. The choice of a satellite largely depends on the conclusion obtained. Each new applicant is evaluated taking into account these claims. Studies show that women's expectations can be divided into several categories. Some expect emotions and passion from a relationship with a man, others material support, and others expect physical satisfaction.

There are women who enter into relationships and even marriage unions simply because “everyone does it”, they don’t even think about the functions of a man in their life. This fatal mistake subsequently leads to misunderstanding between the partners.

In fact, the more clearly a woman imagines what she needs a companion for, the more likely it is to choose a suitable partner. Each individual "male" is not capable of being "handsome-young-rich and faithful." Therefore, do not be afraid to honestly answer yourself the question of what is most important to you in a relationship. This will greatly facilitate the search for YOUR prince!

What does a woman get from men?

Sex. Fortunately, modern women have learned to enjoy the sensual side of love. They speak boldly and openly enjoy sex. A man for such ladies is first and foremost a lover. The physiological side is the foundation of intersexual relations. Couples who have a harmonious sex life tend to be the most long-lived..

financial support. According to statistics, most women are financially dependent on men. The historically established stereotype that a man is a breadwinner is actively supported and promoted in society to this day. Therefore, many girls dream, and subsequently use the financial assets of their men.

Love. Ardent confessions, flowers and gifts, vital to all girls without exception, can only be given by representatives of the stronger sex. Romance, sensual touches and walks under the moon are also impossible without men.

emotional support. Despite the fact that the female psyche is more flexible and stable than the male, the weaker sex more often uses the opportunity to “cry in the vest” of a loved one. Sometimes a woman just needs to complain about a strict boss, colleague or friend. A man like no one else is able to support and protect at such moments.

Family or mutually beneficial partnership. It's about starting a family and having children. Perhaps, this is the most important thing that a woman gets from a man. Nature itself has programmed us in such a way that at some point there is an unconscious desire to settle in one territory and think about offspring.

Of course, there are no ideal relationships, but it is possible and necessary to strive for perfection. The more a woman receives from a man, the more she is able to give in return. Long-term, lasting alliances are built on this, making both partners happy!

How not to fall in love with a man - a wonderful creation, with a heart full of fire, brave and courageous. Even if a man is plain and does not look like Apollo at all, he is still the closest and dearest to someone. When we part with our loved ones, we think why do I miss him so much? Living with such pain is hard and sooner or later every woman begins to think: why does a woman need a man at all? Why do we fall in love? Isn't it easier to live without all this?

Why does a woman need a man and why

The need to share warmth, love and tenderness

Every person must have an outlet for love, tenderness and unspent warmth. We implement some of these components, for example, at work, with friends and relatives, with pets.

However, the energy of kindness and warmth in a woman's heart is usually too much. In a man's heart, there is sometimes no less such energy than in a woman's, therefore, by giving sincere feelings to each other, a man and a woman realize themselves. Self-realization is very important for every person.

Such a desire arises on a purely instinctive level, in every woman. Every woman, by her nature, wants to reproduce offspring, and the only one who can give us this is a man. Instincts are very strong feelings and therefore a woman, albeit unconsciously, needs a man;

Like behind a stone wall

Since the dawn of civilization, the man has been positioned as a protector and earner. Physically, he is stronger and more enduring, so a woman next to a man feels protected. A man will be able to protect her from difficulties in life, you can hide behind him and survive all the hardships together.

A woman needs a man for security and a sense of security. No wonder a woman is called the weaker sex, consciously and unconsciously in a man she feels her support and support. Most women believe that they cannot solve their problems or take care of themselves without the help of a man, and therefore, when a man leaves, she feels helpless;


The instinct of reproduction of new offspring and survival is inherent in every person. Moreover, this instinct is fundamental in the entire animal world. So, a woman is looking for a man, a female is looking for a male, and so on. Signals that a woman wants intimacy with a man are sent by her body to the brain on a monthly basis. And it doesn’t matter at all how a woman manifests this desire - as an emotional attachment to a man or at the level of philological needs.

