Hard belly during pregnancy: norm or pathology, and what to do about it. Hard belly during pregnancy - the main reasons Why the stomach becomes stony during pregnancy

After a woman learns about her situation, she begins to closely monitor the changes taking place in her body. Any changes alarm the pregnant woman. One of the changes in the condition is a hard stomach. During pregnancy, almost all women notice this. If other troubles are added to this, then there are fears whether this is normal. A hard stomach indicates a threat of gestation, therefore, with the slightest change, you should consult your doctor.

Hard lower abdomen during pregnancy

A hardened lower abdomen is a direct sign of uterine hypertonicity.

Increased uterine tone requires immediate treatment. In order not to aggravate the situation, you do not need to worry and introduce the body into a stressful state.

A timely visit to the doctor will help cure this ailment.

A hard belly is often seen in women at 40 weeks pregnant or during the second trimester. Symptoms indicating pathology:

  1. 1. Feeling of heaviness.
  2. 2. Pain in the genital area.
  3. 3. Pain in the sacrum and lower back.
  4. 4. Lower expansion.

The state of hardness does not always pose a danger to a pregnant woman and her unborn child. If the stomach at the 32nd week of pregnancy does not become stiff all the time, and there is no pain, then there is no need to worry. In such cases, doctors recommend relaxing, taking a comfortable position, and after a while, an unpleasant state will lower the pregnant woman.

When should you see a doctor:

  1. 1. Permanent curing. The state is not released for a long time.
  2. 2. The abdomen became stiff and there were pains in the lower back, coccyx, sacrum, intestines, reminiscent of sensations during menstruation.
  3. 3. Brown or bloody discharge from the vagina.
  4. 4. If unpleasant and painful sensations in the abdomen occur constantly.
  5. 5. Fainting, nausea and vomiting appeared.
  6. 6. There were false urges to defecate.

Below is a table that shows the duration of pregnancy and the condition of a woman with a hardening of the abdomen. The table indicates when to see a doctor for help:

week of pregnancyCondition of the pregnant woman
1–12 weeksStrong feelings, stress can occur in the period from 1 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. All this causes severe dizziness, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Such reasons contribute to the formation of a hard stomach. You should worry about the state of the body only when the stiffness does not subside within a week. Hardness must be reported to the gynecologist
13–30 weekOn palpation, the abdomen should remain soft, discomfort should not visit the woman. In case of hardening and bleeding, you should consult a doctor.

During this period, you need to rest often, do not carry heavy bags, protect yourself in every possible way.

31–40 weeksStarting from 31 weeks, such a physiological feature as the reduction of the reproductive organ may appear. If the symptom proceeds without pain, then the condition can be considered safe for both the mother and the baby.

If at 39 weeks the stomach hardens, then we can conclude that the delivery is imminent. In addition to stiffness, cramps and discomfort may be present. This condition does not harm the child.

Hard belly in the early stages

The first weeks of pregnancy are the most dangerous time for a woman and her baby. A hard stomach at such times is not dangerous if this condition does not last more than a week, and bloody discharge does not come from the vagina.

Be sure to consult with your doctor if you observe changes in your body.

At this time, you should rest and relax more, avoid stressful situations. If a pregnant woman has hardening in the early stages, then this indicates that spasms occur in the muscle tissues of the uterus, which lead to increased tone.

Hypertonicity of the uterus leads to the following dangers:

  1. 1. Decreased placental circulation. The embryo will receive less oxygen and will undergo hypoxia.
  2. 2. Detachment of the placenta or fetal egg.
  3. 3. Termination of pregnancy.
  4. 4. Premature birth.

Stiffness of the abdomen in the later stages and before childbirth

When the baby grows up, he begins his vigorous activity. In the later stages, you can detect the hardness of the abdomen on only one side. This condition occurs when the child puts forward the legs, arms and other parts of the body.

The threat of uterine hypertonicity can last until the end of pregnancy. Therefore, with frequent hardening of the abdomen, you should consult a doctor.

If a woman feels bloating and tightness of the abdomen, then it is necessary to review the daily diet. Improper nutrition leads to flatulence and bloating. You should eat less foods that tend to form gases.

Starting in the second trimester, some pregnant women may experience exercise contractions that lead to tension and cramps in the lower abdomen. This condition does not pose a threat, after a while such contractions disappear.

