Teaching kids the alphabet. At what age should you start teaching your child letters and numbers? Maybe then it’s not worth teaching reading from childhood

When the time comes to send the child to school, his life enters a completely new phase, with which carelessness ends and he has to answer for everything like an adult. But how the child will perceive the changes that have come: with joy or fear, depends on the attitude that the parents, who have their own ideas about education, can provide. It is very important here not to let the beginning student get confused and drown in the still unfamiliar sea of ​​classwork, homework and school requirements. The first step to solving the problems that have arisen will be a preliminary study of the alphabet. But how to do this correctly, so as not to completely discourage the desire to learn?

In this matter, there are no recommendations that are equally effective for all cases of life. This requires an individual approach, when you have to pay attention to the developmental characteristics of each individual child. There are cases when a child is ahead of his peers in terms of mental development, and therefore masters the alphabet at 3 years old, or even earlier. While some children cope with the task easily and quickly, others may not be ready for the difficulties of learning. Only practice will help answer such questions.

Regardless of the age at which training begins, there are a number of rules that must be followed:

  1. study with pleasure;
  2. activities that bring joy and good mood;
  3. regularity of training.

Considering the age of the child, one can hardly count on taking the process of learning the alphabet seriously. There is no way to combine a cheerful mood and joy with studying if you rely on boring sitting through the ABCs. Only a game can save the matter, into which it is necessary to transform lessons that lead to the interest of the preschooler. In this matter, it is important to touch upon the topic that is most interesting to a particular child and in many ways resembles his hobby. In this task there can be no restrictions on the imagination shown by parents who know all the nuances of the behavior and interests of their children.

Learning the alphabet through the game "Cards"

This approach to learning the alphabet will be not only simple, but also effective. The whole point of this method lies in the child's love for bright drawings that complement the letters and words placed on cards with an intricate and colorful design. Through the attractiveness of the drawing, the preschooler demonstrates the wonders of visual memory, along with which auditory memorization comes into play. It is this tandem that allows us to achieve the expected results.

As for purchasing these very cards, they can be found in any bookstore or retail outlet specializing in goods for children. If you wish and have some skills, you can start making cards with the alphabet on your own, or even with the participation of your child.

When using the alphabet, it can also be useful to use toys that a particular child especially loves. In this case, you need to teach the child to substitute cards with letters for toys, focusing on their names. To arouse the baby’s increased interest, do not be afraid to diversify such activities.

The ABC way of learning

Due to the variety of equivalent options for the same alphabet, you can always choose the analogue that is most suitable for a young individual. Does your child have a passion for music? There are a lot of offers on sale with a musical bias, the diversity of which lies in the difference in the set of components of the corresponding direction. If your descendant has an increased interest in automobiles or some other topic, you will also not have to experience any special difficulties with the search.

In addition to preventing boredom in classes, parents should avoid being too strict and serious. It would be more correct to play along with your child, which gives him the opportunity not only to feel comfort, but also to see in the parent not a strict teacher, but his best friend. To avoid rapid fatigue, adults need to learn the art of alternating study and rest. Don’t want to tightly link learning with hating it? Don't force your children to study against their will.

Materials that serve to strengthen interest in learning

There are many different ways to introduce a seed of interest into the soil of learning the alphabet. You just need to be ready to throw away the boring old methods and give free rein to your imagination, which diversifies the learning process. For example: a child will definitely enjoy writing poems and songs. Or maybe he will be interested in acting out all kinds of scenes?

Playing with foreign objects will also bring good results. For example: searching for this or that thing whose name begins with the letter being studied. The external resemblance of objects to the outlines of individual letters can also help to learn the alphabet.

Regardless of the effectiveness of the methods or games used to help achieve the desired results, regularity of exercise is put in first place. Lack of consistency in lesson planning inevitably leads to loss of interest and forgetting of already mastered wisdom.