Also in every woman before the birth of a child there is a lot of unspent energy. If a woman does not have a child, she realizes herself as a mother with her man, gives him tenderness, love and warmth of her body. Many women in such a situation simply idolize their man and begin to protect him like mothers;

Like-minded people

All people are looking for allies for communication, looking for understanding.

A woman in a man sees an ally, a like-minded person, a friend and believes that only he can understand her in certain situations, so every woman needs a man. People converge when their thoughts, life priorities and values ​​are similar.

So they can fully open their souls to each other, throw off a certain mask, be themselves and at the same time not meet condemnation. With a beloved man, there is no need to hide the real you.

It's easier to live together

Also, we cannot live without men, because living together is still more interesting and enjoyable, even if we do not remember about sexual attraction;

Love and passion

And we cannot live without men, because chemistry is involved in our relationship with them, and no one knows how it arises. Love and passion for men… A woman needs a man to feel wanted, loved and sexy.

Realization that nothing in the world is eternal

Another fact why we cannot live without men is that there is nothing eternal in this world. You need to love and enjoy life here and now, so that later it will not be too late.

In the end, I would like to say: no matter how painful the separation is, you should not despair, you need to think only about the good. It just might not be your person. And, in the end, you will definitely find your happiness, perhaps right now it is coming to meet you. Do not dwell on any particular man and remember that just as we cannot live without men, so a man cannot live without a woman. Without a woman, there would be no man.

Why do we fall in love with each other?

At first glance, an unreasonable question. Why trust, open up, part, forget? Why fall in love? What is true and what is not? The attitude towards love has two extremes: “I can’t live without him/her” and “there is no love”.

"No love"

You have probably met people who do not believe in love and try to "entice" as many others as possible to their point of view. Like, love always ends, brings only pain and disappointment, reveals all your weaknesses, makes you vulnerable and unlike yourself, and most importantly - why fall in love, what will it give.

Such people loved, you say. And suffer from a broken heart. Therefore, they close in on themselves, coming to one simple conclusion: “If everything ends with a broken life and a broken heart, then I don’t want to start this again.” This is the simplest instinct of self-preservation, which turns into unhealthy skepticism.

What may seem like a really important detail is weakness. You know what they say: "strong people are the most dangerous, they always know that they will get through." It turns out that only the weak are closed from a new feeling.

However, do not forget that those who fence themselves off will be able to do this only for the time being. And one day - on a sunny morning or on a gloomy afternoon - love will still knock on their closed window and they will no longer think why they should fall in love and whether it is worth it.

And it will not matter in whose guise she will come - in the form of the same gloomy recluse or a girl radiating light, looking at whom it is impossible not to smile. Do not even smile, but laugh out loud - loudly and loudly, like a four-year-old child. But back to the so-called second type.

"I can't live without him/her"

Try saying it in front of your parents. Mom or dad, wise by life experience, will easily answer: everyone can do it without everyone. And breathe, and write, and work, despite all the unhappy romances and elegies. However, such a person - one who has suppressed pain in himself and exists on mechanical repetitions of everyday actions - is no better than the "no love" type.

And yet, why do we fall in love, why do we need love? Why does every person need this long, emotional and one-sided process sooner or later? The answer is unlikely to inspire optimism in you, but it is true, and there is a lot of evidence for this: the world is based on love.

On love for a woman, for a man, for a friend, girlfriend, relatives and friends. Love is always with us, without it nothing happens in our life. Look around, and you will understand that you do not need to ask yourself the question “to love or not to love?”. You already love. This life, this world and these people. Everything that surrounds you.

In this article, I will tell you why girls think that men owe them 😀

I think it's no longer a secret to anyone what exactly we are talking about. Everyone knows, heard, saw, etc. and so on. these women's man must, must, must, a real man must, must, and went transferring, caring, giving flowers, gifts, being romantic, pampering a woman, etc., etc.

The point is to manipulate the male sex.

Manipulation is to force a man to play by women's rules.

To force a man to start competing for her (a woman), just like many other men. How do most men compete? Bingo! By investing resources in a woman (a man must)!

This is traditional female natural selection. (in other words, women's rules of the game).

This is beneficial to absolutely every woman - later, I will explain why, that's why they use it.