If there is little time left before the birth, then the firmness of the abdomen becomes a harbinger of an early delivery.

Causes of hardness

The abdomen becomes tight for various reasons. And sometimes they are not directly related to pregnancy.

The main reasons that serve as the formation of trouble can be the following:

  1. 1. Fatigue.
  2. 2. Full bladder.
  3. 3. Emotional overstrain.
  4. 4. Viral diseases.
  5. 5. Inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  6. 6. Polyhydramnios.
  7. 7. Violation of the hormonal background.
  8. 8. Large fruit.
  9. 9. Pathologies in the pelvic organs.
  10. 10. Incorrect work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  11. 11. The uterus is small.
  12. 12. Drinking alcohol and smoking.
  13. 13. Long stay in the same position (in the morning and at night, when the pregnant woman lies on one side for a long time).

How to get rid of the disease

A hard belly gives a pregnant woman a lot of stress and worries about the baby's body and her safety.

If stiffness appears, even if it is not accompanied by pain and other unpleasant sensations, a pregnant woman at any time should consult a gynecologist.

To relieve stress, you can use the following methods:

  1. 1. Change in body position.
  2. 2. Taking a warm shower.
  3. 3. Correct breathing exercises. Deep entry and slow exhalation.
  4. 4. Herbal soothing decoctions (motherwort, valerian).

In the absence of a threat of termination of pregnancy, a woman should rest more, eat right and relax. The symptom of a hard abdomen tends to appear periodically.

You should not be afraid of such a condition, it does not pose a danger to either the woman or the baby. The threat occurs if the stomach remains hard for a long time, blood discharge appears. In this case, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment for the condition.

Eliminate the increased tone of the uterus in the early stages by conducting therapy with antispasmodic drugs (Drotaverine, Papaverine). After 16 weeks of pregnancy, you can use Ginipral. Your doctor may prescribe hormone therapy with progesterone.

During treatment, constant monitoring of the unborn child is necessary. If deviations are found, then drugs are added to the therapy that improve blood flow and increase the flow of oxygen and nutrition to the fetus.

After treatment of the increased tone of the uterus, the feeling of stiffness and pain in the abdomen basically does not visit the pregnant woman anymore.

It happens that the stomach can grab suddenly. In such situations, you should take two No-Shpa tablets, lie on your side and call an ambulance.

A hard belly during pregnancy is an unpleasant sensation that occurs more than once during the entire period of bearing the unborn baby. Sometimes this condition does not pose a particular danger, but the gynecologist leading the pregnancy should be aware of this.

If you experience constant hardness of the abdomen for a long time, sharp pains, blood discharge, you should consult a doctor for adequate treatment. This is necessary in order to prevent miscarriage, fetal hypoxia and premature birth.

When pregnant, every woman should listen to the signals of her body. Some of them may indicate serious violations of women's health.

What causes a hard stomach?

With the normal course of this "interesting" physiological process, the tummy of the expectant mother is soft. Light squeezing in any of its places should not be accompanied by painful sensations. If the stomach becomes hard during pregnancy, it means that spasms of the muscle tissue of the uterus (hypertonicity) occur. In some cases, when spasms do not stop and the uterus is constantly in good shape, placental circulation is disturbed.

This is a symptom of detachment of the child's place, this happens in the last month of pregnancy. The worst thing that can happen is the threat of premature birth or miscarriage. Gynecologists distinguish two factors that bring the uterus into tone - physical and pathological. The muscles of the uterus harden due to the fact that a full bladder presses on it. And so that it does not go beyond, the uterine muscles signal this.

Reasons why the tummy hardens:

How to behave during hardening of the abdomen?

Having found such a symptom, the expectant mother should not worry. You need to immediately lie down, relax and listen to the sensations. Analyze what went wrong. If this is a simple overwork, you need to lie down and continue to limit heavy loads. Another reason is that training bouts may begin. Already from the second month, the body begins to prepare the uterus for childbirth, but this is an exclusively individual process and does not apply to every pregnant woman.


When during pregnancy the tummy hardens at a later date and the muscles begin to contract at the same time interval, it means that premature birth begins.

If hypertonicity is in a chronic form, treatment is indispensable here. The doctor may prescribe sedatives, hormonal pills. It is very important to observe bed rest. In any case, at the slightest violation in the body, a woman expecting a child is simply obliged to immediately seek help from a doctor.