10 tips to use when learning the alphabet

To this day, debates about the benefits and harms of early education for children continue. Some parents begin to teach the baby letters and numbers even before the baby speaks coherently. Others rely entirely on children's educational institutions and believe that there is no need to deprive a child of his childhood. Meanwhile, a child can learn a lot easily and with interest if you approach teaching a preschooler creatively and with knowledge of the developmental characteristics of children of this age.

When is the best time to start learning letters?

Some time ago, the idea of ​​early childhood development was very popular. Educators developed various methods of early learning; many experts stated that the earlier a child begins to be purposefully taught, the better, the more he can achieve.

Over time, this statement began to be increasingly questioned. Long-term observations have shown that neither early genius nor early training guarantees higher achievements in the future. On the contrary, a significant part of the children who began to learn early and who showed great promise did not live up to these hopes. Parts of the brain in children develop gradually and attempts to force events can lead to such unpleasant consequences as logoneurosis, tics or coordination disorders. Therefore, neuropsychologists advise starting to introduce a child to letters and numbers at the age of 4-5 years.

Parents should know that learning to read begins much earlier than learning the alphabet. When parents talk to the baby, encourage the child to speak correctly, read books to him and teach him poetry, they thereby develop speech and instill an interest in reading and a desire to be able to read.

This is a very important, so to speak, “pre-letter” period. It begins from the moment when a child learns onomatopoeia and repeats the simplest sound combinations after an adult: a cow says “moo-moo,” a dog says “woof-woof,” a mouse says “pi-pi-pi.” The repetition of sounds and syllables develops the child’s phonemic hearing, without which learning to read in the future is impossible.

A little later, the baby happily repeats simple nursery rhymes after the adult and retells short fairy tales. During this period, it is especially important to encourage and support the child’s interest in reading and storytelling. It is also important to develop the child’s graphic skills, because learning letters assumes that the child will immediately draw them.

The main activity of a preschool child is play. It is through play that a preschooler explores the world and learns. Therefore, all education of preschool children should be carried out in an entertaining and playful way. The child very quickly remembers what is entertaining and interesting.

So, it is better to start teaching letters with your child from 4 to 4.5 years old, and before that, fully go through the pre-letter period: talk a lot with the baby, read to him, encourage him to tell stories, retell or compose fairy tales on his own.

How to learn letters with a child

If the child was fully engaged in the “pre-letter” period, then by the age of 4-4.5 years he already wants to learn to read. You can increase motivation for learning to read with the help of fairy tales, cartoons and poems. For example, read the following lines to your child:

How good it is to be able to read!
There is no need to pester your mother,
No need to shake grandma:
“Please read it! Read it!”
No need to beg your sister:
“Well, read another page!”
No need to call
No need to wait, but you can take it
And read.

(V. Berestov)

And then one day a colorful poster with letters appears on the wall in the nursery. Now you can buy “talking” posters for learning the alphabet. With such a poster, a child can study on his own, because all you need to do is touch a particular letter and the magic poster will name it and pronounce the corresponding word.

You need to start introducing letters to your child with vowels. These letters in all alphabets, including magnetic ones, are made in red. Of course, we will not tell the child that the alphabet has vowels and consonants. We tell the baby that we will introduce him to magic letters, each of which has its own song. We show the child the letter, name it and sing the sound together with the baby. After the child masters vowels, you can move on to consonants. There is one small but very important secret here. When showing a letter to a child, we pronounce the sound, not the name of the letter. That is, “b”, not “be”; “v”, not “ve” and so on. This is necessary so that the baby does not get confused when it comes to reading syllables.

You need to master the letters gradually, three or four over several days. We show the child the letters, and then show creativity: we sculpt the letters from plasticine and dough (then bake them in the oven, sprinkle them with powdered sugar and enjoy them with tea), draw the letters while bathing on the tiles in the bathroom with special paints, lay them out with peas or beans (at the same time and we’ll practice fine motor skills). To teach young children, it is very important to use all sensory channels, then it will be more interesting and memorization will happen faster and more reliably.