And if we look at it from the female side, I would say that they are right and do what they use.

Traditional female natural selection...

Look. What's the point. There is a NATURAL SELECTION (relatively speaking, competitions). Under conditions of natural selection = MALES / FEMALES most adapted to the surrounding world win.

On our topic, any female (girl / woman) wants to win in natural selection and survive in the evolutionary race. To do this, hey, you need the most worthy man (the best male).

Because it is a worthy man (male) who is the main resource in a woman’s life, because it is he who will provide for her and her offspring, feed, dress, protect, care for, etc. and so on. and this is indeed the case, with a strong, worthy man, it cannot be otherwise. Fact!

A woman is biologically dependent on a man. Understand?

A man is a resource earner. This is our main natural function.

The woman herself traditionally does not extract resources, but uses the extracted resources of a man.

That's how it's done evolutionarily. I did not invent it, I invented it, etc. I say it the way it really is.

Accordingly, based on this, how can a girl / woman understand whether a man is worthy or not?

Right. She looks at what a man does for her and compares with other men. And then chooses the best (suitable) for her. This is FEMALE NATURAL SELECTION.

So, returning to our topic, do you understand the essence (meaning) of a MAN SHOULD SHOULD?

If this does not happen, if a man does not want to invest and shares resources with a woman (does not want to invest in her) = a woman will not receive gifts, surprises, attention, and other resources from a man, and then a problem arises that violates the principle of female natural selection.

In this case, girls / women will not be able to choose the best suitors for themselves. Those who are willing to invest in them resources. How then will girls / women weed out unworthy men from worthy ones? HOW?

Accordingly, if a man does not want to share resources with a woman, then she will lose in the evolutionary race, lose in natural selection, you understand? That's why, all the girls or the vast majority of the bottom - use this MAN MUST MUST MUST.

This is an effective tool (tool), in the form of manipulation to achieve the desired goal.

The ultimate goal is to make a man play by the female rules of the game (to participate in female natural selection). This is beneficial to absolutely any girl / woman, because all girls / women are dependent on men, and they should not be mistaken in a man, because if a girl / woman makes a mistake in a man, she will pay very, very, very much for this and pay ...

P.s. who has already paid - understands what I'm talking about now.

For those who don't understand what I'm talking about, let me explain. A man = can at least a hundred women inseminate in a day, shake, quit, that's all, dump, he may not care about everything and everyone.

Or a “man” can leave a girl / woman and a child, and go to his mistress, for example.

Or a “man” can perform his natural functions poorly (not provide for his woman and children, i.e. his family, not protect, take care, etc., etc., or perform these natural functions poorly).

And much more. These are huge risks in life. Are they necessary for a girl / woman? The answer is obvious. No. Therefore, absolutely any “normal” girl / woman = tries to minimize her risks in life as much as possible, and for this she carefully selects her sexual partner.

Do you understand what the price for a mistake is for women?

This, by the way, explains why the main male quality No. 1 is. If there is no responsibility in a man, this is not a man, and having any business with him is worse for yourself.

If a girl / woman makes a mistake, she will have to bear the child herself for 9 months, then for another 18 years to feed, dress, protect, take care of him, not sleep at night, plow at three or how many jobs, put him on his feet, and generally go through this whole process alone.

Well, most likely - she will do ab * rt. Kills the life inside of you. Your child 🙁

Or a woman will live with a loser who does not perform her natural functions well, provides poorly, cares, etc. and so on. or he doesn’t do it at all, as a result, such a “man” will not suit a woman, there will be scandals, quarrels, swearing, eternal betrayals, a terrible life, complete crap in short. This is the payment for a mistake if a girl makes it with a man.

Therefore, the tool “a man should” = for you, females, is very profitable and wise to use, so you definitely need to use it, but use it correctly (competently), skillfully, femininely, skillfully, and not like many “girls” ... at least - at the initial stage, this is very important for you (this is an answer to the topic of the article for men, and advice to every girl / woman).

With the help of this tool, you women will be able to weed out all kinds of losers, weak, unworthy, in general, your selection is classic, you know? This is absolutely normal.