Why does the stomach harden in the first trimester?

The first trimester of the "interesting position" is the most dangerous. Any pathology of the fetus or abnormalities in the uterus will be detected precisely at this time. Physical activity can lead to premature termination of pregnancy. Unfortunately, this is now a very common occurrence among expectant mothers. Even from the first weeks after conception, the girls begin and. You need to be very attentive to your feelings, in some cases they may indicate a fading fetus and miscarriage.

Hypertonicity also happens during. Then, from the very first days, pain in the abdomen, back, is felt. It is worth taking care of your health with special care and responsibility. It is necessary to lead a calm lifestyle, not to be nervous and to rest more. Get positive emotions and eat right. If possible, exercise and swim.

In the last trimester, the tummy hardens, why?

In most cases, malnutrition is the cause of discomfort in the "belly". In search of food that they constantly want, mothers often eat anything. Therefore, when the lower abdomen hardened during pregnancy, it means that gases accumulated there, dysbacteriosis or colic began. Perhaps the food was not quite fresh, or mommy ate a lot. Frequent gas formation occurs when a woman moves very little and eats a lot.

No need to completely refuse food, it will harm the expectant mother and baby. You need to eat often, 5-7 times a day. Reduce portions, drink water and spend time outdoors. During the movement of the baby, the stomach hardens on one side or the other. Such sensations may remain until the very birth. When a woman quickly walked or lay down in one position for a long time, hypertonicity is also possible. Need to change position or rest after walking. At this time, you need to rest not only at night, but also during the day.

Even in the last century, doctors who observed pregnant women believed that any hardening of the abdomen is a pathology that requires urgent treatment. Now much has been rethought and pregnancy is not perceived as a disease, and progressive doctors are trying to find an explanation for such sensations in order to calm the woman, and not scare her. However, a hard belly during pregnancy can mean the onset of premature contractions and the help of doctors will be required to stop the process that has begun.

The main causes of abdominal hardness during pregnancy and related symptoms

The abdomen becomes hard with increased uterine tension

The uterus is a muscular organ, and the muscles respond to external influences. Healthy muscles are always in a certain tone, that is, tension. This is especially true for pregnant women, in whom the fetus develops inside, and the muscles must support it from all sides.

It is impossible to make a diagnosis of hypertension in the early stages. Perhaps local periodic muscle tension. In addition, if there is an increased tone, the woman should feel quite a lot of pain. If she does not feel anything, but the doctor says that there is hypertonicity, most likely he is mistaken and takes natural processes for pathology.

Factors that can affect the condition of the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy, because of which they will begin to contract and harden more often:

  • The large size of the uterus contributes to the fact that there is little space for the bladder. In a state of fullness, it presses on the muscles, which react and tighten. After emptying, the muscles relax and the sensations disappear. Women during pregnancy go to the toilet more often because the bladder does not fill completely due to lack of space in the abdominal cavity.
  • Constipation. The level of hormones in the body has a relaxing effect on the intestines, as a result of which stagnation of feces can occur. The volume of the colon increases, which also affects the muscles of the uterus, and it contracts. The organization of proper nutrition, the use of laxatives can reduce the incidence of abdominal hardening.
  • Elevated levels of the hormone oxytocin also help to harden the muscles of the uterus. Oxytocin is released during stressful situations, orgasm. After intercourse, the stomach may temporarily tighten, so you need to lie down and relax, mentally switch to something else.
  • Excessive physical activity. Women of a sports warehouse do not consider pregnancy an obstacle to physical education, but during this period the body may react differently, namely, the petrification of the walls of the uterus. For longer periods, it is still worth relaxing and resting more, and transferring physical education to the postpartum period.
  • Overwork. If a woman has a small child and she is expecting a second, this affects the state of her body. The first baby needs attention, walks, he can get sick. A woman is forced to deny herself rest in order to help her child. Unfortunately, not all mothers have the opportunity to shift some of the problems to other people - a husband or grandmother.

Many women respond to the news of pregnancy by wanting to always lie down. The lack of movement is also a problem, as stagnation with intoxication begins in the body, which can cause local hypertonicity. But this reason is not a pathology.

The task of a woman is to observe her condition and fix the relationship between lifestyle, nutrition, psychological state and processes occurring in the uterus. If dependence is found, then try to avoid repetition of the situation, since the sensations during hardening of the abdomen are not very pleasant, and sometimes cause fear.