It is convenient to use the magnetic alphabet for various educational games. To learn letters you will need two or three sets. First, the letters can be examined and touched, playing the game “What does a letter look like?” Then you can play with the letters of the magnetic alphabet like this: the child closes his eyes, the adult puts the letter in his hand and the baby needs to determine by touch what kind of letter it is. Then the task can be complicated: you not only need to find out what kind of letter you have in your hand, but also name the word that begins with this letter. It will be much more fun to play if there are three or four players. You can also play with magnetic letters like this: tell them that the letters “a”, “o” and “u” are hidden in the room, for example, and ask the child to look for them. Again, playing this game in company is more interesting.

On the Internet you can find good educational videos with your favorite children's characters who learn letters (for example, “Luntik learns letters”, “Lessons from Auntie Owl”) and show them to your child.

It is better to start reading syllables immediately after you have begun to master consonants. For example, we got acquainted with the letter “p”. Next we say that this letter by itself cannot sing; it can only sing a song together with the magic red letters (vowels). Then we show the child the cards and read together the syllables “pa”, “po”, “pu”. Immediately after the syllables, you can show the child simple words of three letters and begin to read them: “poppy”, “juice”, “catfish”, “drop”. To work with syllables and simple words, you can make cards, and also use a magnetic alphabet.

To consolidate skills we use didactic games. They are sold online and in brick-and-mortar stores. Or you can make such games yourself. For example, to consolidate the skill of reading simple words, you need to prepare cards with words and cards with corresponding pictures (pictures can be found in magazines or on the Internet); cards with words and pictures should be placed face down on the table. Each player turns over a word card and a picture card. If they match, the player takes the cards for himself.

Learning the alphabet must be combined with drawing the letters that you and your child are learning. You can write letters on sand, snow or jam on porridge (using a pastry syringe). You can color the letters and, finally, learn to write them in special copybooks for preschoolers.

Another very interesting idea: as you learn the alphabet, create your own alphabet book with your child. To do this, you will need a thick album with dense sheets on a spring. In the album, the child can color the letters he is mastering and paste pictures and photographs into it. Such creativity will bring a lot of pleasure to the child, and he will then happily study his alphabet.

The final step in teaching your child letters may be to purchase a children's computer with games and quizzes similar to the “talking alphabet.” It is better to go to the store for such a purchase together with your child, having discussed the future purchase in advance. Let your child take part in choosing his first computer, because this is very serious for him.

Teaching a child letters can turn into an exciting adventure if parents approach this task creatively. Then, in addition to the fact that the letters will be learned, and the first steps towards reading will be taken, you will receive another equally, and perhaps more important, result - the child will come to the conclusion that learning is very cool and interesting!

Good afternoon, dear parents! How often do we, wanting to give our children the best, consider it our duty to instill a love of reading from the very cradle. The idea is good, but you shouldn’t escalate the situation around it and turn it into a “fad.” It is more important to turn reading into an enjoyable pastime. And for this, let's find out how to teach a child the alphabet easily and naturally?

It makes sense to start learning the alphabet when the child is independently interested or needs to be prepared for school. This should not be dictated by the personal ambitions of the parents: “My Petya is 2 years old, and he already knows the alphabet!”

At what age do you learn letters? “At 3-4 years old, a child should not remember letters,” says Maryana Bezrukikh, director of the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education. “At this age, the structures responsible for distinguishing letter characters have not yet been formed in the brain.” At best, you can only develop a conditioned reflex.

If parents do not rush the natural course of events and give at each stage what is needed at the moment, then interest in reading will be a harmonious continuation of its development. The main way for a preschooler to understand the world is play, so classes should be held in a fun way, and not in the form of an educational process.

On the contrary, attempts to force events have the opposite effect. They develop tics, logoneuroses, and coordination disorders. You've probably heard about Doman cards and other early development methods. Experience shows that early learning does not guarantee good results in the future. By the age of 5-6, sometimes by 4, children themselves become interested in signs and inscriptions on the street, which is a sign of the physiological maturity of the brain, its readiness to perceive this information.