It’s normal because for you the main resource in life is a worthy man. With a worthy man - you minimize your risks in life. And win in natural selection.

With an unworthy man = you have huge risks in life, you lose in natural selection.

Now some information for men...

If you do something for a girl / woman = then you play in the traditional female natural selection, in other words, you play by women's rules, you understand? =)) This is what the vast majority of men on planet Earth do, because the vast majority of men are low-middle rank, they are the ones who compete against each other = for a woman.

For a girl / woman = it's good. Female gender = in the black, in this scenario. It is beneficial for them.

And for you, this (man) is not profitable, because, firstly, almost everyone does it, once = and then the one who is much more successful than all the other males wins. You need to be very strongly adapted to the surrounding reality of the male. A very powerful male, to surpass all other males, in all respects, the only way you will defeat them all.

Those. you can invest a lot, a lot, but there may be someone who invests even more than you = and eventually = you will be told something in style, let's be friends, you are so good blah blah)) .

And secondly, it is not profitable because the more you invest in a girl / woman = the worse it is for you. The rule is that the more resources you invest in a girl / woman (money, time, effort, energy, etc., etc.), the more her VALUE rises and rises for you, and your value in her eyes, on the contrary, is underestimated and underestimated. This happens on the condition that it goes on (this is when you invest and invest, free of charge, but there is no and no or very little and there is no balance in you, an imbalance occurs), and in the end = you make yourself worse by your investing.

About high-ranking powerfully pumped men ...

Not a WOMAN CHOOSE A MAN - A MAN CHOOSE A WOMAN! But! This rule only works if you are a high-ranking worthy MALE!

A man is not dependent on women. These women are dependent on men. That is why, if you are very good as a man, very worthy, highly ranked = there will be a struggle among women for you.

Because a dime a dozen of low-middle ranks, and you (if you are really a high-ranking man) are higher than all of them, better than all of them = accordingly, women themselves will want you more than anyone else.

In other words, women will play by your rules of the game, not you by theirs. That's all.

A woman will (hey, if she wants to do business with you) obey your rules. If she doesn't play with you by your rules, another woman will take her place.

This is in short. And in general, high-ranking men are not subject to female manipulations, for example, in the style, "a man must." Just take my word for it. No one owes nothing to nobody.

Only if I want = I will come, do it, etc.. If I want = I will give flowers. If I want = I will give a gift. If I want = I will care. Etc. and so on. But! All. Only. At. Conditions. What I want. Myself.

If I don’t want it myself = I won’t do it and no female manipulations will work.

And as for only s*ks, fucks, then again, you can and should seduce worthy girls / women, by yourself, on your own (completely without investing resources, such as money for all sorts of gifts, surprises, etc.). Again, not a single woman will agree with this now (and rightly so, you don’t need it, it’s not profitable for you), but most men won’t even understand me, because they’re actually used to buying a woman. Otherwise, they can't even. They don't know what else is possible. Ultimately, they play by the female rules of the game, participate in female natural selection.

In general, okay .. Everything. I just want to draw everyone's attention to the fact that in order to be with a worthy man / woman = you yourself need to be a worthy man / woman. The rule is that there is always a correspondence to each other. Everyone gets exactly what he is and what he deserves.

I talked about this in more detail in the main article:. Study.

And also more about the criteria for worthy m and f, in the main articles: That's all for me. I'm done for today. See you soon.

Regards, administrator.

Why do we need each other?

This question is asked by a woman if:

  1. She went into the wildest depression.
  2. She is disappointed in members of the opposite sex.
  3. She was abandoned (left) by her beloved.
  4. She became curious (she really wants to get an answer to this question).

Now we will consider the answer to this question. Namely, today we will be most useful to those women who belong to the fourth (curious) type.

Let's start putting everything in its place. So…. We satisfy your "restless" curiosity. Read the points below.

Why does a woman need a man?