Early dates

Most often, the feeling of petrification of the abdomen appears in the second or third trimester. In the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy, heaviness and pain may appear, as during menstruation.

Often there are pains in the sacral region. This may be due to the work of the hormone relaxin, which affects the bone tissue, which softens during this period to facilitate the process of childbirth. In some women, it begins to be produced earlier, pains appear in the pelvic bones and sacrum.

If you experience such sensations in the early stages, you need to see a doctor and determine the cause. If there were no serious gynecological problems before pregnancy, most likely, this is the normal functioning of the body and there is no need to worry. In the second trimester, the likelihood of a late miscarriage is high. If a woman has already had similar cases, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of the doctor and prevent a recurrence of the situation.

Hypertonicity is a danger not only for a woman, but also for a fetus. The vessels that deliver blood to the placenta do not function well. The fetus develops hypoxia if the increased tone lasts a long time or appears frequently. This can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the child.

If pain appears and does not go away at rest, you need to call an ambulance and be in a supine position until the doctors arrive.

In the hospital, it is necessary to be tested for infection, especially if the woman was treated for pelvic inflammatory disease before pregnancy, to check the condition of the fetus and the level of hormones in the body. If the pain is a symptom of spontaneous abortion, the doctor will prescribe hormonal drugs that allow you to carry the baby.

Late dates

Starting from the second half of pregnancy, a woman's belly grows faster and this affects the state of health, the condition of the pelvic bones. During this period, symptoms of hardening of the abdomen are more likely to occur, especially with multiple pregnancies or a large baby weight.

The presence or absence of pain matters a lot. If there are painful sensations with bloody discharge, the woman must be urgently taken to the hospital. This may be a sign of rupture of the amniotic sac and the beginning of the birth process. You can test the bubble for strength with the AmniShur test at home. With an accuracy of 99%, it will show the presence of microcracks in the membrane of the fetal bladder.

Up to 38 weeks, a hard stomach can be the result of overwork or stress if a woman continues to work and think about problems. After 35 weeks, many practice contractions begin. Thus, the body prepares for childbirth. This is an absolutely normal natural process that does not require treatment. Usually, women are encouraged to relax more or exercise with the ball so that the sensations pass. From 38 weeks, real contractions can begin at any time, and you will need to go to the hospital.

In the second half of pregnancy, it is more likely that the uterus will respond more often to external influences. The baby is actively moving inside, which also causes uterine contractions. Pain in the back and pelvic region can be added to muscle spasms, which sometimes forces a woman to put a pillow or cushion between her legs while sleeping or relaxing.

anxiety symptoms

If the hardening of the abdomen occurs too often - more than 4 times per hour, you need to see a doctor and be examined. If a woman notices that the baby in the womb does not move as usual, there are sharp cramping pains, bloody fluid or blood is released, you need to urgently call an ambulance and take her to the hospital, regardless of the gestational age.

What should be of concern:

  • The presence of tumor or inflammatory diseases before pregnancy - fibroids, polyps, adnexitis, colpitis.
  • The presence of chronic hormonal diseases - diabetes, thyroid dysfunction.
  • Tendency to high blood pressure.
  • The presence of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Pathologies of the structure of the reproductive system, as well as impaired placental circulation, which is noticeable on ultrasound.
  • late toxicosis.
  • Smoking or drinking alcohol or drugs.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Edema.
  • Recent viral infections that complicate the course of pregnancy.
  • Polyhydramnios or vice versa, a small amount of amniotic fluid, confirmed by ultrasound results.

In the later stages, hardening of the abdomen, which is not accompanied by pain, is not desirable to be eliminated with medication. This disrupts nerve conduction, which at the time of childbirth can weaken contractions and lead to a weakening of labor.


Diagnosis of the causes that cause spasm of the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy is carried out only by a doctor. First, he asks the woman about the accompanying symptoms - are there any cramps in the legs, for example. Cramps occur with a lack of B vitamins and magnesium, so spasms can occur in any muscle groups, including the uterus.

A blood sugar test is required. Muscles metabolize protein only in the presence of insulin and glucose, so any dietary restrictions for a woman can cause spasms of the uterine muscles, since they function in the same way as other muscle groups in the body. If a woman during pregnancy tries to fight extra pounds, this is always reflected in her feelings.