Reading First

It is important for parents to remember that learning to read begins before memorizing the alphabet. It is important to create interest so that the child himself wants to learn to read. To do this, we talk to him a lot, teach him nursery rhymes, and broaden his horizons.

At the first stage, when “woof-woof”, “moo-moo”, the foundations of his phonemic hearing are laid. Then he repeats rhymes and retells fairy tales.

We start learning letters with vowels. Then you can move on to consonants, but don’t forget about an important rule: we learn sounds, not names. As soon as you have learned the vowels and started consonants, start learning syllables. We explain to the child that the letter “k” cannot sing, but only with friends – vowel letters: “ka”, “ko”, “ku”. Then we add another one and begin to read simple words - “cat”, “juice”, “kar”.

7 ways to get to know the alphabet

Electronic poster “Talking ABC”

As soon as the baby touches the letter, he pronounces it. There is one secret here. To hear a sound, press not the letter, but the button number. For example, to hear “K”, press the number “12”. The magic poster will also sing a song and recite poems.

Fridge magnets

Buy several magnetic alphabet sets. Start learning with the most important word for your baby - his name. If the name is Timofey, at first he can only pay attention to “T”. After this, he can move on to other words that are important to him, such as “mom”, “dad”, and the names of brothers and sisters. There is no need to rush to master the letters, 3-4 in a few days is enough.

Puzzle rug "Russian alphabet"

It will be a pleasant playground, soft to crawl and fall on. Thanks to the thermal insulation properties of the material, the baby will study on it warmly and comfortably, regardless of the time of year.


What child doesn't like cookies sometimes? Your baby can learn while he eats. Bake a batch of letter-shaped cookies using alphabet cutters and your favorite recipe. He can help mix ingredients and apply icing to treats.

Discuss the alphabet while you bake: “We put butter in the cookies, Anne. What letter does “butter” begin with?” Make "P" cookies for dad, "M" for mom, and for each relative's name. Don't forget about your budding little baker!

Online training

On the Internet you can find many educational videos for mastering the alphabet with cartoon characters, such as “Luntik learns letters”, “Fun alphabet for children” or “ABC for kids”.

Application "Talking ABC"

It can be downloaded from Google Play Market or App Store. An interactive way to learn letters, where each letter is represented by a cheerful animal in plasticine style. A total of 6 games aimed at developing memory and reading skills.

Children's educational computer

It will help you learn not only the alphabet, but also contains many other educational games. Their screens are black and white and small in size, so they are safer for children.

Don't worry too early about whether your little one can read. Better show him how much interesting there is in books, stories, songs and ditties. Discuss fairy tales and stories you have read. Use different voices and intonations so that he wants to repeat after you. At the end, ask him which episode he liked best. Rely not on your expectations, but on his capabilities, and then in the future he will not have difficulties with reading.

If you liked the suggested tips, share the information with your friends!

All the best to you, dear readers!

From letters to alphabet

One cannot but agree that every child is individual. One child grasps everything on the fly, while another needs to find a special approach in order to teach even the simplest things. You can start as early as two years old - at this age, kids are inquisitive and quickly remember everything new. But learning should be organized in a playful way.

Your child will love reading in the future if you regularly follow simple rules:

  • Every day with your baby, read a choice of poems, fairy tales, books. It’s good if he himself wants to choose the literature for today;
  • While reading, attention to the letters will be more drawn if you move your finger along the lines;
  • Later, you can discuss what you read with your child, ask his opinion, retell the content yourself, or ask him to retell it.

So the baby will be interested in the opportunity to read on his own and will ask where which letter is. To make the learning process interesting, various auxiliary tools will come to the rescue:

  • magnetic alphabet;
  • color primer;
  • interactive poster;
  • cubes with letters.

By devoting a certain time every day to studying letters, very soon the baby will be able to recite the entire alphabet.