  1. It's more fun with him. This "fad" is especially close to those who studied or worked in a purely male (or predominantly male) team. They certainly do not have enough male attention!
  2. A man is a source of income. There is a category of women that is fundamentally different from the rest. Women do not want to work, but they dream of a beautiful life. They make lovers and enjoy life.
  3. You can start a family with him. So in our world it is arranged that a woman should be next to a man. There is nothing worse than real loneliness, which slowly kills (both mentally and physically).
  4. It is beneficial to cooperate in business with a representative of the opposite sex. Very profitable and reliable! If you meet a decent man, of course. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer of them.
  5. From a man you can get pregnant and give birth to a baby. Kids are amazing flowers of life. Without children it is bad and uncomfortable.
  6. You can make love with him. Sex is not only a pleasant, but also a useful “hobby”.

A man can be very useful to a woman

What can he do:

  1. Screw in the light bulb. Some girls know how to do it, but do not reach it because of their short stature. Do not wear shoes with heels to become taller for a while!
  2. Something to fix or collect. For example, I turned to a specialist - a man, so that he would assemble a wardrobe that I chose and bought. It was hard to believe, but he coped with the "request" in just a few hours!
  3. Give a present. These "gifts" are very pleasant for women. Especially when the thing is presented with a feeling of love.
  4. Make a compliment or a lot of compliments. With women in the "period" of tender words, something incredible is happening. They are even ready to “shout out” gratitude with their silence.
  5. Invite a woman somewhere. So many places a woman would love to go…. Various cafes, billiard rooms, restaurants, cinemas, pizzerias, parks…..
  6. Increase women's self-esteem. A man says "magic" phrases, and a woman understands that she means a lot in this world. The most important thing is that she herself begins to "soberly" realize and evaluate her significance.
  7. Support her. It's good to have great friends. But there are many situations in which the main role of support must be played by a man. Almost all of them do a great job with the role, as they love to be needed.
  8. Make a surprise. Romantic men come up with something that a woman may think the following: "I'm dreaming of all this, and I'm in a cinema hall of a cosmic scale."
  9. Find a solution to a complex problem. Sometimes a woman lacks an analytical mind. But a man has plenty of such “good”. This fact often saves
  10. Cheer up. A declaration of love, for example. Or sweet words. There are different types of men. My husband cheers me up with bouquets and jokes. He knows how to surprise!
  11. "Kill" the complex. Only men can do this! They will look with "hungry" eyes at a woman - she also has happiness - "above the roof."

Every beauty wants to get married! Yes, and afraid of gossip. Grandmothers at the entrance are constantly discussing the lives of neighbors. Imagine how annoying this is.

With a man nearby, a woman feels "like behind a stone wall." Oh, if such a man - every woman got a gift!

It would be sad for women without men! Someone would be nice to do. I already have plans dedicated to my beloved. At the end of November, we “turned” three years of our acquaintance with him. Here…. I'm already starting to quietly organize a surprise for him. The most important thing is that he suddenly does not read what I am diligently writing to you here. I will continue the thought, hoping that it will remain a secret. In short, I want to order erotic lingerie and an erotic cape in the online store. This pleasure, I tell you, is quite expensive. Therefore, I will buy everything little by little, and not all at once.

When there is a man, there is someone to think about, someone to remember. There are poems for someone to “rhyme”, in the end! Then you don't have to hide your talent from others. Have you ever tried writing poetry? If the answer is no, you have never fallen in love! And for this, in general, he is needed. It is impossible to live on the planet without love! Say that it is easy - you will not believe your own words for long.

Let's "jump" (just a little bit) to the second point. It’s just that his plot is often “frayed” in books, in programs and on websites. Alas, we have to deal with this sometimes. A close friend told me recently how bitter she was from disappointments in her husband. I warned her not to idealize him. But Vikulya listened to her love, not to me. I understand her in many ways. At first they lived well. Then they got married. And after marriage, he began to dissolve his hands. Then the same question “crept up” into my brain: “why does a woman need a man?”.

Dear women! Do not claim that you do not need them! It is not good to deceive (even to strangers). Your time will come too. When, we do not know. It remains only to wait. And if you want to philosophize further on this topic - please! Write down every word so that you can read your “capital wisdom” in a few years. Believe that the reading process will be more than exciting.

May you be lucky with men!

Let those who are really worthy of your attention meet on your way.