An analysis of hormones - progesterone and estrogen - allows the doctor to determine whether the tension of the walls of the uterus is really hypertonicity. The problem may lie in the following points:

  • Low levels of progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, often result in early miscarriages. If in adolescence a girl was diagnosed with uterine dysplasia, then this means a low level of female hormones, which can cause infertility or miscarriages. With the abolition of drugs that are prescribed during the period of bearing a child, there may be a risk of premature birth. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug is also contraindicated.
  • An imbalance of estrogen and progesterone.
  • Increased levels of androgens - male sex hormones. In this case, the prerequisites for the problem will be excessive hair growth in areas that are not characteristic of the female type of hair growth.
  • Insufficient production of progesterone sometimes depends on an excess of prolactin, a pituitary hormone.

Before receiving the test results, it is not desirable and unprofessional to draw any conclusions about the presence of hypertonicity in a woman.

Ultrasound gives a visual representation of the work of the muscles of the uterus in real time. During the examination, the picture of the tone changes - it appears in one place, then disappears and appears in another. If tension is noticeable throughout the procedure, it is necessary to take tests for hormones.

The age of the woman also plays a role. Pregnant women under the age of 18, whose bodies have not yet fully formed, are more likely to complain of strange sensations in the abdomen, which are described as a "lump" or a tight ball.

Therapy Methods

With hypertension, women are shown bed rest, preferably in a hospital. Especially if it is associated with a lack of progesterone, which can result in miscarriage. At the same time, it is necessary to start taking hormonal drugs, the most popular of which are duphaston and utrozhestan. To quickly reduce the tone, magnesia is prescribed intravenously and vitamin B6. Any physical activity and stress are prohibited. If signs of spontaneous miscarriage are found, a woman may be prescribed other drugs that reduce uterine activity - calcium channel blockers, oxytocin receptors and prostaglandins.

If there are no signs of hormonal insufficiency, but the woman experiences unpleasant sensations of petrification of the walls of the uterus, the doctor prescribes antispasmodics - no-shpu, papaverine, drotaverine. It is shown to rest more and not to make sudden body movements.

In stressful situations and an increased level of anxiety, a pregnant woman does not have to take chemical drugs. Homeopathy helps, subject to consultation with a doctor, as well as soothing teas with motherwort, valerian.

Preventive measures

Prevention of hypertonicity and the occurrence of unpleasant stiff sensations in the uterus begins long before the onset of pregnancy. Until the moment of conception, all infectious diseases must be treated and a control test must be passed in 3 months.

Benign tumors are treated based on their location and size. If necessary, apply minimally invasive techniques for removing fibroids, polyps. It is not advisable for nulliparous women to undergo operations that leave a suture on the uterus - this can lead to poor blood supply to the area. If the placenta attaches at the site of the former operation, there may be poor blood supply to the fetus with oxygen, as well as the risk of premature detachment.

Women during the bearing of a child change their attitude towards their body. Firstly, it is subjected to increased loads, so unforeseen disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems may occur. Secondly, any violations can affect the course of pregnancy.

In addition, some conditions that are normal during normal times are perceived as a threat during the gestation period. This also applies to hardening of the abdomen. Why does the stomach get hard during pregnancy? Is it normal?

Causes of petrification of the abdomen

This phenomenon in this period indicates that the tissues of the muscles of the uterus begin to spasm, respectively, the tone of this organ increases. Hypertonicity is a danger to mother and child.

Firstly, in this condition, the uteroplacental blood flow worsens significantly, which leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus (intrauterine hypoxia).

Secondly, the risk of placental abruption or ovum abruption, spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth increases.

Determining the cause of uterine hypertonicity is quite difficult, but there are a number of factors that can be decisive:

  1. Emotional shock or outburst;
  2. Physical overexertion;
  3. Orgasm;
  4. Infections and inflammation that affected the genitourinary system;
  5. Full bladder;
  6. Influenza, viral diseases;
  7. Large fruit;
  8. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, flatulence, dysbacteriosis);
  9. polyhydramnios;
  10. Pathology of the pelvic organs;
  11. Abnormalities in the size of the uterus (too small);
  12. Drinking alcohol, smoking, other bad habits.

A hard belly during pregnancy can be observed after a long stay in one position. For example, a woman lies on her side or back for a long time. Then it is most noticeable in the morning and evening. It is worth noting that after the 20th week, experts do not recommend resting on the stomach, although, in principle, this becomes impossible anyway.