But at school it is not enough to know how a particular letter sounds. Children should know the entire alphabet by heart in the correct order. Often, a child who knows all the letters well may find it difficult to learn the sequence of their placement and how the letter is called correctly. And for parents who have taught their child all the letters, it seems that learning them in the correct sequence is not an easy task.

This is not entirely true. If a preschool child already knows all the letters and understands that these are not just signs, but that they are needed for reading and writing, then with the right approach it will not be difficult for him to learn the alphabet.

Methods for remembering letters in alphabetical order

There are many ways to quickly learn the alphabet with your child. For example, you can take the same cards, magnetic board or cubes that were used at the stage of learning letters. Several times a day you need to talk through the entire sequence with your child. If he gets tired quickly or gets bored with the activity, you can divide the alphabet into two parts.

A very simple but effective method - you need to sing the alphabet. Record the finished song that your baby likes the most and sing it with him. You can also download your favorite song without words and sing the letters in the correct order instead of verses.

It can become a favorite activity if you make the alphabet with your own hands with your child. The child will be happy to take part in such a serious matter. To do this, together with your mother, you need to cut out all the letters from cardboard and glue them in alphabetical order. If desired, the work can be decorated with pictures and drawings. The kid will proudly show his work to family and friends and he will want to quickly learn and tell which letter comes after which.

Success in this matter will come quickly if classes are carried out in compliance with the following conditions:

  • the child is not hungry;
  • he is in a good mood;
  • he slept well and was not tired.

In any case, the child should study with pleasure. You can’t scold him if you don’t manage to remember the material right away, this can discourage you from learning for a long time. If everything works out for the baby, if there is a first result, you should definitely praise him. Then he will happily continue his studies and soon, quickly and without errors, he will recite the entire alphabet from “A” to “Z.”

What to do if the alphabet is difficult?

All children are completely different, you need to find your own approach to each. If a child categorically refuses to learn the alphabet, then it is worth holding off on the lessons and returning to them later, when he is ready. During this period, it is worth trying several teaching methods. It’s good when parents and children go to educational stores together, because a new alphabet book with three-dimensional letters and colorful pictures or a puzzle rug can really please the little one and become a good helper for studying.

Create an appropriate learning environment in your child's room. A bright alphabet poster or decorative pillows with letters will always be in front of the baby’s eyes, and it will be easier for him to master the sequence of letters. Psychologists also believe that material is absorbed more effectively if it is highlighted in red.

Unfortunately, it often happens that parents do not have the opportunity or are unable to learn the alphabet with their child on their own. In such cases, it is worth taking a closer look at good teaching aids. A series of educational cartoons on discs will come to the rescue. At the same time, do not forget that the time in front of the computer or TV for children should be strictly dosed. The teaching format in the form of a cartoon will hold the attention of a young student for a long time. This means that the material will be learned well.

The choice of such lessons is now huge, for example, the developmental course “Learning to Read”, author Robert Sahakyants. Throughout the lesson, the child watches with interest as the wise owl teaches the sequence of letters of the alphabet and teaches the little bunny to read. As practice shows, this type of learning is very interesting and effective for the child.

A variety of online classes are all kinds of alphabet simulators.

Often, writing them under dictation helps a child remember letters in alphabetical order. Of course, provided that the child knows the letters and can write them at all. It will be more pleasant to write them with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. You can also practice while walking: a stick, sand or colored crayons will do just fine. It is better to alternate approaches and teaching methods, so the child will not get tired of the lessons.

In the desire to help a child master all the letters and learn the alphabet as early as possible, do not forget that learning can begin when:

  • the child pronounces sounds well;
  • his vocabulary allows him to sufficiently express thoughts and needs;
  • uses full common sentences in spoken language;
  • loves to listen when adults read to him and tries to “read” on his own.

If a child loves music, then this song will help him remember the alphabet sequence well:

Thirty-three sisters,
Written beauties,
They live on the same page,
And they are famous everywhere!
They are rushing to you now,
Dear sisters,
We ask all the guys very much
Make friends with them!
A, Be, Ve, Ge, De, E, Zhe -
They rolled up on a hedgehog.
Ze, I, Ka, el, em, eN, O -
Together they climbed out the window.
Pe, eR, eS, Te, U, eF, Ha -
They saddled the rooster.
Tse, Che, Sha, Shcha, E, Yu, I -
Everyone is my friend now.
Five sisters were late -
We played hide and seek.
And now all the letters are standing up
In alphabetical order.
Meet them, children:
Here they are standing next to each other.
It's very bad to live in the world
For those who are unfamiliar with them.

It is better to memorize the alphabet by playing. To do this, you can try different lesson games:

  • Children who love to play mime will enjoy learning through their favorite game. To do this, they must depict each letter in order in an interesting and funny way.
  • Using the alphabet, the child must find an object from the environment whose name begins with each subsequent letter.
  • Anyone who likes to draw will love the game of “living letters.” The child, with the help of his parents, creates his own alphabet, where each letter is drawn in order. Moreover, the letters are different: each has its own “character”.
  • You can give your little student the interactive game “Letters of the Russian Alphabet.” When a child connects the letters one after another in the correct order, the picture “comes to life” at the end. At the same time, by clicking on each letter, the child will quickly remember how to pronounce it correctly.
  • The game “Letter Hunt” can help you learn the alphabetic sequence. It is fun for several children to play at the same time. For this you need old newspapers or magazines, as well as scissors and an album. The winner is the child who first finds, cuts out and glues all the letters in the correct order. If children don’t yet know the alphabet very confidently, then you can let them spy.

The alphabet is the foundation of literacy. Therefore, children need help to master letters, sounds, and also name them in alphabetical order. And for this it is not at all necessary to buy expensive teaching aids or special programs. Learning the alphabet with a child, and at the same time refreshing his memory himself, is entirely within the capabilities of every parent.

Hello, dear mothers! Reading and writing, so necessary for a modern person, are impossible without knowledge of letters, so each of us is looking for ways to teach a child the alphabet in the shortest possible time and with pleasure.

Today I will tell you more than 10 creative activities that will captivate both you and your children and make a difficult task much easier.

How to teach a child the alphabet: when to start and how to teach

Most children begin to remember about three or four of the 33 letters between the ages of 2 and 3, and can identify more than half between 4 and 5 years. This means you can start teaching your little one the alphabet when he's around 2 - but don't expect significant results in a short time.

Little kids, just like older children, will need cards with letters, books, cubes and other available tools to learn. Any visual materials, such as colorful alphabet books with pictures, will help your baby look at large letters frequently and try to recognize them, in addition to easily mastering colors, shapes, animals and other objects in the book.

Be sure to pay attention to the video course
"Snub noses learn to count and read “, he will help you master the most necessary skills with pleasure and in the shortest possible time.

The first step in learning the alphabet is reading fairy tales. At the age of two or three, children who often listen to fairy tales understand that books contain words that are made up of letters.

There are many effective ways to introduce individual sounds into learning. Label the drawings with the baby's name, and then show each sound in it one at a time. In the end, he will guess that each of them means his name.

You can strengthen this identification in different ways: write a name on the door of his room, show toys whose names contain familiar sounds.

Make words using pre-cut cards , cubes And magnets , let the child try to find the necessary letters among several scattered letters.

After you are able to separate and put words into syllables/sounds, play the game “What letter does the word begin with?”, offer a series of words and ask what sound is the first in them.

You can use the first letter of a name to come up with other words that start with the same letter. Ask what toys, fruits, furniture, dishes the baby knows. You can buy cards with a picture and a word and look for the right sound in the word together, or draw them together with your little one, it will be even more interesting.

10 interesting games that will help you quickly learn the alphabet

If the baby likes the activities, she happily points to the letters and asks about new ones, then encourage her and tell her more. But if the child does not show any interest, then it is better not to raise this issue for a while until the right moment comes.