As you can see, not all reasons are dangerous, but if a woman experiences such sensations, it is necessary to tell the observing gynecologist about this. Better to be careful.

Hardening of the lower abdomen in the early stages

The first trimester is the most dangerous, since it is at this time that the greatest number of spontaneous abortions occur. For this reason, it is worth contacting specialists at the slightest malaise and discomfort. In the first trimester, you need to especially take care of yourself, reduce physical activity, but still remain mobile. Correctly alternate work and rest, and avoid unpleasant and stressful situations in every possible way.

When the stomach hardens regularly or stays in this state all the time, tenses up, pain occurs, and there is also bloody discharge from the vagina, you need to call an ambulance.

Why does the stomach harden in the later stages

  • When a woman already clearly feels the movements of the child, he is already large enough, then the stomach tenses more often, which is associated with increased physical activity of the baby. At this time, hardness can occur only on one side.

Do not be afraid, as this baby can put out an arm or leg, turn its back or ass.

However, the threat of uterine hypertonicity accompanies the entire course of pregnancy, so you do not need to discount it. When tension is felt very often, this should serve as a wake-up call.

  • The causes of hardness may be hiding in the banal overeating and malnutrition. A woman after conception should radically revise her diet. Bloating and flatulence can be observed with an unbalanced diet. It is necessary to exclude products that contribute to increased gas formation (cabbage, legumes, black bread, carbonated drinks, etc.). Fractional meals are recommended (small portions, but more meals).
  • Also, a woman should be prepared for such a phenomenon as false contractions. They can occur as early as the second trimester, accompanied by spasms and slight muscle tension. This phenomenon is not dangerous, we can say that it is a workout, it prepares the stomach, pelvic organs, and birth canal for the upcoming birth. False contractions are not intense, regular and disappear on their own.
  • Hard belly from 36 weeks testifies about imminent birth and the appearance of the baby, therefore, at such a late date, it is considered as a variant of the norm.

What to do with petrification?

A hard lower abdomen in a woman during pregnancy does not always indicate a pathology, but it is also impossible to talk about the safety of this phenomenon. When this condition is rarely observed, for example, after a fast walk or excessive overexertion, then most likely you should not worry.

Usually, doctors recommend in such a situation to rest, take a comfortable position, relax as much as possible, then the discomfort will disappear on its own. But in the future it is better to avoid stress, both emotional and physical, to rest more, but to lead a moderately active lifestyle.

In some situations, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance, since this phenomenon, accompanied by the following symptoms, may affect the development of the child or pose a threat to his life:

  1. Hardness does not pass;
  2. There is a pain syndrome;
  3. The pains are localized in the lower abdomen, resemble discomfort during menstruation, radiate to the lower back, coccyx, sacrum, rectum;
  4. Reddish or brownish discharge from the vagina appeared;
  5. There are fainting, constant nausea, ending in vomiting;
  6. Discomfort appears regularly or recurs quite often, pain, tension increase despite rest;
  7. There are false urges to defecate.

You can drink 2 tablets of a drug such as No-shpa, lie down and call an ambulance.

Prevention of hypertonicity of the muscles of the uterus

It is easier to prevent the development of complications than to treat them later. This will be especially relevant during the gestation period. Doctors insist on prophylaxis even before the onset of pregnancy.

As you know, at the stage of planning a child, you need to undergo a thorough examination and cure existing diseases in order to reduce the risk of exacerbation and the negative impact on the child in the future.

You should also stop drinking alcohol and smoking a few months before the expected date of conception. Women who are actively involved in sports should gradually reduce their usual physical activity. To relieve yourself of stress and worries, it is recommended to do yoga or learn simple relaxation techniques.

With a symptom of a "stone" abdomen - hypertonicity - almost every girl in position encounters. This phenomenon can occur at any time during childbearing or accompany mom throughout pregnancy.

The abdomen stiffens during pregnancy for many reasons. For example, from prolonged lying on your back, especially after the 20th week, during the period of active growth of the abdomen. The load on the spine does not allow blood to flow to the lower sections, thereby provoking uterine spasm. It happens at night that the stomach becomes stony during pregnancy - this is due to the overflow of the bladder. To solve the problem, you just need to go to the toilet.