There is no scientific evidence that early mastery of the alphabet promises greater success in later learning.

But if you are still worried that it’s high time to start studying, but you don’t want to insist, but strive to turn the learning process into a game, then try using the following methods:

  • Make your own alphabet

For the ABC book, you will need a notepad, or a stack of paper, cardboard and a hole punch. Design each page together, to do this, write the letters of the alphabet with paints or felt-tip pens, or find them in old magazines or albums and cut them out. Also cut out pictures from an old coloring book or magazine that have words that start with the desired sound, and paste them into your book.

  • Play the ABC game

It's an easy and fun way to learn the alphabet - every time you go anywhere. Ask your little one to find the “A” on billboards or license plates or store names. Start with "A" and then look for "B", "C", etc. Once you have completed the entire alphabet row, you can start playing again.

  • Sing the alphabet song

Children love to sing, and what could be better than singing alphabet songs. Start your day with different melodies, and don't forget to play the alphabet song:

  • Create an "alphabet box"

This idea is very popular with kids of any age; it does not require a lot of time, but it helps them master sounds very well. Choose the order of study yourself; it was easiest for us to start with those included in our names.

Take a shoe box, cover it with beautiful pictures or wallpaper and colored paper, you can also put beads, buttons and various cereals on glue. Place the letter you are learning inside and, over the course of a week, add words or pictures cut out from newspapers and magazines, as well as small toys and objects found on the street. After a week, take out the collected valuables and choose another sound, and perform the same ritual with it.

  • Make an alphabet out of cookies

What toddler doesn't love cookies? Buy letter-shaped cookie cutters, make your own, or use icing to write a sound on each cookie. Ask your child to tell you which ones he has learned and wants to try.

  • Make an alphabet photo collage

Use a digital camera or a camera on your phone, or buy a special camera that prints instant photos. When you go outside, to a park, a zoo, or wherever, spend your time looking for words that start with “A” or “B,” depending on what you are learning.

Once you've taken the photos, have your little one glue them onto the collage. Have them write the letters for their photo collages on colored paper and stick the photos around them. Children love taking pictures and it's a lot of fun.

  • Simple alphabet games

There are very simple, but interesting games for little and older children. If your child is under 3 years old, choose an easy level - start with “A”. “A is in an orange,” “B is in a banana,” “K is in a cat,” and continue this with all the letters.

If your little one is older you can play a game with a theme. For example, make an alphabet game with fruits or animals. In this way, children learn to sort animals or fruits and also practice their alphabet.

  • Play lotto with letters

Make your own lotto cards from colored paper and write the alphabet on them. Name the letters and ask your child to find them and mark them.

Buy small, inexpensive prizes to give out when you win to make the game even more fun.

  • Draw letters of the alphabet with your fingers

Use whatman paper or sketchbooks and paints, as well as your pens and fingers to create interesting and fun pictures. Ask your little one to draw an uppercase and lowercase letter, let him draw with his favorite colors, and you can also draw objects with this sound nearby.

  • Play "Pig in a Poke"

Fill the bag with different objects that start with different sounds, for example, you could put a typewriter, a book, a pencil, etc. in it. Display all the items in the bag, then place all the pieces back.

Ask them to find objects by putting their hand into the bag, but without looking at them. Let's say you can wish for something that starts with "B". If the objects are not found very easily and quickly, make the task easier - ask them to find the object in the bag using the whole word, and not the letter, for example, ask them to find a pencil or a doll.

This game is not only suitable for learning sounds, but also helps you use your logical and tactile skills.

Girls, especially for you, in order to save your time, I have selected products that will help your child learn letters. Follow the links, read reviews from other mothers and choose the best for your child:

  • Set of plastic magnets “Russian alphabet” »;
  • Interactive educational poster "Masha's ABC" ;
  • Alphabet on magnets , The Smurfs;
  • Educational game " Letters and words »;
  • Set of dice with letters .

Remember that up to the age of 7, children learn new information most easily through play, so try to make any learning activities as exciting as possible.