Petrification of the lower abdomen is observed during sex: during orgasm, the muscles of the uterus contract rhythmically, causing a spasm. For women who are at risk of bearing a fetus, intimate life, unfortunately, is prohibited.

Often during pregnancy, the stomach becomes stony when walking or active. Therefore, doctors recommend enterprising women to slow down and think about the health of their offspring.

What makes the stomach stony during pregnancy: causes

Experts identify several main aspects that explain the causes of abdominal petrification during pregnancy:
  1. Hypertension of the uterus;
  2. Training bouts;
  3. The beginning of labor activity.
The process of petrification of the abdomen, according to doctors, most often occurs from an increased tone of the uterus: the muscles of the organ contract, and the stomach becomes stone-like, like a shell. In medicine, this is called hypertonicity. The condition is accompanied by pulling aching pains, bouts of spasm in the lower abdomen, sometimes painful sensations in the back. The tension of the muscles of the uterus, as a rule, does not last long - a few minutes, with a repetition rate of 3-4 times / hour.

In early pregnancy, the abdomen stiffens due to the rejection of the embryo by the uterus. As the doctors explain, after fertilization, the uterus "does not perceive" a foreign object - the embryo. Therefore, by contracting her muscles, she tries, as it were, to “push” him out of her territory. As a result - hypertonicity, petrification of the tummy. Very often, just at the start of pregnancy, with an increased tone of the uterus, in order to avoid miscarriage, a woman is assigned to a hospital “for preservation” under round-the-clock supervision of doctors.

At a later date, the cause of petrification of the abdomen during pregnancy, that is, the appearance of uterine tone, sometimes there are ordinary everyday moments: overwork, especially if the mother already has children who constantly require attention, emotional burnout, stress.

Often the symptom of "stone belly" occurs in women (by virtue of their profession), who are constantly on their feet or physically working.

Sometimes the cause of the onset of hypertonicity, and as a result of a stone abdomen during pregnancy, are the following points:

  • problems in the endocrine system;
  • Rhesus conflict of father and mother;
  • viral/infectious diseases;
  • deficiency of progesterone protein;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • when opening the cervix.
Often, uterine tone occurs in women over 35 years of age, or who have previously experienced a miscarriage. The tummy becomes stone in the case of an anatomically small uterus or with a gynecological disease of endometriosis.

Braxton-Hicks training contractions also explain why the stomach stiffens during pregnancy. Starting in the middle of the third trimester, the uterus of expectant mothers is actively exercising before the process of childbearing. As pregnant women summarize, at the time of training bouts, the lower abdomen periodically stiffens, and after a certain time the situation stabilizes. Under such circumstances, doctors strongly recommend not to be nervous, but to lie on your side, hugging a pillow or cushion with your legs. The cat pose helps to relax the abdominal muscles: you need to kneel, lean on your hands, alternately arch and arch your back.

Temporary petrification of the abdomen in the last weeks of pregnancy may be a signal of impending labor. If hypertonicity is accompanied by pulling spasmodic abdominal pain, nausea or even vomiting, diarrhea, then this is nothing more than the beginning of the birth process. Therefore, report the situation to your obstetrician and prepare to meet the baby.

What to do if the stomach turns to stone during pregnancy

The main reason for the petrification of the abdomen is the tension of the muscles of the uterus. To eliminate spasm, you need to calm down and relax as much as possible. What manipulations should be carried out if the stomach becomes stony during pregnancy? If you sit too long, stay on your feet for a long time - lie down, preferably on your left side. Put a pillow between your legs to ease the spasm. Stroke the tummy with light massage movements. But massaging the back, lumbar, especially at the beginning and middle of pregnancy, is not recommended: such pressure stimulates labor activity. It is advisable to use such a massage directly in the process of childbirth - this activates the birth process.

With a “stone” stomach, breathing exercises in combination with some yoga poses, for example, the “cat pose”, are excellent. Also, physical education with the use of a gymnastic ball will not interfere.

Surround yourself with an atmosphere of warmth and comfort: listen to light music, drink herbal tea, indulge in goodies. Say a categorical “no” to stress and negativity. The life and health of the baby is much more important than everyday problems.

If the cause of the occurrence of petrification of the abdomen are various kinds of diseases or pathologies, with prolonged tone, you should immediately seek the advice of specialists. Expectant mothers are prescribed special drugs that weaken hypertonicity. In case of complications, inpatient treatment is recommended under the supervision of doctors.